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1OThER' GAVE THIS- D[LICAT( CHILD V NOL And He Got Well and Strong. That's True Monaca, Pa.-"My lit le boy, w o Is the youngcest of thr e, was w k, nervous and tired all ie time, he was most unfit at s iool, an oth ing seemed to hel him. earned Vinol and gav it to h' . It has re tored his heal and ength and he has gained in eight."-Mrs. Frederick Soin - onava, Pa. Vinol is a constitutional cod liver and iron remedy for delicate, weak, ailing children. Formula on every bottle, so you know what you are giv ing them. Children love it, AllililLF(il~lNW01M3UTU'AL INSI'uAN('I':11 ASO'l N. 'TO'E ill TV INS[ 'Il:D $2,,'400,000. WRITHC Olt CAiA, on the under Si'ed for anly iiformti Ilon you mlay desire abolit o1' plani of 11pstralce. We inlsule you r properly againust d( .structtion by Fir. Wolsormor Lightn11ingi. And do s) eliheapr1) Ihan anly inul. rance colmipany ill i sl let n e. Ite1membe 1111w ae are prepared tI) prove to 1it that ollIs is the safest and 0, !est plai of illualnc kinowin. ( r 5(1 association is now licens1ed to wr1-ite I11Sinsuanice inl Ilhe coitlties of Ab heville, Gt-vcinwood. .\(eCorm,11ick, la rells and -:dgefield. The oflcers are: GN. ,1, I'll \S -A I 1,Y*ON, 1res ilent. (oliumblb1. S. C. ,J. . Ila 4:. tin. .\gL. y. & Treas. (4ireenwool, S, C. t ill K( 'TOl S: A. 0. Grast..... ...s. carne. 8. C. .1. MI (:imbiel. .Ablieville, S. C. .no. 11. Chldl s .. .. ..llradlevy -. C. .A. WV. Younlgblood .. ..Ilodges., S. C. J1. IN. Cabran.\'rmkS. c. It. It. Nicholson . . . . Idgoeld, S. C. T. 1,. Thiimerma,1. I'leasantf Iane, B.C. .J. C. .\Lsirti ... .. .. ...l'rineton, S. C. W. 11. Wharton . . . . ..\\'ater-loo, S. C. . 11. I L h-, ( en. A gt. Greeilwood, S. C. FINAL SETTLE31X1E NT. Trake notice that on the 20th day of March, 1918. 1 will render a final ac coint of iy avts and doings a ~sIxc 'u. lot of the estate of Dr. A. C. Fuller, deceased, in the oflice of the . ludge of Probate of Lau rens coutnty, at 11 o'clock, a. im., and on the same day will apply for a final discharge from my trust as iExecultor. Any person indebted to said estate is notified and required to make paY mont on that \late; and all persoils b-lig claims against said estate \Vill pjsil thbenm on or before said date. dui Iroven or be forever harred. S, ~G. A. Fll 7MA-,1 i~eb. i, f'xecutor. Feb. 13, 1918. nio.-A. l N. A L T1,ilE'31 E NT. Take notice thIat on the 2th day of March, 1918, I will render a fiial ac count of Imly acts 11( doin;1gs as Ad inistiator of th ' state of .losoph1 '1'. Todd, decea sed , in thle otlice of thle .Judge of !'robate oi baurens 'olinty'. at 11 o.'.lk, ni. m1., and11 oni the same day will'apply for' a linal discharge from my~ trust as Arliii 1strlatoir. - 1peii'onl indlebted to said estate is n 'tilled antd rire id o1 umalme lpay ment'on-01 that date; andi all iiersons havinug claims against sahil (estate willf prli'I them on or' hefore11 sid dlate, duliy prio'.en orI he forevers barri ted. S.\M.\1,. TiODD,\ Adin i strtator,. Feb. 27, 1918l.- mo11.----A. 1,A ND MA ,i.: U.NI) -:11 iX(131-:( TN(. t4t' II ount of (l rens. 1.y3 virtuel of ani excen'itioni isaut"l andf directed to mne by C. A. IPower,' (I C lr of thle Court oif Conhlhon i'leas for' the County (of iLurens, in said state, In the case5( of P'a rker .