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Stag of goth V1n 'Cout IN COURTOW COMMON PLEAS, Sgallie V. Blanohett, et al, Plaintiffs. against \ Mrs" rene Taylor Hill, 'et al, Defend 'ants. Pursuanlt to a Decree of The 'Court in the above stated case, I will sell at public outcry to the highest bidder, at Laurens, C. 1H., S. C., on Salesday in December next, being Monday, the 4th day of the month, during the legal hours for such sales, the following de scribed property, to wit: ' All that lot, p1 e or parcel of. lad, lying, being and situate in Waterloo Township, Count and Sta .-9foresaid, containing seve ty-eil t (78) acres, more or less, b n by lands of I. J. Owings, C1 r lands, and oth ers, or iJein the same tract of land describ in deed book R, at page 431 in the Clerk of Court's of flee for Laurens County, S. C. Terms or sale: cash. Purchaser to pay for papers.' 'If the terms of sale are not complied with, the land to be 1'e-sold on same or some subsequent Salesday on same terms, at risk of former purchaser. C. A. POWER, C. C. C. P. and U. S., Laurens, S. C. Dated, this NQv. 11, 1916. 17-3t LAND SALE. State of South Carolina, County of Laurens. IN COUJJtT OF COMMON PLEAS. J. W. Leake, plaintiff. against Harrison Hunter, defendant. Pursuant to a Decree of The Court in the above stated case, I will sell at public outcry to the highest bidder, at Laurens, C. if., S. C., on Salesday in )ecember next, being Monday, the 4th day of the mon h, duting the legal hours for such s ics, the following de scribed propert. to wit: All that lot, p ece or parcel of land with dweiling h( use .and larn thereon situate within t e cor rate limits of the City of Laul ns, ounty and State aforesaid, coni n g two acres, more or less, bound on north by East Main street, ca by lands of J. C. Boyd, and on the south and west by lands of Geo. C. Hopkins. Terms of Sale: One-half cash, bal ance to be paid twelve months from blate of sale; 'the credit portion to be secured by bond and mortgage of the purchaser over the said premises, bear ing legal interest from date, with leave to purchaser to pay his entire bid in cash. Purchaser to pay for papers. If the terms of sale are not complied witlh, the land to be re-sold on same or some subsequent Salesday on same terms, at risk of former purchaser. C. A. POWER, C. V. C. P. and G. S., Laurens, S. C. Dated, this Nov. 11, 1916. 17-3t LANi) SALE, State of South Carolina, County of Lanrens. IN COJRIT' OF COMMON PLEAS. John A. Garret, as adm., etc., plaintiff. against hiome H. & L. Association, defendant. Pursuant to a Decree of The Court in the above stated case, I will sell at publ)ic outcry to the highest bidder, at Laurens, C. ii., S. C., on Salesday in December next, being Monday, the 4th da of the m' nth, during the legal *hours for sucl\ sales, the following de secribed property, to wit: All the interest, it being one-sixth (-t-) of Malissi .Johnson, in all that lot, piece or par el of land lying, being and situate in w at is known as Jersey in bthe City of Iaurens, County and State aforesaid, containing one (1) acre, more or le s, bounded on north by lands of Ii. "C.ray, on the east by lands or W ii. rams, on the south by lands1 now or formerly belonging to the I~state of Tandy Babb, dec., and oni t he west by3 lands of Mrs. Rossa I. Caine, andI known as the James Blackstook lot, and being the lot conveyed to Berry Carrett my JIosiah Hunter on Dec. 20, .1913, the (Iced thereto being recorded in the ofllce of the C. C. C. P. at Lau rena, in (Ieed biook 20 at page 302. Terms or' sale: cash. Purchaser to pay' for piapers. I( the terms of sale are not comiplied W'ith, the land to be re-sold on same or sonme subsequent Salesday on same terms, at'risk of former purchaser. C. A. POWER, C. C. C. P. and (I. S., Laurens, S. C. D~atedl, this Nov. 11, 1916. 