I 4 V ^ * II 1 -wr < ljr Itomj ii^jfatrS II Ml'IV KVMkf j* HIM THURSDAY M<3RHINO,TAT ?(?? AYlHikO'. ? 0. BY OILBRRT A DARK. * -W **W&T a * * * * **'; li TWO DOLLAR* iflewridMy t? .olrvitf. No paper will be mb4 oWtef Jfce UiMriA, wi>*?- " *TjrMr?|i>l35SlK^ Adiartieemf?e? lnMrt?**?t ScrAlt-Titi I ks#" t"eu? inserting v" . 2 ^ The rniui^r^ oTleiwfflene "f? nHn^r^. . . ^ * .'?/ L? ^ r, res dkaiirw. H Wwr of our oounlry, And Ibf. J Pfttr people, the homo *ud the rllle" I KTTe largely depended oo in all -oUr wart. < rolliguera, or miard riflemen and hvrto inen, with our reilrowl^ eKfendiqg id' erpry < V ,edl*n pr in afcali aquad*. * thoroughly acquainted with the W^oda, Water * rouraea, < warn pa and pathy, oapert boatmen all. and mn ?i>?uaA??,i ?? ?-> * *?? ? - - . w -mm ?*? mr mmiMnM [ " the (fr?r-iieikrr, tuefcer kuitw mI aight , i*pori?inan. he n?ight KtrlVn at gU hours oKke * liny and night, aj*ii by (hie eahanattgg proaaa* * arret the ad canoe of injr?4*m,'tAl mara regit- l' larly drilled' foraae oowld be brought to bear on thctn . ' ; lint to <16 thie'innst eflVeienjly. forage for lionvca'ahohlU alwaj* he all wins hie ; and n ^ our ImiiIk are not natural to {(tua ttui tilt C cane or ntrah aip not to he found orerywherc, it it uiVftftal io our planter* to direct * the aowing'of a smalt plat on each plauta b lion of grewu forage crops, agd-tlir cuffitg of fix hi or anu hand a certuin proportion of tgnmuntrton ** for rifle rtr doubt*-barrel, with dried beef and |>ar< bed meal iu 1 v aloppcd vessel*, " enough to support a mir? fur several tlpys. ,f and't/?r.iv* r??/a Should 4ha fodder not he ' wanted, ihero a ill long I* a go|< days at hard work, aitd dried, wiH make ser- ' 1 viceahle fodder in the winter. Peas. which cut up and cured upon raeka I jutl n* the p?-*< hare tilled, constitute one of | the IhoI teddore known. M Indian Corn, sown in drills and cat when ! T in tassel, will, if placed on ii*> hutl in small , in shocks, cure iu a Tortnirbt and *iei?i i-??? < ? . j -'E~ roturn*. ' . " ?j Cr?l> OraM wilt pay wall for the labor ?*f ? ploughing ii|? ^ |?* K' ripening?wy rowihing down tbe|J?? top wjth a fork <4 rwkr. will curr readily, r*ui> to in rainy wrath nr. If lite hand be Introduced t>< into tl?e>tack, aa*T It appear |oo garni, llff J'cc off tUp trtfi half-wwy down, turnlt^oVer wi fully W placing otic Kami on top -nnd the I in other iuto the Mack. and. torn it over, ami %i when cuOcuMiity cooi pat it carefully hack *5 again Surli hay ia^Mjual <0 tbf b*tt .Nurla- -Ui crn. and win jwitr well npon moabof ilU?, tan. a* gteru 1 AJ food, will aakedja wkla^eM) be a little ritli, will, with awe#t {>? r and pelf, and, abhre nH ?hil??. ?#*'*** ^p*i to paaa IW a fentlen-th, while \ b#**" m all hit noTWMMtt aod featuree the V I ton ban abhorring rTerythh?|f- "Ow f n^mm g -nilmnan in banning ftnilfcfr *?