The Abbeville messenger. (Abbeville, S.C.) 1884-1887, January 28, 1885, Image 1

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7\ VOL. I. ABBEVILLE, S. C., WEDNEoi)AY, JANUARY 2<S, 1885. NO. 18. PM-aMWMeaBir'wniBiiiiiMiywM WILMINGTON. COLL*M 1)1 A AND Al (STSTA HAILUOAl). Going S?ii? h No 4N no 4(1 Leave Wilmington 1> :w p in 11 Id ;> ni Arrive ut Florence ! Ml? in 20 a t:i Arrive itt Columbia < 40 it iw f Going North No 4') no 17 Leave Columbia lOOOpni Leave Florence 4 60 p in 1 ti'2 a in Arrive at Wilmington . .7 40 p in <> 10 a in Train no. 43 ?.iops at all stations, nos. 4S and 47 stop onlv al Urinkley's, Whiteville, Flcmingtmi, Fair lHufl", Marion, Florence. Tiniinor.s ville, Sumter. caindcn .imiction ard Iiastover. Passengers for Columbia and all points on c is u r. is, c. c a- a h it, Aiken Junction and all points beyond, should take No. 4S, night express. Separate Palltnan sleepers for Charleston and Augusta on trains 48 and 47. Al) trains run solid between Charleston and Wilmington. SPARTANHURO AND AS UK VI L L1-] ItAILKOAD On aucl sifter May 12, 1SS4, passenger trains will be rnn daiiv, except Snmlnv, between Spartanburg ami llemlersnnvillti as fcjllows: UP TliAIN. Leave H. A D* Depnl at Sparlanburjr 0 0(1 j> in ^ Leave Spartanburg, A. L. depot.... 0 10 p in Leave Saluda S 50 ii ui Leave Flat Knck 9 15 p in -4rrivo Henderson vilie 9 p ,-n DOWN Mil .-(IN. Leave Headcrsnnrillc fl 00 am Leave Flat linck. S 15 a in Leave Saluda S' 00 am Leavr ir Line Junction 11 L'.i a in Arrive 11. A 1) Depot Spartanburg 11 a ai Trains on tbis road run by Air-Line time. Both trains make cunncetiuis f<>:- Columbia nnd Charleston via Spartanburg, I'nion and Columbia: Atlanta and ("harlotte by Air Line. JAMES AN DICKSON, Superintendent. riONDENSKl) TIM K CARD Magnolia Passenger Route. In eft'ect September 14, ISSi. GOING SOUTH. Leave Ureonvrood..... *5 SO nni 1-1 00 pin Arrive Augusta 11 30 am 8 50 pin Leave Augusta. 10 30 am 0 00 pin j Arrive Atlanta. 4 -15 pin tt 40 am ! Leave Augnsta 11 40 am Arrivo Beaufort 5 50 pin " I'ort Koval 6 05 pm " Chaleston. G 50 pin " Savannah G 42 pm " Jacksonville U 00 am GOING KOKTIl. Leave Jacksonville 6 *0 pm " Savannah G 55 am " Charleston G 10 am Irfove I'fii'l Knrnl 7 25 am " Heaufnrt T 37 am " Augusta 1 40 pm Loave Atlanta +8 50 pin 1 Arrivo Ai?<runta <"> 10 mri ! Lure Augusta 4 00 pin 6 40 am | Arrive Greenwood 9 00 pm 11 30 am I Tickets on sale at Greenwood to all points ?it through ratca?cheeked to desti- j nation. J *Daily. tDailj, exeeut, Suiidnv. W. F. SitKi.J.iian, T radio Manager. j J N. 11 ass. Siipuniiiciidcnt. ? j ^TLANTIC COAST LINK, j PASSKXGEll 1>F.PA1!MMKXT, | Wilmiuyion, J\r. 'f uli; li'f/i, ISSJf. | NEW LINE between Charleston nud Columbia and Upper South Carolina. COKOENKKt) SCilKfU I.K. GO I KG (i()I.Ml WltaT. K AST. T on nm Lv....Charleston .... Ar. 0 45 pm 8 40 li '* .... Litiii'S. . * H t* j *4 0 43 it " ....Sumter. 14 <i bb ' ] 1 00 pm Ar. . . . ('(ilnu-.hia .. . IjV. 5X0 " 2 SI " " Wiiin.-iboro ... " 3 48 " S 45 " " OlicMtcr " ! 44 " 5 35 " " Yctrkrilie " 100 ? C 25 " ' ... . Lancaster ' 0 00 " 6 00 " " ltock Hiil " 1 UU " fi 15 " " . ...Uharlotlo " 1 0:1 " Tis' pm Ar.... Newbcrrv I.v 02 pnt I HOD " " .... (?reen\v<i(?i| ' 12 4H " ?j 50 " " ... Lauren* " 7 40 mil 6 18 " " Anderson " 10 33 " 0 04 " " ... .Greenville " 0 50 " T 0:! " " ... . Walhalla ' K 50 ? 4 45 " " ....Abbeville " 1100 " 5 50 " " .... Simrtanbnrp ... ' 1050 " 0 SO I" " ... Ilcndcrauuvillv.. " 8 00 " Solid Trains botwecn Charleston uisd Columbia, K. C. J.*F. 1)1 VIX K, T. M. KMRllSOX. Oen'l Sup't. (f?n'l Pas. Agent. C^OLUMllTA A XI) J GKEENVILIiK UATLKOAl). On ami ftc>r October 5, 1831, Passkxiiku Trajxs will run as herewith indicated upon thitt road and its branches. Ihtilxj, p.rcept Shnduvtt. Xo. 53. UP I'ABSENGKR'_ i/VHYt* i.nniuiniit r>. u. junci) luiJ pm " Columbia C. A CS. I) "11 10 pm Arrive Altitun 12 10 p ni " Newltcrrv 1 13 pm Ninety-Six 2 47 p m ( recmruorf 3 00 p in llnil^cd Z 33 p in licitnn 4 'ID p in ?t (irccnritle ? 05 p m No. 52. DOWN' 1\VSSKX<1EK. Leave (Sreenrille at 9 5ft a ni Arrivu Helton 11 13 a in Hodges 12 23 p in (irecuwood 12 4R pin 1 Ninety-Six 1 32 p hi Newberry 3 02 p in AlKtnn 4 10 p ni ' Columbia C. A fJ. I) 5 15 pm ' Arrive Columbia SO. Junc'n 5 30 p in m*ARTAKIirRn, VSION & COl.l'MIIIA It A11. ROAIt. NO. 53. b*r l'ASSKNwKI!. Leave Alston 12 ?2 p m " l-niou S 55 pm " Spurtanburg, S.U.AC.depot 5 50 p in XO. u'J. DOWN l'ASSUN'UKK. Lt ' vc Spart'jj It. A F). Repot .... 