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- o a a 3 n 11 5 8 8 8 8 b Loeal and Personal Mettlo. 8 8 8 8 8 88888888888888 Miss Alberta Riddle is visiting friends in Clinton this week. Mr. Wade Ferguson of Clinton, was a visitor in the city Monday. Mr. 11. S. Wallace of Shiloh, was a visitor in the city yesterday. Mr. Harley Abercrombie spent the day in town last Wednesday. Messrs Earl Owings and Clyde Fow ler spent the week-end in Newberry. Mrs. O. W. Leonard and children, of Spartanburg, are visiting Mrs. V. W. Jones. H1ugh Aiken is employed for the summer in the ollico of the Laurens Hotel. Miss Macle McCarley, of liennetts ville, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. B. K. Humphries. Mrs. J. H. Maxwell, of Elberton, Ga., is making a short visit to her sister, Mrs. A. G. Irby. Mr. Joe K. Thomason of Reedy Riv er was in the city on business Tues day. Miss M1ilweo Davis has returned to the city after visiting several days in Anderson. Mr. Geo. Wolffe of Goodgion's Fac tory, was a business visitor to the city on Tuesday. Miss Mary Johnson has arrived in the city to spend a part of the sum iner with relatives. Miss Ruth Altman, of Tampa, Fla., is the guest of Miss Carol Roper on North liarper street. Mr. L. Zeno Wilson of the Gray Court vicinity was among the visitors to the city on Tuesday. Miss Charlotte McGowan has re turned to the city after a successful year teaching in Easley. Mrs. G. B. Greene, of Anderson, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Halle C. Crisp, on 'Chau rch street. Miss Lucile S'gars, of Iliartsville, is spending some time in 1 aurens as the guest of Miss Dot iludgens. Dr. J. Knox Simpson, of Jackson ville, FIa., has been spending a few days here With his mother. Mr. W. C. 1lrown front L..aurens Rout' Six was aimong the visitors here toe t.he day last Wednesday. MIr. F. ii. Colbran, of the SoIuIhern I'one\r C('niPy, sp'ent. the week-end . in tie city wthb Mrs. ('othran. MI )oreas Caltmes, who has been teac hinzg in Columbia, spent part of last week here wit ii relatives. .\y;. Joe l'uiney, of Clinton, is spending a few days here with her pia rc 5ts. Mr. and .lMrs. ''. 1). Lake. .\rs. TomI Calhoun and daughter, .iss 'irginia, of Ninety Six have been the guests of Mrs. M. V. Miller. Mrs. E. A. irow n, of Barnwell, is visiting her parents, .Ir. and Mrs. 1S. Sitgreaves, and her aunt, Mrs. Mar tin. Miss Dorothy Angell has gone to Tryon, N. C., where site will be the sup erintendent of the Baby ilospital established there. Mr. 'Frank Rogers, cashier of the First National Bank of Spartanburg, spent thle weekCl-end~ ini thle city ithl .\lisses tiliey Vant1ce and C'laudla IDarli igton hefIt Saturi day f'or It ilhmondl whet' they will spend1( a few wveeks ilsi ting relat ives. .\li s Fanii e Thamties left last Wed nie~sdazy tor' Itendersonivilie, N. C., whiere site will visit hier sIster i'ntil 11ev. C. F. Itankcin and fatmlly, ac comnpaniled by M\iss I oraes Calmties, Miss M\ary Strickler letft M\oniday by autoimobiilo fotr .Iontrteat, N. C. .\lr. lidward Mc'Cradiy, who has been spending several days hiete with ftriends, returtned yesterday to his home ini Charleston. Miss ILouise Simtions has returned home for the summer after attending Randolph-Macon College duritg the past session. Miss Mary Emma Gee of Augusta, Ga., who has been visiting Miss Hat tie. Simpson, left for her homo last Thursday. Mr. and Mtrs. R. D. Bloyd, of the Trinity Ridge section, were in the city last week on their way to Westmin ster to visit their son, Rev. C. D. Boyd. Mr. Harvey Terry, of Rockingham, 'N. C., is visiting his uncles, Messrs RI. D. and Harvey Terry, for sonme time. Mr. Harvey Johnson and Miss Mary Johnson of Spar'tanburg came down Monday to be here fot' the Franks Anderson wedding. Miss Jutle Chilidress left Monday for Winthrop college, where she has a *position in the summer sch.ool for the next secveral nmonths. Stephlen 1). Lee, of Greenwood, apent Friday and Saturday in the city wilth his br'othei's, Allic andl At'thur Lee. SCalhoun McGowan, 10aq., of Char lotte, spent the week-end in ths' city -with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. 