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ALMOST CEtTAIN THAT U. S. SEND AIRIY 1Iiilatry Co-Operation, with the Ailes Probably Follow Deearation of Witr. Washington, Mlarch 2.-Speculation Is keen here as to what line of pro cedure the President will recommend to Congress when that body Inects in extraordinary session on April 2, and whether the Iuestion will be ralse( as to a barrier existiig against Military Co-operation bet ween the United States anti the entente pow ers, both as it affects land and naval operations. Students of international law in Washington say that this does not requ!re any additional departure fron the Anerican policy of independent 'action. No pilitical allegiance or ni ion of any kind wouid be necessary It is sall. and that such a union wotIld -not ice involved inl a tililitary co-opera tion. The co-operation Could include 'without serious d( parture fron our traitionai policies. the operation of naval forces front a temporary base granted us on entente soil or even the sendi ng of a land force to serve with the troops of anl u nde r tLe hi gh connliandilt(ls of thtie mItente lpowt*ers. I The imlite a tes. it :. al-o pointo'l out, woild r.serve al independenice of action and it would unmplest ionably ".a1i a firii rLtIlt to considration in the peace tiiu girding its against 1lhe cont!iincy of a ;ii-c between the entemite powels aid ('rianiy with ()u t ile conclusion of a G rman An mu.!vlea if"Ice. 11I this line should be followed, it wulbecomei practically cert1ain 11ha0 ili: :lr. co-operation with the (-"ent h0'el' wili rotiow lmmeindiatelv 'whien Congress, as it is believed will o11w lhe dlone. makes an open deelara lion of war. A'.hbough a ull week intervenes lin il the president. will go before con gress and lutcha may happen In that tino to change the lr.mesenit status of the i it erna I lonal situhat ion, there seemuis to be1 n doubt I that a closo fo'i of co-ope rat ion be t weel the l'aicd Sites and the eliteiite powers exist If ermany's ribless subl maline warfare is stopped. Durnig the present week this phase of the situation will recelve consider ation al the hands of the president ard li!; cabiltet. and the resilt of teir deliberations will be made kniowii ii the president's message. STATE HUI111WAY ENGIUNEElt NAIED hBY BOARD (pit. .1. 1141y Penniuel of Anldersonl i Elected State lltiiway Enineer. Cumbhia, l March 25.--Capt. .1. Roy Pennell of .\nder-son, was elected State The World's Greate *6 Few manufactu vice organization Maxwell. Therei cels It. More than 3,50 tered over the cou1 complete stock ol 18 factory service 1 tageously located dealers; a large co s er v ice reprejse provisions are cot termination ons t) * c om pa ny that shall b)e s'a tis fi * satisfied. Maxwell Servi the groundwork foundled THFII G;REATEST MV VALUE. Touring Car $635 Roadster $620 SedanJ All prices f. o. Laurens 1'\ Comp i 'Phone 268 highway engineer by the State Hiigh way their meeting here yesterday afternoon. Capt. Pennell is a civil engineer of wide experience and is in command of the colipay of en gineers which recently returned fromt duty on the Mexican border. The commission decided to begin the licensing of automobiles on April 7, and all automobiles must have a State license by July 1st, or they will he lined 25 cen ts' for every appearance onl the public highways after that ud:ite without a State license number. P'eople are asked to apply to the high way engineer at once for a license so as to avoid anly congestion towards the first of .July. Capt. l'ennell will open an otlice in Columbia immediately and Is ready to lend assistance to any county in the matter of highway building. lie will appoint a temporary clerk and stenographer at once. The commils 'iOl post poned the election of a sec retary and as istant engineers and they will be gtided in this matter largely by tle recoiieidations of Pt. I'ennell. The commission weit over I the htighway tet antd fam iiaiitrized Itemselves wIth their duties as inmuch as possible. .ll of tite inemibers were present as iollows: l'rof. .