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Corns Come Off Like Banana Peel Wt itlerful, blutple "Gets-It" Never Falls to Remove Any Corn Easily. "Wouldn't it jar you? Ilere I've been going along for years with one desperate corn after another, trying to get rid of them with salves that lenitatet Uno Snro "Gets-It" for Thonse orns andt Save Your I.Ife and Your Tes I eat oil tile to '., tipt's Ia stick to It stotckings, bandages and plasters thlat italo: a package of the toes. try ing blooui-bringitig razots atid seis Sors. Tlu-en I tried '1eles-ti' just once and yotu ought to have seenl that 'or'n Coine 0tt just like a hanana peel." It's sitple'. woidert'ul. It's the new way, painless, applied in two s'colnds, nev er hurts healt hy flesh or irritates. Nothing to press on the torn. Never fails. Quit the old ways for once any Way anti try "(bets-It" tonight. For corns, calluses, warts, and buntions. '(ets-It" is solt everyw here, :!5- a bottle, or sent tdirect, by EC. I,awto~nce & Co., Chicago. IlII. Sold in Iau rens and 1'ecoutnend(d as world's best cor rentedy by I':ureka Drug ('o. Maternity! The Word of Words It is written into life's expecittions tlit motherhood is the one sublime acconi plishment. A nd I f there 1s nnything, no matter how simple, how apparently trivial it may seen, It It ean ald, help, assist or in any wa)y comfort the Cxpct'tant mother, It is a blessing. And such is a remedy called "Mfother's Frierald." Ytout atpply it over the stonieh imuscles. It Is n'gently rubbed on the surface, and tuake' the ttlscles pliant this relieves the strain on 1ir:amenit, mnattr:il cxpansli takes place without undue ' upon the nerves. A!1i41 h aI the time n; proaches, the nin4 h:: s gone t hrou'h a pe rlod of repose, of gentle eerlancy, and this has an iutnuestior:ed inthaze'n tpon' th future child. That this Is true is evi'n-'nt by the fact that three generati'ns of 1t her, 'ave used and re oe'ndtit edt' "' tIher''. Friend." Ask your nearest drug1ist f' a bottle of this splendi remedy. lie will es It for you. And then write to llradli'll ite' uitor Co., 407 1.amar 1ld( ., .\lhinta, G:. for Ia most interesting boo1k of informajtiu to prosne'tive mo1the'rs. It i e b l tre , W rite :'ay. It i; a b , 1 " - - MUSTANG For Sprains, Lameness, Sores, Cuts, Rheumatism Penetrates and Heals. Stops Pain At Once For Man and Beast 25c. 50c. $I. At All Dealers. _ h LINIMENT C HICH ESE S ILS aitr'eis, S. 4, " THE OLDb RELIABELE'' R EM EDY FOR M EN. AT YOUR DRUGGIST. I, 11' E NS Di) II' STIOltE, (COND)ENSE.D PAISSENOEIt S(11 EIDULE P'Iedtont & N'orthetrn BItl'way ('o. ArrIvals friomn Depa r'tures to Spa''rtabhurg Spartanbhurig No. TIinme No. T1'ime 3 7:55 AM 2 7:00A M 6 10:00 A AM 4 8:10 A Ml 7 11:35~ A M ~ I; 10:20 A Ml 9 1:55 1' M 8 12:10 P Ml 11 3:10 P Ml 10 1:15 P Ml 15 5:15 P Mt 12 4:15 P M 17 6:45 P Ml 14 6:30 P Al 19 9:15 P' Al 16 10:50 P Ml ArrIvals f-rom Depar'tures to GIreenwoodI andi Greenwvood and Anderson Anderson 4 8:05 AM I 6.00A M 6 10:ll) A Ml 3 7:55 A Ml 8 12:10 P Ml 5 10:00 A Ml 10 1:45 P' M 7 11:35 A Ml 12 4:10 P Ml 9 2:00 P M 14 6:30 P AM 15 4:20 1P M 16 10:50 P' M 17 6:50 P Ml C. S. ALLE,1N, Sinmpson, Coeper& Babb Abtorneys at Law. Prompt Attention Oiven' All Business W~l Praetie 1 in getaI nO.r STRtICKEN AUGUSTA IS PLANNING TO REBUILD Business Men Worgiug Together' to Plhre the Unfott'ttUate City Batok Aiuong the South's .Leading Cities. Augusta, Ga., .\larch 23.-Augusta turned bravely about today alid be gan to plant for replacing the ravages of the fire which last night caused a loss estiiated at froi $5,000.000 to $7,.00,000. 'There are litany, how ever, who are itnclIine(i to place the estitiate at $1U,000,000. The total loss is a miere gttss and nthing deli nite will be known until a final check ing till of accotints. 