m i > ' win m 8hjwp m? : 1 And proudly col mi a bOthrtgHi iumk? mft la that Uadf U 0??l^?d,? A?t Land* *? T? War, U bar, to bar, Idwtl ^al-* Ad < ? ?i. > ', f*lj llird*?MMto (mAIm dolWl^^ & HH^roue Imdbm bf the hoar, ' M oftff will Am Mm abuee of powee, % ^rTho they fifty, the' thy *ej, tW .the; jrtftjr (Wr away ^ p? Behind the ecenee? Oh ! wM*? whet eftlor, M Boldly el ? dietftuce-eiftotar, . "?-?. T * - But they keep, Pit they heep, .but tlfey M keep ffcr away. ; s-< * Ckonu?Oh .' beer mt te PaUueMe ttptl, *' V. , ?' f Oh! T l?rft-mj little geJlhel Btpte, p, The object of deep Northern Mtft, L fiver eilte, eve^tufte, ever eurenegLto be. 7 Then eoftif," ye fhlee eftftf. ~eop% We'll ? mftft the%* * . . ' b With Palmetto wltoewe greet thee. It Ever warm, ever werm, ever warn .ehall i "?s-'? "f Free% the Blohtaowd UlepatA ] ? ' Hl^fihK FO^ QLp ViBGllttA * Am? ;flS?$7^.'/r" f ' -?. Ice- C ^ 4 Written by Jpdge Ales'r B. Clithe'ratl. .Vie. 1 4 t ?' " r - ,\ l. Oh. have you heard-the joyful newel t ' Virginia doe* Old A he refuse. ' Hurrah, liurvah, L err ah, hurrah. ! Virginia joine ?e CoHefe ^tatta, ' Hurrah, hutrhh, ? i The glorious cry heal* elate*. We'll die for okl Vlrfiefa. / Hurrah, harralr. We'll die for old VlrfHiia . When the feci wee known In Washington, Old Abrain said, "ity minioub dene. Ok Lord, ok l.ord, oh l.of^|i Lord,! I m sore disturbed, my iRtrH fkila, L Ok Lord, ok Lord. I wish that 1 was splitting raile, Away from old Virginia. Oil I J 0 facilitiua for acquiriag. Utla. IftowMga. I Jj J It u eeaaotial to owe M tlNk attar I ^ Let Um gjrU k?ep tip U? account*. IiiUrM tSdwt w?. Jjft; Uicm (ears the Jaooo ftftaee* teach, when j uacd to nfcd. Tbia prneeea will jpre greater (I power to indulge ia peetio fknoiea and [ t poetio aaaployaawat* A ml tbey will b#Lw really poetie, for tbey wtM be baaed upon'* p facta.?Prairie Pat me r. ^"V * I c Tbe knowledge *nTEvto Oeqnlred owgbt I | not to feaenble % great abop wttboot j order, and without Ml Inventory; we f | ought to know whit W? poaaeae. and be . < able to aaake it nerve oa in tlme'of abed;!, 1 1 er t >UJ.X1LX_ -J. , 1 rfSEC^ J +JkWA* I)* **vm>ML jfrU f y %2 ,?* ??? ?"> ? Sk^'lStA?! MhooUu^biutseJFk^lbe bead tfilb' ^ i, aad ?m ?4Wa/a wMaidarad a nUt. faaassagj^g wL^^w^d^irU^tiir^R^ i?? by uld not/pnaaiMylbc trtfta age ? StoasB^ts: v fr *u twenty T?n of??| A?ai**L fldpbwirtvgWUout. ^ ^ oj ratal at tbe trtue,>? baKerad Umj t_ lot i 5a if UafurWi l|ltef ^m about jj rerrtiad, M(Mils riamfad bb daatb, vn ***? X*?* to St .bart of *' ?0 ?t^itia4boatfbt, iudaced bm'fc* da Mm T "^f irl"r 1 *" ?? ttuaed^nd ?ucb fw niH^PrMiirr COWK.?Generation ar jwnoratlMlgrbtja a fioa writer, 4ba,?e t aa *oaa /ael, ??? DH1VU wr tu wi - 4wv mww ?w?.? ? bright oirec OP*"'graves as tbey are now ?om pttr paths. *he wo/kS w?Ib Imm te same pttracMooa for our ofispridw Wp* >ro that sky had tfboe W fta m alii Wren, el a littW while, add afl Wilt hare hapSUed. " 'heart wil|* be ifled and mewWlt U at /eat. Our in, | mVvfltflNi id v|f,'aid pra/ere will < e ahh^ a?d-(ben we shall be left slope < ) aileach aud in darkness for the wo^gy. U)4 it waj be-for a short tiqao we aTf& ipthta.ef, Wi the things of 4Hb Will reap .ha, est) qur hemes *wil| eoon be for* ettan.'