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SHOP EARLY DO, YOUR CHRISTTiAS sHOPERLY ShopMornings SHOPPING AT .sopMornings C Minter Company 's Deartm~tent tr Everything For Mother, Wife, Sister, Sweetheart, Father, Husband, Brother, Son Come To Our Store While Stocks Are Full and Selections Best. Don't Put It Off Until a Few Days Before Ciwisttn 3 Whni Everything Is In a Grand Rush. Practical Gifts for the Ladies Practicar Gifts for .li' hael stea-n nits .. $20.00 anti $25.00 \l' n's Shirts ...... $1.00, $1.50 to $3.00 ('oat Sui............. $10.00 to $25.00 Wijo Cot, Yo1nne .\eI's Sits .... $12.50 to $20.00 lien's (loves .... ... 50c. $1.00 to $2.00 $10.00 to $25.00 hid ren ' s unnie. to order . . $16.00 to $30.00 ............ $ .00 to $150llnkrchiefs ....10c.15c and. 25c )vereotls .... ..$10.00. $12.50 to $20.00 lien's Mocks .... .... ....25c aind 50c .\h k iinaws ....... ....$6.50 ai $7.50 I'hoenix Silk Sovks .... ..... ...... c Ni i s ............ $2.50 to $5.00 50 ci t. Iainin ('ats .... .. $3.98, $5.00 to $10.00 Iland I ags ........ ... $5.00 to $12.50 kids .....$3.50 to $8.50 i\e aceli e I 's sits.......$3.00. $5.00 to $10.00 Si (aes....... ... .$3.00 to $10.00 sill lcskits......... .$3.50 to $5.00 Niin .... . $.50 an $5.00 In 's t I.... .......$4.50 to $7.50 ( 'istis 'lies .. .... .... c n $1.00 ah ot s .... .... .... .. .. $5.00 hairn's. C. ats..... 5o and $1.50 $5.00 anti $6.00 1ath Roues . .S.... .............$5.0 ik Woaists .... .... .... $3.50 to$5.00 Swuat 's........ .. $5.00 to $0.0 S' xt I'aii r.... .... s to $2.50 . . .... $25c and 51 (0're0 e ('hit Co et (ouers $1.00 II TI . .......... ,0 and $5 and .... ....... .... ... .niy T o e......... 5c and $1.00 iv': Ov Inss .... .....$2.00 to $6.50 hwit (o' T hoe... . .... $6.. 0 .00 A i hes% I ..t fo . ... .a .t $5rl . irs ..... .... ......0,7cad$. .\len's Nobiy I lats ..... ...... $3.00 Ilion Reynolds Shoes .. .. $5.00 and $6.00 reduced prices. Lisle Ilose .... .... .... ..25 and 50c This Ought to Be a Happy Christmas With Everybody. Send Relatives and Friends Useful, Practical Presents. PHOENIX SILK HOSE SHOP EARLY---SHOP AT HANDKERCHIEFS In Christmas Boxes STORo For Won 75c and $1.00 INTER C. DEPARTMENT STORE2c - At Mckory Tavern. On Friday evening, ;)(c. 22nd, be ginning at 7::10, the pupils of hickory Tavern school will give a free Christ Mas entertainment. After the exer cises the Rural Improvement Asso ciation will sell box suppers. E~very body is invited to come. Oyster Supper at Eden. There will be an oyster supper at Eden Slool building Thursday even ing Dec. 21, 1916, at. 7 o'clock. The proceeds of the supper will go to im provements in the school. The pub lic is cordially invited to be present. Cotton GItlut.s. Washington. Dee. S.--Cotton ginned prior to Decem ber 1 was 10,:359,:1" running bales, including 1,,27 hales sea island, the census bIeau announc" ed Georgia ginnted I.011,: S bales Ala blama -n1.,71 1 hales. Last ye1's total to Dheelber I was 9,70:,l12 hales inluding :i,:0i ounid. 77,165 sea island. Ginnoil' it othtr states: .\rtkansas 99.151: ('alilfornia 1 .4s .: lIlorida -16i999: , uia a 12,575: .ississip pi 72;.2o:: \li 4,1rii .,.07::: Northi Carolina :,-7,1:.1 : Ok loma i:;,87 I South (arolina 5:2.1 Ii: TIinei..wE 318,086 : Texas :,101, !;: \'ir inia : .. 161; all wlher a . . ILexes lluse by% 1.-'r. The house"4 mi .\Ir. 1:a;1le \\'ilsorn's plac e a few mni! fro~ m t anld 4)e tulpied by '.\ . T. I 1. s 'irown and ut la - fly w'as totally tesitroyed by lire with all of its coonetits Satturdayv afternoon. No one wa . at home at the limtoe, sii the exact caiuse of the btlaze is not known. Itowever, it is thought to have cautglt from coals which itimbled out on the floor fron the fireplace. Neither Mr. Wilson nor .