10 35 a m " Snart'jf 8. U. A C. Depot .10 50 am " l.nion 12 50 pm Arrivo at Alaton 2 40 |> iu I.Al'REKS UAIL.UOAD. Lenre Newberry 3*0 pm Arrire at LauronH C. II. 6 50 pm Leave Lauren.* C. II 7 40 a in Arrii'a nt VflU'hrti?ia? 11 1A A BBKVI I.I.E nil A sen. Leave Hodge*.. . 8 45pm Arrive at Abbeville 4 -45 j> m Leave Abbeville 11 00 a in Arrive at Hodjres 12 00 p m HI. UK KIDHK R AI LKOAII AND ANDERSON BR ASCII. Leave Bolton 4 45pm Arrive Anderaon i IS pin " l'endletou 5 5f> p in " Heiiccu a C 40 p m Arrive at Walliallu 7 0.1 p id Leave Walhalla S 50 h m Arrive Seneca 0 15am " J'ondleton , 0 52am Andermin 103:1am Arrive at Holt on II 08 a m COSXKCTJOXS. A. Willi finulh fun I!... -oil.. A t Charleston: with Wilmington, Columbia nnd Augusta railroad from Wilmington and all EointS QArth thereof; with Chat-lotto,Columia and Augusta railroad from Charlotte and i all points north thereof. II. With Ashaville and Kpartanbnrg railroad from and for points in Western N. Carolina. C. With Atlanta and Charlotte dly Richmond and Danville railway for Atlanta and all points south and west. Standard Eattern Tim?. G. It. TALCOTT, Superintendent. M. SLAt'OBTKH.Oen'l Passenger Agt. I). Cakbwem., Ass't Gen'l Pass. Agt. ' - ^ .. I*';, i. . SOUTH CAROLINA 11AIMV AY CO Ml* A N V Commencing Sunday. Sept. "tli, 1SS1, :i 2 '.\b a in, Passenger f rains will run as follow until further notice, "Lastern time:" Col v in b iti /': r /* in n?1) a i 1 v. Leave Columbia 7 -IS a in 5 27 |> t Due at Charleston 12 2"> ji ni it i?S p i Leave Charleston 7 on a in 4 j> i Due nt Columbia ........11 00 j> in y 22 a i Camden Division?Daily ftxeept Sundays. Leave Columbia 7 4H n m > 27 ?> t Due Camden 12 A5 p m 8 25 p t Leave Camden 7 15 a in 4 00 p i Due Colurfibia 11 00 p in i> 22 p i A t/1/nxtit I>irisit,a ? Daily. Leave Columbia 5 27 p i Due Augusta 7-11 a m Leave Augusta ."> 50 p m Due Columbia 22 p in Coll liet't inns Made at Columbia with Columbia and Green villc railroad by train m:ivimr at 11 00 a. in and departing at 5 27 p. in.: at Colnmbi Juiiciion with Chariot I e. Columbia and Au Kiisin raiiroaii iiy same irtnn to ami lrom al points on both roads. At Charleston with steamers for Xew Yor on Saturday; ami on Tuesday and Saturdu with steamer for Jacksonville and points o St. John's river; iiImi, with (Charleston nn Savannah Railroad to mid from Savanna and all points in Florida. At Anjinsta with ttcor;ria and Central rail roads to and from all points West and South nt Hlackville to and from all points on Ham well railroad. Through tickets can b> pur chased to all points South and West by apply inpr to 1). McQtTK.r.x, A front, Columbia, S. C. Joiin II. 1'i:ck, (Jetieriil MaiiHirer. 1). C. A i.i.en, (ten. l'uss. and Ticket As' Richmond ami daxvim.k railroad, /' iprentfrr Drpartmtnt.?On and after Aug 3d. 1SS4. passenger train service on the A and C. Division will bo ns follows: JVitrlhiC'in?. Xo. 51* No. 5:1 Leave Atlanta \ 'IK p in 8 -10 n ti arrice Gainesville 0 57 j> in 10 .*.5 a i: Lula a 7 25 p in 11 01 a i: Kabun Gap jur.c h S 12 p in 11 30 s n Toccoa c 8 54 p in 12 04 p ii Seneca Cilv </ 1) 5!) n m 1 00 11 r Central . 10 32 p m 1 62 p n Liberty 10 53 p in 2 IH p i Knslcr 11 10 p in 2 27 p r Greenville r 11 42 ]> in 2 17 j> n Spartanburg/ .... 1 01 a in 3 5(1 y n (iastnnia </ 8 20 n in 5 54 p n charlotte h 4 10 a m 0 40 p n South wiiri/. No. 50* No. ?2 Leave cliarlotlc 1 45 n in 1 00 p n arriretSastonia 2 lifl a m 1 45 p n Spartanburg ... 4 2S n in 3 <5 p n (Srccuvillv 5 43 a in 4 55 p n Kasley 6 17 a in S !fi p n Liberty ft 34 a ni 5 12 p i: contral 0 55 a in G GO p n Seneca city 7 33 a m 7 30 p i; Toccita 8 40 a m 7 35 p n Unbiin Uapjnnc. . . II 34 a in ft 30 p n Lola 10 09 a lu 8 51) p u Gainesville 10 30 a in H 25 p n Atlanta . . . 1 (II) p in 11 30 a i: vL.\pivss. i.Mail. l-'ivijilit trains on this ryad all curry passen passenger trains run through to Dan ritlc ami connect with Virginia Midland rail ?nv in 1111 (MMfni rincs, an;i ai .iiiama wil all linos iliverjrinjr. N<>. leaves Hjclimmv :il 1 ;> in and No. :>! arrivos then* :it '1 j> in; 6 leaves Kic'immxl at 2 2S a ns, 53 sirrivcs tlier at 7 -II a in jQ^JdCt SJce/iitu/ C'ur.s icithou chriiif/c: Oh trains Nos. 50 and 51, Nov York a';d Atlanta, via Washington am Danville, Greensboro and Aahevillc; oi trains Nos. 52 and 53, Itiohmond am Danville, Washington, Augusta and Nov Orleans. Through tickets on sale ? Charlotte, Greenville, Seneca, Spartan burg nud Gainesville to all points south southwest, north and east. A connect with N. E. railroad to and from Athens b with N. E. to and from Talhiluh Kails r with El. Air Line toandfiom Elbertoi and Ilow?