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8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Local aid Personal Mention. 6 8 '8 8 8 8 8 8 8 .8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Mr. F. L. Brown was a visitor iII the city Monday. - Mr. L. S. Machray, of Tylersville, was a visitor in the city Friday. Mr. J. W. Butler, of Gray Court, was a visitor in the city Saturday. Mrs. Mamie Wright of Marion is 'visiting her father Rev. W. A. Clark. Mr. S. J. Rasor of Mountille was a visitor In Laurens yesterday. Mr. Jimmie Milam, who is now liv ing in Newberry, was a visitor in the city Sunday. Mr. John Williams, who lives on Tlouto 2, was a visitor in the city Sat urday. Miss Julia Irby Is attending the meethig of the graduate nurses in -Greenville this week. Mrs. Anna West, of the Poplar 'Spring community, was in the city on business yesterday. Miss Polly Prentiss of Greenville Is spending several days In the city .as the guest of Miss Amelia Todd. Mr. George Ferguson is spending a short while here on a vicit to home folks. Mr. C. G. Strickland, who recently bought Mr. Howard's store on R. F. D. Z, was a visitor in the city yesterday. Mr. W. C. Mitchell and son, Mr. C. F. Mitchell, wvre visitors in the city yesterday. Mr. Frank Stokes and Miss Beth 'Shell, of Mountville, were among the visitors in the city Thursday. Mr. J. A. Fowler, of the Warrior Creek section, was In the city yester day. Mrs. W. I. MeCuen, Mrs. H. K. Aiken and Miss 'Bessie Todd attended the Presbyterian held at Hodges last week. Mrs. W. D. Ferguson has returned to the city after visiting her sister, Mrs. L. P. MarIon, in Sumter. Mr. T. A. Cowan, of Jefferson City, Tenn., was in the city last week on business connected with the firm of Counts & Cowan. Mr. and Mrs. John McCrady of Charleston spent a short while here last week as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. McCrady. Judge R. C. Watts arrived in the city several days ago to spend some time with his brother, Maj. W. A. Watts. The many friends of Rev. WN. A. Clark, who has been very sick will be glad to know that he is much bet ter and able to be out. Miss Nannic Burns will leave today for Gray Court to be present at the marriage there of Miss Rose Cheek to 1Mr. Willis Robert Crawford, of An derson. lon. John G. Richards, state rail roadl commissioner, stoppedc~ over in the city last week to visit his daugh ter, Miss Kittle Richards, while on a tour of' inspect ion of the C. & W. C. rail road. MIss 'FEstelle Gregory, who was forced to resign her' lace on the gradled school faculty here s;oine time ago to undlergo an1 operat ion for ap lpendieilis, visited Miss Lois Love here several (lays last- week on her way to her home in Lancaster. iDr. andl Mrs. W. ii. flreland return ed to their home in Allendale yester day after visiting the former's sis ter', Mrs. John hlicks, for several days. Mr.. and Mr's. C. B. Spinks, of New berry, spent the week-end with Mr'. andl Mrs. GI. A. Spinks, who moved here several months ago from Illinois. Miss May EDelie Barre, who has been teaching very efilciency in the high school departalent of the city schools for several years, has accepted a 1)0 sition to teach in the Asheville High School next year. Miss Barre enjoys a splendid reputation as a teacher and will doubtless meet with much success in the larger field. Ice .C DELIVyE) Any -Qi AND Any Phone Us i Powe Dru Lauren Mrs. W. P. Thomason is very sick at the home of her mother, Mrs. Braim lett. 