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KET 2 STORES IN LAURENS We Believe iCash---Quick Sales--S mall Profits #1 f .' Wool Dress Good 25c to Red Hot Special 4 25c, 39c up to 75c 43c ' Ginghams and Percales 7 1-2 to 10c for 12 1-2c kind Special line of Men's Hats 48c up to 3A eBig line of MWA' / / Pants going at 9b special. prices $3.95 Beautiful line of Ladies' Hats 98c, up to 25c to 19C to 10C to 48c to ""5 Pc C!C ) $4.98, $7.50 up to $15 $3.48 for the $5.00 kind 89c 45c 19C 98ctou for the $18.00 kind.k UFJ~~8c45 to 45c'~ F 4 upF er- A0N0ERCO - Mens SoesLadies Shoes $1.98 to Beauty Special 98c to Special $ 1.75 to $2.89 $1.48 to $2.95 $3.39 95c 39c and 48c $1.69 89c 1200 Boys Suits, Why pay more at some other store you can buy the same goods from 10 to ?, per cent. less amt the going at $.3 $1.98, $2.25 up te 5.39 for 6.50 kdnd SRED IRON RAKTSTORElf!~S .& R,.E VICE 1000 ARGAINS ALWAYS BUSY. THERE'S AR 5, 10, 15 to 43c No. 1 Store 210 West Laurens St. Next to Bramletts Shop. No. 2 Store South Side of Public Sc , r(I.. n's Old Stand 10c each * * WIlIE Sf!Ofhis NEWS.* * * .* * * * * * . * * * * * * Ware Shoals, Rtoute 1., Nov. 1.---Ev crybody is bluy gathering their crops and in a few more days they will all b0 done. A lot of giain Is being sown this time and we notice some is up1) and growing off nicely. Air. .1. It. 1Hll has the best. field of Irish potaoes we have seen-they are the Lookout. Mountain varIety. ir. 1HU1] is one of tho hest farmers that ever ame down the pike. Miss Alice I lenderson of Green weod, visited her sister, \Mrs. W. C. White Sunday, the 17th. Mr. Luceon1 Daniel of Newberry, vis Ited his father and mother, Nir. and Mrs. Kelly Daniel, last, week. Mrs. D. M1. Th'lomaswon and childrenl of Boyds Milli visitou .1. Webb Elledgo and children one day last week. MIr. and 'Mrs. 1. 0. lleiersol, of near Greenwood, visited their daugh ter, 'Mrs. W. C. White Saturday and Sunday. Mvir, IHendeison is one of the old lino farmers that raises his hog and hominy at home. lie is also a candidate for sheriff or treerwoo(l county an( the longer Ie rns the faster he gets and when the election is pulled off we plredlet ho will be Johnnie on the spit. Mrs. W. I. Elledge of near Boyd" Mill visited Mrs. J. W. Elledge a rew days last week. Mr. Jack TE1lIiott and son , El1ison went down to Greenwood Friday to take a peep at the I lagenheck-Wallaco circus. There were others who want ed to go but they were afraid of pick pockets. The writer couldn't go be califle his pocket hald already been picked. *Mr. Fletcher Cooper, that good lit tle man of the Fork section, passe our Ilace of business one day lasi week and dropped us off a sack of nic( lurnips and believe me, da sho air good. If thcre is anything that I lov better than turnips, it Is rabbits. I won't break the law to get one but I will twist It like the devil sometimes Now before I go any further, I wani to say that there are five things thal I haven't got, and that is religion dlogs, gun, license and permission tc hunt, but I went out one (lay lasi week thinking that I would find one ir the bed and take him in via the rocl route, so I rour''id one and lie wa, good frying size and I wanted hin muchly. and I am satisfied I run thai cotton tall two miles in a round-a bout way. So finally he run up un ((r a 1 bush and lay down, just as mIel as to say "Take me as I am", so I looked around to sec if Andy Boyd oi .lohn Kellet, either one, was looking at. me an(d when I turned to give hin the fatal blow, he had disappeared. S( I am not in favor of the licenso lam and when I go to the legislature I wil kill her as dead as Ieck-so ther( you are. Foe our lanterns, splendid v.alue at 20c, 35c and 65C. 8. M. & J0. H1. WILK'ES & CO. Special clothing sale at Ied Iro1 Racket. No. 2 store this week. Go your suilt. Go at it! Flood the mails with sub scriptions and see if we don't tak care of them. This is the week t help your favorite contestant win tho special $25 prize. Remember that the contest managei offers $25 in cash to the contedtan who puts in the most subscriptions t his or her credit between alst Wednes (lay and this Saturday afternoon at I o'clock. MILITIA TO (LET DO1,11l1l1.E APP i10PIlA T ION In the Defense Program He Nat ionl! (uaaiird to be GIena lts Shinre of Al. tention. Washington, Oct. 31.