The Horry dispatch. (Conwayboro', S.C.) 1861-1863, May 16, 1861, Image 2

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I 4 V ^ * II 1 -wr < ljr Itomj ii^jfatrS II Ml'IV KVMkf j* HIM THURSDAY M<3RHINO,TAT ?(?? AYlHikO'. ? 0. BY OILBRRT A DARK. * -W **W&T a * * * * **'; li TWO DOLLAR* iflewridMy t? .olrvitf. No paper will be mb4 oWtef Jfce UiMriA, wi>*?- " *TjrMr?|i>l35SlK^ Adiartieemf?e? lnMrt?**?t ScrAlt-Titi I ks#" t"eu? inserting v" . 2 ^ The rniui^r^ oTleiwfflene "f? nHn^r^. . . ^ * .'?/ L? ^ r, res dkaiirw. H Wwr of our oounlry, And Ibf. J Pfttr people, the homo *ud the rllle" I KTTe largely depended oo in all -oUr wart. < rolliguera, or miard riflemen and hvrto inen, with our reilrowl^ eKfendiqg id' erpry < V <llrer(ion. and with olrongiudde in evtay j W n warn p. it will be scarcely pbanibte for ap %ne1 my to land apy where on pur abotea, liate at the risk of being overwhelmed hjr nam bora. ? t With a few poaada of perched gnat o^ladfatC corn, and a* little qt toaa ofJeflted beet am* a ' tin cup to dip water Rom1'the brook; hje 1 blanket, water-proaf ewe, kia rtRa. bowle- ? kuifo and refoleer, die planter mightJake the % field ami keep U for a ^ajgbt>,<haat lb. encumbrance of baggage wagou or coiaatlVaafy ' department. Aetlng wiW? promptriU* they might, in lafpr l>edl*n pr in afcali aquad*. * thoroughly acquainted with the W^oda, Water * rouraea, < warn pa and pathy, oapert boatmen all. and mn ?i>?uaA??,i ?? ?-> * *?? ? - - . w -mm ?*? mr mmiMnM [ " the (fr?r-iieikrr, tuefcer kuitw mI aight , i*pori?inan. he n?ight KtrlVn at gU hours oKke * liny and night, aj*ii by (hie eahanattgg proaaa* * arret the ad canoe of injr?4*m,'tAl mara regit- l' larly drilled' foraae oowld be brought to bear on thctn . ' ; lint to <16 thie'innst eflVeienjly. forage for lionvca'ahohlU alwaj* he all wins hie ; and n ^ our ImiiIk are not natural to {(tua ttui tilt C cane or ntrah aip not to he found orerywherc, it it uiVftftal io our planter* to direct * the aowing'of a smalt plat on each plauta b lion of grewu forage crops, agd-tlir cuffitg of fix hi or an<l horae fbed. '<u m atci ? hHCtfrdt Ike rf*finer of ike etifa/kg, ?h| io keep " <>u hand a certuin proportion of tgnmuntrton ** for rifle rtr doubt*-barrel, with dried beef and |>ar< bed meal iu 1 v aloppcd vessel*, " enough to support a mir? fur several tlpys. ,f and't/?r.iv* r??/a Should 4ha fodder not he ' wanted, ihero a ill long I* a go<xt market for it in Charleston anil ttavaitgah* ^ . P' Our foraga eropaara, Jiorek^ which, whan f\ willed iu the tun, will keep a hor?ej| few >|< days at hard work, aitd dried, wiH make ser- ' 1 viceahle fodder in the winter. Peas. which cut up and cured upon raeka I jutl n* the p?-*< hare tilled, constitute one of | the IhoI teddore known. M Indian Corn, sown in drills and cat when ! T in tassel, will, if placed on ii*> hutl in small , in shocks, cure iu a Tortnirbt and *iei?i i-??? < ? . j -'E~ roturn*. ' . " ?j Cr?l> OraM wilt pay wall for the labor ?*f ? ploughing ii|? ^ |?<rvc of land in the ourly |?arl I l* of 1 hf Kr**S cut juat a* (tie i*n*?l >* K' ripening?w<hctl for & fpw hour** ia tliKun, hi Ull thrre ia do nppearancc af moiwture, ^in? t li it i* wrilng?put In mwwll cndca feet ? l* high, ?n<l i hitched, J>y rowihing down tbe|J?? top wjth a fork <4 rwkr. will curr readily, r*ui> to in rainy wrath nr. If lite hand be Introduced t>< into tl?e>tack, aa*T It appear |oo garni, llff J'cc off tUp trtfi half-wwy down, turnlt^oVer wi fully W placing otic Kami on top -nnd the I in other iuto the Mack. and. torn it over, ami %i when cuOcuMiity cooi pat it carefully hack *5 again Surli hay ia^Mjual <0 tbf b*tt .Nurla- -Ui crn. and win jwitr well npon moabof <jur lnn(t?, tb hut cxpectnlly on ohl ricr fiewl*. where r* *enfe- th tinntM grown ? etndff* hick. [ an t'oiiiiuou Millet, planted 6b good ground, jU |<? thirty itTchee, will reed on#horec 10 each tack el row of on* Imndrtwf and fire feet, and be egaln Ki ready for cutting In fenrteen 'day* HU irocf |w f-M - inn. : r *' ' , Tlir S*r^Aum, <mp wm?