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Miller's Antiseptic 011, Known as SNAKE OIL 4111 Positively Relieve Pain in Three jI Try it right now for rheumatism, ;' neuralgia, lumtbago, sore, stiff and swollen joints, pains in the head, back and limbs, corns, bunions, etc. After one application !ain disappears as If by magic. A new remiedy used internally and externally for coughs, colas, croup, sore throat, diptheria and tonsilitis. This oil is conceded to be the most penetrating remedy known. It prompt and inuuetliate effect in rc lieving pain is due to the fact that it penetrates to the affected parts at once. As an illustration, pour ten drops on the thickest piece of solo leather and It will penetrate this sub stance through . through in three balnutes. Accept no substitute. This great oil D e golden red color only. Every bot ) e guaranteed; 25c, 50c and $1.00 : I ttle, or money refunded. The 1,au1 ) -n's Drug ('" 7-it' &HBEVILLE--(GliEEN WOOD MUTU A1, INSURANCE I ASSOCIATION. Organized 181''. PROPEItlY i.N Utll $2, tH),0. WRI1': OR U.\Li on the uinder. !/igned f'or any informuation you 11i. desire adouit our pan of insurance. We its ure yur property against de itLrictitn by Fire, 1\ Ia istoin11 or Lidltning. .and do so than any Insuralnce. (omlpany in existesee. Remietnhuer we . are prepared to proVt to you that ou .= i , he safest i'l Cheapest : ran of insurance kuo'rn. OuIr a ssoc ia) . a ow licensed It write insuIrialce in the counties of Ah beville, lreen1 ool, .\ectormnick. Lao ren:A an l.dgeli ld. The cltier)S ir'. GE N. ,1. I" i~.Ei ~tION. Presid ut, Coinnmbia, S. C. J. . II l.A IE. Gen. .A t.. Scey. & 'ireas G reetn l noed, t. l A. l). (rast.. .. ...\..M. t'arieil S. J., d iambrell.... ..Abbevillc, S. ( Jno It (hilds. .. . ..Bradley, S. A. 'W. Yoiiiubloo.i . . Ilod.ges. S. B. P. .\orra , . \ illington, S. I L. N. (amberlaoi ..Mc('ormie k, S. R. H. N ichols on . . (I wIlold. S. C V. L. Tin1111 em'00an, Pleasant ILane, S. J. C. Martin . . . I'rincetol, S. ( W. H Whari ol . . .. .'Iterloo. S. C .1. R. Ill, \ h . Gen]. A al Oreenwood. S. C. Notice to Pensioners. The pension commission will bc is Auditor '1.)Om1pson's otli(cc each SaturI' day In Janotry to receive new appli eations. 'Those already on the roll need not apply. .). Pat Caidwel!, Pension Commissioner HUGH B. CUNNINGHAM CIt IL IENGlINEE I (M. A. S. C. E'S. St1l1'EYM--E)I'SIONS AND CON STRUCTION In Steel, Concrete, Wood. WATERLOO. - - 8. C. Care Palmetto Batnk. Iautrens, 8. C. W. M. NASH SURVEYOR 'erracing Leveling Drainage NOTARY PUBLIC Gray Court, S. C. UNDERTAKING K(ENNEDY BROS., Undertakers and Emibalwe, ujaote answerul an.4 hour day ornih wgti Prael,, , in all Xtate Courts V rvomI I4 uention HUven Alli liusiney, N. B. DIAIJ A. c. T'ruil DI AL d( 'lI 10 0 h - rpriu I 'idifie 1 n;g'FTo uils Negotiated. A bstra cts Priepared. Blackwell & Sullivn ATTORNEYS AT LAW freompt attention ghen to aill businies, tOneg to loan op Rteai Estate (Ccc Phone Residence Phone 9 Offi' 'nons Building 4. t. Featherstone W. B. Knight Attorneys at Law Laurene, S. C. AimBusin asIintruisted to Qur Can. 'Wil Have I'rompiit anid (Ct~arefu A ten Office over P'aimetto Bank ..r. Featherioneiwili speni \\ minea. nA '0 I. vewok in isaurens ) yJ. ROY CRAWFORD SURtVEYTOR flat, TracIngs, Ptlue Prints, Etc. telephone 2604 Clinton, 8. C. Dr. T. L. Timmerman DENTIST ,Laurens, South Carolina 0cee In Peoples Bank Building. RU~IDENC q9 lte) ]DARSONACE ID~ 16~ EST r/ (Copyright, by the Bobbs-Morrill Coin. puny.) CHAPTER XiII Fate Takes Charge. For hours I'rndence lay utnco('g-ous, wit two dotr'is in close :ail lance. 