University of South Carolina Libraries
ANOTHER LETTER Fromi the Youngest Contestant and I1s Proposition. It has been several weeks since 1 'wrote the Advertiser srbscribers a letter, but I huave not been idle by any engills. 'Mother contit 1es to Work hard for tihe autonmobile, atild she mnakes a report to us at hone about t wice a 'week. She has begunt a an 1 paligil of mlaking somne ettial olitt 110hd-qlill ters anid work out froin t here each day retur ning for tihe nlight. Therefore. this 1ccounit1s for ler reiport h1otne1 oily about twice a week. When she reports though, it is worth reading. Occasionally she is noiifled by a subscriber that he hadt a letter front so and so askiitg for his subscrliptiont, and she lnumediately ntotifles littI that she could easily have done the saiel thing. but she knew fromn experiene that letters by mail did iot assist much in such t citest as we are hav ing. and too, she thought inasninch as the s1bscribers Itad o personal pre ference they should give their sub scriptions to the coitest anUt who vaIt .ued his subserlption eloughl to ctle in person1 and ask for it. And wlat do you reckon liappens --she gets his su bscriptiol. The subs'criber rigitful ly feels tihat he has met the sitkuation onl a fair Isis. M11 l'roplositlin.I Now, in oder It jtireth sllbscrib \u 'l s'ip Itn flr ti t I 'wa t to lit c I , 1 1 4,1 lilt t :1 1 1I l 1 . s it ;.- t I -, Iev ,I li t Ii I k too1 inktlha net to .s l tn p i.3,' t ott't Will a t hit tt .e n Sonme stlltscrij." Ila 1 k Moter to h ity a t t11\ IIa !ttte . al . ot . i ato the u t nt Ow o t 1) titlli. r 1 so t I mt St c I Sitill bohnlev) d aiio nlk 4 we lbol have ab-d, as tltrs liog heiliig i ol zte1itgs '.'10 i oth, i r y i:S tt)hae t fai le. sit1 (1ndly )lt tiliti:- to hte tite cns if piossile), w. "'ut yo: kIlidl * ' st-Itd your. \looredl as sho isAnxioutow share mid (111(ot twi)to ptitce yor. Vote to Illy cre bit:? if yo h vo tis kil(Iy loti fy ha1e Iy piostct as I wish to I-nd sh' ltisu ohow to1dy ate wil - not uitti, ll i ait t a .; e i v n oif tIhe joys of tile Yoree o 1itestait s wito ill not boy~ )13 ofther Int tak me about wit By tl v1'-.\lother grails to se you it which she idoites o ntet, todbifhe case ifu porsasi leti won you keioituy sendr yuk wedirt oltim tg lesysu ot t0o y Wit kinoudo oi fy e y psill Iad aok is Mooihto Donet neaun oiut. howt manyc areoil ling nd, anxiugto asis (in11 tho joys( othe lthreet' contti )iats whotwillo sae ithisat cotttest ndi'h. sk o fo aboritionr gieit to h? n Aqiek With isue k:instdeatir 1113 Don'e t wea ou it. y oshe sules Ilo abou ~ .t 4 ty r liv st3 h Are they isuiiroed a ant dath writ i any cause? 33 3dlC rai. .\to o eley 'tinsutre thomlk ryou *ie (c'L PIT i S wit lhi l'int 11 e1 . Mi. i' r s.e e . 03. aii i sodo Laurens' isl visi'ttin ofe(ros mothe, ars. aZenor elme, who has be she ise Cmprvn lit yhs wri(1tin1g.0Ma A)lns. of. .Lu Duncan~ -istonfied .to AMr. an i('l t Itttrry o lla tn ' of iSpar camelo do'wn Sundal'I~y to bt withl homeI fives.hre Mr'. Frank ' I111:3 Worma oft Ctross wil1 Allsses Coral N lays ad Anie\'a !SENHOWERT CASE AT YORK COUR/T HOUSE i uterest Manifested In Trial 'at York, .Judge lice Presides. Generally Be. lieved that Defendants will be Tried Separately. York, Dec. 6.