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Subseription Price Is tl.0c) Per Yea 'al ablc in Advu ano. i-anera, f.~O S,4 .';N: v..;. li!: "i C6.t1 i'. N e 4il 'I * 32! i; . n if. . pl)i).'2 One1 '.ia nt .a ouhi., ,.: ;':ed at ri!e2 ."a.uLc d. L i Ouea%. - s as ,ikaiu 3o'at s m1it matter. LAI 1tEN , S. ('., O('TOBER 11, 1116. Next. stop Cointy Fair. Next. Friday. the 20th, is the day that the people of Liairens county set apart for the cultivation and ertenit ing of friendships, for general enjoy ment and for receiving information )n farin subjects. Are you coming? *s. 'The demand for clover seed at lo cal stores is ihenoinita3. Althoigh 21.0110 lpoinds of seed were ordered 11hrollt;nh the( ('lover Club, thle denlaini still retuains:' listp)li4 ed. The Ii:ut rens1 ('ounty ,litter ('itth has beel: spokent of by ptronai' alt niten a; th'e "hi st' I hin i in 24 ' South tolay" m::1 if ; (3rov1eS to , a. :ce('sI'til a: it o(1:'ilI to it w r oluli1 ni8 '5 un12 Inl this see(lloll. *i 4 (-'44')).' fov' 2-' th'end spr'eacl ;11 r.. -r It'e Fuih. 'l l imp4erIant thing for ' Ioe'r ;!;,r - ers to do is to hia ('032.ith dire1ct(4i1s g ,4'i iv y ('h:- im ('11I m and to follow th1eiu sI tioliiusly . I he 1nnual ('ounty I'atr Is list ten lays off. .\ l I ltho 1 the plains for fihe fai1 this year w er0 g4attell un'der' way r'ather Inle. they have been piushed rapidly and the indicalions:; now are chat another very successful exhihi ion will be held. Whie tIe unuat interesl is being shown in all of the depar - ienIs, it seems that u1nusual interest is bein", tak4en in the swine depart 10111. i e ports from n1)um1iCrous sour es tell of those who are contenplating bringing their hogs to the fair and offering them for sale. And then, too, the Pig (luIb boys are expected to have an exhibit of Iheir pri:e stock. . * * Inl looking back over the six years' history of the County iir it .is inter esting to note that four or five tien) lzlave been largely inatrumental in keeping the -spirit alive Iln(; In:44kilg 44 1hi usicesihs it ha.; been. Thle three eC live olliers, I'ra. W 1). It'rd, See. C. .A. 'ower and Gen. Stp2. .2. I). W. W3aLt.l5, have sctiek to Ile faLir thirough thick and h11:31 and have given roa-h VitI4ala le tim313. and t, its sue cessIful conduct. \\hile mu34ch1) vdu34It'e assistance ha:; be n re'ndIered ty o!! er, the1 4men ands W. U. Me('uen' and W. (girl W mrton. this year':; supri: tendentl, have 4d ot of Ile re. Ion s"! ility :'. " ih; - -- 4o r '. .I Crae i 43 I'f ver '41't. Ia303) i Inie w ~il te e11 130(1 0n o12r a y('. her1'1e ih-s iheer. tlit'( as :11h(1 hoh reis 1ta. shu 141 Id. ('0 'tl '3to 24)med is3d134 te thes war14 31hi3' ltum~ he'n naged ~) in Greevilg for2 '4't441 luueral y3 ars aga if 2 in: tall)kn s ofdsae''Ie nvl a been)4 3 made gl: most lsanitary 4 iy i the 50'nited 24a)e and0W he~M' rul:ft av here' hasbet)1 ell frn : elal waving of lif and Mxpes. The))4'~ (iy 0oI'om J)r'il li~es ad th ad3''l*minis3t1 rio shoIj 1 e1- rtd o ma e m ok tilffe1Ctiv. Br ksda34leA O olt. 9.--The far er of' are'oo alm'osta half'n Iro shor in341' I'verI th3'ing,33 Jsprinly co44 l on: aml i manyl ml'':3 them lar l ad '.0 ;1 03e3 rt' eg esh3.t4ing4 and11 ' hisi monin:,g'. am 'An:.Oi Th0:e P31any1 fml: 'l(at rayi nour peavin 'hy huida aftrnon 888 . 