1,airy, alert but calmt, was at. hand to give them serv . it. is a signileant thing that in hitter anguish and grief, Christian' lind com - fort andt(] peace in prayer. Out sders, as well as Christians, pray in times of danger ant tuental stress, pray, and pray, and pray again, and continue still in the aigony and passion of grief and fear. And yet they pray. But Christians pray, and tit conflidence atdt serenity. Sorrow may remain, but anlgutish is stilled. Mo1(unt Mark considered this at untiquo parsonage family. Their liveliness, their gayely, their love of fuit, semtd i little inapropos lin the setting of a Mthodist parsonage. "'hey ain't sanctimonlous enough by lailf,"'.ieclare'd old IIrvey Seel, the hus driver, "hut, by Jings! I tell you thev ar':' (ltndies!" But as a matter of fact, every one of the family, froa ('onnie usp, had as eharacteristic parsonage heart. When they were worried, or frightened, or grieved, they prayed. Fairy passm; uap the stairs with hot water for the doctors, whispered to her father as he i urned in to his own room, "Keep onl praying, fat her. I can't s'op now, he t4ause they need me. Iht I ' praying 4very minute between erratn 4is!'" And Mr. Sitrr, kneeling beside his bted, did pray---and the stony despair in hisl eyes (ied out, and he caume froin the l little room quiet, an(1 confident, and !'atnm. Connie, seeking a secluded '4orner' ito "pray for 'rudence," had li 'ed the door of the dungeon, and paused. A 1itting pliace! So she turned in aft once, and in the farthest and darkest corner, she knelt on the hard floor and prayed, and sobbed herself to sleep. Lark remained loyally with Carol until consciousness returned to her. As soon ts she wats able to walk, the two went silently to the harn, and climbed into the much-loved haynow. There they lay hat on the hay, faces down ward, euch with an arm across the other's shoulder, praying fervently. After a time they rose and4( crept into the hiouse where they waited patiently unitil Fairy came0 down 0on one of her numerous errands. "Is she better?" they whlispered. And ["airy antsweredi gently, "I think she ia 4 little better." Then tile twins, in noI way deceived, went back to the hay mUow algain. Fa1iry prepalred a hatsty supper, and alrranIged it 04n the kitchen tatble. She dirank a cup of hot coffee, and wvent in searceh of her fa ther. "Go and1( eat, dad(sie," sile urgedl. But he0 shook his head. "I amt not hutngry, but send thle girls 1o tile table a4t on4Ce." On their next trip into tile hiopse, L"airy stolpped tile twins. "Get ConnIe, md1( eat your supplier. It's just a cold1 44n4'1, and14 is al rea~dy onl tihe kitchen 1 Li. You mullst help1 yourselves-I an1't COIIe 4now." Tii twhi 4 d n1 ot spea'tk, tandl Fa'iry -4t .4 up the sta4irs on4ce more. "I1 do not1 thiDnk I can eat," said( Carol. "WVe'd hlet ter Ialke awvay about hal I )f this food, alnd hlide it. Thlen she0 will bink w.e haIve allread~y entenl." This novel plan wvas aictedl upon withI Iromptltitud~e and1( the twvins wvent back .0 the hlaymow. When It grow dlark hey slipped into the kitchen tand huld 11ied togethuer on tihe woodbox beside lie stove. And dIown to them presenlt y came Fairy, mailing, her eyes tear rightenedl. "She is better I" cried carol, spring ng to bher feet. "Yes," said Fairy, dropping on her cnees and burying hecr face ini Lark's aip, as she still sat on the woodbtox. 'She's better. She is better." Lark tatted the heaving shoulders in a notherly way, and when Fairy lifted ner face again its was all Serene, I hottgh her lashes were wet. "81he is cotisciouls," said Fairy, still I in her kne'es, but with her head hrown back, and smilIng. "She re rained consciousness a little whileI go. There is really nothing serious . I lhe matter. It was a hlardi knock, but t missed the temiple.' When sihe be- I amie conscionie, 141e looked utp at f'a- I hecr andl smiled. IFather 1001ked per eetly awvful, twins, so pale, and his ips were trembiilinig. And Prudence aid, 'Now, father, on your wvordI of I 1onoIr. did you ku~oek me down witha f htet tb, I 0on pur1~4?' She spoke( very3 !w Ptnd _ weakc, ba~t-Jut. lIke Pru. 4' dence l ' Father couldn't sayii word; he just nodded, and gulped. She has a little fever, and the doctors say we may need to work with her part of tho