*rsville; <1 with 15iu?; llidjre t and from Waihulhi; r. with and (i. t> ami from (iri'i'iiwmi'1, N> W\->'rry, AIsloi and Columbia; J with A. iL" S. nml S I'. ?Sr ('. to siid inr.n llembrsonvilh1 x-.. .. t : tn h!tii from '.'in-ster, Yo.kvilU- ?r.d l)nl ;is; h with N". divi.-i?i:i and C. C A. to arid from (in-^nslmro. Iiniciuh. &i l''.nnf:;i> i*!:?:Ku:v, !>upt. M. Slnmjhte.i'. (* 'Mi. I'i'f's. Apt. A. li. Kiv<?<?, 2<l V. I'. anil (Jou. Man. ^ M. AIKEN, ('oLcstn/yii /'. ()., S. is ilulv authorized and licensed fur Abbevill county to write risk.* on Dwrllings and l-'uvntturc, Uiti'tiH, Sin blofi nml Conlciils, (inclu?'inir live stock) Ktorcs, WnrohiMiKi's ami fitockK Therein, C'liiirclifw, Millu and Cotton (haled.) in the /.? >tpoul anil I.omlou ami (11 !-. f:i surancc Co., ayainst loss or damage hy FlitK in the l'o.-kt*trr (ifrumu Insurance Co. acrainst loss or damage bv F1KK or LIGHT NINO. Hates low : companies solvent: no litign ti.;?i. For particular.-., address at; above. aplS?1 I ?A li til l 1 IM,, Mns. M. W. Thomas, Proprietress. I!i'<mi1 s<r?cl, Anjustn, (i-n. jj L. MABRY, Atorney nnd Counsellor ?t Low. AHEVIJ,I,E v. 11., 8. c. Offico formerlj* occupiod by Judg Thomson. if I<. W. riCKniV. T. P. COTHIIAM. pEUHIX A C'OTHRAN, Attornoys at Lnw, Abbeville 8. C w. o. nKKKT, JAS. H. HICK. I,. W. smith Abbeville. Ninety-Six, Abbeville JJENET, RICE A SMITH, Attornoys at I>aw. Will nrn.rtii'p in nil thn f'mirfH nf tli Statu, an?l give prompt attention to al legal buxincBS entrusted to them. JjXCHANGE HOTEL, Grhknvim.k. R. C. THE ONLY TWO-CLASH HOTEL II THE WORLD. W. It. Whitk, Pkoi'ribtor. C. WILLIAMH, Hukof.on Dektirt, Groonw'ood, 8. C., TO TIIFj SISCXtKTAHY OF AV Alt. t s (Jeneiul Slicrmnii'H Attempt to Wrijj kIp Out or a Fata h n i, Washington*, January 12.?Gotten 11 Sherman's letter to the Secretary < War, consequent upon the Davis deni.t ,, has been given to the press, anil is a " follows: Washington, D. C., January 0. 188: " ?lion. Robert T. I.incoln, Secretary c War, Washington, P. C., Sir?1 be.? t submit fur vnnv ?>r?iiuiili>rn?i<ni nn.l posal this paper, to lie filed with th i. war records which may aid others i il search of truth. Recently, at St. Louis 11 Mo., my present residence, T was invite j_ to assist in dedicating a new hall for th v use of Frank 1*. lUair l'ost No. 1 of th !J Grand Army of the Republic, compose h exclusively of Union soldiers, their wive and children?a family affair. in no sens i: a public meeting. The oxreises consiste of short speeches, interspersed wit - army songs. 1 was one among man speakers and my remarks were purel extempore, without manuscript or note ' | of any kind. My recollection of what - did say isabontthis: I congratulated th members of the post on having secure . so good a hall in so convenient a neigh borhood; in the interest manifested b f. so full an attendance; that it was goo 11 i for old soldiers to meet and interchang Hi. ? ; the memories and traditions of a war i " ! which they had home an honorable part ? I that historical memoirs ami stories wor 11 j being published; that the (jovcrnmcn ? ; was making progress in the puhlicatio 11 ! of the official reports and correspondenr ? |?Union and Confederate; that, never 11 theless, all these fell short of the whol ,, truth; that encli man's memory retainer 11 things of still greater interest to us (th n j survivors), and that 1 myself had soei j and expressed much that had never boon ii j and would probably never bo, published " j illustrating the assertion by what or n ! curred in Louisiana prior to February 2-1 11 j 1801. when 1 left the State; of letters ant u | n j papers captured throughout the war; tha J I had seen papers which convinced in - j that even Mr. Davis, the President of th< i Southern Confederacy, had during tin ii I progress of the war changed his State" i rights doctrines and had threatened t< u & i use force?even hue's army?should air ^ J State of tho Confederacy nuompl ii i j secede from that (iovcrninent, etc. 1 I i j n>XTi:ovi-i:sY ai:ccsk:>. j I had no thought or e\poctation tha I j these remarks vroul.i he published a - .?il, uitH'h less in a garbled form to ocea ' sion discussion and ill-feeling; yet ^ shrink from no just responsihility fo ! every \vor?l uttered, at any time. Twi i of the St. Louis morning papers did puh [) lish reports of that meeting, including J " my speech,much condensed, and, a usual, much improved by the intelligen i, reporters, who, ignoring the c.?nte.