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It Always Helps says Mrs. Sylvania Woods, of Clifton Mills, Ky., In writing of her experience with Cardul, the woman's tonic. She says further: "Before I began to use Cardui, my back and head would hurt so bad, I thought the pain woild kill me. I was hardly able to do any of my housework. After taking three Bottles of Cardui, I began to feel like a new womgn, I so9. gained 35 pounds, and now, I do all my housework, as well as run a big water mill. I wisl4 every suffering woman would give The Woman's Tonic a trial. I still use Cardui when I feel a little bad, and it always does ne good." Headache, backache, side ache, nervousness, tired, worn-out feelings, etc., are sire signs of woman ly trouble. Signs that you need Cardui, the woian's tonic. You cannot make a mistake in trying Cardul for your trouble. It has been helping weak, ailing women for more than fifty years. Get a Bottle Today! 3Xaxwitt - w915~2V(odel 171\(bufFeatures U The biggest automobile value ever offered for less than $1000 A powerful, fast, full grown, 5-pas. senger, really beautiful and fully equipped automobile; a car with a real high tension magneto, sliding gear transmission, left hand drive center control, anti-skid tires on rear. With electric starter and electric lights $55 extra. A car that has practically every high priced feature of high priced cars. Holds the road at 50 miles an hour. Laurens Motor Car Lompany .'W. M~cKEE, President Gets Right Twist On Rheumatism Makes Short Work of Cleaning Out Your Entire System-Aches and Pains Go Fasts In S. S. S. You Get a Twist on Rheumatism that Settles It. Many n rheumatic siufferer has been to te ota n ctestoepcla tho drug store for a lot tie of 5. S. S. andifratosi henrecntr ti been handed s'omthling claimedl to [,e Cuesc ytfigadotnbrl '".Just as good." Truly, to ask for bread remtcpis and be given a rtonc is still in practice.Anbstoalti rirai rmd If you are troubled with rheumatism iniswloettewaktsomh.I any formi be0 sure to use S. 8. 8. andlJL youtadugdyurefutlyu its wonderful influence,.tmc snal arlsd o ilb S. 8. 8. has the peculiar action of soak- atnseIt idta .8 .gvsn ing through the intestines directly into snainbi osrgtt ok hsi the blood. In five minutes its influence is itsapueegabenfioi at work in every artery, vein and tiny tknntial noyu lo uta capillary. Every membrane, every orgonpueariinldntrlyitoou ef the body, every emunctory becomes in ln8 effect a fIlter to strain the blood of im. tabolefS..S.odyanas purities. The stimulating properties of 8. 5. compel the akin, liver, bowels, kid- .*3 3 aeys, bladder to all work .to the one end Yomadeedunithtthsoe etf casting out every irritating, every pain,.htslsyuwa yuai o sago Inflieting atom of poison;' it dislodges bypletorde WietoteSwf .irrigation all accumulations in the Joints, Seii o,24SitBd. tat i. muss sid ccetins o dsovoremerformteiro n theunevectirstha "ONE BAEiI ' AN ACIE.9 How to Make Cotton Growling a Prof. liable Businless. To the 'Efditor of The News and Courier: Kindly allow space for prib lication of this article, in which is set forth a desire to launch a con structive movement for the future prospority of the South. The figures used are illustrative, to demonstrate the general proposition, and are not giveir to invite controversy, although they are near enough to accuracy, when a general average is taken, to be passed as correct. The cotton erop has not proved a paying business for the South, and has been a lo ,ng Am to a majority of tie cotton planters. It -is not be cause, generally, the planter has sold his cotton before the price goes