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SOUTI CAROLL)NIAN VIMY RCIDGE RERO rhate McMichael Retarns to Gran ieville H1ome. In Canrisian Forces. Aiken County Soldlie, Wounded Three Times, Onte c! lour Survivors of IMls Company. Aiken, March 1M.-Private Henry C. McMichael of the Fifteenth Canadian Regiment, wounded at the battle of Viiny Ridge and invalided home AWith an honorable discharge, has returned to Graniteville, Aiken County, where be has lived since boyhood until six years ago wlieni he entered the service of the ITnited States army. Serving for three years witi the United States army, during a part of which he was stationed on the Mexican border $bile Iuerta held sway over the des tinies of the land of the 'Montezumas after overthrowing Madero-McMich nel was discharged and in 1915 went to Canada. joining a regiment of the Canadian overseas forces. He was two yeais and three months in Europe, seven months of which he spent in EIngland, while his regiment was un dergoing intensive training to fit the men for the strenuous work of hand to hand fighting with the boches. Private MeMiehael has a wonderful story to tell. H1e has been through the fire and though he came out bad ly scorehed le has the distinction of being one of (lie four left alive out of his original collilny. Except for four --himself and three other comrades :i1l te brave Canadians of his com -any who crossed overseas with himin A 1d went in to action so fearlessly in Fh 1e 1a el egium lie heneatl the lill' s of France. Private Me.ichael vas woiued Iihre t tiles in action. Twice at tle hait .' of Ypres he sustained wounids. whlk h. being slight, sent him to the hosuital for only short stays at the end of which lie went back to the trcn hes. For i8 months lie was in Ulh, iront line, in the tiick of the most feat' fii tlghtling that the world has erknown, In Frlancev and1 in Belgium. Thik 11. at the Itttle of Viny Ridge, lie u l shot down, and if tile bullet that lor$. thr ouuhi his face d (id not ief la itatc him for further fight ing. the wou nl in his leg from which he will nev- r lull:y recover brou'zht him his honrahle diseharge. hmn'e. :imaInna his oIn people. i M iechel has little pa t ictice hoi I hio rint le her use of tle h is i war ha. irougli It to thw]m. for'. asoh says, he has, seen a Ili ha ild wlat the peopl of E llnd. P rian ce and Ilelgiimi are forced I FE The advent of the time to apper women in the Ea best dressed Feet this Store of Goo< Watt Shoes were never ers are dull or bright beautiful in the extrer There arc many High and Low Shoes Show You ? w Please remember a most Careful and P~ CLARI to endure and it is his opinion that 't the people of this country--especially 1 of this part of the country-are today the most fortunate People in he world. lie speaks -in terms of the highest I praise of the heroic endurance of the Feench people and of the undying valor of the French soldiery, which, he says, msut be shared with the British Toni inies and the daredevil Canadian troops, and first class fighting men. Private MeMichael is to be married on Easter Sunday to the sweetheart of his youth, 'Miss -Burnett of Granite ville, who has been waiting for him through the years that he has been campaigning along the Rio Grande under the Stars and Stripes and while he has been earning the hing's shill Ing in France and Belgiun. LEMONS WHITEN AND BEAUTIFY THE SKIN Make this beluiity lotiotnt ceaieply for your face, neek, aris and katnds. At lite cost. of a small jar of ordil ary cold cream one can prepiare a fill ijtarter pint of the most wonderful lemon skin softener and comlexion heauttiller, by squeezing the