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belief, and your trouble can be re. Uieved-you can be entirely restored Great Old Remedy botetetta o a Grea Ol Rem dy to health. S. S. S. Is a purely i'egeta For Skin Diseases tonic that will purify your blood -. your trouble, and finally miake, you entirely well. Fifty years ago S. S. S. S. S. S. Clears Skin of Erup- M"Is discovered and given to suffering tions Drivcs Poison From proven Its remarlpible curative prop erisas a blood lirifler and tonic, the System. anu has rellevdl thousands of cases otf disease caused by poor or imipure 1)lood, and 0ltLonle or inherited blood Get it fixed in your mind that skin diseases. Xt6u can be relieved, but eruptions, Scrofula, Erzenai. li'iig you must taa.o S. S. S. ake It If only itchinik skin, uadti all skin diseases pimples appear, for they denote bad are dule entirely to :inpure and blood, tuuo may be followvd by the Infeeted blooti. If (Ith trouble was; "I" toituring skin erti oil th e mittide of 111o kin. by fits. 'lb rt'orebesure. Don'tsktne s11imp1ly washing a ad l-op ing it cleanll itees, don't. use lotions. Get S. S. yoti vil oh i in relif - -not event S. (ril your druggist. It yours Is a Oin trnnts. IiUIIS. :11 wj dpteca 1 ease. writ i .or expert mnedical be it~et~ .Ai mite t,,-;u iii t o 11 1 e to S. S. S. Co., Atlyata, vga. .aA BAnvRESCUED EtSPAIRING WIFE After Four Years of Discouraging I hadgotten soweak I could not stAnd, Conditions, Mrs. Bulock Gave and I gave up in despair. At last, my husband got me a bottle of Up in Despair. Husband Cardul, the woman's tonic, and I com CRenced taking It. From the very first dose, I could tell it was helping me. I can now walk two miles without its Catron, I(y..-ln an Interestipg letter tiring e, and a doing all my work." tron this place, Mrs. Bettie Bullock It you are all run down from womanly writes as follows: "I suffered for our troubles, don't give p ii despair. Try years, with wvomntly t roubles, and dri Cardul, h lie woman'stonic. It hashelped this tuna, I could only sit up for a little more Ieai a million wo ren, In its 50 while, ..-d could ol wvallo anywhere od years of conitnos success, and should all. At tiimes, I would have severe pains surely help e O, too. Your drggist has Iy my left side. sold Carduti ikr years. He knows what The doctor was called in, and his trcat- it will do. Ask him, lie i l recoi uent relieved be for a while, but I was ,end it. Begin taking Card w today. n oeWrin to: Chatiannortu Mlicne Co.. Ladles' Af viory Dept.. C'IMI.herfor 1 sel.. for akeea Isperuc~ilion r case an (x-paert bned'c bat, nothing seem ed to do me any good. ireAtjjtt fo Sm.en,' sen in pinto wrapper. j.t .6 WHEN YOU WANT k ~GO OD JEWELRY * COME TOUS CM la CJYame toO escue.. nine takn SIt. rom.I IhSey is LOO.S ;G~) zVj doseS (JI coul T el ACIN wspingme write , asfoAwsNY ufe f or TI"I AorTICuLES, don't YOUve up eRspNai r ya rthwmENT. 0111les and durN Ord, th e S a'soiLL PtLhASEpe in my leftRsideUsol S.di o Cr. Hekoswa A li~thguitit ttaAtir.ory .Vkt hatt iriidut. n. fo aliec 'aenothieedtor dom any ood . - il exiauv etN * 's!n e giWHEN YOU WANT iiiA i3GOODj~ LoKSA GOON i S AD IVS UL S A11EO TISACTI.--iaan 1it IIE YOUR STA ni S oiLL iAS WELL ASn-nlf IN A HUSINESS MANY, OMATNEUIULATCE FRD YOUR IERSOA ADORNMENT..OU GOODSy AD t GcUR l PasEngWIL PAge Atlanta Ga.YUWLLSN U PASST ALLa YOUR COTTON MARKET GROWS STEADIER Since Publent ion of Government Re. port IRain Stops Advance. New York, Aug. 6.-A steadier tone has developed in the cotton market since the piublication of the govern ment report making the condition of the crop 75.3 per cent., against 80.3 per cent. the previouts month and 78.5 per cent., the 10-year -average. Few traders, it appeared, had expected so severe a deterioration Ilt the irospect and a feeling that drough 4y conditions had caused a further falling off since tle ollicial data were collected added soiiewliat to the hullish inliuenice of tle figures. Rtains inl eastern and cintral sections of t1e hell. cihecked tie advallel. and vau1sed ilid-week reactions, but dry weaIt her continued in Ilhe Southw~cst anad tihe rather more haIllish ave rage of sentiment was also e1n'COlu ragt'lld bv tie steadiness of ],iv 'rpoo!, tlie lair:e ,pot sales reported li the mariket Ihere. and the contiliued abs4entce of any ledge selling against cither reinaining ola cro, or pros (ective liew crop supplies. The bulk of the advance has been attributed to covering of shorts iiuclh of it hav ing come through houses with i ver !'ool connections and sulipposed to he for t he 4imr'plose of uindoing old strad dieo acvolus. Th'lese, accounits a1re imlarket hre at a diffetreice of from It to 10 plilint, aild the butying is -up4sd to have been arigely in the V.y i Of r,alizinw. ait he pi i' revailing & lwid e d itfe ren ces~. .