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8888 88888888888 8 8' Loe and Personal Mention. 8 88 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 '8 8 Mr. John Wells Todd'spent Sunday In Spartanburg. Mr. D. C. McLaurin' and little son spent tho -week-end in Spartanburg. 'Mrs. G. D. Allen- left severii days ago to visit relatives in Chester. Mr. Belton Worknian,,of Woodiuff, is the guest of Mr. irnest Macliei. SBenator R. D. Boyd was in the city on 1;islness Monday. Miss Clara Mooi of Dallas. Ga., is the guest of her sister, Mrs. G. A. Spinlks on Church street. Mr. and Mrs. 'T. 1). Darlington,left here several days ago for a trip in the Nortl.-Cliarleston 10vening Post. "Nr. J. A. Green, of Youngs town slip, was a business vlsitor in tle city Yesterday. Miss BIlizabetl Moselvy, of Laurens, is the guest of M'. and .\lrs. .1. P1. Mc Nair.-Alken Journial and Review. Mr. Wilkes Wallacae, of Youigs township. was a visitor In the city Friday. *lr. I. S. Wallace, of the Trinity Ri"dge section, was a visitor in the City .\londay. Mrs. J. 1. McGhce and little daugh terO.\Iargaret, are the guests of 'MI. pind Mrs. W. Hi. G"ilkersonl, .1 M's. (eo. McCutcleon, of Columbia, is tle guest. thIs week of Mrs. N. D. Dial on -West Main street. Mrs. 11. Creswell Fleming, of Green wood, has been visiting i the city several (lays. Messr.s. Carol and Elllis Gray and friend, Mr. 1i1ley, slient. unday in the ,city. Mrs. J. M. Lea and son, John, -Jr., have been visiting Mrs. Lea's mother, Mrs. Ella Riddle. Mr. C. M. Fuller, cashier of the Bank of Mountville, Was a visitor in the city yesterday. M\essis. Ludie Teague and Fraw" Reid motored to Anderson Sunday where they visited friends. Mr. James Todd has returned to the city after spending some time in the mountains of North Carolina. Miss Laurence Culbertson, The Ad vertiser's valued correspondent at Ekom, was a visitor In the city Wed nesday. Misses Marcelle and Bonnie Babb are entertaining their cousin, Miss Manie Burns, of Liaurens.-Fountain a Inn Tribune. Mr. Roy Taylor, one of the obliging cierks at Powe's Drug store, is con fined to his room on account of sick ness. Mir. and Mi's. L. W. Ware and child, Martha, of Tikompson, Ga., spent the week-end here as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Broadus Clardy. Mirs. R. E. Hughes has returned to the city, after spending several (lays in Simpsonville at the bedside of MIrs. Bob Davis, who has been very sick. Mr. and M'rs. ft. C. Richardson and children, of Pinewood, are visiting Mrs.Ricardsn'sparetsMr'. and Mi's. J. Hi. Sullivan. Miss Mary Jones. daughter of Dr. and Mr's. Clifton Jones, left Monday foi' Greenville, where she will visit relatives for several days. Mr. Railph Trer'ry and son, James, left Mondniy morning for Rockingham, N. C., where they will visit relatives dluring Mr. Terry's vacation.. Miss Frances Smith, who taught school in Jonesville the past year, is visitIng her sister, Mrs. H. B. Hum beirt. Mr's. E. A. 'Reynolds and daughter', retur'ned to their homc In Greenwvood yesterday after' a visit to Mrs. andl Mi's. S. HI. Wilkes. Mrs. Warren Dui Piro and daughter', Miss Gi'ace Dii- Pi'e, who have been visiting Mrs. WV. E'. Lucas, have 'e I urnedl to their home in Siai'tanbuirg. Miss Pearie 'Ciardy ireturned last Truesdayi3 from Clinton wvhere she has been atteiniig a house party enter tained~ by Miss IEdith Austin. . Misses Edith Austin of Clinton and Gladys Bridges of Bliacksbur'g, after a week's visit to Miss Pearle Clardy returnedi to their homes todlay. Miss Ostelle Willis, of Owings, S. C., and Miss Rose hi'by, of Woodruff, S. C.. are visiting Mr. and Mirs. J1. Ai'chle Willis, on Ponce do Leon avenue. Th'le Atlanta Journal. Misses Willie and Olynthia Jones left B.atur'day foi' a tr'ip to the Panama E'xp~osition and other' points in the wvest. They will be gone about a month. in their absence, Dr.. and Mirs. 0. B. Mayor, of Newborry, wvill be with Mr's. Jones. Mr. and Mr's. William A. Morehead are sp~endIing sevoi'al days in the city with Mr. and Mrs. 0. C. Hopkins on their way to Mt. Tabor to visit Mir. Moorehiead's par'ents.. Mr. C. Hi. Roper has returned from Wilmington and Wrightsvilhe Beach wvhere ho has been spending his vaca tion. Whileo at Wrightsville Mr. Ro per enjoyed several fishing expedi tIone, on one of wvhich a shark over eIglut feet long was caught. Dr. W, H. Irby has returned to the city after having spent several- months in thoecounitry plowing and hooing, + ++ ++ + + +4.