17-3t LAND SALE. Slate of South Carolina, ('ount y o f JLauren s. IN (!9 IHT OF COMMON PLEAS. .. I}Yddle, et al. plaintiff, against 'H. L,. (ray, dIefendIant. Pursuant to a Decree of The Court in the above stated ease, I will sell at uubile out('ry to the highest bidder, at Lauren~a,' C. iI., S. C., on Salesda' In Dlecemuber niext, being Monday, the 4th ijay of the month, during the legal hours for such sales, the following -de serihed p'oper'ty, to Wit: All that tract, piece parcel of land, lying, being and ettua fe in the County of Laurmens, in the Stale of South Caro lina, containing flffy~ four (54) acres, more or less, bound by la ds of the .estate of George Lit Ie, C. Benson; ii. P. Garrett and t e 1 diombe place. Terms or anle: e . Purchaser to paHy for papers. I the terms of sale are not compliedI with, lhe land to be re-seld on same or som e subsequent Hale iday on same terms, at risk, of former puirchlaser. C. A. POWER, C. C. C. P. and (1. S.. Laurens, A. C. Dated, this Nov. 11, 1916. 17-St LAND) SALE. State of South Cat-olina, County of Laurens. IN COliRT Ole COhiMiON PLEAS. Martin Wilson, plaintiff, against James Pet'er on, dlefendant. Pursuant tj a flet'eo of The Court in the above ftatedfase I will sell at nulic outer to i 6' highest bidder, at TLautrens, C. I. Ci., on Saiesday in Deccembier ne I.4eing Monday, the 4th dayv of the month, during thq legal hours for such sales. the following de serihed proper'ty, to wit: All that lot or parcel of land situate o , -wty ned 4tpte afore 0 delling housr, thereon lolcated, onitaining one-h 1f actres, more. or aess, bounded. on north by lads fotmerly the estate of 'Pr. J. T. P4ole, on the east by lands of Joe Wil. liams, on routh-by lotrOf Jane Meredith sAd west by lands of ,fudge )Beasley. Terms or sale:' cash. Purchaser to pay for Papers. If the terms of sale are not complied with, the land to be ro-sold on came or some subsequent Salesday on same terms, at risk of former Purchaser. C. A. POWER, C. C.' C. P. and G. S., Laurens, S. C. Dated, thi3 Nov. 11, 1916. 17-3t LAND SALE. State of Soath Caroina, County Of Laurens. IN COURT OF 'COMMON PLEAS J. C. Smith, Ind. and as Ex., etc., plaintiff, against Jennie A. McChesney, et al, defendant. Pursuant to a Decree of the Court in the above stated'case, I will sell at public outcry to the highest bidder, at Laurens, C. II., S. C., on Salesday in December ,cxt, being Monday the 4th day of the mont ,, during the legal hours for such sa es, the following de scribed property, o wit: All that lot, pie e or parcel-of land ly ing, being and ituate I( Waterloo Township, County nd te aforesaid, containing two h n ed (200) acres more or less, bo ed- by the Spoon place of W. H. Irvin, lands of ..1. L. Anderson and J. W. Anderson and the Burdette place. Terms of Sales: One-half cash, bal ance to be paid twelve months from date of sale; the credit portion to be secured by bond and mortgage of the purchaser over .the said premises. bearing legal interest from date, with leave to purchaser to pay his entire bid in cash. Purciraser to pay for 'pa pers. If the terms of sale are not complied with, the land to be re-sold on same or some subsequent Salesday on same terms, at risk of former pur chaser. C. A. POWJCR. C. C. C. P. and G. S., Laurens, S. C. .Dated; this Nov. 14, 1916. 17-3t LAND SALE. State' of South Carolina, 'County of Laurens. \IN COURT OF COMMON PLEAS The Scottish American Mgt. Co., plain tiff. against J. H. Wharton, Trustee, et al, defend ant. Pursuant to a Decree of the Court in the above stated case, I will sell at public outcry to the highest bidder, at Laurens, C. H., S. C., on Salesday in December next, being Mohday the 4th day of the month, during the legal hours for such sales, the following de scribed property, to wit: Tract No. 1.-All that tract or par cel of land lying, being and situate near Town of Waterloo, County and State aforesaid, containing fifty-eight (68) acres, more or less, bounded on north by what is known as Keller lands, on the east by lands of J. C. S'pith, south by lands of Mrs. S. M. Pearce and west by Pearce lands. Tract No. 2.