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hikih-e III I o theh Thmt Forir nearly a half centur Nmio e aiv had Dr.t t (Ki slie croup,:. con c::eotou h colds ane griig , The m 01.: 1 icrieN'tI i relievao ill t the c uI ch asrotillne i a it cr et alt bAthl D. C:h r ine - v a Ia ti eralk IU It. isI 1t:. efn e .ays it ermany hw id p Iv cL I z II r I I ))ier Dei (ire W 1a ( r is IeI tr C. l 1101 I U I ~ I k' 1: Li it cr 'Ls Ni s For lin. .l\y rh -'.. c:'.y v o lith onui- lilc Dr l'. the rnandiniperia n d iande i : The i u bi h to deIr a exV , h a ne rCiword r The Abov Ae Al Y Wie all t 2r 5.evhrde the YarrdsponAi u SFiul 1w dn 'd iig Wishi foi s aty d Niaed .is an listia. he cv .71t r1a N11A~ee Fin Qalty co'gtteCrpeat, pe ydl $1.50t'etil W\I -leacmion 6. ilso bC DiV elvettBean Meau i~ WU LO"FUTER 11.di o I i 1( 4i' i I IIo 1( 100 Day White and Colored Poplin, Fancy Stripes, White and Colored Vole, White 'affeta and_ White Re t. The Above Are All Yard Wi,,iie, at 2,15c the Yard AN Full Line of 3t iht WashtSilks at 35 - is CrIpe 1. de Chene, yard wide, in Black, White and Navy, at . . .( 50c Fine Qulity Georg~ette Crepe at, per y~d. $1.50 W. C. WLson & Co. .avyed Ghirns, mife h "I wanh to ste e yo n ha voe f ben ef itg. \\'e r Sau tie ingntios Thefnd hnse Blc-rhiswa whribes Mars. ISivnina to s oat the be n l, Kis .\frthyb om no t Coiedt a tin lit thi way, fon <an gripe , bd coldsit 100ran Dthlay n~s Verlyeet BackDauh .\cd niY itl ou instigation ir c with the measlrs, tii l id illbO, 1itho , d1nh1 thel beod dbea o f la dfods t Bala-f' phn ofhl kie n hean , whrad h tervr * rtidoubot oe h a e resis bes jtour at tes e * imnsavdfoc Glckirul'ths L~ovditfasfe * rla,--nlead aua -dee ---edy* c Ifd sfe froayo these coplaedford'sy'Black-Dagt"wte S M rau. ylvania Woodicine olf kon Mi es, K . Sv yfv yiers and somachd s'ucess pfroves believae. Goodk-Draugh saved my lute irl' his. When shePadi e 5 metse, the wet' nhr itoegod ds fT efr' peace between the Amerlean and Ger nian nations. "Geimany never had the slightest initentien of attacking (ho United States of America and does not have such intent Ion now. It never desired i war against the l'ited Stites of .\merica and does not desire It today. "I!ow diil thiese (hings develop? Move than once we told I lie linited slta. lthat we made restricted use of the suhinarine Weapon, expecting t hal I l'ngla nid could be inade to oh e rvi, inl le' policy of blockade, the laws of ilnanlity and internatioial ar inenti . ci This blochaie poliy I CxIpreisly llhas been call ( ' :a and ineflillable' (the im. ;wriai chanecellor here i used the JEng ish wNords, by President Wilson and .*5retary of State Lansi11g. O1r Cx ;etalionls, which we nalitained d1' in l ight illotuhs, lhtae beent disap poillied comiplitely; iPnglalld not onfly did not ive up liher illegal and inde en::ible policy o blockade. but un interrulptedly intenlsifled it. I"Ingland, tlb.a'ter with her allids, arrogantly re jected the peace offer; Inade by Its and our- allies, and proclaimed her wa dit , which ainm at our aniliila tion aid that of our allies. "Th111nI we took unll restl leted subma 'Hue war1fare into our hands; we had tofor or1 defelse. "If Ihe .\ niefiean nation conside rs tIn a cau e for which to declare var 1an tll. he ellGermal nation, with which it has lived Ill peace lo' 11101r .hanl I iOi, years; If this :41-llon warranis ani in icase of bloodsheti!. Wve .hall not hrla, to lear the respolsiblity for it. ,l[ aI na n111 alli lion wh1ich(ii feels ne1iih or halted nor hostility' agallist the Inl11it'A Fties of Allelea, shall also tar :id overcomie tlis." la)eling witi hussia, the imuperial challcelor said that tlie lilusslan I teror' hald not listened to the Gerian o1111riors adviev Ito longer to oppose file jilkld wisles of his nation for e'forins. "Ilad lussia's attention been Con iltrated oil intierlial recognition," --aid the cha ncellor, thlere wouhi have becn no roo110 for, O lest less policy of eXpalioI which linalry let. to this lir. \,oiln liethinanl-Iliollwe\.g VI pha IIally denied that the (;erinan einerr or (ininlly was desirous of restoinig "t/.ar'doui". The iluperiall ,nstnir as e flired to (erman11ily's attituide toward tilt icet! ev',enits illu R ssia a td