'T'his is tile see ondl disaster to Augtusta within the last hal' dozen yeats. It had ,jist overeoie the loss eattsed by the dis asti'ous [lood of several years ago and was fast developing- and now contles the great lire. The business tmen today began muarshaling their restirees to Mieet the losses. Relief Plans for the Ithou sanis of lionieless people were givetn eartly eonsideration. The first event of ite day was a meetlng of city coiteil when aniple provision was miade for the destittite. At noon lin (l'eds of hitsintess inen linet atl a Iniass ieeting atnd it was delerntined that Augtsta niust rebutild at once on an even larger scale. ''he people are tn-I daunted and have displatyed the eery littest kind of spirit. 'T'here has been no shirking and every nta is doing his dity. The losses will touih ever' class of society itt this city. There Is a kindred feeling altnong all. At a tolfete'nie today a imovenent was set going to raise a fIitld of $tiltiut to prosecite relie'f work. It was at atitineed late toi-lit that $1 0iivt had already been silbscribedt. The ruling: setitut at a series of (coniferences wais that .\tigista Will he ale It catire for lie destitite, athough gifts tl'oin other soturces will not be rejected. .t'ting Upon the suglaestion of batnk ers. .Mayor .1. It. Littleton leclaretl a inor'atoirinin for today, because linany. citizens were linable' to facet their finanical obligations. The ituttattorltiit inay n' extendted for severaI days. A careful survey slhowvs thal :a blocks, covering I Ps acres, wiere swept bare by thie fire oi' yester tlay. .\n inolicial ount gives the nuilber of hot:ies dest rtyed at :2t-. ve(r1' I: business houses were brned. The total vatIe of ti littses was abut $2,25011,iii0. The three coipanies of State ii tia were withdrawn froii srt' i(e to day and the police have the sit iuait iona under cottotl. This aftelnan s-viral hundred workinlen were put to work clearing Up the debris about Ite burned ii ii Ings. Dynainite wat used to blow' up several walls on Btrtul street. A large nliuilwr of conviit:s will be hrought in froi the roads to assist int hleaning ip the sieets. 'Thouatlds visitors froim inaiy settions of (;torgiat and Stihl I ('ali linla ptlunitd inlto .\ulgusta today to view the ru1ins and all hotel:; were crowded tonighitl. The near-beer saloons were at'cila ittotat tion ot th l h'lointi-' s f'~ atnlii lii's itag th fi' ire. 'Thiey were-i re'sting w'illI ait local hospsitals toiighit anid al wI~ill tecertt, it wVa. said. F''inalIfigureats wtouhi indihal thtlat aibt. :I7,0i0i halt's or totlloln wir' dite st rtyedl, eatusing a liss or alilroxi that tely $1 ,-800,hi0. No tigutres aroa h abtainabl e ats to the a iotanit of ht in'a nc cari'edt (tn t' atdjuster'is began to arriv ~e ini Aigtusla todlay. 'The adjustmien'lt. will be umaide ais raplidly ats possible, it wais satid. tion tof .\ugusta todtayv preistedttt the' aund the btatie waills ofr six business blocks beiari siltent testionyt or .\ni guistat's lutost sertious tdisaaster' of ti' eenut yeairs. 'T'he lIIre wi c h r'atgt'd for' mor itai'hani tnint' hoturis laist night. ('atusing a loss ost itatted at tflrott $5t,000,00 Iio $7, ti00,li00 wvas br'otughtt to a htatl't ialy' An art'ea of' abot otne antd one fouth sqtiuarte iui les w tat raagtd by thea t!a:::e:: '::hich vere adrivent by a hieavy .\iiach galec. Th'lo Auiguist a firet htad to be sent fr'omi C'olttbia, At latn ta, .