~ + +- + + SOCIETY. + ++w Mrs. B. L. Clardy entertained again . Thursday afternoon in honor of Miss c Marguerite Tolbert's visitors, MIs4ses le Townsend, Dixon and Richards. Do- r licious punch was served the guests C as they entered and after a number of dames were played an ice course Was served. 000 Mrs. 13. L. Clardy entertained Thursday morning in honor of Miss Emily Meng. The game of Forty-Tw.o wa's played and greatly enjoyed. Af tor the gaies were played a delightful salad Course was servel. A feat are of',thte entet(aitnment wa. the .resen tation to Miss Mengi of a beautiful work haz. 000 Pridty* in1oniig Mrs. C. I. JIeks was hostess in honor of Mis. .1. F. 1 I lain ey, a recent bride, and M' iss b EmIly 1ei, a bride-to-be. Pu1nch1 2 was served as the guests entercd and the g.aiie or Forty-Two was Iflayed for amu semietI andii en ertainmenitt. Afler it (hr gaies a delight ful sland course 0 za served. The party was enjo.yed by all who were present. 000 Mrt's. S. M1. Wilkes entertained Mon- I day afternoon at her home on West Mlaint strect in honor of Miss EmJuil1y Meng, who is to be married to Mr. It. L Jones on August -Ith, and Mrs. II. 1 C. Fleming, one of the recent brides. V The game of Forty-Two was played, furnishing much amusement and ex citemnctt. After the gaies a delicious sweet salad course was serve(, fol- S lowed by ice cream and cake. Mrs. . Wilkes was assisted in entertaining g by Irs. L. G. Balle and Miss Toccoa t Caine. 000 Miss Pearle Clardy entertained at c "F'orty-Two" on Friday afternoon in honor of her house guests, Misses Bri(ges and Curoton, and Miss Ilar guerite Tolbert's guests, Misses Dix ott, Richards and Townsend. As soon as the guests arrived, they were serv ed fruit punch by Mrs. W. E. Clardy and Mrs. F. H1. Cothran. After sever al games of progressive "42" were played, block ice cream, cake andt mints were served. The hostess was assisted in receiving and serving by Mesdaies. Clardy and Cothran and Mt , Ethel Simmons. 000 Miss M!arguerite Tolbert entertained 'in a very delightful manner Wednes (lay .vening in honor of her guests, Misses Richards, Townsend and Dix on. During the evening -the game of i Forty-Two was played, resulting in a much fun and merriment. After the P gaies tempting Ice cream and cake . were served. Iiss Tolbert was assist ed by Mrs. W.'1. Gray, Miss Wil Lou Gray and Mr's. Dell Watkins, Misses I Hattie Gray and Rosa Gray lpresided I at. the punttch bowl and otherwise as sistedi in making (lie evening enjoy- I able. 000 Miss Emily Meng was the honoree again . T'hursday morning at 'eau tifully alpointted miscellaneous shtow or given by Mt's. N. B. Dial. The en ter'tainment ptreceding thte shower it self was the game of For'ty-Two, in c which the guests entered witht muchlt zest and enthusiasm. Punch wvas serv ed by Mrs. RI. F. Fleming. Thte games r were played on the piazza, whet'e deC- f licious t'eft'eshments were also se'rv 0(d. After the refr'eshments* little Misses Fannie Dobson andl Dorothy t ial, dlaintily attired as falt'ies, emerg- I ed fr'om the dr'aing~ room and catch- r ing the hands of Miss Meng graceful 13y utheired htet' Inside where thte num- I et'ous ar'tleles wvhich her' friends htad s sent were displayed. Mt's. Diai was ~ assisted by3 Mr's. R. F. Flening, Mrs. Dial Grmay, Miss .Donie Counts, Miss Marjor'io Glder, Mt's. Geo. McCutcht eon, of Columbia andl Mt's. L. U. Ihalle. Mt's. R. F. Fleming entertained the .fltidge Cluib Saturday In honot' of Mt's. 