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* MAD tIN NEWB. * " Madden, Dec. 4.-'Thanksgiving Day passed quietly in our community. There was a tdberness in the hearts of all tbefltting the fact that our coun ty is at war. Corporal Pope ('hapman of Camp Jackson spent, the Thanksgiving holi days with his parents here. .l-Ie was at Sunday school shaking hands with his friends. le returned to Columbia Sumday. M1r. and .\r . '1' .S. 1 Aangston had a pleasant day Sunday when they had as their guests their sister, M rs. Ella Hudgens of Knoxville and Mr. W. 1. Iudgens and family. In the afternoon they were joined by Mr. andi Mrs. Pick ludgens and Mrs. Rufus Dunla.p of aurens. These family gatherings are (ways enjoyaible occasions to this h.ospitable home. Mesdames Josie Martin and Cleo C. Wofford ate their Thanksgiving din ner with their sister, Airs. May Mad den. Mr. and Ars. Simpson Bailey have moved to their former home near Se dalia in Union county. Mrs. l'rank Martin spent her Thanksgiving with her arments, \i r. and AlMrs. .. I. Finley. The shredder of W. 1). 1 Hyrd and Son Is now at work here shredding corn for .1. 1D. Culhertson and J. A. Wofford. It is leaving the stover in fine shape and makes a roughness superior in feeding qtuality to cotton seed hulls. The open meeting of the it. Y. 1. IT. of New Prospect was largely at(teid ed. A most excellent Thanksgiving prograi v as rendered b1y I lie iemi bers. .\lis:; \4orkman of 1aurens, added to the occasion by a Thanlsgiving story beautifully told. We all thank the young people for an hour of pleasure and prolit. We were glad to see so many out and hope they will come again. Miss 'offord is now at work on the Cliristmias progratn, which wiil also be line. The date will he announced at the proper time. We regret that 1l is: .lessie Thomp son is so ill that she had to be car vied to a hospital in Ciioumbia. She was ac iicompanied dowTi b- her 'i.ter. 1111r:. Id+ !: aa . \ve hope lo hemr : non that s'he b halter. 1'D ,it r Iangs:ton, >on o;' G~e . \\'. .I. 1.. i s wi:h h I 1 ; IincueI rous 1 ri I ha : :.m 11 h -' adh - \i'f 2 I for C emson de - i' n ln low1 i 1 here.' .\lr.H 'ate .-t 1 (' tin ha5t(n wili maket diii(4 ur.. Om iet;Iti( s mealrles ays\:D \0 dn :te \ inih tol-r re da i dayk nih: w miasurti were cught. frm (crest to i 1 alli teeiall teysut ootl andil gave a licIk Ont thle head. Cani you heat it ? e * * SS g * S ..e .S * il03iE D)E.UONS'ri(A IO4N* * DElt1T.UENT. * * thy .liss Daisy Iliarris.)* 4, v iII*ED ('HOSS The spii. of Chi sftmas h~elpfu ln(, to1 othe'rs is in tat scat. Pitt it Onl your Chrtistma matsil. sis in, your2 coniliiiiUn3 an to pro14(tec't youi and1 youlr fatmilv :i'aitnst this dis ease. You in it hayt t hree time11s ts mannyI this year. War increase'15:s 'fTubercutlosis. -In the first m'llion mient exaltmined for' 'the Army ovetr 2:4,00 nlWew ases Of TuberenlisU: wile (isacovered; t hous and4 morel will brea1k downt in thle tr'aining' enll aInd at the fronit. I felp to tprovidle proper enre.L flor thoso hoys and prttl'ion11 for yonr community3 againus .t lie spreadl of thle disonse. Jiny fIhED ClmSS * fOLLY GROVE NEWS. * " *e ...... ee e eoc e o Holly Grove, Dec. 3.--Mr. T. Ed. Moore spent Thanksgiving with his brother, Mr. G. M. Moore .at Camp Se vier. ir. lloyson Myers has moved to the city, ir. Waldrop coining to heis coun 1 ry home. Mir. II. I,. 'Bllakely has gotten more .han seven hlun(lred bushels of corn. Ile is sowing grain extensively---has I more than fifty acres in wheat and oats. Mrs. liIakely has the finest col lection of canned fruits, preserves, pickles, we have seen. Thanksgiving has come and gone. The grandchildren from Clinton came i) on Bailey Graham's team the night preceding and abouit nine P'. M. came rushing in like a wind storm--each with a present. for (ran.