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Summnitions for Mlellof. State of South Carolina, County of Lalurens. Court of Common Pleas. Sallie V. liranchett, Vista Richey, Lew is Ilichey, Melt Rueicy, Miss Belle Ritlchey, Iyd Anderson, .Janie ell Scot,1, Bessie Lindsay, J'ppic Chand ler, Wllie Blabb, hiss Lila Anderson, Miss .Janie Anderson. Plaintiffs against liss lIele An leirson, .\lrs. Irene Tay lor 1till, her heirr, whose names and addresses are u1ikn!iWn, John Tay lor, of hi heir;, whose niames and address are 'ikinown, and .James Taylor, or hi:, heirs, whose lames and addi 'sses are unknown, or to the heirs aC Greeinberry Taylor, Iheir names ar i addrl;;ses I duing unknown, defenla ;. To the Derndant' above named: You are hereby summoned and re (1uired to answer the complaint In this action, of which a copy is herewith served upon you, and to serve a copy of your answer to the said coluplaint on the subscriber at his office 210-212 Ma sonic Temple Bdilding Greenville, S. C. within twenty days after the service hereof, exclusive of the day of such service; and if you fail to answer the complaint within the time aforesaid, the Plaintiffs in this fAction will apply to the 'ourt for the relief demanded in the complaint. J. J. McSwain, Plaintiffs Attorney. Dated September 25, 1916. C. A. Power, Clerk, C. C. P. To the. heirs of Irene Taylor i1ill, supposed to be somewhere in the State of Alabama, whose names, ages and addresses, a,re to the - plaintiffs un known, and to the heirs of Greenberry Taylor, or his sons, John Taylor and .James Taylor, or their heirs, all of whose names, ages and addresses, are to the plaintiffs unknown, but suppos ed to be somewhere in the State of Oklahoma; you will please take notice that the summons and complaint in the above stated case, being an action for partition of real estate of Miss Jareeda Taylor, deceased, was filed in the office of Clerk of Court for Laurens County, South Carolina, on September 26, 1916, f1'ol Whom copies may be obtained on application; and if any of you be In fants or insane persons, you are here by reqIuired to apply unto the Court for the appointment of a guardian ad litem to represent you in the above entitled action, within the tim1e prescribed hv law, and if yau fall, application will be made 11(0to ile Court for a decree of partition of said land and the sale thereo f. J. J. McSwain, :llaintiffs Attorney. Attest: .,Pwr C .\. Power, 2 lerk of Court. Sept. 26, 1916. O-4t. The ste to our coi rate and a customers To thof vite your any of 01 the best perhaps, We are j ed paper at *The Laurei ;V ? t r ; > ? i zi SWITIZElI The Switzter Co. wias organized in 1908 by Messrs T. C. and .J. 1M. Switzer. They have grown very rapidly in stock and capital since that time and now they carry one of the largest stocks of goods in the city. They are doing all in their power to put. life into lusiness in general in and around Laurens. This institution employes an inside force 131(I liE.Tl 111.11Y FOR (GItEENVILLE 3louuntain City Olserves ('onservation H oliday. Parade and icetinu. Grreenville, Oct. -I.--Witi Congress Adamson of (eorgia, ('ongressnan Lever and Nicholls of South Carolina, First Assistant Secretary Newton of the treasury, Chief L. L. Lumsden of the Uinited States public health ser vice: Ii. A. 'Cooper of Laurens, i)r. .1. Adams Ilayne, head of the State health department, and 1)r. .1. W. Kerr, as sistant surgeon general of the rl'Ied States, among the guests of honor, Greenville county today held a1 public health celebration whleh eclipsed any thing of the kind ever before known here. A pageant was the feature of the (lay, scores of floats being in the parade. Two hands, one from iEasley ady grow th~z stant ivt -trictly confi is handled. se who are aCCount1, xy ir Customer advertisem than to am repared at all reasonable ra Farn ris, . EZ2*Z5um N.,.T 1 ('0111' N 1. of nine people, conseltently they are in a position to serve their trade promptly at all timne. The members of this 111m are both well known in this colmmunity, and always make it their business to take limtle to meet their pa trons with that glad hand of good fel lowship vhich goes to make any busi ness or country a congenial and pros perous one. and one frcon Pe lzer, took part, and the coast artillery comipanies of Spar tanhnurg and treenville also were in the parade. The celebration was held in connection with the work being done here' by tlie I'nitel States depart ment of public healtIi and despite had Veather was a great siuecess. At the opera house tonight address es were made by the guests of honor to a crowd of several hundred people. ('ongressmian Adamison was enthusias ieally applauded. Ills address was more humorous than serious. The featu res of the evening were the annlouncmetls by Congressnuai Lever that henceforth hie was a vigorous friend to public henlti approprialions and the statements of Dr. Lnumsden tha1 Greenville county has probably the highest sanitary index in the 'nit ed States, that the city sanitary imeas of this Barnk dential mian not patroni ihether lar -s. The nv ent" applie other line times to lend tes. SAFETY aers. - .. j . . N" v", .. 