\tr. Blrown carried insuranee. It. is iunderstood that. Mr. Wilson will rebuild at once. Cotton ('ontinues to Ttmble. Cotton took a big tumble of about Five Dollars a bale when the gnners report was announced Friday and then took another tumble on the cen sue bureau's estimate Monday. The price ranges now between 17 and 18 .enta, about $15 a bale less than it was At the highest point, Local holders of cotton are not turning loose very fast, but are holding on in anticipation of , aother rise. - More Second Crop Apples. The Advertiser has received some more of the second crop horse ap ples. Mr. J. It. Armstrong brought in a couple Monday and said he had pick ed about three dozen from one tree and stored them for Christmas. The two that he left here were well pro portiloned specimens and with a deli cious flavor to them. Doubtless the mild fall weather has had a great deal to do with the appearance of these freaks of nature. Meeting of WV. 0. WI. A special meeting of tairview camp. W. O. W., will be held Wednesday night for degree work. A full attend altiee is requested. Notice of 1eptin g of Stoekholdimrs. Notice is h 'eby given that the an nual meeting of the stockholders of the Standa rd ibttl(ing and I.oan asso eintionl will Ie beld In the Peoples ILoan & InXc'hange llank rihay., the of Ileieuber. 1916, at I p1. m1. I'. 1). linff in Ilebnle. .t 11le hst ; meeting of the .\larshall I (elbat ing Socliety ocrred the most i cirou ibI hale t hat 11e a w sIitdeits hIave laId i1is year. 'he olt tnies Iron at (1he ab1olition ofl cn a l puI I nish ment was under con:=iderati n II. bti 1 it wast dli.e se f 1;-tc rom iarious s-cientille :trand juridienI an le.:. .\t:ssrs I,. S. .\ml r-on. ':. I). Ilhgeis, atni W. II. I tII r d 1 111 u hb4 the airma ive and -I ' ). II t11, .\I. IF. Itlrown1' and (. 11I. I.ic b) i 4er delentded Ilhe notalIve. \ll the debalors are- mtembers of the .i unior I aw ulass. 1;airy Situ, (hiines Ville, Vla. IS.\V .\ G17&\St7 ioT (i'TEIt SEVEltV 10OHNIN(; lIEFOlRE SIItE.1kF.1ST Wil,11, T.\KhE OFF F.\T IF 1"(1' (0ET11 10fI1E 1IFItESI .flit lie Molerate i 1 Your Diet and liedunce Sfour WtbIilh with 'Insseo. Laek of fe- I air weakens ilthe oxy gen-carrying ower of file blood, the liver beoeme.' sluggish, fat. acecumu lates and t action of many of the vital organs re dndered thereby. The heart actiol h ,comes weak, work is an effort an he beauty of the figure Is destroyed. Fat put on by indoor life is uin healthy and if nature Is not assisted in throwing it off by increasing the oxygen-carrying power of the blood, a serious case of obesity may result. When you feel that you' are getting too stout, take the matter in hand }t once. Don't liaIt gntil your figure fl become v ioke and your health ruinetd through carrying around a burden of unsightly and unhealthy fat. Spend as much time as you possibly can in the open air; breathe deeply and get from Peoples Drug Stote a box of tassco, take a glass of hot wa ter every morning before breakfast then take tassco after each meal and at bedtime. Weigh yourself every few days and keep up the treatment until you are down to normal. Tassco is absolutely harmless, is pleasant to take, helps the digestion and is designed to in crease the oxygen-carrying power of the blood. Mven a few days' treatment should show a noticeable reduction in weight. There is nothing better for obesity. Iev. 111a.4s 'aled. Pastor S. It. Bass, who has (lone such an excellent work at Travelers liest, in the North (Greenville Associa tion, resigns to accept a call to the tleld composed of the lloebuck and Hwitzer churches. 'T'hese chul1irches are in the Spartan Association. Pastor Iass will live at Ioebuck. one of file choice Spots of South Carolina. Ilie does not wholly resign his old field, for he wil continue to serve tlh ilat Rimok ('lurch1 in the l'iedmiiont Associa tion. We viII miss hiim from (;re'n Ville. Italptist (courier. (;'ir learnilur , the gilts that rin d11r-. Wu have on display a beau111ful line and o ur pr1ices will lease youl. S. M. & :. It. W i ltKSi & CO. I)ar Santa t'laulse: I am1 six year's old and hae stat (. 1li school, ut il ei ase don't hiiink that I am tloo big ia boy for you to bring toys to. I wvant a call-pistol and a box of cals, a nice story book, a train that I saw in the teIn-rent store, a cow-hoy suit and some fruit and(i candy. .