* Jhya will eoutipue To move oa, ad laughter and aeog wiA he bbwd in he^woan la Which ve died, a ad tWeyo hah 'pumed for u? will- be dried, aod platen agaiu with joy f nd even odr Hlldrap will Of see to Thinh* of us, aod till not remember tojisp oar names.'* * 4 .- ' * Wt I. ? " . tff' What is the matter with ill* isftks, doefbr"^' dated. >Irav l*fcrtmgton. u Dr. Hblue passed her house. 8be ha J 1 a:_- k.,lf DffH W^ICQlQg HJT R|I? UHII u - m/u? ihrouclj. * chink. io the door, tintfpeeflfc) ho delected the end of? nfy ?4hryal rxrt of the chink aforesaid, stopped en instant to lofik ?tit, strongly* inclined r ox for* my auditors, u is. ta Utis aa r praotioe irr thpfreat ?rl of all arta^tba f aui indcbted for the primary and leaji . impulses that sitndhrted me bbrifd, a i t-molf ll? d my eotirft subsequent death ?.[ ImpAr^ theu, yoBng - gentlemen, T aupertifr advantages yon here enjoy a i i?eTnot a day. pass without enema ejyoar powers of- speeek. Tbkre ie r ; Power, like that of oratory. Ccoaar ? * - ? ? ? _ 4 r. irolled men tjj cMKirauwg njeir mi f {tioaa^ hq4 swaying tfcftib panaiou*. ' u I influeocw ?f t!?o ooa pertahwd with *i author, tba4 of the* Mbcc oooUoum I P^Milermitage MMM^Wfeaged warrior hiypwl MMBfty; heforo the altar. Il? yrta u?6xed wUh awtoofchlwartf.^. After aba rviee was crtwr, ba wa# wbaarrra. to b? idauallj ailetti ?nd thoigbittl/ aod ff>i htfitvg quekiwoef, related whit ht ?* en Jlo oQaM>k?i.?# Ida uacratr** tbu?: ' rbwf * rmi tfco mati wib? had foogbtf pa, part**, bwtf ??3pr ^ow)?tr|(fe jwt-dowu *? ill yoi) Mph LMpJtH w ndtawic w ? h> hwaoi * watdwr." Mn^waetow dhy mwt * * 6vk i oolnrleta, t*J ha/?U apfaamnoe Udoa ? Ufc prywwua'.frif innaajamble. lit?4u odfea 4o?Un# i* H? arhiah irww saaall l>afc tbftp nwlliopw at |ba u ara oaiv ?jy d 00 Ihe jwb? *?^***71* - ?pggfes OV**lf?ciih at erery pulsarfo* of tba fbftrt. 0 Y _ ti^L'-Tar liS s?#* w'SK?. *? ma tima, *ttfc. the?sm< jmmilW - Me 0 prer^rtgihw ?*y sMMIilsftwinl ? mMrjfr?bdto hWeccd Upaw the | ^ leM tSfc a bop ting Trow? 1?e atom wwf threw If fro* ?. netowdflotpwindow. 8o d?'*?*y ???e^< ?* we* ? fc?d. q.'^UL 9P,W-por?, ?jr * # Y* Door?!.?Ritlf again ten mflee rcwgMbe rain* ibaka powder* cmr'of **M% rift heefc* dfcrin, if Jwu don't gr ppen # get etude in thek iintd.^o? me. no peace, no eoetinuoWa meal a, Mjg ucbmkcq sleep, no Sumlay, bolt- ' ^ jr, no social tftterooitfM, but one iter- j W J t'other aide of thp fenof. ^ 4?jy wtttfWu j TiA ii the moat couaer^tiyo element j of soeletj, ?od ought W be eherished itr eticouragrd by all kwfbl meant. People jicver plot niwhid^ erbca (Hey are merPy;., Liagblfefl^ ei^&f tnmaliec, * a foe lo Boandrf, ?t>d ?