University of South Carolina Libraries
;CEI NO OF SCROFLA IiU? TIPE S. S. S. Fifty Years' Use Proves S. S. S. Will I'lieve Stubborn Cases. Y'+! h-: e notimi the little f 4steriln ' 34131 - ..'':. I it- a 4 Ii. 1 V3- 'w.-liS~ Ut ( 1 1.1 ." . 333 .t Is- II .s :t il-I 1 h.I tl . i " 1 I. 0 li t . " nrana n-le. T:a 3 Ir t **symtom i3 4'; . 1- . -. :. l .: 1 1 : v l;;\ s .:1 - th a :n n .. ; I ' o". : i . 1 i t I of. to i inr:-. h... t 1. \ the t11 i4 , t i y I. , "1 i , . 1 .' thii t hm e. yttu I tn o f . h"1. ' ~ Ii oI ust erave h :: . :' -.1o wa':nt to fee44l ren4 w e s' thI i" 'Iow of ]"et'e".-t h-":allth. br'i:;nt eyeis. e'eIr skinl, the0 know\"letltee 10:1 ou ni w ll youI enn11 tb: SoI. ti'l 1. ."s youlr hhnael by tak ing; 8. . . 1 fifty . Iirs It has . "in the 43i iti3 rl !4 '11 .1 1 I'1'iI 1 1. 3'Tli. V s 1.lie tim4 hl - 1, 1y IirI1i-34, th1.- 1.1,..1. e i n gI411.1 its .-:t re- '' ih. -1:1.1 St im ul:It till flo'w so th:t t l rits. 41, o1 Ii:iniis its lost \'vitalit.. :11nl i throws ":1f th.- 4o5i4o)a E"ven Itln -st:t lin'.: enas.-s resionn1i 11111 you tausi u.+"" S. S. 'I ke' It fur all b1o40. Infettions. Get It at y'out' drug gIst's to.Iny. I r yo: ni-l specla i write the W wift Specieh. t'., Atlanta. (n. For Sprains, Lameness, Sores, Cut , Rheumatisr Penectrates and Heals. Stops P.n At Once For Man and ECoast 25c. 50c. $1. At All Dealers. HICESTER SP.ILLS " y R " 1..u33it" t: A'*, y-. 3 44.3i .4 t 4 4 '4 j. 3 1 4 41" tII ":,.t1 I t1 1 :4.'.ill, ) Ill 1'3 I.'.f 3' Tm:~l" l' . l"". s 1 an,, un. f ' 1r~r. t i : t <c ~.* :.',. Tm e r li1.t1.0 J)>M ,t ni 1 'I P LL-a, (,r 723 N:to ye i. irt t , a t. - .,t. A',ays t PW+",e SOLD BY DRUS GSIS fVE,'uHERE L..1' 1(-:.S S~C NTIlti-, l.are'n1s, S. (. H. S. BLACKWELL Attorney at Law Prompt attentio Olven to all husine4. 3oney to loan on Real Estaito 01c(! Phone 357 Iesld:nce Phone 9! Utlic ;'.amnst luilding DiZZi ness Spells of momentary blindness on stooping or rising suddenly, bad breath and a tired, lazy feeling are symptoms of a torpid liver and a torpid liver is the prime cause of most of the serious dis eases that affect the human body. To get rid of bilious impurities and restore activity in the liver you need a dose of DR. M. A. SIMMONS Vegetable Liver Medicine -The Old Original L.iver Powder For more than six'y years this glrand old reme..dy 1has been useud by thle uo1p3.e et th.s coun'.tty for I l di1 1sorde rs ini theC liver, 44tomach and3( bowels. It is a powerful - iiver stimulant, stomach and bowel putrilier. It never fails to give results. It Coptains no alco 1ho4, no salts or calomiel, no sick enling-sweet syru p to nauseate the stomach. It is a pure, whole sme, strictly idrbal medicine that acts quicklyi and naturally, leaving the systeI3 cleanised and heLalthlful. br. Iyl. A. Simmons' Liver Medicine. 14W owpt up in ahandsome Ii thographed tin box. Ask for the Tin Box Price 25 Cente C. P. Simmons Medicine Co. Proprietor* S. LOMiS, M4O. LEfrifyI Thb ErJod of Wor'ds It i? wrilttn int.' 1'fe's expecfOlihs i't tlomaneroo 100 t lthe 0one subllime aiccoml 'pikhmen~3t. An tI I f * 11there is anythllim, no iiitter how simplo 1mhw npiiarenitly' t rivld )t many seemi, If It canI ~'~t~k [1h4. help, assIst or In nIy way$ conifort the e Peel:irt mothecr, It le a' blessing. An mi such It ni remiedy enalied / 'Mh44''.oer's Fiend0 1(." siomunch imusicles. It ls gen3t 'yi rubbedl 01) tho0 surface, nnid maiikei thin relIeves the0 str1a~in (on ih:nents4 ., natu 3ral1 exaSJ)1 n!'3 taikes place(4 '!!. 