888 8 88 8 8888888 8 S 4 Loc'rd and Personal Alentiiio. 8 Ii 8 S 8 S S 8 5 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 8 8 Mr. Allen KilIivan, of Si in3.0onill e, was a business visitor her Ti uesdla.. Mis snntile liohertson of('.;t was in towIn Sattirtav shCopintt1. Mr. A. U. I,. IUantkdale, of Grer C . was in town Tuesd:y on busin .;. \l r. V. 1'. IlIarris of Gray (ourt a a busitic'as visitor in town lontla.. Mr. Ed ( II icks spent a few dea.'in At lanta last week on business. Mr. A. W. Sharpe and IHouston W\o.I of 'rineton were in town Frida v. I)r. J I. t)o'non .'as in towvn o'ii a few hours on Friday. .\lri. WV. G. Lon ati fatily of W~a terloo, were visitors hers' Friday. Mr. II. A. G rahain of Ureenville was a business visitor in town Sattlrday. Mr. (eorge Uoodgions, of W'illits toil, was a visitor in town Friday. Mrs. 1,. 11. \Vright and children, of Ashville, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ton Crews. Dr. J. 0. Martin, of the Mlt. Olive section, was in town Tuesday on lbnsi ness. Mir. and1( Mlrs. W. l.. Itratulett and . Miss Avie Malaffey spent Sunday in ('inton visiting friends. ir. C. 13. Bobo tilled the ltlpit at the First D~aptist churchel of C'lintton oft Sinday ntornin. l'rotf. antrit t.G 10 of Wa'terlooi"; wer;. at towit, ",r a Ifew hours Monciay" after:tnoont MIr. l'owle'r I'. Iiilre.;: iniu. a i ines: ltii to .\It anta a itt;plt et dit last 'etk. l . W. W. lowler of the Mt. - ant secltion\ was a visitor inl town I: day. Miss l)r'ont. Gregory of (re'nville arrived in the city Frliday to vi sit Mr. and \irs. 1. I). EEasterhy. Mr. lullie i labb and faiiily of the Il'i( ekory 'Tavetrn section wetre ,l:eit. Satuiranay shopping. A hi g t*ne boy was born to )t. and .\rs. C. M. .iller Saturday night at the local hospital. Mr. Thonas I. Swygert attIended the laying of the corner stone of the new court house in Greenville Tuesday. Mr. .I. M. Sunerel of the Hickory ''av1ern sect lonl was in towin Saturday on business. Mi s Anie llui left Saturday for iayetteville, N. C., where she w ill t apend the winter teaching. . Miss Lila I11art who is now teacheling school in G ireenville, set('11. (it week I etnd herz withIi her tother. .\lrs. ito a I. Cainte, Mrs. \'irginia ( ait' and \'.rs. A. I). Gray nuoored to G ri'envil ile irbai' to . 'end ih' day. \liss Anna Ituckinian, who has been visiting relatives in this County has returnt'd to her home in btaut.'on, \a. Mr. W. Adatir, of the \\'hains .awn setion , w as inl town Friday on htu.,i nlest;. I1 v. II. It. \loseley, of nh., ar rived lere ' 'ithursday to visit his bran (r .Mr. C. I). Mlosehey. I ev. 11. I,. lhiggout a il -i.;t;.-. \l 1 Mr atel .\t ra. '.olhl lat!ey,. a a Vtlt, w're hI r a''i lopdhi. tfor a fw hi )'rI. r.1 . \'. MAle . and I,. C.( ~ thalea e. io AlIlanta W'edoit'-layv an i ig v ithI IzhemI tw ew (a.1 Irtiail intrecnts oif a big nine ;naind boy, wh tiw~as born to themt .\londai~y niorn"ii ing at the' local hospital. Mrs. WN. TI. D~orroh, who suffeed a br'oken leg seve'ral (1ays ag),is repot t ed as doiing as nicely as cond be ox ltter. C. F. Itankin and M!r. P..\ Situlisotn 1it 'lTusday' for Grteen wood, w'hiere they', will at tend the &'ynodl ....