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( 888888888888888888 x Local and Personal Mention. 8 R 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Miss Sue Dean is visiting relatives in Augusta this week. Mrs. J. P. McNair, of Alken, is visit ing hex* mother, Mrs. Roland. Mrs. A. C. Todd and Mrs. C. M, Clarke spent Monday in Columbia. Miss Mary Simpson spent the week end in Spartanburg with relatives. Mrs. E. J. Gage, of Greenville, Is visiting her mother, Mrs. W. H-. Gar rett. Mlis Mary Johnson of Spartanburg, is the guest of Misses Lola and Josle *\nderson. Mr. S. R1. Cain, or the Trinity4Ridge section, was a business visitor in the city Saturday. rAlrs. Hugh Dillard, of Spartanburg, is visiting Mr'. and Mrs. T. P. Ken drick this week. 'Lleit. and 'Mrs. Lj. S. Bolt, Jr., spent the week-end in the city, returning to Columbia Sunday. Mrs. Jos. T. Johnson, of Spartan burg, is visiting lier sister, Mrs. A. iH. Sanders this week. Mr. L. Zeno Wilson and son, J. N. Wilson, of Gray Court, were visitors in the city Monday. Mrs. T. D. Watkins, of Columbia, has been visiting her father, Mr. .J. F. Tolbert, for several days. Mr. J. F. Kirby and son, 'Clyde. of 4 Princeton section, were business SshIotrs in the city Saturday. Miss Aurelia Lodge, of Gaffney, is expected in the city today to visit Miss Alleene Franks for some time. Lieut. W. C. Wylie, of Camp Wads worth, was a week-end guest at the 'home of Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Gray. ir. E. C. Knight, a well known yViong farmer of the Barksdale section, waH a visitor in the city Saturday. 'Alrs. 13. L. Parkinson has returned home after a visit of several weeks with relatives in Alberimarle, N. C. Miss Inez Alartin, of Greenville, speilt the week-end in the city as the guest of Air. and Mirs. L. E. Burns. Miss Carolina Roper has returned to the ('ity' atfer visiting friends and relatves in Greenwood and Greenville. Mrs. Mack Irby, accompanied by lti m11ot1her, Alt's. E'vains, has return'iled from a visit of several days in Spartan bit rg. Mlr. R. W. Davenport, who has been eimployed at Charlotte for several 1110111ts, has returned to his home again. Ml1r. ileny Iennett, of Furmian Uni versity, spent the week-end in the city withi his parentIs, Mir. and All's. .J. S. Ucznett. 'l's. IC. 0. Anderson wvill leave to Vorrow for Su iter where slie will visit a former school-mate, Al's. StouIdem1ire. Alt. and Mlrs. it. M. Wolff have as t1hir -tuest tihis week Al's. 'Wolff's broithcer, . ix iugh iliinshaw, of Winl ston-Salem. N. C. Miss Mamie Hums, who is at col lege in G('eeinville, spientI tle week-end in the cily With i hei' l1ar'e'nts. Ar. and Misses I. . lirownie,' aniid i'thltl Martin, of (ray ('uiti, two of the Adl SI ~Is Dorothly ii udgens an Mr1 lts. C'harml es Nel son of Gr eenv"ille. arie spendilng Ithe week in li aritsviille as t he guests of Miss Gladys Segar's. 1 i~uit. ('hariles Nelson and wife, ne Pauine11 Prenttiss, of Gr'eenville, spent Sundcay in the city with Mi's. Nelson's Miss Fr'ances D~av's, who is an in itriuc(tot'r il music at lI renau colliege th is yeart, visited her 111other, Mi's. D'. A. Dav'is, a few dlays last week. Alit' and Alts. it .F. Fleming's little hoy, R. F". Fl eming. :Ird, has beetn veryv sick for several days but1 his c'ondition howed1S~i( some ipov'emtti'1I yesterd'ay. Mris Mary, C. BIowen is sptendcing some timne ini Sumter withi her soni, MIr. John Boweti. Mr'. Boweni cnme up Sunday and accotmpatied her' to Stum ?Alirs. .1. II. Suill