The Horry dispatch. (Conwayboro', S.C.) 1861-1863, May 16, 1861, Image 4

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m i > ' win m 8hjwp m? : 1 And proudly col mi a bOthrtgHi iumk? mft la that Uadf U 0??l^?d,? A?t Land* *? T? War, U bar, to bar, Idwtl ^al-* Ad < ? ?i. > ', f*lj llird*?MMto (mAIm dolWl^^ & HH^roue Imdbm bf the hoar, ' M oftff will Am Mm abuee of powee, % ^rTho they fifty, the' thy *ej, tW .the; jrtftjr (Wr away ^ p? Behind the ecenee? Oh ! wM*? whet eftlor, M Boldly el ? dietftuce-eiftotar, . "?-?. T * - But they keep, Pit they heep, .but tlfey M keep ffcr away. ; s-< * Ckonu?Oh .' beer mt te PaUueMe ttptl, *' V. , ?' f Oh! T l?rft-mj little geJlhel Btpte, p, The object of deep Northern Mtft, L fiver eilte, eve^tufte, ever eurenegLto be. 7 Then eoftif," ye fhlee eftftf. ~eop% We'll ? mftft the%* * . . ' b With Palmetto wltoewe greet thee. It Ever warm, ever werm, ever warn .ehall i "?s-'? "f Free% the Blohtaowd UlepatA ] ? ' Hl^fihK FO^ QLp ViBGllttA * Am? ;flS?$7^.'/r" f ' -?. Ice- C ^ 4 Written by Jpdge Ales'r B. Clithe'ratl. .Vie. 1 4 t ?' " r - ,\ l. Oh. have you heard-the joyful newel t ' Virginia doe* Old A he refuse. ' Hurrah, liurvah, L err ah, hurrah. ! Virginia joine ?e CoHefe ^tatta, ' Hurrah, hutrhh, ? i The glorious cry heal* elate*. We'll die for okl Vlrfiefa. / Hurrah, harralr. We'll die for old VlrfHiia . When the feci wee known In Washington, Old Abrain said, "ity minioub dene. Ok Lord, ok l.ord, oh l.of^|i Lord,! I m sore disturbed, my iRtrH fkila, L Ok Lord, ok Lord. I wish that 1 was splitting raile, Away from old Virginia. Oil I<ord. oh Lord, Away from oil Virginia." r And tpiiokly wheeling into line, I* the good old 8(ate of turpentine, Hufrak. hurrah. hurrah, hurrah. ' And Tennenaee and old KetUuek, * " flnrrah. llurratv Will show old Abe their Souther*) pluck, And light, with old YltglgU. * * Huirab, *fturrah, % , And flght with old Virginity The Stars and ban" *fe fling on hlgl*. Fbr Southern hwiuee we'll flght ?)d die. Hurrah,- i.urrah. hurnth, hurrah. Our can He iarfgfU* our qdlrrd Jut, * dTuryah. hurrah. We'll in Oh God of b*U)fla Uu.t. ' And flght with aid Virginia. . .. /< Klnrrah. hurrah. * .* '* - Ami fight with obi Virginia. , A G RIC tJ L T U It A L~. - - 1 * 1 . f. | ' Farming la Teo many forget thtg. Tkore m poltn in farming, to be sore if. it rightlj managed; bat tberft is no.. poalry io it t it doeo not pay?if them are no satia ^k factory tnaUrfai rdfculta. Bat farming I ^k a buaiqeaa. It is a dol)ar-and-cent trana action to prodncsr aild market it crop? from the turning of M?o. ftr?t "ftrrow t the delivery of ?U loot barbel, monty i ^k^involTed. Farming should according! fc^aoooducied in a ^bollneM manor i ^ ^o^^znoRao, eaofa moment c fcyoflabor. eho?'H ^ aametbuign^irh cavi ."1 JBr Tear ehdhtoett majph so eiu- J m *bot they aba 11 not Cellom in uvi ^^wotetape p?