'F. P: McGowana. Messrs Frank McGowan and Hugh -Elehelberger retuirned last week from Clinton, wvhere they have. been attend Ing the Presbyterian college. Mr. D. Marvin Wolff, the real os-I iate man, has moved his office from the Laurent Tailoring Company to the rear of Hays 5 and 10 Store. Mrs. D. G. Ruckman of Staunton, Va., and children, Pauline, Reber, Frances and D. V., are visiting Mr. J. A. P. Moore and other relatives in the city. Mrs. T. F. Simpson, Misses Eliza beth and Virginia Simpson and Mr. Richard Simpson left Monday for I'or ter Springs, Ga., where they will spend the summer. Governor Manning went up to Spartanburg Saturday and rode around the country with the herald's editor, carrying cotton mills as he passed. As usual, he was "much pleased."-Abbe ille Press and Banner. Mrs. C. It. Bishop, Mrs. Sallie Nickels and Mrs. J. 11. Sullivan left yesterday for Greenville to spend sev eral days attending the Women's Mis sionary Meeting of the Methodist church. Mrs. Pierce Rogers was called to Columbia last week on account of the death of licr father, James A. Lester. The funeral serces were held in Woodruff, where Mr. Lester formerly made his home. Mrs. John G. Simpson and son, John G., Jr., of Charlotte, are spending some time with Airs. 13. F. Jones. They will be Joined for the week-end by 1Ir. Simpson. From here they will go to Atlanta, where they will make their home in the future. Mr. Richard 0. Sullivan of Tum bling Shoals, is in Atlanta this week attending the closing exercises of ti Georgia Tech, where his brother, Mil ton A. Sullivan, in a graduate in me canical engineering. Mr. W. G. Ross arrived in the city yesterday after spending some time in Florida. Yesterday afternoon he spent a large part of the afternoon shaking hands with his friends and giving his imiressions of the peninsular state. Mrs. Algernon Culbertson of La Grange, Ga., accompanied by her clil (Iren, little Dunk and Margie, passed through the city a few days ago on their way to visit her parents, 111r. and Mlrs. Wmn. 1). Sullivan of ''uh lillg Shoals. Mlisses h rene 'lurley, of \Vinnsboro, and Mlary \ic('ollough, of (hester, J. It. ('ovington, t:f ('lio, San .\oseley. of Cuba, with .\liss l.:lizabeth .\loseley and 11\l. l.:d wini toseley, conimptsed :1 hioLuse-ipalty at the 1111 of mir. adil .lMrs. C. ). .\loseley for the past soveral (lays. .1r. and irs. \V. II. C'liinkscales, wio formierly resided a short d ista:ince from lowi, have returnced to iAlr'ns and will lmake this their home in the iu t re. They will occupy the second fioor of .\lts. G. P. y'oung's residence on North iarper street. Their masny friends will he delighted to learn of their return 'to yaiurcns. Mr. A. F. .\Mitchell, of M1oun21tville, passed through the city yesterday on his way home from Chicago where he graduated this year at the Iamilton College of Law, receiving the IL. It. degree. Mr. Mlitchell will remain with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. \V. C. Mitchell at lountville during (thesin 1mer monthus after which he will go to Greensboro, N. C., to open an otlce for' te iractice of hiis profession. B ring Y'our ('oupons, liring all your coupons to the Idle 1101ur for~ the~ final drlaing eon the I100-jilec0 iinner Set Friihty night. if 30(Otil anot, (1ome, send your1 coilponis. A. S. P'erry, .\lgr. Da~Ils Spriung Wate'r. D~av is Siprinig wvater~ is now~ being dleliveredl in ('lintoni on MXondays, \XCed nzesdiays and1( iridiays; in Tllurens on Tluesday, Thulrsdatys andt Satur zdays. T1hie pilce is 10 cents per gallon straight. and~ cann be secuiredi by seeing TPomi Davis eIther 01n (lie shreets or at the spiring, IAurens, RI. F. D).