The news and herald. (Winnsboro, S.C.) 1877-1900, March 13, 1877, Image 4

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TRI-WEEKLY EDITION. TERM3S OF SUBSCRIPTION. Tri-Woekly One Year. - - - - 4.01 4 ' Six-months. - - - - 2.0(1 . " Thre. mouths. - - - 1.00 nAT'E3 OF ADVEIRI'ISlNO. One square ohe insertion $1.00. For och subsequent inse'rtion 511. Ohitna rius nI Tributesi of itespect charel for a ad vertisa.' ntt:+. Ii1eral d isco11 unt nu(te f ar uantract a vrtise t s. .on WORK. Bill '<ai61. II Ileal', i:' " ,1)C81 I'cstors, c're , lavit tio~us. T1il . \Cr. F). l ( .A1111. , o'C.\ ' .h(2 t L Nw.%i. h'le ilComie of II ('it'y of Coumin Th,,e; r'(1x in l1( shanv coun11!v :!r"( saidlt b) l m ims11 sabtle. Incendiaries burnld two chiurchis in Oconc county recently. There was snow in Yorkville on Monday before last. Mr. Speights, of the Greenville - News, has taken possession of the Greenville Hotel. Eggs were selling at Pickens Court-house last week at six cents per dozen. The whites and blacks in New berry are orgamiizimmg a Thief De teetive Company. Governor Hampton has been elected an honorary member of the Aiken Scnetzen Club. Lancaster has paid $1,955 of the Hampton tax. The total number of taxpayers is 976, of which 41 are colored. One thousand and fifteen colored men of Barnwell county had pai the Hampton tax, ip to Monday night last. Cotton will be largely planted in the NinetvSix section this year. The farmers are actively preparing for the planting season. Not more th:mn half as much guano has be 'n sold a' Abbevil e lp to this time as was sold last year. The planters are ashamed to be seen hauling it home. Eighteen hundred and forty-eight receipts for the Hampton tax con tribution have been issued by the special Agent of Anderson, aggreg;at ing $4,385 30. The Aiken Protection Union Poulty Society offers a reward of one thousand dollars for the best plan for a burglar proof chicken house. The Bamberg Guards, of Barn berg, have elected their oflieers, and w'illUmake applicationi to Governor early day. On Thursday evening, as the Port Royal Rlailroad train was near ing Augusta, somec one fired a ritle shot which entered the half open do mr of the batggag4e car. No one One thousand two hndred and niey-ih taxpayer's of York: coun ty, inrcludinmg 100 colort'el. nwu. have paid $-.i,: xtes I te Hiamp ton gmivenn i t. (im.wheunin4 has Cc faed n o '. fot for (coh1n. V he I .Eau~ipton tu, completedl. hi imnt last, ThulaLv i wo or thr 1)appint ma':ts inth Ii ~ ~ ~ ijThe ne p or ~i~ I M muiv commis hions htzo1''0( Dari:o 'aeu 1znmkinug a getda u fGi ollico sofa r. Te sebediy but have nothing &' do and no money to do0 it with. On Friday before last an at temp~t was made by a numbor of negroes to bull-doze the court of Trial Jus tiee Yates, at Aiken, by an effort t~o S rescue a prisoner, but the justice prompltly sum moned a posse and put the bull-dozers to route. The dwelling house belonging to Mr. M. A. Cason and occupied by Mr (I. La. Smith, was burned down at Hodges ork last .Wednesday night about 9 o'clock. Insurance, $2.000. The house was a new one, located about half a mile up the A bbeville Branch Railroad. Col. J. E. Calhoun's tenants pay taxes on the land they occupy and n cultivate, sit t s'r~to of ten cents ani *acre. Heoihis "about' fifteen 'thou.2 sand acres in Abbevillo county, on which are sixty-five tenants. He requires tenants t~o pay this tax in t ~ order that they may feel somspe