* Mb IppbHgod i?ta?it J to the yoke yoor igporanea inpMw upon 7M you. me that Ibey mnui a* Uml kntna- J ledge, and inaiat thai they p^ if KpNp ll tioe aa they obtain lb Q\r% m| the Jl " farm account* to theia keeping, gursiah ?] tlie__gir1a aa well aa the bofr ?uh +n> J 0 facilitiua for acquiriag. Utla. IftowMga. I Jj J It u eeaaotial to owe M tlNk attar I ^ Let Um gjrU k?ep tip U? account*. IiiUrM tSdwt w?. Jjft; Uicm (ears the Jaooo ftftaee* teach, when j uacd to <lca*g^Wi%a??pla and fxpenara* w They wilLthan lento eeewoa*y-jto oelco- U late. Da ??ot fear tbey ' will bacfoM , b ) *>nfcd. Tbia prneeea will jpre greater (I power to indulge ia peetio fknoiea and [ t poetio aaaployaawat* A ml tbey will b#Lw really poetie, for tbey wtM be baaed upon'* p facta.?Prairie Pat me r. ^"V * I c Tbe knowledge *nTEvto Oeqnlred owgbt I | not to feaenble % great abop wttboot j order, and without Ml Inventory; we f | ought to know whit W? poaaeae. and be . < able to aaake it nerve oa in tlme'of abed;!, 1 1 er t >UJ.X1LX_ -J. , 1 rfSEC^ J +JkWA* I)* **vm>ML jfrU f y %2 ,?* ??? ?"> ? Sk^'lStA?! MhooUu^biutseJFk^lbe bead tfilb' ^ i, aad ?m ?4Wa/a wMaidarad a nUt. faaassagj^g wL^^w^d^irU^tiir^R^ i?? by uld not/pnaaiMylbc trtfta age ? StoasB^ts: v fr *u twenty T?n of??| A?ai**L fldpbwirtvgWUout. ^ ^ oj ratal at tbe trtue,>? baKerad Umj t_ lot i 5a if UafurWi l|ltef ^m about jj rerrtiad, M(Mils riamfad bb daatb, vn ***? X*?* to St .bart of *' ?0 ?t^itia4boatfbt, iudaced bm'fc* da Mm T "^f irl"r 1 *" ?? ttuaed^nd ?ucb fw niH^PrMiirr COWK.?Generation ar jwnoratlMlgrbtja a fioa writer, 4ba,?e t aa *oaa /ael, ?<?S tlWb Uno jerd a Aire aa oaabbo. Tb?* vapor, while ?nataK w*t? Hn na?e *act <rf boaatj aa wbe# b%r,CtmMr ?rm. i.l 1 V- L. -4^i IwAMiii ah-il! 1 >?? DH1VU wr tu wi - 4wv mww ?w?.? ? bright oirec OP*"'graves as tbey are now ?om pttr paths. *he wo/kS w?Ib Imm te same pttracMooa for our ofispridw Wp* >ro that sky had tfboe W fta m alii Wren, el a littW while, add afl Wilt hare hapSUed. " 'heart wil|* be ifled and mewWlt U at /eat. Our in, | mVvfltflNi id v|f,'aid pra/ere will < e ahh^ a?d-(ben we shall be left slope < ) aileach aud in darkness for the wo^gy. U)4 it waj be-for a short tiqao we aTf& ipthta.ef, Wi the things of 4Hb Will reap .ha, est) qur hemes *wil| eoon be for* ettan.'* Jhya will eoutipue To move oa, ad laughter and aeog wiA he bbwd in he^woan la Which ve died, a ad tWeyo hah 'pumed for u? will- be dried, aod platen agaiu with joy f nd even odr Hlldrap will Of see to Thinh* of us, aod till not remember tojisp oar names.'* * 4 .- ' * Wt I. ? " . tff' What is the matter with ill* isftks, doefbr"^' dated. >Irav l*fcrtmgton. u Dr. Hblue passed her house. 