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ICLEANSE ITHE BLOOD BANISH RHETMATISM 'Rheumatism Due to Bad Blood Thousands have heen made well. Pe, plie In the noorest health, suffering from lRheutmatism, witht whom pain was constant. Who believed tlat their vi 'tallty was sapped beyond rep1air. It was proven to them that the cause of 'their trouble was the blood; that Urie .Acid, the most faithful ally of ltheuma tin, hai griied them. 'The poison in the bloodl had sappel Its stretigth. *The weakeneil blool hai allowel pot * on and Impurities to neetumula te. and all energy w: s gone. They felt "ioor Jy," vere list lis. paitn wa.itVo- l' i - -ent. with po tr <itigestion l dy1111sh1 'They triil S. S. .--tiatuin bioodl tonit . 'They gat. up tit.lrugs. T'his: cotnlourni of ni ato's r m-il ii.: .t' 1 us :tin I h." rt diii wlmii It ui(:s f i i to I t, . It 14t.r .u !ly w ashtte l l ;1 .,-- bio-e ' t 'r "1;1 in tt , . For~wll SI in , Lamene1 " , '1" ,t * l -11~ V. Sores, CU, RhuIllmtii Penetrates and Heals. Stops Pain At Once For Man ard Beast 25c. 50c. $1. At All Dealers. CHICHESTERIS PiLLS TII I AM )IAt.\ IA . lnkA n yrI lr "Y Tor !'Illy in tt-d Ind oldi utstetalt ! --5. c l l t.\ ( 1il4e IU TL . SOLD BY DRUGISTS[ViELYWHRE L li'lit : NS l)1 ' Tl ts:-, Lautirens, S. ('. H. S. BLACKWELL Attorney at Law Trompt attention given to all busliness .Monthe to loan on lieal Estate OWece Phone ^50 Residence Phone 9r Ollic E'..imnons B3uilding a96096669ea90eeoe66a699 1 Dizziness Spells of momentary blindness on stooping or rising stludetnly, bad breath and a tired, lazy feeling are smptotms of a torpid liver and a torpid liver is the prime cause of mist of the serious dis cases that a ffect the human body. To gut rid of bilious impurities and r-store activity in the liver )ou netl a dose (if DR. M. A. SIMMONS I Vegefable Thc Old Orig!:wl I iver Pewdecr r or' more tn y yeatr; thie' by the li- pro l:- C ctuntry for* andi b~wiels. It it a piowerft. liver stnilaint, si mach andi bowel purinier. It never fails to5 give results It ct~ins no alco hol, no salts orn calomel, no sick the stomach. It is a pure, whole some, strictly hierbaI medicine that acts qluickly and naturally, ' leaving the systemt cleansud and healthful. J)r. M. A. Simmrons' Liver Mledicine a. now put tup ini a huadsomeu iithc,pi apheud tin box. Asha for U-' Tn tox Price 2; CentM C. F. Simtmons Meciuno Co. Propr due(0 680 C. EseCeebatin cf Wonder Interest The nrrivat of a baby In thle hiousehok1 completely changes the entire aspect of the future. Bunt In theo mneanitine, during tho - anxious period of ex ' peetancy, thero is a upiendid remedly knownu a~s "Mother's Friend" - that does wonders. It is for external use, re.. lieves the pains of muscio epnin nerves, extends ltsq in fltuene to the Internal Iorgans and removes to a great extent the ten dency to worry andi ap weension. It Is a natural treatment, safe brthe mother, has no drug efreet whatso ever and for this reason must exert a most benedelal influience upon those functiona dl rectly eonnected with motherhood. In a very Interesting book the subject is freely discussed and a copy will be mailed free to all expectant mothers B radileld Regulator Ce 406 Lamar Bdg Atlanta, Ga. Oet a bs~.of "Mother's *rend" today of any dr~s.Use as directed and you will theun ~w mothers for nearly half a centur and recommended this splendidad de fotherhood. Their letters are mesages -e ihear- that, breathe comtort 1n evrr word. DUEL O1 lNIQUE DARING. Australian and Turk Fight. 1luel to Death While Facing Euch Other in Trench. L ondon, ,Jan. 22.-An amazing duel between an Australian and a Turk is (iuoted as an example of slicer reck lessness by a captatio, who was oin 1 press representative with the .tish in the Dardanelles. You do," he \ rites "occasionally come across men of the sadly-daring sort, of whom any story might be true. Two months ago an ollicer was goilg along his section of fine trench when he found a man standing up head and14 shoulders above tle pa ra :et with a trench of the enemy's not three hltndred ya:'ds away. It tirned out that he was having a (Id Wilth a lurk. I do not know by, v. lih 1 tilailnt systet of signaling th .i a:.rant ed it, 1-ut (',!a-Ih one was e.i a' shot at (lit ot ht'he, anid heni ~ il in u Ihetre etore the oth :- a v' next shotat t him. So