\l .'s Charli andl .lihn I llcks, whlo hav beent(f irai'.-lng for' somec tifloe in .ra.a ny .C'jn~i Ira few we''ks' Dri. A. WN. Tr'iottlr, of' Seviervihie. Te'n n.. arirhel lahee Mlonday afternoon01. andlt i.4 thle gues::t of' his dauigters'., Mrst. t. I licks anid .\irs. IH. It. Childress. MIis. Mariy Anudier'an, fotriierly do;ani Gulf . C., is visiting Mr i. I'. P. !Ran kini for a. few days. Mrt. .f'>hin Il. N(elsoin and dauiightter. Ais Go(hlda N'elsoni, of Fotunta in Inn, ....n...riday het"' with frientd andI retatives. residlent of this~ cIly, butt no0w of 1ion)ea I'athl, pent, t Ihe wee'k-endl here wi Ilh 'ends iindi rlat Iv. Mr I. Tlhtotnas Ow.ingjs, who' lis1 altrudti irn. fchool at lFurniiat I'lversity, ilpent. the week<-i'nd her'' with1ll hi; va MrsI. fh: li \''le:s, aflt(er a lone, illness in thie local hosp5fltial, 1.4 able t) b" up a 'ii wan n tie ,I rent 'lTui.sday shop in ng. -rs. Di. C. Rnekmran, of' ISte~ nf' V, , arr'ive'd hr t Tiemd ay aftteno t v'iit her fathmer, Mrs. J. A, P. Moore, berfo~tre t h leves for' the hosjil tin Mlr nne Mis Willim Iode, ... several years ago were residents of Owings Station, but now of Fairfield county, are visiting friends and rela tives In this county. Ais. Louise Cannon and two sois, Messrs lussrell and Aron Cannon, of Ikiatle 'reek Mlich., are viiting rela tives in this city. Mis. Cannoni was tin a res'ideit of (ray Court Inde( ex p cts to return thre to miake it her .\rs. i. II. Iliord, .\tiss :inna Leak, .\h's. ('late Itailey. Miss .\linnie hlailey dit luotlicr, of Clinton, muotored to this 'ity yesterday an( spent a few hours shopping. 3Ir. J . II ennlett left F riday on a business trip to Washington, ). C., New Market and Lynchburg, Va. While it New .larket he will be entertained by Mr. .1. I). Manor, of the Manor Mill ing Co. Mi. and Mrs. Tillman lu'ley, of Lex ington county, are visiting .\l-. and \Irs. J. I. Ellis on Hampton Avenue. Miss llla C. Manley, spent Saturday and Sunday in Greenwoo(l, as the ,Kest of Miss Luecy Oxner. Mr. 1t. A. Cooper and C. A. Power Wvent to Greenville yesterday to attend the laying of the corner stone of the new court. house of that city. Mr. Cooper otllei teil and delivered the ad Iress of the occasion. Card of 'T'hanks. \\'e visih to thank ealh and every one for their kindr''ss during the ;ekness and (lea th of our darling lit ( boy. tilfus. ani tiay God's richest .mnsrest upont eachl anti every .\lr. and .\ir . (;uy L-'. li g 'hl 31 st iake is Mlde 11 311111 l.aurens t itizcs. .o0k for the iau1se of hacrkace. To lie cured you uust know the r~ail se. If it's weak khineys you iust set Ihe kidneys working riglit. A Iauir tens rsheint tells you how. .\lrs. .lanii Ledfor:l, -ial Fleming L. ,autrens. sa :s: ''ly kidneys were weak and my ha -k was so lame that I eoldli hardly sloti) to liu, on nmy shoes. I had that worn )m t, t'ped feeling and ai heavy weight < i m11 shoulders could not have felt. w r. -. I was nervous (tend drowsy. too. y kidneys acted too freely at times(, ten again not freely 'noiitgh and the kidney secreions were in had shape. I had dizzy spells and h:i to put my hand on th" wall to from falling. After suffering for several years, I used )oan's Kidney Pills. 