of the oppression of a robbing~ govern it ment. Jud ao.Teedd -agrees with Judge Mackey int saying that the coneurrent ojion of Justices I' Willardaie4Wight on the late questiomt3pgejng the discharge of 'Ki . .. . :s C~. e l retion of the utpitm (~ie Court ; and that Jus- I tico Wright alone cannot cancel his decision. A most disastous fire oc curred in Newberry on Tlurs day last, originating in Pool's Hotel. The wind blow a gale, and the splendid efforts of the citizens, white and colored, wero unavailing '1'ITe los is estimated at $150,000, with but partial insurance. Mr. F. W. Cooper, a citizen re si(ling in the outskirts of Timmnons Ville, was burnt out on the night of Sunday before last. His dwelling, smuokeiouse and another out-build ing wcre all consutined by fire. He was fortuna. te enough, however, to savo niearly all his furniture. No ting is kn~wun as to the origin ofI the tile. On four succcssive nights of last we'k :L1 tilpis we:e niado to burn \:u i.m, house; on t lie premises of Mir. (. E. Mc'Pherson, who lives u iie the Miion line, a few muics stilit he:iMt of Florence. The Iou ii t ii rel we. e lis Sino keolous e, gi!tillouse. kitiell and an outhouse. Tiey wore only saved by the watch fulness of Mr. McPherson and his neighbors. The neighborhood is on the alert. Last Monday morning about 10 oclock, I ho vali ible mnill-house of Mr. J. W. DePass, situated about] one mile to the southeast of Cam den, was d(estroye.l by fire. The origin of the fire is unknown, but is I thought to he the act of an incen diary. So rapid was the progress of the '!onflagrat.ion that Mir. DePass, Who was in the building when the the was <liscovered, barely had time to e: ':ipe. Mrs. M. M. White, of Abbeville, has just finished a wonderful quilt. Tio article is of silk made of patches only a little - larger than a nickel piece, the total number being 9,230: the bisting stitches are esti mated at 92,500, while the sewing stitches are set down at 832,500. It is believed after careful calculation, that the handling of the separate pieces in putting this work together, will reach the enormous number of 45,25(1 times. Mrs. White has worked at this quilt more or less every day for the last two years, and for the past two months has done nothing else. VEGEINE Strikes at the mt of disease by purifying the blood, testoring the liver and kidneys to heahthy action, in vigorating the nervous system. V; ge t Ille is not a vile, nauseous compound, which simeply purges the bowels, but a sate, pleas:nit remedy which is sure to purify the blod.i, an:'l thereby r:tore the health. Vi g't ine is now prescriib.1d in cases et Serofula and othe diiiseanses oif thle hi. o31, by many of the best physicians oiwing to its groat success inl cur'ing all diseases of. this nature. Vegetinec Does not .dce.ive invalids into false hopes byv puirging andl creatinig a tietitious appe ite. tut asits nature in cleai ng and purifinjg tho whole systom, iend ing the pt Iit gradually to perfect health. Viget ine, ayaBoston ph'ysViion 'hasino equa ats a loio dl tpurill r. H-Iearin g of its u mnny won lerf l ene aotr alus ermde c'Onis ik myefofiswn nine met I. It is. pr..e'e mi t ark s, iroot anmd her'bs, t*aea of u1 :iehl is highly uifl'ctiv'e, and they ar. 