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I umbassador Jusserant1 spew East 1Cd of Londen got s elle s. 8-Art'hir Gritti Philadelphii, appoint NS REVIEW OF lRRENT EVENTS d Resigns, His Arrange. ants With Lloyd George Being Opposed. ES PROGRAM IS UPSET re invited to Form New French stry-May Fight German Mora. lum-S-enate, By Close Vote, eats Newberry of Michigan, With a Rebuke. 'EDWARD W. PICKARD ( F spilled the beans last week nitd and his cabinet are out e is forming a new mintistry ituself as its hend. All the of the mteeting of the suprem< at ('annes aire iiulitled, a or the present. Phma' for th to and ilntancial .etiferenae are to be rev is'i. The <hr robably willl hse ("e1'ed on by Ith to mntake the tiiair;" Ia'ta pity when they are due or stater th I Ieorge at 'annaae had aagreea rent Britain would inake guaranteeing F'ranae againsat at y Gerananay, provided, howevet *e renceh mainistry of nuarin, SBritishl admairalty should rearl .lee agreement ont submarine her naval craft, and providei 'nt the French and British gos its should make their foreig a confoarmi especlally in the nee Hie requuired. too, that Frane, rate in restoring world econm .d ftinanhcs andI1 agree to deni iviet Russhi. These coniditiot. aenat yielding by Pran-ee te '1 polletes and at once a storn position arose in Pairis. Briant ti to that city and after telling abinet all about whiat he ha and en iging in a heated con 'sy* with Presidenit Millerand before the chamber of deputtlee resenited the entire program, tell s members they could take it oi it, Then he blnntly announce< 'aignatu.n of it~e miristry with aitinig for a vote. teare. the main point of whoui is "Germiany must pay." was in to formt a new cabinet and gol at one. It was undlerstoiod thal lsteyrle would be minister o1 liHe reently inestigated ean. Sin (Ge'rmnyul and believes the t nn aytlt the repnrationrs with mtorttorium pro"vided their -bud piroperly balanced and sufini are !tuposed to bring their taxa mtas up to the level of thos n France. 1l1 the European capitals and I naitont there wiSas something akt )sternaztionl when the news fretm wa regeived. The confeetence t L auitataically camte to an ena T 4tmeriean'givermnent. which ha 'eelded 'whether or not to acce; nyt Ilrtathq to take part In th conference, halted consideratia U.question until there are fur-the *Medopments. The Glerman cabine av ee 4 chance for a muoratorium fa' :t't 'idt was corresponinugly deepet 4-% The E~ngih were retic nil ;4.2~~y indignant and relations b4 4.tir..them and the Frwed. Severet eda..#n for several yea, weer t ~'oed. a~t lled supreme co)uneis decide tiat an economic confervqee I j trth the restoration of Kturog 44 b'e held in Gena in Marel that both Glertuauy and Ruixa '4be invited to send representa Nooner did this new-s reat tbaan the sovIet governmuea 4to accept thae invitatiotn ti been foranit eztende )hinIster' 'Titdbetta wired tU Ut the centsal e*ecotty cog Prioceed to select ti aking at unveiling of Joanne d'Are naonui ng to Iuckinghamt palace with gifte for h, elected head of the Irish provisional ed senator to anceeed the late Boles Washington conference announced that Japan also would be represented. Already steps have been taken to start the rehabilitation of Europe. The economic committee of the supreme council has decided upon an interna tional corporation with a capital of ?2,00),00O (about $8,00),O0) with its seat in London and with a board of directors nominated by affiliated com panies in each interested country. These countries, including the United States, will organize corporations for promotion only, with a combined capi tal equivalent to ?20,000,(K) (about $8d.000.00). These corporations will serve ns mediumts for credit trans actions and to facilitate the activities of private enterprises in all countries where the business field now is ob structed by hack of credits and ils organized finances. This plan pre. supposes the organization of affiliated comipanies in Germany as well as In the United States. FINAL formulation of the naval limnitation agreement in the Wash ington conference was delayed by sev. eral inatters. One was a difference of opinion as to the methods of scrap. ping the 08 capital ships that are tc be given up by the United States ireat Britain and Japan. Six op. - tional methods are prescribed, and Mr. Balfour objected to the proposi Lion of Mr. Hughes that the bulk of the retired ships be destroyed ab. solutely. The British were