'T'hey relieved ne from tle first anil soon fixed me up in good shape." P 50c, at all dealers. Don't sim ily ask for a kidney reinedy-get loan's lidney l'lls - the- same that lMe. Iandford lihd. Foster-.\ilimrn ' props., Iluflalo. N. Y. ('apt.. htrniainiiioinl Very :1. 'Cait. \ash li. i 1rnn toni, of 1,ani ford Station, wai .atriikein with aipo Iexy at his home .lodtay night and inl, " o'loek Tuesday muorning has b-en unconscious. Attending pihysi i;s ex pred'nit v'iy little hopes for hiw 3 Ii tiiglhoti yes.lerdiy. A phioine 1C'-- ;'Cte to thie alltoi at midn1ightt last nil r.( r ; tedltt C'alal. I 14nnun!ond as! - In in- very* raidii ly. .\n s exiniations ill be behlt aict Clin ;m Sautiriday, Niheii!wri 113h, lo seleel -iin~a-ier ait Goiivilh. 'The :rah]iry fo th le G ob ivill e post maiste r Icist year3 'moiii toli ;$:22. Aj1 lienitioii shioiil ruission cit \\'ashlington cit lecg 7 daiys ;i'iore( thei date of exain iat ion. Ali licai loni formis mla y lie seecitreid froin hi' postiiiister' ait Clinton. A ca bin, owiied by .\l r. TI. Di. lsake, aml liicato h)3 iis home place, was bur'ned 'T'uesday morning abhout 10 i'lok. 'The origina of thbe tire is uin n o wna. Thle house (ont aiied seeid i'ntotin, foidder', (rotton (eed, a Ipea th rasheri and~ othier farm Inatorial1, thle loc3333 lituntiig to o)veri $500.00. Thlie wai. no) insurlancee on the buildIng or 'lTe Coal Sit uat Ion. .\:. . oliiher EicelIbe rger, Ithe local iiil i-aler, stated yesterdciy thact the eoal s dituo is worse t han it hacs !on ini manily yecars, thcat it is ditlicult (0:11oa froin the mines cit any) orib. Eli. salidt. lie had (ite a Clrirn 1nu3mber( ofi ordertl'S In foi (0oa1 and a it': ex ts to) tIll the l aill , thiouglh noaly thle lcirge orldiers will have to Witth tie secirPity, the pri"0 hase ailso 1e u3 aind the indle'ct ions are thalt P willwgo stIll higher. hlelped by Jli Nelglhbot's. \ r. Lew is i11) ot, of thle hIIIloh see i, was given con siderab3hle a Id by IPi nielghbosrs last week wheni they ga thered at hiIs home antd Ilickedl 03ut 1)ne1 hir;er' par t of his ('ottoni. M\r. Holt andi mlost ot' his faily hacve been1 sieck cro(p01 gat !'irinigsr'.andi . not. been1 ale to (do3 inehi worC~k. 'The (consequenco was that they had riten ''y muchel bihbild whlen t he nei'ghbhorsL camne to their assistance. 'liii:y have reque. . (i th ti their sin ci'r(' lhb'; he exIr) a'' d for the v9 Ii :;ble cid gn a In. i' o f trouihhi. LAItWE CIttO)DS TO STATE FAllt, L IHigh Pi-lce of Cotton Ex ected to ioost. .lttciiance at. State Fir and lHares( ,Jubilee. Columbia, S. C., Oct. 7.--The 'uiggest street carnival ever held in Columbia will be the hlarvest Jubilee, October 23-27, introduced last fall in cotne I tion wiih the State Fair. The festival this year will be on a more compre hensive scale. The young woman to be sceleted queen of the .1ubilee will be crowned Monday evening of the opening day of the fair in front of the State I louse, and a ball Immediately thereafter will be given in her honor. 