University of South Carolina Libraries
Subscrption Pri'e Is $1.00 Per. Year Payabl u In Aance. PublisIthed by M1VER11I'SEl PR!NTII.N COM Laurens, S. C. Miluie- net an! l Taks: One 'A lt :i a t - i2 t LaarensItz, U., a! s- -if elass wall matter. 101l'111ENS, S. M1AR CH W3, 198. W.\A AS''- i 'it'ly t.\.Mi'8. W 'i: '1 .: 'l O lV I e i;ay ocetIr dn . n 1u o the govern of v" v1"ar. but a v911 nspecto of ith Vi Ih nI ' w' an~y i p - U -:. c na- have l'('eni pan 4 v rkeceptacles" for. :' %. . whichi i.; 1 anot'il her for unwdible t '' '19i A'l been'c lailten. Th mn hfhen a I k. ;I p \' e h l. runs hgh lt of d1ble waste af m-any of over (wo - 1 colsidered nll\cs' Th.; ;1I V I '' I .-~ r' "0 "N:c' n I . A WO 1 i1% Al Iw it Th i:: I-0 ll o * 1 - ;' ' Y d ub I t' \A I i ll:c init s li erv IA for c ih i n al at- Plt' ) nonIlb .n Te state Yh w : lhe '.'orh 11. A'' se ta-' in V1s inc he~ .AAnn~IA anld Awho, cani be '('il .9.9inW- A\-1.(A. Uleas0e. flis 11h' i :'cvity o f thec lpeole do not wanit Em. Thatc w ~a.- demonsfr;t catd ing 1oI9110, tihen IA n'41- defeatede by~ (cov. .\anc .-; m 'er- not oly, cukewa rma to "5.2d hch9, but Ito.;iltely antl;gOnis'tic. (., 2fork1eA. The~'Lc cin c 1 c0 lurton to ii' <keihdedc by thIe v'oters' iis, Who is the bes tian for lthe iclace, B".'' Tian, V-'. Di ) l, cx' 4o0 . tleam or an II)y oneC 0f numeri:Ions ot hcer? i'GN-Gocv. Mlea se may be c-ounfted oat. Spi-nliation. w ih tile pre(sent efltr'ies, rest on AA T ian and I ~al. 'IThe lace has not, dhe veloped far onough 'ill e ct to tell of the' relatIive df rengt h of t hcese t wo, but somiebody's iuneasy in Wasin~lgtoni. Pain Gives Warning. The nerFvous system is our life-say ing service and every time a nerve aches or quivers in pain it is a lhess ing in disgulise. TPhe first hit of tooth tiebe wiarns y'ou that diseaise germyn are attncking Its structure. An achie in the head is notiee that somiething Is wrong somewheitre and1 not aiwaiysi is it in the head itself. Pain is not nature's meth od of punilshmenC~t, It is hier way of warning. When you feel pain don't mnerely try to allay it, seek out its rea? aman nand stop thnt. DeO Dolt, whose husband had lived elsewhere for about eight years. Mr. Stoddard had been living near them but had recently moved about half a itle away. The relationship 11had been pleasant between the two faim ilieos, his siater having married a son of Mir. Stoddard. lie --aid heifIrst, heard othe 4uestionable relationship be :weI -n lhi sistor and the deceased the n4;ight beiIfor%-e when he wias (Iqld of it by \r. Stoddard's son, Dennis Stod r:ird. Its brother-in-la w. l1e said Ite lefl h0m1v onl the lm4ornin144 g of the shoot in;intending" t~o go to .11r. Thomlpsonl's 'iere :nd e''ried IIs gunt along be (i' -oe he was a irade up between them. As he reached the pasitue he decided to go down lear I0he woods 4h'4 v. hich his iserwa expected to (()mle to find out for himself about v0;M It( had lieard. 11v siat there for - bil mid l:ter Maw r. Stoddard Sfromt the hilsbes and look up iai!i asw. it' expueling soineoelc. irte4efd this th ree t jimes and soon Bll 1 ppe:a'ed. lit' Ie arid hem1 I p ald .\!. Stoddard said sme1 h isaki.e ig Denrnis uinder uni4 not to wt chl him. Ile hevard othtrIa -day ''T'm on(11" and they -I!-' thronl> Ihe woods. 1I1 enlled \'t~ do' thL mean ?" Mr. tii 'tird litu-t d arol d and said "I'll ! :1 .oI to 1, dcrr 1 a dlt how to w Iatch II " and e(iached dovwn as it' to get 1 :,n!I (1r 4ele other instrumentIl. nhlere t-w. hec shot h1i'l1 . T'I . ilef-l 1dan ild o I' thiat h shot it d(in i Io i life. T', .1! (!