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SALE OF REDl CROSS SEAl.S. Over !.11 Sold iI ,1au1riens Count y. Seals ill Sow'.! i as ' ill a great succe(C s. .\ll reports ate Iot yet in but iIthose so fit r i'ceiel sIlow that Ovr' S.',>,00 seas ha ve been sol1d: i0 is thoU1ght the nuituber will reach 00.000 when all reports are in. I lad it not been for the weatlier conlit ions the sale wouli l have reached *I.0.000. 11,16t sekls were "Old inl Lauens County as follows: Laurenls 7.71 Clinton.:1.5 Cross Hll, 1,200. Gold Ville. . .\louttville. l,0010 Gray Court, 666: Gray Court R. F. D., 50: Waterloo. S7; Owings, 75; and 61S sold by letter from the Columbia office. In justice to Waterloo it shold be stat ed tihat Imtore sea!s were sold 1cre but the Illmlim c lillot the statel as 11:o sahls \11,1e 0ita( by agents fiow1 other '10'hi - !C it' , 4 (,t' T. :14 catn]pai"_n s till'' to tih :'i:hltl eltor of th1 : In Lautrens ijift;y thtn floin chi idrn. In o in ti1ture Ih o : : t li .!:-!., . * ' , a. I, *,kl : '1 a1: tIl I I i ii!~ o t' 4 IN their ca~'eant s for lie vah tlebb at giveni: :e atso) thansi hioie w en inl contr 1ib:? ions S hrouI hIt "Io ll Ir letter " sent out fiol t 11 m ai n otlice. Avoid Dangerous Drugs Don't dose yourself with poisonous drugs that destroy the delicate lining of the stomach and the intestinal tract, when you can stimulate your sluggish liver by using Granger Liv e' Regulator. Thi standard. modi 'he contains no pois nous calome It contains no inj uri s alcohol. t does not cause unplcas t af ter ects. A dose or so will'oof relic ' sick head ache, indigestion co ipation, de pression, lnnguo ai all other ail ments caused by rpid liver. Cran ger Liver Regula r is composed en tirely of selected roots, barks and herbs of special medicinal value. It may be freely taken by any member of the family. Just try a few doses, and see for yourself what a splendid medicine this is and how thoroly it cleanses the system of impurities. Price, 26C a box. Soldby all druggists. Demand Granger Liver Regulator and accept no substitute. High Soap Prices Arouse interest in Home Made Soap Women all over the country are saving money by making their own soap. Try this: First, set a large can or jar in your kitchen; throw into it all meat skin, waste grease, bones and other kit. chen scrap that has any grease in it or on it. When the can or jar is full, render it (by boiling) and you will obtain enough clear grease to make a big -batch of dandy soap, cheaper and purer than any you can buy. With Crelse and Red D di Lye You will nd home ap-making so easy a economi that it will be a gen ine pie ure. On the label of 4ery c of Red Devil Lye are {omp te directions for or by boili. Anybody Can Make Soap if they have Red Devil Lye and grease. Furthermnore, soap making .at home pays byj because you buy nolthingt but Redi Dev'il Lye - the other ing;red!ents are actually saved out of thec waste t:0 you have been thrmenna 'w .fi'1 wi thank< us eve a:e ou n Re D'vil 1 lomie CLYDE T. FR ANKS Agent For ASHEPOO FERTI IZ F1 FEW E U.s NO SU EJ IORS Farmers! See Me AT FARMERS NATIONALR BANK in the pliblic schools will he distriblit cd. ?1ttblic hen1 nur1111ses will be puit1 ol to visit and ins1tlct inl hiolues whe'e tuber01culo:is exists, ch rsWill b i v 'n' 'o se44 \I(in l ich have sold a 11ialy as .~ ,I seals, and tiany other plans are oil foot to 11d in the tifit against I w I; irat White Ilague". 0HITI'ARY. * 1S97-191S. 