re alled ill forier I lilies the honoired Iiindslip between the two countries. -'hmperor Nicholas had inore and Iore drifted into lie en tenite's Wiaike and ilto l'al-lavit ciinrcits and had finally beconie a partisan of tile war l1aartv. oinnipo1ent inder the Iussian atitocraic r'eglne "i'llus," saih the chancellor, "in the fateful days of July, 1911, the Rlus sian Cliiperor decliniei to listenii to (Ihe appeal I made by tlie German miiiperor' of the legendary reports disseminated wi especial eiinphasis by our cnc inie ks In that it was the Gei'rman1 gov einiieiiIL whiCh i assisted tle auto eratie reactionary polIcy In llussi a against all iitovemeints of' li'ry. One year' ago I declar ed here' In the i'elch stag that thIs ailssever'l ato v as5 direet lyt coint'rr Io (he facts. "Whiein itussia, ini 19105, by the Jap1 aniese warl anid the r'esultting r'evol u I lon had heein inv~ol ved in dist ress, It wlas (lie GAerman~tl emperioir who, on ae ('(111n1 of lierional rel Iations11 of frIind iiI, larigeiitIly adiii sed (lie llussin eim.. I iror 1no loinger' to opipose (lie justIftied wvishies of hi s nat ion f'or reform'us. Emi leror~i Nichiola s priefeurred the rii'ioads, in lRussia, hail at enitioni been concen le d oin iteinal ecognitlon, thiei'e wouild not have been roomi for the ' restless policy oif expanslon which linially led to thIs watr and whIch has chainged (lie old r'egimie so mitch that no0w It Is hard even to do jti ce 0(o naturial, humnani 111(y foi' (lie down falIlen house of (lie irulers. "Nobody cann te'll how things shah! i'evelop, hut Ouri atttude towardl Rus 515an es ents Is clearly outlined. We shiallI follow (ho piriniptle that we neveri miedle with th(le int ernail prioh lemns of otheri Coutiies. It now 1i1 mial iciously r'eplod tiIhat. Germniiiy w1ants to inililltiie iiie hiardiy con-.I ttuered(1( fr'edloin of thle Risrlhin na lion and that the emiperorl aant ito r0ue-cst abh li the iii I or (the aroverI is cilava'ld81 subjeeIs. AllI .hlt: i a C Mei'c!y lii and h1idler, as l'aicnt lts; home 'is only th' hilisines 'e Russliin1 mt ion andt we shbalI *eddie with1 It. Th'e onily tiing 'e hiope'h b hat iIn lRussia foiin - S CP * 8 I .,* dations may develop that will make her the strong and firm bulwark of peace." With reference to Chinese relations, the chancellor said: "Our relations with China had al ways been1 of the most friendly nature and if these relations have actually been terminated by the Chinese gov ernment, I need not tell you this Is not by (lie free resolve of the Chinese over men I, but that it has acted nll der pressure ofr en1.emi611es. "Financial dtitleult'les whIleh could not be mastered during (te war by Ci ia also played a fair part il it. Our enemies' aim 'also I- to destroy. Our' trade in 1,tna and to appropriate without labor what has been estal) lished licre diniig many year:, by Germa11n ellieien.v and Germn i i indits try.' "'he result o tie war---as I conil dently lope-will give us tihle oppor timtty to rehuiild what has been de stroyed an11d to rebuild it at the ex pense or our11 enemies. h'len our friendly relat Ions With CIiaim will re vive, provided that China will pre serve until then tle necessary force of resistaice agalist the greed an1d ego lisim of her present -protectors." How's Thljis? We offer Ono Hundred Dollars Rcvard for any caso of Catarrh that cannot bb cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHliNIx' & CO., Toledo, 0. We, tho tidc rrigcgied. haveI knowna 1". J. Chene'y for tilt' lIsi I years, and hotevo him perfectly io toAlo 1 i0 t Itlill im1 e141 tralts:Ictions anld tii1 ('1Ily able to enllry ouit ainiy obliglln hm i l b li, his firm. N A'TION A b 13ALN K O' CUAM lvRl. i .Toledo, 0. ITall's Cntnrri Cmo 19 takei liternally. acting ire tly ipotile blood andt mu cous sufiace of 1he system. Testinontial ient free. l'rtie 75 ceitls per bottle. Sold by aill )rugglsts. Take liai'u Faitly Vinl for conotipatioti .M1ElHCA NS TO BE'. lIL1 IN 11lI rIUMI lieport thatl Th'ey i~l lnot he .fllowed to Leave for Tiree Months ---Ameri (-Jan .egllten 4 is aid to be Guarded by Germanl P'ollee. 'I"'ndon, .\archi ?9.