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a v v O > a S 1i> >t 1B 888 LaI a nrj iesonal X t u. 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 i S 8 8 8 1r. W. E. Meng is spe Ilig some time In Greenville on busit ess. Mr. J. A. Dailey, of Clin n, was at visitor in the city yesterd -. Miss Annie Clai left last week for Waynesville, N. C., for a 'hort stay. Dr. Anthony C. Fuller #as in the city Friday on business. Mr. Pat Kinard, of Clinton, spent Sunday and Monday in the city. Mr. Erskine Todd spent sev ral (lays last week In Columbia. Misses Amelia and inima 1 arson, of Fountain Inn, are the guest. of Miss Amelia Irumniond. Miss Jule 'Childress has returned home after attending the Sulmmer School at Winthrop college. Miss Christine Frazier, o Ninety Six, is visiting Mr. and Mr.s. . 13. Dial a'nd Mr. and Mrs. Ea. P. Mint r. Mrs. James Cannon, of Ati ata, is in the city visiting her netheri Mrs. M. E. Manly. Miss Fairy Connor, of dr er, is in the city visiting her friend, irs. S. G. Lever. Mrs. J. I. Shelley, of W minngton, N. C., is visiting her sister, rs. A. L. Mahaffey. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Pinsor of Ware Shoals, are visiting Mrs. Pinson's mother, Mrs. John M. Clard . Mrs. E. H. Wilkes will paves for Baltimore the latter part of this we/k to visit relatives. Mr. J. W. Taylor, of Pri ceton, is visiting his daughter, Mrs T. lane Monroe, and Mr. Monroe. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Clarke as moved Into the residence formerl occupied by Mr. and Mrs. W. i. M Phail, on -East Main street. Mr.. Marion Wilkes retured to his work at Rowland, N. C., F iday. lie had to use the ferry at th Catawba river to rea'lh his destinati n. Mir. Jamie Roland left .\;nday for Hartsville after spending i vacation here with his mother, Mr.. Mary E. Roland. Mr. and Mrs. V. 13. Riddh and chil dren, of Atlanta, (la., are vi ting M\rs. Ella Riddle. Mr. Roy Martin, formnerly Lanrens and now of .\nderson, spe t Sunday in the city with friends. Messrs J. M. Mars, .1. Rt. I inax, and W. J. Sninit, of Abbeville sy t Sunday in the city with friends. Misses Elizabeth Young ;nd Carrie Fleming went to Gaflney I .t Friday to spend about a week visitsI friends. Miss Fanine Mae Timir rmnan, of Greenwood is visiting at thl home of her brother, D~r. T. L. Tinu jerman. Mr. \Y. C. Duncan, of la berg, has been in the city for the p, t several days visiting friends and rfiatives. Mr. Edwin .\loseley weal to Spar tanbir '; aturdiay to acet a posit iona with . civil engineer ing 3rps. Mr. Frank Spratt, of Gre(ei ille, was In the city Saturday and Sipday visit ing his brother, Mr. .lohn Spratt. Mr. W. II. Sullivan and si, Frances, of G ray Ciouri, were in the pity Satuir dlay onl b~isiness. Mrs. R. A. McCord, antI < Id ren, of Chier'aw, have been vis'itin - relatives in the eit. Mr. L~eoni toiiunds, of (' titoni, was In the city on business for while lasi Thu rsday. .Miss .lula hi ld iress ret uined Satur I day I'romn Rock Jili wtho e, she has been attending summeri seCR 001.o Mrs. PautI Alexander, of fijartaniburg, arrive'd in thle city last wv -k to visitI her father, Mr'. .1. D). Sextor~ Mrs. Win. Loutma, *Of prt' nwood, spent last Thuri isday atnd in Ithe city as thle guest oIf hei' 4-end, .\i is'; Helen Sullivan. Finley GarriettI, of Green 'ood, aifter a illeasanit visit Ito his grandmli~othier, Mi's. W. HI. Glarre'ttI, returnmed home yes Ic rda y. Mr. andi Mrs. Arch Owingh and chii dren, Ruth, Evelyn and Lois, are visit ing Mr. and Mrs. (C. A. Power during the illness 9pf Mr's. Evie Power. Dr'. J1. M. ilearden spent several days in Columbiia last ,week. Hie tisited Ithe boys at Camp Moore and found them all in goodi health andli spiirits. Mr. Ri. Hi. Gi'eneker' left Saturday foir Laurens and Iaturens couinty to spend two weeks with i eatives and friends. -Newbet ry Observei'. Mr. J. Chaud Coleman, of i'par'tan= burg, spenit Sunday In the (11ty visit ing htis parents, Mir. and Mrs. ,1. r. Colenman. Misses Gladys and Lois IReece, of JAnderson, anti Miss Mary Poole, of Cross 11111, are the visitors of Misses hLcy and Lola Mclhail. Mr. Clarenco Nelson, who Ia now ho catedl at Danvilie, Va., Ia in the cIty tring his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Nelson. *Rev. and Mr., J. IM. Carlisle ar'rived nthe city Friday to spend several a1ys visiting the-latter's mothuer, Mr's. .