'S C e C * gee seeeee e e Youth does not carry with it immun n ity from sickness or deailt. On January second, tle death angel t 4'('( 11th t'. S. Training Station in Norfolk. \'a.. and carried the spirit of lumtilie linghes into Ilte heautifuil ..omle beyonlld. 1,11un11ui was th very picti:'-o of hevalth. apparently, rohlmst and stron It i natural fort' u 1s s le :o woler' , w I iis a 11111t Provi d1e '. sees fit to take the yoinig. We W:in ; I Corr Ictly : lve -'.ih a 41w'Stionl ' 11 w li;4w. tiat (;()(I l1ove4S inl !"I:d on"y .- on :,\.I ay from n I mm '4 'i : l -' '' in ' i 4' le n rin'01Is; an1d hovteel ones have he asurnceOf a, lutpay retinionl, for ! h'1! faith which ohls death of 'is .rror and the grave of its, .:: lo . .former Sutnday schlool teneher, . rs. Alittcih.elat' SEN- IME .il l-N TO (.'-'T 1tEP 'OiT. Fniel .\dmin(ror Wants 111fo-111 finn F-roml !lines. Wasihingtn, Fveb . !-T. --1emlbranIdt r1"arle, representative of Operators inl the( fuiel administration, and John P1. 'While, represetvnative of labor. were sent toiht ii(' to Ii ring h1(am, Ala., hy Fuel Administrator arfiel to report on thle differences between operators and mino~rs there. "Practically all of thie mieinon that field are in operation and there is ev ery exectation that the controversy in the few mines involved will be speedily settled," an official statement said. See our display of new Bed4loom Firniture. S. M. & E. H. WILKES & CO. O I E E NS A UCdUST FLOWE R has been a household remedy all over lie civilized world for more than half a Century fori consti pation, int tinal troibles, torpid live and the neral ly depressed feelingj that ac inpanies such disordes. it s a In valuable remedy for indigest n 0r ervous dys ipepsia and liver t uh ., briging o1 headache, c'omiing pi f food, lialpilta tion of heart, atnd any other symp toms. A few doses of August Flower will relieve you. It is a gentle laxa tive. Sold by Powe Drug Co., in 30 and 90 cent hottles. Pilling Ohut Questionaires. For some time the writer has been one of many citizens engaged in the work of helping registred men filll out their' questionaires., The formidable looking pamphlet of sixteen pages floored most men 'when it was first re eeivedi and to the man who (couldl not read it was almost like sudden deathi and (lestru1c!tion. W\heni once into tihe thing it was foutnd that it was not so conmplienteod hnt timne was certa:inly an essene'e of the job in the legal phrase adit it ito4ok time' abovei all ('lse. To averaige i wo ani hiour waIs pret1ty fair' work. .Now afld Ithen1 :1 nili'i 'tA h 4111 44 timiet, esplally inl ('ases whiere' (s im t ion wa.h:4' wai ('4 or1 t d 'e''rred' (l' t -4 4'.- lild: n 1 4: l ' ' n w\iIhu an1 4iy shaow (of re('2rt t hat th(ey I d i 44a ..i.'h to ('hiim any:' exemp~ion1. TheI (lint "xceptio was1 aiS younig manll whoI( said 1h4 ha~d 110 groundit for tx. 41mpti onl save that4 he did not want! to i i was ('ranki abt t I 4hab t didi ni >0eem to4 iii it very2 much1. hut i. was al striking iibing thatI inll iIt "W lit I iam needed4('4 I a(1n ready~~. toi -4' when4 'I en (led." It is :;inl inilg thatI made na4 imp41rIie:.SiOnI( on the '4' witerc anid . .:i<. M i inly in th s s lin, di erv Thei rt w s4inl ran|paho1. h b i .im ! 