'T'uesday has been designated as "Ioral I Day.' At 5 o'clock in (lie af ternoon the floral parade will be giv en, and all classes of vehicles in Iloral decoration will compete for a list of cash prizes. Wednesday is "South Carolina Dray." Again in the afternoon a parade such as has never been assembled of South Carolina's natural resources will pass through Main street. In addition to the huge floats by Clemson College, Winthrop. College, home demonstra (ion workers, boys' corn clubs, the State Department of Agriculture and' other allied interests of the state, miany entries will come from individ ual farmers. T'hree prizes have been offered. ,for $100, $50 and $25 respee lively. Tihiu r:day will be known as "Cohlnt hia Day." The morning will he giveni over' (4 lanl concerts, while in the afternoon the magnificent trad es dis play will be held, when again long trains of floats will go by, demonstrat ing the business interests of the 'ap ital City. "Military. School and Patriotic Day" will be observed Friday, the final day of the Fair. Should the two regiments of troops now on the Mexican border, return to South Carolina by that date, these will participate. An effort is now being nmade to have the military schools and colleges, and all firaternal organizations, together with civilians in the parade. Valuabe cash prizes have been offered to the military school making the best exhibit. The parade is intended to add impulse to the idea of preparedness. Free acts will also be a feature on Main streel each afternoon and night. "our of these specialties have been lroetured, and free performances will IT giveu on Main street by each in the afternoon. and as many again in (le evening. '('le acts will be staged at the juncture of four of the streets with the main thoroughfare, and (lie per fornanlices are scheduled one half hour apart (hat tie crowd may witness all of these. Indientions are that no such ('1.ods iav'e ever before moved upon ('oltmblia as will come to (lie Capital City late titil moth. Roosfer Attach, Ba!y Boy. . loliet . IM.- Li) IPhwe. two years ialo'a i lto esape, fehl. Thle rooste r lucked htim ini thei bead. striking at Sliturtt ini 114 h e thlil's sku11 l w i t his beatk, rendin g himu unioniselous. * W. .'U I'. .ill1-:iNtG. * * WV *e ee e . ... AS. . , P'rogriamn for qurtterly mebet ing of Secondo Divisioni W. M1. '. 1o be0 hold with thie S'econd lDaptist chugehc~, Lao r'ens, 10:30 A. .\., October 21st. Devolional IExercises, led by Mtrs.'Clif ton C'aldwvell. I toll ('all ---Delegatles respond withI Scriplture verses. Gr'eetings*-M rs. lFrank .\atiin. hlesp(onse -M\iss M:arvie Itrownlee. itimportaonce of R. A. W~ork (a) Th'le pastor's relatiotn to 11. A. Work, S. ii. Tremiplemani. (b) '('le deacoi's relation to P. A. Work, Mir. W. HI. Dritnmnond 1 resottIion of Associational map Mliss 14 hel Simm ons. I2 ft 1 evuuI tional E'xere ise..o a..l Quiery -I owv dio leepting Chr i Atiinus Ilihider (be Progrei''M' of ('::rlt's K(iigdlom? Mtrs. Wil .\leng. Qiuemy --Whosee 'it~y is it. to A waken lte ilijpp Prt''eta~~ttion of Punbetam C1(harit-Mrs. W. N.' Aust!n. Adljour tnment. Alirs. (Cleo WVotford, P res. At ((Je lltarel 'ri of sore throat, lightl (iiest 0o' slt't "d i had take, a dose of loosene the 'lhlegm and treak tip ''outr >'ud. Dr. I1-' - Ph'" - lhony has a! Ih ber'l'neflc '' (lie healIng arert" from -iuiine f rest, It is pleasant *" tako "'l? th! i!entic. The formula thu "ftie tellsm why It relieves celdi' ando conghs, At youtr di 'irf;~. 