they .,,': it at ("tne. another t le th toen Tit dn t'lhl se ti, d of the wrnchen look di on ithrouch11 their per'iscopes and oohland no doubt, TtI , urk were 1lookin: Ithrou;;h thevirs also. "Thne olicer told the muan to stand down i at onc1 e, anld not to be at fool. The duellist stepped dlown when he was I rdered to do so, but ,lhe moment the ollicer had passed he n jmied up a; rain and 'vent on with the ga me. Ills ri val's shots had almost grazed his ears--hoth skies were eagerly looking on and observing quite honorably the rules of the extraordinary game, when the Australian fell hack in to the trtench shot through the temple. The shot ('amie not from the 'l'Trk opposite but from a distance to the south. \\'hile the .\ ustralian was shooting soni oth er lurk had shot him. "'itiis ''urk who shot him was not necssarily a had sportsmnan - certait lv not a had shotlldtr. lrobably lie did not know that any duel was pro cerotin. ;Indl he was not bound to honor i t if he did." EAT WITHOUT FEAR OF INDIGESTION OR SOUR, ACID STOMACH intant relief! " Pape's )iapepsli" ends Your stomah troublle foreier. Wonder What, upset. your stomach -- Which portion of the food did the dami age--lo you? Weil, don't. hot tier. It' you r stotmahel is in a revolt; if sour, gassy and upset, and what you just ate has feritented into stubhorn luings; head dizzy and aches; helch gases and acids and eructate undigest id food; Ireath fIou, tongue coated --- juist takc, . little ('ape's liipOp'sin amd in flve iinutes olt wolder ia l bnie calte of' (he lindl tij onl mnd <istress'.<, .\illions ot' m1en and yomlent II v kiow" that it is needless .o have a itatt stomas h. .\ little 1)iapepsin oc casion ally keeps this delitcattorgan ega ;. ed an11d lh( eat th ire iav rite' t foo! i \t itholiu h< ar. tYolly ton h donisil'I take care - '_" aIr libera:;l 1.Init wt houtl ro 1e'li. n !t' your toon i' a dann: int :a a a -' . . 44+ * 4 * * * * * * * 4' .. ..*. .lat'r ii a Ic I . .\te rn-ol I wiishi i Itlh k ytotu indl tlihiu youi, d o ::v(jy t a tal of i t hreeiii antv eit a fin-I iutf lurta iown It ' a \ a i '; wtt e iu~a t us i t sthat t Wte :it uiaE don ii hat ft'etrm alok:~'t' .in".i i t ogii ll thel trati i lit boy, hato ta'e do whe l ot otand whenathe, si do'it know, (11 ye t I ts fw rs hm i a the m i tV]at ampaongi adti bito et's frae fopera, till her 111o a he we'dn lie'a' pima donnrimat ha's(bnnen'anote liotgh 'd lon ik I e ou init te lle ina Itoh .ak a~ whtole otend' one. the ws ting "Omes and i flwere a ltenlse fttesiteivaided Sanburg lt's fair( fot O pethr and maysh trle till I hiugha 'gdbelkh old fwarer IIe i seasto ang "loh!d Would ''h wereic a wre. au simha lien ad!"ant L~et's hear now what Mr's. ial and Mrl s. Weathters have to say. 'Tell Dad dy (as lie was so kind as to say hte'd fallen in love wIth Aunt Wate sight unseen) that If anythog hap~penls we don't get off that always recmember "Ilstance lends enchantment," Always your loving,. THRONGS GATHER IN "ZONE" Part of the Great Exposition That Has Strong Attraction for the Majority of Visitors. In the later evening the throngs naturally drift to the Zone, where the rollicking sense of humor of the Amiuulcan people asserts itself. The Midway of Chicago and the Pike at St. Louis is appropriately christened the "Zone" at San Francisco. There are the Fagdl auto trains, long jaunting cars with seats side way, propelled by a magic little auto. The passengers view the building first on this side and then on that-a sitn pl idea that has already made a for tune for the inventor, with a nane where the letters seem "pied." There are no weary marches to see the ex. Position of 1915, so conipact and so convenient are the little automobile trains, to say nothing of the tiny rail road reaching all parts of the ground. The tendency of the expositionter of today 1. to neglect to enter the build ings and see the exhibits which In the:oslves represent the trenendous progress since former expositions. The historie declaration of William \lelInley at iluffalo that "expositions are the timekeepers of progress" is again ('xempliflel. The first plae0 I visited was the "Pnanma c' 'nal" with Congressinan Kahn and wife, where, seated on a moving platform traveling over a quarter of a tulle with a telephone at my ears telling me this point and that, I saw the canal again as vividly as if looking down from llalboa heights. Even after two visits to Panama, this attraction was most fas cinating, as the boats passed through the locks and across the lake with every light, shoal and mountain re vealed.