not will Iig to say' yet ,what tonnage of tht ellIlninated vessels they would converl *to peace titue uses5. No dloubt wat ,felt that this dIspute could he ad just ed amicably. Another cause of do Ilay was Baron Kate's desIre to get further instructions from Tokyo con eerning the agreement to mnaintain th( -status quo of Pacltic ocean naval bases and fortifications. The questiot r was as to what Japanese Island: abould be excluded as comprising - Japan prope'r." . N'egotiations regardIng Shantung were resumned last week by the Jay anese and Chinese delegutes and i was predieted an agreement would he reached before long. Conasequaently Ithe delegates of all natihms in the cenn ference began drawing uip a nine. power treaty dealing with far eiastern affairs and especially with Chinese questions. It is believed this will do lay the adjournment of the conaferetnc, until tile end of the monath. D^'' "'"K^NN having ae-ete the irtsh peace treaty, the parlia, mnent of southlern Ireland last Satur, day cofl pleted the action by formaally ratifylag the pact. and the Irish F're State is ini process of being con, stituted. Eamnon die Valera resigned onl Mondgy as posenlt of the irisi republiec and his re-election was moved. The motion was lost. 5S t.. 410. and for a few monments De~ Valera appeared as a really great mani, de *elarIng he would loyally accept the decislon. woul do all he could to avoid emabarrassing the new govern ment, and would even help it when that was possible without sacritteIng hils princIp~le., Later thie Sinn1 Feini irre,'onelalew'im a the hoif this genuerous piosition, and th canIces of naity In the ranks faded a way. Nest day after a message of con. rgratuladihs to ireland from the pope thad beeun read. it was m aoaed that .Arthur Grlfth be electedl pre5ielat of the D~ail anad a hot debate ensued tFinally De Valera and hIs supportet walked out of the hall and the 05 renaining delegr .es unaauhuously elegt. ed Grimth. The mew preaident at onace annlounaced that his cabinet wouhi be as follows: Milnister of finane. MEichael C'ollis; Foreign minister George Gavan lDuffy ; liomie mlinister E lamon J. Dtuggan; Local govern'nent~ William (Cosgrove: Env"aomIae affairs 'Bryan O'lligins; I~efense. Richard' a Mulcahey, 'These, then., are the met who will conastltute the provisional igovenment of the island to which tha It coeduct of affairs will be turned ove at by the 1irittah authorities as rapkdil as possible, Tb. tlters returned I, *the afternoona and De Valera statedi though he 4~adred GriMth'a posiioi ' mposiblev be would do nothing t< sent mn Washington, 2-Uiblidren Princess Mary and her dance, Vie government. 4-George Wharteu Penrose. aven if it was set up by vote of the peoiple of Ireland, because he was satisfied that such a vote would not he free, but would be taken under coercion of a threat of war. Already the British have removed the Barbed wire and sandbags with which Dublin Castle Was protected and they are transferring the records to London. Amnesty was agreed upon by the two governments and all Irish prisoners, Including those condemned to death, have been set free. In a word, the English are evacuating Ire Innd as rapidly as they can, and they seem mighty glad to get out. T HUMAN II. Newberry is rightfully 'nited States :senator from Mich Igan, but he spent too muth money in winning the place. Such is the de (isiona of the senate, reached by i vote of 4(1 to 41. The Democrats were solid ly against Newberry and nine Repub leans votesl with them to oust him. But the day was saved for him by the addition of it cluI.Se to the resolution senting him, criticising the acknowl edged expendit ure of $196,000 in his behalf and coindemniing the lavish use of money in political eanpaligns. This brought into line a number of Repub iits who had been wavering. Sea ator La Follette of W isconsini1 inti mated that he would reopen .the ease at some Tutu e date. Mr. Newherry appeared to speak in his own defense, breaking the elleice that he had maintained for lie three years sinice his electi. lie rend a enrefully pirepared adidresa, the Vihsustunee of whieh was that when the Allebigani primary and elect ion werec hield he wvas absent fromi the tute perfiat miing lis duties as a 1 o ennnt colimmner inthe navy, thiat he hadl no personl knowledge of thei e'xiiei! lure o.f money by his friesis ini his biEhaif, and that hie was astonaished amid grieved whaen later hie iearned thiat ab)out $195~.000 had been pieuit in securinig his nomiination and ee ion. lie closedl thus: .As G~od Is myi wuitnetss. I am nOt to thisa day andl hour conseious of having done. ~ irn tonnection~ wlih either the irimfr campaZiigni ir thle genieral etee tion in 191S. a sinighe act thant was or is in any way unlawful, dishonorable. 