25lc, 11ev. and Mrs. Pitts Move to Greenwood Rev. and Mrs. J. D. Pitts, of Fouii tain Inn, parents of Mrs.' C. C. Feath erstone, have moved to Greenwood and for the present are living at the Moreland. For a number of years Mr. Pitts was pastor of the Baptist church In Laurens. He and Mrs. Pitts have many friends in Greenwood who will welcome them to the city as residents. - Greenwood Journal, Meetig of ID. A. R,~ , The lenry Latrens chapter, 1). A. R., will meet at the residence of* 'Mrs. J. McD. Moore Friday afternoon at 1 3:30 o'clock. J)espondtey. When you feel discouraged and Despondent do not give up but take a dose of Chamberlain's Tablets and you are almost certain to feel all right within a day or two. Despondency Is I very often due to indigestion and bil- I lousness, for which these tablets are espelically valuable. Obtainable every where Piles Cured in 6 to 14 Days Your driggist will refund money if PAZO OINTMENT falls to cure any case of Itching, Blind. Bleeding orl'rotruditg Piles in 6tol4days. The first appucation gives Ease and Rest. Soc. 1 f SU.MMONS FOR IELIEF. State of South Carolina, 1 (ounty of Laurens. IN C'Ot'lT 0OF COM\.\ON Pi'l'A~ Alice A. .leClintock, Plaintiff. against U. A. ones, Mollie I. Nash and '1'. 1. Ienry vFurnac Con1pany, I)efend aIlls. - To the liefemlants above nlamcla: You are hereby summoned anid re duired to answer the complaint in this action of which a copy is herewilh served 1111011 you, and to serve a copy of your answe o to said copliplaint on Ile subscribers it their filee, at. Lat rens, South Ca olina viit hini twenty days after the s 'vie iereof, exclusive of the day of stl -1.ervice; and if you fall to answer e complaint within a the tine afores dl. the Plaintiff in this action will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint. The complaint herein was filed in 3 the otlice of the Clerk of Court of Coin mon11 I'las for I 'auren1s (0ount1y. Soth b Carolina on the 19th day of February, 19116 and is now on file therein. SIMPSON, COOP10ft & IfAlill, llaintiff's Attorneys. Dated February 19th, A. I). 19161. 12-3t, V * * $ * $ * $ * $ * $ " i * *1 $ SPECIAL NOTICES. ' * * $ * $ * $ * $ * $ *$ *,$ Wiant4edl- 100 ict to join our press ing club. Steal Tess just Installed., Ask about. our ', es. Laurens Steam Laundry. 12-5)1 For Sale-- -If you 'an to buy leg- s istered lerkshire Plg. rilts or hogs, ti Durock Pig I will have \ Durock for S Laur~u a Count: andflyek You Prices from, Kinard 'Dur W. P. Smith, IIltT~~1l OF TlifE li~f'lPTS"F ~hD (Of l1,aurenis School -Isltrt. N(I .July 1st, 1915, iteeelved from O11ld oard, as per' bool .Ianuary 1st, 19 I6I, iRecelived from Co'rnst it utilonat I tmuilIs I heceivted from Slpeeila1 2-mil11s '... Itecel ved from Po1Is ..........,... iteelved from Do0gs............... Tlot aIi ( r elit S School Year p 19 I.3 j1 W\atts .\l111s School: S'airles ..... .............. .. Fuel..... .............. .... imp rovemlent............... . Silndrie0 an i nic i .denitlis ... Wattsville School: Salaries .... ...........,..... I lupirov eints..... . . .,,, lein g School: Salaies............. F~uel .... ............ -Grounds ............. (Grounds ...... W'ell................ Oatk Grove Sc'hool: Salarles ............... 