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-- . * - - * " 1 " 1A. " "_ fitA The Chewiest Chewing Gum ever Chewed Chew Bobs" 5c, the packet or two "Bobs" for a cent at all the better stands and stores. OU'LL be strong for "Bobs"--fine and pepperminty. The candiest candy-he rt filled with the chewi chewing gum. Chew "Bobs"-the tip-4 It Always Helps says Mrs. Sylvania Woods, of Clifton Mills, Ky., In writing of her experience with Cardui, the woman's tonic. She says further: "Before I began to use Cardul, my back and head would hurt so bad, I thought the pain would kill me. I was hardly able to do any of my housework. After taking three bottles of Cardui, I began to feel like a new woman. I soon gained 35 pounds, and now, I do all my housework, as well as run a big water mill. I wish every suffering woman would give The Woman's To c / a trial. I still use Cardul when I feel a little ad, and It always does me good." Headache, backache, side ache, n rv sness, tired, worn-out feelings, etc., are sure signs woman ly trouble. Signs that you need Cardui, the woman's tcnic. You cannot make a mistake in trying Cardui for your trouble. It has been helping weak, ailing women for more than fifty years. Get a Bottle Today! The greatent thing ... . ~dowu thie feed l..ll anid bu id up the sttor d.. ' t's somtet hinug the M 'rses and mules.~ litde-giv<; them n ei1 pirehfite-starts thte saliva rnuni; g and ai<A digestio:1. F~ ar supet(rio)r to a al grain feed(. G(ve yor horsesi and - mu'/' les~c a t reat, adat the sae imemveamiw y. Our RE1 SH[IRT (fir.-it grade) Unrse a ;d Alt e M~olaosen Feed\ ~ ~cont aiins Cortsi, Ground Alfaifa, maI e a petizinig with salt and1( pure cane mnolasses, and analyzes asoiv: Proei 10; at 3%; Fibre 12%/; C b ydrates 577 PIEDMONT HlORSE & MULI MOLASSES FEED en " Grayd Fannayi Pro 1' 2%; Carbohydrates 55%. SWAMPF0XIIORSE &MULE MOLASSES FEED Faga2%hTibe,12", Carbohdr',"a e's" PERFECTION ljORSE & MULE FEED (Tlas MIxe)e'y,,na"'uttao ",jo "t *r P Irotein 12%/; Fat 3%; Fibre 12t/; Carbohydrates 57%. This is composed of straight Sgrain and ground Alfalfa Meal. SRED SHIRT DAIRY FEED 'First Grade: A balanced ration containing Molsases. Cattle are very fond of it keeps them in good condition. Increases the tlow and enriches the quality of the milk at a redneed cost of feeding. Contains ground Corn, C. 8. Meal, Wheat Middling, Ground Alfalfa, Pure Cane Molasses and Salt. Analyses: Protein 15%; Fat 3%/o Fl bre 12%; Carbohydrates 60%.R fPiEDMONT IRJY..FEED 12%;Carbbd ata5% Protein 12%; Fat 2%%; Fibreo' IWID ShIRT 110G FEED A combination of nigestiv. Ta.kag;e. firound Corn. nIce acrecunings: very fattening. Keeps te hogs in god ondition. We niufactuire nlso ItED SIIIlET Scratch Feed aind IED) Sn7RT Baby Chick Feed. "SEVEN FGGS AWEEK"HEN MASit como;e ofGru d- Ca" 4" Pactelin 1s%; Fiat 4'l;: FIbre 12%; Carbuhydrutes -10%. An st-ov*.u oin tihe hngs in our id. ncarly all of our feedi is maale from Carnl! a -.\ pirudr-ri, even to thee baser and tw ine. V.e aire, therefore., in the marinst -' :' tr OVtr,, Corn, Whneat, Aifailfu lley anid an~y oilier kind of IIy - .We ohko aurry isf ii 'ak of GRAIN, 1IAY N r f:-ed n i n i, albnvi. nye r~ilm1 d A OI(0Iil1 & Ciler '0. .; REVIEW OF CONDITIONS i IN TIlE GREAT WAT RIussia Claims Many Successes.. Sub marine Warfare Again Big Talk of All the Nations. London, Jan. 2.