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" " * MADDEN NEWS. * " Madden, March 27.-I've heard and read of wind and sand storms but 'if I am any judge, we experienced one through here last Wednesday. I nev er saw sand drift like snow before. I went to town that day, drove a young horse that is not exactly partial to wind and flying papers. When home was reached, if I had belonged to the rich I'd have sent foe' a doctor and he'd pronounced my case "nervous prostra tion" and ordered a sanatarum- As it was I grabbed the camphor bottle and told the chaps to hush! Mrs. J. R. Finley was pleasantly surprised when on her 72nd birthday -March 25th, her daughter, Mrs. Frank Martin and granddaughter, Mrs. John Putnam of Laurens, came out bringing her a beautiful set of dishes, and spending the day with her. Those who called at the Finley home during the day were her brother, T. S. Lang ston, her sons G. H. and P. M. Finley and better halves, and her nieces Mes dames Joste Martin, May Madden and Cleo Wbfford and Misses Susie Lang ston and Hettie Cunningham. Mrs. Mollie Teague, a life long friend was one of the spend-the-day guests. We all wish for "Aunt Ginnie" many re turns of the day. The congregation at Prospect had the pleasure of hearing Dr. J. D. Chap man of Greenville Saturday afternoon and Sunday. The writer, owing to sickness, heard only the sermon Sat urday afternoon. It will be numbered in my mind with the sermons I'll never forget. Usually I don't like to hear a sermon from a long text. This one was seven verses from the 15th chapter of John, the 10th to 17 verses-and I would not have minded in the least had it been longer! These thoughts I pass on to you "No one can live a faultless life but you can live a blame less one in the eyes of your Heavenly Father and it is an easier thing to die for Christ than to live for him day by day. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Culbertson went up to Greenville Saturday to have Dr. Carpenter treat Mrs. Culbertson's eyes. She has been having trouble with them for quite awhile. They spent the night in Greenville returning home Sunday afternoon. Misy Abrams kept house and cared for the children while they were away. Miss Kathleen and Mr. Ryan Martin who left. for Knoxville Thursday reached their destination safely and are pleased with their new surround ings. Master Gus Wbfford who had his right eye hurt was able to go to school Monday, his friends will be glad to know. The ladies of the S. I. A. wish to thank Mr. G. W. Chapman for the plow and fertilizer furnished us for our tulip borders. We are very grateful for the help he gave us. Mrs. May Madden, who has had grip, spent Saturday with her sister Mrs. Wofford and enjoyed the sermon preached by Dr. Chapman Saturday af ternloon. Mr. andl M~rs. Simpson Bailey spent Sunday wvith Mr's. Hi. C. Cunnighatm. Mr's. l10stelle Daveport who has been (utite sick at the home of her daughter Mr's. Tom Shaw since Chr'istmas, was to be carr'ied to Columbia hospital Sun day. I1er cousin, Mrs. Essie Atkins, a t rained nurse was to accompany her. We wvere glad to see in the account ot' Ilampton F'ield Day in The State that the medal for speaking for coun try boys was won by a Lu ray boy. The principal of that school Is a Laurens county girl and it shows she has been at work in her school. Mad dogs have been through here again and one good farmer came to the school house Friday afternoon with a ahotgun on his shoulder to escort his little crowd home. "Mama" said the little maid when she ,told me of it "Counsin Cliff and the children looked like the Pilgrim fathers going to church." In the annual celebration of Cal lioun society at, Clemson College, on 7larch 24th, the -declamation medal was won by Mr. John W. Wofford son of Mr. and Mrs. J. ,A. Wofford. There are many Advertiser readers who re member Jip speaking while he was a student in the high school at Taurens -a little fellow in short pants, and will be glad to hear of his success at Clemson. C~. e. Featherstone W. N. Enight FEATHEEIISTONE & KNIGHT Attorneys at Law -Laurens, 8. C. All Thusin as Jntrusted to Our Care Will IHave Prompt and Carefl 1 Atten tion. Office over Palmetto Bank (Mr. Featherstone will spend Wednes. ulnv ni 4oneh wook in Taurn.) H. S. BLACK WELL Attorney at Law P'rompt attention given to all business Money to loan on Beoat Estate Oflece Phone 850 Residenoo Phbone 98 -Ofio 2mutnon Binildine "4 "**" "" ""*'* "e " " *"a *. " ' * JONES NEWS. * * * " * " " e . " . " " " " " Jones, March 27.