-flW|6|0 ?r*CJ c< IMKHNIm g*** Vtua fbf heart, and hngbHW ilx tutel. leet. Let ye laugh fben we eu, Otm morning a party oame lata the public rooms at IfcixTen^ .some what later J than nrael, end nqMMM -tome, toojrak. e They maro told thai'Lord Byrotf Irfd catea.it all. 'I am scry angry math his lordship/ said a la^y," Mad ' enough for c him to bear the obArvattoo. 'I am sor- ? ry fbr it, tnsdam, retorted I/ord Byron, ' but before I ale the tongue I was aa- J aured you did not want ' - , A man whom Dr. Johnson oaoe reM proved for following a useless and dr ' moralising bustocas, said : I * 'You know, doctori that I must live.' The brave did hater of everything ' mean and batelul, eoolly aeplied that be | did not 'see tbe least necessity for that.' i The Independent says that tbe aur* 1 rea wft rather Nrwjou for a re ; buckler to defend yourself, by a handsome : reply, than the sword $o wound others, si. though with ever so. Jhcotiona reproaeli; ro, remembering that -a wopd out* deeper on thao a sharper weapon, and-the wound it 1 1 -1..? ^ . d uwku ic longer ounug. He wbp is pauiuoitl aid hasty, ii * generally honest. It it jour old. die'v netobhag hyporlto of whoa yof should ' beware. There is no dectfptioa hi a -* bull-dog It Is only |he our that an?akj * * uf and bityou when your, book u ^ t irned. * , ny A (loop r*p*.t.-?ao Irifh carriage (fc driver made a trery bnnpy and character p Utio reply the other aay. A gcntiemci mof I bad replied to Pat*a 'wapt ? carriage | sir ?' by sayiq?, 'no I am able to walk j KJh. i when Pat rejoined, 'May yonr honof lonj Ua tblr, bufrteldo* willHog/ Hie 1 mark* or cfiaiaont*.?the ma the everybody 1ik?a if geaeaally a foOl. tfa to man nobody llhm la usually a kna>i The man who k?e friends who would di for him, and foee who would love to m Hmerefico between the Southern aolH Northern pAople in, thsM in the 8<>uifc ^ uevar eelt anything they' can cat, while J theao.in the NorwL mist eat aoything ~r\ ku^ ?*u /?i- * i. ? . S j at, wrdh caftMtJse to think, m dear u. w TUi'i "My Wprikion^M tk? ^linier C ^widio. *r*tj #?1 tffea Uttoed )?r. And that'** toknotef in/ iMur^a?afUfcd .Id ol/kn ttmm, momma wore paoUbiVKi 0 from fttri?iag%*il tlu* Mjom *Jdt 8 of HLfV1***!* ^ *<** "** Ouilcd ?j>but?f? nntii thmy MnawrMd. . ^'y*^yqwf'-' .? uiu,.? til?r^iidMMi i Iwr of wnpw *t*? afce died ; V Mr 1 h^ufde * .*W? *U tfce A Lir* V'lWirKM.y^ man >?? 1 ?vt trmui ;y pito***?? \K v%f I. , .Vmb ? ??? /omreewiping f? tirta I ?i dill r? Wtt*r a iN *? ,( I nor tir/thing wwrae than a b?d-one K0|| Y1(B TBI?8PTC1B rr.Y * ?^? 1 _! <, 4}** fc^^KIF ?_ KFB.R ^p.^ L* PROl'MTOM OP TtvmnHn? r^'. f,ow imps * **? n?r tbor U> U^ ^ up^ grvat. " ^ "^S^JSSSSkm 2* cw ?? ROM la Mttlf I* .* * 8m - ^ r?i||M?A8? |>. ..