upal; nor will large crops at low prices or small crops at higlh prices; or lin creased yields with 'inrcreased anunrai of fertilizer, remliedy Mhe Cvii; but tihc slaiple application of' a simple bus ittess principle. I believe that staIS [i(s will show that, taking a 10-year average; for ithIe wiole cotton hell, it has red anired three acres of land oi predrace one 500-pound bale of cot toi. The samrre 10-year average wi1l probably show that cotton brought 1 cents the pound or $5.)0 tie bale, I'ven if the cotton planter got $Mt for each 500-pound bale, taken as a whole the ikirnter lost Irroney, prob Ibly inl every State, except those few where, I amrr told no commercial fer tilizers are used. Ily the appended ligures you will see that it costs arotnd $26 to produce and place tpon lire marke, one 500-pround bale of coion, rt made upt one iare of lanrd, unrtder normrral conditions; and about $39 when made upon two acre.; and about $52 whent made upon fhree acres. Consequently any profit de vived could Otntly have cOmtie from the sale of tire seed. 'lie one-bale-anrr-acrec imrovement is designed to make tle cotton crop a paying businress for (ie cotton plait el, and there is no reasonr why It shotill interfere with diversifled c'armtinag, intenatsilied farming or anty othe Imrovemaenr t for tire bette'renr of tie farmer. P)ravt ically every fa'armrc a iin fite cotton helt. has some iand that will under normal condi tions, produce one 500-pound iaIc o eotton oil a seleted acre. Some may-tv have one, thre', tear or fifty and so ,,n according to tie iumbieIr of acres of farming land ie owns or rents. Were it possible tiris year to get eacht fa r'art' to select stich land, and plant it, and no oth'er land in cottonr, and weatl er aandi ot1her conditions should be anol'rai, the probaible crop of 10, A00.0,01 balies could be prodiced apon 0,I0,0 acraes awhich aar going to be sacrili'ed Inl produintadag fhe iposs ible 111,000,01M balts eould he planted inr torage' 0r otirer (.1arops. (I assume that 11hre a-edurction inr coiloa acreage Ithis year will be not less than 25 per ent. Ina 191 i here were some :;,00olor acres planted ina volonr, aInd this year wit lck of moaey, si plies arid fr tilizera, I jradge there will nrot he mre hranr 27,Oa00,000rr ra'res iplanited inr cot aonr, and w'iih a ipr'obable cuat on' aroar Irhaa 51 per' cenrt in lferilIIzer used, I figr'e thIa t undrce r Ithe mrost favor arble weathfier condciit Ions 10I,t000,atul ibales will ire thre outside arrk be( 'aruse Ihr 'e wi lr e rio dIiscraetlonr uased inr seieinirg ianrd upion wihichr to planrt cotItn.) Iwant lire irress of thre Sourth; th i'a'rous argricultuaral societies; lire arg araltural dearitmrearts of' tire ('otton State's; tiae agritaltural colleges; alir f'arm dierostrtat ion agenrts auilei tfact, ccv ry onre whor is intlerested inr alhe piarsper-ity of tire Souath, to arssi.t ta in sinrg lire mrovemaeant f'orwiard. impily shrow~ thre cottonr ilanter Ira by selectinog lthe lanrd, wIch hre ral r-eady' knrows wili pr'oduce (tae Stit poun harrle oar an acre, undet'' rnoral 'otitions, aand irlantil.nrg onriy suchi land inr cottor, tihat hre eran makei~ mrc~rney. Show hrimr thrat if, in a ta'act of ;ii ,aea'es, w~rhih Ire nrow Iriait s anad aakes, say 12 hales utpion, ire hras five ma-res thIat will eacih makr e a 5010 rorunid brale, it wili iray himr bretfer to jahainr only3 tire fivy e ares hr coftIoan al u rse fire aest for othiri crops1, una ii suach imae its it too can b' birouah I uai fto a slate whteae It will praodrace a Sr0t-iaoundrv braie ian acre. I shrali ear dieav~or Ito get tire agriculr I aal comn