\l. Goode lionies, of the t'n iversity, Prof. It. G. Thomas, of the (itadel, Prof. Hi. It. Hlouston, ()f ClouemtSOil, .1. Monroe .ohlsont, of Marion and C. flearion, of Spartani burg. SILL l'AV ALL IILLS. Prolisional Goiernment to M leet All lDehts. S.ontdon, .\larch 24.---The provisionl al governmlent of Russia, says thw P !?e ter ro 11111 o lln at l'o rrad, has i110ed a proclaimtation that it will meet faithfully till the pectiairy eni gagemtiten ts of the late government, not ably with regard to interest and am rti lization of state debts, the fiul tillmen10i of commI'tercial contracts. and the payment of offlcial salaries. lirect eustomns duties atnd others axes will be levied as itt tile past 1til Im1oliied in neoerdalnce with the new laws. lie ro I laii ma bit l o l n tintics. "Ie war involves etnoritoius spe c il txes, but the new liseal systein whhic will lie planned by the ministry of fiiance will distribute all taxation acinti4' to the financial alacitly o' ie dielnt Classes liable." Looking Ahead. ".inmp in my ear tind I'll sltow you throlh (%ur residentll district," said the pwoud citizen . "".Never mind about thit." -ail tle visitor. "My titne is limited,. Shmr'.'' na a few'of yen''"el Ing caburets t.o I will be able to f1ind my way around when I como back here egain." ;t Motor Car Valu~e rers have a ser that equals the s none that ex 0 dealers, scat ary, who carry a Maxwell parts; >ran-ches advan to supply these rps of traveling ntatives-these pled with de Lie part 1 this Mvaxwel( owners adfnd remain ce is part of, on which is WVORLD'S OTOR CAR Cabrilet $865 Town Car $915 985 b. Detroit lotor Car 'any V. Side Square THROUGH THE NEEDLE'S EYE Rich tlan Admitted it Was Hard to Keep Money From Petrifying the Fee'ings. Sitting at his big desk in the oflce of tbhe Thornton Manufaeturing comu pany, Mr. William Thornton was dic. tating letters when the name of 1ue. Dr. (olton, the minister of the church he attentdcd, was brought in. Mr. Thornton dismissed the stenographer and fold the boy to show the clArgy in in. When Doctor Colton came in, Ir. Thornton greeted lilim cordilll.v, but he secretly wondered what had brought ti(e good doctor there so early in the niorning. "I'm sorry to disturb you at this hoiur of the day, Mr. Thornton," lie said, "but I have Just come from the home of a woman whose hilsbliand has died, and there's notling left to bury blin with. I'm trying to raise enough to cover the expenses of the funerfil.. Can you give me $15 toward it?" William Thornton knlt his brows. "Wasn't it less than1 two weeks ago that I gave you $25 to help pay a les. pitol bill for soicohne?" he asked. "Yes, it was," said Doctor Colton. "Well, when is this thing going to end. doctor?" lie inquired. "One timo it is $25 for hospital fees, another time it's $10 for coni, another it's $20 for rent. filn(] now It's $15 for funeral ex p)nses. When are you going to stop coming, doctor?" Doctor Colton looked him squarely In lie eye and aiiswered, "I will stop coming whenever you wish it, WiI lim. Do you want me to stop coming when you are amply able to help in such enses?" Mr. Thornton thought a minute, and then replied warmly, "No, doctor, I don't want you to stop coming. I'd grow as selfish as the devil if you did. I lere's . lhe Imoney, a n d God bless -you in the uise of it. I's hard to keep moniey from pet-i fying your feelings, Isn't i? Come ignin when you need more."