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ORKNEY ISLANDS IN HISTORY Christian of. Denmark Put Them Up for Security of Dowry When His r Daughter Married James ill. No other territory in the British em piro has a more tragie aigilileance to . Englishmnen today thain the Orkney is lands, off wIhose shores the most dis. tinguished victim of the world war, Earl Kitchener, boit his life when the cruiser ailmslire wias sunk. These islands, 00 fin ntumber, of whiclh only 80 nre inhabited, are sep. arated front the mnalilanel of Scotlaind by the Pentland Firth, from -ix amd at half to (ight Miles wide. They were -selected its England's Nortl sea iaval base not only ol aecoulint of their iproXimiity to th liel of operations, but oni account (of their sHemi-isolition and the t(advintatre of the superb lar bor of StroInness, lin te largest island of the group, Poinoil, whilh ha)1s an area of 200 square miles. While the original inhabitants of the IslId11(1 were 1'cts4, vhose round 4owers and chitimbered m1ound are Ianiong the interesting ruins of this re glon, the Norse l)irattes secured t 'foothold here durleig the early centuries of the ChrJstian ern, and carried on their depredations against all niviga tors of the North sen. In the last quarter of the ninth century Iarold Hanefugr put an eild to the rule of ,the pirates, ald adled both the Ork neys and the Shetilaid Isilnds to Nor vt'y's domain. In 1168 the Orkneys cnme under the sway of tlie Scottish crown, Christiani I of Iennutrk giving them as security for his daughter's dowry when she beeneil the bid0 -of James 111. As the dowry wits never aid Ie lhm8e isand41s have remained it part of Scotilnd's doinii ever sice. The Orkneys, whileih atre the Orcades of classic ltritture, furnislied the set, ting for inny of the episodes in Sir Walter Scott's novel, "h'lie I'irite," the character of that romance being John flow, the notorious freebooter born in St roiniess and Captured off tle Is lands in 1725. Another literary is soclation of thte Orkneys and one of especelnl interest to Amerlcans centers in Shapinshay, the birthplace of Wll lilan Irving, father of Washington Irv ang. Navajo Therapeutics. The Medient Counil, a medical mnliigazine of Philadelphia, it li ititcle by Dr. Basil A. Warren, who Is in charge of tle United States govern mtent hospital tit Lepilli, Ariz., ie mcribed sotr of tle imetliods employed by the Navnjo Indians in the treat ient of diseases. The Nitvjos have it strong blelief in demions or evil spir its and think that when it body Is bur ied Care must be taken to cover up all tracks of those who left the grave so that the deions attending the burial could not follow thema to their hogan-the hogan lI the rude hut of lihe In(ian1-an111d (14) them harm. The chlef mensures used in treitinig disease are singing, dlantcling aid il. vocatlons. The singing idea is mulch In favor 1111d mtight perhaps ie ad4lopt ed by (iviliz'ationt in some ('ses to the exclusion of less palatable potions. Certain songs are speefle for certaIn diseases, but the song to be effective must be sung without a single error. These songs ire not to be sung by quacks or irregulars, and to keep out such practitioners tite regular profes slon employs at language which is not undt~ertood0( by any but thiemsdqves, a dcad htng'uage whticht the Indlins lie Ileve was spoken by "the aniteent htoly people4." The Worm That Turned. Just by looking itt himu as he sat in thte witness cha~iir it thte couirtrooml, one cotuld tell that heo was harmtless, but a close insp~ectlin wotuldl also have re veahed thtat there lurked b~elud his inarrowed and aptologetle orbs, a latent fire iniencitive of a past when