-With all plans coin *lete and court ofllcials In readiness, ie greatest interest Is manifested to !ight all over York county In the trial f the cases resulting from the Winns Ioro tragedy. Court will convene here tmorrow rporning at 10 o'clock, with Judge ilayne F. Rice presiding, and the first case called will be that of i'rnest Isenhower, Jesse Morrison and .iim Rawls, charged with the murder of Sheriff A. D. Hood of Faireld county, his deputy sheriff, Raleigh Boulware, and Jules Smith, a negro in the custody of the law at the time of the shooting. This is expected to be one of the most sensational cases ever heard in South Carolina. It is remembered that the sheriff and his deputies were about to carry their negro prisoner up the steps of the Fairlield county cqurt house, where court of general ses sions was sitting, when the shooting began. Albert E. 11111 of S artanburg, solic itor of the seventh judicial circuit, arrived in York tonight to assist So licitor lIen ry of tiis circuit in the proseelt ion. and Thomas F. \IcDow of the York har has also beeni re aindiuki for theI prosecltioll. C. 1'. I i.leseof Columbtiltia. Wilson llanahan of Winnsboro, A. I.. Gaston of Clies tir and .lh t. Ilart of the York har wi apipar fto the various de f i lalits. n Isen!iomrc i., tuiderii three scia:-ate Judlitm n s for .muiller,. clar_4i.1 vith killila Hlood. loulwarle1 aindilte ego while .\lorris onl anld1 laid ., are lial i Olments llarg in limn:h i with shooling4 Sheriff Ilol(0 0:01Sinththe n go i; is gettelally la-lijcvd hilr that ih t u mlrusv~i1 b treliseparate y.athuhno annloluner ll(Inen has 1- n mil, t o thai tfe t. 1 iS Said that as tllickly as all s s inl Ihw court,- !mulse are1 iled . l ic iiitt': iantn tds ig the sherilT to locki all doomrs andi periitno onle to enter or leave tile bihiing. This pdrecalluion is tknto prevenit anly ipossilbility of a repetition of the Fair I!#.d collntly happenling'. NI Il0'IS 1 . h 'IS SE.A'T Si mirn In its Newest South Carolina .itember. Washillngt on, Dec. 6. -.Congressmaln Sin .1. N ilolls of the Fourth South (arolina district was sworn in as the I'almtatto Stat's newest member to day. Mr. Nicholls begins his congres stonlal duiies withI important work ontt thle niilitary affairs conmnittee, whichi for Some titue will be in the pllblic eye. Outr lats and Caps cover tile Iwo ille-'s heads of this IPiedmont section like thle dew covers Dilxie. .l. (. turns & Co. Nowv is the time of fites. Are your house antd bar tin u tred? See C'arlos it .\oseley, lauren;:, S. C'. At the recent meeting of the Na tiontal Guard otf the t'nited States one of1 thle mtetmbleris pieopn'red at tpoem en itlted ''Soon", wvhh is a crt'ticism of S ere tar o3 (f W\ar Garr 'tisotn's plan for' lie (ont tiental armity. IThe ptoem was set to mullsic and sutng to thIt tune of the otld song ''! atiny Decevet", by the "Whlat arle the tomit-tomts bratinog for? sai .\ Iistet Warrtisoin. ''Oioir factory wot'ks without11 a stoE!" ':aid Thet P at- Iitiotih-One. "Your bioss'll gladly close upi shtoie," said1 .\ isteri Warison). For2 we'r golilt' to ' an armfy, it's all fixed upj they .miy, 'The' cont inentail atimy wvill lie foimed tFour I tttndr'ed iThousands 'wvaitln', if you2'11 bel ieve the tbtnk, Fotr we'rte goitn' to' av an armny-in the "'Wher'e y'o'i goitn' to qttatrter them?'' sa1( idl Te Pat -Iliotic One. '"The armtoies of the National Gu tard,"' saId .\listert Warison. "Where willI you keelp thbel' uiti torms?" said TIhe P'at-Jitiot Ic-One. "T'lhey'll m ost ly aliways have them on." alhl but fixed( til no0w; Two) moths11 of ('very3 summer,~i' andl The( miilishi' will fiunisht thtem thelt' men,11 motst all the wrkl thtey'll don .