\lfs. Co.. a (corporal ion, pdlintift, vs ID. Ii. Cots, d.'fend nuti and11 by yilrIiue of sunidry' exeecu tiom* in otheri caises against the sah! D). i. C'ounit, defendant. I wvill sell at Laur11ens Court I louse, I .aur enis, S. C., In fronit of' lhe Cour l'fIlouse door,. on salesday In Apil, Ill8, bin th le I st day of the mionthi, din 'lg thet legal 1hourI's for such sales, to the hIghest bidder the following lands: All that tract and lilantation1 of a nil ultuate, lyit.g auid being in Water'loo 'Ifow1nsl) , in Laiuriens C'ounty,. ini the State 0f Soth I Cartolhnia, cont alining thrye hundred anld thirteen (:11:0 fluwi ii bzIh by lands oIf TI. -.\. Shaw, onl the east by lands oif C'onway Smithi on the south by lands (of 'Thomas ,1. (Colemuan anid on lie west biy land forml (lily belonging to W. L. Teague; thle said tract of lnd is known as the fbarkin 0or Amanda Coleman pla1ce, the said tract of land being more fully de scrIbed biy a flant of same made by . A. Austin, sutrveyote and datedl April 24, 1909. Tf~e said tract of land levled on andc willl .be sold as the prioperty belhonging to the saId judgment debtor on the (lay when the saId judgments wero docketed in 'JIaurens County. Terms of Sale: Cash; purchaser to pay for papeors and stamps. If the terms of sale are not complied with the land to bo resold on same or some subse uent salesday at ilsk of former puto eor. . 'C. RilD)iD, * ~ Sheriff of Laure'ns Co. March 5i, 1918. ..33-3t-A Q11 uini That Does Not Affect the Head eof Its tonic and laxative effect, L AXA wDROMO QUIN1NIC Is better thlan ordinary ~mfne and does not cause niervousness nor iing in head.' Remnewber thte fult name and rAo few the minatur. of i. w. oaRGU. 20c. SALE OF ALIEN PROPERTY. Legislation Necessary to Check GWr. IatII "Kultil1tr".1 Washiington, '.\arch 7.-Legislation enabling the goverlilnent to place in American hands' perlilently great German Colilrlcial an(d tidustial oncerns iI tis counltry which have beenl IMnstri'tm ient )in spreading 4he grip of G(eritnan kt u r. as favorably reltorted to tle Sonae today by the appropriatioll s co m ittee. It ,Is it l ho formi' of an ailendimeI to tile pend ilg iargen t <h-fiii en y hill, em1ipowerling tle ale Proper.y .tstodhu to sll and te propety taken over by hIis Thill Ilmiteat e also approved anoth vr atendentiliit giving th'le President 11tority ireently asked for b y hi t I itatOi by purcha e or title tie Iroat pioers l the l .amb.erg-.\merican and t e North German Loy-d steam ,.hIII lines at I lobokeni, IN. J. Int a stateIent todty explainitt g th urpose- ofl the new power soof ght, A. .itchell Palmer, the alien 1properof ty cuistodinl, said: "Pllwer tnder thie law Is restricted now\ to cases where It is niecessary to Iel inl orderI to prevent, waste and protect loeitly. The pro- - .ied amelt Ilients will llgetlytt. 1end tills power ailln make it possible for the alien pro perty custoIa t lian toe into cash venemy Interests in tis couantry * * *, "There Is- no th1ought1 or purpose or iaiging h the of, 1 he oldinart investment in Alorica of the enemty subjiects residfingi inl enemy11 terrlitory. '11(1 investients will oline Iiti at eSetext wiene nees'sa 'y to lrl vvent waste or provect thie property wh~n sales, maty take plave. "if tie amtndlients reported by tie Senat appropr iatins (nnuittit' shall hevolin law the power or sale