\t < laid particular stress on " tho letter o ' President Davis to tlin CJovernor of i State, now a Senator, whose name wa not given." Mr. Davis, from his lioim at l>eauvoir, lias quoted these reports and in a card addressed to the St. Loui itr/mm ican nas pronounced my assor tion fitlsv ami me a slanderer, lie ha never addressed li.e to inquire hov much of truth was contained in the quo p . tntions, nor has any friend of his dom so. Many others have, and I havi answered them frankly, always dis countenancing discussion in newspapers The world heeds but little what I thin! of Mr. Davis or he of me: but all di : want to know the "truth and nolhinj I but the truth." TIIE SOUTiiKUX C'OXKI'lliACY. 1 have said a thousand limes, and nov . Kay again, there was a conspiracy throughout the Southern .States in tlx winter of 18(50-1; that I myself wa approached by a member of the Knight: of the (iolden Circle; that the head o ~ that conspiracy was in Washington; tha its object was to destroy our Govern mcnt and raise a plutocracj' at the South [ cannot state the proposition bette than John G. Nicolay has already dow in his admirable work, ' The Outbronl 0 of llebellion," the first of the Scribne scries, and that the cause permeated tin navy is demonstrated by Admira Autumn in his contribution to the sanv scries, entitled "Tito Atlantic Coast,' both using the plain words "conspiracy1 and "conspirators." For the nature and kind of govcrmcn ^ in Richmond 18(i4?5 I refer the studen i, to I>r. Draper's third volume, pages 44; and 440. "Civil War in America," and as for the conspiracy itself, to "McPlter son's History of tho llebellion," las 6(1!lion, pages .?5?l and tfUZ. 1 Hut it is my own personal experienc to which I propose in the main to limi - myself; not* to ono single disjoints paragraph, but to the whole subjec matter. For the binding force of ai oath, with the "exceptions." I taki ^ Grotius, who is good authority the worh over, and refer the curious to Book II Chapter 13, "Bights of War and Peace;' - and for "conspiracy" and "rebellion,' to Johnson's Dictionary. Grotius define treason as synonymous with assassina tion, and it has proven strangely true ii our case, through ho wroto his famous hook in 1(525. TREASONABLE DIsrATCIlKS. Page *19(5, Volume 1, Soiie:* 1, Official Ilecord of the Union and Confederate ,| Armies, contains two dispatches?the >f first from Senators benjamin and Slidell ^ to 1). W. Adams, President Military s Hoard, New Orleans; the second from .John Slidell alone to Governor Moore of Louisiana?which arc conclusive of a (f (reasonable correspondence to compel 0 the State authorities to seize by force the arsenal at Baton Kongo, the forts at the r month of the Mississippi, &<t. These ? two disj?ntches were not at all of said s correspondence, because when in New ,j Orleas, February 20-24. 18(51, I was ,, much of the time with my old nrmy coin0 radc, General Praxton Hragg, who con ,1 icmicui mat the seizure ot tlie arsenal ,s and forts was a defensive measure; and 0 ho showed me copies < ! loiters from ,] Senators Benjamin and r>iidell, addressed I, to Oovernov Moore (whoso aid Hrajrg y was), witten on paper headed "United y States Senate"?for they were then Senas tors under the oath proscribed hv the j Constitution. e UKCOI.I.KCTMXS t)F ri5F.S!l>ENT PAV1S. I l' Now, as to Mr. JeJiorson Davis, his * general history is ptettv well known and V Hppreeiated. His own history of (lie uRiso and Fall of the Southern Confa'cL racy," <( Id Gibbon, is public nnd subn ject to every man's criticism; bot #f t ' him. too, I have personal knowledge, 15 ! not meant for publication, but to become | t | a 1. _ uM'. 1 ? ? f '? ' i? |?;u i ui iiiu i r.'uiHions 01 tne t;i\il 11 , War" which the Grand Army will pie0 1 servo. KIUESI>I,Y couhksl'ox OKNl'F. I (j | I lcopt up my correspondence with the c | officers of the institution over which I ;i ! hid presided ni.ti 1 May 13, lfitil, slid 1 ( ( have before in" a copy of this correspond- , 1 ence with original letter of HihxIoii Bragg, and many others in Louisiana. ^ After ihe war was over in 1H(>5, I went , j hack to Louisiana to help nil I could | t to re-establish the military academy and | p seminary of learning, of which I had L, been president, and it exists to-day . 1? under tiie title of the Louisiana IJnivers sity. Subsequently, when my personal j :) friend, Henry Stanbury, was Attorney- ( . I < J ei;?Tnl. I intereivleil mnl siiloil I ernor Thomas O. M?