1'JDJri 14 , I: 1 ures he has found are the best In the United States so far as he knows; that Greenville is the only city h< knows of that needs no suggestions along Ilnes. of sanitation, and that ev. 13 mii Inl village, except one, every in corplora ted town and every unincor ilorated town, as well as 1IS per cet o (f thie county's llot~ultioni at large have com1plied l and are complying Wit i the suggestions for sanitation made by the publicp health departmeeii in it stail ary survey of the county. Typhold fever, reduced by half this year, wil: he tlractieally eliminated in this coun ty, stated I)r. Lunsden. 'I'te one mil '11age not yet in line will (10 what has been suggested, said D)r. Lumnsden, a. (te president of that mill had promised to (10 so. Assistant Secretary Newton slated that the celebration today was a na tional event, and that what had been done in Greenville county will be told of all over the land, with a view to get ting other sections to do the same thing. In the sanitary survey more than 11,000 homes have been visited and thoroughly inspected and recommen dations for Improvements made. The real work of cleaning up is just begin ning. The keynote of the day was Conser vation of human life; the floats preached this, the speakers talked of it. Prizes awarded to (lie best floats were given as follows: First, health department of tlie city of Greenville; second, Sonutheastern Life Insurance compiny; third, etual suffrage float from ('onestee mill. To TAKE SUNDAY SCHOOL CENSU. Joint Committee from Various Church es to Encourage Attendnnc'. Al a meet tag of a committee from the organized classes of the Sunday schools of tle First Methodist, First Baptist and First Presbyterian church es, held at the First Baptist church Sunday afternoon, plans were set on toot to take a religious census of the city with the object of enlisting more people in Sunday school work. A cen tral committee, to consist of one mem her from each church in the city, will meet in the First. Presbyterian church tomorrow night to Complete the or ganization and map out the work for the sub-committees to do. It is plan ned to have every person In the city Interviewed and invited to attend the since orgaar ier in which of this ba te or small ixim "a se with greai of businesi money to our DEiPOSIT BO: tid '-U). '1 -1 .k' .o - 1r. Wiiliiant Solomon, a native of haltinore, Md., has been located h ere for about eight years. lie operate:; a neat and ul-to-date jewelry store here that would be a credit to any of the surrounding larger cities. lie has in connection with his jewelry store an optical department. .\r. Solomon is an expert optician and I dare say he has iore satisfied custoiners than any Sunday school of his or her prefer ence. .\ lIarge organi/.ation is to I;e perfeL Ietqd, So that t he census lay he taken in a very short tite. possibly several hours on some !-lmlainy aft er - noon. I-'. \'l\oore is chairman of the evom nut tee and .1. II. Sullivan is seel'tol y. The work of the conmnittee is to be in tert onoinational. is loss of appetite. T AOE MARY{ N (' * I STIVE sharpens your t" etite, aids diges tion, improves the health, and gives st rn;ligth airl vigor. Sold only by us, 41.00. Eureka Drug Co., Laurens and Watts 11il1. H. S. BLACKWELL Attorney at Law Prompt attention giien to all husinsts Mloney to loani on feal Estate C"flce Phone '' Residence Phone 96 Otlit- ..mons 3uilding i the courte thc businet nk we corc and refer Ltisfiled cusi ter significa CLuStomers on KE~S FOR R EN' An4i 400.1111 other institIu ion of this kind in this conuunrity, 'ir. Solotmon is a lroietery owner in the city ani has done a great deal for the develoimient of the lown and coun ty. He has a wonderful lersonality and is a good mixer and it Inakes no difference where he is, in town or county he is always a welcome visitor and is admired by everyone in general. itlee:o! Reist rati on. Notiee Is hereby given to the idib lie (Itat the Laurens County Board of I e'istration is now in session at Isuit 'r1ns Court Ilouse and wIll hold daily sessions dluring this entire week. At the clos:e of tlhis week the registration books w'ill he closed until after the eeneral eleelion in November, at which inte no iBerson aln Vote witiout a reg 1st rat ion ('ertificate. Those holding Perlifleates issued siltce I908 need no further regist ration. It. .1. Coiel a nd. Cha irman, I.aurens ('onty Bloard of Ieg1sttat ion. 11-1t UNDERTAKING KENNEDY BROS., Undertakers and Embalmers Calls answered any hours, day or night. B. R. TODD Engineering ann Contractine Land Surveye a Sueclalty maerete Work Skillful); done or In spected. Srtwngs and estimates of all Kind, us, accu. ;s of all lially in= you to omer' is nce here wvell secur T. 7Ohlank