his life hauldben hits own-a paist no0w long distat. Ilis general atir was that of one having been dletectedl by thte mtin islter while htoeing htis garden on Stun day. Coutnsel for theo plaintiff in the case proceeded to iask htim the usual ques tions: "Please state your name to the jury." "Johni Jones." "foumr age?". "F'ifty-eightt." "Mairrled ?" Then it was thait John slid loweor intto his chair its a flasht of determiana tion camte into his eye, and heo an swered it a voice thiit couldh be heurd flstinctly, "Yes, very." Ini thte re'ar of the room a wVomantt of 2150 potunds5 giaredl at thte tidiu little witntessu as he wits seen trying to con ceal a hatlf-worrled smile benteithl his stragglIng umlutnehle. Where Reading ia Scarce. Corniens (if thle wtor'ld still pr'odtuco min who live in igntorance of Its current liteuramltire. It was it French-' maniu on Aldabra islandu, 400) miles east of '%nzibar, w~hto, the oitly whlite m an w'el'omied t heiipapers and1( matugaines from thle Bit ih ship1. lIe dlin't know Turkey wats at war-atnd lhe near'ly weptt att the presenatioit of tobaicco, ntot gr'ow'n ont thtat turtle lIland1. .In pison or 51uch an ishmdt( as8 Aldat bra yout must b)ecomte ani eipieure-at gituttoin-of stuchi print its nitvlable. VTe ('rusoe of Aldabhrat islndi huad not1 the best htundred hooks.. Two mnagnt 2 zlnes oif tWo and1( fotur yeitrs old. And by that timle Ito knew them by heart. WVithi such a priospect before one andh the qtuestiont of bul1k a mar nhould certainly go for Shakespeare sand thte Bible. And if a thIrd choice 'wore allowedh for three years' read1ia It would be the dictionary of W~alker and Weobster. ja New Arrivals For Easter Shoppers At Davis-Roper Company CREPE de CHINE WAISTS GEORGETTE CREPE WAISTS EVENING DRESSES SILK DRESSES And Hundreds of Pretty New Styles in Neck wear---in Qgandy, Crepe de Chine, Georgette Crepe, Pongee-and Shee Lawn; also Voile Collar and Cuff Sets. Davis-Roper Company Laurens' Best Store" / . r 4 ' GRAND DIUKE RETIRED. ination's food and man power," said Inches long and shape( like a car- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * son'Saturday evening a 111d orgaied the statement. "But if prohlbition is tridge. A hollow cetier is left for * *Ja L It SPING NEi a 'sewing el T ese AlexIeV Succeeds as Commander in to come as a war measure, the issue powder and a temr )Oiaiy voodel Cal) \l rs. Clara Siln pson and . ..e hs ag w hole m ust spontaneou ly de- takes thle p ce of tle rg la r a O nl A ni al. LondontMarchac4.-Th retirementamandpitn . * . * . . . * . * . . t. e amd aru Abrams, littie Xwood1 London, March 24.-The retirement 11(1 it. -the end. The interior has lining which G(race Simmons 1t hel (ook, of Grand Duke NIcholas from his Ipost "Meanwhile it Is to be hoped that ilooks very much like dynamite, but 'oplar Springs, March 26.-.Irs. .as. Catirine .\ar nlecairg as commander in chief of the Russian patriotic men in the liquor indus- Mr. iamsay got away before exact in- W Simpson returne dfrom Grcenville Simplrson.T oIllcers cen \i wee armies is ofilcially confirmed, accord- tries will see the expediency of solicit- formation coulid he goltti ofn that lit- 'aInd Tigervil last ednesda hepso, e.i Ing to a Reuter dispatch front Petro- 1ng go\ rnnentaI cooperation for the ile detail. It may b e dynamite or ithe hi h been spending so( time w%,ithl m tisoi, '* ho ih' aiti grad. P1ending the appoint meint of a conversion of (heir plants to nd us- may not be, or rob ably it i; gini cot- he' 4ons. Messrs- lenry 1and tv. 1'. -lis KIlen Ahr - -ei - successor, the dispatch from Petro- trial uses to whilch (hey are adalit- (ont. 1tt, a any ttie, lthe ro.iiic I K non. n ltcetit v- Ile A grad says (ie. M. V. Alexieff, chief cd." now in The Adv-- rti r olice in a safe Mr-;. Alta Wakr Ihs been onl the 4-' the n i of the general staff, will act as corn- -- place where 'ny 4-\;i'rt - on explosives sick list for the list wiek htl is 1et- in \pril. mander In (iie' j t'A E Itl'SSIAN POSTS. or any othei ii Ii- moy view I tir at this writing. .lrs. A. 0. Cope- \IbsM.'5 Tw!i lid Lo .1i et Tie retention of (,rand ltike NMI- I-.. 