\(te moi l - d1? ion g f igue.s iiitiatin2 a ;:-ohable' 4214 of avoulid . . it e ill -- din.' int rsi:: 11ot heceti en11tr ly j e tI t i In l toa. .i i n' partly to a 4d11 1i1. .1( <p:.ti. t h 'h - l.'t'il of c r a a E'' 414r-4V 'l u anirtnd t the ':r Pnal an Sewha re(;Wtli101lj: y I,':iolh In'(. u 'i%. toda1y's tradill s a r('Ill Itrl eiteratek d pre ditrin s r lti. Fo u b ld he (1c u'aed I) llA )a Ill. aInd 'Iriva lo r Op rts of ra inl n rkhe Si h re I oal spot Idealert4 conti i to replort ta ver y iiht d land for acii l, howev r - and 'A ~ ~ ~ ~ Il. itts 1St(St ll 1144 Ni)'l eltinpIe haI d upon thii, laret s ialyve ;ani ap r a 111 nev to tit 4 rop reclipls. al th-nelbani inter*t a:- re!.ortenl wll p o' t ia r te lo e In'vigorating to tile Pate and Slickly The O1,d Staln'.nld genwvat strengthening toitic, GROV)-'S TsITHLtss ciil 1i'IC. drive ot M ala iaetriche the io'l .anht tildst 1p1the sy-;. Well. A true tonlic. Fur achtits ankld children. 50 c T. t it\ i''N i. O ('Wil lCOTTONl' 411ES .idvalau1es to he aoiled by storing 'otton I e1141 r Proper 14 '' t(nHitlolls When .larkeIts are lusatisnedtOry. Wl l hlii on, 1). ('., .ug. ). --The im portancev of prope!rly const ruleted stor ate hiot'11s vhi. h on 111 11 iform to thle t: n a irstg r 4e 1i ndd by til e 111 der ;ethecionrlu4 land ~ ts a tlwinrac riatl, lic ati,:'i n n It In-lo geen ar e, bank 0r, 4n be ust il l 1 iti t lhe 81111' hold '4m 1414itie ye, is lmphasze in1 at n w bul-'I h'i of i o svl ' . it Ier ient of 5.\4 i .' 1a.t . til . " i n ild "' to tr houi i ('l' stuct' i on." 41 i Types1 (olt watrthouse deto(11 i'ed -i loitommnd ;44t "'ti'es t:'i itof handling ju- l described tinl dei elul l i lIGo tie ( iI' 1. e fr te ofl i('riultur 'einl hoe thati altough alhe exiin~g ftorageIt fctlitis iiitn the Sth, ia usegoll,51 Iold1 take.t neaf an ardinary c'erp o $100. Inr p;adrp trly lth te, man0)0'y potryedesignd Clthb insurancd atos and costR o hand0 Ita igh, and'~ii fathtat anyneof theea need hof aset chan in 0Cotakin01 tuo ph kd '..rli Inalhey hadreed. mThe to Confor to te witanadefna. wae OTHER THINGS BESIDES DUTY To Be at its Best and Highest, Love Must Mean Gladness as Well as Just Service. The austerity of a wopnan wbo pets and pandqrs her own conscience to the discomfort of her entire household, who does her whole duty day after day in an unswerving rectitude of grace less virtue, who sheds her girlish charms and frivolities when she lays aside her wedding gown, is not always the commendable virtue that we have been taught to believe it. A woman does not share with her special world a due measure of her sweetness unless she has brought to it blessediess 11s well na goodness, and at Wife who reICImbers only duty and 'orgets the woiders anad the joys Cf life has lost something of the deeper significance of her marriage vows. -1.ove man.iis gladness as well as serv ice, and its ideal pos-sessor finds tile secret of l-art Oaseo and happineis;s in tile uniicoisidered gayety aitd fresh ness of iife as Well as in its rigorous sa cr iices. Duty never yet has laid an unbreak able bond on the heart and fancy. Duty may hold a strong man to his own fire side, or, being forgotten, may let a weak one slip away to forbidden pleas ures, but never yet has duty alone held love to the full sweetness that is its due. Women are dull beyond words who believe that mere goodness can make a man's heart glad or that duty-guard ed fiaith is worth the having. It was not an11 impossible fact on Nlolly-Mlake Bk-lieve's piir't, but a amost wise and tender one, that she would have two wedding rings with a sepa'rate posy for each-- "or my active right hand. 