'r corru pt, anid this I say to the senmate w~tithot reservat ion or iualitIi S"^To PEN IIsKSseat has heentilld bytheappoiutmeiit of Gleorge W'hartomi Pepper of Phladei p~hia. and this selection by Governor 8prou! has met with general approval. Mr. P'epper, who is a lawyer of dis tinction, has been prominent in the councils of the Republicani party, but hias not before held public otice. Hie will be a candidate for electio.n for the complete termi in November. lIn accordance with the rule of seniority-, Senator MceCumtber of Nort h Daukota has been made chairman of the senate finance comnmittee to~ sue eeed Penrose, and the vacancy on the comumittee was tnlled biy the selection Iof Senator Frelinghuyseni of New Jersey. That committee is still work. ing on the tariff measure. epeciahll the Ameriean valuation feature. A delegation of southerners appeared Ibefore the cotamittee to tell it that souther-n business taen had become coavinced that prosperity was pos alie only under a high tarif'. CNAIMA FORDNUY of the annoumced the adtainistratton's plan for a soldir' beaus. It previde. fer' the payment of eash honuses frein the Iatesest en the $ allied debt to the United States as soon as' it. or part of It, is refunded1 into lorng terra oblIgations. If the interet Is notsuielnttheprceeisof the sale of part of the securi:ies tn the public will be ued~ for 'he purpose. O NE of the me imiertin cort dcisios ever won by Laborwa that t*Lnderedi by Justice Wagner et the New Yor-k supreme court, egy Joining the garmant manatecturers jfromn combining to enforee a 49-hour was the first time a labeg union has inoed lealatilaato e Traism 4, L COUNTY TBACBRS' 4SSOCIAM TIOfN. Will Be Weld At Liberty On Saturday, January 21. The regular monthly meeting of the Pickens County Teachers' As sociation will be held at Liberty on Saturday, January 21, at eleven o' clock. A great deal of interest has been shown in the meetings of the association and a large attendance is expected. An interesting program is being planned. The program of the general meeting will be interspersed with good music, a part' of which will be some community singing in which all the teachers present will take part. After the general meeting the association will divide into three see tions for the programs of the three iejpartments. The primary depart ment is headed by Mrs. W. L. Boggs, >f Liberty; the Intermediate by Miss Ann Aycock, of Easley, and the high school by Superintendent J. V. Mc Elveen, of Easley. At the conclusion of the department program a substantial lunch will be served from. the Liberty school kitch en. BAPTIST MEETING AT LIBERTY The Baptist Sunday School Super intendents of the Piedmont Associa tion will meet at Liberty with the First Baptist church at nine-thirty o'clock, January 20, for a conference on problems of religious education. This conference is sponsored by the Piedmont Baptist Sunday School Con vention. The commission on Sunday Schools, B. Y. P. U., and Colportage of the general board of the Baptist denomination in South Carolina is co operating. This Commission will be represented by Miss Elizabeth Nuck ols, State Elementary Superintendent, and Mr. J. L. Corzine, State Super intendent of Rural Sunday Schools. A splendid program presenting problems of the superintendent has been prepared. Each superintendent will have opportunity to present his problems and to help in solving the problems of others. These conferences are being held all over the state, and promise much benefit to Sunday school executives. All Baptist Sunday school superin tendents of the association are urged to attend and help carry out this fine work. S. S. SUPTS. TO M EET AT EASLEY The Sunday school superintendents of Pickens county, of all denomina. tions, will meet at the Mountain View~ Hotel in Easley on Thursday, January 26, for a conference on practical prob. lems, plans and methods for their work. Leon. C. Palmer, State Super intendent of the South Carolina Sun day School. Association, will attend and take part in the conference. This is said to be something newi in Sunday school work, (liff erent fron the ordinary Sunday School conven tions. The entire