-"A Trip Overland--The Ex position," by Joe Mitchell Chapplo, in National Magazine. SANITY IN MUSICAL WORLD War Has Failed to Produce the Dis cord That at One Time Seemed Sure to Come. Summing up of the muusical year has beg un --thougi the drums, iires, tr'umts1n and bands1 inl certain of our parks are stimiutlating tle public spir its and keejpiig up the populaIr eln 'rgy. On the wholo we have been generous. Alr. Percy Scholes' list of literned musicials contains no alien coIlposers and Pterformers in English prisons. But harmony was split. 13rodsky (of Manchester and lIitsesia) was caught in Germany, Richter re nounced his IEglishu honors, Kreisler went to tight for Austria, and Lainond was shut up at Ruhleben. Ilarmony was disturbed. In England the war threatened for a mnoment to banish the music mie in Germany. Ilut sanity prevailed. Wagner could not be banished. The iRoyal I'hilhar:nonic re fused to abolish the bust of lieetho von from its place before the orcles traii-- poas iibly becaus 1ketI) huven 'S aa costry was provol to be Flet.ish. IBach and Iirahins have had their cele bration upon i'aglislh strinigs and wiad. Aid rightly!--Lmndtnl Chronicle. Awakening of Chinese Women. -11::: I tat l'Ii!!i:more of i'eking, Sieaklin i at ;a1 ( ni'( of lni ssion unis : h ;. -on 11' s tn lii t le ti:. sc:ols si i Is idgh inI e fu-il :O creul. r'eirha res tnour toi up bht anl wh~eiler :,5 this waIsdcorn lthakt toe(i l espo JalIan. Ill mis siostry work botth~l orisi evuntryan Amica n miion ael doi muchll fO teewrnn ( aV l thC hIstia chool letasesb ahe si arcil lookiorro hileuln thm lywill not taeublim Teram Pis to (I)ltrainheir bowels i t e'rs, as ite~ is onsire thaot. the thine wotue wIll o fal r yor valuab s lesor cnosngelv ising l~fth lownl utols thacn' culd or dan ywno other coun.n' l Ill t iV perfctlys harmlss, andk iaofew lclean. andferlninr ashell nl mv oA ofxte boldyouhae a c cild tomorrow.chil agidrn AImholyg 'inot takle cleaning"ro i' to allt thtis bow esll. Ihsic i be egd uprs tht waset, give oll any sikneshstoa. Lookate ontefii Myrher! fcAsk ydor druggs chil' as iO-tle crotle fv fullhdretoh bad, abties, cden oa halyge fund ofod gorn-uas lehraint andanyeothat citlde' bytment "Caive foa apF of"airi yrup Copn. M r R. P-. Reynolds Tobacco Co. Why Prince Albert meets men's tastes all over the world! The patented process makes Prince Albert so good'in a pipe or rolled into a cigarette that its popularity is now uni versal! It satisfies all smoke desires! This patented process, which also removes bite and Y parch, is controlled by us. No other tobacco can be like RIteE ALBERT the national joy smoke Listen: Men who have stowed away gentle old jimmy pipes It's easy to change the shape for years, have brought them back to the tune of ndcolor ofunsalable brands to imia..e ,*ePrincAl t Prince Albert l Get yours out, for your confidence oimitate th* flavor of Princ never will be abused I We tell you Prince Albert will Albert tobacco I The pato.*cd fe h process protects that set pipe free the tenderest tongue I And smoked in a makin's cigarette, Prince Albert is so Prince Albert can be boa h! refreshing and delightful that it gives you a new. idea of * $ * * *ofd cigarette happiness. Anyway you fire-up Prince Albert, it red ,andsom will win you quick as a flash-it's so good andso friendly pond cr-. a -i R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO., Winston-Salem, N. C. wilt e& ten*1 top , * Jsuch i ne conditonta WE GivE PROrIT-SHARING CowoNs Reduce the llihCost of Livin byTradin4 with S a1Es FOR 0)FOR O CATALOG' CATALOG PEOF LES DRUG STORE, Laurens, S. C. CALLTODAYAND INVESTIGATE HOW YOU CAN PROCURE BEAUTIFUL AND USEFUL ARTICLES BY REDEEMING OUR GOUPONS AND CERTIFICATE5 I5UED WITH EVERY CASH PURCHASE..OR ON ACCOUNTS TO BE PAID BY 5TH.OF MONTH. STANDING GUARD OVER THE WHOLE FAMILY The laxative tablet with the pleasant taste Protects every member of the family from Constipation the enemy of good health 104 254 504 We have the exclusive selling rights for this great laxative. Trial size, 10 cents. THE LAURENS DRUG CO. THE REXALL STORE