'Mis Lucile .Phelps, of Converse college, is exi)ected In the city Satur day to spend the week-end with aliss Helen Sullivan. -on. 13. A. Morgan, of Greenville, candidate for congress, was a visitor in the city Monday and Tuesday in the interest of his canmpaign. lie stat ed that lie was very much chcouraged with the reception he is receiving inl the district. We- are showing a coliplete line of "i"by Vehicles, and they are priced So low that everyone can afford to buy. Flower Pots in all aizes, prices from 5c up. S. M. & E. H1. WILKES & CO. i)OING 1114 BUSINFSS. Iurens Motor Car Company An nounces Sale of 22 Cars Past Week. There seems to be money galore in this territory judging from the hm mense automobile business of the Laurens Mlotor Car Company. Since their announcement of sales last week they have made 22 sales of Fords and Maxwells. Five at one clip were sold to \Ir. J. W. Copeland, Jr., who has accepted the agency at Clinton. The sales announced are as follows: Sher 1ff Rector, Greenville, I Maxwell Tour iip. Car; Deputy Sheriff Gosnell, Greenville, I Maxwell Touring Car; Miss Eliza Gary, Abbeville, Ford Tour ing Car; Alf. J. Fox, Lexington, Sev en-passenger SIx-C Oakhnd; B. A. Havird, Newberry, Ford Touring Car; Lillie Gillai, Newberry, Ford Touring Car; G. R. Miller, Kinards, Ford Roadster; B. H. Harris, Kinards, Ford Roadster; T. B. Jacobs, Newberry, Ford Roadster; W. A. Dunn, Newberry Ford Roadster; J. W. Hipp, Whit'mire, Ford Touring Car; Osborne and Long, Silver Street, Ford Roadster-; R. L. Lewis, Newberry, Ford Roadster; T. L. W. Bailey, Clinton, Ford Touring Car; L. M. Higgins, Laurens, Ford 'Touring Car; E. W. Dedmond, Clinton, Ford Touring Car; J. H. Nance, Cross Hill, Ford Touring Car; J. W. Cope l'and, jr., Clinton, 3 Fords and 2 Mlax wells. (he Quinine That Does Not Affect The Head Because of its tonic and laxative effect, LAXA TIVE nROMO QUININE, is better than ordinnay Quinine and does not cause nervousness nor ringing in head. Remember the full natue and look for the signature of it. W. GROVE. 25c. Card of Thanks. To the many who were so thought fully attentive to our father (luring his illness and to the many friends who consoled with us after his death, we take this method of thanking you for these acts of kindness. "May many blessings from the Divine laster be yours in the days and years to cole. Mrs. A. S. Easterby and Children. Now is a mighty good time to b1uy your Refrigerator or lee Box, as yol will have the use of it, tile entire sea son. We have Just received a car load and the prices are' very low, yet we are showing the best line made, the "White 'lountain". Call and select yours While the stock is complete. S. M. & i' ii. Wilkes & Co. ,Senator Appelt Dead. C:olumiibia, Aprlil 21.--Senator Louir A ppelt of Clarendon county died al a local hospital here this afternooni wherle lie had1 colme for trieatmnent a1 few (lays ago. He is surv'ivcd bya wifo and sever'al chiildren. Thle funeiral will take pla(ce ini Mal ing on -Friday morning. Wateir Sprinklers made of galvan izedl lroni (won't ruisi ) fouri and sh (liuarts. S. M. & E. H. WILKES & CO. Rev. C. H. Nabeirs has resigned as pastor of the A. R. P. chiurchl at thh pla(ce. He will lpreachi his last ser mon next Sundlay morning. The 1)eo ille of the town regret very niuch t< lose Mr. Nabera. He has endear'e himself not 'only, to the members o1 hi' chur'ch but to the people generally H le has always taken a keen interesi tin everything that tended to the de eloplment of the town and the goot of the individual. Ho will carry witl h!m the best wishes of all the p~eopl( of this commtunity.--Prosperity Cor. ir Newberry Observer. RED IN iantities AT Time our Order, Company B, S. C. Death of Young Man. Mr. Albert Baldwin, the eighteani year old son of Mr. A. -A. Baldwin, died at the home of his father at Ora early 'Sunday morning of pneumonia. He was buriqd Sunday afternoon at Highland Home church, quite a num ber of people attending the services. Mr. Baldwin was an estiniablo young man, whose unti'mely death Is greatly deplored in the community. IS IT A LOTTEItYI Two 3en Arrested Yesterday Charged withi Conducting a Lottery Scheme. S. Cross and Fret Myers, represent Ing themselves as in the employ of the 'Co-operative Furi l