> ilU?, tan. a* gteru 1 AJ food, will a<?cp iiorsoa, loulfKi, *hefti?a?ol h <-.??, , nt lull wifl not tie for i9ilkAirk,C<maU. . Keren-W? theleaa, the wh?n dried,-I* gifed Wb*ti- M l lilt for onte, anitd wit! be readily ealeo hv all ' *H kimli of rattle, horse* an<l inulee, when ihey ra cannot tf?x corn ?r jwad * 4 I lice Straw nbonld also be all eartfl, and no planter, of whifif. will*overlook Dln<lc* ?? a Yi diatendcr. Sor nnould wr neglect Orrwah*. * whieh. when gTound and w>akedja wkla^eM) be a little ritli, will, with awe#t {>?<atoee, tinea dr and roota, keen aointnia in eseelleftt working r* l order; or, soaked.add gitan with the Mow*, by will enable J^em to-keep hp foWsomelime. lf The?e thing*. with' the picking* always to ^^^efnund in onr woods, sWanrp*. cane brVkcf, M1 of one heetwhes. end *r fttttKitl enable ua to adopt a ^yaio, which the histe* tie HE pff^xS5!?rr<?b!^ * *- ? . . ' fer ili OTacoounta wa^cet front Jkaahtagto* , ^ {.y l^rin representing lite rf* ? aptborHy, ^tberw to be a aet ?. ? treaebenowe and h/iatetitiaai fellawa. *lhy gtn^e j am lata aampiea of the#?s*? . <*UJ m by iha e^ilhotlpn /' " "?* the a&Knee. They ye ??J? vl* ?** men of Ik* wri?d flfr ^ 0 Seward, smeol^, *^^7 M land a fanaiicina J? d?W ?nt M onger Jr row- ^ U|> r and pelf, and, abhre nH ?hil??. ?#*'*** ^p*i to paaa IW a fentlen-th, while \ b#**" m all hit noTWMMtt aod featuree the V I ton ban abhorring rTerythh?|f- "Ow f n^mm g -nilmnan in banning ftnilfcfr *?>!? nn?i MtfOM, nrywMMo I J?V' ?4 4 JL.' the ofcr^rtVg Yimkrfn. jflr^T r???f4n i Sg* grn'lemnn. whH nil thg kift#n??froi th?r?no- . ^jST* g*<t*. i?g rr*n fmort niTrtrit.r 'thoo . AJ hair to dtmnicKMi ami |?o*a tt tftt?? witk Wis tliiij n??<xn?t*o ffnifch. n i?*fhig? I '. l.Mingm* *ulgortno of Hta fpofcor j trip*, with hnbiu uiUkM novuniikniWi* [ *f !?' rmU-mtylting C^'Mrf. tk?M grfontfcu. f o?*rw>. 'knro congenial ?ii?Tonn<fl|ig? M?<\. . ?ubor<ttnMt*?, aifff eltngvUW hi T?7 irnrnrty of kigklHo hel<>w ?tnir? "tko (token* . T?r minrMnrf in mnl Ufo. The gentlemen > *k*nr ?A?.?i (HMMUonf bring the to in cffAt*ci , CT ^ w??b them. ?r? fnrfd to tke w?n pninful effort? of hjrpoertej to kmiowI tho i|itr]. ri? ti.ej feel ? JfertW ' * m^B^mmt^ggeaes^aemsssBsmm *** jp SsKSforgft? Mt i^4i< ?fey S*TIs th* '" with V^the Xmeriona I'aiua. ,'"? Wk- w fh? wnt of UMu4kum>U& wave ? tt^BStySLl tkl^ *-r4toWW<eri Ip 1" HmmHMf?h iWi^riiiF WWv;i ^ Ir | ?nfina?*bfce ?l JU^e?</%*%k4.^r?*i?ii rwap; rite ta'Uia $*rr$*ty ttf-Ator tfi*L k JE*, i?opi 1 M^JKtStil2Si*9f' i^lryi k miJZV^i w?^?^eX1?3ttUn<Nhts \ . |TnV ? .1* WfcaHw* fr.atfm-tanjW J tffew rh.^iin uc6 ?WT 1 I " <#lke rtflji- 1 f ^U*n5P^W^th?^W HMreoil! Ami that the mt*1 ' f brr^^^IwMl Mil in (he Mrrft* of B?|liawrr, yttiuk luw uhi)iil?4ft tlegrjv of fbrb*arAi?ce. ?>. Blank ttepuhtiraa* in htt border*,.! haj tbirt.v jmr* 0ft> would b?k Wve been e eternal to *fi>m in No* York* Thi* in ikt StMe-wkkk U'nimiiiif i^h?|iI Urfrtnto. ?hoa* Waahington #aro<lfcnr iafknl 'oleajr from thn ftaputAog ?<U?r? or Britiak x>w?* : ? Wcktobad f*?pat< L. ' Miyip^tjS^rT^'IkeBtonn (fjtffri jwtbiiti ti?e ^lh>?inf\iii<lfmf?jk(VaeVkicJr tXej -e|?<>rt to W fXr ttuWenwd e^itH^eei of T?nreedorn .<hrre*<li?fr thkm, feaitberflfrs will WubtleM listen to tfi?pet?# ami retire bo fkeir , 'rerj.efltfre abq^n* m*i>enore or p?ai'r w<jni4 ?