amrittees of' Ithe v'ar'ious Iranakeas' as sociat ionts to assist inr tire amovemrent if mty Idea Is nio cilearaly fart, pileast ilea ame sfale thiat in a few works, it meaars simarpily that by select ion ol laand to pilant inr cotton, tire aer'eagc can ire aredutced twoc-thrdcs and tire crola nrot a'educed. Thrat thre cost ol ipaoductionr arid mar'ketirrg a bal11e (a eotton can ire redruced fromr $52 tc $26. it tmeants thrat tihe Soutih cari hrave 20,000,000 acres now wasted ii cotton plarntinig to rise for othrer pr 1)oses, and thrat the numirber of hales 01 cotton praoduced will be the same. Resp~etfully, * Ellas Doar. Sunimmerville, S. C., Apr11 17, 1915. Cost of producing and marketing one 500-pound bale of cotton on onlt acre: ereantinog lanrd i 1 K5l 1)edding . 1.0( Fertillzoer .....*.. .W5 Distributing fortilizoy .... .... .5( Chopping ..( First ploughing ..... .... .... llocing .... .... .... .... .... Ploughing four times .... .... 9.0( Picking 1,350. lbs .... .... .... 8.71 Hauling to gin .... .... ....... 1.00 Ginning .... .... .... ..,. .. 1.51 Ragging ties .... .... .... ... 1.2 IHailing and marketing .... .. - .21 Rent, one acre .... .... .... .. 3.0C Total ..................$26.01 Wheln made on two icres add $13; when made on three acres add $26. leware of Ointments for Catarrh that Contain Mercury as morcury w%iII sureyi destroy tho senso of sIt'll and completely derange the whoe systvjm wien entering it through tie mauous suriifaces. 'uhel. urtilets s9Iould I)Vtir be tised except Ol prripsol1i)tion fr1ont reantable ph ysterInus.,auS the dainag, thley wIlI dto is 14-n fold to the goodl yOu (an possibly delve from them. i Itl'S Citarrh c'ur. by 1". .J (tCiney & Co.. Toledo, 0., contailnS n1I Im1ercury. 11an is 1taloin internally. awling (htirectly 111111 the ilIooi anld mt1imcolis Sitr fnees of the systemil. In buying. 1in1t's a('arrh iCurie ho sura you get the geui, - Inc. It is tatl ilternally and made InI Toledo. Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. Tes timiiit Is free. Sold by Druggists. Pritc 'ic per bottle. Taku Hiairs Family Pinls for constipation. INJitIl ES 'itOV'E F~AT.\L. ,.W. 3mnroe Dies lit 0Camdenl Hospitall Camden, April 2.-J. W. Monroe manager of the lino Creek cotton mill of the 'Parker merger, who was mangled on Friday afternoon by th Solithern train while he was attelpt Ing to cross the track at Sixteenth street, died last night at it:30 o'clocli at the Camden hospital, The acci dent has east gloom over the town, for he has made many friends dur ing his few monthis' stay in Camden, coming here fro-m- Grecnville last Jan tiary. lie was a member of a pro inent New Orleans family, where hi father is a judge of the circuit court, Iis mother and sister camle to visit him about ten days ago an1d were withi him when he died. An inqtuest was held tis afternoon. A brother from New Orleans is expected tonight, and another brother from tile North will be here tomorrow. Tihe re-mains will be carried to New Orleans fot burial. Pi'rompt Action 11111 Stop Your Coight. Vhen you first catch' a Cold (oftet indicated by a sileeze or cough). break it up at olce. The idea that "It does not matter" often leads to serious colieilationis. The remedy which im llediately land easily peietrates the liin lg of the throat. is the hin(1 de matided. Dr. King's New Discovery soothes the irritatiol, loosents the phlegm. You feel better at onice. "!t seemted to reach the very spot of lly 11u11" is one of iny hon1st testi moials. 50c at your (Iriggist. I War .Itlis ailtap .1111. I lave you got your War 1a aild at h? Clip he co::poi elsevilre inl tils ip er. enelo:e it. with a I)ollat bill for onle .var's suibscriptionl and Iscelre thell. YON TiPIlTZ 110NOiI1-:). .