'Creswell Fleming, Miss Emily Meng and1( Miss Louise Fleming, of Gt'eenwvood. After' a number of excit ing gamnes wer'e playedl an elabot'ate1 luncheon was ser'ved. ' The mot'ning was greatly enjoyed by all wvho were presen t. most for lis health, so lie states. "Dock" declares Ite htas actually been wor'king out thet'e. Mt's. J, C. Shell, who has been in a Spartanbut'g hosp)ital for sevet'al i weeks, having undergone an operation for appendicitis, t'etut'ned to the city Monday very much improved in htealtht. Misses Myra Wilson, of Do Land, I Fla., Annie Mae Bryant, of Green ville, are (te guests of Miss Caroline ~ Roper. Thtey have been the recipient of imutch social attention since theit' arrival in the city last week, Mrs. Roper, Mr's. J. S. Maclien and Mt's. F.1 P. McGowan each haying entet'tained . fot' them D.ETS-IT" A SUREN. SHOT FOR ALL CORNS Use Two Drops-;;and They Vanish. When .corns make you almost dieI ith your boots on, when you try to alk oi the edge of your shoes to try > got away from your corns, you're ay behind -time if you have not used M1DS.-IT". It's the cot-n cure of the mntury, the new way, the sure, vain iss, simliy way. it makes a follow 3ally feel foolish after lie's used too iting salves, corn-biting ointments, VA "Murder! Ever'bodv Triea to Stop on My Cornt" Ure "GIETS-IT" and You'll Have No Coins to Ile Stepped On, >c-'bundi c ling bandages, blood-bring. Ig razors, ksiIves, files, scissors, juli er ald what-n ots, wlen he uses just' (ioJ)pS of '0TS-4T" and sees his arnt vanish. The difference is divi ne. iti try it. Yod won't wince when on PIt o" your1 sloesi in the min11 ig. "I - Is sire, "gets" any in. ca11lus, wart or buon ion. ''GC lT -IT"'s sold by druggists vv rywhere, 25c a lcttle, or sent (lirelc y 1. Iawrieiiev Co., Chicago. Sold I Lau'es anld is i'cCominlided as le world's only r'ea corn cure by aurens DIrug Co. and 1Rays Phariacy li-1:m1ln of the Whart11-on Faliy. Years aglo, good -M.Williaml Whar mi and his gentle wife, Mrs. Leana Chartiton, lassed 1h1ome to the reward, romised for lives well spent, so the uilion of the Wltarton family was Id, .Iuly 22 at the colonial home tead of their granddaughter, Mirs. itfus Dunlap, 3 miles froin the pro ressive little town of Mountville. For his most delightful occasion, 82 of the VIarton descendents were lresent; ons and daughters, with their wives, hildren and grandchildren, together 'ith the close .neighbt - and some riends friom Laurens; among thils timber was Rev. Mr. Rankin, .1. N. Vright and Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Pluss. The cweather was Ideal and the aorning passed in social pleasure by lie older people, recalling many hap >y days gone by; whilst flshing in the icarby river and gaines made glad lie young folks. Mr. and 'Mrs. Wharton raised 8 chil Iren, all of whoin married in early !fe and most of whom raised large anillies. William and Walter died everal years ago,-still surviving are Irs. Thomas Langston, Mrs. Jaimes M. Ildgens, Mrs. Frank M. Fuler Ml's. thens Ballow, Col. J. H., Bee W. and Iemoth Wharton. From Green wood, Voodi'uff, Clinton, Cross Hill, Wat riloo lnd other places their delscroents :thered to do honor to this oe.asioni. I's. JaIes Iludgens lives in Knoxville, enn. The Dunlap homestead, now tle ii'operty of Rufus TP. Dunlap, has been n the famnily for' flye gener'atlons; the Lrst D~unlap r'eceiving his title to the and from the King of INngland. The iriginal resdence, added to and .re iair'ed, is still in good condition; a inc old land mark of colonial days. "One of the Guests." |ASiY WAY TI) MAI(E Ladles who fInd trouble in piropierly r att'a('ilvely arranging andI dr'essing beli' hai' should ti'y using a little Pa islan Sage twvice daily for' awhile tind oto the remarkable improvement. P a Iian Sage, wvhich can be obtained r'om Laurens Drug Co., or ainy drugtV ounter, makes the hali' soft, lustrous, uiffy andl wavy, takes out the dull, life 3ss apphear'ance, dissolves (lie dlaind uiff and stimuilates the hair roots into calthy normal act ion. I nsteadh of i'rely sprinkling (lie halt', it. should e rubbed right into (lie seal p with thle inger tips. Parisian Sage Is a dle ightful treatment for both1 bali' and cal p, cannot, possibly injure (lie hali' nd is very inexp~ensive. Our Fashionl Service. Last week The Adver'tiser began a cries of illustrated fashion