>!? nn?i MtfOM, nrywMMo I J?V' ?4 4 JL.' the ofcr^rtVg Yimkrfn. jflr^T r???f4n i Sg* grn'lemnn. whH nil thg kift#n??froi th?r?no- . ^jST* g*. 'knro congenial ?ii?Tonnw ?tnir? "tko (token* . T?r minrMnrf in mnl Ufo. The gentlemen > *k*nr ?A?.?i (HMMUonf bring the to in cffAt*ci , CT ^ w??b them. ?r? fnrfd to tke w?n pninful effort? of hjrpoertej to kmiowI tho i|itr]. ri? ti.ej feel ? JfertW ' * m^B^mmt^ggeaes^aemsssBsmm *** jp SsKSforgft? Mt i^4i< ?fey S*TIs th* '" with V^the Xmeriona I'aiua. ,'"? Wk- w fh? wnt of UMu4kum>U& wave ? tt^BStySLl tkl^ *-r4toWW. Blank ttepuhtiraa* in htt border*,.! haj tbirt.v jmr* 0ft> would b?k Wve been e eternal to *fi>m in No* York* Thi* in ikt StMe-wkkk U'nimiiiif i^h?|iI Urfrtnto. ?hoa* Waahington #arow?* : ? Wcktobad f*?pat< L. ' Miyip^tjS^rT^'IkeBtonn (fjtffri jwtbiiti ti?e ^lh>?inf\iiirt to W fXr ttuWenwd e^itH^eei of T?nreedorn .enore or p?ai'r w be JielA and governed aa% 1'titled tftataa hrfJtoW. **" t , The atxure la tfce leaatthnt ** idignant panic will ace opt. outraged iw titer Itnra been, y the fouleof, tuoat licinoim. and gigantic I 1 ikiHui-e of crime reconled iu Uintory.? j < fitrlcsloir Morcurv,. j , New Vork Tribuue haathe fr>l- j ' wing, |iivpoKinft to divide the ftunt of aryland anonwhich they have precipitated 11*. nnd ' e warn Uiem tiuit theymnat nbi?Jr the full uitlfy. iippstiallj let Maryland and Vie- I 1 am look to it: fur at thev are L-4*t?r *?? - :f?, ?it ^bcir giiiifahiaml will, be lienrier 1 mi flut of othofa. Virginia in a HMi ami 1 Htutiml Sitae, the T*ry jmrden of She Con- ' ' d?r?<-t. hut tr i* a thai b? doomed I ] bem wood d. *1 trampled intd iia phi ha, it * , 4" audita h.upd.me* are likely to bo pretly ' oblitcfited hfcfflri: we have iiw?^*i>?ii >? and , ^tuiaWly anrethfnr. Tie J-dbef* of that ^Sttte 1 . kI of Uary^tnd may hot natter themaelvea | ^t'lhfj can rater *?|w>n a war >ijrain*p*the wtrirnfel, tnrl afterward return to ^ntet ' ul peaceful honte*. They chod&? to jdoy (be I . ifl of trail or a. 4n?l tbey ingtl enter ?!? peei- ! Ij. XJu1 worm-on* race *of "etnaecul?de?^* I r?f Ftmintt Biuat y**o. piaco to a at unlit r T , tHU.' wboea pioaeorp are nottou, their way , r ?Aiagtoe at Uik aWul in ma-tinenu. n it!#rment of land in Virgiife'trUl He a ^c ting reward to the brake fellow* whh bare I me to fight their ooiMrtry'a baltfce. ami i artU14I ami htrfiai# SiMMa#,* inaplred f ,th Norehofti vigor jnay mart anew in the ca.fot nrovperfty and power. . * , * ' *" ' ?1 h ?W? -a ?'|i >M?w Tobk .Wet* fN #V-tYi-nuoKiC-~New 1 | ?rh i? nulMvfg. aaothrr attempt, to b-igAtab . e Small fropi "it* property* *Ve tartly * Here that over Ibafccilf, which hae become K itlK with t?roai>erj?y "anfr efime, tl?e dre|i ^a u?4er clovd-dr liiviut diephmnlre wiM ere ' I; ig launch the boh*" of rigMeon* retribution. j ihXu.t U??l that judge* tl?e earth, it r hno1 he. ?ba| a vity bbtch hhs no jiafptUal *) itv rapid growth. a growtVbpecd on tbkutl. e n product ion a, M<1 at lh<* earn* time kna to n 0*1 iniba iaorg| ?n4 vocial corrupt loif tf t 1 people, ebonbl be^^vriMttrl If commit rll. a ajjfhnvic oririe a* it now'nmw otjdaic*. p hub Ding the cap of Meavcu'e ( ? ^ * BP~ kiintimbMie ,<.?,! t H ln,, ^ 1 , . S^harerboaa grmndllooneat rtyW I* \ ,nf beUte .a*prtWon?e:Char*mw? ** edKyfhal^nw VocH mj the np aid. liavaihot^Af *?"