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"Gets-It" Never Fails for Corns btere's Nothing on Earth Like It For (orns and 1(nlises. "Whenever you 'get corns and cal louses, don't experiment-just use "pe TS-lT"' and nothing else. Las jest and simplest thing Is know to use jtust a few (OP01 on in i few sec ods-"GI TS-IT" does the rest." The old way' Is to bundle up your toes in. hnrnesses and bandages, use salves kRat. toes raw, cotton rings that. make your corns pop-eyed, knives and 1 ar U00 ShAoon "Getsdt" 'A'hat Fit 1 K Tonig'ht . tilggers" that t nr our heart out nad leave the cort n. No wonder they imnke you linp a (1 wince. F1orget all 1lthese--use "GITS-IT," he simplest corn remedy in the world, easiest to 1 se, never falls or sticks, iaInless. Y our corn losens, then you lift it off. '7l can wear smaller shoes. "(ICTSsIl'" is sold and recommend. (ed by druggists everywhere, 25e a tiottle, or sent. on receipt of price, by Lawrence & Co., Chicago, 1111. :fold in Laurens and recommended su the world's hest corn remedy by t'iureka Drug Co. Hleakh Motherhood eans A Healthy Baby. The foundation of a rfet baby ls its ,i t~othecr'st health durt 1 Ig the months ire e'ding expectaney, l tld nothing can tak; se place of "Nother's 'rien '.%"in n isuring her of m 4 pit1. .nt and comfortallo ditions, and as'fsting natd 1ure in its work during this period. ".Minther's Friend" h:a helped thon sainds through til. trying ordeal in perfect safety. "Alother' Friend" Is an r, external remnedy e; sIly apl Splied. Get It at arty drug hn1 will ie sent il ex pectant anrip thes, It is a where vattale and iteresting flash gtbok you shnu htve, artie Send fr one. Address pho Tho ga raplsh l Regulator muos 2l2 1.:tnar ldbg., acio. Atllata, Ga, DHSHICTOTOS We are equipped to go any.. where to take photographs by flashlight - banquets, parties, wedd ings etc..r knowledge of i,~U laligh yaciskoon. lCa|S~eI, /1~ phoelo LA ESHf~UHT PTOS BestaWrk Lowesot eCred PInlrae 13n noed ani (yod nrisitilco n 41,i.Iu0. ly Sn SlfOl' I013 forltr, ''t yerh ' non' as lP'iiae- /.twapi3E' ke Itd Ctr1rh~O' Cannot Be Cured.', o cantahthe set I n t of theii i 3Cens33I e. a ittrhi blood oiir.i'I ii31 co s itu ioal' dilenso, tlornaofremedito Iln(l'~s Iatrr Cu1.1e Iis akcer. initerl ly t n in i' net ' 13 d i c ll ig Oita.'rh 1 u Ii is~ih no. 3' nkiedcn.I s.4'ilns intl 311 h .ou ityl for year tlandIoo a regular' It I . *ipt ion. I - Xooe~do * te ei toles known.' cmined w'ithi"' ther Iest blod puri'r. ntim0 dietly on thet ho ldi to i ng ia. GR-tro 'i5. FISHED WITH A GANDER. And Now the Poor !owl Shows a Dis tinct Aversion to Water. A t;:tuder was so upset by exp'rl. meeI(s lallde upn11 and I brougl h11lm1 by a IIIlsc1eeous boy thmt for ;) l oan timt' lIt wouhi 114)1 go 11o Il he water. The g:0r11 1-'s leteri nation lo 11b) si 1r11n nter Is 1 uenIs of bath hug grIew( alit of the fo4:- lhewing civcui stinnees: The bioy thu( llt he wout !e 1 fih inli ari to the -ta:ll er's4 fe ' : Ind with n hook propriy h alte'd turn thie bird( out lnto the water. The ballt was at fro . The gandert wednt It~o the m1il pondl, where he : wamu ntrotsd for half11 an hour. turning "111p11111is" wind divling for footl. S1b1enly Ie fel t a pull at his leg andot looked ats surprised as the "!onae tishernaun" when he cnught ia Whaile. The 11111111 ' thought there was some . thing the matter. and heo looked to as ertain hle (nuse. The p lekerel on the) hook gave severi Jerks, whereupon (lite gander deelded hie wilted to go horne. Ile a 1t on '4e sta1rte,l for tlh' 1tore, but the pilerel Oil the book wlattied to go the oti':'r