juice of two fresh lenons into a bottle con taining three ounces of orefiard white. Care should he taken to strain the juice through a flibe c(o o O lemon p)ul) *vets in, tlei thi. ol ioll wilI keep fresh for 1110111h.iC"V ry wollialn knlows that lemon juice 's Ised to bieach and reimov'e such I ishes as freckles, 5allowness and an and is tile ideal skin softenler. wlitiner aind beaitiller. I o list. try It! Get three onliles of ( 01 'hard white a alny drug store and t wo loiIios from file groce r an(d 111m1ke ip a uarter pint of this sweetly fra gant. lemon lotioll and IIIassage' it daily into tile face. neck arms and 1 ha 1ds. it .,; ' l ous to milootihe rough. r'ed hand1(1.. i)Il\LS NEWS. * * * * * 6 S * * * 0 0 dS Dials, 11,arch 18.-Thle Im1provemlenlt ?tssoclatI loll of Dials gave an oyster supp1r iursday evening. The affair Was lield in tlie hanlildsoie new school hilding at this place. A large crowd wa inl attendance alid a leat little sim was realized, all of wieh ' ill be uisid by jle ladies for t le bet tiiI e lit of Ile school. Mirs. Arthu1ir liarris. .\iss Maitte Sim m1on.leas.J.lhn Shuimonls, Plines I Ia iris and W. P. I iarris llotored to Simrutanhu rz 'Thurisday, where t hey visited Mr. Arthui Harris who is still contineld in lt e1 Seedly 11ostital, af 1te' undego'i'ntullig k al operalon. The lat - '0' report is ro the efflect tha01t he( is do4 ing nicely, and his frieds and rela tive.- trIust he will sooni he Iveovercd )OT WEA Easter marks the retu r in Spring footwear! ster parade will be we. will be wearing foot x I Shoes! :h and See if This14 so handsome as they are th as you prefer-while the col me. Artistic combinations of col that are b~eyondl the pen of en's Shoes, $3.00 to $10. omen's Shoes, $3.00 to 4 that this Store of Better Shc iinstaking Service in every )Y &XV Shoes That Satisf aifciently to return to his home and amily. Misses Fannie and Sallie Brownlee, lena and Ethel Martin and Mr. Joe 3rownlee, spent esveral hours in Lau 'ens Thursday shopping. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Curry and Miss lewell Curry, were recent visitors in I reenville. -Mr. Brook ter Abercrombie and ir. harIes McCall spent last week in 'aurens 'where they Are in attend ince as Jurors. .lr. and Mrs. L. W. Brooks were miisiness visitors in Laurens Tuesday. Mr. Claud Arintrong, after an ex enied visit with homefolks here re irined to Baltimore, Md. A very delightful social affair of the 'ecent past, was the lovely Valentine 1nd Washington's birthday party giv .n by Miss Jewell Curry on the even ng of the 23rd of February, in honor >f the Young People's Society or which ;.c is president. II keeping with the patriotic as well L% sentimienlal spirit of the occasion he rooms were effectively decorated viih iininatiure flags and red hearts. .ontests, together with pleasing musi 'al selections, were enjoyed through mit the evening. In the meantime de icious refreshnunts. consisting of pop -orin, amlibrosia and 'rnckers were ;erved by the hostess, assisted by Aliss "evil Owings. Among tile number >resent wKl Alisses kale and Elileen Iinrry, Cecil OViniga. .\ laggie i)Cirry, iara Campbell, .\anide Owings, Clara leCall, Lilly aid .1eani'tte 'T'lonason, )ewvy Armst'-rong, Alessr. Lonr )%wings25, 1. .\l. Owiigs. Clonl ni Clyde W\illis. Niwn sl Harris. 110h .\lCall, llalph llellams- and :'hIald .\rmstrong, ind other. .\lr. GIover.I llend(erson,. sonl of .\lr. Ioberi llendeirsonl, of this place, lias joined the coast artillery and Is now t1aitoned at Port Scrivien, near Savan nah. (1a. Youl I iiderson Is the e.conid one of .