-or thi mr. ' 4Mt*av* Kjumocn JTTAibt*. ' " AMirlr 1, r racowifVtionivl#iwihiuf-*ion totbf lovemmeni of the VqUfdState*. ' * ' Artlcla X. To deliver at p ftnb hundred af the itrli trailaniio lie lm?? * put.0% record tha^najnea of j C?th? who hav* Keen iriiiuhtiu to the ittmmrai, thi< ah*H he hiM infatnou* and , l*fwu?chi?ed fbrevwr. j * AttWc 4. Thofr*j?rtjr oTall lr?(lota la he at an- tif lite cKpenae, ??<1 restoreVll MoUu *V*y 1 r * ' ^ Article 6. The par mem of all due to lorthernca*; and . fiideta&ily for uB.iadipniLaa toXtemohP, loaa of Hm?s life and property. Article T. The rttnoeal of the eatiae yf all tie dlfftcitltiaa, wbiAfe can only ,1"* "4?ne by m init?edu?te aridwnrondtr{o?al -nbolnfoa-of larary. . f ?* * *. Vitir|c g., ("mil a fnH compliance vilh'all I i? abov^lernt^. ilie ?o called Seeded AUTqa^ > be JielA and governed aa% 1'titled tftataa hrfJtoW. **" t , The atxure la tfce leaatthnt ** idignant panic will ace opt. outraged iw titer Itnra been, y the fouleof, tuoat licinoim. and gigantic I 1 ikiHui-e of crime reconled iu Uintory.? j < fitrlcsloir Morcurv,. j , New Vork Tribuue haathe fr>l- j ' wing, |iivpoKinft to divide the ftunt of aryland an<L Virginia among the invader*, j 1 lie nnewer to bucIi a menace cannot be given , l 1 word*: ^ 1 I bold traitor* reapot^ible for the work j >onwhich they have precipitated 11*. nnd ' e warn Uiem tiuit theymnat nbi?Jr the full uitlfy. iippstiallj let Maryland and Vie- I 1 am look to it: fur at thev are L-4*t?r *?? - :f?, ?it ^bcir giiiifahiaml will, be lienrier 1 mi flut of othofa. Virginia in a HMi ami 1 Htutiml Sitae, the T*ry jmrden of She Con- ' ' d?r?<-t. hut tr i* a thai b? doomed I ] bem wood d. *1 trampled intd iia phi ha, it * , 4" audita* are likely to bo pretly ' oblitcfited hfcfflri: we have <Kui<v ^ [lit it. )l In** proper*^ in honrSj, in [mid.*. ' eilnet. mi/ovqoi*. in country. mut :n Idem. |*J btrlt Will need (o W taken 4>iiw?^*i>?ii >? and , ^tuiaWly anrethfnr. Tie J-dbef* of that ^Sttte 1 . kI of Uary^tnd may hot natter themaelvea | ^t'lhfj can rater *?|w>n a war >ijrain*p*the wtrirnfel, tnrl afterward return to ^ntet ' ul peaceful honte*. They chod&? to jdoy (be I . ifl of trail or a. 4n?l tbey ingtl enter ?!? peei- ! Ij. XJu1 worm-on* race *of "etnaecul?de?^* I r?f Ftmintt Biuat y**o. piaco to a at unlit r T , tHU.' wboea pioaeorp are nottou, their way , r ?Aiagtoe at Uik aWul in ma-tinenu. n it!#rment of land in Virgiife'trUl He a ^c ting reward to the brake fellow* whh bare I me to fight their ooiMrtry'a baltfce. ami i artU14I ami htrfiai# SiMMa#,* inaplred f ,th Norehofti vigor jnay mart anew in the ca.fot nrovperfty and power. . * , * ' *" ' ?1 h ?W? -a ?'|i >M?w Tobk .Wet* fN #V-tYi-nuoKiC-~New 1 | ?rh i? nulMvfg. aaothrr attempt, to b-igAtab . e Small fropi "it* property* *Ve tartly * Here that over Ibafccilf, which hae become K itlK with t?roai>erj?y "anfr efime, tl?e dre|i ^a u?4er clovd-dr liiviut diephmnlre wiM ere ' I; ig launch the boh*" of rigMeon* retribution. j ihXu.t U??l that judge* tl?e earth, it r hno1 he. ?ba| a vity bbtch hhs no jiafptUal *) itv rapid growth. a growtVbpecd on tbkutl. e n product ion a, M<1 at lh<* earn* time kna to n 0*1 iniba iaorg| ?n4 vocial corrupt loif tf t 1 people, ebonbl be^^vriMttrl If commit rll. a ajjfhnvic oririe a* it now'nmw otjdaic*. p hub Ding the cap of Meavcu'e ( ? ^ * BP~ kiintimbMie ,<.?,! t H ln,, ^ 1 , . S^harerboaa grmndllooneat rtyW I* \ ,nf beUte .a*prtWon?e:Char*mw? ** edKyfhal^nw VocH mj the np aid. liavaihot^Af *?"?- and d KlMrtin one h?w?a?kn?nbr rtb^'ake*1 r lh?p ?ka fWmnfrifbliofrnilfc. ; able t ^ Wlermtler# aad nil^tj ijp'llgftt, h*4 ?ti(l not tUiVj iruur i* idu. nor Am* mJk.fKH' HI? I thf * ,;Me htf mli<f -.WW .X*w . *?k iilim I . , **$** wr.r*Ut,L^ji4y." mm omA( I **' forgot ik* is*? Ummraim. of kWnrup' w? lfc ? riMT"? AanAirfkiKAr.? T :JPi *n?on?# tWa* i* rko-J >h?" in Rlwr *it#eo*<tod In toAing mmj n ?