~ Roland. irtf. sind Mrs. D). A. DuPrece, of oVftl Qoilege, has beena speonding sevqrai days in the -cIty isiting his -daughtoe', Mrs. C, R. Moseley. MiAjds Annie Dell andl ildsie ChildL roh feturned hIrid ay fronm Fountain' Inn whore they have been visiting friends and relatives for the past week. Master Robert Atkeni Is spending a I part of the summer at Montreat, N. C., ut the hone of Rev. and Mrs. C. F. Rankin. Misses Bernice Meng and Virginia Gray returned Thursday from Green wood whore they were the gyests of friends for about a week., Mrs. 1illy Y. Neal and her daughter, .Mrs. C. L. Porter, of Roanoke, Va., are visiting the former's sister, . Mrs. C. W. 'Tune. Mr. Anthony Fuller, 'of the Trinity Ridge community, returned Thursday fron Abbeville where he had been for the past ten days attending a house party. Dr. W. J. Langston, of Columnbia, is in the city at the bedside of his sis ter, Mrs. Evie Power. Sunday imorn lug he preached at Chestnut Ridge church. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Simpson and their little son, Ray, returned to their home in Spartanburg yesterday after spend ing about. a week in the city visiting Mrs. T. 1t. Simpson. Messrs W. L. Gray, Aug. Huff, .1. F. Tolbert and S. G. McDaniel attended the Methodist District Conference which was held last week at G ray Court. Mir. and Mrs. Earl Wilson, .\iss Mary Bell Fuller and Mr. Dick Fuller returned Saturday from Asheville, af ter being. away during the deluge. Mr. Wilson left his car until the roads will permit travel. Misses Hattie Cooper, of lienderson, N. C., and Marie liridell, who at one time resided here and who is now of Florida, are expected to arrive in time city this week to visit Miss Helen Sul livan. Mr. Frank McCravy, who has been in Texas singing at a recent revival meeting held there, arrived in the city last Wednesday to spend several days at home with his nother, Mrs. Ceo, McC ravy. Lieut. Jesse T. Crawford, of the An derson Guards, and who spent the days of his youth in thi; county, pass ed through the city last Thursday. lie reported that the Laurens 1boys were in line spirits and petting along spilei didly. Mr. and MIrs. .1. A. \eNinci, of Ito boken, N. J, are visitiig Mr. McNinch's father, \r. Alfred McNinch, near 13oyd's Mill. AMr. McNinch has been with the Larkawana railroad for about eight years and is now an engineer witi that coinpany, one of the most prosperous systeis in the cotint.ry. They were accompanied Aouti by their two clil(dren and will be herd for about a muonth. Mr, .\(Ninch and ii is brotl er were pleasant callers at The Adver tiser o ce yesterday. " " * ,., a SOCIETY ,...,,. ... " " " o " " " " : " " " " " . a s a Msiss Mauile Mae .sse entertained a few young friends Friday evening at a delightful party. Af'ter a nu inher of interesting ganies were played, de Iliis r'ef'reshmineCnts5 were' served. 'Thle yoa~ung folks enjoyed the 'eening ini .Miss Skaah Iishmop gave a ipar'ty yester'day urninclxg in ho)noi' or' her young couisins, M isse's El izabeoth and Euniiice S wit zerm of W\oodrlf. D uriing the mnorning various ganmis were play i'd, after which ice crmeamn andi cake were servledi. lFor Mtiss .Mcteod. Mr. and \lMs. Robert EIiICelberger' eiitertainedl a few' young Ileople Frmiday 'eening in honor of thoir guest, Miss Mary Mceood, of Spartanb~urg. Dur lng thle ev'enintg Misses lItat tie and Nel lie Eicheber'ger' served i'efrcshiing fruit punch on time porch. The gamne of Rook w~as played,. after' which deli lus Icc creamn andl cake were served. Ritudle-Coper. Mr'. :,i. H-. 'oper,. of Spartanbur'g, and1( MIss Alice Riddle, of Owings, wer'e |NICH OL S Makes Good Photographe You profit by twen ty years exp'erience when you have your photos made b y him. Also0 Picture Frames Any size, any price, -equarec and oval, pliainl or e o n v e x| . glass. Nichols .Studio Laure: es - S. Carolina.1 married in the First Baptist church, of Greenville, Wednesday night, by the pastor. )r, Quick. Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Woolen, of Spar tanburg, and Miss Lucile Riddle, of Owings, attended the wedding. Mr. and Airs. Coper will make their home in Spartanburg. Miisses McPhail Entertain. At their beautiful new home on East Main street, Misses Lola and Lucy Mc Phail entertained a number of friends last evening. The reception was given in honor of their attratcive visitors, Misses Gladys and Lois Reece, of An doisun, and Mary Poole, of Cross 11!11. About twenty couples were present and ampng them were a number of the visiting ladies who are now in the city. Early upon their arrival the guests were invited to the punch bowl where delightful fruit punch was