8be ha J 1 a:_- k.,lf DffH W^ICQlQg HJT R|I? UHII u - m/u? ihrouclj. * chink. io the door, tintfpeeflfc) ho delected the end of? nfy ?4hryal rxrt of the chink aforesaid, stopped en instant to lofik ?tit, strongly* inclined <e touch i\ and eee what lie wa*. 'She i? troubled with varijoso vein*,. mem/ re piied the doctor, blandly. 'De tell J cried tho c'.J lady ; 'wall that aeeOunti for her very cuarso behuvior, then, ani it isn't any fault o* her'u, arter all, poo woman, 'crane what is to be will be, ani if one bar very coarse vein*, whutoau on oxpedi Ah, we ere none of us bettr than wo ought, to hf-' MJood morning mem Mid IV.nolua, e? be turne iwa), and the old ladj abut tho door.? 'No belter tbaO we ought to be!' Wbi an original remark, and bow candid th admission? The Little front entry 'hear it, and the bpard stair (hat led lo the cliatr bcr heard It, and*Ike heard it, at he at ( in iho'kitebcn daubing-up the old lady Pembroke Jalde with four and paste, i an attempt to malic a kite out oT aohoicel saved cop/ of the Vuritan Jtecoado , We ate*no bettor than wo ought to be'generally. - * ? * Tub Saqnjpr or Kui^trricr ? I 01 ! toj auonoaa in life to one single fact; Of * that at the ay of Ortenty-oeren, T ooS \ mopced, <nd continued /of ^teara, the pi 1-oeM of daily reanlcg and ypfeakfog up r tho contents of <#01110 hieio'rieal.. m scientific, boek. These off-hand effn were made epttetimee ia a eomfjtld, other* in the forest, and not nu/A<|Uetif i iu same diafuut bahi, with tl^c bor?e a > r ox for* my auditors, u is. ta Utis aa r praotioe irr thpfreat ?rl of all arta^tba f aui indcbted for the primary and leaji . impulses that sitndhrted me bbrifd, a i t-molf ll? d my eotirft subsequent death ?.[ ImpAr^ theu, yoBng - gentlemen, T aupertifr advantages yon here enjoy a i i?eTnot a day. pass without enema ejyoar powers of- speeek. Tbkre ie r ; Power, like that of oratory. Ccoaar ? * - ? ? ? _ 4 r. irolled men tjj cMKirauwg njeir mi f {tioaa^ hq4 swaying tfcftib panaiou*. ' u I influeocw ?f t!?o ooa pertahwd with *i author, tba4 of the* Mbcc oooUoum I P^Milermitage MMM^Wfeaged warrior hiypwl MMBfty; heforo the altar. Il? yrta u?6xed wUh awtoofchlwartf.^. After aba rviee was crtwr, ba wa# wbaarrra. to b? idauallj ailetti ?nd thoigbittl/ aod ff>i htfitvg quekiwoef, related whit ht ?* en Jlo oQaM>k?i.?# Ida uacratr** tbu?: ' rbwf * rmi tfco mati wib? had foogbtf pa, part**, bwtf ??3pr ^ow)?tr|(fe jwt-dowu *? ill yoi) Mph LMpJtH w ndtawic w ? h> hwaoi * watdwr." Mn^waetow dhy mwt * * 6vk i oolnrleta, t*J ha/?U apfaamnoe Udoa ? Ufc prywwua'.frif innaajamble. lit?4u odfea 4o?Un# i* H? arhiah irww saaall l>afc tbftp nwlliopw at |ba u ara oaiv ?jy d 00 Ihe jwb? *?^***71* - ?pggfes OV**lf<f, A*4 iahabnf Mr iirlt M) wllbf >?ciih at erery pulsarfo* of tba fbftrt. 