-,.lames the youngest said Papa had sent. forty 'leven kisses which he proceded to de liver with quick gusts. Irvane, Who is housekeeper since the mother died, brought a suit case filled with good things to help out with the (inner next day which was a success, for Grandmother belongs to the old school of cooks and a dinner gotten up under her su1pervision is one not. soon lot' gotten. James brought his chum to spend the week-end at Gran's. As you well know -where one boy may be tame and civil-two hoys will make things 11um. They rode the mule around the lot until old George was c thoroughly disgusted. They chased the calves, pl)led out the old rooster's tail and sent. the eats seulrring in all directions. In fact you 'an always I trell when the boys were coming by seeing the 'ats leave for parts tun known. One aged 'eat was seen climbing the1 rafters with great agility for one of her yearis. llow she caine to be dis membered of this oscatory function we ('alont tell unless it was battling for her rights. "G(ran"', said James, "'catch f'olly for mite?" lint ere the words were spoken l'olly eyeing hims, left. All aini mial life on the place were in a state of wild apprehension-including our I lves .lames shared all of his pets iith his little friend un t it ('aetti to the' arandlmother. (ran was his exc lu ta111 were obtlig(e( to gc t1 a sw i lh \V:. 2 Iie ieene so oh tre'i': rous i n:, Which. th flitl' v"iilr on cond- had b t kethe Iirsl Ira in 1,.1 !1' ,1el l'Iil h - ti s ' 1 ile; 1 , a +' 1!.. I I' '.l 11r \ t it 211 ; :a ia 1;11t non t1.1\ [h.n : II 1 l 1 ,1" ::111 .1 . hii'.+1111, nrlonner I i~ 1ha w"e m1ent to have The4 (fard "\talked"' v-ery much(1 l ike was so far away. We ilext dr loppeid ill 1)1 Mr's. 'I'lli.' - whlos" br~ighlt faice always ima~kes its feel happier-. Ii was long 10ast :I '. MX. when we wen'lt lip street to attendl to businelss. We met. sever'al gentlemn whose05 friendshlip) we Iiize very imulch; ('aplt. Ph~bilpot, Mr. D oc k Maihaffey, (our1 v'eI(erinar'ian, Mr'. Shoanl, of whiom Lau1 I-ens ho111 ld one bettr I Mr~Xi. (GuS Iluiff ho0 always gives us a warm hland i-hak~e anld tell5 1us we remlinid 1him1 of mlindedh s5 Ithat weI had1 to plass till wh lose lf iation'e we had worl :n to a fraz .le, we st iruek a bee 11110 foir home. W~e mllssed the graveyarid withlou t aniy th ing unusall happenin'l lg 5save some I remlors down Out' spine. and11 k1'( h101m1 to fIndl Ithe ired'C manl, hiis w i f I li mot hrer.; i'' ln up I i ln front y - anxio11 (ly wonde.I a -iI wha . a . WI ' t s uree l ct ch i'in11a ii w..eii ; b. as d it a hofIleI cti'nk i we( reaiz Sthat' lere ie reafyat il.;;ee in t'ir ns i andr.-l i - hearl'nI IIIs to n8 'et i'h(' friend. we1)11: toen Iii w ivr o trhae hua he imlow~e fro tye 110as1 b2e used 7or alnl ablmts.a I veily i'la te royalaesgdinstio CORN PAIN STOPPED QUICK )erns Lift Right Off With "Gets-It" Blessed relief from corn pains is dimplo as A B C with "Gets-It" When you've been limping around or days trying to get away from a koart-drilling corn or bumpy callus, nd everything you've tried has only nd it worse, and then you put some Gets-It" on and the pain eases right tway, and the corn peels right off like Li batana skin--"aln't it a grand and eavenly feeling " "Gets-It" has revolutionized the 'orn history of the world. Millions Ise it and it never fails. lArdes wear et out' toes and f .el f sky as colts. verybody with a c rn r callus needs maller shoes and I 'ive pain-free feet. 1'e old fellows and 'o ig fellows for 'Gets-It". We will i 11 valk about and mjoy ourselves as - e did without orns. Get a bottle 1 day from your iruggist or sent on eceipt of price )y H. Lawrence & Co., Chicago, Ill., 5c is all you need to pay. Sold in Laurens and recom mentled is the