--Also all that lot or pireel of land, situate near the Town pf Waterloo, County and State afore said, containing twcfhundred and sev enty-flv (375) acres, more or less, bounded on north by lands of Mrs. M. J. Pearce, on east by lands of Mrs. L. J. Wharton, south by lands of W. C. Wharlon and W. H. Wharton, and on the west by 1ands o ). C. Smith est., .1. M. Smith, W. I . Wharton and Teague. A plat showing t e more exact dis tances, metes and bjunds of aaid lands is on file in the Cerk,.6f Court's of ficee for inspectio . / Terms of Sales: LOne-half cash, bal anice to be paid twelve months from date of sale; the credit portion to b~e pecured by bond and mortgage of the Purchaser over the said premises, bearing legal interest from (late, with leave to purchaser to pay hia entire bid in (cash. Purchaser' to pay for pa pers. If the terms of sale are not complied with, the land to be re-sold on same or some subsequent Salesday on same terms, at risk of former pur chaser. C. A. POWEDR, . C. C. C. P. and 0. S., Laurens, S. C. Dated, this Nov. 14, 1916. 17-3t LAND SALE. State of South Carollna, County of Lauren~ IN COU IRT OF CO.t .ION PfEAS, The Scott ishi American Mtg. Co., iplaln Stiff, against Martha Carpy Knight, et al, defendant. .Pursuant to a Decree of the Court in the above stated case, I will sell at public outcry to the highest bidder, at Liaurens, C, II., 5. C., Qfn Saleaday in December next, being Monday the 4th day of the month, during the legal hours for such sales, the following de scribod property, to wit: - Al that piece parcel or tract of land- in Lattrons and Dials Townships, Laurens County, State of South Caro lina, containin two hundred and nine ty-four (294) res, more or less, bounded on north by lands of Mrs. J. Hi. Cannon, east by lands of C. Y. Craddock and *thers, south by TI. A. McCauley laftd, and dst by landsa of W. H. Hellam , bel the same tract deeded to? r . . rtha C. Knight by Mrs. -Joi#13 n annon and Mrs. Mary C. Knight, Ai 1 1906, said deed being recorded in Book 20, Page 272, said land being sold as a whole and thes in tihe following tractR, the most fav orable bid being accepted: Trac t -No. ."Faoing .en the Green ville 44i I~uien$ public gpad 671 feet, contal~n Atty-.1ten and one-quarter (51 1-4 )" ergs, ziore or less, bounded on noah' by' Mrs. . C. Cannon land, on the east by tract No. 4, the Q. and IL. ipublic road, being the line, south by tract No. 2, and-west by Mrs. Min nie Patterson, formerly W. H. Hel lams land. Tract No. 2.--Facing on GIreenville land t.aurens public road 1842 feet, eonta inig forty-five and three-quar ters (45 3-4) acres, more or less, bounded on north by tract No, 1, n sesit by tracts Nos. 3 and 4, the pub lic road being the line,'sQuth' by Gar rett tract and west by Mrs. Minnie Patterson, 'formerly IV. H. Hellams land. Tract No, 3.-Facing on Greenville and Laurens public road 1212 feet, containing one hundred and twenty (120) acres, more or less, bounded on north by tract No. 4, on east by lands of Austin Bramlett and Mrs. M. C. Garrett, south by Garrett lands and west by tract No. 2, the public road being the line. Tract No. 4.-Facing on Greenville and Laurens public road 1301 feet, contain g-~ikty-eight and three fo ' s (68 3-4) acres, more or less; bounded on north by lands of Mrs. J. C. Cannon, east y lands of C. Y. Craddock and 13 R. Todd, south by tract No. 3, and est by tracts Nos. I and 2, the pub c road being the line. A plat sho ng the sub- kviafon or this property eing e in office of the Clerk of or inspection. Terms of es: One-half cash, bal ance to be paid twelve months front date of sale; the credit portion to bt secured by bond and mortgage of the purchaser over the said premiseg, bearing legal interest from date, witl leave to purchaser to pay his entir . bid in cash. Purchaser to pay for pa pers. If the terms of sale are not complied with, the land to be re-sold on same or some subsequent Salesday 9n same terms, at risk of former purr chaser. C. A. POWE0R, C. C. C. P. and G. S., Laurens, S. C. Dated, this Nov. 14 1916. 17-3t LAND SALE. State of South ('arolina, County of Laurens, IN COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. Virginia-Carolina 'Chemical Company, plaintiff, . against (1. Wash Ilunter, Mrs. Sara Elien Evans and Cole L. lease, Defend ants. Pursuant to a Decree of the Court in the above stated cause, we will sell at public outcry to the highest bidder, at Laurens Court House, South Caro lina, on Salesday in December next, being Monday the 4th day of the month, during the legal hours for pub' lic sales, the following described prof perty to wit: All that certain tract, piece or par cel of land, situate, lying and being in Hunter Township, Laurens County, in said State, known as the land of G; Wash Hunter, containing 827 acres) more or less, and bounded by lands; of Mrs. John H. Hunter, the Phinney Place, lands of I. M. Young, lands of Guy Copeland, the Blalock lands. and lands of Hayne B. Workman, and others. Said tract of land pursuant to the decree of the Court. has been sub-divided into parcels of separate tracts as follows, to wit: Tract No. l.