43t 33ndue3 Cficit amonlI theO nert ('. And(111 ni e time3 ny rronide :1a the rin.1 1.3 ?o3,e thIroughI a pe sI of reposel.2 (f rueiI.i expec'tancy(3, 3(m34 this' ha n unriue333l3 tional( 1Il34'ee' u3pon the by the fau'* that Ithree generaftion.of 3fnCther'.3 havie used~3 i ad recomembdI ''~atol he/s Frind." Ask your neares43t drumdggSt for a1 h1lli1 o3 f I lis splendidI~ retnedC1y. lie will get .it for yot Aind then write to Blradlfichl Reg. uilatior Co., 407 f.nmaiir ilkhr., Atlanta, On. for n, monst intere"ting hoo34k of Info4rmat1ion4! to pro3 ii' I4. !4tiv o hr'. It is 1313nited tree. wiin tilavy. L ii at har~ voin wml caij,. F1. I I-IAs KICHER BY MANY MILLION l'reslient of Silltern Iluallway Conm nietts on (ot'rninent ('roll (:hures. Washington, .tan. 27.-"Fariners li ti,, Southern States Iraversed by the .;' atern ltiilway Coii p1an1y's Iine- are b eer off by at itat .'2_'t',l00,0i00 than the#y were at this tline last year," letbi-rel lt of the 'outh rCl id ilwa ('oipanl y, l0a. 1 C 1, elit m" oil i v':1 i d-t ates a) ricutld tural d e .art i '01 la rt y if < cl ani lic tok1 talu1.00.*leatt flv OkOl 'T h (d01)11 tela taIlt ill,2res of the val thtti of lthe erop I'f cotton, ine!uding $ d ( rai, hr ra in.Oay, 1( tco, Irish 1 (i iatoCs, sw'C eet( veofatoe Us and apples, show a total for those States of $, 1 tc: 0,0t0, as contpared with $1.020, I7:1,000 last year, anl increase of $11i\, 1-1.000. The value of live stock on furis1 Io those States Is reported by the duet assrtent as $10,228,000 greater last year, e bringing the total ip to .111.670,000, and if we add t(1 this thel' increased value of various vegetable andl fruit crops, for which figures are not yet. available, the total will easily reach $200,000,000. ".\thliough, oil account of the large reduction in cotton areage, the yield of cot in was lthstat ially less than ins year, the fargIn Value of the cot ton w'a(,; il , l7',I fgr 'e't r, and of i h :seed $10,:1 52.00t'a it r ieater, 1in klllg the total value of tle ar $;t si1.070 hea gcreater, than lat" year. The resutil of h . n di . --1'illeat!otl of Cro.t; w ! oIn t s thle' o tandin a( keia Itue o ':I I t a fathink i n' il the south isat l ho in an i ndrats of th, 1'"_.' -a :I:, the v\1!n: ti .g' inls, aln in er( (.4:.!" 56." int he l y Value of h! ,:I an lr~ea . of $12..512,1 00 In the: val , et" 11ri.h " oatI and sweet ll0 fal(t.s and an increaut of niore thatn $'.0 ,'' inl the v'alne' Of live stock( 4:n turn'is. On a('("14n1 of thie genelrall ly low e: ricls of farm ait lniled 1 t iinls throughoth '''nilttts 2nthe in " reast in 11he v'alue of live stock dtoes not fut!?} n:ca.-utre the plrogre-s of the IoIth in the past year toward a teal i.ation of its ,;eat advantages for the p!rodutttion ot meat and dairy products. I'he dllprlitlment fiures ashowi ilr( ato of 5:1,000 head of tilehi ( n ows. 200,00o ill'ad of other aattle and 181,004 head of wine. "T'laking into consideration the in :"er'ased extent to wh11 ich Southern farineits have produced supplies used on the farin, as well as the large in ii crase in the vahte of their larketa tle p troduts, I think it may fairly be said that, the average condition of the farmiers of the South was never better than it is today." A CHILD'S TONGUE SHOWS IF LIVER OR BOWELS ARE ACTIVE I cross, feverish, 1lek, e tos, tdce fruit laxatie at, onceo. thve:-y muother realizes, aftr" :giving fier lildrn "Californi Syr o 1.i s", tha-t ti isna i seal laxtivei.t bec~tase thylv;tst lnil leasant tase and'. ()'. I ISw1)h. liht nt' boweIs ihout~h riing.i:';IIt itIgt - lO liS Il 'IIESIDENT3iflLSON' TXLiS i'REPA.IEDES$ IN 1IDI)LE WES'T Is Now Visiting Blgliest ' Adivo etting His P'reparedness Programn. Accompallnied by .Mrs. Wilson. '.