'f'ot el 1i penditu1res c'i -> ' e r 0 fil .Junle 'ot 1916, Jlalance on1 1 :1. witi Tflespi ice me at the County Fair next Friday. ), E. Todd/ 12-it-pd For Blent--Apartment for light tousekeeping, furnIshed or unfurnish d. A to Mrs. J. 11. lloyd, near tostolilce. 12-It For Sale-- ' -v desirable farm of )10 acres at Coik 'oi if, known as the Ir. Coleman place, id well improved. Vill sell at a barban. B. M. Wolff, Anurens, S. C2 12-It Wor isle---Well yUproveCd farm of 10 acres, eleven ro mIn brick dwelling, wo tenant uses, and all necessary ut huildings,N x i tiles of Greenwood, mthe Lauren oad. 13. M. Wolff, aurens, S. C. 12-it For Sqle--Good rart at Waterloo. f 320 acres, kn vn the Wade 11. ulbertson place. ' I sell at a bar taln with Casy terms. 13. M. Voff, Lau ens, S. C. / 12-1t For Sne--Oths r esirable farm ands, city houses a lots, stocks, etc., y B. M. Wolff Laui ns, 3. C. 12-1t Hog Feed-.lust received a large lot 1eanut Meal. icee bal, Shorts. Fatten our hogs now. v Ity from .1. II. SullI 'an, Laurens... 12-it Lost, Straf"e or Stolen-One drop hite and lemor olored, bob tailed Itch, about 18 m ntihs old. Reward or information or ret urn to Carlos R. loseley. 12-1t For Sale-Two mi "i .cows, $45 and 50 without. calves. -> extra for alves. J. I!. Power, .aurens, Route 12-1t-pd For Sale--,52 acres, 2 1-2 miles north f laurens on two 'l blIle roads. Two ntint houses. "lerm da pasture. Bar ain for oteik sal. ' Terms. Apply o I^. P'. .Minter. 12-fit Knlutec(d 'ttl \'ood- -1,000 cords of ar, blackritum . g urm, ash, wit )w. Poplar. Seor write S. M. Vrigtht. Woodruff. S. C. 12-31. ('albage htani. --C arleston, Jersey i'iketield and I,' itch now ready )r planting. Mrs. Sallie Young, North larper street. 12-1t NotIce--See 11. M. \'olff, the Real state Man, before buying or selling nything in the Real istate Line. Farm Imds, houses, lots, stocks, etc. Laurens, S. C. I t.pd. oney' to Loan- --on 5. 10 and 20 years. iterest 6 to 8 per cent. Reasonable nrgcs. Dial & Todd. 9-5t For Sale: Second-hand Plano,Stein ay. Price very reasonable. Address Y., care of Advertiser. rt. For Sale--The Estate of Amanda aughn, 3 miles from Ware Shoals, 44 gres, good dwelling and out buildings, rae pasture and well. To be sold at tblic autelon at home place on 1st y of November, at 11 o'clock. Terms tsh. J. F. Vaughn and sisters. 7-8t-pd Wlanted---Owners of county real es in who would like to secure loans at tractive rates from a Fartners iand ank of the federal government, to !e me. T,. (. Italle, at. Enterprise Na onual stank. 8-6t Jor Sale 40 or 50 ;ale at the 7 Fair. Come r Own Pigs $~5 to $20 ock Farm Proprietor E~xi'E.NIl'I'lsE llV Tt'STIEES a rf Couuaty Tr teasurer . . ..$ 2731.45 ....................75.5.00I - -- - - - .-- .. . 27.00 I,8it.50~ ifromt aill sourte ..........$2,t114.!13 'lit Ms. -.-.-.-.-. ... .. .. .. .. .. ..$ 500.00 --............ ....$7 5.00 ' - - . . .. ... ... 17.50 - - - .... .... .... 11.00 -.-.-.-..... ........ .. 78)0 -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.... ....$ 751.00 ' ......................75. -. .. ...0. -.-. .. . .1 011 - -- - -.- - .. . . .. 28.60 6-26.80 1y ...., .r... .....,.,,,,093.20 i ony' esrr--- .. 21.75 J. Ti. P. Rumorel, J....A.. a ........