-Containing 80 acres; more or less, bounded by lands of Guy Copeland, the Blalock Place, lands of Hayne 13. Workman and Bush River; Tract No. 2.-Containing 127 acres; more or less, bounded by lands of Mrs: .JEhn H. Hunter, Ilayne B. Workman; :pubiic highway leading to Laurens; Tract No. 3.--Containing 95 1-2 acres mpre or less, bounded by Tract No. 2, public highway leading to Laurens, Tract No. 4 and Bush River; Tract No. 4.-Containing 166 1-2 acres, more or less, bounded by public highway leading to Laurens, Tract No. 5, lands of Guy Copeland and Traci No. 3; s Tract No.. 5,-Containing 126 1-2 acres, more or less, bounded by said public highway leading to .Laurenm, Tract No, 6, Hush River and Tract No. 4; Tract No. 6.-Containing 125 acres, more or less, bounded by public high way leadiing to I urena, the Phinney land, Bush River ~d Tract No. 5; Tract No. 7.--C ntaining 108 acres, more or less, bou f ded by Tract No. 5, land of R. ii. Yo n~g, tiuy 1,. Colpoland and Bush Rlive . A mor'e complete dlescripition of me said lands will ap pear by refere ce to the pint madle by 1B. R. Trodd, s rveyor, dated Nov. let, 1913 a copy f which may be seen at the Clerk of ourt's ofilee, at Laurenis, or by applic tio9'to the undersigned Receivers. Tlhe aforesan lands, except tract No. 4 will be sold first in separate p~arcela and then as a whole, the highest and best bid to be accepted. Tract No. 4 will be sold sepiarately. Terms of Sale: One-half (1-2) cash, ba1&nce on a credit of twelve months frgm date of sale, wvith interest there on from date of sale at the rate of eight (8) ipor cent per annum, the credit portion to 1be aecured by bond of the purchaser and mortgage of the p~remises sold, which shall provide for the payment of ten (10) percent. at torney's fees in case of suit or collec tiona by attorney. Purchaser to pay for all papers. If the terms of sale are not comptled with the land shall be re-sold on the same or seome subse qutest Salenday upon the same terms, at the risk of the form qr purchaser, or purchasers. A depositC of a reason able sum shall be required of each suc cessful bidder or bidders, as a guar antee of compliance with their bid( or bids, and the terms of sale. J1. R. 'COP'uAND, WV. W. DAVIS, 17-3t- Receivers. Meeting of W. N. U. Quarterly meeting of first division of W. M. IU. Auxiliary to Iaurens Association will convene at Durbin church on Saturday, Nov. 18, 1916. 10:30-Devotional, Mrs. L, S. Cook. Welcome-Miss Mable Moore. Response-Mrs. Eva Rogers. First' Topic-Suggestions as to how a country society can have a mis-. sion study class-Opened by Mr's. Toy Drummond. Enrollment. Report of State meeting. Comnmittees. Noontide quiet hour-Mrs. Washington Luncht hour. 1 :30-D~evotional-'Mrs. J1. 11, Cook. Second 'Topic--What has the quarter ly meetingsnmant to th Fi,.t Di vision and is the Sunday meeting worth while? Miss Daisy Stoe, CALQM II M u I[RC RY. Mrs. Laura 'Cooper Mrs. Claudia Lomas, Mrs. Z. R. Traynham,'M'rs. Eairl Owens, Mrs. -John -Atnford. Third Topic--The greatest needs of the CLEAN LY[R First Division at present. Mrs. Arthur Roberts, Mrs. Ethel Rob rtson", Miss Alma Cook, Miss Belle Patterson. Iose a day's work. Miscellaneous. bowels constipated take Adjournment. We urge that the ladies of the First You're bilious! Your liver is slug Divisio, attend these meetings. The gisl! You feel lazy, dizzy and all rban ladies are expecting you andull, your Durbn ldiesareexpetin youandtongue iA coated; breath bad; stomach the meetings can't be what they should sour and bowels constipated. ut do't be without you, take salivating calomel. It makes ou sick yo maylos a lay's work. Mrs. T. M. Ball, Pres. Calomel Is mercury or quicksilver Mrs. W. W. Yeargin, Sec. which causes necrosis of the bones. ______________________________________Calomnel crashes Into sour bile like - -*-- * -- - -dynamtite, breaking it up. 