* ~i Nia mm * / m by wlitrkvawrup loJ*Pj???' * ? ? "? ; * ? ? Y ?3.oo. :-rg ?%???# *&?' a #'5 trr tu run latest ... - WklVRBKTOMK GO*bLn I' Art ^Southern Guardian jJtlCAL AX6 XEW? JOttJOV ?fcbliah#d ?t Columbia, S. C. v uSvril I-W? UiL? ANli %RM?IA, J By-C^P^Petoaim. ^ Ante. FafnlMia A or - r . , AH tM-vMkly Nk??iMW' * * * 1 wUh $20, feuclqsolit9;* ^ reguierad lading _m , will h? enti- * - lleiHoo" * * - Sf t. . ' ? V ' >py, or in lira of that,' SO per ?ei?t of tha suite thus remitted ; 10 parpfot wOl be tUAvul on atnoNptnreaittiod for at>'4-te VH lr. politic* v. As V HiUoul Journal, the SOUTHERN , . II'Ait D| AN is derated to the tnnimsaaaca of he rfebts, hoanr. pad isUrttU if she Houthm States. e ' -a. I i'x"' . NEWS. . .. i In the dej^artaiteUof news. .thccerly prs*. luc-ijuti of every eUDsa of nowsfrnta pi I parts .r the w^fid, sjil Vc -epl J^mlBtetWin tUw iwl bo fffprt will Ca^phrni tn hNikelt iti *H -espeels an aocentnme ftrtetda mltat. rSpt-' ial attention will 14 tboJstest and moat Important N * " * | MARKET REPOKW, ?( all tlta Uadiag retiaa. grajjs. yanduao add otbatr bi:n Wetsin tbecauntry. ' Mr. rah II. . . -X * tf 1 te . -Mm. ? m m * tetewte?? II. W. KINSMAN, Cor. King and BecvAii-streft* IS NOW reociying from Frenck mi<1 Amerie?n mmnuf.ct.rie* * S? DECORATED PAPER, rich denigan in Panel, GtM, Hal in. ^ <1 Wood Imitation.*, wttb Bortlvr^ ^^P^vrrmepond. * Al.no.??" Chamber and other Paper*, in cTery variety of styl. mud uaUcru. My mock of TTindow Shade*. Charlfsto* Candy MsaufactolN. KINMMA9T & tfRO. Manufacturer* mud Iftiportera of ' French Confectioneries, Knncy BOX) .1 WHOLMALK ASO HETA1L ' - , ' " '* * I- OA M-.kit tlH) Ih box*. r I uuuin |jui it|> u w.-p... .... .? ^ < AH J Ijf ? , .? , Ttb f ' ' J. Em itADEV^ 282 ami 2 8 4 Ki'ag-strbftt Hot nil ture. Phoii-e, HoinaooT, Spring and ~Mom Mat ticket. Looking Qlnaoee, Ac. ? lUwwood. Walnut ami Mahogany Porto Furniture, lu Hrocatellf, Bene and Hail * ch?th< . - ^ 7:* . ' It ^ktmWr Furniture, link Rom in Ac, ^Bs on luni a large enaofUiieat of R< ChiMrel'* TarriaM ?! Hockin I Wr, corUfSM wsxr- 4 ^^JwoVM-srn&k'r. *: m . ftE/rtjia m < . MTCIEft, |*W?UMr, ?JTU-1{* nr. slUBa tfito,> funs; Pistols^Ac 001*111, - V *-" March* ?. } L w* ivjm*-; otaat. J- W> (i*?M.K, ;. .?? ?* mMnroi, ^' ~ i rLOHBNCE. 3. C. * |, i iMMI Wil |O Cmmtimkmn / Kr* BcktmU. ** Vmlktfc't Sf . CkiiMi. W, K. Cakw, ijfj . * Or^fyr ; -- . ^ 'J ~ . -- *A7M or KI.VCTJUX* ' Jit St,,,/', IWrimh -^; Z. I.inlo Itivyf?W. A. Clardy, Thus. I >dos. W. J. (lore. BierrolJ 8w??i?T. ('. Shnekellord, Walter J. J tKiwn. - * - >? ? i*>: i ?. . r- x n. *. f. UHlllaB) ?. . <>. -V * TIimk. king, ".Troop MnMW OrouitJ?Ne?bi(, Tuekcf, W. U tTbHr /'(irni CbnwajVnm'?G. R. Cuugdon. !_ T> 1*. Jr. (iitcu. i BuU Ctvek?W. W. I^mawit, l\ H*) ter ||m(. r. * * Dog Muff?J. J. Gore, K. kin*. , Gallivant'* Pertj?W. J Gerald, A. I ?- ft \i t*?