night. Father said to ask if you would go to bed now, so you can get up early in the morning and help us. I at to stay with Prudence tonight, l'ut you may have td take turns in the morning. And you'll have to get break fast, too. So father thinks you would ietter go to bed. Will you do that, twinniesr" "Will we !" And Carol added, "Will you kiss Prudence good night for us, :m0(d tell her we kept praying all the time? Prudence Is such a great hand for praying, you know." Fairy promised, and the twins crept upstairs. It was dark in their room. "We'll undress in the dark so a: not to awake poor little Connie," whis pered Lark. "It's nice she can sleep like that, isn':. it?" And the twins went to bed, and fell asleep after a while, never doubting that Connie, in her corner of the room, wats already safe and happy in the ob. livion of slumber.. lit plor Ciinie I She had not wik "ned when Fairy closed the dungeon door. It was long afterward when sh( sat uip an1d' began rubbing her( eyest. She (111 not know where she was. 'Then she remembered ! She wondered if Prndence- She scrambled to her feet, and trotted over to the dungeon doot, ir. It wits locked; she could not turn the l:noh. At first she ilmught of screaming and potnding on the door. "But that will arouse I'rudence, and fri:htett her, andt maybe kill her," she thought wrottehedly. "I'll just keep still ulnt1il sotttne passes." But no one passed for :a long time, and Connie stretched her aching body and sobbed, worrying about Prudence. fearful on her own account. She had no idea of the time. She supposed it was still early. And the parsonage w(as dealtly quiet. Maybe Prudence had died ! Connie writhed in agony on the hard floor, and sobbed bitterly. Still shie wotld not risk poiuling on the dungeon door. Upstairs, in tnte front rootm, Prudence was wrestling with fever. Higher and higher it rose, until the doctors looked very anxus. 'T'hey held a brief con saIt:utien in the corner of the room. 'i'he.n t Wy Ieckuned to Mr. Starr. "Tina Prudence been worrying about sotiet hing this winter?" "Yes, she has." "It is that young man, isn't it?" in quit'ed the fatmily doctor-a Alethtodist " tieuther."' "(*'in you bring htim here?" sotn as he can get here from ies Moiies." "You' ht ler do it. She has worn herself' dwn nearly to the point of prost ation. We think we can break 'his fever without serious conse luen'ces, butt get the young tunn as soon as passible. She cannot relax and rest until she gets relief." So he went downstairs and over the teleoithne dictated a short message to Jerry: "'Iliaso comae-Prudence." WVhen he entered the front bedroom again, Prudence was muttering unin telligible words under her Urenth. IIe kneeled down beside the bed and put his arms around her. She clhng to hinit with sudden passion. "Jerry ! Jerry 1" she cried. ,Her fa, ther caressed and petted her, but did not speak. "Oh, I can't," she eried agaIn. "I can't, Jerry, I can't I" Again her voie fell to low mitumbling. "Yes, go. Go at on('e. I p-omnised, you knowv. They haven't any mother -I promised. Jerry I Jei'ry !" Trhen, panting, she felli back on the pillowvs. But Mr. Starr smalled gently to him. self. So that wits the answer! Oh, foolish little P'rutden('e! Oh, sweet. hearted little martyr girl!I Iflours biter the fever broke and Prudlenc'e drifted into a (deep sieep, Thean te doetorts wenit dlown'stalrs withl Mr. Statrr, talking in qutiet, ordinary tones. "O ht. she is till rigl'it now, no datnge'r ut tilt. She'll do litie. ILet her sleep. Sendtt 1'ni'y to lied, too. KeepL Prudence riet at few tdays--that's all. Sihe's all iighit." ''Tey d id not hea r the tiimid knock att iith d teun t naor. I ht a tfter t hey lothrough to halt e f l ic oorsits':oke'd. 119 distitnctly teard a soft tappling, anti lie smailed. 