--An ExMhange Telegiapl dispatel I'rom Amisterldali ays: "Frontier correspondents here fromn lirussels that the Ameriean legat is completely Isolate( and under a guardt1A tf 1police. It is r-umInored that he Germans colteimliplate taking th1e iiinister (lrand Whitlock ) and Ills staf'f to Gerianly. "'T'lie Americans in llrussels have been notilled that they cannot leave Belgimi before thre-e mionths at (4e arliest." Thie dixspatch adds that tle corres [)ondents have learned that the German autilorities in lelglui have Warned tie relief colmilIission that they will not allow its food barges to be firtlier ian Tounmal, but tOhat barges for- ,11e Inay travel at their own risk. It is said the warning was given in view of the military reqilreiients, whilh may Compel the Germans to evacuate m1ote of northern lrneltc ter iitory. Washilngton, March 29.'---Subjection of Americans of the Belgium r-elief commiiission to a "news qjuar'antinie" pior to thir dlepar-turte fr'im behind the German lines was explained at the state dlepartmient today as a piroper course agreedl up1on when the relief workers were invited to rem~iain in IHelgiumii. R epor'ts that 11rand Whiitlock, in is..x (er to lhelgiumi and other diplomatic offIeers also would be dletatined were not creted.t~~ as assuriances have been received to the contrary. The deipar't ment issuedl this statement: "There apipear-s to be some misap priehenlsionl as to tile delay in thie wvith dIrawal of Americans, members of thle commission for r'elief in lBelgium. Shortly after (lie bireak in relations with Germany negotiations were in stituited with a view to providitng for the continuation of the relief work. The German authorotities In Belgium in vited (lie Ameriean members to remain and gave wr-itten assurances that they might leave whenever' they dlesir'ed to give up the work. in view of (lie fact that these mien areo in the fighting zonie, however, it was stipulated that they should, up1onl relinquishinag thir "TRIBUTES IN ST ia an atitractive booklet on mlonu which we w~'ill send you free. Full J t Is very interestIng andii instrueth sav'you money. lF'll out (lie coupo soeid you a copy. Owen Bros. Marble&Gi The largest antd best equipped re (ULEENthe Caurollnas, WREE OD0 S. C,.R .work, reminlu for a period of two or three weeks in some Obrinan city'on their way to Switzerland in order to prevent the transmission of any fresh ION information. This condition was ac cepted by the relief Commisslon. "It is not antlciplatod that the Amor Ican diplomnatic or consR1ular oilcors 0 will be detained during this poriod as written asstirances havo -boen received L through the Spanish government that they will bo permitted to proceed di rctly to Switzerland." Th~e man with money cain tell you that debt is the worst thing in the world. R has HIS Money s fe in the B rik. The black h nd certainly hanging over the poor devil who is i EBT. DON'T get into debt.. There are lots of little things you can go witho t'NOW that you can enjoy later if you'll just ut little money in the BANK. That little money 1 grow just as the acorn does in to a GREAT O You will be encouraged to work harder and EAR Nmore when you have money in the bank. Put YOUR money in OUR bank. We Pay 4 per cent Interest. The Enterprise National Bank N. B. DIAL, President C. H. ROPER, Cashier CLEAN CLOTHES -=that feel fine That feeling of comfort and con tentment that comes only with correctly laundere'd underwear and hosiery is assured you if you - send your w rk to us. Our meth ods produce soft, soothing finish .that cannot le e elled. And the. prices are righ . Laurens Steam ILaundry FITTING MEMORIALS Whe(thier you wis~h a simple monument or a nmausoileum, it will pay you to consider our proposition. We design, build and( ecet meoil which are ar'tiatic and~ beautiful andJ appr'o;riate In every respect, Our wor inein have mado monumental archiceture their life study, and cir (1 't andl skill are exp~oressed in. the fltting memorials we ake. Only p eet stone ia used andi all work is Positively Guaranteed ONE' FiaLL OUT COUP'ON ANM L TOllm. m enta vonr Owens nros. Marble & Granite Co;, 'o and i y Greenwood, S. C. n and w ill (lentlemej: I am interesuted in the erection of a momorlal ~ieC.Please send me a free copy of "Tributes in Stoneo tail mills j Name............... LIGHf, N. .0. Address