>"r>4 to :v"-uin r?osH>- ' i I . . 1 sion of his plantation a? ilayou Hubert, on" the e>:press ground that under the pressure brought to hear 011 him from t Washington he could hardly help actl ing as he ?ii<i in 1S<? 1. I also renewed 1 * my correspondence with (Jeneral Bragg; 1 tiiedali I could to help liim regain his r property, nud tin* last It;tier I iiml re- ' " corded is dated St. l.onis. Mo., January 2S, 18(57, and addressed to him at the - St. Louis Hotel, New Orleans, advising s Mm ks to the measures he should pur- i 1 sue to establish the claim of his wife for ? certain forage and supplies taken by the f I'nion troops from her plantation ; also !l to aid hiui in his declared purpose to be. s come connected with the management of R the Opclousas Kailroad. i ' In the summer of 18G3, when Vickss burg surrendered to General Grant, he ll 1 1 11 ??/l inn U'illi ? cn<!i??i?n t ^ s catch or drive hack the Confederate | r army under General Joseph K Johnson, " which had been assembled for the relief e of the beleaguered garrison, That army L> took refuge in Jackson, Miss., which 1 * closely besieged. Rome of the foragers * of the army found it) the garret of the { house of Mr. .Joe K. Davis, a brother to 9 Jctfrrson Davis, a box containing his pri* vate papers ami brought it to camp. Hearing that papers of Mr. Davis were being scattered about for autographs and r hs souvenirs, I sent for the box and had i. it brought to my bivouac, and held it in L, my personal posession from about July s 15th to August 5th, 1863. During that s time I examined some of the contents, f cosisling of a large number of letters t addressed to Mr. Davis during a period . of ten years, including (he time when Montgomery, Ala., was the capital of the j. Confederacy, vith marginal notes in his P hand, and rolls of memoranda and notes ' ; in his handwritnig of speeches made or , r to be made. This hox was sent to Gen. 5 Grant's Adjutant General (Rawlins) in ^ 1 Vickshnrg, with a request to send It on e to Washington, along with uiy letter, i which is of record, dated Camp on l'ig > Black, August5, 1803. Col. 11. K. Scott, who had chargo of the records of the t war?Union and Confederate?writes of t recent date that his private papers had ? boon returned to Mr. Davis by RecroI tary of War McCrary. All 1 wish hore to remark is that I sent it as it came into ^ my poscssion, except thnt I withdrew and sent to the authorities three several e letters written to Davis, at Montgomery, , by officers of undoubted loyalty, which j I feared uii<rltt coinproniisojthem if ihoy ^ fell into unfriendly hands, because at l thnt day tlto name of Mr. Davis was syne onyinons w't'i T?98on. 1 davis hatkii uy routhkhn leaders. , Aprain in 18G4, when wo wore in pos" session of Augusta. G?., I saw familiarly " a groat nntnbor of gentlemen of that s State, with whom 1 conversed freely. - They spoke openly and unreservedly of n the tyranny of tho Confederate authori ties in Richmond, and of Mr. Pa vis par- im ticularly. 1H* was tlu? head of theOov- O* eminent, the Commander-in-Chief of 0< its armies. His character was an e'einent in the problem of the war for putting down the rebellion, in which at the ,M time I was an important factor. The cost of the war was then a matter of intense interest to Mr Lincoln, 2*r. Stan- ^?' ton, Mr. Chase and other leaders in >vt Washington. On the 15th of Septeniher, l.S'54, I telegraphed to General Hal- or; leek, in Washington : "Governor TTtfown t,M has disbanded his militia to gather the r-( corn and sorghum of the State. 1 have ?' reason to believe lie and Stephens want CU| to visit use, and liave sent them a hearty invitation." Two days aftor I received it' from President Lincoln this dispatch : 1'? "1 feel great interest in the subject of en your dispatch, mentioning corn andsorg- j hum and the contemplated visit to you." ' On the same day I answered him direct, coi bv teleeram : "1 will tln> I w.? inonL fully nrivixptl of all the develop- fit nt on is connected with the suhjccts in lin which yon feel interested. Mr. Wright, Co former member of Congress from Home, X< (la., ami Mr. King of Marietta, are now no going between Governor Brown and my- | in> self. I have said to them tlmtsome of the | an people of (ieorgiaare engaged in rebel- j foi lion, begun in error and perpetuated in j A pride; l>wt that Georgia onn now save mi herself from the devastations of war, da; preparing for her, only by withdrawing r?i her quota of the Confederate army and { fav siiiing mi! to expell Ilood from the hor- cei d.