\ir. Ilenmlersonl's sons. o joini flit, aiiy. .11. Conversc llen lrsnii, Ohe oldIr' i son, is alre'ady "over thevro", having-- been sentl to "Sromle vheire inl iranice" inl the early fall. A IRed Cross auixiliary society wa. )rganiiizedl at Dial church Siiamlay Mornling,- .\larch 110th. with In enr11oll ment11 (f abIot i- embr1 Therel wasI: nlo (ra hng r i ll 1n11ha1 ovcai onl. 1.V i o , ii' l ie1 G. . lirl iMiindly .ivina: over his, houri to) the comple lion of 1tie or aii ization. .\lI. V. 1). 11o0. of' (;ray ('ourt. luul 01b1r:!( w, the wo M \r. 14oH tnehe with thle RC.G. C. l1Iary. 11ro;nted thle c n f Ihe Red Cross in a very interesiin Uennme - a r'n of Spring and Most men and 1 dressed, and the vear' urchased at 't So. is Spring. The ]leath orings of leathersg arc or'ed leather's in both dlescr'iptiop ! May we 00 ;10.00 ~es renders its Patronis >articular! ~ILSON and heartfelt manner. The following officers were elected: Chairman, Mr. W. C. Curry; Secretary, Miss Sallie ). Brownlee; Treasurer, Miss Jewell Curry; Chairman of Fi nancial Committee. Miss liiannio Browniee; 'Chairman of Alembership 'Committee, Mr. C. L. Owings; Chair man of W'onan's Workers, Airs. States Curry. As yet no .lunior Uranch of the Red 'Cross has been organized. However, it is hoped that the teachers of the day school will take the matter in charge and organize their pupils in belialf of this worthy cause. Misses Kate Curry, Eileen Curry and Cecil Owings, of Fork Shoals and 'lillside respectiveIy, spent last week en1d with homefolks. Mr. and MlIrs. L. W. Brooks, and lit tle Sarai 1letle, were the Situnday guests of Mr. 0. F. 1ou00 and family of (ray Court. Step Lively! Corns Quit with "Gets-It"' The Great Corn-Loose.wir of' (he A-e. Never Fails. Palinless. Watch my step? What's the use! I I go along "righLt side up without care," even with corns, becallse I use "Gets-It", the painless, off-like-a-ba nana-peel corn renmover. I tried( oth er ways galore, until I Iwas bilue in the face and red in the toes. No more for Me. I'sv "Gets-I ". It, never fals. Touch any corn r callus with two drops of "ets- ', and "Gets-It" does the rest. It's reljef to be able to stoil citting jcoins, ma k in thei Weud wrappin' them up like d Iackag es and sin.,lg sticky 1aplie an d salvrs. It riniOVCs any (conlear and 114a1 lea vi n) the tte a.i ,mlooth a; vlr Pa lII. Vl c.11 wvar thof. new s1m , on )".(d pay N() 111, -f than1: "-,, cen . a ti c), l ii t' 1011 i ) ' - e i p () 11 i Sci l ta. and ricomn wieii:d he l wori et iii rnii roi ' -c I' r ) liri! Co.. Powr (o.. Dr. This year wh 1'..I~ can't afford We'rehere to a have to. Depeni antee all -wool style and your 7 Hart Schaffner i the means by whi They're stylish smart hport suit a economy; that a wear. We' re re you're ready for Only Twel Till CLARI The Home GLASSES ON TIME S AVE IGHT Ngh-(etto lUVr the(iii properly exainh ij n C lifIt imei ofI ( )1, sorrow I C C Ire et. Smal di(i -01 lt.. rov, unwre er3ious every~ y. T h P ism-t i in ouwing sire that n- r , re( ll ri iht. W.1 (' . T I bA Y(W.( LEWIS & LEWIS REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST.3 Opposite Postoffice Laurens, S. C. For the most import nt present you wi1 ever buy, the one that wins or oseph'er favor, you wil want to come here wher y u will know your selection is right. We not only guarantcc the culity but we warrant that our suggestions will win the day every time. o tak'e a chance. see that you don't I on us. We guar f brics,.authentic2< S dion. k Marx clothes are ich we serve. /~ ~2 -that shows in the K .t the right- --they're ihows in the long rady for you when us.K re More Days Easter. COpyright THnrt ohaifnor & Mira of Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes