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'See How That Corn Comes Clear Off" "GETS-IT" Loosens Your Corns IIIg* Off, It's the Modern Corn Wonder ver Falls. j t's hard to believe anything could at like that in getting a Corn off. Wl4y, iJmifst fifted that corn right off with "It'. Just WondA * GETS. Makes A114 G Quick." my finger nail '( id' S-IT' is ce ainly wonderful! Yes. "( 10,TS.-l'" 8 the I most wonderful cor -cure o r known because you dont I tve t fool and puitter arotild with ) 1 ur ins, harness theill IIp with band g or try to dig thei oi(. "(iTS- iT" is a I uld. You put on a few drops in a ew seconds. It dries . It's painles. Put your stock ing on right. over it. Put on your reg uilar Shoes. You won't ill) or have a corn "twist" in your face. The corn, callus or wart will loosen from your toe--off' it comies. Glory hallelujah "G~TS- IT" is the biggest selling CO11 remedy in the world. When you try It, you know.why. "G0TS- IT" 1s sold and recommend ed 1)y druggists everywhere, 25c a bot tIle, or sent onl receipt of price by E. Lawrence & Co., Chicago, ill. Sold iln laurens and recommended as the w8rld's best corn remedy by I'ttreka Dtrug Co. 1tIEU3IATIf * VDERM S are iade for a si purpose Rheuimna tism In its various forms. If troubled with i rheuniatism, try them on our guarantee. Sold only by us, 50c and $1.00. Eiureka Drug Co., LA-urens and Watts N. B. DIAL, A. C. TODD DIAL & TODD .Attornevy at Law Enterpriso Bank Buidings; Laurens, S. C. PRACTICF2 IN ALL COURTS Noney to Loan on Real Estate-Long Time. I'. t . Featherstone W. B. Knight VAIEISTONE & KNIGHT Attorneys at Law Laurens. S. C. it ilu~she ss lIirusted to Our Cari M1Ill n'e 'rompt and Careful Atten. tion. OWilee er Plmdietto Bank MrI. eathertone will spend Wednes div ot eaich week in Laurens.) CHICHESTER S PILLS II.yeasnw n ' stsaos.Ad a n e labl e SOLD BY DRU~iGISTS EVERYMERE L A ltE NS DRIUO STORE, RU B-MY-TISM Will cure Rheumatism, Neu ralgia, Headaches, Cramps, Colic Sprains, Bruises Cute, Burns, Old Sores, Tetter, king-Worm, Ec zema, etc. Antiseptio Anody, uised internally or externally. 25c Simpson, Cooper & Babb Attorneys at Law. #~ 11 Pratlee in all Mtate Courte P'romipit Atention (iven All Buuinese NEULECTl the I realment11 of Piles and the condi (ions rapidt- become worse. Relieve y'ourlself by) using a remedy of mIC't and( guaranteed to give rellef. Sold only by us, 50c and $1.00. Eutreka D~rig Co., L~aurens and Watts Mill. s 0ce HEEMAC CO* EE e ** * * e@e*o e p * TYLERSVJLLE NEWS. * ise * * *.* . . *... * 44 TylerasVille, Sept. 4.-Sothe frorp the neighborhood attended services at Bethany Sunday. Misses Grace, Fannie and Mattie Bobo Poole and Mr. and Mrs. Furman Poole spent Sunday with relatives near Woodruff. Mrs. J. W. Blakeley In Hi)ending a while at her old home in this neigh borhood, We are very glad to have her with us again. Mr. Hugh Myers spent Saturday night and Sunday with Mr. Joshua 'Craig Poole, The farmers of this section are quite busy gathoring their crops. Some have gin ed' and even sold new cotton. . r. Marvin Sanders was in 'Laurens on business Monday. Several from the eighborhood at tended the singing at Watts Mill Sun day. Mr. J. S. Craig was in Laurens Monday on business. Mrs. P. K. Abercrombie and children spent last Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Peterson and family. Mr. T. P. Poole and daughters, Miss es Grace and Fannie, were business visitors in Laurens Monday. Miss .Janie Donnan, of Columbia, is spending a few days with relatives here. Miss Mattlic Boho Poole an( brother, .Joshua Craig, visited relatives near Madden Station last week. Misses \nnie Mac and Corrie Belle Donnan visited relatives in Clinton last week. STOP THE FIlt.' COLD. A cold does not get well of itse1. The process of wearing out a cold wears you out, and your cough be comes serious if neglected. Hacking coughs drain the energy and sap the vitality. For 47 years the happy coni bination of soothing antiseptic bal saman in Dr. King's New Discovery has healed coughs and relieved congestion. Young and old can testify to the effec veness of Dr. King's Now Discovery for coughs and colds. Buy a bottle today at your druggist, 50c. JONES NEWS. * * * 4*4 * **44 * . .. ,4 Jones, Sept. 4.-Rev. J. 13. Connel Icy, of Princeton, will preach here on the 2nd Sunday night. The Sunday school will meet at 3.30 p. m. and we cordially invite all of our- friends to unite with us in the good work. We recently had the pleasure of meeting the following friends: Rev. Thos. O'dell, of Anderson; J. C. Cork, of Rock Hill; Dr. C. H. Burton, of Iva; M. B. McCuen, of Princeton; and Wells Riley, of Greenwood. Rev. J. 13. Connelley, of Princeton, assisted by Rev. Mr. Harley, of Spar tanburg, conducted a revival meeting at Rings Chapel recently. The writer had the pleasure of at tending the reunion of the family of Hon. J. F. Morrison on the 25th of August. Eleven children, thirty six grand children, and one great grandi child wer'e present. Theli occasion was a thoroughly enjoyable one and we hope ou r goodl friends may b)( s garedi to enjoy many reunions. We know of no0 one who deservesi more (redlit for the success he has achieved than lion. J. F. Alorrison, Every mnovement, that had for its object the promotion of the best interest of our community, has invariably received his warm and hearty support, and we trust that he and Mrs. Morrison may bo spared many years to enjoy the bleissngs of well spent lives. Mrs. E. E., Martin and sons Frank, Jones, Eugene and William, of Monti eello, and Mrs. 0. W. 'Jenkins and sons William and Walter, of Columbia, are visiting their parents, Dr. and Mra. W. T. Jones. The memtbers of lirewerton Lodge, A. @' .M., are requested to attend the next communication on the 4th Sat urday, at 2 p. nm. Mr. Warren Davis is building a nice cottage. We are indebted to Supervisor Hf. B. Humbert for having had Rasor's Bridge road worked. We are indebted to eru friends for ecent kind favors. Abbeville and WVare Shoals crossed bats last Saturday, Ware Shoals win ning bya acore of 5to 1 The friends of Mrs. .J. H. Bllackwell will be sorry to hear that she passed awvay on the 3sat of August. She was universally lovedi and we! tenderly sympathize with her husband and daughter. Mr. Wm;-Richmey of Georgia, was the recent guest of his sister, Mrs. J1. F. Morrison. CLEAR hAD SKIN FRtOM WITHIN Pimply, muddy complexions are dume to impurities in the blood. Clear up the skin by taking Dr'. King's New Life Pills. Their mild laxative qualities remove the ipoisons fromi the system and brighten the' eye, A full, free, non gr'iping bowel irpovement in the morn ing is the reward of a dose of Dr. King's New Life Pills the night before, At your druggist, 26n. - -- mJmWA ' k JJ V .avinoj5VJMa, J., * * e * * u e .. .... * * HICKORY TAVERN E * Hickory Tavern, Sept, 4.-A fte rain would be very pleasaig to our farmers.. Most .of our farmerA are about through pulling fodder. Our cotton IS opening very fast. Mr. Todd Knight surprised his many friends last Friday when he marrie(d Miss Mary McDaniel. irs. Knight is an attractive young lady of the Poplar section, while Mr. Knight is a prosperOus young farmer of Hickory Tavern. \Ve all welcome Mrs. Knight into our midst. We wish then a long and happy life. . Dr. Weiborn went to Augusta one day last week and has not yet comme back. Mi'. Theodore Sumerel, of P'on lIid,. S)cpnt part of last week with Mr. .1. .\L Sumerel and family. M~rs. Willie Abercrombie is on the sick list at this writing. .Nir. Abercrombie has gone to C'oluI bla to the hospital for an operation. The lilsses Nesbit and Simpson, from I'iedmont, wece the week-end guests of Miisses .\Iarie and Lizzie Mahon. .\ir. Pall loper and :3ister, Nlay, have .been visiting friends and relatives iII Union county for the past few days. Mr. J. M. Sumerel entertained a number of his friends last Saturday by giving them a plelic. This plen ie scells to be an annual event. Mr. Sum erel has had his picleic at his hwome for the past three years, and a large crowd attended tois year thani ever be fore. The young folks enjoyed themselves ,by pleving games of all kinds, and in many other various ways. At twelve thirty all carried their dinner to the sr)iing where a large table had been made for the event. The ladles soon Piled the table full of good eatilngs which they had pre pared for that day. Saturday was the firSt day hat a speaker was lnvited. Mi. Sumerel invited Dr. 11. !. Stuart to COie and make an address at elev en-i hirty. Dr. St uarit lade an elegilit specch vry apIIpropriuite foi that kind of event. Dr. Stuart is a well read Man and besides, he is a 1irulie CI ristiana ani a line speaker. Everyone listen ed attentively while he was talking. even did the little folks. .\lr. Sumerel want; to thank every one for their help and support in try lng to make everybody enjoy t.Iem selves, anid also, Dr. Stuiart for coi Ing anid making his nice talk. We all are looking forward to tlhe next picic at Mr. Sumeorl next year. After the picnic a lawn party was givein to the young folks at ir. Sum erel's. A large crowd attenlded the par ty and al! enjoyed themselves very much. Mr. Charlie McCall, of Dials, was the welcomne visitor of Messrs Gillie and Culver Sumerel Saturday night. Quite a number of our young )e(ople went to the box supper and iawi party at E'den Friday nIght. They all re port a good time. Mr. lBarber .Jones, of near Waterloo, wvas the visitor at Mr. 11. 0. Abercionm bie one ady last week. No. 666 This Is a prescription prepared especially for MALARIA or CHILLS & FEVER. Five or six doses will break any case, and If taken then as a tonic the Fever will not return. It acts on the liver better than Cslomel and does not gripe or sicken. 25n Opening at Gray Couurt-Owings. The senoot will open at rGray ('ourt Owings Septeimbeir the 1 8th. All pui 1il' who failed during the past ses sion or any new ones wishing to enter the school thIs cominag session will lplease see me on Tiuesday afternoon, September the 12th at 3t:30 o'clock, P'atrons are earnestly requested to see that thel,- children are on hand the opening day. II. T. Wilson. WQGf'V DescrlptlieFall H UUU 0 Sood Catalog just issued, tells all about Crimson Clover, Alfalfa and all Grass a d Clover Seeds fo Fall Planting. Wood's Fail Seed Catalog algor give, full a d complete I 6r mation ab t Vege a Seeds that can b planted to advantage and profit In the late Summer and Fal,. It Is altogether the most use ful and valuable Fail Seed Catalog issued. Mailed free to Gardeners, Market Growers and Farmers on request. Write for it. TiW.WOOD & SONS, SEEDSNEN. - Richmond, Va. 'UMEi15NE IS. U., H IPTEMBRRl 6 Che one There rettes sol of them c fields sati This ref reshin rette mus Yet,', mildness, do more let you ly -and ye Ch, Whenever You Need a Gleneral TonIc Take Grtove's TVhe O1d Standard G'rove's Tasteless ,hil TI'on ic is equially va luabile as ai Genera~tl Toaic hiecauow it 'ontains thle well knowvn toniceproperties of QUilN IN IC nnd( IRON. It acts on the Liver, Drives Dott Malaria, Enriches the Blood and Builds up the Whole Systenm. 50 cents. " THE OL. RuE.LiA BE EMEDYFOR MEN. AT YOUR DRUGGIST. NO'il('E OF" ELE('iON. SItaite or Southi ('atrolinta, ('otunty of haurltents. Whtereas, tit ins stined by3 a legal nluin her of the inli lied electoris and free-holders recsidinug ini Sut llivan school (listrict No. 2, Lauiitrens counity, South Cariol ina, asking for an elect ion upon1 1 (th testion or voting an addi tionial 2 inill lax upon the itroper'ty in saidi sc hool di strnict to be used for school pur iposcs, have beeni Iiled w ithi I teOO13 cou n boad of ed tt(ntioni, an elee tion isli hereby ordered uipot n haid quet tiIon, saidi electioni to be1 hlcd on the sch'lool hotuse', in sa id distritt, itnder the inaniagenttentt oh' the i triutstees 01' said schtool disttrict. Only3 such electors~ as returi n real or lpersonal property' for taxation and who exihit their ta x teeipts andl~ registat 1tion cirt iHeat es as riredit'~ in Ste genieralI ee t shall lbe all owed to vote. Tlhose fanvorinig the 2 ill addItional tax all i vote a halltot con taitin g the word "Y V*m" written Or' pinitedh there )tn. Thoste againist thet 2 itt Il adiiiIt ion ii tax shall vote a ballot containing thle word ''NO'' wi tten or' printed thet'eon. P'olls shall be 01pen att the