-The friends of Mr. Joel A. Smith will be pleased to hear that he is recoverying from a re cent severe illness. Mr. Woodward is making consider able improvements on his plac.' . e Our teacher, Mrs. G. L. Graham, at ten'ded the State Teacher's association in Columbia. We were very sorry to hear of the recent death of our friend Mr. W. B. Acker, of Donalds and tenderly sym pathize with the beeaved family. It was our good fortune recently to hear Dr. Ramsey of Greenville, deliv er, a splendid educational address to the pupils of the Mt. Gallagher school. Mrs. Harrison of Greenville who is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Wlalter B. Riley hall been quite ill but is now improving. We are indebted to Messrs J. W. Vannadore and Y. N. Willard for some nice messes of fish. Beacham & Riley sold a large lot of cotton at Ware Shoals last week. Walter and Frank Jones visited Au gusta to see the effects of the disas trous fire. The following persons have recent ly been in our midst, S. H. 'Dent of Columbia, 'Capt. Peter Lindsay of An derson, Arthur Medlock of Greenville, Dr. Russell, Lewis Henderson, Sheriff McMillan, J. B. McCombs, and Henry Tillman of Greenwood; Thos Burts, Bud Stone and Henry Wright of Lau rens; B. F. Arnold of Princeton; Mes'srs Pinson and Ellison of Ninety Six and Messrs Nash and Wasson of Friendship. The farmers are exceedingly busy preparing for planting. Mr. and Mrs. Pat Davis of Donalds recently visited the latter's parents, Hon. and Mrs. J. F. Morrison. Mr. Milton Golden is very loyal in attending Sunday school. Mrs. W. T. Jones, Jr., has returned from a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Sinms of Waterloo. In the recent death of Mr. Sama Puckett, of Waterloo, Laurens county lost one of her best citizens. We sin cerely sympathize with the bereaved family. Born on the 2th inst., to Mr. and Mrs. John Thomas, a son. We are indebted to the following friends for recent kind favors: G. H. Riley, O. C. Ward, Zeigler Allen, C. E. McAbee, John Thomas, Win. Sligh, A. J. Brunson, Jas. Finley, J. R. Hughes, W. E. Sammy, George Medlock, 11er bert Tucker, Langdon Boland, Thos. Odell, J. Milbanks and others. BA CKACHE IS IISCOURAGING. But Not So Bad If You Know How to Rencli the Cause. Nothing more discouraging than a constant backache. Lame when you awaken, pains pierce you when you bend or lift. It's hard to work or to rest. Backache often indiicates had kidneys. Laurens people recomnmendl D~oan's Kidney Pillis. Read ti s case: R.: .1. Franks. itroip, grocery. 429 Fleming St., Lauirens, says: "The flrst. symptom of kidney trouble in my case "'as backache. When I stoolped to pick upt anything, a sharp pain darted th rough the small of my back and I had to brace myse) f in order' to straighten u p. 1 ha~ to pass tihe kid ney secretions too fti andl the flow~ was scanty jnd ~lainfuil. I suffered from dlizzy piell,' and almost toppled over' when l wa walking. I had suf fered off an for' six months when I got D~oan'. Cidney Pills at Posey's Drug Stor'e. After using one box I felt better', and two boxes cured me." Price 50c at all dealers. Don't simn ply ask for a kidney remedy-get Dean's Kidney Pills--the same that cured Mr. Franks. Foster-Milbur'n Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. * HOLLY ORIOVE NEWS. * Holly 'Grove, March 27.