-Practically doubled federal appropriations for the state militia and opening of the proposed coltinental army to any or ganization or individual of the na tional gaurd desiring to enter and free to do so are contemplated in the army side of the administration's national defense program. Details of provision for tile militia were made public in a statement to day by Secretary Garrison, coimmit Ing upon confereices at the war de partient last week by the executive committee of the National Guard as sociation. Although opposition to the continental army idea was expressed at flist by some of the national guard ofilcers, when the conferences closed it wos annonced that a mutual view point had been reached. "This body (the national guard)" said Mr. Garrison's statement, "(luring all the time when there was praetl eally no interest in this countmry coi corning militia matters, has been working to do whatever could do to improve the militia situation of this country. They are absolutely en titled by virtue of this fiet, to full and proper recognition in any military system or policy to be proposed by the war department. "In my proposition any and every organization of the national guard that is free to do so Insofar as its state obligations are concerned, may come over into the national force in tact and be accordedlexactly the same position therein that it now holds. Any individual who prefers the intenl sive training and other features of the national force will likewise he admit l l tlieleo, raink Itmr ranik aud gr'a(l for gratie. I lindicatedl III% entire wil lingness and de:-ire, in all proposition. iade by Ite, to so ireunitiAnce ihc Ienthleship1 of 1hw nalional ;:ard with respect. to) the national force a. to give IL 1full recogn-Iitionl. "\\ilhi respect to thle national gulard inl the. States, the planl nol. only (,onI temlphite's contfiinuin" fihe financvial and personal alid on behalf of' the national go vernlmenlt, but lrlyincrevases, the sam1e praclically clubling; it, the ilext fiscal ya ." INCOMEi TA\iS. 3iior Than Double T'1hat oi l'remius Year. (Coluiuhia, Oct. 21. Taxes oni ill VOInes (1ollected unlder fihe law\\ o f southl C'arolina ainnunltedI to $:,1,121;.s7 in 91.' -, as against $l 3 'I in 191 I, 1hw ligiures being inlado public hecre this affernoonl by Comptr-oller Cwn vral C:balitonl \\. Sawyer. Tis is ov eri tvice Ole 1m11 il 0 collected froill ibis soirI e last. y4ar. Coliptroillr (General Sawyer h as mado deterilined ofioriu 14) clfor-ce the law. Charleston pays nearly onle ialf of thle eltire income faxes the iuola of that comnty beingI $11,7;61.51 Rich land41 colu next with $5,05.18. The rich c-ounity Of .\arlboro does not paly a si nle (o0ni of 1incO1ne lax. The only1 other one paying 10 income tax i. flerkeley. 'I'he ligu res by coitties follows;: Count1y 191 I 1915 Abbeville .. .... $ 2 1(.5; $ 27:1.11 Aiken .........2S5.02 :332.-18 Anderson .. .. .. 1,021.81 1, 118.97 11lam1berg .,. ........ :10.15 Hafrniwell ... ........ 2 12.14 leaulfort ...... 1 56.65 1 83.9 1 I rkeley . . ....... ....... (Cal houn ..... 95.70 27.19 i .w . . . . .2 ( . tici lit(........ *. Ilk 'I~7 C I MIX1 A o -111 o ; ., -I r I&i * v i T I I W il k. *,.. ill ' I v:.:l:O; T I, 1 1 oC Ivtl ho 1 jwd f r thI 4I.ok ot thii. schlool. Notiev of Special Meeting of the seeN huiers of the 'olumbla, New. herr-y and Laurenpls 10AD. road ('ompany. TO the SloCkholders of the Columbta, .\whrry tand Laurons Railroad ('olnpany: To(imlh fli that, in accordance with ion I I )f the By-Laws of the Co. .bia, Nm., berriy and Lauron Sbalt, mipany, and under the author& w e ction 's3 of Volumo I of th) cw-of S outh Carolina, 1912,a sDPe193 in! of the St.ock1oldovo of tk 0. * i, Nwheray ald 4'ulrens unit - eiCoimpany has b 1c alled by Om o lirectorsand by a maJosty Stokhold . of thu said Com ,t hir .r -ular annual meettIM S1it it. M e o1lo of the Conkn." 1 !e ( ity of Collunbla, South Cav * m Tiuesday, tho 23rd day of KWt 2 r, at twelvo o'clock, uoo0 bii I e purpiose of taking actlonmi. et( to having the charter ot p n1 miendl o as to extend ft ii perpeuity and in such ofe$ ;a4 p: as tie Stockholders naP dit ( 4.i".\11tJA, NE\VWlETt? ,A'1-:N RAILtROAD COUP= ly John F. Living*0s, B. R. TODD VngIer iud CentlrtMing laind S veySA It Speft *terrie Work 1JltrIM 6000s . spected. Merings and eStttiis .f 0 IMAI . eephone No. 64P N. 11. D UA L A. Q, 4%O Attf<;eys at Ijaw .Laurensv, S. 0. PiACTi'CFc IN ATA COURW iloney to Lonn on iRal Istat-Ln Time.