hour t of 8 o'clock in the for'enoon anad shahll renmaini opent until the hour' of I o'clock in the afternaoonm when they shall be closed, and the ballots count nd. Tihe trustees shall recpot the result of the electiton to the county auditor rindi county supe~rintendlent of edutca lion within ten (lays thereafter'. J.AM~ICS II. SULLIVAN, B-2t . l norer, of C..u.., n-a. 1916. sterfield step fi f : aee, perhaps, over 800 bra d in this country today. E loes what Chesterfields do, j sfy-and yet they're mild! truly unique cigarette has taste-delicacy which any t have. vithout sacrificing any of thi Chesterfields go one step fu than merely "please your t row youIVe 4een smolking / T t they're ndld I IGA6LETT: -and e eyre 10 for 5c Also packed 20 (or10ec F'INAL l, NETE1NT. or t'iiiint o ct net i ndoinigs as IN eeuitor ofI thle estate' of .1(ohn1 T D)agnall, deceasedl, in the otie ' the Juidg.e of 'irobt~ie, of14 liires &'ountiy, miy trusts aIs Admlinistrator. An perso hiS id 1(ebted to1 said esite is notitlledI andi requ1i red to make pay ment on that date; and altl persons hiavintg clIains aga ist sa id estate will jpresenit them on or' hefo re said dlate. duily proven or be forever ha rred. t'xecut or. Angust 9, 19tt1. - I mo. - * ' 9 * A .NNOI'NCE:MENTr. * *9 ** * e * * 9 * 9*9*9...e e For Soltettor. I hereby annlounCe inyself a candi date for' Solicitor or the t'dighth Cir cult and promise to aide by the rules of the Democ rat Ic pimanry. I thereny annloilnee myl3'~f a candl date for the ofie of Sotlicitor of the tlgt Ih Juid icialI CtircuIt, subject to the ruIles of the D emocriatic pimary. For State Seniate'. ISubjeet to the rules of the Demo eratic party and the result of thle trmary elec, I respectfully an nounc ne my13setlf a candidate for State Seinator 1from111 ianureS (ounity.' I hierelay announce miyself a candi (date for re-telioll to the State Sen' ate subjec t to thle ru les and regula tions5 of the D~emocratic pairty. O.P OOD)WIN. I hereby annlloune mysel0f a (andi (date for the I louse Of lII'esetat ives from 14111reins (ounity, subject to thte rules of thle DemocratIc pimary. WM. D. IYRD. Subject to the rites of thte D~emo crat Ic prImary, I respect fiully ann~ounle myself a eanditdate for the Iliouise o1 Representativea from Unfuiresoon ty.n ther nds of ciga-. out not one For Chester all of that good ciga s delightful Lrther-they aste "-- they hey satisfy I E: S 1 i 1~di herebyannouce myse 1(lf for re. jl1tion to the 3III 1 llous o leeenta tives1 1 Iubjet to the ruilos of the Demo lratlie prilinary3. Subjec.'(t toth ruwlles of the Demo evaliepiinary 11111lion,0 Isctfullyndi (t lelturSe ifrotuo 1baurens County, ann je ouc e y sol addt o the 1tmcal 3)l' Illry. . L. IDE. I herebey announce my3self a canidi date for' the olilco of Sheriff of Lau.. r1n$ county1' 1 atil prom01ise to abide by the re'sul ts oft t'e )emIocra11tie imilary. JiOIIN D. W. WATTS. For ('oronier I here'ii y announce1( my3'self ai canidi dit i l I0 t' tolii'(' of Coroner ot[ }ou. runs county 13subject to the rules of he' Illm ctit'l i mary'11113. 11. it. O\VI.NGS. fIu'hee' announceI(~( m lf a cantdi dlate for' Cor'oner of L~aure'ns county andt pledge mys'iel f to abhide by3 the re sualt of 0 the DemI~o('ra tic primaliry. 11. J. FilA NS. I Ihlereby anfounice my3self a candi date for re-election to the otlice of C'ounty Commiussioner of Laulrens ('ounIty, subljet to the rulles of the Demra 'ltie imIlary3. J1. T. TODD. lilaVi ng ('oneisentiousy1133 perfor mod the dutie ls oIf the (olli(Ce of County Com mlissioner' for' I) 1erms, I herebly an 11ounce( by3 ('undIidney' for re-elec tion for a thiir term,111 111111 pro ig to g~ 0 lhe 011i1e my13 best3 alt tnloln andl to abtidie by3 the resl3s of the Democratic 31 r imary3. .1.. 111. TT For Magistrate, I herebyi announce11(' myself a canIt Alagistra'~te of 1 Laurens1: towniship, sU jet'0 to the rules of thle Democratij 11. 1'. TRAYNHAM. At the re(ilnest or friendse, I herob~ ann11ounce myselfI a caindidate for titl of)l(e of Alaxstrlate of Laurens toWi ship and prom 31011ise to abide by the t' su1111 It' ofthe l)elrlnernfic 1)o'lmal'y