?- and d KlMrtin one h?w?a?kn?nbr rtb^'ake*1 r lh?p ?ka fWmnfrifbliofrnilfc. ; able t ^ Wlermtler# aad nil^tj ijp'llgftt, h*4 ?ti(l not tUiVj iruur i* idu. nor Am* mJk.fKH' HI? I thf * ,;Me htf mlih?" in Rlwr *it#eo*g U?( *M jpM. Do) Wbil ? for* orioAcoie < lk* j kifkw if.' " I llv*v yl'fe- ?*uo?;.nr??i mi ltiou,?p4 ! our for ?*<'0." bkl 'Hi*to W ilwuj only ^ lofenti lob u> l.inooli* non>r~H > bny * ' ? U*?J ' ? #? ??? *- '^ * i hooo o?y f 41# Wltae- 'riwncWrtantigrv WU / M^aflfl itlHl tl i ImUirfiT >rieifn>, ?r traa eCaojr fen*lifty during Qirir eb*enati from fST* ^ -^'o '- 'f1 *"?' f^r. Iiyiil i* rt#aw*yUofo' iaSKftniy ^iptillMdW; ?Btf vt)w|M kA m funiteo, (Mr AfolefVbeee will eflpl* for heart here. *n?faeCa? Mil* #?? remind the* that our term, are T.WO DO? LARH PRR AfWU^>l?ATABlA: ?N AI VAXCE, ' > ; *' ' ' ? . . e . . Hampton'? I*gian. tfc Imve been authorized to etate, that oompaax^ctW* )rgb?> in hC Theobjool* and natureof Which arc fuTl arplatned fa tbad?tt\r given behw. It U bf .Hrtcrd-that a peetaf high hoour will bo aanijn * *bjfc?" Ai^Lw%. knejt thai; the ?mj hf >loqpf -at*. frpd of *jck a pouHtn*.' I?#r vmne^miWng to j^anteer, tfcouM' nppij i thi* office: * *,. >. "Cditor MifftilfT * ' Am taviaiia U'nMU:? , ^ - ?- ?wwmmrn iMMit hare bee# made tar mferc9<% to tW. Legioi Vfiieh the Pftntdaal ha a* honored ma iritb i comtniMion to ralee, I beg yoiHo allow aie t? ?$ee, fhroajrVkjrotl* paptff* tneh infomtatlwi aa may b? aec&eary to Ska* if%9 Vtnh to on Hat tfib oorp?: 7* ' ' ,* Thtfbg. except an to it# peculiar organisation, an the rest of the Provielonal Army. The' earah vwill furnish their own bonea, and. an far^^flBflj tde, their own arms nnd eqitlpn.en^H ninn munt have a naore and two of Col^^^V loin. Should nny hornen be lont in the service, Ihey will he paid for. The Infhntrv I wi-h nrmed with KnfleM Kitten, and the Governor has kindly premised to furnish them an far a* he i? able 10 .!?? ? . inj ho mill aNo |?r?>tins battery. An *oon n'thc courpaniee report tUemrclrc* rea?ly ior futy, they wilfbe ordered into camp for the parpOHe of drilling together. It f? very ifc>l*abk to hare (In* corpa oeml^ at an early lay. Aa I hare avcry rear on to hope that it a ill at once l?c erdorcU into aaliv<> service.? lay oneVleritfng farther (Yiformatiop oh tl^i iihieet i-in apply tx\ Ideo*. < "t?l. B. 1 iahnson. 'ianrieatou, or to mvaelf, at Columbia. .? WA UK l!.\*PTO?(. Somewhat Ilolioved. * * "The Now Vork Timt Tn ?n^>iele Mailed, All Right !f<4r?"