will only be exercised by fihe alien Itroi perty ncslodian in cases Sinilar to 1hat of the , oeamship linies hire tde Iteinemy owner shito of great industrial and coimerali concerns Inhei flt hni, ed States indi nte a clos t tilliation With the finian'cial and political. low ers in the enev110y countktry." STO.MACH. .INlV tt l'd of ,Tat, Sourness. (ndas and Indigestion.. Whenl your slolmach is out of order or 11 down, your food doesn't digest. It ferImts ','Illn youit sttomtach .ad4 forms ga which causes sourness, heartburn, foul breath), painl at pit of Stomach and many other miserable symptonlls. .\li-o-na stomach tablets will give Joyful relieto inl e ilet minites; if taken reglarly for two weeks 1110y will tur11n-, yourt flabby, sor, tired out Stomach il to a sweet, energetic, perfect ivorking one. You cnn't. be very stroal anid vigor ois if' yourt food only 11p0f digests. Y1uri appeite will go AndTltinusea, dizzinIess bilioulsne~ss, ner'voliness,, sick head a1he kindly constipation will follow. .li- -Pa stom ill tablets are sinall and oall to swallow and are guaran Ieed to banish indigestion 1n11dl i 01 all of 11 he above yinipomli s or mleon)ey back, ''or s If% ale oaturen Is i'g Co. hseitdour loebro( s~ therl IW. Ae. tor rette t1'b taken11( fro attun t s by'011 death, wha ah nitobgof the11 tlitllh haod loe setaptist Chun h diesiring11 itn Isme waye toie epeo of 113hitthe higaete em n1 (1 which(1113 hi ws telt aongtie s andeaon our app' ItI Iatono Thineetreb.treovd Cisstion fo eteril of our iaiher whtog dtoeoSoth ahngowli; I eond, Tha. welolin exote our sym pattoea herav t'wfe alndc chl-s drale, stit tommend, to thaem ithe Letr ofAdet, brateand ofaithfu Ihrsteian11 lifectf ofr Opbriher: Wll i' reac tdeeeythy to cteirn ad ictonhll nd rreparabl loss;ni' andouretThtr of th adOthselam-i bli andeted ta theyluin bexpreing lor tove and ymath ~e ent Cito ose, Garr'et, and als, o the cothdy ofarch next aftlertion; ttl~thee of, h Tat aoclc Inage fnour'inuteC sorche, he date)'f has bith, tile dratedo i eahadasohstr ofIle asidl ta t d aond the~ lighdando 0. G .HOrtS, Z. .P..rayham NAltNIE NEIVWS. * I * ccc * * ccc e e e * Narnic, Marel -I.--IRev. .J. A. Ilrock tiid filltiily or \Vat.ts 'hhI, (tilltet withi I. and Irs. C. Y. 'Cradlock Saitiit lay nigilt. Rev. Mi. lrock also (feliv t'ed ai liii'ressive serittoit at Narnic laptist citirelt. '.\liss Lois Walsliligtol, of Green Ille, Shut 1atitihrday and Sulilday with t1' aiuni1t, Mrs. Arthur liratilett. .\I,'. Clevelatl 'Nelsoit, or i,ancstltI-, ql'ett last week with his parents, A.\-. ml. Mrs. T. (,. Nelson. Mrs. (arl Cutlhertsoi, or the .ekoin welioil, visited l her parents, .\ri. andl \li's. T. II. I1lirts last 'liti' s Iay tid tillay. .\lISSl? I essif adll I,oltisv P rice, of, Wallis Alill, Spe>nt the week-elld witi Alisse'C lara IHel l11t .an anie Caldlwell. S('tg'ealit Ilorace C. Nelsoi, andi sis (ers' .\lisses 1 Itiatthe and( lia, and Miss lancht' Sandiers, were the giests of .\Mr. AtimIr litirton last, Thri-sdaity lIglit. Mrs. 10<CgLI- ilurts ltand falnily visit (d t'elatives at 1Ekoti last week. Mlr. anl M's. Clifton Il-owillee, of lIarkslaIle. wer III(! gtists o' file lat ter- 'pmreits, .\r. :antd .\rs-. Trill (w. vis. Pridlay. M 's. Waitli', of ILiill'eils, is p5entling libi week wiIli lier laughtv''. AlIls. W. 1. Satders, M),. n!nfl .