articles, or (lie particular benefit, of course, of tir women r'eader's. We have often onailered doing this, but thie opipor' unity had not hei'etofore pt'esentedl (self to us to give the quality of ser'v ac which we desired. We have always 'ceei able to get a fashion service of .kind, but we (lid niot care to filli our olumuns with misleading infor'mation n a subject that mnust lhe tip-to-date f it is to be at all valuable. We have nIt that we (10 not knowv anything bout women's fashions, but we hav'e onfidence in the fi'm fr'om which hose articles are scured and we as ui'e even the most fastidious that theoy1 cay be relied upon. WVe would like o have our readers compare them vith (lie latest style books andl let ust now the value of thie ser'vice. Yhenever You Need a General Tonh, Take Grovo's The Old 6tandard Grove's Tastelesn bhill Tonic is eqjually valuable as a )eneral Tonic because it conttains the vell known tonic proper tiesof QUI NINl? mnd IRON. It acts on the Liver,'Drive~s but Malaria, IEnriches the llood and lils um the Whole system. Ao cntsa. Won Cioeison Scholarship. Supt. of Education J.' E. Swearingen Ias announced the successful contest ints for scholarships at Clemson col lege. The following were the success Eul contestants from this county: four mear scholarslips--W. -. Washington, Route 1, Ware Shoals; and W. M. Da is, Route 4, lonea Path; one year ,cholarships -from the state, at large. R. E. Poole, Route 3, Gray Court; and 3. F. Thornton, Mountville; one year igricultural scholarship-C. J. l3rown, Route J, Mountville. These scholar ihips were won in Competitive exami lations in wilich there were many con estalts. C000PEit 3LAY UlN. Anderson Daily 31111 (;ives InterifewIc With It. A. ('ooper of This City. Whether or not I. A. Cooper, of this ity, candidate in the last primary for hc nomininatioll for gove rnor', vould lrun agaiI next yeal h1a.:, been1 a s.i)je(t '.r dis-ussion for liany imoitls, - Iording to The Ander.-on Daily .\all, \1!r. Cooper "pracxtically declared" Silt tariday that he w.'ould be in tihe race. The following was the repoi. of 11he Anderson papr as o .\l r. Coopers 1lon. Iole t A. C(oper of r.- rnus practically declarevd Saturday morning hat lie vill l;e a candidate for : . rinor of South Varolina next sum mIer. If(, and .il. .1. S. \Machlen ar lived in their automobile from IO rvns Friday ight. and remained in An dersol until this morning when they departed for va. .\Mr. Coper al dressed tle Iva Chautaluua this morn ing on the subject of edcllat ion. "Mr. Cooper. will you be a canldi date for governor next stunimer?' ask I'd a rpresentative of The Daily Mail. "I will be a candidate for governor if certain conditions exist," he re plied quickly. And the inle that, iollowed this "eiark strongly indiceat cd that he had received assurances that those "conditions exist now and. will coninue to eXist. Mr. Cooper as received mnany as surances of stipport fr-m )eople who never supported him in the last ele tion if he wili enter the race next summier. While the re presentative of this liewspaper was talking with him several And1erron men came up and grasped his hand and said they did not vote for or support hf1im last sumi m-ier, but they would certainly (10 both in the coming election. A Cooper sentinient seems to have developed in all sections of the stato ditring the past few weeks. BY many lie !! considered the strongest of all (the candidates who may be In the race. I~verylody knows what Mr. Cooper meant when lie saId lie would be a candidate "If certain conditions ex ist," and now since the public viI be informed that. Ie is available no doubt strong pressure will lie broight to hear on him from all sections of tile state to have him announce his candi dacy. And the general opinion Is that lhe will announce himself in due time." Hard wvork, over-exertion, mean stiff, sor'e miuscles. Sloan's Liniment lightly applied, a little qilet, and yourp sOreness disappears like magic. "Noth ing ever' hel ped ik 1cyour Sloan's Liniment. I can never tlhank you enloligh," writes one grateful user. Stops suffer'ing, aches