world's best corn remedy by C'r'eka Drug Co., Iaurens l)rug Co., 'owe Drug Co., Putnam Drug Store, 1. F. Posey. the Quinine That Does Not Affect the Head lecause of its tonic and laxative effect, J.AXA. CIV1 'ROO QUININI is bett-r th'o orlinar "inine and doa not cause ne*rvousnes nor Inging in h1end. Remember the full nnmce and ook for the signature of 1, W. GROV1E. 30c. - .)1 7 ht1' in I '?Jiul i BOUMANIANS WILL ALSO CEASE FIGIITIN' Join With IRpsslans in Armistice. I Hostilities Suspended on Whole Front. Jassy, Roumania, Thursday, Dcc. 6. --It has been decided that the liou manian troops shall associate them selves with the Russians in the pro posed armistice, - though the ou manirns !!ave rejected every attempt at fraternalization, says an oflicial an nouncemnent made here today. Hostilities were suspended today on the whole front. There have been several reports from lierlin and Vienna that the liou manians had joined with the lussians in the negotiation with the Germans for an armistice, but official confirma tion heretofore has .heen lacking and on Wednesday an of11lal denial of them was issued in London. The loumanian troops are holding; positions along the Western Moldavian frontier and the line across Southern Moldavia to the Black Sea at -which the Germans and Austrians were halted at. the conclusion of their drive in 191ti. Russian troops are interspersed with the Roumanians, and the withdrawal of the Russians from active operations would make It almost impossible for the ltouman ans menaced by the lul garians from the south as well as by the German and Austrian armies of the east, of vastly superior size, to carry out an independent military pol icy. ('hunherlaln's ('ough Iemedy. 'T'his i:s not only one of the best and most efl lent medicines for coughs, colds and croup, but. is also pleasant and safe to take, which is important when medicine must be given to chil dren. Many mothers pave given it their unqualified endorsement. I te r . It 3/ brim *ful ora tia 2 li h s . . . . . .. .. . .. 5 0 .a$.50s $1.0 peia.ffr .t. .h$150e j30 wi.g2articles: (eou .... .... .... ....25e ild $1.50 tMr..-.... n... ..0 et~ $1.0 na Raint.....o ...$.5st $-0 hits..M.....t...Or...0t$.0 MinterCo ; / - - a/ /h (1MMu$ "Fruits of His Folly". "Fruits of His 'Polly" will be given at Shiloh school on the night of Dec 19th at 8 o'clock for the benefit of the school. The admission fee will be 25c and 10c. THE' UNIV Wherever Pol-n lo'ord1 service( has he tor which at reng hl I ion het ween l ord ply. T' get .-he t)( ' (1111" ord var. brinl attention 1111nd get. t~h viion t h rong1hont . leordl parits and giv( ref 111ar standlard( I C - $:360. ItlIai1al)1 ( . tpelet $505, Tow etroit. ()n dlisln;a \WALDROF V Laure II 11 444 4 _ A / , 1 .'!.+' 4 t ~ i 1 \ 'fIt ,.> > .am enal We ma ,* LI * th rig ttin o l'u e I , i n an k rh fs . Tgif e ts for m eathi ns. an d iI'................... Ri. sthe'...s.n...$1 $3.00( to .... ...... I-san ,bstpat.n . , S ny i ('risina ' . \ M s Man Shc What is LAX-FOS LAX-FOS IS AN IMPROVED CASCARA . A Digestive Liquid Laxative, Cathartic and Liver Tonic. Contains Cascara Bark, Blue Flag Root, Rhubarb Root, Black Root, May Apple Root, $enna Leaves and Pepsin. Combines strength with pala table aromnatic taste. Does not gripe. 50e ERSAL CAR l ears have plioneered,1 pt pa'e. It is the fac ,"ns the persona;l relal o wIlers 1 anid the (om - si possible service from g it here when it Iee(sI c benefit of Ford su)er We use the genuine 'yoi the benefit of the "ord prices. 'Toutring t. $:-15, sedan $645, n 4'ar $5)95d.-eall f. o. 1). 0and for sale by 'S GARAGE n., s. C. II de a him fol-\\'/1 Oc t o $2.50 .75 t o $2.50 f/i 1.00 t o $4.00 25c t o $1.00 25C anid 50c x $1.00\\ E .....$1.50 $:t.00, *:A.5 . $20.00 16.60 t o $30 - $11.98 taled . \ fo H* PI