-Misses Amanda and Urane Templeton of Clinton, spent the week-end with their aunt, Miss Mary Tom pleton. Mrs. Sue Milanm spent Saturday and Sunday at Laurens. Mr. Billy Snow and family spent Saturday night with his daughters, Mrs. N. D .and Carroll Templeton. A little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Pierce Hipp has been very sick but Is imp~roving. Little Tommy Hamilton is very ill with ipneumonia. The farmers are very busy planting corn, as the moon is just right. Soe people1 don't believe in consulting the moon, but an old darkey taught us to plant corn after thn full moon. Try it. At halley School. An entertainment will be given at the Bailey school 'Friday evening, March 31st, beginning at 8:30 o'clock. The entertainment will conIsist of ex ercises by the children, the principal feature of which'will be a play entitled "The Snigglos Family". Admission will be 10 cents for adulto and 5 cents for, children. Refreshments will also ba soald for the benfot. of the sclhoal. Red Iron Racket Stores Is a Good Place to Trade SELLING More Goods for Same Money Two Big Department Stores in Laurens No. 1 Store 210 West Laurens Street next to Bramlett's Shop No. 2 Store So. Side of Public Square O. B. Simmons old stand Big Spring Opening Sale Now on Our sales forces are "Johnny on the Spot." Sales force at No. 1 Store; Roy Simpson, Carl Bramlett, James Donnon and Mrs. Florence Simpson, Milliner. Sales force at No. 2 Store; Earl Thompson, Carl Roper, Pet Holtz claw and Mrs. Annie Simpson. Other extra sales-people will be added in the rush season. Get ready for Easter, buy your new 'uit, new Dress, Shoes and Slippers. Men's and boys' Hats, Ladies' and Children's Hats. In fact we have everything that the whole family wears from the baby to grand'dacJy, and thousands of other articles of staple and general pjnerchandise. We carry the widest range of merchandise and the biggest stock to be found in Laurens. Come and look through, our sales-people will be glad to show you. Six Special Bargain Days in each week at J. C. Burns & Co. L. E. BURNS, Buyer and General Manager. 2 Red Iron Racket Stores in Laurens ALWAYS BUSY. THERE'S A REASON. THOUSAND BARGAINS. The House that's making Laurens famous by selling Same Goods for Less money \ O"" Il'EIIEIOltl], ttnder and y lmtofheppsdciiserb M InN! IAI!I II1 i Virtue of, and in i)ALOMane8 of the - appointed s Supervisor ot ITegistra Cius underl tion, whosk esuty Dt shall heto regster Lvid dom.ission, w the undersigned all qualined electors within the pro hor Cr iIb lea, C. H. asque, s. 13. Sx- posed limits of the said prolosed cor NOCB ton, J. W. Ilellams, T.' C. Switzer, It. poation who shall apply for regis u dI I I s o traton and w ho ar po oath o n wh[cnhcuedoneer rooreo, thava ordered, necessary qualifications for registra Cglomel,~~~an whe hetb comer toa contacttioy teeabeiheeortcanots. beheld scorporate b c ehe production of a certificate of at u sickens Don't lose a day's work! Clea your Court house of Laurens County, S. istration ofo au e Cony e g Liver and . Bowels with "Dodson's Liver Tone." which shall be conducted in yol ur- the alin o vot In npolling gsh-d"aknokedot," yourssueets as other municipal elections, at cinctggshhin Ugh! Calomel makes you sick It's and if it doesn't straighten you right which the electors shall vote on the the ithin ty hall be acnition horrible! Take a dose of the cnger- up and make you feel fine and vigorous following questions: prquse t th licant obtain ous drug tonight an tomorrw you I want you to go back to the store and eriite o egitratio Intis masojst tr da'sponfu oft harmles tI guarantee that af bottl of Detiicdson'sstato ti myosn'sget your money. Dodson's Liver Tone Laurens be incorporated under the election, and the roduction of such Calomel Is mercury '~r qicksilver Is destroying the sale of calomel be- provisions of Article I1I, Chapter 48, certificate, and piroof of his residence which causes necrosis ,of hbe bones. cause it is real liver medicine; entire- Civil Code of South Carolina, 1912. within the proposed limits of the pro C lomnel, when it coin to contact ly vegetable, therefore it can not sal- 2nd. Name of the Proposed City. ilosed city for. four months preceding wth soar ble crashes In it, breaking ivate or make you sick 3rd. Mayor and Aldermen, voting such election and the payment of all it up. This is when you feel that awful guarantee that one spoonful of for one alderman from each ward, taxes assessed against him due and nausea and cramping. If you are slug- Dodson's Liver Tone will put your Said election shall be held on the collectible for the previous fiscal year gish - a~d "all knocked out," if your sluggish liver to work and clean your 11th day