'a-n lned in such a mantner as te produci' .. i .auntig results'' Yegel ina. Is' acknt a lldged antd reico'mmended by' ty.ins npothe'aruies to hothe be' m 1er Ithousapealk inl its p' in' wi.o ha.. beenm r'estor'ed to hluth. W'H A' TI1 N E EDVD. lios-rosi, Feb. 13, 1874. Man. H. R. Si1vrss: Dearu Sir - A'boutt one year sinICo, I found my sit' ini a teeld' condition from gene rad debility. Y'E~i'ITINE was strongly recomi menidedl to mec by a friend whlo had beent mutch benietitte'd by its use. I p~rocured the ar:ielo, end afiter using several bottles, wasarestored to bienith atnd discontinuted its use. I f. el qtuite .*ontdenut that thereF is no medjiine superior to it for those 'oimplinits for which it is especially p~re pared, and would cheerfully recomruend it to t hose wuho feel that they need sonme thing to restore thtem to perfect health. PiU. .fPETTINGIL Fir ofS. I.Pettingill & Co., 1 tt t FEEL MYSELF A NEWY MAN. NAvrCK, AAS.,'June 1, 1872. Min. II. Ut. Snysus: Dear Sir--Through the aidvice and earn es persuasijon of 11ev. E. 8, ltest, of this place, I have been taking VEGETIlNF, for Dyspepsia, from which Ihave Aifferdd for years. I have used only two bottles and a'ready feel uiyselh a new man. 11espectfully, Dii. J W. CARITER. --PR EPARED BY U- R1. ST EV ENS, ~geti . . 3OSTON, MASS. Yke Inis aId hy n1l DIhneglts TO CUR CUSTOMERS HO are indebted to us for PROVIS. :ONS or PIIOSrIATES, we would rospect ully call attention, that your bills are duo in or before the first of November. W.) pro depending on you for payment AT )NCE, to enable us to meet obligations nade to assist you, and which are duo at hat time. In order for us, as well as you, to main ain our credit, it is necesmary to meet our )romises promptly. Beaty, Bro.a Son. oct 12 SPRING GOODS -FOR 13O77. ['o-day the camnyaign's fairly closed, The lucky maun isi ha Yhlo tal'es hii seat ~a the 4th of March Our President he'll be. t'd now the next best thing Just suited to our inind, S waere to get the ehcapest goods The best of goods to find. 'ly friends and I went out one day, Some : e w Sprinug Goods to buy; dwe resolved,bofore we wont, The different st< rex to try. Ye wandered Winnsboro all around Until our feet were sore, and found the very pt-ice at last, T'was SOL WOLFEi'S New Cash Store. )f Hlats, Clothing and Boots and Shoes, The latest to our view..-. ['ho very best styles of Dress Goods, And Prints so cheap and new. ;o then, niay good Criends, one and all, Now is your time to try Vhat Bargains you can get of me Or, you need not buy of SQL. feb 17 Subscribe for Tug NEW ANDl~ TD, and be sure to havo thg aewy H~E above well known GUANO A PHiATE~ is now ofrored for sale at the JonsIumera of this guano will find it rave such Universal satisfaction. Fo. CUMMINGS & Co., --ont s E. HT. YfROST & C0., feb 10-3am .. . . Suso MAIL! All Persons at a distanee treate4 by Mail with Petteet huoces's byd scribing their Symptoms' Dr. Townsend showing manner of Inhaling, OXTmENITED Al !1 (Sond for our large and beautifully illustrated papor, sont fro to any address.) -laon isthonlyway CATAR R H I Wt that the Air Passa ges can be reached, and Catarrh is a dis easoofthoAlrPassa WE MAKE A SPEC- gesoftho Head. Use IATirY of treating pa- thisTreatmentaswo tients by Mali. Please direct, which is easy write and describe your and pleasant, and we symptoms. guarantee a perfect cunE of Catarrh. Bronc itis ~Why? for the same Bronchitis',rao a eta bove. The ronchi al Tubes are simply conductors to earry air to the Lungs, A LL PEISONS THAT hen c o Inhalation road this are invited to mustgodirecttothe send for our large and seat of the disease, beautifully illustrated