ture Company, of Charlotte, were arrested yesterday at the instigation of several Laurens mill citizens and carried before Magistrate Traynhan charged with conducting a lottery scheme. They were later re leased on a cash bond of $50 each to appear at the next term of the court of general sessions. Their plan of operation was explain ed by one of the 'members of the "clubs" organized, as follows: Fifty people, generally women, were induc ed to join a club of fifty, agreeing to pay 25 cents each week. Every Satur day for lifty weeks a drawing would be held in Charlotte at which one club member would draw a pilece of furni ture alleged to be valued at approxi mately $15. The successful club-mem ber was exempt fnom further pay ments. At the end of fifty weeks, it will be seen, each member of the club would have received a piece of furni tur at a/cost varying from 25 cents to $ 2.50. It is said that they had sue ceed d in organizing several clubs, when some of the members became suspicious when it appeared that a drawing was not being made for each club. A canvas of the mill 'villages disclosed that 8.1 members had not re ceived a prize. How many clubs were in actual operation and how long each club had been running has not yet been ascertained and will have to be brought out at the trial but the agents showed the names of flive persons to whom they had delivered prizes. The men disclaimed any intention to defraud and denied that their provosi tion was a gamie of chance. After the bond had been fixed up collection from club members was resumed. Deputy Sheriff Blakelcy, City Po licemian Powers and Rural Policeman Sullivan made the arrests in the case. ilaseballI Next Wed nesday. ' Tie Chairwarmers, a classy combi, nation of local ball players will fight it out with the Laurens liigh School team in Garlington's meadow next Wednesday the 5th. The object of the game Is to make a little money for charitable purposes. The entire re ceilpts will be turned over to the Kings iDaughters. The game is seheduled to begin promptly at 4:30 antd will prob ably begin at live o clock. It will be lecessary to fork over 10 or fifteen cents in order to be able to see and hiearp this wonderful perfol'an ice. Plies Cured in 6 to 14 Days Your druggist will reftnnd money if PAZO OINT~MENT inils to cture any case of Itching, Dinnd, Bleelingor Protruding Piles in6to14 days. The first application gives Ease and Rest. 50c. At tent Ion C'onifederate Vete(ranls! It Is the purp'iose of the Seabloard~ Air' Li ne ra~liroad to place a special reun iion ear either at ('Iutoni or at Laurens ior' to ilthe'1II r iunio in lRichmiiond. Thel spe (:lal car will me rttachedl to Tr'iain No. Ii, wi ch lafses thlrough (Clint on about Ii o'cloe '~I i e a ft erntooni anl wi ch lrives '. Itichmiiond ea rly t he niex t mornling. Th'le exact dat oni wh ~ i iichi i s car will b~e placed has not yet bleeni decided uiponi, anmple not ice of whiIchi wIll be0 given. Th'le Seaboard will have eight spe cIal trains op~eratinag thr loughi (liunton to the reunion, including two specials fr'om the state of Arikansas. Very low rates of one0 enit perm mile each way will be granlted. The Seaboard is the 01nly main line roadl oper'atinig through tis secti'on to Grleenville, so thle miaximlunm of ser vlce -may be0 counted upon01. Any furthei' information may be se cur'ed from- Capt. 0. 