'Mice!I" he thoughtt. Then lie hietard omtet hinag else-a faintly whispered, 'Father'!" With a sharp exclamation heo un ocked and~ opened the dulngeon (door, indl Connie fell into his arms, sobbing ilteouisly. And he (lid the only wvise hting to do tinder the circumstances. [Ie sat down on the hall floor and ~uddled the child against his bretast. Io talked .to her soothingly until the lobs quileted, and her voice was under ontrol. "Now, tell father," he uirgiid, "how lid you get in the dungeon? The wins-" "Oh, no, father, of course not ; the wins wouldn't do such a thing as lint. I wvent, into the dungeon to praQy hat P'rudenco would got well. And I rayed myself to sleep. When I woke ip thie door was locked." "But yen precious child," he whis ered, "why didn't you call out, or ound ont tihe door?" "I was afraid it would excite Prue nd make her wvorse," she answered imp~ly. And her father'e~klss wits un-t v'ontedly tender as ho carried biet up tairs to bed. Prudence slept lnte the next morn-' ig, and when she opened her eyes he"r Lther was ri t.ting besido her. "All right Itiotrning, fathier,' itho aid, miling. "Ar.e the ,i.It, CLEANSES YOUR HAIR MAKES IT BEAUTIFUL, THICK, GOLSSY, WAVY ''ry this! All dandruff disappears and hair stops .coming ilt. Surely try a "l)anderine Hair Cleanse" if you wish to inllediately double the lkeauty of your hair. Just Iuolste11 a cloth with Danderine and draw it carefully through your hair, taking one small strand at a time; this will )leeanse the hair of dust, dirt or any excessive oil-iu a few minutes you will be amazed. Your hair wall be wavy, fluffy and abu dant and possess an incomparabi soft ners, lustre and luxuriance. Besides beautify g the Ahair, one application of 'D derine/ dissolves every particle of andryl; invigor ates the scalp sto pin itching and falling hair. D)anderine is to th atir what fresh showers of rain and sunshine are to vegetation. It goes right to the roots, invigorates and strengthens them. Ift exhilarating, stinulating and life-pro. during properties cause the hair m grow long, strong and beautiful. You cnll sulely have pretty, soft, Iuntrous hair, and lots of it, if you wili spend a few centA for a small h ilIc of Knowltot's Lt anderine at an: drug :t;orc or toilht counter and try it art directed. Seotn Oler ills 'old. i'.veryone speaks wc: il of (Ch ailnher.. lain's tough ]o nedy afier having used A. iMrs. George Lew is, l'itisileld. N. Y., ha s this to say regarding it: 'I ar winter m1y little hoy, live years old, was sick with a cold for t wIo or thiree weeks. I doelored hitu and used Na rious cough itedtiines utit nothing did hin muteh good until I began .using ('hanberlaiti's Cough Itenttedy. lie than itproved rapidly and in a few day: was over llls cold." Drives Out Malaria, Builds Ur '"ystem The Old Standard general strengtheca tonic, GROVE'S 'JASTEI.UsS chili TONIC, drives out Maiarin,enriches the btno.,nud build uptheisys. tern. A true tonic. For aduite and children. 60c " " $ " " " r " " " " a " " " w . * e e e e S S 3 5 e e S.e " " " * * S* ! " " " " . fS*E li bun, .lan. I .-T'he snow has dis aip;,eared and we are glad so we ean get to cut stove wood for a while as it is the right tinme of the illool. Tne of till' nicest presents that, has bet n given to .\Ir. Ind .\tt. (laude \as',n in six years was, a. little son On new year's day. I.r;. IIobe'cca ;isited INrs. ('lant Wasson of iriendship last \I r. and .\lts. Sloan Mlahon :pent Sttnday night, with .lr. and Mrs. John Vol1 of :hiloh section. .\Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Maahon of 1de11 sectionl have ioved int)o ou coitununity tnld we wish them nuch suclcess inl their nuw homne. \it. Smith Mlartin visited his bro cr Mir. Glenn .iartin of Warrior Creek Wednesday night. and 'Thursday. Alisa Allie Rahb spent Thursday with \Irs. Maggio Abercrombie. NiMrs. Florence Lague and daughter, .\Misr Cora, Nirs. Smnit h Martin and lit tIe Aurora visited Mr. .