(^| Ahjkliy?w t la il * koft ?0 nn.1 I *rilf? nun. for oi.helkfR ?h?rr i* qft? (#ir iHlS*5$i^m?2$?*iSl 0Tipinw1, BtfUoVi llftf w Ho br <tw<y? '%IH b Jbnr n( ?k4|? kifk ?vo*/<*il>g U?( *M jpM. Do) Wbil ? for* orioAcoie < lk* j kifkw if.' " I llv*v yl'fe- ?*uo?;.nr??i mi ltiou,?p4 ! our for ?*<'<! *%. OA.I Tk.? foul*- i I* %oniogt<t'klTn?olr giffc t|? fettrrtfon ; bowi **? M?? iROttfn in koll Ri -Ji Mm [ *?*# if>0." bkl 'Hi*to W ilwuj <ki> only ^ lofenti lob u> l.inooli* non>r~H > bny * ' ? U*?J ' ? #? ??? *- '^ * i hooo o?y f<f Nurfet*.y*.,^.?*koinf ?#???gly , ot* H. - J lUc* I - *y* ji ,!" -?-?- f l?<ll?ll<|| n^rtia^tt tlw forpei, ?Ml be tikiiWu> 41# Wltae- 'riwncWrtantigrv WU / M^aflfl itlHl tl i ImUirfiT >rieifn>, ?r traa eCaojr fen*lifty during Qirir eb*enati from fST* ^ -^'o '- 'f1 *"?' f^r. Iiyiil i* rt#aw*yUofo' iaSKftniy ^iptillMdW; ?Btf vt)w|M kA m funiteo, (Mr AfolefVbeee will eflpl* for heart here. *n?faeCa? Mil* #?? remind the* that our term, are T.WO DO? LARH PRR AfWU^>l?ATABlA: ?N AI VAXCE, ' > ; *' ' ' ? . . e . . Hampton'? I*gian. tfc Imve been authorized to etate, that oompaax^ctW* )rgb?> in h<u,?g ?rgaoi?? i this ?ecflua, and that ?n opportunity will b offerfj to e?r DirtHo to a*eiat in Re organic tb>C Theobjool* and natureof Which arc fuTl arplatned fa tbad?tt\r given behw. It U bf .Hrtcrd-that a peetaf high hoour will bo aanijn * *bjfc?" Ai^Lw%. knejt thai; the ?mj hf >loqpf -at*. frpd of *jck a pouHtn*.' I?#r vmne^miWng to j^anteer, tfcouM' nppij i thi* office: * *,. >. "Cditor MifftilfT * ' Am taviaiia U'nMU:? , ^ - ?- ?wwmmrn iMMit hare bee# made tar mferc9<% to tW. Legioi Vfiieh the Pftntdaal ha a* honored ma iritb i comtniMion to ralee, I beg yoiHo allow aie t? ?$ee, fhroajrVkjrotl* paptff* tneh infomtatlwi aa may b? aec&eary to Ska* if%9 Vtnh to on Hat tfib oorp?: 7* ' ' ,* Th<?tytct of those who ar^iinpitr<l in thf) matter, t# #o. rai?o so Independent Ia(ion,1( 'ouatai of alx companies of JnfWhtry. or Vol' (out gf Cavalry. and one of Dyio| Arfjllerjf. The Pi alii UArars to be appointed by the Transient, awl each compear to elect ita yWn yftiecrn, who will then receive rommiscioaefrom ilie President. A?opa aa the organisation of .thin enrp^j* cwoplAe. It w^l -be rnrotVed' into the Provieloaal tnnj.of tb^Xonfedernte Slate# for one year, itnleaa it# lorflrw should not be required for long a time, tn whirh case the Pmaiden! on ft disband it The Legion ia to nerve w He rover it may he ortlered by the President and in to be on precisely the no rue fo<>tfbg. except an to it# peculiar organisation, an the rest of the Provielonal Army. The' earah vwill furnish their own bonea, and. an far^^flBflj tde, their own arms nnd eqitlpn.en^H ninn munt have a naore and two of Col^^^V loin. Should nny hornen be lont in the service, Ihey will he paid for. The Infhntrv I wi-h nrmed with KnfleM Kitten, and the Governor has kindly premised to furnish them an far a* he i? able 10 .!?? ? . inj ho mill aNo |?r?>tins battery. An *oon n'thc courpaniee report tUemrclrc* rea?ly ior futy, they wilfbe ordered into camp for the parpOHe of drilling together. It f? very ifc>l*abk to hare (In* corpa oeml^ at an early lay. Aa I hare avcry rear on to hope that it a ill at once l?c erdorcU into aaliv<> service.? lay oneVleritfng farther (Yiformatiop oh tl^i iihieet i-in apply tx\ Ideo*. < "t?l. B. 1 iahnson. 'ianrieatou, or to mvaelf, at Columbia. .? WA UK l!.\*PTO?(. Somewhat Ilolioved. * * "The Now Vork Timt Tn ?n^>iele Mailed, All Right !f<4r?"^xpreaae? a degree oPaatiahrtiua At lh? remit* of t|je real ami eft orgy Hoping ?*1 by Lincoln In getheilhg a mob of -uffinnn at Washington, and proclaim* the mrnrst dcjfire that thi* uioh will not xU^p at, hdl wilf-ettejid iH march over (tie rhole South, ^onqu?rihg and to conquer ?