0. Tihomnpton, Vwho wIll give information as to dates, de partures, etc. C. W. Compton, TI. P. A. Athens, Ga. Notiee to (Cmletery Owners. The committee is endeavorilng to give all plo6ts a sinilg cleaning. Some owner's are in arrears for' annual dues. Cards have been sent out and we will be greatly assisted If all receIvIng them will pay the treasurer, Mr's. Aiken. Mrs. fl. W. Ball, Mrs. T. F. Simpson, Mr's. E. W. Martini, Miss Mary Fer'guson. NotIce of Final Settlement and Dis charge. All persons indebted to the esfate of Mrs. Cora M. Moore deceased are recquired to make IminedIate payment to the undersigned, and all piuons holding claims agal 9st said pstate are flotified to present them t' the exeu tor and prove the a lne i due form of law before 0. (1. Th m on as Probate Judge at his oiflee a 2aturens, Gouthi Carolina, at ten o' eck A. M. on the 29th day of May 1 15, or be forever barred, at which tIme I wIll make final dettlernent and apply for dlschar'ge. F. P. McOWVAN', As Eredutor of the Will of Mr's. Cora M. Moore, deceased. 40-4t "ME FOR 'OETS.IT' WHEN I HAVE CORNS" 4 Simple'As Saying It; Never Falls. It does your heart -good to see'how easily and (quickly any corn conies out when you put "GLHT-IT" on! And then when you've gone along for years try ing everything, iwken you've sat up nights wrapping up your toes in band "Look, 'GETS-IT' Makes - JCorns Fall Right Off i" ages, smearing on salvos that rub off or swell u tihe corn, pasting on cot ton plasters that make corns pop-eyed, slaughitering your toes with razors, jabbing thom with knives and prun Ing to the quick with scissors-ancd then you put onl 2 drops pf "GY1ITS. IT" and see your corn fa 1 right off wihy, .it just looks like miracle. just try it. "GOITS-'IT' nev falls. No pain, n trouble. U.4 (t J any corn, callus, wart, or bun ion I "UI'YTS-ilT" Is . old by dlrugglsts ev eryw'here 25c a bottle, or sent direct by H0. Lawrence & Co., Chicago. Sold 4 in L auirens and recom'mended as the world's greatest corn cure by Lau rens Drug Co. and Rays Pharmacy. Fertidizer Sales Off. Columbia, April 2t.--4The sales by fertilizer companies in this State to, the present date is 54 per cent of the sales to the same date last year. The tag receipts this year amount to $132,706, as cornfpared with $211,039. There is a tag tax of 25 cents for each ton of fertilizer. The receipts go to the support of Clemson Col lege. In the District Court of the United, States, For the Western District of South Carolina. In the matter of L. G. Moore, Bankrupt To the Cr ditors of L. G. Moore of Laurens /County, South Carolina, in the Dit rict afoyesaid: You wil pleqse-ake notice, that the above na ied''' G. Moore has been duly adjudged Bankrupt by His Ilonor .losoph T. Johnson. The first leleting of creditors will be held at Laurens, S. C. onl thle 3rd day of .\ay, ait 8:30 A. MJ., at, which time creditors may at tend, prove claims, elect a Trustee, examine the Bankrupt and transact any other business that may legally come before the said meeting. 1). ]1. HIiLL. Iteferee, Abbeville, .4. . April 22, 115. 40-1jt CASH .ANNC A hae want to haestood by us:i IIexpressions of syn fland it is with mu< Uour doors will be D Fride With a big reduci Dstore, many thing tem before. -In order to ca every dollar we c f'dise and from the flyour loyalty as w the values we has Dness as well as pa A hearty wel and we will try hk give you better vi .0 CASHDa PAGE FIVW iasmm mseme amm*mee I Ia0 oium ia. I WINDOW SHADES Shades? Our new spring stock is very complete and the prices reasona ble. We are showing Lonsdale Holland's Duplex. Oil colors and water colors. Our stock sizes are I 36, 38, 40 and 42 inches wide. Shades made to order, any size. S. M. & E. H. WILKES & CO. g Dowin m -==M=X= = CASH UNCEMENT OF s-Roper Co. thank our many friends and the cor the loyal manner in which they in the past and especially for their ipathy during our recent difficulties, :h pleasury'that we inform you that th r>wn pen to you again on t April 30th. :ion of prices throughout our entire s cheaper than you have ever bought trry out our plans we must raise an both from the sale of merchan people who owe us, so we appeal to ell as to your good judgment as to e always given, to give us your busi ying up your accounts. come awaits you Friday, April 30th, 3rder than ever to please you and dues than ever before. is-Roper Co. Laurens, S. C. CASH