ivan andn dattghter', .1lean, have returnt'ted to t he elity a fteri visitinag several weeks with the fortm ci 's daughiter', Mrts. WilI Whitlecy, of ~~iterarle, N. C. Set'gt. Mlarion Rt. Wilkes, of Foil Smeven'i, eka., is expected to1 arive~ ini tihe city one day this week to spetnd sev( tat days w"ith Itis partentIs, Mr . and Mrs E. II. Wilkes. MIergeanit .J. Alien Bai'ksdale, oft Campj Jlacksoni, camc uip Friday nligh' ntnd spenlt the wveek-end with his moth cir, Mr's. Kate Blarksdale, r'eturning to ('anip Sunday afternoon. 'Mris. R. E. Iiluges htas returtned home after' visitinlg Mrt. andl Mrs. Robei't ,Davis, of Fountain Inn, for sonice ine. AMrs. Davis, whto has beeni very ill. r'etmains unchanged in hecaltht. The fr'iends of Mr. JT. M. Snioddy, frme'r'ly overseer of the Laturens Mills will he inter'ested in his change of i'esidence from the Dutnean Mills in rei'envillec to the Marion Manufactutr ing Company, Marion, N. C. Mrs. M. L. illayes, wvhio has been in a Colutmbia hospital for' sever'al weeks, r'eturn'ed home Monday night mutch Improved in health. Shte was accom iDanled 'by Mr. Hayes, who wont down several days before to be at her bed side. 'Mr. P. W. Moore spent several days last week at his old home near Simp sonville, where his father, Mr. W. S. Moore was critically ill of pneumonia; Mr. Moore returned the latter part of the weok when his father, who .Js 84 years of age, showed signs of recov ering. Mr. A. D. L. Barksdale, of Green ville, was a visitor in the city yester day. Mr. iBarksdale, who is an old Lauretis boy, is general manager of tile Citizens Trust Company of Giee v1ille besides havin'g other responsi ile connections with financial insti tutions. \Ir. S. W. Rutledge, who has been working for the government at Camp 'Dorr, Fla., for the past several months, has returned to the city. ir. Rutledge praises very highly the work being (lone at the camp by the government and also was very much pleased with Florida itself. .1.r and Airs. Tios. B. Crews left Monday for Spartanburg, where Mr. Crews has accepted a position with Montgomery & Crawford, large hard ware dealers. Mir-. Crews worked for a number of years for WilIkes & Com pany but more recently has been with the Laurens Hardware Company. Capt. R. F. Fleming, of Greenwood, has been spending several days in the city with his son, 'Mr. Rt. F. Flem ing, Jr. Capt. Fleming sustalend seri ous injuries to one leg by a fall on the ice during the severe winter weather, but his friends are glad to see that he is able to get abotu again though he has to use erutches. Ai'. Otis 1). Iluff, who has been em ployed as a chemist in a large ex plosives manufacturing establish ment at M\t. inion, Pa.. for several monthis, spent several (lays in the city last week with his parents. -lr. aid Mrs. Aug. Iluff. Soon after arriving here he received a telegram ad(vising himil to report. in Washington, where lie expected to receive his coM mission as First blenteniant which lie recenitly applied for inl the Ordnance )elpa rtment. .1. C. 1urs & (o. have two of tle biggest stocks of staple merchandise ever' shown in Laurens. Their two buildings are packed ja in full and they are1 selling tihese goods at mioni y-saV ilig prices. Lyeumi at (Gray Court. (Griay Court, March i19.-The second ii nutmber of the lyceu m attractions for Gray Court -Owings high school, will lie giveni ont Frilay night. March 22nd in tle school auditoriu m. 'his nim her will be he i)e Kove l Male Quar tette. They conim highly recommend ed, and it is hioped that a filil house .