/V*y rWl aggin** Republican tyranny, ThdCdiftf iau'iiAilJing t)iat*it *twml\l "lop at \V**hugton?that cii-f ta lo* near luHew York,' '.llaworth * Fird /.ottltrti, ami "Vfiltson'a I'et ' ahjaa. t Uo> Iire i'otaflk Oohprt", ato| the low Iiay. Legion*, aH*jr hayfag been well anted,- n?d rented with a military power* wight take it into their-bend*. thai it would, my hotter to retrace their etepa, and eweh lomeafaio, whtra plunder would he more mt, And ehnudant, tht in Ike South. f eH I T Hajaejjd, and all the *3 eh day tie. of he Northern Ift-rea, he a., little more af their are. Ten* of thoUaande af poor hunjrtv rrrtrhe*, at the point of ?lamli?i, were jwei bout awaking trt the kwoyrlnige af the faetd fc^nurmn|fnw*wikt rente la's call for tolunteere came a* a U^H obeth part lea?offering a elianeaof It laaat ehowph food t?*he?j> their eoule iV reliet together fcid-of Ibo* prytenee, MB itatore nr?'jp?ally relieved. The etnka mm eoe of New York have hectv to ">?i| ] I, purged of'thdr <^?nteuta.-",The (U- T which the Abolition prea* ntigM n?t he JjV1 e control, bM,b#> m'aotnc eiionl, <fl* ^ nj. ami it ctnnpJaceintVj efeldhwa, tC\11 KqW * ? We adeiao- afninaf a Ite pre- p<?r r???r?f?n U aptlfhofo* &?i when thafe nSe^e. U?b*e/ fid ofg itf, with a twj at(T>Bg utiktaete ?i i? air MTWh fWuth, tiejr ruap prefer t? een nd UffulVd ***7 ai1 Imm*., Aajr J tad ft dirfetll tph ***??<** ie^| r march hithar will be tltanded by jpd for >? xary <u?uk? mwmwi A .aww torn m\m, "m K? fun will W of n *?ry diJTnrafti cl^amc Tbfy >? * W??> wr|r?^ an-li u|H?n Cl>r fowl*, wlkjw* t?c?EUty wad _feow?j .may W out jpewghL. Tl?y ?r? b?u?r "V'tuatst*! I ftow la?,lHy ?f balk, abtba North, mm* *u rttvm M thfci lAtVn in wmfi t?f bnfti. Mr J* wrii (Ami mm iUywftnrt afc<J {fmotv | (cm >* <# (Mr r*i?trn^ Tfcw xiMirwottnn nn.| ?f wvwtftlwlc* for m. ^ trMtfUitf fk? Otrttta that a JJ] r fM win '? *?? tmmm n.iMtion, the w? * of WV?<4 poofAr am <*? wtrfirrty filU.I ? ewch hrlfmK <n?lior, a* a 4t-played in p AfaiMi *a- ,i of ' * 4 out war *A?^gotWtluV*i. hea^^B it Ic a fatal miaUJato -i^tyrm thl gn flit in I JS3& Wwxlx'tw" |rwfci?ln>?'<l iU AmMKAi people. and iainetf ara ?b peat.-l of a #atii<%- 'ona.a/ the *arx frr?na*ot awbaftha liflhl|lii, gettuMiaw ?4"? lj|^pl>llHVSJ PIMaftthropuU ft +4$ kIM M?d *Vlrt %w an<l r??4. l>ul <ft;reeaptNn pf tlla ?|i pmlmp<*mrnak M? |l> fr* pufetiowa * * '?< W^^hat ctpawhiy van fkiy I^NW inr^H?at thajfortl and *nttth ha*e"tak?n ' *? * about to engage At dire canI than all ?f oar fbref?ii efforts to MRTTyald with money! feeaied, aa t- ^^^^Wt-prodt, of all Northern agitator* w?i h^HKilad their country, and. have jfcey m l:^Pfoeaip in their power, nrgcd thtfagiij tionlthe irreai *|uaatfoat whiah hat rent ai . aundJ the great nation,- they (Inscribein thai * addr* r The appaai abunld bgva been * 'dad ? two parte, one addroaefd to '^jk aat v" l,nn#^. V th% P?r?? ?***a.Wrd*|* 7 fit nil object to be any longer ckmd With th peofi of t^? United Ptlle*. .' Thai Mtb wboJcleaCT hlaanholba ilia Aua i^Oid- ? n ?>> ?his te?ple*. by micH. taoRaa* sml ^aduet. m that un>4 and dbptayhd t lt(? | the ?ttnrabei of cit!<e it the Nortl cannot be preperlr alytpd hate of the fbe* mow among the ohrMh.imiHuwof the cacti V t'urtilnly Mr. Pfaa'e afld tih llrottt?fVnreri I % the tyiuau raoe, 'cm 'never here read ? 