-Yout Ih's Compa nion. NOT HIS KIND OF A CANNON Admiral Knew All About One Species, But the Other Was Beyond His Comprehension. The late Admiral Dowey was very' fond of musie and when reeptions.i were held it Ithe Dewey home musleil enteritinien t was ilways provided. Among the ndnlmiral's favorite singers was Mrs. Susanne Oldberg of tihis city and she related an amusing story that rev(eils the (list I ngiIshed hero of MN niln hay in the light of a wit. One of the admiral's favorite selec tions wais it duet, called iin musieal par lance a canon, where one voice is nn swered'( in imitation by another throughout the piece. He seemed par ticularly pleased always when this cnnon was sung and would unfailing ;, :say 6 t Mrs. Ohiberg; . "Te411ilste l is tils music called a canon? What a queer name for a piece of music!" "Wouldn't it be bringing coals to Newenstie for me to try to tell you anything about a canon, adimi ral?" AMIrs. Oldberg would wvhimsically in quire. To this Ie would Jokingly nn swer: "No, indeed. I'mi a frald that here is a typo of cation I know noth Ing about. My (nin non is spelled with two n's, you know, and thoutgh it some ilmiies sinrgs and iof ten riiepeiit s, it cer tn Iiily in't fii ior draini~vig-roont use." -Wasih igtoin Sitar. Hen Made Good. Th'le t elegraiphi messengerc at Ashland, IKy... (h-'rld Th'iarip , says thle W'estern Uion)i Newus, is faiii!,iar withml tihe prin this will prohnly3 be4 his first inimniii tion tihlit suchi a story~3 wa.4 ever writ * elm. A loent1 conifectioner' (illed'( for a mies S 'nlger to go4 out toi a famhiouise for two( doz'eni eggs. Gera'Jld wams detailed for ihie errand~i~, which ordinarily woold conisuinie thiirty minutes. At the end of thiree hours lie retulrnedi withb the eggs, aind w~as promptly called on thme enriplet b~y thme manager to ex Ihliin his long absence from tihe oflice. Ini a round Irish brogue Gerald explailned thait the farrinir hadi~ only twenty-three eggs, iand lie had4( waitedl two and1( one-half hours for mm Plymnouth Rock heni to lay the Limit Reached in Collars. Augustus was going to a party, aind when Augustus appears at a function of thiis sort lie is a wvonderful sight to behol. And! Augustus was engaged in a collnr bunt-a very serious occu pation Indl~eed. Hie had al ready vlsitIed thir(e estaibliskinments, but non~ie kept the article for~ which he hungered. Ilv ery 4ih- ith and shape the shop h.'nst ed hadr beni In 41ld efore him till time muaxi. muri.1 of four' luchies deeip had been reailced. "What ' Do you mean to say that you1. haven't anything talier in the shoc? h' le asked irritably. "Y mry3, sir," said( the assistant, soft ly, "bu41t (our1 next size is cnffs !" I- gine the smug se'lf-suitlleacy of th 'eiini;e minid which considecrs it Rel1 capable of selecting a mani's neck tie, lie mo1(st (exacting bit of silk in the world i IFancy the futilIty of such a m;ind passing judgment on it ! Crit ieiz.', and wIth reason, the cut of our clothes and hair; advance theorees un-fm gloves anid footwear; but be si lent if you cannot commend thme neel wear of a mn. There you have the artistic culminantion of the male. Cen, sure it, anid you insult alt the same timte his judgment, prideand sense of, beautr,-Atlalntle S ,Z ..... .A JX N F/Ad Beautiful Easter Records Isn't it wonderful to have at your command a church choir to sing your favorite Easter Hymn? Think of being able to bring into your own home such inspiring music. Make us a visit any day and listen to the won derful music as played on the great Edison Phono graph. We have many Easter songs that you will delight in hearing. Come and Enjoy the Edison With Us at Any Time Fleming Brothers Reliable Jewelers iew our Spriii Dislay, ;~3I~a grdahery arb b an-nw We're howin th smretnot_-edbl fetso h Atsea~st seeits, yes haeasegve andoprtnt otkin oaver. taher mot compltie an ttatieiiefeunihngee presenEoh APRToCUAlY WEL. GodPressr WekowARu'l lik PLEAS dslyOUi ofer A wondrfu sorten for seEctinC.nTn SPRIN SOES :aeicueenevr hn cip bright andInew.