\aslingtoni, .1an. 2S.---President \Vitson left \'ashington tonight for a spealing tour in the .Middle West in advocacy of his I pra iaredneisi pro granl. Ile has been told tIait Most. of the opposition to ariny and navy increases is c55 entered in that section of the country and believes that the success of his defense plans depends in large measure on the impression he makes. lie will ren(ain away froim Washington until February 4. The president will go over the army and navy programis minutely, and alIso will touch on the Mexican and inter national questions, and on various measures pending li congress. Mr. Wilson has decided, it Is under stood, not to mince words in his ret erencec to "peace at any prico" advo tles or to supporters of extreme iilitary increases. While he proba bly will not mention any names, he will indicate clearly his belief that leaders in each of these classes, dem ocrats and republicans alike, are , danger to ile nation at the present ti lne. The fir:-t address will be in ,'ilts hiug h tomuorrow alt ernoon where the president will n lkei a long speech at :t tue el i I that ha lis ben i a irrangaed, pc8l~ ially fir biil, anid allothrr to al ovtrilo(w 1ce(t ii. .\ tel that he will go to C(leveland. .\liwaiukee, Ci' enLgo, Des Moines, ' pelka, ('ity and St. Louis, n1,jaig several brief phatform spleeches enl routy. Toliorrow night he swill sleak in Cleveland, lwhere he will renlain oxer Sunday. 'Ih rouglioti the trip Ile presideltt swill avoid bi~nO'iants antl other enlr tainnents, butt on \\ edniesday hie swill have lunch with (tow. and .iMrs. ('aI per, in Topeka. .\ rs. Wilson, who will a(conill'any the presi lent, will be miet at all stops by (1 o iluttees of WOlien. Iwetvy effort has been made to have all the mueetings strictly nonl-partisan, and open as far as possible to the public. The president pilas to rC peat Ith praise he voi(ced In New York last night of lepresentative .\lann, repubhi icint leader of the bouse, and other republicans who have conIe out for adequate preparedness. While he recognized that his trip is certain to have strong political effects, his friends declare he will not seek to turn it into a caillpaign toil r. The president and .\Irs. Wilson will travel on a speclil ear attached to regular trains. Two other special cars, one for sec let service neu and Mnembers of the White Ilouse staff, and another for newsipaper 1nn will be attached. Secretary ''uililty and iPr. Carey 'T. (Grayson, the White Htouse thysician, are accompanying .\r. and .\rs. Wilson. .V. Wilson was butsy today dispos ing of iliporlaun tbusiness. lie signed molly niolinmatiotns for subiihssion 1o the Ocenate, itnluding t hat of L~ouis Ii. I rlndls, as a :<criate~ jitie of lie Tuun:plht lie l'esldent atteiihed a dLiii given in hils ho::or iby S01re tary atid .\l .l..\lnoo, at whi the d10i8, Jiasti:-' and .