way. The ga:1nder seemed frighte:,e I at irst. 11hen he evidetted signs of :tiger and trcal to ly to shore, but the pickerel pulled him btek. Afeoi' 11114a n hour of the Irdest work L e had eve:r clone thle ganld'er ('Ine !shore. dragging a sIx pound plekerei up thie ban:. The hoy took of the ple'ker'el and balled the book with another frog. 1[e tried to induce (he gander to go in for another swim, but 10 amuint of' per sluasion Could get the bird to do0 so. Ile s1iply woubd not be driven in. F'or many weeks the gander would not go Into the water. lie would proceed with the rest of the flock to the water's edge, but there he would stop. ITe Vouh em to be ar'guilg with them witli refe1'r'('e to the (hunger they were1 courtn lg.- Los Algeles Im'11es. SHOOTING WITH A RIFLE. The Proper Way to Aim if One Aspires to Good Marksmanship. Walter \ tin 1s. the fainous Ameri. 44n s1al'shi ,: r 'er, who lives li ELig. land, w rites t"o I li e Sl enti le 1 Amerlenn (the following directions ats to the proper way to ::imt n1 rille; "The wiy to sh'oo Is.first, pu t a big ivory frlont s it inl he of the 1lack one used for4' tar ;.;' t sbooin:.441 ! Moist 11l laj4ets( Vine shoots at nre I m1ore or less d4rk. and the bhaek front sight Is d11lit'ult to see on the ble t: the ,white one shows tip at once. "Next, have your hh d sight put on the ille at the distance )rom1 your eye that you ('11 read prlit best. "When shooting do 1not try to focus a bl ek buIlseye it. 1 1a' Ifronlt sight and4. 41 bPlack h'nd4 sight 11 11a I half dozen othier things altermately while you hold on to your ride likec grll) de1th. ".ook at the ohject youi want to lilt. If It Is tuovinlg Jnudge ho4W i aIillow. no iii frontyut u 1t.1t 1111h', bring uip your 1'l tie to yor s114ulder, swinging it WI Ii the movetinnt 'f the object you wtant to lilt, andll p1-: the trigger as the bull toucheS you4r shoulder. ".The httilet wvill ,eo whevre you wvant It to wItIout your notliclg Ilhe sights at all. "If' yo4) want411 44 le i 1o.d44 rifle shot at gam1e, 11r1 as 11 sohi er1 . Join ite near est i y pigeon shout lit I'4t.l h,) itnl when you en11 break lit) per cenl't of the atys you 'nn rest. perfe(11ly 1on1lent that you eIu hit a ma.1.n every sho. yon.. ... re it bin11g ('har 1ged by3 44n enemy15 If' you1 have('4 14 r11? in your4 I h44nds ins8tead4 or ai shot41gull "'1f you4 14r:4ll e hii 1 'ct' hioI' ile gallery3 alt at staionary441 b3'1ne1k bull1 seye' wIth1 a4 bhiekl fronit sight and4( see4 '1thr~ee fr'oiit s~iht' 0144 11 'hhl~ltred b-tek sIght' y'ou are'4 not1 leiarnllhlg to 81h4o(4.. but4 mere'3'ly lung y(4' r 4'yesighlt." Cornish Pies.. Thetre are sev'eraI dishes 1 peculiar4 to Cornwa'ill. anrd a j441ty' 18 41ne. It re 84emlbies 4an 411ple4 turnover'4?4, but1 114 com-) posed( of 4llent,1 11otato and14 sea4soning, llnllIy (chopped 4. Almost ev'ery' kind of foodi Is 11ut to a Cornish pie. S'qualb p1(e Is n grealt fav~oite. Herby le'1 Is anlothe~r pl4eul1ar dish1. 'omposed40( or nlet ties, pepp)ler ('ress, pars'4le y, mu)Istard and4 sp1ina4chI. togetheur wi'th in11 slices.4 of pork. Pies a1re also made wIth leeks anud .itc'hiards, goose feet. gizzard andl( blood,1 raislins, sugair and1 aIples and mnckerel, parnsley and c'ream.--London Stanidard. Her Proof. "I've brought hack those eggs you4 ga'e me tis morning." Bald tho new brIde 4as she botan to take tihe articles In questIon fr'om her basket. "They're deuck eggs." "Duck efggs!" sneered the grocery h)0ss. "Youi're' mistaken, ma'am.I dou't niever sell no duckc eggs." "ihut I tested thienm." triumphed tile matrlmnil novice:. "1 dr4ojpped thenm Into water' and4 they floated."