3 11 ate Wen informed of the kind. chrWtla 1 intention* Vliifh*th'e people of . ll?? UatH Stole* expreea toward* their-brethren ef tft tWiMemtsfBntea, . The latter are coaapell 4 ed to'd1?reg?rd hia advice. They tnejr fl? ' deride the >|tieeUoa of slavery to the taitufhc tins of Xorlhern or Knglish abolitionists?Vi : thia the pro tdedf the South will do,' and hat% been driven to it by their eoahdot They will defend their institutions, and Ylghtt repelling force by , forsp, until net a. man i left. Before God and lht% whole universe* n 1 other alternative m left ue-w? mm ' ,ight - a- :vnm_kiu' :' Bfyndhd'a viae Plans. ? Raymond of lhah'tw Vork TVao, novao ihon astonishes his rrldirt with his nirkl xkill end military wlndont, cTiacarf In.hi plane fur euoeeeefti? iavaidnti of iW Routt* llr h? Iftng %jrn proA?uneed Lincoln to \t laoapapl* ofexeeutinfr I bono plane, and o the; yei boon noticed by Hcoti, be hint ffMUUkl ??<l hU uriiid OonoVfl HM fln?l thcmr.elTes miprrcoded by nbfr Rr Wo give below one 'of hi* reorn mgirr'lionx. the nioxt amooing item o which, i.i hie reference to the <im inn It jprnp4rt\ of the South. Wan ho wHI acquainted will thin property, he woqld know, that k wou]f * bec-ine ro animated on the upj roach ut hi' >enker ihio>r?, th*i]it woul.]^* \?-ry di/Tuml to And it. That tlie I nk* I blatr-* bii*t iufade' Tir ginia and become poareneed of Highmood, I: mi?i certain. That Jeff. ' L?*>i? wiH b* delighted to hoar It, ia abeo trne. becuuea w< hate xketcbe?i hi* programme of the eajapah*! . toi)>?letter. ju<*t;as he trauts |C . Uul kRiU he think* to oiler hattlfbn the Northern llut bf Tiruii^a, and to taako a feiulretreating . tdtranU- Ujchuwind and ?er|ptl?g \>n tin elated ermtr of the CnV)n natH he ran flank ll IL... v' ? I?- -?* * ? uivni n>m?n nnu ( orK lUVtT M Me farm liar par'a Kjtrrj uud l\r>ncheet?t??n tbi 1 . and* hen annihilate it, km fergetatkaj h?? wh(Jf ?rm?, iai^ people. Kin country, An afcraadv, flanked by file acaeoakt i^??l the Golf and that no army wfH advance ttpoa wlfch. ir. .ml until arory aoldtar of tha (lull State* w ft-lly employed t0 lienor, Jn raring from Union nnufco (but will hang npnQ theli the plantation* 4ml Hie utioida pro party on whose product* gie BoW#i etfhotg?' lira! Her* la a tlaakmfc rpurrmerit that anih the war, if we'taajr 9a apeaV. before it hi , fairly Ivegun. U aerfe* (Jo double purpeee, too. of blockade and fr? vtifioYt., It forte* Ma Sac rex ion Artwlta 10 anther and anrarup'rn 1 ha Ufroon - and morame* oft** end**. trbtlt 1 the t nlon Arnrt-t hate good health <m shipboard It treaafor* the theatre .of war fa a region that the XortWn half of Ife*. ttuM States dare not risk tfieir Ifoa* in l an<! I got 11 the invMion ia Mnreritaied there, the Coul'edr rafa $f'at<ir prwat fall ia rciu*diles? fnitfT? With ? rignVoti* prosecution of the war id thli direafi-m, Mr. Jelf. Ifori* h0h lAat man?blr psfchfcde?pAt i.atn ia doomed. Kn eland ah<4 i'j^Vtta thiied hioi. It ta king Con <1(T ha* to be Kiag Log. Tha naviaaof Kygranee will not keep bis port* open. A ^^(what little way ne grown) trill Krf "he twitch ty rtaelona of the earth, ^ PRmTTuU oa hi- empaeadflanU. among HTT and a?u??< * hia ho.adh. wrmlea ??* 1* i|>p*' *n<' P*r|'l,e * bait a l.h hi* awor- latuen I'Aew .' art e?2K!II" JcSliwrt I* k *pl?tne?. m\ akgentofth. pc^aaao^tUI^ fa! h nr?n fiTlu?*",rtrO , Jer ^ mtt ?**?|f v?1 Juli * K A . v ? i ^ s % c* <,,,i*# * * ' MMl^ltHhKi-* . - . * f .51 l<Ki?h?rf rtok bfttag omIi virii grnt ? ?? 1 * n. n?nf <* i?V*ji* <* itotft Ch?*ii n a. "i J XM 11-*4cr<^ Iqpa of Wk?ck dollars * ?ha a Stale.' '. ^'Tt:. ' . ? ; *2^ V la is said that the Virginia fbrcSs SaVs re- > eelved orders (0 h<dd *th?au*Wa? in rfftdinehs ' ift march at a moment's notion jk ThsTenucs?>^^flM^[ o his Louie s( tVihui legion, fromi^nB^^ SP >t Orjeanv was ceiupeltod to lifts * kjr a n?3^^ f West Boinl, sltualftd aboui-foa\y >ni loo front 1 Richmond, Va** J* Being freegly ffcartfted, la I ir **ie6petlee of anattactr w?*n IhaSofcy.' '- ? Sft^anl ha* gtysa tsSirflflifttola'iki ?t|V ttTojs, po^|??ia?H|LitA??<? th* offset, that r 0 Ska C?iftdor^e fiiftXk^wtH amr he i?