\ill i)e on h1an1d. Tl'wo A.iplanes urn. Sanford, Ky., .\larch IG.Pwo air planes loaded on one of the cars mak ing uIp a Sonutlern Hil 1a(lroad freiglt trail cauigl fIre tonight w\-hile (le train was goinig Ithroutifl H1e Kings .loniitain tunnnt and were destroyd. 'iThe cause of the blaze has not hbecn iearnited. S. .. & 10. it. WI'LKVS & CO. Of' .11iunielyni E :leeliont .\iAYOII A.\NI) SIN Ail)BUtMI:N. Not ice is lierebuy g Ivein thatI ani cr I in for Mliyor and six Ailerien~i 10 baiitens wvililbe heldt ini the City of Tlhe potlIs will lbe opened(i at 8 o'clock .\t sa id electin every miaIe citizen oif this State andi~ of the t'nited States of Ameiena of the age of iwenty-oine yeairs and uipwartds, having all the quialiiltent ions imentionied ini Sectiont 2(1( (If i1i Ci('vii Code of SothI Caroa lina, 191'., and~ not labiorinig itider dis abitlit ics iiamied ini the ('onstituttion of 185 of this state, whoi( shall have biein a res iden t in thle State for' two yqa rs, iand in the coutyK one yeiar, and wvitht in the corporate limits of thie city of .bauriens, for fouri montts prior to the holding of sa Id ccelet ion, andl has ptaid all tatxes dute and ('o1 lectible for' the precedling flseal yeatr. and who hats been regi.isteed as here inuafter tequiired, shall be ent it led to v*ot e. lini1st ers in c'ha rge of ani otrgan izedl lichure an utileacheris of pubili c schlool s shall bc entitled to vote after six mthtIs' r'esidentceI ini thme state if (oth er'wise (qualiitled. Iminmediately a ftcer the close of thle 11oll s thle mani iager's (of such electiton shauIi proceed rublhIicly, to4 count thle hall 'is and sitall matke a s worn tretiturni (of t he restult of said ehu:et in to the ('1ty (Council. 'rThe followving have bieen..atpoin ted to act as miantag r's in thei' respective wvardls: son, J. rL. Nabor.4, C. R. Mloseley. WVard 2-E. .W. Miartin's S-table--J. Hf. Cttnrninghami, L. W~.. Mart in, Tr'ioy Jones. Wa rd 3 -Pu tniam 's Dru'tg Stoic-liI. J1. Itranks, Clarence Connor. .Jim Lewis W'(trd( 4-Finney hlotel-li. E. Gray, (Grady WVassion, J. M1. Finney. Ward 5-h-icks' Stable-J. Eidd Ilieks, It. M1. Wright, S. 11. Barton. Ward 6-Power Ihouse-Jas. M. Clardy, T. Mac .Hoper, M. L. Colpe land. lBy or'der or the City 'Coneil of Lau renis, this 1th di (ay of Mareb, 1918. J. C. OWINGS, C. W. KITCHENNS, Mayor'. Clerk of City Concil. 3'31A I * * * * * * ** * * * * *** * ** * * * SOCIETY. * * * Wednesday Club Meets. The Wednesday Club was delight fully entertained at its meeting last Wednesday by Mrs. J .McD. Moore at 'her home on East Malin street. The following program was carried out: "Gilmore Sims and His Times"-Mrs. J. A. Hicks. "Bilographical S.ketches of Paul Ilayne and Henry Timrod"-Mrs. S. M. Wilkes. "Reading"-Selected Poems of Ilayne and Timrod-M rs. "m. I,. Sinith. -"Short Story by O Ienry"-Miss Fran ees Thames. "Short Story by John Trotwood Moore" .Mrs. .1. IH. Sullivan. 0 0 0 Mrs. J. N. 1Iudgerns Was the hostess to the Sewing Clui) on Thirsday morn Ing. After several hours of sewing a delectable salad course was serve(l. 0 00 Miss Luelle S.egars of Hartsville, and I'leit. Charles Klupper. of New York City, were married Saturday ev ening at seven o'elock at the residence of 'Mrs. Neill on the Easley road at Greenville. Mrs. Kupper is pleasant remembered In Laurens. havitig vis Ited 'Miss Dorothy Iludgens on several oceasions. o oo Firman-Itudgens. Mir. and Mrs. Alester Garden Furman announce the engaement of their (laughter EIleanor to Ca1111 Ioberlt Watts Iludgens, I'nited States Army. The marriage to take place in April. Capt. Iludgens is the son of the lat.e \alter 41. Hudgens, of MountIville, an( tlie nephew of MTrs. R. 