\dmitiral lleoratted by) Germtian I:mptior'. er'. Amnster'damt, A ilI 25u (via Londo~ln) -Dispatches from Berl in say' thal11 Emperl~ior William y'ester'day senlt I ih followinig tele.igrami to Adirial von i'iitz, muinister of mlarinie andt ad mnir'al of thle fleet: "On toay's 5th anlliversary ol y 'rlntrig tile naval service I ex. ipress to you lmy heatieiSt t'ongratu-1 lat ions, als mypasrha wi: God's hel p it was gr'anted you t) cele grate th tis d1ay still int nett.ivye serice(' and1( full vigor'. I emlbrace this topptr tnity' to assure y'ou of 11y3 warmstlt gratiltude for' your great services len der'ed to tile f'athl'andi by thle suc cessfttl extenlsion tof the nav'y. Witll jutst ified idite y'ou can look todlay toi Is, y'ourt lifte work, Ithe 1illpiort anc of wiih Ithe luresen t war has strik ingly shlownl. "As a signl of 11y3 gt'atitude T 'onifet on you tile Gland Commlandetr of thlt Royal liouse, Order of thle lloutse 01 llhenzoller'n." Boy Cr Ciri? ureac uestion! This brtn~s to manty minds an old and tried family remedy-nl external itp plientton known as "Molther5 's riend." During th1e period of - expectanoy It is ap ,.' ptitd to the ab d ' tomitnal muscles and Is desiRgnled to soothe . tho liteato network - of'neves involved. ~~ In tIls manner St hssuch a splendId inlue'nce as to justi fy its uso In. nll eases of comingi mother-hood. It hats been generally rec ommended for years anid years and those who havo used it speak in highest praise of tto Im:neano relief it affords. Particu larly do these0 knlowing mothers speak of tho absenco of morning sickness, absence of strain on tho ltgaments and freedom from those many othler diutteed usually lool:ed forwa:rd to with such concern. There is no question but what "Mother's Friend" has a marked tendency to relieve the mind and this of Itself Sn addition, to the phlysical relief has gIven It'a, very wide jopuiarity among women, S'You can obtain "Mother's Friend" at ohnost a y1dug ste. ,bas belp a uletor ., 201 Inar% ' . Avcld the many worthlesshututeu. - L T US HELP YOU DO YOUR BANKINGWTH US -WE. WILL HELP YOU TO KEEP YOUR. ACCOUNTS STRAIGHT* * I We can help you in your money matters, because handling money is our BUSINESS. Our bookkeepers will keep your accounts straight. If you have a bank account you have a receipt for every bill you yay. We can ADVISE you, and will courteous and earnest attention. Make OUR Bank YOUR Bank. Enterprise National Bank of Laurens N. S. DIAL, Pres. 0. H. ROPER, Casnier Real Estate Bargain D. H. Count's dwelling, situate on West Main St., Laurens, S. C., on lot of four and one-half acres. House contains eight large rooms, with 12 ft. ceiling on first floor and 10 ft. ceiling on second floor, the rooms are 18 x 20 and 20 x 22 feet. There are four rooms in basement, size of above rooms. Conservatory 12 x 16 ft. The rooms have double floors and the house is storm bheeted and built entirely on solid granite foundation---no pillars. / A Big Bargain In This Piece of Property. + S-EE U S FOR 1REA I lb\RGATNS AS WE CAN D)EIVETIR Laurens Trust Company J. S. Machen, Sec'y.-Treas. ~Pronounced ~Values. W. G. WILSON & Co. Have just opened complete lines of printed fabrics for summer wear, allo this season's production. Inspection will prove that these goods have the merit of choice design and marked at prices that unquestionably must meet with speedy sale. See them! Just received full lines of ladies' misses' and children's hosiery,, the weight to keep the feet cool and the texture to give satisfactory wear. G.Wilson&C