^( V, aissd asuiindepafcisit gaaarnnrit. and that fhlft |?T?aMHnt^t6qk theatt^psiatiTf of olvlT .' stkr, rtuher th^n oofteenltsadisaelut'on of the ) ; Union j: .- ' ' * "H" * * 0*ar U*j husd|A a|ipUwOll?? Vr* Wn' 1/ tftftdv. to Pmsideid Pftrift, (hrlstterkoOfftrnnir f end Rej?rfS?f. 'W * ~ " S * 1 , He*, llsnry W|^x] BetfeCer, o*f.aT ths lo*d* est oC the loud 4tajofcin?. ^LeiRIeir preftcbcfl t ?rlk. Wxi. ?-ai ..wm wm |f *1111 p ?? * 1 Or|l Mtgl? n ins'al "as ohaplaioi. . . ' li The ?)?> of Hallltnorc Is v>M toW^?? c?ip< * 'pUte^x^moweydwl, Mefheoni which ^ is in pons?eion *f Lincoln.'* forces. , y> ') At Ihe *frt iuskf, an Wesuccesttful ntt?epl '*< *>*&? t? hold a f nion Hs4tifi|pin Losing-, 11 to? Mijwoirri. ,*. * ? % *"* * , , . r Heavy faHttree of oQ *m4 dirtiagui/hod V. ooBio?pnrial h^w% are ?Uil; occurring in ' Nejr York and PkitadelphiC -V ^ *.,4 * Li<itt. R. K.Uradr, 0 esr si Kurt blunter, upvIo the tipio of Its *vac? 14 iiflkiB, litis twsiffiacd * * { v It Is nftmifWlW a mutiny rf?nlly aeenrrtd on howi mt the U. A Prijtttn f*abW\?, of t lYnsarnla, supposed to h#ve been iasttgeled | *by Moulheru* oflfoers, who iioft not* allow*! s lo reel>v* * * n ~ * # ^ ^ > k KllswwrfV*' Regiment of,Tiro 7oa?ves. 0 pfbvfc* to be nlmosClncnnt ridable by its officers. k f *fany of tbfcln ha?e betn sent back houie.'Ws cattNo oY their unruly propensities. " * 1 Three New Vopk Steamships have Ucen r soiswd at New Orleans. It is imiil that soiue of tlio Northern.Insttr mice r<>mjMMiie? arc taking measures # to organizc a merchant fle^t of nriurti Tcjutel*, protect the conu^vm- the Aiorfb - * | ./..Kg W. 1UcU?m1mu a native or Ctuuria*H>u ( mo heen artcofed at Washington, aa<1 in ftoti j irApr/oemt-.i. m The Pa* -**?'. ?. lu|fl )> ?? 'lee laved In bo blockaded. ? i A number of 1V? \?rk Indie* hm? pr?to?i cd a wtuco prwfmt ihe ?i?U *a(, i irhich that very ood*cK*Hve mtf, 4a m eegrr i 4o Hegin. "v* - ' * k*T ?? j \ ' *4f all flie fipv? published ;n '.New York I ciljr, th? P*y B'?elc ami K?i?a aIojmt Iiat* re- ,\ fused fw ylrld f</ the]l??sndi of the-tnob, aad r<U pr6cUi|i - Agatast aa IiitaaJou of fbe i South. m* ' T|a? Legislature o# Ark an am has pee**! An ' % OfAlin^rtee'bf Secession by an almost -on an Imono Tgte. t i A' Frehch Prbfit k*i Wn'ftiUJr?ii L: on fe? <Mnnt IU(i. ^ ^ \ , W John ^ DU hit Ttein appointed MaJprJ 1 ' rffSfrn^of tHl^ew Tofk fcraes.* ' J" K*W? lfen^iroopapnwa&broucfa ^ tiiuor? on tho JOUf iusl., uiuuol< ?tjpl. # . ? ^ ^BoulW '^graphic H?r. or- f ; Th#.t*ir?* hare hfco UkJIt tlv?n -1 - hotwecu Al?t*ju?i|ri? jind* W?aUii)g^g|i. It is i eunfocnplatod to Atke th% (Jlegrftph uud*\ ike immediate control of on?^tusking ,( r aUthe operate**. refcaW employee; of 0t? j K?HM?#ums?l. ^ .. ? ?: ?< t .. *d 0oe* t>*?mt?<.n of Ohio, bu eatfedfor 10P, J 000 TOltHIWIH. V? ' ? mm. #. ' .? v. N*?(or Mswf ?f Viminis onus real utst? ( in Pitntisflrnfti*, and Ibe 1>gistetureoMMt r J Hist?, bu altcmptRl to ooftiiH|B^fl[ on Moosst of bbpj^^J >nbU opinion, means that sirt t<> rem* fh# tjrrnnt at ^Mhtogton. If *<#th iny?|<?MNi nro WhooortittUloobl, *1*J c^*t' btheY *? twmtlj snbinittrd to. U-l< U^iavMU, H?> ia?I* Maryland >* ? gjaloture, nm Tlmrstfajr, Mr. # *" . y^, fred a report tr^m. the Committee * KfcSv* da^s. tW ft. **.m* teJMfdtalipi up|fcthepeopl* ef*a Kmb *#Xma*JJuUe- Isonotos^nn^^r of ft ESSbearRaKS the ?<:-ef^ IfiU ^ *? Off*-**-* ia*ef"M?>4 n.WM+i.ft'itiamof ft* *a-^ but ? nuiUfcry M"? ?44? |Iwpdf /<|*o??tHfcr1o*ar, ** W ???' coJ on imiMMHat/?.?v FEl.tfneemmkfSH^ ?Mfl Hh-I^katw <wH* *> ? UHfttflM*. iWiw^ for ft* b,V| krminy ??! orffoWiaAfton itf flu 2' ^ li^tl*, tod f>tf mi an a^jg?tT?n^hl of Uh <i, Jl *my**U tuthi+miyU*. mil ?h<i Mmrylawl <*,,>,*? ?f arpar't | *] tiry kttt b?r?i crei^Wd 1?y Vhf?t*U nruopo 4iir?aM ^ V ?W<*n?jw>?H(*n. * An4 1kt UHlMtlfe *f ArkWaa*/ )Mf lfcm an-" ?inhi 1 .