-n1n drenicd that hle wentl Ili ' -)n'0 Wit h t'h intention ol shoot S 'mi m-. '4 i1V::n I ()f of t de 1 4 4!. ' hho 4t -d that he wenlt, ol 1: 4utna nrains IIhis wites, told of h:dicoveryi of till1 inlimney between ho decease, d and .\Bs olt. how hel 1:41 irimlit r41 d wHh his falther and n.. .. . 11 r ,111urdeit of il 1t14 h r the 1:iin . Mrt.% Dh(, Bolt r on laZ :-I.and and 4 xposedr the( it ilOl.s w (hich w1re conduledA -if)t her testillmny for about for i he 71 sfto t . s e n -dth lwy of* her brotheri ho.iohlt whenl c infrontl h -.,l' ihny :: t, cor)oners'i het w4iiii4tf l'ing, h hwit ity : 1widr d and .aid ddu* I-t'luelb''r. that :,he wasv h11- ln le tinel of thll iininest and.f 1.11;mrlble for what Alw 'said. riato was a1lpparently T .A nit pn. of a111 t h4'e wit Ill for the proweem1 ionl 1)1and 1i dfns, was Ih4t lv di441nd aN rm)(! ' repu at ion for IwavI r. I n ib . o d In ih :211..(11. rac2. v r.:14.4 ' - l i f Ira d In v ! ; 44 n 11 hIi n aw.r \\ 11 in Park41, 3: 11 1 : o l bai'4 4ttr 11,7l1ame:- Wortmen. m rd rn 1nd t'( ar-4. .11. 114( 1\i 114i- . 1oatu (''(rohihi ii (d'. Hb . la 'm fprhb in l li int n I0 Prse t114 . \\" (ile 4(;b4 n (' reak1 of tr'.it .\lrs i)It(4I' 114(mbree, owing anudg o - ring41 hiawd~l y houi'Solo. o (lh'iilaren K'lt(iinlar(edny.ii'S 'isoy ad !,nhispmdon th of4113 proert unde)1 'r len. d fr 110 (04401 Itlal4e4.4 of Iouthi 1arol1n'. Final0' 1 resnment ofin Grand, i .luryto (71'i1( Honor (ll~the Presiding tJudgp'e: ' pi' ouihs bytte foe violtingithor. w We aroe Itjinfe ta ~t am inwrove m'ene'teae tonteplatedg by rthd Su4per visor' ads be n 1)1 ttheofounty how laht kinmates,' which menacts the a Wae ingto ren~e ting ancomedo aries arretilne r volatg th at \Wt autoiedt oplease thatrm Itl nreference to tlngy rta anpe visor hae efe, aut in ofer bynlte Isaw int aelaw bratn anofie eo 'te authelorizned l4' ofier se tht iort wh4Iichi we w.ill give dute contidi erationi. It is of interest, to thet whole p~eopleI of oun' conny thnat a newv -nil hain tob HURDETTE CASE IN COUtSE OF TRIAL NOW May Reach Jury This Morning. Two Addresses haie neen Made. iI a fltulet aid unaffected nIaniir b'obert lurdltte, son of J. C. Burdett, of Dials townZishiii, told yesterday on tile wilikeas tand, of the circliustanc es which ilead up to IlI isi hooting of I). 0. St oddard ne:t his home oi July :M of year and the story of he nlotino ie. . The cOtirt rooln was irly v ll filled all day, (lhe crowd I ' ing coimpon(w t exCilsivel.. of m1enl. :I te exrception olr a few relative.s c ^ 1-iniials iII the tragedy. The ailuny, whichl at. intervals was of 1 niorbjid chiala-uer, did not attr-act I'inisual nlotice andl thet crowd satl. I htrouglollt it' trial with little s h w , i 4 . There was absent the at w'-lhlrte . tensnlles's which so often . ils of' 11hiS charneter. !4 f 'I o intilac, of lthe Ie t and the defendalit's "ister, Ihfe t i 'very o1 it by Ihe defendaill andI th sf:.t it hott ing cane out in (-wnlicillitu tes tinlonly which wvas coml Iqtd ifsh iarllty - tenig leches i we!'i, mhde by olle counsel of each sill' n!! n t t jury w lt'y N 'tocked up1) n Ne J.: romto aai t it h re-oln er court thi:u mlorn4ing whenl thle l'O:'t: i h continued. T*)e Itrstin tiety of tle w i is for he!f stao 1r:,n alng the santle uencral ninn 11 u:nsb ed in large part of elo by differen t witnesses wI ith he d. E:n! :)lncdiiately afler thll .'hn "loddard, bIrother of thet . I. \i t t Ted that Iin r isp ni t o1 S1 a i h) why he killed hli-t ; toher). ihe defendlantl said "HenuCLIm Qan hatve been going wronn and I id ' ! , I, -;to, to it.' i. . uier l. U o a !iv d o th se '' h iwo r y , % nj " ie a f te rl u th e k i'.! Pn S emld ' h' ' e n\. r. !i0ion refoerrd . Soddard, that slo):.