-Adv. D~r. Cunnzinghzam Here, Dr. 0. W. Cunningham, wiho holds the chair of Philosophy in Middle bury college, VWrmzony, is spending some time in the city and county with relatives. Dr. Cunningham made the commencement address before the lIt erary societies of Furman University' last Wednesday and wvas heard with deep interest by a number of people fromi here. At the final exercises of the university the degree of Doctor of ilterature was Centerred upon him. lIe already hilids the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Mystifying Chemioal Trlek. A plaIn blue hanidkerchief is showvn to the audience. When the handker chief is wvarmedl It turns white and~ wheni cooled resumes its former color'. Makre al starch paste and( add1( enough water. to the paste0 to thin it. Then add1( sutliiezint I incture of Iodine to col or (lie liquid blue. A few drops will be enhoulgh, I )ye ti white hanidkerchief with this blue liquid. anud when tihe lmandker'chief is (dry it is readi~y for thle trick.--Popu)11lari Kelenco Mointhily. The Strong Withstand the Heoat of Summer Better Than the Weak Old people who are feeble, and younger people who are weak,will be sIten gthened and enabled to go through the depress ing heat of summer by taking regularly 0rove's'JTesteless Chill Tonic. It purifies and enriches the blood and buids up the whole system. 50c. *e* * * ** *.* . ........ * - - , SOCIETY , ..... ... * * * * . On Tuesday evening Miss Alleene Franks entertained the bridal party of the Franks-Anderson wedding at her home on South Harper street. The guests were informally entertained. Delightful music was rendered by lisses Frances Burgess, Emmie Rob ertson and Esther Fowler. During the evening delicious punch, cream and cake were served. Miss Franks was assisted in entertaining by Mes dames C. T. Franks, J. D. Dunklin, J. N. Hudgens, R. L. Copeland, W. R. Richoy, Jr., J. H. Phinney, A. H. San ders, W. E. Bramlett and W. P. Thomason. Wedding Thursday Night. 'The Mock Wedding, with Miss Tee Eli Timmerman and Master R. Flem ing Jones as the chief conspirators, will be put across the plate at the graded school building tomorrow ev ening, beginning at 8:30, if all the bridal party is present at that time. Judging from reports emanating from unbiased sources, the ceremony is go ing to be some swell affair and the pri'e is going to be but ten and fifteen cents. As is already known the entertainment is being given to raise funds for the war-stricken Belgians and the ladies promoting it are expecting a large number of people to come out and en joy the fun and aid in the cause. In addition to the mock wedding a musi cal program will be rendered. oo Franks-Anderson. Social interest is centered today in the wedding ceremony to be per formed in the First Haptist church at high noon, when Miss Rosalie Franks and \Ir. Osie Anderson will be mar ried. The church has been artistical ly decorated for the occasion and it is expected that the scene will be one olf rare beauty and charm. The out-of-town guests for the wed ding are Miss l.:mie Robertson, Clini ton; aIiss P rances IHirgess, Crawford ville, Ga.; Mrs. S. A. (aines, ('hatta nougai, 'einn.; irs. It. L. It. Mentz and \iss Hattie Mentz, Gr(eenville; Mrs. .I. I. ('tawrford, (linton; Miss Itucia Wolff. r ay ('ott i; .\Irs. Ih. It. 'ow land, .lr. and M.\rs. J. T. .lohnson and famtily, .\lr. and Mrs. S. 1,. Davis, of ipartanburg .\l s. Sterling Stondein mire, Sumter; \l r;. .1. 11. Maxwell, 1:1lbertot, (hi. non Biroiw n-HByr td. On Wednesday evening, .1ine 71t at 8 o'clock, at the hone of lit( biles mother, .\lrs. 8alli C. ]frown, was solemnized the marriage of \liss 'Vin nie Brown and Rev. Robert )owns lyrd of L.exington, \'a. 't'he hall where the ceremony was performed was tastefully decorated with South ern smilax and daises, and lighted taller.; cast a soft radiance over the scene. To the ::trains of Lohengrin's Wed ding Maarch, rendered by Miss \largat rett. lHyrd, the bridal party entered lie hall. First camte M\iss M\airy lBrowni, ssiter of thle hide, dre''ssed int lute ercite deC ('hine andu carini3'g pinik ('ar inationts tied( w'ithi Pink tulle. She wvas .