0 Y _ ti^L'-Tar liS s?#* w'SK?. *? ma tima, *ttfc. the?sm< jmmilW - Me 0 prer^rtgihw ?*y sMMIilsftwinl ? mMrjfr?bdto hWeccd Upaw the | ^ leM tSfc a bop ting Trow? 1?e atom wwf threw If fro* ?. netowdflotpwindow. 8o d?'*?*y ???e^< ?* we* ? fc?d. q.'^UL 9P,W-por?, ?jr * # Y* Door?!.?Ritlf again ten mflee rcwgMbe rain* ibaka powder* cmr'of **M% rift heefc* dfcrin, if Jwu don't gr ppen # get etude in thek iintd.^o? me. no peace, no eoetinuoWa meal a, Mjg ucbmkcq sleep, no Sumlay, bolt- ' ^ jr, no social tftterooitfM, but one iter- j W J<?. ft ? ??Hnr. until youjA bI like the mlM/ of id Indian PRM Mj^eeptafo^mirin^^M H n field with bit company, came to dH opening Infbe fawr large enough to V admit of two pewfpos; but no more, to- J pane abreast. Vnfbftunateljr, he could a net rememfcee- the #orde of wftftmaod which wonld haee.aeoQinnlisUed the' dift DJ <%o!t taffc of firing through; but bia Ingenuity did 00C deaert Um, Mid, therefore, ^ be oedered a haW, and tbeo said,'Gentlemen, you are (1'inlufd fot one minute,, w when jrou will tall 19 ?> t'other aide of thp fenof. ^ 4?jy wtttfWu j TiA ii the moat couaer^tiyo element j of soeletj, ?od ought W be eherished itr eticouragrd by all kwfbl meant. People jicver plot niwhid^ erbca (Hey are merPy;., Liagblfefl^ ei^&f tnmaliec, * a foe lo Boandrf, ?t>d ?-flW|6|0 ?r*CJ c< IMKHNIm g*** Vtua fbf heart, and hngbHW ilx tutel. leet. Let ye laugh fben we eu, Otm morning a party oame lata the public rooms at IfcixTen^ .some what later J than nrael, end nqMMM -tome, toojrak. e They maro told thai'Lord Byrotf Irfd all. 'I am scry angry math his lordship/ said a la^y," Mad ' enough for c him to bear the obArvattoo. 'I am sor- ? ry fbr it, tnsdam, retorted I/ord Byron, ' but before I ale the tongue I was aa- J aured you did not want ' - , A man whom Dr. Johnson oaoe reM proved for following a useless and dr ' moralising bustocas, said : I * 'You know, doctori that I must live.' The brave did hater of everything ' mean and batelul, eoolly aeplied that be | did not 'see tbe least necessity for that.' i The Independent says that tbe aur* 1 rea<lfr of Fdrt 8uwt?r 'is the most r] unexpected and prodigious natioasM|^| j 1 tniliation known to our bisto^H -ajs . 'We had better alt bow dov^ r!onceto'tho Hotspurs at Montgomery, , | and entreat the Congress them aseeinj | bled to let us come into the mmlior and _ : more stalwart Confpdcracy which they lt have insgurated. i ?