and if you will foI Pa por, sent freo to any low our directions, address, we guarantee to CURE Bronchitis. ma is a contraction ASTHMA Ath AST M A o f the Bronchial flammnation and krl: tation of the mucus WEGUARANTEETO nenbraneilninathe CUtE Coughs, Colds, Bronchial Tubes. Diptherla, neunmon a Use O: ygenated Air Neuralgla,and nearly all as we will direct and other severe attacks we will warrant a when all other remedies Cure. We have cured fail, cases of 20) yeas standing. Tbe caused. h yv CONSUMPTION aue wa have crdhundreds of tases, some them blmg given over to die by all physicians of other sohools of DYSPEPSIA WE practice. Consump CR.Liver and Kid- tion is r. dlwraz of sIwthe Airpass and neycompiaintsarooefec- over two-thirds of tualy rache byOzr-thecases are caused tull ea hed byir xy by Catarrh. We wewilAwrguarantee a cure If you will come I sea cso, f 0yer s.twnendg. O DISEASES ey cane. W hy ? Scd assesoeo thmg ---.---.- tissuesoanr C A ~.CE of ~otse so diols eof. D Y8 PE PS IA WE pact wit.h loodmp C____E.__Liver__and everyt fur Inuted ncoplaitoc- ~over ro the o uall reahedb aOny haes mor caus gAnaerso A r ld e guaranhalcue i tirnolais c., fomypa willOen omes insontatwth tiens cred WeW~imrTwnson' te ranta pefeccur. boe-t carbone ize _______________ nburncuset in gx th bloo to eheaIt CA N C overd part thof W. M rinn m.U6It h e btyaisu esan Late of the on it d reoltins M c L 0A U . A t h r oL u g h t h e a c -m foublood ipure CUREpitho'utcuip~ttn ocanoted fromcth oradrwing blonoc wto heario therurgs very lIttrou or nouatn. and athemport x Anglandsin t ecrof iee uoftiheloon wiCancerand Tumors iVgUnthe oro take pleare oftthisre- rifyth blnone ptmonts., from rda- tn c noo aoie tientsheured. Weemed Adres llletesosveretofor, o E. F TWteNbd, a. D.s Lhscans ofithin tonct i sre town MrciLELL in U .A thisbsnsero eurnithedytm Hositrand Phrillusthate papyors ford are cessfulthrou houeby a dresn Engan in to uoo ic ut . d The are npof led rson> itn Boo ard elswhetha th p tetimoup adyGU AddresD anti letr pam hetofo M re T E. Ft. TOWNSENDYEAE M. D. AR22w Hih Street, ProvdenceR.T i, fow ingto in thisbsnscnh curnshdwtyh terrly an tou ilsterte qpality, f orbr tircnglaosam andressn appl above Thraren unrncpe pesnsiBso an ese whr ht.r t~n OU 9EIS AND HERALD WEEKLY EDITION, 38 PUMuSUZD woaxY W EDNE8DAY At ; WINNSBOR S. 0. 3T TNE WINNSBORO PUBLISHING CO. IT CONTAINS A SUMMARY OF THE LEADING EVENTS OF THE DAY. State News, County News, Political News, Ete 'HE EDITORIAL DEPARTRENT RECEIVES SPECIAL ATTENTION, THE LOCAL COLUMN [a well filled with town and county news, rhe aim of the Publishers is to issue a FLIST-CLASS FAMILY NEWSPA.PER, Terms of Subacription, payable Iivaria bly in adranice: One copy, one year,-.-..-.-.- 8.00 One copy, six months, .. $ 1.60C, One copy, three months,- - - 81.00. Five copies, one year, at . .- $2.75, ren copies, one year, at - -- - $2.80, Twenty copies, one year, at - . 42.60. To every person making up a olub ef ten or more subscribers, a copy will be ient free for one year. The~nanies consiti. tuting a club needl not all be st the same poet-offie., JOB PRINTING [N ALL ITA DEPART~f ENTS DONE KR T HE JIEST STYLE AND LT TUE LOWEST PRICES. We are preparedj to turnieb, *m short sotic, BlANK CHEOJRS, BILL HEADS, NTS ENVELOPES, *ETRMAS [NVITATIONS, .CARDS, [SAW BLANKS, POSTSRM. PO5TAL CARDS, ZTOEa ITO, erms for Job Work-Cas OR Delivery. All bus~neuw oommunloations should be Idresised tothe.