\Irs. I Lug> , .lustice Rueiil I 'nte imeyer. lie h it the dlinnte just ~ in) ti1111 to iio to th le train. STOM1ACH- ACTS FINE! NO INDIGESTiON, GAS, HEARTBU RN, AGIDITY uphset stotmnehes in five m~lites. You dlon't wanit a sio~v remedyl when~t your t ameh1( is bad-br anI uIt tertin otie-or at halrlifl 0ono-yOtt r stomiachi is too val ua ble; yoti mustn't injure It with dr Iastle dIrugs. Pape's 'Oiapepsoni s notedI for Its speed in giving refli ; its harmtless ness; its etain, tin ailing notion in regulating sick, sour, gassy stomachjs, it s toillions of ,eure in idigostion, diyspepisia, gastr"itis a d othoer st~omaph troutble has made it inmouts the world over. Keep this perfect S onmach doctor in your homne----keop it. U ndy--get a large lfly-ecent, case from aniy dig store and -the (iIf anyionie shtould( eat. solntothing~ whIt hl doesn't agree withi thm Itiif whtat they Ciii lays like )ead, formentmt and1( 50our and formis gas; causes headtachie, diziness5 l aid tiauisea; elne tattis oif ac id and u ntdigestIedi food r(tentlllmber (1 a LInoo as P'LIl& D~iapepsinf dcioS itn cotne~t wilthI the sltomachi all such dIistrss vantishes. its ltromplt nessi-, certt inty LIndt tase~ ini overlcomting the worsi st'Omacl hirldets is a reve hat ion Ilo those wilo trly 1; and tiser0 y prtothe1(0d by Ille it re1ua ti tles frm whikh womlen siuffer' en lie <ltil']kly che('keli and1 healthy c~odi tietns restoried- through thel 11s of Dtt SI.\l\l)N'S HQI.\W \'IN: WiNt it is a re:inedy for womenlt onily. it is a ine tlvotrd llasantt reedy, aicts mtillyi in ie stomachlh and( does5 a grandl woirk Sit bringitng back( healtht, sttrengthi and( eheerifulnt . '* r~i 'le BIA(O pe, lott1e .!o dl1 he i n i ,bnitgrite WEG1PIWU'-S (VGooNs Reduce the Cih ost of Livin KK FOR FOR O 0 fu u CATALOG CATALOG PEOPLES bRUG STORE, rens, S. C. ALLTODAYAND INVESTIGATE HOW YOUCAN PROCURE BEAUTIFUL'AND' USEFUL ARTICLES BY REDEEMING OUR-GOUPONS AND CERTIEiCATES ISSUEO WITH lV'RY CA6H. UkCHA5E OR ON ACCOUNT5 TO OE PAID BY 5TH.OF MONTH. Three Points of Sup erioritv Just one trial of the NEW POST TOASTIES, made in our spotless pure food factories, reveals their pronounce' superior ity. A distinguishing char acteristic being the presence of tiny little puffs on each delicately toasted flake. First, a splendid new flavour is developed in the NEW POST TOASTIES; the full, true flavour of the corn, not found in other corn flakes. Second, they have a body and firmness that prevents softening in cream and provides a nourishing, satisfying breakfast dish that one can chew, though deliciously tender and crisp. And third, the NEW POST TOASTIES do not waste in the package through crumbling, like ordinary flkes. Thousands of housewives have "discovered'" these new and decidedly better corn flakes to the open delight of husl;inds and children. The NEW Toasties are crisper and daintier than common corn flakes, with better flavour, better body, and added economy. Packed in paraffine-seakd cartons to prcs rve the delicicus oven-crisprecs until opened at your table. And remember-they're called New NewPost Toastes ' ~Sold by. .rocers Everywhere. LAND SAIX. NO. 5" of thL REdde. land as shown by lands of A. Smith al the Witte a survey made by D. 11.'B1o3'e on the place, being the tract of land puir Stat ofSbnti Urollia,8th day of July, 189.1, atnd, bouflded by dialed ~y J. 1. Anderson from wa. B. lot of t Carolina,No., oel SnIth Salle tihard- V ti. Io y. 6f 01ttttts. 