^xpreaae? a degree oPaatiahrtiua At lh? remit* of t|je real ami eft orgy Hoping ?*1 by Lincoln In getheilhg a mob of -uffinnn at Washington, and proclaim* the mrnrst dcjfire that thi* uioh will not xU^p at lmt.ci.ty, hdl wilf-ettejid iH march over (tie rhole South, ^onqu?rihg and to conquer ?/V*y rWl aggin** Republican tyranny, ThdCdiftf iau'iiAilJing t)iat*it *twml\l "lop at \V**hugton?that cii-f ta lo* near luHew York,' '.llaworth * Fird /.ottltrti, ami "Vfiltson'a I'et ' ahjaa. t Uo> Iire i'otaflk Oohprt", ato| the low Iiay. Legion*, aH*jr hayfag been well anted,- n?d rented with a military power* wight take it into their-bend*. thai it would, my hotter to retrace their etepa, and eweh lomeafaio, whtra plunder would he more mt, And ehnudant, tht in Ike South. f eH I T Hajaejjd, and all the *3 eh day tie. of he Northern Ift-rea, he a., little more af their are. Ten* of thoUaande af poor hunjrtv rrrtrhe*, at the point of ?lamli?i, were jwei bout awaking trt the kwoyrlnige af the faetd fc^nurmn|fnw*wikt rente la's call for tolunteere came a* a U^H obeth part lea?offering a elianeaof It laaat ehowph food t?*he?j> their eoule iV reliet together fcid-of Ibo* prytenee, MB itatore nr?'jp?ally relieved. The etnka mm eoe of New York have hectv to ">?i| ] I, purged of'thdr <^?nteuta.-",The (U- T which the Abolition prea* ntigM n?t he JjV1 e control, bM,b#> m'aotnc eiionl, Bg utiktaete ?i i? air MTWh fWuth, tiejr ruap prefer t? een nd UffulVd ***7 ai1 Imm*., Aajr J tad ft dirfetll tph ***??<** ie^| r march hithar will be tltanded by jpd for >? xary ? * W??> wr|r?^ an-li u|H?n Cl>r fowl*, wlkjw* t?c?EUty wad _feow?j .may W out jpewghL. Tl?y ?r? b?u?r "V'tuatst*! I ftow la?,lHy ?f balk, abtba North, mm* *u rttvm M thfci lAtVn in wmfi t?f bnfti. Mr J* wrii (Ami mm iUywftnrt afc* <# (Mr r*i?trn^ Tfcw xiMirwottnn nn.| ?f wvwtftlwlc* for m. ^ trMtfUitf fk? Otrttta that a JJ] r fM win '? *?? tmmm n.iMtion, the w? * of WV?<4 poofAr am <*? wtrfirrty filU.I ? ewch hrlfmK ?'llHVSJ PIMaftthropuU ft +4$ kIM M?d *Vlrt %w anul fr* pufetiowa * * '?< W^^hat ctpawhiy van fkiy I^NW inr^H?at thajfortl and *nttth ha*e"tak?n ' *? * about to engage At dire canI than all ?f oar fbref?ii efforts to MRTTyald with money! feeaied, aa t- ^^^^Wt-prodt, of all Northern agitator* w?i h^HKilad their country, and. have jfcey m l:^Pfoeaip in their power, nrgcd thtfagiij tionlthe irreai *|uaatfoat whiah hat rent ai . aundJ the great nation,- they (Inscribein thai * addr* r The appaai abunld bgva been * 'dad ? two parte, one addroaefd to '^jk aat v" l,nn#^. V th% P?r?? ?***a.Wrd*|* 7 fit nil object to be any longer ckmd With th peofi of t^? United Ptlle*. .' Thai Mtb wboJcleaCT hlaanholba ilia Aua i^Oid- ? n ?>> ?his te?ple*. by micH. taoRaa* sml ^aduet. m that un>4 and dbptayhd t lt(? | the ?ttnrabei of cit!