\ark Owens and family Tuesday. .lir. W. P'. hialdwin is critically Ill now. Mlias IEdna Owens visited Mrs. Caude Wasson the latter' Part of last week. AMr. Waiter Baldwin was in i aurens on business last week. SOLOMOb Anybody ca But you don YOU NE] Just step intc models. We have a li We have the WEDDIN( WIL * * * * * * *."** * * * * ** * * ** 1: ANFORD NEWS. ' *I " '* . . a . . . * . * . * lAanford, Jan. 14.--We are having some of the coldest weather that we cave had this winter. Airs. Alice Alills Mrs. 0. F. Fowler, Miss Robin Patterson ua Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Waldrey were In Laurens Thursday, on a shopping visit. Mr. If. M. ,lohnson was in Laurens Tuesday on business. Mit:: Othello Johnson, Miss Robin Patterson and Mr. Yates Waldrop visited Mr. and Mrs. 'Toin Harmon Thursday evening. tr. J. S. Higgins was in Laurens Thurs'lay on business. Rev. R. J. Williams and family spent Thursday night with Mr. T. A. Drum mond. Capt. J. W. Lanford who was taken ricc while on a virit to Tennessee, is said to be better. M r. (loyd DeShields arrived Wcdnes diay froin Memphis, Tenn., where he ats L en ou a business trip. Miss G reene was compelled to leave her school work and return home be enat e of ait nervous breakdown. Mh sar .oh n Craig, Clarence, .1oe, 'r(d lad Edgar Cooper motored up to C'edart inglus to visail their' brothier. .lames. .\ r... I). Cox is convalescing rapid ly from a case of uettumonia. I Itt e Annie Mac. Patterson has be gili to 'eel better. Miss Nance and Miss Carrie LAm Iigg ins gave Miss ltobin Patterson it mtIiscellanous shower last Satidllay night . Fred Cox returned to Furman Nlon lay, having been delayed on accoi u of a casie of pnteumtonia. Mr. .1. W. .lohuson spent the week end in Spartanburg. .Nis: ( iltobin Pat terson, Pa til inc Nelson and Virginia I)rtuimm'nd and Messrs .Jlohn Payne. Yates Waldrop and Prcd Cox spent Sunday with Miss Othelh%. Johnson, IN FIVE MINUTES! NO INDIGESTION, GAS, OR SOUR, ACID STOMACH T ''he nit'melnt "t'ape's Diatpepsin" reacehes' fhe Stomach ail distress enoes. "leaIly does" put upset stomi'achs in or-der--''really does" overcome indi gestion, dyspe usia gas. heartburn and soreness due to acid fermentation in live minutes-that--just that--makes t'ap's liapepsin the largest selling s"toniach antacid and regulator in the world. If what you eat ferments and turns sour, you belch gas and erue. tale undigested food or water; head is dizzy and aches; breath foul; ton gue coated; your insides filled with indigestible waste, remember the mo ment. "Pape's i)liapepsln" comes in contact. with the stomach all such dis tress vanishes. It's truly astonislting --almost marvelous, and the joy is its harmlessness. A large fifty-cent case of' Pape's Diapepsin is worth its weight in gold to men and women who can't get their stomachs regulated. It belongs in your home-should always be kept handy in case of a ick, sour, upset stomach (durinig the day or at night. It's the (quickest, surest antidi~ for the stomach in the worldl. NOTIOE~ TAXPAYERS. No Tax return blanks wvill be mailed or given out th11s year. All Taxpay ers willI be reqitredl eit her to comle to lie Auditor's ollice sItrict ly between the first (lay of Jlanuar'y and the 20th (lay of February, I1918. Send sonie one who can make the propetr returns or' make t heir r'eturn s at thle appoint - pnentIs to be tilledl thrioughoutt the County by the 'County Auditor or his aigent as adIvertised in all the County Newvspapers. PMease look into this at on(ce and get bunsy and be governed accordingly as it will be utterly imi poss5ible to give otut blanks thIs time -1a(1 keep my work stiralght. Respetfumlly,, 25-t f Coutnty Au Iiit.r. i SAYS: n tell you the time, or you 't like to ask, arnd the suni iD A REL[ABL E our store arnd et us sh cIy ne that can't e excelled an; mn in all of th models and LGCIFT GO N ~UR SPI LIAM SOLO1~ "Reliable Jeweler" ASSESSORPS NOTIUE 1918. The auditor's office will be open rrom the llrst lay of 'January to the 30th day of February, 1918, to make re turns of all real and personal prop erty for