and pains. An excllent eoultner-irritapt, better and( leaner thiani mustard. All Drugglsts 25e. Glet a bottle today. Penetrates withou11t rublbing. A Oood Woman oune. On tile mnorninig of tile 18th1 of July13 Itt15, thle (leath angel cam nd 11( ear' ied aiway tile sirit of one of thle biest womlen we have ev'er known, Mirs. Franaces IHodge. She was tile daughter of thle late R1ev. J1. Ii. Davenport. She whas marpried t hree timers, hier firast. hus hand w11 as M. .10ohn C rofford. F'roml t his uniiion six chiilernlS survive' her', two boy3s, M. Thad S. anad Lee ('rofford, anid four) daughters, M\rs. Chesley Braowvn, Ma's. IrivinI Madden, .\lrs. J1oh n Grlim b r'ell, Mr's. Wofford Wren. No children by3 thle last t wo miarr'iages. She leaves to mourn 'l her' depar'ture1, a dev'oted hu sbandl Ml. L . 10. Hodige, of IUnion11, S. ('. Mr's. I lodge was a miembler of Mt. Olive laplt ist church, anld was loved anid respected by3 all who kniew her., E-hze hiad a sweet disposit ion, and a lovinig he~art. and was dev'oted to lher huasband anid chilren. Trully a goodi wvoman has gone. A r'eady' symphidthy for all w~as hers, and she did what she could1 for' all who camie wi'thinl her' touch or influence; hum~lan symplathy is swveet, and we feel the Master knows and cares; wve can only we'1teh and wait, live over again the 01(1 days, hold each tender memor'y close to the soul1, and look for'ward to a reunion ini the land of' eternal rest. ~Mrs. Hlodge was at the time of lie)' death, sixty threey years old and had been livinig in Union, S. C., since her' last 'mar iage. Itel' remlains were laid to recst in the cemetery at Mt. Olive chulrch, iln Laur'ens coulnty onl .11u1y 19I. A lar ge gathering of relatives and 'friends camne to sc'o this good woman for the last time oni earlth. God bless the s'orrlowinlg ones. A Friend. Make Your Por COOL AND COMFORTABLE BY '~ Por" -A r Our Stock i C in V Sizes and P Very Low. Let us Vuioriz Your Porch at S. M. & E. H0 Wiles & 1' LILA jso' When theGlobe Man Comes - July 29, 30 and 31. With Full Length Drapes of the Advance FALL and WINTER FABRICS BE Measured by an Expert and THE GLOBE TAILORING CO. of CINCINNATI will g"NEEDLE MOID" Fall Suit to your individual mieasure. Make This One of your Positive Engagements REMEMBER THE DATE! Mr. Frank Wearni SpeCIa1 Representative In charge J. BILLIE HENDERSON Always on The Joh. Here to CALOM[L SI1EN8! ITS IERft[! DON'T STAY R11BilU, C1 "n I Guarantee "Dodson's Liver Tont" will give 61 best Liver and Bowel cleansing you ever ha Caloimel inakes you sidk; you lose a 5o <,Int bottle of Dodsion s Ll day's work. Calomel is (iniksvI er uder my irsonal guar at d n1111(1 It salivates; calomel Injures your will clean your sili'ggish liv I liver. 1han nasty Calomel; it won't I you are bilious; feel lazy, siuggish s ek ai yotl enn11 eat anyv "want ithout beig salII vat and all knocked otit. if your. bowels are w (ruggist guarantees that each ;vOlstisated and(1 your 110(1 aelhes o1r will start your liver, clean yo stomiach Is sonr, just take a spoon fill of (and straigit en you up )by n harmless Dodson's LIver Tone instead yon get your money back, of using slekening, salivatoig ealomel. glad to take Dodson's Live Dodson's Liver Tone is real liver Iied- cause it Is pleasant tasting a iclne. You'll know It, next mornIng griPe or eramp or1 make the becatise you will wake up feeling fine I am1 sp ling millions of your1 liver will be working, yourt head- Dodson's Livr Tone pelhe and dilziness gone, your rfoniacli have foun( that this illeas111 wilI be sweet And bowels relgular. Y61u ble, liver medicine takes t vI eel like working. '1 att'll be cheer- dangerous eulmel Buy f ul: full of vigor and a.:abitlin. my sound, rellable 9uari \Your druggist or dealer sells you a yoI'u 1 gist al. a To Cleanl 01y Cemletery. Chi141eldren Day fi Leb All persons interested in the '\t. Childrei's Day exercises Pleasait ecietery are reiuested to held at Lebanon churce meet next Tuesday morning at tile A basket dinner wIll cl ireli grounds for thle priiipose of grounds. The bie Ic Is. etealing off the graves. -ited.