-Itinsia's can paign in Biesarabia continues to be the most important visible war activ ity. From the Pripet to the Ru manian frontier, over a front of at least 300 miles huge Russian forces with a great a ppearance of confidence is hurling stedge hammer blows at the opposing force, which, according to all accounts, totals at least one and a half millions men. Petrograd still claims considerable successes in the early stages of the campaign and dispatches emphasize the excellent eqipment, supplies and munitions that Russia laid up for this purpose during a period of comparative passivity. Some London observers, speculat ing on the meaning of the Bessara bian move, hail it as one of the most ambitious strategic plans since the bc ginnilag of hostilities, and predict that it will prove a colossal attempt to break the backbone of the (er manie 'Allies' whole line across the lialktaus. Thus one critic says: "The plan is tati. Russia and the other allies, moving from different. stiles, shall me.t in the lialkhans and gain complete ntstety of that penin sula. If they siueceed Turkey will be stbdied and th- vitals of Austria liungarv mnaccd." - So loug as Iussia: keeps up le r present activity just north of the lIu inanian border. the attitude of Rum mania will coitinne to grow in liii iorance. 'T'here have been m:y:v assertions in the Euttentie capitals that Rumania was about to nte,i' the war on the side of the Entent Al lies, but nothing to support lIhiis has yet, been heard from creditable ln manian son ces. .l can while in tihe southI of the BIalkan peninsuIa, the In tentc Allies contlnue Iheir xis po tant. attitude toward a threatce I at tur;, although Greece seeus in:' ltly occupied in making various (11110 matic protests, having followed imp her polite protest to the Entente Al lies against the arrest of the consuls by an ettually polite protest to the Central powers against their aero planes flying across (reek territory in a raid which killed a Greek shep herd and a few sheep. The sinking of the steamship Per sia with the death of an American consular officer brings up in the Eu ropean capitals the familiar query as to what the United States w'ill do now. I)Ispatches from English cor respondents picture the sinking of the Persia as a particularly aggravat ed case owing to the fact that the ship was not only hit without warn ing or opportunity for the passen gers to escape but was also lilt in a most vital part, so that she sunk al most immediately, the whole time from t he launching of the Ior'pedo to the dlisapipearance of the linemr being only fDve minutes. Int connection11 with the salhmtnartie aetivity' in the Mlediterrante~an, it is in teet1Ing to mnot e that an iimeta il re 1)ort sho'ws a total of onlyh 20) It-it ih steamtshiips suink by the suibmar-ines duin lth e tonthI 1 of D-eember wtihI th: lo:.,s of f17 lives wbIle' ei:abt- mtei 13 lives. Ilior the l'ish i- ncbinet W\ednesdny 1 il! l I red lette da tor on that dlay liulsion atnd thle hpreiler- proba:bl'y ha neiver hadi a mior-e difl~ct ita:-k thant i lie will in enin~ieeingr thlis measure 21nd his. 51bePch plresetinair it to the liou s, i s P exeted to be oneO of thle finest effrt. of carmeer'. I EAT A SQUARE MEAL AND NOT FEARINDlGESTIN There aricleii~ hudedIs of people in Laurtens who were not the least bit sur mprisede when they readi~ in the "Lau41 trCns Adveritiser' thait theI Laur tens Druig C'o. is selling .