taxation. For the convenienco of taxpayers Lhe Auditor or his deputy will attend the following named places to rcc.ive returns for said year, to wit: Monday, Jan. 14, Scufilotown town ship, S. J. Craig's store. Monday, Jan. 14, lacks township, S. W. Dean's. Monday, Jan. 14, Jacks township Renno. Monday, Jan. 14, Hunter township, MountVille. Monday, Jai. 14, Cross '11111 town ship, Cross 1111. T'uesday, Jan. .t5, Waterloo Townhsip, Waterloo. Monday, Jan. 14, Waterloo township, W. C. Thompson's. Tuesday, .Jan. 16, Waterloo town - ship, Jerry . Martin's store. Tuesday, Jan. 15, Dial's township, 1U. Mahon's store. 'Tuesday, .lIan. 15, Young's township Stewart's store. Tuesday, .ltn. 15, Young's townshi, Iinford. Tuesday, Jani. 15, Scuttletown town ship. Ora, 9:00i a. in. to 2 p. in. 'i'uesday, Jan. IS, Iauorens townshil' Watts Mill 2:30 p. m. to 6:30 p. Iml. Wednesday, .lan. 16, Ilunter town ship. Clinton. Wednesday. .Ian. 16, Sullivan town sh)ip. T. 'T'. Wood's. We'dnesd ay. .fan. 16, Dials township 1). ). lI a rris'. Wednesday, Ja il. I, Young's town ip, Cook's store. Thursday. Jan. 17, 1Huinter townshi: Clinton Coton Mill. Thursday. .ian. 17. Sullivan town hip. i'rinceton. Thursday. .lan. 17, Dials township V. A. Whit(,'s. Thursday, .lan. 17, Youngs town sh Tip, \V. 1P. l la rris's. Friday, ,lan. 18, 1 lunter township bydia Cotton Ml11. Friday, .lan. 18, Sullivan township W. D). Sullivan, Sr. "riday, Jan. i8. )ials township (gray Court. Friday, .fan. 1S, Youngs lownship Pleasant Mound. Saturday, .lan. 19, lunter township. CGldvlile. Please nak e note that the appoint ments will be filled just. as advertise4 and to please coile out and make to turns. One man usually makes th, svh,e rondin! and 11some may :ot under stand the nout lie this time, as I hav.' dividdd up the territory In the several townshile. All nmle citizens bet ween the agea of 21 and CO years on the first of Jan tary, except I Ih ose whto are incapable of earning a support from heingr maimed or from other causes, are deemed polis, Cofederate veterant excepted. Also all inle citizens benveen th ages of 14 and 50 on the 1st lay or January, 1919, al-e liable to a road tar. of $1.5 and are required to make during h'to- ime above specified and their return of same to the Auditor shall pcay to the County Treasurer a the saie time other taxes are paid ho lieu of working the road, school trus tees, students and ministers are ex emlpted from road tax. All taxpayers are required to give' township and number of school lift riets; also state whether property I.: -itunated in town or country. Each lol tract, or parcel of land must be en tered separately. After the 20th of February 50 per cent penalty will be attached for fail ere to make returns on personal prop ety and 20 per cent on real estate. J. W. THOMPSON, County Auditot State et Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas Count y, { as. Frank J. Cheney maken oath that he le senior partner of theo firm of I". J. Cheney & Co., doing bianessi in the CIty of To. le. County and Sltate aforeaid ant' thant staid firm wIll par theo num o ONII ITIUNDRED DOLLARH for each and ev. cry case of Cntnrrh that cannuot be ctiree biy the use of H AT L'S ('A'lTAIR RH CURIE Sworn to befor, nm netd suibscribed Is mys presence, Ithis 6ith day of Dcemnber. A . D. 1886. Notary Ptublie. Tinll'sq Catarrh Curu- i. takeIn internaml'l dt nets directly upit. . :h,.. b lood andit mu ('nts surfaces of ti m'vtiet. Send fer testtimonlals, fr'ee. Sold by all D)rui.r' Take itall's Famiiy 'or cos|ain The QuInine That Does Not Affect the HWat Biecause of its tonic and laxative effect, LAXA TIVEt DROMtO QUININEt Is better thani ordinary Otalnine an-1 does not cauise nervotusness not ringhur In hesad Remember the" full nme and. it'ok tor th Y~nature of 1'. W. GROVE(. 30c. 1 a-' -w w 1. intsnl 'M '-niMetTr can look at the sun, s no5yalways. visible,. )VATCH rou some of our late 'where. t all prices., ~CIALTY iON