*n .Floyd'*?Cv Oraifgtr? J.. H. Plogrd * Tyler. " v" . 1 (IrreiikM?). T. Moody, E. Ilurreleyi Lowell. -. * Jt. : .^SimptorfOw*k?*fe. firft*. b. *f ' W. F? U,?re. ' Hickory -Xreo?4. ?-< Elliot, H. JUaAii P. Xwtn>?ob. - .? * ^ Oonwayboro' Directo [ . 0 fhynctam. J. H. fcoemaiv, Ml. 1 K?nHlHrn John H Oram. MI) J m- E. (Ifuot, ' f.ntrifer*. '* ^" K Mumk )t . lintaii Jt Oil h Juo 11. Iletiy., . . Mai Rae 4 Wl ? /W Office. j f J. J. Rich wood, I'odJlMfl ^ TrMV?kl^|il^ )ne Monday*, H^Cetdtyn^ Friday*, at lone. aanieday* at - 8 **' w ii aud >'?frhM?^Mftl U?a*a 8Murd?3^ I'-.* <0 ? P U ! --fe " ' & a aaatoa H<*m. hy - * o a 8- Pd ?rrv Hotel t.y Clay lorn Em| ? " Rav. yiayre. 8flb and (mi tfirrn m />Tf <6V* Oneotr*". /Torn/* i aarfSh?-i /' i'rn . ' Lifwmt ri#* Hiirr? r?V?hM*ion flO Weekly Nor^ HORRY DISPATCH. Tk%.ln<*s thet each UteUriel Of the Slete, ^HofV^r eM^ifd,)^* ei^<^ni the privileges aftt adTaalegee ofUi Vtn jd?4w0-^|fcet the .^SS 'desire for reeding nfid knowltr printed %hli cleir tjpe, upon good - / pepcr?i? short, the deeigfl"^ ee ineke it such * C| sheet, A the inuAHfwft people of Uerry ^ - ntwd not J^\ eahemeA ./ 4 V. r , * W TV* ?ilitpr?4! departowtri will be conducted ' ' ' |?p. Jen. f. Wal*ii. WqT'.Uf hh? ability. V worth end principles, weW t^uenec senary , de^ejrhaethU'g: They dW Ffll known end ^ dgpVretated, NH ni home nipt ebroed, end . afford the inoet ampin guarantee, that "fir JlurrfUtrpfitth*' in Uit infWer, will be in w ^ way behind \he Weekly press if the Stth.? . tttste-Hight* principles strictly eouetewed, are ihoee which sriU he Heuily ahi)?-d to it# u?e?t 'heed. * f W \l. _ ?m . * ?* * The /^7*o/r4.w)H be conductc1Wk.^^ 11. "Lv DAKK. " g?- Pab. n* - .1 'V pt . ?.. f r?- ?? * ? ^y-. , . JL.. 0AMU mfu To the Southern People. t ^VrlTTI.K nil *if romiHrncinfr to hunt* in ! tier wglii <>n<1rncw.pf Hie Kouth from iheOiofth us J. J-' a commercial paint of view, it i? nleo tAv iu-ceiatry that our MnmifHcttirlaft FotnblWbuu>ni? iliirtilifoil be ?ti[>)M?rtet. .1't *-?// editor fk*t fart.. ^ aV trr*iU The uiidaraijaed bee* i?n\e to inform the people et tbU tilmi/. end nil other* who maybe isiiore-te?t." that tb^y ftnve in I'liailevtoii. S. C., uiu- of the * Largest Sn?lt, . tiliud ami Door Uunniui.iA??r,d in tlin I ' StiltoU f tuim ivi n tit miv v ?vv?*%v eittier North of South, tu'l Ihnt tbcjr ?r? now 6 run- in pqumninn of nil ihe Tuciliiie# for tftfuiu/te tyring wofV of iIha dr?. . on nnriil frlarfreaj?p?fryifeni of j&eeiiroliOf>e from ngciiy ie? eainMieliM here hjr Sorthorn people who wiU ubi^cribo * portion of the Wry money whieli thrr m?ii< filing Kiich good* in 'our .foutheru cities, for the pur.... j>o*? of ^dping our ilatM to run oft. We can . r.lisa qjokothf hs?uj,kin?l of 'krjxll, for tW A? in work, or aueh au MtabUahmeui m o?rw ciMM hiat. Send in * four orkro-Mkfcy wtfl be ?airt?fi?Uy fflkd. . an>lmtw?ided.fe promptly. We now bare on y n h*n