\I-o-mna on a guat' antee to refutid t he money in ', le it did( not mreliev-e. This r-emarkhab .dys iieisia retiedly will i'eleve thI woi'st case of imndigest ion, hieadlael ., dlizzi ness or' the gener'al played- it condi ion thant ailicts ever'y on suffer'ing with stomach tr'oule. ' -o-tna dloes not sim ply i'elieve, It t im~ to cure. The L~aurmens Drug (o.fcan tell you of maniiy well kntownt p > 1 in tii city who this r'emnedy ha restor-ed to health, often aifteri they have Iried many othier miettiods of treatment with little oi' no0 lienet. No 0ot' dlys le lsiai rm'onedy lias inadoe so itarige a pericenat age of ciires as .\li-o-na. it is so larige that theo Laur-ens Drui ('o. standls i(eady3 to meiiuit the ptrien to any otis I owet' whlom it (lde ntit hlpI. ' the best kindl of adlvi 'bdn sis thi tir' isn 31b- -ma hecanse i doe~rs wth-at !i is adlver'thaed to do. .\ fewv amon th ta liey -ionhl 0'-> notlhing withbout teo feam' of ntifiering. PARDONED CONVICT SHOOTS TWO MEN Preacher Talley and Son Beat Up Ernest ienson After Beling Siot, But Mlow lilum to Escatpe. Greenville, )ec. 31 .---Etirnest Benson, a tarried muan, aged thirty, who was pardoned by ex-Governor lilease No veniber 2~3, 1 1i, While serving a sen tence of sever years' Imprisonment for assault and battery with intent to kill, this morning tired a fusillade of bullets at D). 1. Talley and the lat ter's son, Barney, in a public road near Travelers Rest, wounding Mlr. 'Talley in the back of the leg, while Barney Talley was shot in each arm. The shooting occurred about 8:30 o'clock in the main road in front of J. R. Coleman's house. Preacher 'alley, as he is known beactise of a former pastorate he held at Travel lers Rest, was riding with his son in a buggy. Benson; who was walking, opened fire upon the Talleys without provocation. lie fired live shots from a .32 ealibre pistol. Two of the bul lets went. wild, while three poorly aim ed shots wreaked lieshi wounds, which attending lihysicians said, will not prove ser iots iinless complications set in. Seize R(evo'1 lers. .Alr. 'a.llev and his son jumped from t he tli :'. Seizing, Benson, they wr'ni'(cd the stmiok ing revolver from his hand. .\ttracled by the shots. .\r. C'oletni ratn front his hiouso out into the road. Blls([n was bleeding pro fuisely a oult his head. having been strIl k by one or otil of the Ta: - leys. li'nson was thoaught to be serioutly huiir, bul relieved these fears by run ning from his captors. Airl. Coleman <'a ight hin a few m1 inutis Iatr and c:.I ried hitim to a nearhy spring to h lhe his face. IFeigning wea kness. I 'n1,on eleverly sought enough liberty to escape. Sherif hector and a ('0 f'rio of depu ties followed later in amilomobiles in pursuiit. The oiliers were aided in the seareb by a posse of T''ravelerPs hest citizens, who are anxiious to cap Ititre 1Uen':on for feat' that !e is in sane an ll! iht do fitrthe: harni. Sherilft llector leailing a iposse of deltites and citizens scoured[ the sur rnnlhg woop, s rautul Trvelers htest in 1ihe hope of finding lltnson, who is believedt to be hiding in the woods, ready to start f rouble for his pur su's. False Messate. The posse was called off the trail this norn lng by a phone message re ceived at Travelers Rest that Benson had been caught. by Chief Noe in the Greenville News building. Sheriff Rector telephoned a Piedmont report er that he would give a reward of $50 for information and conviction of the person who phoned the false re port to a citizen of Travelers Rest. This false alarm, he said, greatly in terfered w0ith the search as many in the posse who gained wind of the re ltor' 't trnedl homne, hlgteiv~ng tNhIat htensoni wa';s in ('tstodyv at (reonville. TJhoe1 frst informa t Ion that the po 1lien had gaineod of t ho all egod cap Itoldl t hat a in: t eivijng hits niatn' as I ha~i~e t aen a gr'ea It ma y '' I it coughi iteh totr enid.3. .