\rs. \\. E-. Caldlwell anil ldalilglter. .ltry. sliti S tilitay willh .\rts. 10Sssie Te lry. l 'terl' ti ery t pii' i ill sitLay will oliit'olks :1Il friolllit. .it*Itvg. Hioico C. .\'ost ha, C. tit 1-ttirtie i to C.I1p \\'heeler. G'.I .\1. M \ilillic Toddc and elhildiren. .Dilni Salalay ih with .\li'. anid Nirs-. \\. 11. Toddlivial- Ilala-stlale. .\r1. T. 11. Ilurl1-s nuit1le at blSsine:Ss trip to liabini last wenek. .\il-. Hiti iill, or' \Vooruff', w.I :; tli1e gainstl of Mir. an .\r1s. llenry3 KightIl. Suinday. .. . .... - . - - *1 AA I j DESERES A GOLD MEDAL FOR THIS ('tlelinial ansuthorit y tells wlim to dry up1 11111 corn*I or callus soi It lifts right off. Yout cor-pestereel men'1 ane11 wonlien llee(i sul-er 110 lotiger. \\ea r tle sloes iiat nit riy killtii yout befo , says Ilhis Citeinnati auitohril, heiallse .1 few om of, fre(.zo~n apliet di.. recti youl t lentier. aching corn1 slop-. 80lCree I oll- aril 8oon the corn loosivw il inn) he lifeid oul. roo anl all, 1it.ont a bit of pain. A (li r all Oiincie II'Cziie Sostsf Y v i I: tl v li l ig gn~ but is 'i-i to al ofr " verv harti or so ii irn oaluP. Tis; s1 houhi. friel. a ui. ilexpnj ive and i ;Sai.I 11W lo mn ' revenl Irrita, tlip ur rotolig laneorl skin. If '. oll. ;j' wca s I- j ik h llec ' I , wIll he tlS h l Itl kiow of this. 14% rin lit: Roper!; Silv-r Nfiiv-. Works anl oo s at price- that will 8 \T. A- 11. VTI'.108 & C(). * 0 * *4 .4 * 4* 40 4 . . . .9 Ekomll, \larihi 1.\e are having finev0springi, iays now, al hIlie faim ers are gi'linve.g (iite busy with tleIr farmus. ll.v. 1. 1). Iass illed his appoint mentil. Suindlar af7ternoon. Hie prevached :1 line v'srloni. Ills sibjelvl was "''The Assension of Christ". There has beena -,ooi deal of, sick Inessi in ouri (onmiity, but wie are " 0 1- port all betler. \irs. .\ltti l11r11s and chilirenl. of Ithe Woodrow Wilson seetion, spent a lar and niclut litlh her pavelu--. M.. :1nd \Mrs. 1,. C. Culher(It sonl last week. .\Mr. .1. 1). Ciilhertsonl and family of .\laleon:I . entc Su1indav aY it h h is Inuil h cr. .\rs. Jfane Vlbvherton. .r. ('arl Cullbertson and fa ily vI.i it - ed .\r. T. 11. 1111r.s' family Iast week. .Il. , h Freanili1 and dau Iler <11wn11 :1 shortI While Saturday after Iloont. will the amiliai esi of .lrs. Loul Culhersonrs. T. .J Cooper and irs. J7 NEW IDEAS I FOR .Several new lasts he We'd like to have yo to know the fine qu~ The well groomed preciate this display. rnents and innovatior high shoes are sure t< i he prices are ree aind leathers cost rnoi $3.00 Clardy .lrilon W il11iaus. Roy. visited ' li A aitlit, .rs. Iiol lIII Dr. J. 0. Cooper hi :i, Pu ircliased a be rtson and Dr. Cooper's '1ainillio Maxwell car and is being kept quite Sunday. busy every (lay. .\I rs. I -bat-a CuII her soil 1a.., I. Miss Dolli Cu11 bertson anid brother, hasd a I ord ait iloile. SAVE YOUR TIRES!! Do not throw away a blown-out tire or inner tube until you see me. I may save you money I have done it for others. Have your tiref vu ized at liome. I guarantee good work. GUY FOSHEE VULCANIZER V U ANI DODGE BROTHERS MOTOR CARS W. H. CLI=CALES DEALER Box 40 LaureLns, S. C. Phone 216 _ ll 4 , .1.sI IV. NxPRNGSHE WOMEN~ 1 ve'theirfirs sho ing toay y e hi ewnIo voTher latest showin delop Ls in purnps, slippers and appeal to her. tsonable-the same ideas) e in other lines. to $10.00 & Wilson