-rs of the State ; in which event, in- j wn stead of devastating the land as we pro- j wl gross, I will keep our men in the high i at roads and commons, and pay for the corn ! ric and meat we need." cle DAVIS Ri:Sl'KCTlN!? UKOKOIANS. U!l' Mr. Lincoln with his wonderful s:i- 001 jjacitv, saw that .Jell*. Davis' visit to cs<" % * I 1 lieorgia in September, 18t>4. was rather jn account of Stephens and Brown than ^ 1 Hood. He was a statesman, 1 a mere !,ni soldier, who watch the desperate move '<>r lor its military chances, and 1 was ahso- ')rt lately convinced that Davis then sus a period the fidelity of Stephens and l'ai ?Brown to him as tho head and front ;>f tiie "Hiclimond Confederacy," for it 11,11 liad ceased to be a confedtM'ncy of ltsov- ^>':l L-icign States." The "secession"' of 18(>1 hud hecomo "separate Stat.- action'' in ' and Davis was opposed to it. as he ' ivell might he. (.See his letter to the nia lieorgia Senators, page 2U1, American kn Annual Cyclopaedia, 1SG1.) Had (Jeor- [2i .Ma wiuiiiruwn 111 ibb-i, tuo Uonleileracy 'I'll would have collapsed as a bubble, and am Uoorgia, South Carolina am! North Car- (Yo iilina would have escaped the dovasta lion which necessarily followed. \\*i m:. HTEI'ilKN'H OtMNIOX OK DAVIS. illj Wliou in Atlanta, I had poscssion of w' ;i vast amount of captured letters and e<" newspapers, which enabled ine to trace SCM lh? current of public opinion in the t',sl South, which is as much an element of cai force as that of muskets. I have now tlM before me an original letter from Alex- ',c andrtr II. Stephens, Vice-President of the Southern Confederacy, to Hcrschel V". Johnson, of almost equal faiue, dated 'e^ Crawfordsviilo, (Ja., April S, 1804. ('f [This letter was printed in full in the Herald a few days ago.] 1 have never ''u upoken or written of Mr. Davis as plainlv as Mr. Steuben's did in Anril 1S04. I)a after ho had been associated with him s'i :lireo years in the Government of the *^< Confederacy. At the time of my remark ,n! nt the Frank 1'. Blair l'ost 1 was not in so' poscssion of this particular letter hut 1 knew of the opinions of Mr. Stephens, which were then shared hy many of the !,Cl most intelligent men of Georgia. And I tul also copy a slip cut out of n Southern ftn newspaper in March, 18G1, and pre- l'c served hy one of the officers of the army r,rl as i sample of those referred to hy Mr. Stephens, as published under Davis' oai very nose hy editors recognized as organs uf the administration : no "HTATK SOVKUEIONTV PLAYED OUT.'' J"' in "The Richmond Enquirer was tho or- ^ jail of the extreme Slates rights party of Virginia for many years. We be- ' j lieve it was the original publisher and advocate of the doctrine of ".18. The 001 following from a late number of the air Richmond Enquirer shows the States rights idea in full blossom : 'Xo convention is needed; for what is the sov- ^ creignty of a State needed in the eon- j vention ? Has not State sovereignty ^ been tho weakness of the cause? If during the liTo and death struggle with the compress of a common danger to hold togethoMheso States thiR principie of Slate sovereignty was continually Mi obstructing itself, delavinir and nrevont- rei ing the legislation neccssary to the com- sei mon defense, impairing tliat authority of intrusted with the general welfare and <]u impeding the execution of tho laws *e' necessary and proper to the success of an the cause, is it to he supposed that when pence returns, this principle of State Be sovereignly will permit tho Confedera- ftc cy to exist one year ? How long would Al Governor Brown permit '.he people of a f Georgia to bo taxed to pav tho debt of ?a the country ? Even during the strug- ov gle?ho a very ordinary Governor?preaumes to critiswe Goneral Lee's military hi ??n???aw?g? vements, and undertakes to say that mural Knrly should have been sent to orgia instead of to Washington. ut?