'I'. Diunlap of this city and has numerous ila tives and friends throughout Laurens county Who will be interested in the announcement. 0 00 .Mrs. 1,1anlenlster Ente~rtins. Mts. W. (o. Lancaster entertained, on Tuesday in Aonor of her' sister, Mrs. \\. II. (.iI kerson . . ...a recent bride. In tle morning several tables of bridgeiv were arranigcd and several hiours. of enjioyment worte spent. in Hie :1ft11r1noo NI rs. I,an aster gave a sewing part1y in lis. (iilkerson 's lhon 0 r1. Dlel ighi Ifu ten an d sandwitche's Werie served. 000 .\Mr. K'lifton Silliv:n11 and .liss 11essle Mull were muarried on Marci IGih at tilw rides home on\ W\estfiil street. (ireeville, by the Rev. Dr. G. 0. Grif fin, pastor of the 3rd Presbyterian clhiirch. \ir. Stullivan iIs a inember of Co. I), IISiI nfaitry. formerly ith' T'ravnhao Guards aId is a son oif Ni. and .irs. .. \ . Sullivan, of this ('ity". f'hiloh! I ~ ih a l T in~iII.- lii iluh.V In a wll plyedii~ l oni of.' a n hal l''rida ('the'i foinit.Rig ru thebirs ha whall -t :me ofae~ IlohI Sh-feate theal oirls semn of Tniy Iile~n to ha scoirahf ii ' to f 1:;. e he lmeirVwthe iei --ame i Ia ei dO(nt frit he bein in.ind it.a esigwa clsely fought.'ois Tisnste st ga hme playd byothe Vhilohenalloe thiseontrandte hop. bei' ilullscesfu we th ir ta stha lrgetcrn oramr in ther loclironds.o tit talmn~tsi, HiategreSape Pyices Arousierkt Wlom enalle thae antr are i First, se9ile can or jar in'I yrcilr itcheb ; trowi i nt i i t al mt'b sini enough clenr gr(eage toj i n bg batch of . d.<'ya - Ceager and purer' than any yovt cr.n by With Grease and flcd D~evil Lye You will fmnd home s:p-mating so cu and econmical that it will b)e ,. ''nutitne pleasure'. On the label u v-:ry can of Id Devil Lye are c >mtplete directions for making soap by the cold processi or by boiling. Anybody Can Make Soap if they have Red Devil and grease. Furthermore, soap making at home pays big because you buy nothing but Red Devil L ye -- the other ingredients are actu- Ily saved out of the waste that -ou have been throwing away. You will thank us every time you use Red Devil Ihome Made Soap. on peel~iiC tenches, rpraying (ruit tre',-. i,.d~ku a pien,-d I I nm' with II.dtDtvl I y (t o grat reimit4 e' initinlnt miy notipl. You. - truly. Ask Your Grocer. Save t he Laibels. WM. SCHIIELD MFG, CO., St. Louis, Mo. Special Showing of CREX RUGS New Patterns All Colors Complete stock in all sizes. Our Spring stock is now on dis play, and we know you will be pleased with our showing and prices. The patterns for 1918 are by far the best they have ever made and we would be glad to show you NOW while the stock is complete. Sizes 27x54 inch s t-9%T2 feet Prices $1.264$12.50 S. M. &E. H. Wilkes & Co. JUST ARRIVED 10-- TOURING CAARS -- --1 The Champion Car in the Long Run and Economy 1918 Maxwell Touring Car Makes Mt. Wilson Record-9 1-2 Miles with an Elevation of 6,000,--"A Hard Climb" in 29 minutes and 30 seconds. It will be recalled that the Max= well Car holds nearly every nota ble record in its class, such as the "22,022.3 Miles Non-Stop Run." Come and Get Yours Now. Don't keep putting it off. You will be too late. There will not be a car for all this Spring--as you will learn later: A. S. PERRY & COMPANY Laurens Motor Car Co. Sandl