served. Later in the evening other refresh ments were served. For the rest of the evening the guests engaged in gen eral conversation. Union Meeting. -The Union of the Fourth division of the Laurens Paptist association will meet with the Holly Grove church, Sat urday, July 29th. A progressi e pro gram has been arranged. Every church is urged to be represented, ('onstipution and Indigestion. "I have used Chamberlain's Tablets and must say they are the best I have ever used for constipation and indiges tion and they did her good", writes Eiugene S. Knight, Wilmington, N. C. Chamberlain's Tablets are mild and gentle in their action. Give them a trial. You are certain to be pleased with the agreeable laxative effect which they produce. Obtainable ev erywhere. Barbecue at Ilenno. ihere will be a first class ba rhAcue at Itenno on cait paign day, August 8th, -\en, woiien and children invited Sti' T IS ('.1Ii.AGN FI'ND. - It. .Babb, (' .irmtan. County I)elocratic Exe ciitive C'ommittee: I an sending $1.0u for National DIeuocrati _aaln fund. Within a little ovcr three years thce Wilson ad linisi rat ion has done Inure to set in notion solne great ilieasures loohin to an oequitable (listriLution of burden and benefits in this gr. it country, than had been done In a half a hondired years of ie:iiciiiia rule that had gone before. Now, I at 'eul by the great hanl:iiin and 5-ndiid iente interests of the NurtIi, a cainpaig-n surpassing anything of its kinda i< in' it to our political history, is being wvaged to restore to power 1lwo party of plunder and s;ecial privilere. TiO meet this sonic' fu nds ouist he i raised. It is a case of the great bank ing and monied int(rests against it' people. Lot. evCry democrat sIlid soerfltling to the County Chairnmani. 0. G. ''hollnpon. IT Is T lf'E that the unusual sale of a remedy is the be; t evidenc e of its merit. TRADF. MARa ltIi''l'lTs.1 P()IVEltS are guan e d' to give relief fromi rhumnatisla. They ar~e uinusuial ly large sellers. Subii 01n3ly y us, *,i0e and $1.00). ilurekla I ruig Co., Ilaturens andi Walttsi Mill. ilo Wnti a Glutton. *Miilo, t hei taultitis 0 loe of 'ainent! both th(le Iil dye 'i.nld i 'yt.tla alin~ites for six tlunes int sulccession 'T.(n onie 00. Caision ihe ~ tutu fumiles with ain '.x ''n his shulder,.. killiedI te11 anuna w ith iai bilow of ins tist lanu then lite tihe enltire cllvass ini ('ne day. All 'ordm.ary lln('a for this glutton' us TitIlan wais t wenn pounds of, I wia'e that miuih mient and lifteen 111nts of wine, Original Era of Good Feeling. 'The phrase appillied to thle adini st ra. tioni of JamTies M onaroe, "t' era of good feelinig," Ilrst alppeared ha a ilostoni newvspa per, the Col umbhian SentIiel of the tpresenit hour (lhe t wo tlons~ of Mlonroe,n terid of ('ight years, 1817 to 182---are referred to iii the termsi oif (lie new11spapetr pdaragrapit wleli't so aptly exipresse'd the pulic( sentiment of thie (liy. Lay of the Cow. "W~hat are oxen?" aked the teacher. The little foreigners looked blank. "D)oes any one know what a cow ise" she asked hopefully. A dingy handil wa~vedi wildly at the back of. the room. "1 know. I kno1w. teachter. A cowv site hays mailk!"-I~ar. ['er's AMagazinec. Where Woman Teil Their Ages. JalpaneselC wotiuen'i wear goildi plu- In (te~ ir air til i thiey r'each t he age ->I twillt s-Il1e. At tirity the ilias arTe white, atd at forty they wenar la ,Power of Music. StIirs. Plathu'tsh--D1id you saty her hus.5 h and hans a l'assioni for niusi'? A'ltis l7pn)Isonh urist-Ohi, lmy. yes! EveC~ry t Iime she. sligs Jae tiles llnto oneQ.--Yonkers 'he 'avi3e & farmn' in the Unlited States mna (n'ed' 138 acres. On These Hot Days Use a Quick Meal Oil Stove And Cooking Will Be a Pleasure. No Heat. No Smoke. No Odor. The Quick Meal Oil Stove uses less oil, cooks quicker, and our prices are no more than you will pay for an inferior stove. Call and We Will Gladly Show You the Advantages of a Quick Meal. S. M. & E. H. WILKES & COMPANY whenyoure wageysasfyt You can hardly wait-something big is going to happen. And then the good news comes-it does satisfy! That's the identical thing Chesterfields do for your smoking-.. they satisfy! And, yet, Chesterfields are mild! It is this combination of mildness and "satisfy " that is giving smokers a new kind of enjoyment. No other cigarette can offer you what , Chesterfields do -because no c i a rette 16 maker can copy the Chaesterfielc7 blend! T ry Chester fields-today! C IG ARVT T E 10 ror5 f c Also packed 20 for 10c - ~ie and yet they're MIL D