\ young men, knowing that a young d lady, of' wbatn be imagiued himself - 1 enamoured, understood the language of lt ' '' *?? * Vx??utiful rose, u a | UUWCI^ mm urn Wwt ? _ * I deeluvulitMi-of l?Wc, attaching a aiip of n paper, on which was written, 'if not so y ceptcd, I proceed to war.' In return, ? t?he forwarded a (Hekle.jarf containing a ? | single mango (man-go.) Let yofl> wft rather Nrwjou for a re ; buckler to defend yourself, by a handsome : reply, than the sword $o wound others, si. though with ever so. Jhcotiona reproaeli; ro, remembering that -a wopd out* deeper on thao a sharper weapon, and-the wound it 1 1 -1..? ^ . d uwku ic longer ounug. He wbp is pauiuoitl aid hasty, ii * generally honest. It it jour old. die'v netobhag hyporlto of whoa yof should ' beware. There is no dectfptioa hi a -* bull-dog It Is only |he our that an?akj * * uf and bityou when your, book u ^ t irned. * , ny A (loop r*p*.t.-?ao Irifh carriage (fc driver made a trery bnnpy and character p Utio reply the other aay. A gcntiemci mof I bad replied to Pat*a 'wapt ? carriage | sir ?' by sayiq?, 'no I am able to walk j KJh. i when Pat rejoined, 'May yonr honof lonj Ua tblr, bufrteldo* willHog/ Hie 1 mark* or cfiaiaont*.?the ma the everybody 1ik?a if geaeaally a foOl. tfa to man nobody llhm la usually a kna>i The man who k?e friends who would di for him, and foee who would love to m Hmerefico between the Southern aolH Northern pAople in, thsM in the 8<>uifc ^ uevar eelt anything they' can cat, while J the NorwL mist eat aoything ~r\ ku^ ?*u /?i- * i. ? . S j at, wrdh caftMtJse to think, m dear u. w TUi'i "My Wprikion^M tk? ^linier C ^widio. *r*tj #?1 tffea Uttoed )?r. And that'** toknotef in/ iMur^a?afUfcd .Id ol/kn ttmm, momma wore paoUbiVKi 0 from fttri?iag%*il tlu* Mjom *Jdt 8 of HLfV1***!* ^ *<** "** Ouilcd ?j>but?f? nntii thmy MnawrMd. . ^'y*^yqwf'-' .? uiu,.? til?r^iidM<toi?>Mi i Iwr of wnpw *t*? afce died ; V Mr 1 h^ufde * .*W? *U tfce A Lir* V'lWirKM.y^ man >?? 1 ?v<r found tlil fac?i|>t trmui ;y pito***?? \K v%f I. , .Vmb ? ??? /omreewiping f? tirta I ?i dill r? Wtt*r a iN *? ,( I nor tir/thing wwrae than a b?d-one K0|| Y1(B TBI?8PTC1B rr.Y * ?^? 1 _! <, 4}** fc^^KIF ?_ KFB.R ^p.^ L* PROl'MTOM OP TtvmnHn? r^'. f,ow imps * **? n?r tbor U> U^ ^ up^ grvat. " ^ "^S^JSSSSkm 2* cw ?? ROM la Mttlf I* .* * 8m - ^ r?i||M?A8? |>. ..* ~i Nia mm * / m by wlitrkvawrup loJ*Pj???' * ? ? "? ; * ? ? Y ?3.oo. :-rg ?%???# *&?' a #'5 trr tu run latest ... - WklVRBKTOMK GO*bLn I' Art ^Southern Guardian jJtlCAL AX6 XEW? JOttJOV ?fcbliah#d ?t Columbia, S. C. v uSvril I-W? UiL? ANli %RM?IA, J By-C^P^Petoaim. ^ Ante. FafnlMia A<tlH Vy PoaliRustara wp^itg ?? 1i? daily rateerikm, with $*> or - r . , AH tM-vMkly Nk??iMW' * * * 1 wUh $20, feuclqsolit9;* ^ reguierad lading _m , will h? enti- * - lleiHoo" * * - Sf t. . ' ? V ' >py, or in lira of that,' SO per ?ei?t of tha suite thus remitted ; 10 parpfot wOl be tUAvul on atnoNptnreaittiod for at>'4-te VH lr. politic* v. As V HiUoul Journal, the SOUTHERN , . II'Ait D| AN is derated to the tnnimsaaaca of he rfebts, hoanr. pad isUrttU if she Houthm States. e ' -a. I i'x"' . NEWS. . .. i In the dej^artaiteUof news. .thccerly prs*. luc-ijuti of every eUDsa of nowsfrnta pi I parts .r the w^fid, sjil Vc -epl J^mlBtetWin tUw iwl bo fffprt will Ca^phrni tn hNikelt iti *H -espeels an aocentnme ftrtetda mltat. rSpt-' ial attention will 14 tboJstest and moat Important N * " * | MARKET REPOKW, ?