6f Jan 1'~nesnadohr Also, all that tract piece or parcel IN COURT QF. C I'ks Also, All that tract, piece or parE Aof lad ituate, lying and being n of lgnd. lyinig'being aind situate itt the Iteedy Rtiver, in Lalurens County, State Tle - Norwdod National Bank, Plain- County and State aforefaid, 'utnln- of oth Carolia, containing fourteen tiff, ing one undred and fourteen (114) and three-fourths (14 3-1) acres, more -against .(178) acres, more or less, bounded b) 6r less, tni bounded on the North by J. R, Anderson, ot al, Dofendants. . lads of Mrs. Manie Smith, J. I. An- lands of flrs, Corrinne Boyd, on the Pursuant to a decree of the court derson, N. 1. Cooper and lands form- East by lands of J. Y. Iendy, on the in the above stated el so,, L will sell at tY belonking to the estate of 1elm, South and %Vest by Reedy River, said publio outcry to the highest bidder at Redden, being the same tract of land pieco Qf lapu) Opg more particularly l.aut'ens, C, 11., 1. C., on Sa)esday. iu convoyed to R. A. Cooper and 3. N. (lesibh~( h ' p1 t of same made by F'ebruary next, being Mlonday the 7th Wren by Mrs. Jane F. Anderson U. A. Aob1n, ourveyor, on Jan. 8th, day of the month, during the legal Also, all that lot, piece or harel of 11.907, ald being the tract of land pur hours for stel Bales, the following de- land contaiin fourteen (14) aere!a. ellaycd by J. It. ki a from A. C. scribed property; to wit: more or less, bounded by lands of Aile'ion. Also, All that tract, plece or parcel lohn N. Golding, .1. Robert Anderson, Terms of Sale! One-half cash, hal land situate, lying and being in Lau- Sanford Withers, 1). C. Smith, and ance to be paid twelve months from rens County, State of South Carolina, Others, date of sale, the credit portion to he containing eighty-flive (85) acres, more Alo, all that tract or pmreel of land tlicd by bond and mortgage of the or less, and bounded on the North by situate it the County and State afre. liatrehaser over tl, said premises, lands of M rs. Jane Anderson, on the sai, containing one hundred and fifty bearing S per cint Interest from (ate, linlst by lands of the said .1. It. Ander- (1.,0) aeres,more (r loss, uded by nd lroviding 10 per cent f ater son, on the South by lands of .1. C. lands of P. 11. iloland, 1). C. n1llh, teys fee in ease of ltigatlon or In Sm lilh and on the Vest by lInds of wi. 1\'haiton, 1n die s', i1(" the case of Its beig laced I he hands Mirs. Mary C. Smith and Mrs. Jane An-- ti~e't (f land {aurcha ,ad lay .I. It. An- I (f an attorney for apIcetloi, with deison, the said tract of land bleng alersoia, from 1). C. Xlith. leavo to airelase" to raay entire bid tract No. 3 on1 a plat nnde by C. b. Alo, all 111a11 Inret, paece or parcel In cash. I 'a: clasCr toa ny for vapors Fike, surveyor, on the 8tlh day of Jan- i 0 n Iillat', lyIng a mlllg In bait- a td stan 1I' tle 101tins of sale are nary 1811, in the division of the estate scan (;1at1it, Stat (f Soth arollna, not complied with, t l n i0 be re ot .1. 1t. Amish, dicoase d. 'altattni thrtee hundred anl fotr S+ald on same or room xii lent Also, all that tract, be or a cel . ('01!t) acres. iiore Cr lens, boatded on Salexala ' oi same ti.i'ti, it risk of of land situate aina Laurens County, t th Noath by inis of .1. R. Anderson, former vrehaser. State of South Carolina anld cxon talin- oil the East, by lands of .1. 1t. Andarson ing' one huntd red andl e(nven'-i~ty hi.1~ ,,0.1I!lfN S oll 111^ n ald by ro Coronr, Acting Sherff. acrex, niore oi' less, known its 'l'rat a ti e ittm ilace, ayd on tplace by I bnated this Jan 10 1 a1 n u