\Iy little .?ster wants a big doll, a (oll trunk and a set of fur. . And Sa nta, please don't forget mlly lit tie brot her for le wants some toys too. Yours sincerely, Boyce 'T'aylor. ijOSTrONWOM AN RIEOMMENDING ir 'ro JEER FIRIENDS Poptular lston Lady Says Tonoline Has Pr6ven a Godsend to 1er. It is always interesting to listen to the statements of our friends, and es pecially when you know they are sin cere and honest in what they say. Add ed , interegit is. created in a statement comit t pa one who has spent a life tiggoa rton Vis 'i O tca11, well kno iiiln mocially. Such a person io Anie Stewart. who resides in Boston, and is possessed of the respect and confidence of her as sociates, and is willing for anyone to call on her to verify the following signed testimonial. "I have suffered with stomach trou ble for the past seven yearn. It took the form of indigestion and dyspepsia. I had dizzy spells and headaches and after I ate a little food it would fer ment and cause gas to form in my stomach. I had pains all over my body and was chronically constipated. My liver was torpid, and I felt general ly miserable, had doctored and had been in the h spital, but received no pernmanp nt re ef. I was so nervous and red-less hat at night 1 could scarcely steel The gas pressing un der my heart caused palpitation, and when I arose i the morning I was just as tired as wljen I retired. About two weeks ago il 'egan to take tonoline, and I can truthfully state that it has done wonders 1in my ease. I am feel ing like a new woman and can eat any kind of food. t sleep the night through and have no more aiches or pains; in (fact. it has cured rue, and I am recom mending it. to all of my friends, as it has been Ia Godsend to me." I eoples Drug Store sells anrd guar I antees tonoline. There are numierous symptoms of This trouble that tonoline can relieve. Inl fact, any of the following iay d(e note aflectioris of the stomach: Indi gestion, dysirepsia, helching of wind, had breath. sic-Ik ihrobhing heldache,. poor circulation, rinalht sweas. that ircd feeling esilveness, conted ton gure or a poor cormplexion. ('aution: As tonoline is recom rended r tlesh builder Ihose not wIsinig to increase their weight 1. inundsirin or more should not take it con ; inuou1"sly. Shi'ohl School. 'There wvIll be ao entertainmlent al Shiloh school horse Wednesday even ing, Dee. 20. After the program the ladles will serve supper. The pliic is cordially invited. A nn nn .leeting of the County Hourd of ComnnlissIonlers. Notice is hereby given that the next annual meeting of tie County Hoard of Comnissioners of laaurens County will be holden at Laurens Court Ilouse, S. C., on 'T'hursday, the 4th day of .lanra y, A. 1). 1917, At 10 o'clock A. Ni. All lr rsons holdjfg claims or de mand of any kind against the County, not I reviously presented, will file claim wyh the Clerk of the Board on or be oc the first day of January, aH provided by law. .1. D. MOCK, 21-4t Clerk. Box Supper at Long View. A box supper will be given at Long Vig school .4gjOg,.i nit % 10th. The - publiO 'i (aib 4 'at and help I a worthy canse. .. .' Everybody that tri Luzianne votes it the best of all coffees. .u try it-at our risk. If, after you have dAed the entire contents of one can ac cording to'directions, you are not satisfied with it in every way, throw your can away and ask your grocer to refund your money. He'll do it willingly. Write for premium catalog. - COFFEE .._1.. U.. T "'' '" '' .. New Or a s. I,A hi;' N l(J I SCHOOL Cmigi Medicine for Elii'dreN' ONI Mrs. iuh Cook, S'o(tsvil'Ee,DN. Y 'ms ioner1sbout lIuhe years go wheh SWe were' liv"ing; in (hirbult, N. Y., I clov ('01111IIis.%liIIers Xii in i4111(11 1igh ti oi ,El bre ti'I Iwo) or no, (cidren sti1 efring 1and4 C'olleges told wit Chamierlain's Cough iii~i 4llI'Q$ ctlntiall III~ ultncy and found It just as represent-. piliention. ed in ('VCy way. It promltly checked According to a recent, decision of thir cotghing and CiI eir c01ds theocker than anything I ever used." lie coiiutsloeis~ (c(~ ~~it clObtainable everywhere. schools, the Iaturens school has been placed on the acredited list of the Associlation of Colleges and Second- H ary Schools of the Soutlhern States. a New Year S This information was recently cn veyed to Sujpt. I. 1j. Parkinson and will be received with mueh pleasure I by those in this city and county, who are interested in education. It comes as a distinct. honor since there are only sixteen other cities in the State that have accredited schools. And it means that pupils seeking admission to colleges and universities of the - United States are given full credit for work d work done utn the years agoswhenlw weelvigilGruiNa.,mde tIt pod O ft M y chil d up sern 0 " il er than anything NlI eeue. IJ1 4"} + rSi+ , . r" ' Obtainabl4 e l ery wher .l'b ' } 1 Ha New ' .$._ Yea ' '?,l.:5 r tti'3 .sJ5 '"I