1:and who we rporled etiir last wk in v i lo iio olas as commander it ciIef was coil- rmans Y m Poits n liomaian liox Iitv .'l 'sk not doing s) \well (Inow. Also M.\rs. ihei- t - sidered tindeslirnable by the Itussian Fron tier, I he n at the z ' is still r sick. Wc MI. wi11 ''''Z~ I (oiiip:jitli; tl right sik We A init ster o r becanse of tle grand Berlin, .\arel 21. -411ermanit forces H lIy ci t rid d v ii . x . 1 iw -. for 11 illa Ill a speledy rvOen * it- . (lItke's coneiltiont with the Itomanoff under command of Ar-ihdke loseph tr whle 'i i i- A"r. .It. 11lleige who has been sur- day 'it i -. . dynaittlsty. yesterday storied the nt.. lt. -.- .Irng with grip for the pas( we'k i Mios (Ira-e and lei- l -ont the Itoum uan ian frontiert -)l tile .NDli gLI]NIlI h l Ietter m.ons spent the' d:y Sunday - WIlL NOT Ij'SIf FiGHT. rirdge betweeln Solyinter and Czobanos I.'Ni NIT (l'i1Y .\Mr. .1ino. W. Silmpsog wil u to .. 10 Donnan's. - valleys, according to today's ollielal ilr(mviIe a 'l' (i a Vt - i:ws Mario .111A a w:t Methodist ('hurch D1efers Prohllilbito Germian statement, and captured 00 helton Men .\e'uit by ( renvi1lanit.. Mi. Ia I5o0- lo onMen .\at I y oaI vney t'ampaign. CHury.-.ans. | % , Ary .fier Dllim:-ration (of (hert.S 1 gie-a Washington, March 2-.--Organized - -n t ilors, 1-mil W. . Wa(eir and .1. i. Sii agencies of tile Methodist 10piscopal Ifl ieed Make Munit(iols for Allies. (.m-c 1 vIMi te1-ch 2 1.- -- .1 'ox anad folaii MIe Wod inn t i ciurch, it was announced liere today M.r. S. It. Itamsay, a Young man C. \. WillIiai of ellton were ae- Grceinwood list w!'( .\i . .A: . ii. 3ound to Have a Title. by thlie board of tempterance, will not whose home 1 in l the tipper part of in1it"d by a reettnville jmy te to- Wood wvent u to G ille Iast Tue-, One . II. Yotg, wto hias writen a press the proihbition constitutional tlie County, ias recently returned from night. ('ox wvan a irged wititle nutir- day wit thle gl o roas Crowd. 1nwrry utt or oi So1.4 'ndvent'els asa amendimet during the special session the north, where ie has been working (let of Lois IHoward in a hotel here ont Several of tile young people of Ilte 'usine iiimaniin Sout Ameri , .elo of congress, oit the patriotic ground li the Bethlehem Steel Works making Clristimas eve and Willingliamt with coiiunity and soeie not so young of 1a.1rziAnhsen n ot Jostidl that the full attetion of congress is ammunition for the allies. Mr. Rain- being an aecessory before tle fact. iet at .Ir,. P. L. Abrams S'aturday elt so f;t' tI ht It; d n Iti required for national defense. say brought back with him a sample TIte jury retired a 4 o'clock this af- Itight and spent im enjoyable itime cards, "IEx-passenger, lrst class, 11. M. "It Is of course our opinion that na- of the three-inch projectiles which the ternon and the verdict was riiturned singing. S. P. C." lIe had once titken a tri, tional prohibition should be enacted steel company is making. It Is a very at 1 :.55 o'clock. Arguments and the Several of tle young ladies of the first cabin, ont a Royal Mail Steam immediately in order to conserve the formidable looking object, about 12 judge's charge concluded the Case to- community met at Mr. Jno. W. Simp- Packet company boat.