day's conference will be devoted to the work of the superintendent. In addition to dis eussions, questions. and answers, there will be an exhibit of modern Sunday school supplies and( approved methods Each phase of the superintendent's work will be taken up in detail and the latest plans and methods sugges ted. atThe conferenice will begin promptly intermission for lunch, until 3:30 p. m. All are invited. GOV'. COOPER'S MESSAGE TO .l.EGISLATURE IPelaring that all else should be subordinated to the paramount ques tion of taxation. that ta1xes now~ are not distributed according to tax pay ing ability and that the ultimate ob .ieetiv'e should be the abolition of the property tax as the source of state income in favor of various indirect taxes which he recommended, Gover nor Robt, A. Cooper at noon last Wed nesday delivered his annual message to the General Assembly of South Carolina. Following are the recommendations made by the governor in his message. 1. Adoption of taxation system based on the principle of ability to pay. 2. Enactment of income tax law. 'Its yield certain and is based upon tax paying ability.'' 3. Enactment of inheritance tax law. "It is estimated that this bill will raise fromi $200,000 to $500,000 per annum." 4. A tasx on petroleum products, including one cent tax on gasoline. 5I. Increase in occupation and privilege licenses to yield approxi miately $200,000. 6. A tax on luxuries. "The law should Include all forms of luxuries t" 2 i J'1 1 f *, $. "I wish to again urge tl g pas sage of the 'proposed amendtn tt to our State Constitution which is necessary before you may proprly classify property for the purpose of taxation. 9. No reduction in appropriations for education. 'I do not believe that South Carolina' is spending too-much money for the Education of our youth." 10. Generous provisions for care of Confederate soldiers. - 11. An appropriation "intended to be used directly for the improvement of our agriculture." 12. Ample appropriations to pro vide for tuberculosis-stricken. 13. Appropriation to maintain Na tional Guard Organizations. 14. Entire cost of State Govern ment to be $705,353.00. "With this machinery may be kept in motion governmentt) and I trust that .the re fourths mills is adequate to meet the necessary expense." 15. "1 believe there can be con solidations and changee (in state government) and I trust that there port of this coVlhittee will be given the consideration which it merits. 16. Reductions in direct property tax of seven or eight mills below the 1921 rate by enactment of above proposed taxes. Get a $16.00 Dictionary for your school without cost. See advertise ment about it in this paper. no tax now LUDEN'S menthol cough drops price p * straz'ht GIVE QUICK RELIEF S.Id~eedd .ms 53 sold IA,,, EAGLE "MIKAD" For Sale at your Dealer ASK FOR THE YELLOW PBS EAGL.E M EAGLE PENCIL COM PICKENS CAB Headquarters for Sash, WXe have a nice line Can furnish odd sizes to< Let us make you a pric in the building line. A few thousand brick @0~ODS AND I In every large stock of nmerchand frmtime to time--Maybe the box for dentinjury the quality of the shoes aodsand Ends. Frthe next few days I shall pla, aroskinds of merchandise at an an Ineed the room-so these goods n: Hlere are a few things found in th things not listed here. Come let nasl One lot Boys' pants One lot Lalies Sweaters One lot Children's Swea One lot Men's Sweaters One lot Children's Shoes One lbt Men's and Boy's One lot Ladies Coat Suita One lot Ladies Coats One lot Children's Coats One lot Ladies Shirts L M' r t al 1 r,.. 1 t hree TURKISH Friendly VIRGINIA Gentlemen BURLEY T e fect blendof t th . et cigarette tobccpe n one perfect cigarette, one-eleven cigarettes l5for2O Time to Plant and the best varieties of vegetable and field seeds to plant for each purpose is told in the 1922 Catalog of weeps SEEDS Now ready to be mailed, free on request. Rcduced prices are quoted on Seeds, Poultry Supplies, and Feeds, Garden Tools and Spray Materials. Write for vour copy today. T. W. WOOD & SONS, Seedsnen, 14th St., Richnond, Va. PencilNo.174 cI. WITH THE RED 1AD IKADO PANY, NEW YC [NET WORKS Doors and Mouldings. >f Builders' Hardware. >rder. e on anything you need Lt the right price. MNS SALE se a lot odds and ends will be found a pair of shoes gets misplaced-this --But never-the-less they are classedr e on sale all Odds and Ends of azingly low prices. ust go. a sale. But there are various other low you through these goods: Thoes