* * . * w v. i?U W? MlMial* ii3!w>r|Tk? '^Plm ?f Kwlu^jr Is hi hmm, hut luthloif Am ymt trawpirtd wkitk wo?WI tfcdlUriu?^Sjt% X5S?ifi?Hj ia RWhMod and MtupU^ ma4 toafenl'ilN th%( lh? prsvlanMtfoB W* ^Wlf^^^pvOTIOTi lO "jf wTW WwWeeWy fwvw' and ?bUHar< . "" ^ j<i?V ?rift fronfa?ryiln? aad ion tkhiuglioat & dtata, all of tbatfj R arm*. in Ihtir^yrfMBH oppeaadlnn. . Surhlni^^o^WlB flower of 1fc? fat? rafted Rtatca comaAndid fcy^Vfr hear* an<f fc%Uant 1^, tk^^H noble sdfc of Ufthi Hif?o HaTTy.'NBquwt will and thp. tnr%dar that fcaa Ike kanlfeodft to (rcpana uparwth* Mil of\*irgiqia will-feet a mijc ami apN^hr death.'-' Johnson. member of Cpnip-e** (Vote Todnfmrt. ft, not j* and Mod to apeak in public, bV bii fbllowSidM Ha la tetaaldafclw ~~a?i V " ed for hi* ctpotnfd of I^nopln s canto. by recalotng <)?* nnan\mpua Contempt of his fonntittvaatn. * " * *' Tt in new ccHain Ihft farUwio of Yirgiom. It a bag* )raitor to MaStaftk URm kern <Ujcorotad tyniJi* in in rouimujdcftt ivn "whh f.inotbt*i C^NMt. Od ia ~da?l*??ig MMiilt lo tidm tha encmtoa of hfn country. , Ilcmp ma! bo rory ???r?? f? bolh Viginig and" TennewMO. when ?urh rwicp^w * Johanna an<i Carlisle nrggiUowed ??> sunt her .tboir softs. s. . f Th? ^linoUfdpjri in to be bin?k*dr<| at Cairo. . -Tt?ov>*t?14l>ar<jn'?jufthoOorortpaeni vt the (^pMtnin >Hyte*la sow ready lo tako charge <?f ibe mail*. John Vrown'jr. ->e? of uM 0*nawMio?io. fa organising wxorpa ?>f ffl)0 free no grow to mdft ia setakyig Harper's Perry, - Jna. I'. XrocWmoidgo of K?-ntnfkry fa cgn anniag lluit Mtil^ in fin or ?f KMilK?rn (tlgMn. ThosJiPwUnC rho bombardment of Pr?rt Humt orb** reached Kngtaifd, au<rba* crtMed much eiVftMDont. ** '** V"* % _ . a f . The'Saltida Opardw of Loaltigton Bintricf. Ciapl. W.ji. <iH>bon haTf Toltiuteorn) and will go ty Virginia Aa armed 4|rlipnner wm t'.kon p???*ejidoii of by LlnfyU'i trtupv in f'nesaiicakc IUr ?? lit* Hih ( )*(.. which ??? intrmled fcif iho priv*ieeri?; aerriie. t'harleatait ia fo blockaded by the Frigate Niaga*-.*. , , z ' . Twenty Sv? ikctiMud troop* are now in \^hiM|ten. ija <? bmh gunnl <W old A he, ami he i? %p? yet aijafceii I Ital ?Imb i* rmfo, from Q?p*U|* He-afeU cnlia fqr m??m. . Be* Mt< ulleHt ia <u?.Jii* .waj In Virginia. _M%io? sAadcrttnn h*a been prwrxctl la n Putenelry. * .*?'< The Southern O^ifederncj haa near dbntrol r>( luffioftnl arms and arumuuitinu lo equip an ?m?y of )60,8fl0 iq?a. -ft baa brWii ilctermhird. that the farro# of ?he l'?hfe<Urve State* will noi cfoaa the Virginia line onle?*. at|aeknd~. - rVohmteer" fro? Maryland, are dailjr grrir gin Virginia. ' *" Wrhfhnnd li* l.oiic'Te l to be nuiroumkl by 'ptea and incendiarfe* in the. pay of Lincoln. \ |lnong anwctl ggard aaa conxtantlj on duty ifi<l avcrv efori ia being m.vle to ferret out ..A-' , Iter. M? \iuQilybe of Jleooklyn. recently i4hise<i in tUmrlealon aa a^frietMl of the South. )V? cr?ar to. the enemy, and new preachs* for Lincoln and <he Union. , \ riot occurred at KaoirtUr Town ran?, on M.Mi iaat., tin ring which ope Douglaaa, a Jnlon bully waa rhof. _. . . ' . , . T)<? etorin of lk?.Wh inatajrt waa rerv dr liruotie^ i? ii? effort*, in oo?? oi our itoto, and especially in orangobtorjt dkirwi. kllapy ur^o fraoad^jieum* woro completely wwftxyh*, an i four or ave persona killed. ktnoy mxrm* wore aoyeroly injured col millar o.. i mmln 4 ?k?i lt?e omoll |m-hu brokon^^j b y^,,. ^ i pour aiih'4?, a*btub co*f 0m1t<?aliort< r>lrfo. pto|?erty of ifararfff^. *** * "mr- k?o*. im^tr two fyntro1 r*ab >*( ckofc ?i> o bftrd or u>a? tleomrjeeiooore. (mn '"* 1. ? ,h* coprnt ffbnk, tbifwftow^ eontor^uoo oooi^lt * hwnlni j** *"* *-?n mm ***?& ?%ofwerorfy bond, for " lo* ' ! **" *1 ' * s w ' - ou c?kn?j^oo ^00 fwmik poor -wewor'k ... ' ^ A |W ^ ^ " utp? Wl W# l^lwTfttl