\irs. Wil son C. I riownt, Jr1., whIo wore' her' weddinig dr'ess of' while chtarmteuse, wvlith pearil Itrim ings andh irlon drapt leries; Iteri bouqu(et. was pink ('a inatiIons, tiled withI ) pink till I. ''ThenI (am tie toima1(1 0f hiontor, .\%liss (Ila Btrown, anothier sistr of (lie bide;l site was daintily at ttred Itn a lovely1 dIress of' pinkl chIffon over taffeta, anid carriiedl wh'it e carnaltIons. Th'len caen t Itle riing-bearers'i', 1little MAariy Henw"i('k and Williamson Birowni, carryinig the ring on a silver tray. Next camne thi. groom and his best man, .\ir. Ludy Blakely. Just ptrecedinig (lie bride camte little Helen Brown and Al bert McCaughri'n, scattering flowers in the pathw~ay of (lhe bridle. Thie brIde en tered with her' broth'er', Mr. Ws TV. lBrowni, by whomt she was given in marriage. She was becoingly dressed in a lovely gown of white satin with~ lace over draper'ies. Heri'bhu qutet was bride's roses and fernis. The young coupule stood beneathi an inter lockedl heart or dlaises and tulle, and took their matrriage vows, Rev. J. WV. Carson, asisted by R1ev. 1. N. Kfenntedy of Ora, officiating. After thie congratulations, the bidaI party and their fr'iendis repaired to (lie dlining-roomi, where a saladl course, cream and cake anti minths were serv' ed by a bevy of young girls. The bride's tale, which occupied the cen tire of the roomt, was *spread wvith a beautiful Chinese dra'wnwork iece htaving as a centerpiece a cutlglass v'ase filled wvith earnations aind fernts re fleeting its beauty in a circular mir r'or ont which It stood. The bride is (lie youngest daughter (of Mirs. Brown, andi is a gr'aduiate of Ithe Woman's college of Duie west. Th'le groomt is a popular young minister' of the A. 11. P. church at Lexington, Va. 'Some of the out-of-town guests were: Mrs. T. 'C. Byrd, mother of the groom; his aisters, Misses Bessie and Margaret Dyrd; hIs brothers, Messr's -William and amuel nyrd; ums.. - V - m =' -'// 4 - 'fr -_ _ _ Ree AndFibr ocer JustlReeigead Ree BigLinko Upholystred ind Creics and Taetres WideWRa tg ofiColos Ranin Selec $3.50 inBohpp hols ehing ewor S. M. &_. iks Co. Twrg, aent my Stylesw an, P-ce -o Selc- - .lisWithJanicesndangargareomi$3ak0ly; ' A e o be k, t sho y thes e ew and up-to-nndyateAls gods ad eknwthn--piesa f O . C.M0 &s EIIi and Frnes Clii aldl ( aIl( lfinboo -Newberry Observer. le~Stiyh ~itelliruhIihio1o ofl A lleami and a Mote.BATIOR The Col unmbia itecord i~s crying JU( el aIL8.(. 1I ). lio l u,8.'.$1-.0 because sonme bad papers are saying things about Governor Manning. it VA INTN D.C asserts that none of the Governor's1 'A I y'pix friends are saying anything against JI C / " . (' $1 251) . t, , li Io .... $12. t Mfr. Cooper. loieiiIIIi IOLI ~(Ill4lIo i ofl a tair Hw about the statement that Cooper will receive 15,000 votes ini how l~ot th pulicaion of tat ~ roii C nelwood. S. C.. *11.50 ' roin1 ('linton 111 S (. ., .17.40 Flow bout the tateent hat I eet unIyS be I Lite thrSough I l 1io I~ or N1rfol BATIOR AND 1ET'1 Upholstered st whers and wTas'"bor ieRne fClrsm Grenoo S.lec.,$2.t From in Bth U.p-2 h leiong andrlthog Rieum Work1i ofl n tae andw br''tn the publication o that-Ii'II . N 7 1 ) a ao w e t attem pt Pake th S E A B O A R D owh bliev the saeme is ht3 0 Coopermetin wolNetneoewi h itl aes scteon iwh ere e w heh "born('II \'.,\~ \H ( L ls(~ \))~~ tW e O ut hi attoemb to make the t e ne ))d ha pde by aeli i in the iribes tmae smedfeec wh T akhereta nte4 l ly"f At lisi~i(~tdt adett th.xw lhilordblnst our ! tIliirno~ iq'a-ae oiidad1(lie oilir l) lnehei ouentwnst in sIoo ihwl ~no h aigcam gis at saewl havt will be conined hi h e ft.- A e s C uta 1 *tc .i. n A H N liI week onger-QreevihleNewoame a Greenwood. fe. C. $11.50mntato. w li ton, l wl annexed dischrge rom m tru Tsa Adml'i- In 1 , 1916.- .