\ acotn, Sav't amih andi \\atynes boroi'. Th'le winad stoppedti bloiw Ing jutst aufter' I (t'(clotk andt It w~aus then that lhe fItirmen celke tihIle flanwlls. IEst imlates totday lilatt''d Ithe tnumt tber of1 r'esidlenes deistrloy'ed at tbte t ween 600o and 700, inacludinlg sonme of t he f iest old hiotmas in Auagiusta. Nit estimiate can be tplacedi on' t he vailueti of the contents of' the haomes. 'The o wneris saved Itractilcally3 nothlintg. 'T'i dlay otver 3l,00(0 teisons were htotme less. .\lan~y spient th:e talght. wailkitng hiatlls of lat'ge haotels, he~ain tg cItizenas of AuigutstIa i'arl'Iy thIiIs torninug begani to laty p1las for' thn elefor t he hnomeln~. ( lyo cnon.. - " " ". . ." " . e . . * YOUNQSNEWS, * 4.. e.. *w*C YTuigs, larch 27.--lr. John lur dette. of 'lEnorce, spenit this week with Mr. Willie Iiurde'tte. Alr. Wells Fowler, of Spartanburg county, has been running a saw null on .lr . 1 . Riddel's placte. .\Ir. TIyr a Alanley has recently gone to l''ountainl Inn where hie will runil a puthlie car. .\lr. le'loyd P'rior, of I'noree visited at .\lr. N. C. Smilth's Sunday. Miss billie .\lae Riddhile gave a cai'l party 'Ihit rsday night. Those tresetI were lisses (ladys and ('arrie Whit aker, Otis (Ilenn, .ladge Williais. .\laude atd Ielle Abercro1l)ie. .lessrs (histon4 Alrerouhie, a \ila W kii her, Ile (Mlenn, .lohn1 D)ewey Alanley, L~eroy Shuilh, Welts l'owler, Wells 'T'honas. OlIis l'ollaid, .\r. A. It. (;lei and holitnfolks. .\ls. Iola .\ioor~e and chIibirecn, of E'n oree(, are spenting a few 1days, at the honte of her p~aren1ts, .\lr. andl .\Irs;. I'. I2. Itichile. .\lr". Clydle (slenn is at holnk for a few' days' visit. CLEANSES YOUR HAIR MAKES IT BEAUTIEUL, THICK! GLOSSY, WAVY I'' this! i dantirut disapiplears 1nd hair stops conming out. Surely I iry a ' tantderine I lair 'Ten:c"' if' you wish to initilitl ely double IIte he'(l tity t if youI hair. .l us1t 1 lloi4 t'(1 ia cloth willh 1)andlerine 'anti dlraw 1it est te fully I binigph yo0110 hail'. Ia kilig: t ile s inu I I strand at a lnc: this uill e"cltlise" the bhlir of tillst, dlirl or nlit: ex('essive (il it a few liinute c 1ou will be anuatzerd. Your hair wiAll l". wa i tify l. 'tbli hitt it'i iiw e Wilt ilfi'1'olill1i4a ithli' soft1 i '4 . It4stle alu : luNx)ifi1ice. Ih-sides Iin-a llif) i n fill 11hir ont a lt4 - plica4 tint ( f iii I tlI''iIine <IissoIVes eieri p~article ofl clan dlruf'f: inlvigournies t11" scI, t1 sto ppli ing iili ilg an 1 ai I:' hatir. I)atule(rinet is to the lui~r What 1':', h sliiw r or ' "rain tl sn11shine a '" II i 'voytlatin(11. ,it 14oes right :. Ili(' 1 1( ':. in1vigor'ties rtld sIlre li ith n. thet. It: 111xh i1 'ating, stitl ila'ing) aid lit e-pr41 - 1ucing 11r 2i-crlies ca ls!1 (41 hiair )l lcrow long, strong; andl beauitifull. Vull canl surlt ely have 1re411y, t4i. lustrous hair' , 1t11 of tt o it, i' o sl i!1 ju11:,1 s t a .':-eent bottle of Knowllon' I)l diline from tanly dll'ug star'e (r toilet enulnter and Iry it as diirreleil. (il 11e1 at 11' o'clock to ('onS id r step s for relieving the situation. A g1ene"ral inass Inleeting of the ('itizens5 wa,1 falledi for noon. C'ottonl factors todlay estimulted that the fire destroyed ta out. '2.111111.1 t41 worth of ('0otton, which was ttot8 il in the wareholses alo1g til' rivr tron. It was said that no(11 lure than ;'.11' Nt i1 hales had been <lest royedi. Three coulpanlies of the National (;uart1l of (,eorg ia wre p~atrolling: the' street IlurigII the entire 11igh1t litI a strict. watch was kept todlay ln) tI ( 'lvS ale l <list rit. No 1 ep1 o1' Ilo looting has been reinirled to th~e o!!i dlay to) steal a414 alt4t4)obile. Onte lIi ano14 i11 rote'lllt,41 leiassing. T hIeS ti t h n t ( 11( tly' n (id :i In11 Ill d S evt era1' l fieilel'aS.h el (143li4'Ial 141 tetire I~ 11 de 1arinen 1114 i'd s 3( of141 1t ''4( lieb t is yet no ex-t near1 anf e'levator' shafl in I he 114 Illi' dry3 goods store Iln Ith'e yer bilidintg at the ('orneI r ofl:ghthl and14 1:4rolu sI reets. destroy)ed4 byi 1114 filr'. Thle l44s (4n is b bli141 r is $1 54,0004 . The4 l':iir 1)'IAire' bu11iig, 8('i'era1l doors41 a4way, wa 14(00, it is 'SlI 1na1 ted.