\ii'r tkingC it t ('(31gh ;al was dI: iIpears," wihi . .. I. .\oor'eai. I 3 t \'alley, ( 2;. ('ata in a tble (eery whlere'. To'i keep your3 h liter3 a1iv tuse I):' king' New~ .i'e i'ills-. Tih '. in'ture gotod digistion. relieve (conlsipat ion, antd tonie tul the wh'oleq systm keep((l VIour ey'e clta andugc vout Il' fre::h'~2t an tealIliv lokitg. Onl :t ' 2 atI yotr Dru'tggist. * S * 4 * * * * * * YS'G FS Youn jgs, .Iani. 3.-.\Mr. Autst in Abter cromie and faily3 have mioved~ to Chi'stmans has ended with lisomte very nilce piarties. .\ r..J..I. .\lanily gave a singIng to the young peolte Sunday night last, wh'icho was enjoyed v'ery much. Those pies ent wetre as follows: AlIsses LIllie .\ac RIddle, LIIIlian Poole, Otis Glenn, ll e and .\ aude Abercromie, .\essrs J1. Leroy mnith.~ Avin RIddle, Erwin Owens, I). Wyatt Glenni, Frank 1Duck, Gaston Ablereromn Ie, Paul Keisty, Jlohn lDewey and l'yra .\lanlly. M\ossrs J1. TL. Sm IthI and l'. L. Iiiddlec havi ~e gone to Laureni t ont ( biusIiess to tday. '0e1 ti otday. tFoundit i Mitre TIlhr. has used( (Chiamberlain's Tlalets fori 121y8. "'Chaberie'l's 'Tahtt are ii' Itest I have cver' ased."' Obtaiinal t-. A WE FIX WATCHES AND EYE GLASSES AND SELL NEW ONES WE WANT TO DO YOUR REPAIR WORK ON WATCII, JEWELRY AND EYEGLASSES FOR TIHE GREA 7, BIG REASON T114 T WE'VE GOT TIJE MA TEIIA LS AND KNOW 110W TO DO IT RIGIT AND THE IRICE V.L BE REASONABLE. IT WILL. I'A Y YOU TO COME TO JJS FOR TiE Si TlSFACTION OUR WORK WILL GIVE YOU| WE CARRY l FULL LINE OF JEWELRY, SILVERWARE AND OPTICAL GOODS AND WILL. iiE PLEASED TO GREET YOU IN OUR S TORE. FLEMING EROS. THlE Il.IA HLE JE1:WELE-.RS u amrM wumm m .msna a r a-mxmy-:mawr."w am r".o. y:.rwa:-a marcunanm1 aamm . Cr ENDLESO A V ~ ONCENTRATED ' CanCan _CTtt e J AMENOLESOJs ~ALBANY, L y e.. 200ZS.NET If you use lye for soap making purposes or simply for household and farm use, it will pay you to buy MENDLESON'S LYE to the exclusion of all others. In Mendleson's you are not only assured pure concentrated lye, full strength, without adulterants, but the extra large can (20 ounces solid Lye instead of 16) means economy. No other ten cent can will saponify eight pounds of -grease or make four pounds of soap. One pound can make fifteen pounds of soap. For cutting grease from pots, pans and sinks, scouring woodwork, kitchen furniture, disin fecting poultry houses, treating hogs for chol era, etc. Men~dles on's Lye is Best. Three Forms "-Solid, Granulated and Ball Tosizes --- 10Oc. and 5c. Also sold in bulk for making compost. 1 . - t \l ilin g I .o. (Co.. (linton G. (. I) >. . .~ i C (8 C. I.ii. I'lur & ( ra., ('io., 8n. ('. u.I.('v (a 'u . KennI Ied 'Iiro. Lne, 8. C. I .(u~lug ~~ro) .V Srngo r. C ou. V'litoni, 8. (C. .\* (ilhu . 'juuue,8 4. W.' .luto i , -ydoi aMl, (S. C. ,8 '.'' L iael,(uaS ' .XL. e I I.lth iny& lo., 8.ntn . . 8..etu.(iioi .4. T. 1I0. IieIoe , Clinton, 8.4. i.L .1(' Alxurc,(Ilto. S. C. W1. it. C'oggeins o, l Iinto , 8.(.S' i~ECIIitn . C. .olr. K. G. utn, Clintonui, . (. ~ i.Kj , (iitu . .l.nton CottonI .\l( ls, Ci ur nton . C. 'I 'p'odi,(Iii0!, .4. .1. Lee Plls, ICl '(inton . C. hl ~tgIjIlus,(Iutn .~ II.. W o , 1llehbourg , .Clitn . Ihio.*C iiIn .C -1. W . Io la C o ., * linton, S C. ..p ig, Idi,8 ' .n . C., hl & Co.ei, I~us S. C 11 odues S.C C F. . DALEY CO, LT . .FAO G N.lin , HAMerlO , C.A. WaN k___asCo, _Waerlo, _._C