( all tlta Uadiag retiaa. grajjs. yanduao add otbatr bi:n Wetsin tbecauntry. ' Mr. rah II. . . -X * tf 1 te . -Mm. ? m m * tetewte?? II. W. KINSMAN, Cor. King and BecvAii-streft* IS NOW reociying from Frenck mi<1 Amerie?n mmnuf.ct.rie* * S? DECORATED PAPER, rich denigan in Panel, GtM, Hal in. ^ <1 Wood Imitation.*, wttb Bortlvr^ ^^P^vrrmepond. *" Chamber and other Paper*, in cTery variety of styl. mud uaUcru. My mock of TTindow Shade*. <tt my anru manufacture, and Oirtatft* made Biid {nit up J in the lalimualt!**. ? Upholstery Goods, Ctirtrdt) MiiterinHi And. Furniture Covering*, of Ule bnportnflon in full arid oWnpl*le, * which tire offered. w)udc*aj. aud retail, at nuch j.ricen an 10 |H-<'?eatt unontiid inducement* to purvhaaerik * '? . Feb 2M . - . 1 * ' - '11, -* " " " 'f-' ~ ' * "'kfl?' *' 1* emr*> Charlfsto* Candy MsaufactolN. KINMMA9T & tfRO. Manufacturer* mud Iftiportera of ' French Confectioneries, Knncy BOX) .1 WHOLMALK ASO HETA1L ' - , ' " '* * I- OA M-.kit tlH) Ih box*. r I uuuin |jui it|> u w.-p... .... .? ^ < AH <?r?lers |rroioj?Ujr attended to. i 247 King-at., Charleston, 8. C. Cakes fresh eV^jrDly.^' 1 | WcMuijc <'okr, I'yrntuMa ami StccpteO m?d? l I to order,' Tartiea %uj?pUed oil reaoonaM-: I lrrms.> J Ijf ? , .? , Ttb f ' ' J. Em itADEV^ 282 ami 2 8 4 Ki'ag-strbftt Hot nil ture. Phoii-e, HoinaooT, Spring and ~Mom Mat ticket. Looking Qlnaoee, Ac. ? lUwwood. Walnut ami Mahogany Porto Furniture, lu Hrocatellf, Bene and Hail * ch?th< . - ^ 7:* . ' It ^ktmWr Furniture, link Rom in Ac, ^Bs on luni a large enaofUiieat of R< ChiMrel'* TarriaM ?! Hockin I Wr, corUfSM wsxr- 4 ^^JwoVM-srn&k'r. *: m . ftE/rtjia m < . MTCIEft, |*W?UMr, ?JTU-1{* nr. slUBa tfito,> funs; Pistols^Ac 001*111, - V *-" March* ?. } L w* ivjm*-; otaat. J- W> (i*?M.K, ;. .?? ?* mMnroi, ^' ~ i rLOHBNCE. 3. C. * |, i iMMI Wil |O Cmmtimkmn / Kr* BcktmU. ** Vmlktfc't Sf . CkiiMi. W, K. Cakw, ijfj . <? MtrckmmU ml ImUU Jitter. ' rwm0? tier ta IPrf &00M, " * - MM *. WtBta^s.- / ,* D~l*ri*f**" +>* Or^fyr ; -- . ^ 'J ~ . -- <j KIX(MtOX J*A*/Sji. D*+Crt : t^st' *r? / 9t*rtf % j.ioi?iJI. Tho^Sd-. -.^. V. ' Ordinary. - ^ ^ \* JWa** * ' fr?uA%rirt . !? ? CL Ly?^. - 1ms. F Qifle?pi?f"^j8?/Lo??X. B. S% L "M. AMIOTMS, J. W7!*Wioe. ?*?1 Lewja, .VJrs Euk*r, Wilriuuii li?/d D. "Kicfrardavo, W?nfl D, rkotB, < ? iCi-^wiAfd, Jo&.?, l^tuacjibur/. ' fcmmi?