*.;d thtn 1m.:ition of 0he 1 :t inl:.( d and that the ! h e'-.$ t$ lm was about 11 I~ndetein relating wn - ind n~s wo thos kiiint., vaiol S i'i ti1 Il.wsi,; SonAi nc downI as itf 1it. nff 't'I I l < h r weapo , 1.11ftCS, I ~i I ' i .1' I h of co tur I : t nl c. t ! o Indan w ollt wel n. na . hoig s h . leIi ho c n. bIp Wif. A. i' \~ti S n th-11'e rngi vy i rsen - !i',tjl h t I .t nIl -d flllf h i e n .11 I. otdr O Y utit' III- )wtoi . 11115, . ot. ::lw -2tm-, I For ~ile -I l~rihl tlil nil ItOs in -i d1 u'iiItl ant.a n rgin, hefore par 6:01 .o -:: in ' s 1 --d n htr. \lr.l'g. \'.n .myninS. . te 1 tft seting Mr.15 linihir hadefd Id d lng Ir lhe oatis Of ith'. .ihoole 1a't i retin an h:t h~~ty eaytbl Ini easy Ialenths. Lw Intest ate, 511 -1 fIIt! it. whroui w<Itsha t hii'iOVe oul;dr fley. ('n.o the ndl' to L owlti O t'-I.'n:1 aflil cIty an han'. easnable e1xphen-!ro (tefI promtly.k al hi 'rdr .\t~e dony .n h2:r. To-l.eni .(; t Agol Wotan Dead. Ura Carrier EXnnt.. Mrs. Firances Terry, widow of the 're United Sta Civil Sorvice Coln late B .F. Terry, died at the home 9f mission has announoed an examinatin her son, 1Mr. John D. Terry, in Dials for the county of Laurens, S. C., to be township, Tuesday at 3 o'clock, and held at Laurens on April 13th, to 1111 was buried the following day at Mt. the Position or rural carrier at Lan Pleasant church, o vyhich she had ford Station al vaccs that May been a member for many years. Mrs. later occur on rural routes from oth Terry was In her 92nd year and had. or post offices In the above-mentioned been in feeble health for some time. county. The examination will be 01 Death was duo to ureamic poison. and en only to male citiens who aro ac other complications incident to ad- tually (Iomliiled Ili the territory of i v'anchin age. The funeral services lost. olice in the comnty and who meet were, conducted by hev. L. 1). .Uass. the other resuirement4 set forth In Mr3. Terry was the last member of porni \O. 1977. Tis-form and aPI her family and si survived by two catiola may 1) obtained from sons, Messrs. \W. L. and John .D. Terry. the olle lltionel above or from -- the United Stateli CiVil Service Corn1 Complete line of good Window nuussl~ n at Wasington, I. 1. - Apili Shades, all colors and Sizes, prices a t right. Colission at WaShington the S. M. & E. 1-1. -Wilkces & Co. earliest a eral (leate. The name "Maxwell" in the auto mobile world has long stood for max imum efficiency, small upkeecp ex pense and smallagasoline consump tion. The new Maxweila, now on t the market, not only have kept abreast of past standards but have even sur passed them. In power, durability and artistic lines they are not sur passed by any car within their class. laThe beauty, the roominess, the comfort, of the latest Maxwell is ob vious. s easy riding itihes its ease of pertion, a e unality of its equo ment, is s determined frt investt athcn mtrial. G in uch with us---investiga-L Co p it with any car inder $mis -and try the car out on the road. That is the only way to pass judgment on the Maxwell, atW it was built for highway, not show room ef ficiencya The Maxwell is mechani cally effici.n c s u pene nor shone for a demonstration or come in person. We hav a thecarse~o on hadno etadyas passedthem dnepoer. uablt Ladures M oestoe re Car sur r ased Dolly ar withi Cani class coforty ofthW atstM xeli b viou. .seas ridng Thes Wits itsK eq~mnthsatdtr ido inet ation d tral.tsf ---canog pa wismltywith an c~ruunydera Ws$1,00 Thi-andca try thecaus oft fornte .