-Jud4ge. Domestio Discussion. "Miy husband114 accuses me44 of extrava. ganice. I spent1 about $10.000 last yea44r." "I wouldn4't m1ind4 be(inlg )4colded ( on thiat basis. 1 have to 4 8stand4 for' t' sam1e44 neension141 on $20 a week."-Lou, 1s1 ile Cyouier-'4.i0ur441al. Bohle mia. 11 Iiemi h44s not1 e N sted'4 as5 n Iepnl. ral t' 11ndepenentl nat411ion sin1ce 16420. ThaIti year 3 wa' f(15ought 1the bl ie of (1he to Atl ovrhoio.h ioeit rtytoAsIo 3 1(lEngles 084 the1H4', MANSFIELD AS AN ACTOR. His Genius Enabled Him to Turn Bad Parts Into Good Ones. We were to open ia new theater in Panton street, which was not ready, so we were I ransfer'red to the Rtoyalty. lansfileld v;s i youn. tunn tlien. about Iwenty-four. I should say. lie Vas practinl unlkInow.ti lie soon beglan to shine at reheasal. Ills part Vits that or an old beaui. .1. G. Taylor was to plny in certabht wailer. Thle phay was anl adatlation (f'om thle IFrenchl. larlile was the adapter, with no pride of nuiithorship, s.4) le allowed Aalislield i good tieal of liberly in the way of in. teriolatin and biusitness. Day by day the ent of the old beau Vas built uip. especially in ''nylor's scenes, until Mlansfield's i art assumed the propor tions of a leading character and Tay lor's part, which was the principal comedy pmrt of the play, faded away Into the background. We all began to take notice of Mansfield and to per ceive that his charneter was going to be the part of the play. One day Taylor rebelled. lIe told Fariiie and Alexander llenderson. the manager of the theater. that he was the leain;g comiedian of the company and that Mlansfield's charncter had now become the most Important per sonage in the comedy. lie protested violently. I arnle was li a dilemma. MInsfleld's business andl(] additions were so elever and so valuable that he deserved lie promience nec'orded to him. Taylor was an Important actor and could not be dispense with. Mansfield cam1e forward. "Would Mr. Taylor like my part?" he said. Taylor felt that, as the principal comedian, the best part belonged prop erly to him. Ile ought to have Mans field's part. Mansfield handed it to him. "ly all means." said lie. "Hero it is." and he handed over tine manuscript covered with interpolations. corrections and business. We resumed our rehearsals. "You will allow me." sail Mansiield to I"arnie - "you will allow tme the same privilege with this new part you were so generous as to accord mue with the other? Mr. Taylor has the advan tage of my suggestions on the other character; you will permit me to do toy best with this?" "fly all means." said I"arnie, andl to work we went ngain. Alansileld built up again. Day by day, little by little, his new part ab sorbed scene after scene.-E. 11. Soth ern in Scribner's. Mado a Costly Mistake. A big comtnercial house in the mid die west raised tle salary of one of its ollicers to $-10.000 a year. The ofilcer was greatly pleased. "Now ily intbilion is satisfied," he said. Within two yellers the concern had foeind a way to dispense with this of liver's services. It was done cleverly :ctai1 smuo't hlly. The 11nnn1 nCeer suspet - ed the real teaison why lie was released. The head of the concern had over heard his remark. "We want no noen in tihis bisiiness whose amlbition is snzt istled," lie said. "When a min Is satis fled. when he ceases to plan and tight for the future, we begin to lose money on him."-W\'om:ii's llone Comipaniona. Why She Mad No Outcry. "You say." said the lawyer, "you heard tihIs 1111111 break into yoir house in the dead of night, and yet you made no0 e.fforl to entii for hneip." "Thiat Is so." "Were y ou too f'righntenied to call out?" "No. I wa~s niot distulrbe'd ai paril e.1 lie bumpled into the rocker of a chaIr and uihswore(. s) 1 thouight It wvas my1 hus. ban11d."