$ionrri of Jkxtfj " " i-ABBt-iVxtnl?Aha Enwa A. U, Juki f*ri(lrainier, TIi'Mimui F. Har^sc, J C. lL"?ty. ' -v. Lower Uuard?F. /*. CMUeuk,Tf, W. L more, C. W. flrfi, l?ahi( Wllhwrtia, J? Tbypiiioou. ' J* . . jj ^ John R. Beat v, Oiorgp. U. Cougdun, HnhwtVo'l, K. B. J on en. ' (VmtitMiiili'ri Ao Apprwt II. E. AennUi**. F. I. Seeeiona, J. F-1|" Thos. H. Hsloiea. fhoa. W. Ilewtjr. roMMMItOXOI Of b) (C School I. W. J. Kllia. Win. Hugh*. O. V. Ward, John?loit. J at. C. hefttr, Jox. T. Wnl V . *-* ? I Cowmirnvtori if the Awr. 1 J II; lUCraoksn, f. T.'lleodjr. fcsyl' ger, n7 y. Floyd. .I/.I.\>*A7M or KI.VCTJUX* ' Jit St,,,/', IWrimh -^; Z. I.inlo Itivyf?W. A. Clardy, Thus. I >dos. W. J. (lore. BierrolJ 8w??i?T. ('. Shnekellord, Walter J. J tKiwn. - * - >? ? i*>: i ?. . r- x n. *. f. UHlllaB) ?. . <>. -V * TIimk. king, ".Troop MnMW OrouitJ?Ne?bi(, Tuekcf, W. U tTbHr /'(irni CbnwajVnm'?G. R. Cuugdon. !_ T> 1*. Jr. (iitcu. i BuU Ctvek?W. W. I^mawit, l\ H*) ter ||m(. r. * * Dog Muff?J. J. Gore, K. kin*. , Gallivant'* Pertj?W. J Gerald, A. I ?- ft \i t*?*n .Floyd'*?Cv Oraifgtr? J.. H. Plogrd * Tyler. " v" . 1 (IrreiikM?). T. Moody, E. Ilurreleyi Lowell. -. * Jt. : .^SimptorfOw*k?*fe. firft*. b. *f ' W. F? U,?re. ' Hickory -Xreo?4. ?-< Elliot, H. JUaAii P. Xwtn>?ob. - .? * ^ Oonwayboro' Directo [ . 0 fhynctam. J. H. fcoemaiv, Ml. 1 K?nHlHrn John H Oram. MI) J m- E. (Ifuot, ' f.ntrifer*. '* ^" K Mumk )t . lintaii Jt Oil h Juo 11. Iletiy., . . Mai Rae 4 Wl ? /W Office. j f J. J. Rich wood, I'odJlMfl ^ TrMV?kl^|il^ )ne Monday*, H^Cetdtyn^ Friday*, at lone. aanieday* at - 8 **' <A* v> w ii aud >'?frhM?^Mftl U?a*a 8Murd?3^ I'-.* <0 ? P U ! --fe " ' & a aaatoa H<*m. hy - * o a 8- Pd ?rrv Hotel t.y Clay lorn Em| ? " Rav. yiayre. 8flb and (mi tfirrn m />Tf <6V* Oneotr*". /Torn/* i aarfSh?-i /' i'rn . ' Lifwmt ri#* Hiirr<t?|hi 4 Rurfuti m * m . ri'^s rectus ,* 1 ' '" ' ^ I^V?0>? r?V?hM*ion flO Weekly Nor^ HORRY DISPATCH. Tk%.ln<*s thet each UteUriel Of the Slete, ^HofV^r eM^ifd,)^* ei^<^ni the privileges aftt adTaalegee ofUi Vtn jd?4w0-^|fcet the .^SS 'desire for reeding nfid knowlt<Jfe, geuarnllp^^litftfl U WpWJr g?e?lng ewurg 'our ra^Mfl| the prUeeiU i? |r 1hpm"ea%*iw^ri^pM *he pAper wl? be reepec.?nJm^ll^PM| * win>r printed %hli cleir tjpe, upon good - / pepcr?i? short, the deeigfl"^ ee ineke it such * C| sheet, A the inuAHfwft people of Uerry ^ - ntwd not J^\ eahemeA ./ 4 V. r , * W TV* ?ilitpr?4! departowtri will be conducted ' ' ' |?p. Jen. f. Wal*ii. WqT'.Uf hh? ability. V worth end principles, weW t^uenec senary , de^ejrhaethU'g: They dW Ffll known end ^ dgpVretated, NH ni home nipt ebroed, end . afford the inoet ampin guarantee, that "fir JlurrfUtrpfitth*' in Uit infWer, will be in w ^ way behind \he Weekly press if the Stth.? . tttste-Hight* principles strictly eouetewed, are ihoee which sriU he Heuily ahi)?-d to it# u?e?t 'heed. * f W \l. _ ?m . * ?