~ u mrs Ta aranem th at onanly bringpss jus--adgmentugh the Migi a kingl andi wsln abatilow forighaoeho.oo f hm rWits O phone oadmo nstrtio dikkrsJs Re ive perso. PWei haverboo Skitsfor $400ad on5an.no0rad fo. ErYdlvey built, which will. give a decent placo 'for the pilsoiers confined therein, to stay. . Th6 present jail has been re Pdrted by this body on more than one occasion, tind iI its opiion, is very unhealthy and unlsaniltary 'I'lis being the first term, of the court for til year, we have not had oplorstinity of looking into the affairsi of public Interest and matters per taining to tie welfare oi' our county, but have appointed the 11llowing com mittees which will repot to this body ,t antotier term of this court; th'elr report will be incorporated in our tPr'esen li tment to thi.; court, at 'I late: datev.I The Following commfiittoos have b)een ppotinted: Oin county ollicrs; .1. U. Cook, J. L. On elools: G. I. Davidson, S. It. Nscon. J. II. Leopard. 11. N. Carter, .1. Scot. i i ggins, ,. J. Nabors. (It road. and b'rildges: P". T. Wood iT. .1. J. IBrownlee. .1. N. Eilledge, 1. 0. Ray. John liarnett. T. 11. Soutih. (it coilnty h1omt1e. jail, claini ga1ng anl public buildings: V. F. Snow, E. W. I'aIton, WV. i. .ahot. In conclsion w e woid express to tile Presiding .Judge and the oillceri's of th l ollrt our thanks for Coul rtesies 'xtentled to us. All of which is most respe;It hillly tubml, S. N\I. I LK 10S. Fot'Cirlemn of (1rand .111ry. MU4. MA 1iT1i-: S.AND E11S. Di ld at the ilome of -1er lhinghler it i I.onx Ih1i'u clh Sr(-Ubt Ilist Week. .\lr.. M.atile Funders, wife of ). M. S-i i eri'. of tile Tyler ville sc ellon, died at the home of lit'i dallgiletr. .\irs. '. A. Owens, in the Long Branch coin nitntttity .Monday of last week after a brief iliness of PIie'iotia. She hal(d leen vi:sitiig thliere for some time at tiilding the sick of tihe family when ::h ain'cam ill hhersel. The buina srvices were held at Iocly Springs church Tutesday afterilool. .\rs. '-an11lors. ,.who was a woman lu lovcd inl ier community. is sttrvi by her husband and the fol lowinlv childreni: C. C. Sander.;. Greenl w'ood: .1. I. Sanders, Clinton, tote I: Rloy and .\arvin Sanders: .\rs. C. A. i Mr:\lrs. Peril Cole. of I'orl Motte, andwla 1I1.zzie Chianey. of Laulrens rine iG. 11IiSE: 11'11NED VEI-:TH 110. The fra- i' inlt of .\r. lood Temphi~l tonl.' llear th10 \\alis .\ills. ,. totiydv.:4royevd by firl0 e, yesteday morning shortly hefie ioiot. \\'Ien the fir de1,( partmenvit arrived, thev fhuurle luu1 )revinlv gottein util'r hull lteat'r '.a y antd little could he (onte to save Ih: 1 ihding. /Po e of tie furnitue ho,'v r. \:s1r-tmoved and savod. TIh, fire ori.-inated in the kitchen roof :t1I was tlouiglit to) have lieen 4nw :' a defeclive flue. Death1 of Mrs. 3loldie letcher. .\r . .\ollip Fletche, m1otheri of .\lr. ! '. IFlet ler, died yestrday iorning eal wr-:vieis laid nt bteen arriantged l:tsi itht on iei'ott of the abisence if Air'. Flit clier. Airt. F"eelther' was re '(nitt IV ran'ifei'redt lto the' .\iider'son ousliei o' the inlsuratnte company which he ' tesenit antd was out of his of flee ye:;tert'day visitinag branch agen rin': aid conserIiet'ily the family was tnab~le to get in toneht withi him either' b~y tt'hi'raphl or' tilephuone. And Even fc The New \ Wirthmor . Models Expected Today (> Yes, it is true that 3 ble Waist for a sum as I< arrangement we have wi us the new, wanted st~ costs---permits of their s New Wiri New Ladies' Slippers an