1 , out t 4 lues ionsi. llways a haird Job. Natitrally slow to Comliprehend the registered :1tan waI. m're thait apt to 1llake (otltilti Ing ta'enIents and it took care, antd pa 'aIce t. steer i in ll a safre (o'rse thriough Ithe sixteen pages of ittormia 'ion alout: imlstif wit cith tle governl ?teint wantts. i' first (q estion as to lielill antd age was eatsy. So also tie next about nearest relative, iaie of emiployer and I 11( ( f Wol ', dione for tihe Past tell etars. Now and thent it took time to tigttre out all tle different kinds of Jr.ihs, but in ilost eases the in forma Ht was easily gi'ven. Things would -:o wiltnlingly until the questioner and informant cai' to the qttestion, "Wotlid yot be willing to take free ev v'Ining schlool instritelion inl case You werie enl led to canp." Tis was a IMtis'1. Applicants hesitated over it, a :f the answer would comm I it themt 1lonn to camight thenl anid there. 1;'ent :Issutralce1 that te uestion wais not loalddtl, alhe answer wottlid he "Yes". n Ilh( Nvhoe list oly one. man11 made (', ion1 !hat h!o woi'd "if it u-a <I htt :nythinig." Kntowin . th it w as taken as simly a tr:: ;t to bt, en the lookouta for \W, :hw b 'iata i ro nl. ''Wha- t (,:I t tita WI ;hon-idi :alled to) s:-vice" S-h br a lch s . rillry, ;w. lqndn:Ir c orps, medial corps: oitdinan. e :w n-l (ruarlernastter corps-. ; -, -t t o Civa1n !. I''i t a inors o !a th ali-ant~ hadl all s;orts oif ib:tions and' i 1 h' prospec1i et sem d t t iot al allirinaz onte for there would be a ionig pertiod of hesitation. The ielpers alwatys stated that this was ('tirely o:itiontal, it could be answered orl not WANTED ---JUNK Old Iron, 100 lbs. 40c Old Sac s, each . 10c Coppe , Brass, - ber an all ki s of junk h nd . Best ices Offered. Hyman Lurey Laurens, S. C. Yo You wi) most in greatly best sei fertilizix 1 i"r E - M0 a' ins;. et:TM as the applicalnt preferred. 'Most of thent wanted the differilt branaches [xplaied and when it was done, using "hig guns" for artillery and "single g tils" for the infantry, the appIival t voulid express a pr(ference. The (Itartlermaster Corps was the )iost popular, though the artillery came a close second. One aiusing word and one that seeimled to be generally used aiong tle Colored mna was "reddish" for registered. -he would say "I red dished" for "I registered," the word seemed to be one in which there was an insurmountiable obstacle In pronun ciation.-Greenwood Index. SUBSCRIBE TO "THE ADVERTISER" C ,ASE I 1-ighest q ality ghvcs you be l - The Cas r to standar . ie that yo an dc fills every pow lfmodern farm. moncy and tim means increasedI With this 9-18 ( can spread mar row, roll, plar load and haul h; ROPP Exectir u Are a Fann 11 make every food crops, C< needed by OU: -ve your cour 1g each acre i "IT MYS~ TO cmtion . r and I .Of SWIFT & S ATi.ANTA,( F actorles: Atlant'a, WELMINC CHES R. C.UGf DOD E BROTHERS I0T ARS ijt --- W. H. CLINKSCALES DEALER Box 40 Laurens, S. C. Phone 216 1 4 Case 9-18 HE I DY TRACTOR R YOe-*U r erial, plus honest wvorkmanship, plus service, . Standard. This standard is known the world over. r is built on Case or corn, dig potatoes, etc. It esult is a tractor will thresh, hull, fill silo, bale pend upon. It hay, grind feed, shell corn, pump er need of the wat'r, drive milking machine, It saves your private electric light plant, and e. That saving do a hundred other jobs. Case profit for you. Tractors are right before they ase Tractor you leave the factory. They are ure, plow, har- built in 5 sizes and to fill every it, mow, rake, farm power need. Let us tell you v, harvest grain about them. & WORKMAN, Cross Hill, S. C. ig a Carload in a Few Days. Can Supply You Promptly. A., E1 Patriotic rner! acre produce its ut >tton and tobacco, all r country. You will itry and yourself by berally with shrage. ~ Dela i agerous. CO. FERTWtlER WORKS NA. CHARLOTTE, N.C. Albany, LaGrange, Moultrie, Savannah, Ga. iTON and GREENSBORO, N. C., TER and COLUMBIA, S. C. RE~PRESE NTEDI BlY t AY. EaurensS C.