* * The /^7*o/r4.w)H be conductc<l etfictly on . ^ the pfinrip^fc h? it that only f upon tlilo ivm^i'cm it be tiMwie to ^roipor, Tin- u-rui^ will be Two Doukri per y* n'nmWu.** tmrnnhkiji <fA-e *<-< . Aditrtlwiucnt? Vjji be iaeertcd at 7& cent# per equare , B. of 1 '?~linea for tyvjlrwt insertion, anil ,.Vi ' *' eenU t.?r * v-r'st!to; iuoectiwu, vhV the U?unl.r%tc? to peruutponl ndvertiacre, i ' 4 A. A. ?ltBUET.>1Wk.^^ 11. "Lv DAKK. " g?- Pab. n* - .1 'V pt . ?.. f r?- ?? * ? ^y-. , . JL.. 0AMU mfu To the Southern People. t ^VrlTTI.K nil *if romiHrncinfr to hunt* in ! tier wglii <iirrcn^ii to catabltafc tbc * in<ie|><>n< Hie Kouth from iheOiofth us J. J-' a commercial paint of view, it i? nleo tAv iu-ceiatry that our MnmifHcttirlaft FotnblWbuu>ni? iliirtilifoil be ?ti[>)M?rtet. .1't *-?// editor fk*t fart.. ^ aV trr*iU The uiidaraijaed bee* i?n\e to inform the people et tbU tilmi/. end nil other* who maybe isiiore-te?t." that tb^y ftnve in I'liailevtoii. S. C., uiu- of the * Largest Sn?lt, . tiliud ami Door Uunniui.iA??r,d in tlin I ' StiltoU f tuim ivi n tit miv v ?vv?*%v eittier North of South, tu'l Ihnt tbcjr ?r? now 6 run- in pqumninn of nil ihe Tuciliiie# for tftfuiu/te tyring wofV of iIha dr?<stiptiou i* cheap tut cull too fitinlc+nyjukyrc,. ,Ir k< rp cuuMMt ?ly >. . on nnriil frlarfreaj?p?fryifeni of j&ee<ly Made work of ,i*ing- roftutaf wlktf. T' #. * t ?MM * ? J c!; Mouldings- of Inntimcrahle PatWirr. tecus, nn<! Htiif Neweb?, Uati\r. ii. v i*tonf <mtl Pur-'i Balustrade. , la Ihori, Ihcy are fufty prepgretl to furnicW ut olntrt notice ?nv iunWe fihi?h f of baiMinge ?t prices whfcli non? con comWl" pMtui of it ekry <lo*irc r?h?v1 jtna *ubel?nti?work.' Wo aidt fbe Southern jwojjle to giro, tee, o- UJ| preiefOui, an<l call 611 uj be tore they i>iiroliOf>e from ngciiy ie? eainMieliM here hjr Sorthorn people who wiU ubi^cribo * portion of the Wry money whieli thrr m?ii< filing Kiich good* in 'our .foutheru cities, for the pur.... j>o*? of ^dping our ilatM to run oft. We can . r.lisa qjokothf hs?uj,kin?l of 'krjxll, for tW <tnie monPy, |ti<l we ure Semhorw men prery ' ' ? ? "iir %rm?h?<lil?i wore raa ttfkclurlny j. k?r? at hoiii?, aud our jieqple lauat give ua Keavpfl, tjj| preference Ui ko* j> A? in work, or aueh au MtabUahmeui m o?rw ciMM hiat. Send in * four orkro-Mkfcy wtfl be ?airt?fi?Uy fflkd. . an>lmtw?ided.fe promptly. We now bare on y n h*n<t ? . 12x$0, 12x18, 12x10, 12x14, 10x12 and 8x10 .'" Akshea ll?Rily Mmlfe. Blind* of alt tht abuvrSLyu^^ tk. V -Teb* "" I mm ... . ? i ^ w. A. MC*.W. , M*UL %. <m. N'lJSbp k 9BLL.. ^ OenecU Commliston i?r-, p I'oik: (-nrd, UiKuv, ('amllcx, 8onp ' MlXftM* MijiU * CO.7 rotmcnr Aim ?oin?ric - DK1 GOODS, . u'o i* vavnk mm,1? '$" oa**wi#*<m; * a < AorS tH -tf . ^ i ^mrwmmSSmf^ ~ / ^T GHARLBrtON, S. C.