> sovereignty?thus presuming to d^e oT matters intrusted to the C'onlerate Executive?undertakes to de oy the efficiency of that executive <1 t?? subvert all measures undertaken the common defense and general dfare. The conduct of certain States opposition to the laws passed for the janizatiiwi of the army and pre.iervan of discipline has caused many men to lonsuW t'seir long cherished doctrine State sovereignty and to come to the r.rlnsion that while in theory it is autiful and true, in fact and practice s utterly defective. This|<* needs wer, and power to raise men, suhsistce and not soveregntv.'" CON r K l>KU A TK 1 > KKTOTISM. The annv which I ha?l tho honor to imnand in Atlanta moved forward to vannah. Cia.; to Columbia, S. G. ; to ildshoro and Raleigh, in North Oaroa, nearly a thousand miles inside the nfoderacy, and during that period? vemher, 18G4, to April, 18(?5? I witsscd hundreds, if not thousands, of stances of the effect of tho measures il policy which Mr. Stephens had oseen were leading up to despotism. Confederate officer who had been ich in Washington in untc-bellum ys told me that we officers of the pilar army used to comtdnin of tlu> ! oritism extended to certain army oflis stationed at Washington, but this s nothing compared to tho favoritism i lich at that moment (1S65) prevailed1 iiiehinond, and that the sons of the j' li and intluentinl sought and obtained j rk ships in the departments, details to .her the tax in kind, to enforce the iscript law, railroad service, etc., to ape service in the Confederate ranks, iclieved him and 1 believe him now. i c continued to gather in from public i .1 private sources much valuable in- ] inatiou which may never be revealed, i >ving to my mind that the government liichmond, partly from conviction and i tlv from desperation, had thrown off i 1 mask and had passed from a conl'edcr- < nn of .sovereign and independent lies to a despotism almost personal to I . Davis himself. I JOYKHNOK VANC.'K AKH.WO OF f AVI.'. : i'lto surrender <>f Leo's army at Appo- ' ttox occunvil April i), 1S05; was ' own to me at Smith field, X. on the ' I h, and announced in general orders, at night 1 reached Gulloy's station, ' 1 there n locomotive and car J m ltaleigh with three commissioners 1 Messrs. Graham. Swaim, and Surgeon urren, of the Confederate arnij*?bearC a letter from Governor Vance, of ' lieh I do not possess a copy. These mmissioncrtf said t>? nie, without re vi>, that when Governor Vance ^patched them from Raleigh to my np at. Guiley's he wanted to make ins for the Slate, and afterward that was afraid of Jell'. Davis. At Kalcigh, jugh the mass of the public records d been carried off, yet a number was t behind at the State House and at the .vomer's mansion, called the "pnhiee," i;ch we occupied as headquarters ring our stay there?viz., from April lo April 20, 18155. These record*: and pers were overhauled by provost innriis and clerks, who delivered to the ljutant General (Sawyer) such ns conned material information. and my pernal attention was only drawn to such were deemed of suflic ii nt importance, nong the books collected at the "pals'' in Raleigh was a clerk's or aecre y's copybook containing loose sheets d letters, among which was the parnlar letter of Mr. Davis to which 1 lerred in my St. Louis "speech." I ve it little attention at the time, be -*r? i\ ? * use iur. i/uvih whs men I11IDS01I a jjitive, and his opinions had little or importance; hut it explained, to my ml, why Governor Vance, after send; to me commissioners to treat for his !?te separately, had not awaited my swrr. It was the subject of common k about my headquarters at the time, as stated by Colonel Dayton in a rout letter to me from Cincinnati: "I i quite suro that wo generally talked nt it was the desire of Governor Vance d the State officials to take North rolina out of the Confederacy, as 1 vo stated, but they were afraid of Jef son Davis and wanted protection." THE IlEOOltns DUIINKD. r\ a l i . * 1 a f r i miring iiiu camjJiiijJiii 01 1001-o 1 C1IU t incumber myself much with papers, iny were destroyed, and only essential ports, roturns and information were nt at convenient intervals to my chief stafT, General Webster, hack at hendarters in Nashville, which headquarrs shifted to Savannah, Washington d Anally to St. I/ouis. Here in the miner of 1865 all were collected tother by Adjutant Generals Sawyer and Chester, porperly filed and indexed, t that date there was no such thing as ioparate bureau of war records, and ch division and department kept its irn papers. Col. Rochester is still ring, but Sawyer died at St. Louis at b post Decembor 26, 1866, and wm mjUB III WMWMMM???? succeeded by Adjutant General W. A. Nichols, who had charge of these record* till February, 1H<?0, when I was transferred to Waxhington, and my successor, Cieneral Sheridan, removed the headquarters of the division with its records to Chicago, where his olfice and most of its contents were consumed in the great fire of 1871. Whether the particular letter referred to was consumed in that lire 1 know not, but I do know it existed in 1SC>5, and believe that its 8ubstance will bo revealed when Mr. Davis supplies to the bureau of war records copies of his own letters during th? years 1804-5. 