of April, A, D., 1916. The shall entitle' thb applicant to registra alver Is torpid and bowels constipated bowels of that sour bile and consti- polls shall open at the our of eight tion. or you have headache, dizziness coated irated waste which Is clogging your o'clock in the forenoon, and remrain The Books of Registration shall be tongue, if breath is bad or stomach system and making you feel miserable, oen until four o'clock in the after-Supervisor sour, Just try a spoonful of harmless I guarantee that a bottle of Dodson's u roetedtra tneat i ofice within t o .Dodson's Liver -Tone tonight. Liver' Tone will keep your entire fain- ndon T M aen oe, citizens ,oote pso lim is of id lc s cittye ron Here's my guarantee-Go to any ly feeling fine for months. Give it to apropsst arheb apint a th posd dat of Mar, city a n drug store and get a 50 cent, bottle of your children. It is harmless; doesn't mandger t cdu saecin. remain of ari f d WHERagAS, the Secretar ofi State. rmi oe oraprle Pte as Dodsono's Liver Tone. Take a spoonful gripe and they like its Pleasant taste. ection all ale citizens of this State and of the United States ofsea2 day of arch, 16 Inclsive Call and we vill show you the best miles, with the center of the Court America, of the age of twenty-one dmmediately after teclseo values in Buffets to be found any- house of tie County of Laurens as g tlq ates of clecto ifyin them toars hroc alo ter whreA the center of the erleo; and qualifications mentioned In Section shathe proceenpublicly tocountethe S. M. & , ri i . WILKES & CO. WroER AS, the Secretary of State 200 of the Clvii Code of South Care- roall-o d hall k a on re c a mof the State of South Carolina, on tie lina 1912, an not laboring nder dis- of the result of said election to te 8th day of March, 1916, under tile seal abilities named In the Constitution of unuersigned commissioners The State of South Carolina, of tihe State, issued a Com ission to 1895 of tis State, who shall roave -we It is further oder'd that tis notice Couty f Lures.tihe undersigned as 'Commiissioners, no- a r'esidlent in the State for twvo years, I shall be advertised] in the Laurens Countyof Laueas* ,tifying them to pr'oceed to tile pr~oper andl in the county one year, and with- Advertiser and the Laurensviile Her MarhE19AS, ree ndod freecold registration of te elector- within the in tile proposed corporate limits of the(p tile ro-e rs publishreo it-in voters, residing within the 'ofosed t roposed coty oato liit of tie ro- the proposd city for foum onths the proposed corporate limits of the corporate limits of the City of au-I posed City. and to advertise an toc- prior to the holding of said election, p'oposed city. foi twenty consecutiv rens, otunth y of Laurens, Sate of; tion for twenty consecutive days in a nd has paid all taxes due and col- days, and until said election shall be Souti Carolina, on tIle 8th day, of newispape patbwlished within tle pro- lectiblc for tile preceding fiscal year, held, Marh, 1916, presented to tle Secre- os d ooh te liowit of tile pro- an who has beon registered as ons:- WITNESS Our Hands and Seals this tar of State of the State of Soth osed city, an to appoint managers to inafter aetnired sall be entitled to the fourteent day of March, A. D. Carolina a petition for the Incorpora- conduct the same, said election to e vote, 1916. tion of the City of Laurens under the conducted as all oth ' municipal elc- Ministers in cha'ge of an organized C. a r Bamb, (Seal) provisions of Article 3, Chapter 48, of tions, and at wich tile electors shold circ , and teachers of public schools C. H. asque, (Seal) the Civil Code of South Carolina, 1912, vote on the following questions: shall bo entitled to vote after six S. B. Sexton. (Seal) tile name of, the proposed City to be 1st, Corporation. months' residence in the state i oth- T. W. aeulams, (Seal) Laurens, and the proposed corporate 2nd. Name w qualified, T. C Switzer, (Seal) limits of the said city to be a circle 3rd. Mayor and six aldermen, vot- REaabb, a qualified elector re-hr R: r. rranks, (Seal) with a radius of one and a fourth lag for one aldermbn in each ward; siding within the proposed corporate J. J. Adams, (Seal)