\tal we'''re roIn' to 'v oin armyt3--in the "W'hoie wil ion tearh Ibim mo tks The "Bil 1---The Maxwell. ThE car---at a popular 2---The Busiest Spot in salesroom of the A 3---J. W. McKee-- Knc of the slogan BUY A According to th( on payment of a spe Many good LF owning. There's n< The Maxwell is opet ate, the up-keel LAU] Phone 266 muanship'?" said The Pat-Riotle one. "'he States have ranges, all equip ped," said Mister Warrison. "But who will do the teachin'?" said The Pat-Itiotic One. "The National G(uards for Just such work," said Mr. Warrison. For we're goin' to 'av an army, and greptest ever known; The boss will pay your wages, when you're away from home. It won't take long to mobolize, if there's dhanger of a clash, For we'r'e goin' to 'av an army-In the mnornin'. "How will you get the ofi's?" said The Pat-Riotic-One. "'The Army will attend to that," saidl Mister Warrilson. "Will the Guai'dsmecn ever get their pay ?" said The Pat-Riotie-One. "in ab~out a thousand years-they may," said Mister Warrison. lFor we're goin' to 'av' an army, andl it won't cost us a cent; All you (10 Is leave the factory, an' your bioss'll pay your rent. 1Every RiegulIarm second lieutenant will be a colonel, when We have that brandl niew army, in the mornin'. D~on't spiendl a r'ed cent unt il you gel to lied I ron lbacket stores.'s w h''re t hey sell samte goodis for' less mioniey. Scores of lau trens R'iilners are Ler n lng the Imuty of the h id neys. To filter the blood( is thle kidneys' W\hen thlef~ fail to (10 Lihis thle k id neys are weak. Ilaikachie and othler' kidney ills may follow; llel p thle kidney do35 1 thieirI work. Use l)oan's idnelhy Pills-thie test edh kidney remedy, Laurlenis people endo1'se their' '( worthI. Mr's. 1. Tempjleton, 2I5 Oak St., L~au renis, gave t he follo'wing account of hier' experience in Mi reh I19it. She sid:o "M.y kidneys act .d too freely and( the secretions were ia natura l. I w~as hiardl~y able to get ail)mnd~ On nccount of the pains In my p ik, My limbs were swoll'en and sqf were miy hiandis andl feet. WVhen I was advised to use D~oan's Kidney P'ills, 1 d1id and all the allments heft me. My kidneys got nor'mal, too." OVECR TliiR~i'. YECARS LA''llt, Mr's. Temiipleton said: "'I have evermy bit. as muhel faith in Doan's Kidney i''lis to day as when I prev'iously recommtiendl ed them, Wailceeer I have not iced i siliht return m of kidney trmooules, duie to coldl, hDoan's Kidney Pills have giv.-4 ein me pr'~omlit retlief."' P'ri(e flue at alt l dalers. D on't simuply ask for' a kidney remedy *-get ibuuti~n t lhi(n .' t'ilths- liim' floui t lI A~ 4 Three" world's most popular price. Laurens. The Laurens laxwell. wn to all as the author MAXWELL-==PAV AS VOU RIDE a McKee Plan you can buy one of these famous sturdy, powerful family cars cial sum and pay the balance as you ride---on easy mont hly pa. ments. .urens people have talen advantage of this convenient method of car reason why you should not. not only easy to buy---accordirg to the McKee plan, but it is economical to cost being fully 50 per cent less than on any other car selling at this price. Price 655 Electric Starter and Lighted. RENS MOTOR CAR COMPANY J. W. McKee, Pres. Phone 286 GIFTSof JEWELRY V ARE THE BEST qur Articles in Gold and Silver are not ~ %V only selected with the utm~ost care but S are sold at prices representing supreme value. .A Few of Our Best Values BRA CELET WATCHES MEN'S WA TCHES We have a large assortment of the Men's T hin Model 14-k Solid Gold newest styles fitted with good reliable Elgin or Waltham. m~rovemnents. Elgin, Waltham and Crown T hin Model, Gold Filled. an Ipote G old filled and Solid Thin Model, Imported. gold. Howard Watches. FOR LADIES ' FOR MEN Solid Gold La Vallieres Solid Gold Tie Clasps Solid Gold Brooches '"Solid Gold Scarf Pins SldCold Lingerie Solid Gold Chains Solid Gold Bracelets Solid Gold Knives; Solid Gold Thimbles Solid Cold Links I SUPERB DIAMOND JEWELRY Our well-Known Guarantee accompanies every Diamond or Piece of Diamond Jewelry, From the SMALLEST to the Most Costly .Diamond Rings, Diamonzd Brooches, Diamond Pins, Diamond Bar Pins, Diamond Scarf Pins. OPEN EVENINGS Gifts selected now will be put away For You Until Wanted Relabl Jewenrn