1 feel for Senators Brown and Vance a strong personal respect, and believe imr action during Iho war and sincc lias boon manly and fair; but there was a correspondence between the Governors of States in rebellion with the Richmond authorities about the "conscript law, the suspension of the writ of habeas crop us- and the use of State troops," which, if published, would bo a valuable contribution to the "history of our times." I never had any feeling of bitterness toward the soldiers of tho South who fought and took nil the chances of battle, because I know the influences which had made them believe they were fighting for their own country and for freedom, but toward tho orginal conspirators I did feel a wrath somewhat akin to that of Mr. Stephens in April, 1801, which he described as enough to burst 10,1)00 bottles. Yet even as to them, if convinced that 1 have been deceived or convinced that I have been deceived or "bamboozled," J shall not hesitate to admit it, although it will take more denials than any I have yet heard or.seen in print. PKltKIOY OK DAV13. I have never been personally acquainted with Mr. Davis, because I was in California during the whole period of his administration of the War Department (1853-57;) but during the civil War ami since his name has been used universally as synonymous with treason and cause of the rebellion, with its lists id* hundreds of thousands of the bravest youth of our land dead or mangled with the necessary waste and devastation of property, with an awful debt and with x pension roll of !fG0,(XX),(K)0 at this very tate. If I am prejudiced agiinst him personally it arises from the fact that lie, more than any living man, baa brought reproach on the military icauemy una regular army, with wbicu he was associated from 1824 to 1835, by impairing the fume they had earned for fidelity to their oaths, to recover which we have had to buttle with an adverse public opinion evor since. While he was a cadet and an army officer he must have taken the customary oaths to "support, maintain and defend the Constitution of the United states against all hor enemies whomsoever." and while Secretary of War and Senator in Congress he must have taken a similar oath; yet he did conspire with others as early as January, 1861, after Mr. Lincoln was fairly and constitutionally elected President of the United States, to destroy ihe very Government which he had sworn to defend, and he did set up an* other Government necessarily hostile to it, of which he became *tho head, and did, while President of the Southern Confederacy, change his Slate's rights principles, the very doctiine on which ho had justified secession from the United States and then opposed State sover eignty. Those are plain, plausible facts, not likely to be forgotten l>y the present generation or the next, if ever. ' I 6ay* therefore, with full kuowldge of the consequences, he enrolled hi* name with liio; o of Ann Id and liurr instead .?f?as he might havo done?with Washington and Lincoln. This is h11 I propose to say at this time. Meantime the Government will, I trust, go on to publish the records and correspondence of the war, both Uniou and Confederate, and I can await the result with perfect composure. The Grand Army of the Republic also, with its 4,0(K) posts and its 254.454 old Union Soldiers, will continue to meet, interchange their thoughts, sing their 5'utriolic songs ana perpetuate tho memories and traditions of tho war of tho rebellion, quite as important and quite as lusting as can bo tho more formal documentary history. No nation can afford to put fidelity and treachery on a par and and hope to survive, and that this Government means to survive and perpetuato its in-> valuable advantages I have abundant faith. 1 will also append to this letter copies of documents, one of which?tho "hocret" message of Mr. Davis of February 3, 18(54, to the Confederate Congress? mis never doiore, 10 my Knowieflgn, been published. The original was cap* tared and is held l?y a friend, who claims it us a trophy. I am with great respect, your obedient servant, W. T. Sherman, Goneral. The lotter of Mr. Davis which General Sherman quotes Is directed to the Confederate Congress, and gives his reason, why, in his opinion, tlio writ of habeas corpus should be suspended. It is of little interest and groat length, and tut been already made public.? Register*