'hit's whten " THE O you feel that awful nausea and cramp ing. "1!' you want to enjoy the nicest, e gentlest liver and bowel cleansing you ever experietince just take a spoonful p' ofnih harmless i)odsos tlver l'one os night. You r druggist or dealer sells Ing. MAXWELL CARS RE GREATER .VALUE THA PER DOLLARS IN' Figures Compiled From the Wall St 't'esidCnlt Flandllers o the Maxwell Co , ho oghl youdet il ' lea(rship) int the a etorobile field t taktle]i o nftu ul Every mni Inlet either owned al 1utomsonl'e 'ivr iiTenlet to reuction we ake enlarges ihie field. Our it ar ear wan when we cut it $40. This year we cult it .$G(I, tlaakitig 11( le we are able to snake will increase the outt," Te broadenying character of he autoitthle I 1dson's v whileT Ford and Maxwell are reducing prices, seve al cigke' ills; thiri prIices and carls of limited ouitputt antd or' sit It('t-ext' conistructtion and finish lirte ('ittitetitplatinlg radlii-;1 I 11at l ires. Fhe highst-price l eat in the future will i al li S1t' 11hat inure than twelve r ofle the price of either 1 " 1oru gh ly a We class these two eA togehe beea use hey at'e siled reucton the accessories, sch s electd. sart er. leitt art t asi a 'e added to the maice of a Ford or (led tet' Iou t'o t It' i'i is a larger type of adet mot artistic iau tpptaramle ;try1l clai *erioritv. whleFod ndMaxwell reuiPrices. Fovra d hir in heir pis an ist. o t mit ed oth utpuetittand of super-ex The whichoet-ipee wa in the futur wll blle more I liinn' moetiel tas tweelvet Jdtim s t piie othrt hedo.l. WIih'ett c Ma netweto they ariettubs( whnteacsorescisectric trerista it demountable tae atoterc of...a...ord...r.dedutdfomthe (pri. iseabler type ofCrarrtstineper....n...Ate':jt adteti Fan~To get la tremn d shimoun t itidvegtsint bee Nuatils ..on.ern...are.advertising...acce ..sories rt ('art a.tttt : I12 eWires foir ot.s.whi.ha..argeumer ofai~ 1l'i. liigh Teing~t11( Mgn1e (.............ltosh tt.\lainetottt Strg atte fFrd Demontabrie Ri Mawl -a--..............elsey.\Vh... Demi unabll cost ICarrIier ..............ut os Ittuipmt te ThorOl (j toP ----.................le ii itartn Aui~toTp thefuum of Maxing Boavds t ..............Ait ICt'tilimen dailndioVntllati'Wield .pt ..u .. Vtagua tn wh-ic e ires or Fl oner l......itdSae i Das Migxwell hasolie backandge i t ..........\uin flqip ane Listr...o.FordCar.................. tttit 1~t .CLat at Senhsis l pepe ilbesrpie , oi fLa pigeurpen s mpae oto ros (pig th ftuefaluhvren -nSouedwth Cmpar(. IT SICKINSI AND BO[ S GEN1L If your liver is sluggish or "Dodson's Liver Tone." guarantee tha't each spoonful will cle n your sluggish liver better than a ose of nasty calonel. and that it on't mnake you gick; Sl)odson's J.Avc ''one Is real liver medilitne.'You'll know it next morning eauIse you will wake i) feeling fine, your liver will lie working, your head ache and dizziness gone, your stomach will he sweet and your bowels regular. You will feel like working; you'll be cheerful; full of vigor and ambition. l)odson's Liver ''one is entirey vege table, therefore harmless and can not salivale. Give it to your children. .\lillions of people are using Dodson's Liver Tone instead of dangerous calo 3n1l now. Your druggist will tell you that the sale of calomel Is almost stopped entirely here. PRESENT N FORDS VESTED reet Journal stnl d1(s the pol iy of pop >IIt'( I'c rIi on fuls. lHe says >VII () In. E0 very Iprive $695, about a year ago ic'e $595, and every ent shown by Ile faet that. -r'ived4 t'arls are advanle 1l.'i''l e il individualized SI h.41 t i m.s and possibly well. ilns iaIly at 1ih' same )riee ilhes, sp('e1doiet er, etc., of .\Iaxwell, y:et .laxwell ms1 at her' points of Silp ri'Ce WVestinghouI31se an ot1 )1heri m3 yeris add~l14 tI lhiir ear, list ed are regularly ad ..............$ 58.01) 0. .. .... .... 75.00 .... .... .... 28.00 . .. . . . . . 22.00 :0 . . . . . 1.50 ('o. ..... .... 17.50 o. . . . . . . 6.001 ('luring ('a. .. 10.0)1 'o. . .... .... 10.00 '..... ... ..... 25) $2:39.70 ...............$':1.00 $599.71) .... .... ... $595.00 Iles'e figurIes4 and see thati Ia l''ord. nd arIe. .a' beig( ans toe ni 1' lersip~ th year~ .......... ......$595 --....... ........915 -.--.--..........85 1ar Co. ilina