( Thel( losses oni the140 lock4(i" of' 1ro:lI SIre ar''l1 e appr41ox 111uately 4 as 4 olows: Iy r bu4 44iilig. $7',( 141: lti('hard's1 8;a bu4,idin and0514 contengtsi4 $1lll00. The 7. $11 ,00 l 'ostad l Tee ra pln, $17.-tli '4uu444 l '00l' :m r I'4( tl i feiig iturane h444 ling('l. $200,in0 hron( i le huih44'in. .9(00,-114 10;1 John( .aiiEvas lupanyil~l 1411.0110: \\'es ni no ee rph p ei l, 4'0;''( thntider bu4' ild ing,'I $14.000: (i er-4 ad buvild ing,) $15.001 : iVl ('14nnnerc''4ial Iilw, and11 he sh-ierican biltdin' Il Three 1 h i Iings InIt th 0 loss1Ckg8441 Spring 1916 HIS House of Better Shoes from whence the Best Footwear always comes, is now ready to take care of (I / any 1igh or Low Shoe re quirement that may present itself to anybody! Dull or bright leathers, colored kid or calf, in Dawn / Gray, African Brown and I f Bronze. High or low cut. There are no Shoe dis % appointments in store for - anyone, while our prices are -) $ always moderate always sat 2 isfactory and pleasing! /> Clardy & 1% W ilson 0. _ K.O> <9J ' L o v~ 00+v?*"" OUf"fU""f0f""f * S Studebaker I Six Cylinder Models Touring Car, 7 Passenger $1085 Roadster, 3 Passenger - $1060 Four Cylinder Models Touring Car, 7 Passenger $875 Roadster, 3 Passenger - $850 F. O. B. DETROIT * 0 "Bur It Because It's a Studebaker" " * Call or Phone for Demonstration. 0 * 0 *0 So R. Workman,-Agent " Show room and Service Station at Teague's Garage. 0 *@0OO0,ffieQe,,e.e..._b**@ee@S0*e..... V 9. IM, lb A. 4. TOD Mtte of South Carolina, I of :our aIn~ter to said Coiplaint oi Comily(if ithe shID OW i her. it fivir ollie, Ealtor" I) ('ounty of i airen.) pise Nalon Bank I lii, at I a i rn , 1Ievs South ('ro.inn, within twenty At trn (yH at I41W 01'RI 0' ('~l ON ll~h~\M I da~ys a fter (lie HO rvlee he~reof, exo lii Ilatik~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ri~d~z, IiliOIiiiit Aii HO~IIi iv le of' tue dlay of such Service'; told( I~ntrl~ise itl k B~mdi~r, Ilo lc"Iltildi" ,,. lc~a ASoeialol, o 'i t rall to inswer the (oiiiiditll P 1IL\CTIC'I: IN AI.I, ('Ol'I; if nITSItd tl wlla pl o h ( 'ney to Lann on Itl E Olstate L onou t for.ellef dyna ded in the ('m 11,11)y nd is suivivin)g 1lr o f it' )ted' FebI. 21st, 19116. '-- -I te Iiiiii of NichllsII & Itotici', an(l I)I I, & 'P01)) Seielre ('ol Q iui ('l y Cured. I s it. L I and A. I'. Ni m I'la ntiff'S A llornvys. 1)1ok as aiisl rst I~of' (th(le esta 0~ "On 1ii-c [rber liri I h:l a very If vIerel Nichols, I':uiti Nichols, I whose lape of ieHlden( 'eiand ad nt;y . a uca iI iiii' it (iiili N i iols, Inmz Nichols, altr (iwasnearlt<fowniickii (....\I UatWativih.. Nichols, Mar;ti'it1 Niihols ('in' Yoil will piclace take notiee 11hat the h ih,"a Nicholls , I (omplaint In this action, together With .\lo. "I b ic i o (ao h t u d i. w Nichols, D eeniants. e S ti e(itj ,f ohich bote tllive is a hory, Waed i ipte ofley ot'f thwe only a few flay.s until I was compilele- ' ('Ifly ~ ~ ~ T a etlv ii a 01 lt-I~ihe De-fendants above named; ('lerkl or (.ort of (:onmon P'leax for' ly rt:torc4l to he'dllh. I fir iny believeI iuiins County, State of Soth ('aro that C'h1ambiheriain' :'on}gh lerledy is You tare hereby summoned and re- Ilna, on the l4th (lily or March, 1. one of the very best medi(ines and will ihii'ei to anwer the colaint In t1i. DIAI, & 'P01) know what to do when I have anotherl I lon or whi it. coiy is lierewitit Plaintiff's Attorneys. cob d."' O~ld hIe e very whle re. ~si-ived ionl Sh il, and to aIoe Copy 3-3t