'iiis Soul] to Keep,' and for Iny l-ssivye loft, 'To lie a Sweetess Nlore Desi ied Thanl Sring!' Stth Woman's \l agaziine. QUEER TR I'1NG FCR YOUNG Methods of Punichment Differ Widely Among Various Nations of the World. There has been muhell discussion over the proper bringing up of chil dren, but ideas continue to differ. And the farther you get away from ihomce lie striangr the ideas sce(em. The i'iipi no father cries out with proud dh light as Ills three-year-old girl haby takes her puff at her first cigar. Among the Seri Indians of the (gulf of California the father is the last one (x pected to have any Iilueice Oil the children. The liother. rules the younger imemberis of the family, and when she must enforce h1er authority by physical force sle calls, not oil the father, but oil one of her brothers or some other mule adult of her fam ily. The father must never chastise his children. A Navajo father administers puil ishilment to his children very much as any other father does, but the Navajo boy ha a i(ns of protection denied to white boys. It1 has only to catch a rat by his own unitided efforts. From the moinit lie has accomplished this feat, no matter how young he may be, his father may not lay hands on him. The children of the Point IParrow Eskimos have spacil train inag in po. Iliteiness to fotreigineris. in con veirsing wvith strmangers who make itistakes in thle ntiveI 0(li diect. clil drient must car'e f'ully3 note these mistakes and r'epeat them, evein to imiit atlig tile w rong pronluniciaition of 1ord(s. Tlo spe'ak cor rectly ill such a case is li kely to bring puinishmnent, from the lparents of the chlild. Origin of Heels on Shoes. It is said thlat the heels worn On shoes had their origin in i Peirsia, where they took the foirm of fiat wood on sandacbls to raise the feet and protect them from thle hot sands. It was many years afterward thlat this fashlion was introduced into Venleeo, btt the reason seems1 to have beent quite different. Helre the originattors of t~le fatshiion w~ero jeatlous husbsands who reastoned that fhelir ladies, thus eqiIpped, would inot ventuire far' outstide thle pre(cinlcts of their dwellinig. These heels wereo calledi "clogs,"' anld in order to saltisfy the vaity3 of the woeareirs and1 perhapsti) to 5'we(eteiin te pill- --that is, tihe (d1s coinfort of appearinag ill themn---t hey were ela br'a tely3 adornei d, somnet Iimes being inicusted withI gold anad silver, All He Was Entitled To. Gounod0( wvas a firmnd deI lvot C'ath ollec, and adored retligiomus music, lDur. inag the rehtearisal of' hiis "'Dlramies Sacres,"' at the~ \'m: devil le theateor, t ho manliager' called on ihm 01ne mtorniing anad asked perm issioto~ imake at sug gestionl. "'I thlink, mon01 cher' ma1tre, he0 sid, 't hat t here Is sometin ig waniit lug ini your s'oi'e. l~or' exitmnpilo, do you not t hulk thalit thle Illaratbas Inol denit i ght bie 1imp;rov ed by' a little mloreO or'ches'tratt effe'ct ?'" Gounol~d, wit h out replyintg, hid hiIis he ad in his hands, and, after' two or three intes of medit ation1, suddentflly excla~imed : "No, dec'ideidly 110; tuch a blackguard as thitt dioes ,not derer've more music." it Might Help. fThe 3A class was hlaving its daily lesson in hygiene. Th'le suibject for discussion was cleanliness in the schlool room, "Now," said the teachler, "who can tell me what eacly of you can do to' keep the room clean?" Silence followed the question, but finally a small boy raised his hland and in an earnest tone of voice said: "We can wash the germs off the b'nekboard."-Indinnnnolls News. BETTER COOKING NO MORE DRUDGERY EW PERFECTION Oil Coo kstovcs have madec cook - mg~ eas ier and kitchens clene fo 2000,000 housewives. No more drudgery-no more wood-boxes, coal-scuttles, and ash pans. The NEW PERFECTION lights instantly like gas, and regulates high or low~ by merely raising or lowering the wick. You can doC all your cooking on the NEW PERFECTI ON -just as cheaply and twice as conveniently as on your coal range. Ask your dealer to shoiv you the NEW PERFECTION No. 7 with the new oven that becomes a fire less cooker merely b y pulling a damper. Also the PER F iCItON WATER HEATER. It makes you independent of your coal range gives you 'penty of hot running water. Use Aladdin Scurity Oil or Diamond White Oil to obtain the best resuits in oil R schmourle Va. harlesyton t.hC NEW AMFE"ON THE 7:wit hee nwaves, Hetathersabics tod Lam cmperAl die hotRumm dyON asingepC.(Nesiw Je y) ot can sel.ct Rimny t sa Chst. nSC wer car just wt fabrics os iery a lr ne ihtwin g a vari ety of colors in pure silk and silk lisle at popular prices. Ladies fine ribbed undervests in regu lar and out sizes with can't slip straps. W.G.Wilson& Co R U B-MYa.TISM ToDrive Out MLra ~J, . se Will cure Rheumiatisin, Neu- T n Olds tandard GsOvt~' ralgia, Headaches, Cramp, Colic Jersey) chill TONIC. You know Sprains Brulse Cute Burns, 0d what you are taking as the for ula Is Sores, retter, king-Worm Ec- printed on every laiel, showing it is zemna, etC. Antiseptic Auoe~yne, Quinne d rn ven a tastelea r used internally or externally. 25c ion buila. upnh stem... <Oc~a .