-Detroit i't'ee Pre'ss. The Cheerful Face. Do not be grum apy in your own hiome. Some folks savec all theIr smiles for comnpany or' speclal occasions. it Is far' more niecessary to haippiness to be cheerful in your own hlome and with your11 owtn family. If thie home Is unp. py one enn bear' rud~enless met else. where. If the home Is hiappy the hap. piness will radIate among neighibor. and friends.--Alliwaukee Journal. Electricity's Friends and Foss. Explerimlentis have showni that thle best counductors of lightninig. pslaced in the order of cond6etiity, aire mietals. gas coke. graphite. solutlins of salts. acIds and( water. The best nioncotnductors, endIng with the most perfect insulation, are idia rubiber, guttat percha. dry aiir and1( gases. wool, ebonite, silk. glass, wax, sul phiur, resins and paraill. Renewing Rubber. Rubber that has lost it.s (!astielty may be rejuvennitedh. necordling to thle Journal de P'harmia('e et de0 Chiie. by Immersing it for five mInutes in a bauth of glycerin mixed ithl twenty 1e times Its volumie of distilled water anld heated to 70 dlegrees C. and then drying It with filter' iapler'. Tro Polite. .Little iloy--Thi.. t hly thati lke hd to me in the park gni t mte some ('llidy3. Mot her-! hope y'ou wi polite. LIttle* 1loy--Yes, ma, I was. .! aher--Whamt did( you say? LIttle flouy I salid wished pa hand mart her before lie got nequalinlted wih y'on.-- ChiienigoI llorald. "Ilw(4 Not Facially. "3lw'olyo preserv'e thle pa init s.o wonder)Ifully ?" "'1 put maniy coats oIf v'aish ovr it." explaIned thre artist. "ibuit."' he woh 'ik- ini yoiur Cn5 . dr ihily,. c. w 'l ir 'uir ~ .l nurn a. - ii - plc li thelay w',rir an ..irele.:. ai lim -I A Shop is Known by the KNOX KtNOK Merchandise "f .is Sells W E COULD add considerably to our profits by selling an unknown brand of Hat, but we do not conduct that kind of Shop. .Z The Fall rats you will find here have the "No Name", Frank Sch1oble and Knox stamps in them and the Clardy & Wilson repu tation behind them. When you purchase one, you are safe. Come in. CLARDY & IKNO\ t( 1~ / i'NOX Shoes, Hats and Clothing nr THE IDLEHOU Will Start, on Next Friday, Sept. 29, the Combined All-Features Propram The Greatest Stars on Earth Are in These Pictures Paramount Pictures Wilam Triangle Fine Arts Blue Bird Photoplays Features Keystone Comedies With the "Peg o' the Ring," on Saturdays, starts Oct.14 30 Reels---15 Weeks. The Greatest and Only Circus Serial Filmed Grace Cunard Fancis Ford Since the dawn of th Motion Pictures, these have been the Stars who have drawn t crowds, and the stars you all kno-, and love are in this Wonderful Fe ure Program at The Ilde Hour A few out of many actors and actresses. Mary Pickford Wm. S. Hart This is the largest Theda Bara House Peters and grandest collection Dorothy Gish Wallace Reid of actors and actresses Nance O'Neill Wm. Farnum ever acssembled by any Geraldine Farrar J. Warren Kenigei picture play-house. Pauline Frederick King Baggot If anv one tires on Annette Kelleman Francis Ford the public there are Blanche Sweet Robert Maatell ninety-n ne others who Kitty Gordon Dustin Fariium are loved. Six Big Days Each Week Monday---Triangle Fine Arts. Thursday---aamount Pictures. Tuesday--pParamount Pictures. Friday---Biue Bird Photoplay. Wednesday---Triangle Fine Arts. Saturday--Fox Features. With "THE PEG 0' THE RING," Starting Oct. 14. The idle Hour "The h .opls I a Pat