|tieeUoa of slavery to the taitufhc tins of Xorlhern or Knglish abolitionists?Vi : thia the pro tdedf the South will do,' and hat% been driven to it by their eoahdot They will defend their institutions, and Ylghtt repelling force by , forsp, until net a. man i left. Before God and lht% whole universe* n 1 other alternative m left ue-w? mm ' ,ight - a- :vnm_kiu' :' Bfyndhd'a viae Plans. ? Raymond of lhah'tw Vork TVao, novao ihon astonishes his rrldirt with his nirkl xkill end military wlndont, cTiacarf In.hi plane fur euoeeeefti? iavaidnti of iW Routt* llr h? Iftng %jrn proA?uneed Lincoln to \t laoapapl* ofexeeutinfr I bono plane, and o the; yei boon noticed by Hcoti, be hint ffMUUkl ??enker ihio>r?, th*i]it woul.]^* \?-ry di/Tuml to And it. That tlie I nk* I blatr-* bii*t iufade' Tir ginia and become poareneed of Highmood, I: mi?i certain. That Jeff. ' L?*>i? wiH b* delighted to hoar It, ia abeo trne. becuuea w< hate xketcbe?i hi* programme of the eajapah*! . toi)>?letter. ju<*t;as he trauts |C . Uul kRiU he think* to oiler hattlfbn the Northern llut bf Tiruii^a, and to taako a feiulretreating . tdtranU- Ujchuwind and ?er|ptl?g \>n tin elated ermtr of the CnV)n natH he ran flank ll IL... v' ? I?- -?* * ? uivni n>m?n nnu ( orK lUVtT M Me farm liar par'a Kjtrrj uud l\r>ncheet?t??n tbi 1 . and* hen annihilate it, km fergetatkaj h?? wh(Jf ?rm?, iai^ people. Kin country, An afcraadv, flanked by file acaeoakt i^??l the Golf and that no army wfH advance ttpoa wlfch. ir. .ml until arory aoldtar of tha (lull State* w ft-lly employed t0 lienor, Jn raring from Union nnufco (but will hang npnQ theli the plantation* 4ml Hie utioida pro party on whose product* gie BoW#i etfhotg?' lira! Her* la a tlaakmfc rpurrmerit that anih the war, if we'taajr 9a apeaV. before it hi , fairly Ivegun. U aerfe* (Jo double purpeee, too. of blockade and fr? vtifioYt., It forte* Ma Sac rex ion Artwlta 10 anther and anrarup'rn 1 ha Ufroon - and morame* oft** end**. trbtlt 1 the t nlon Arnrt-t hate good health p*' *n<' P*r|'l,e * bait a l.h hi* awor- latuen I'Aew .' art e?2K!II" JcSliwrt I* k *pl?tne?. m\ akgentofth. pc^aaao^tUI^ fa! h nr?n fiTlu?*",rtrO , Jer ^ mtt ?**?|f v?1 Juli * K A . v ? i ^ s % c* <,,,i*# * * ' MMl^ltHhKi-* . - . * f .51 l eelved orders (0 h
^^flM^[ o his Louie s( tVihui legion, fromi^nB^^ SP >t Orjeanv was ceiupeltod to lifts * kjr a n?3^^ f West Boinl, sltualftd aboui-foa\y >ni loo front 1 Richmond, Va** J* Being freegly ffcartfted, la I ir **ie6petlee of anattactr w?*n IhaSofcy.' '- ? Sft^anl ha* gtysa tsSirflflifttola'iki ?t|V ttTojs, po^|??ia?H|LitA?? of Hallltnorc Is v>M toW^?? c?ip< * 'pUte^x^moweydwl, Mefheoni which ^ is in pons?eion *f Lincoln.'* forces. , y> ') At Ihe *frt iuskf, an Wesuccesttful ntt?epl '*< *>*&? t? hold a f nion Hs4tifi|pin Losing-, 11 to? Mijwoirri. ,*. * ? % *"* * , , . r Heavy faHttree of oQ *m4 dirtiagui/hod V. ooBio?pnrial h^w% are ?Uil; occurring in ' Nejr York and PkitadelphiC -V ^ *.,4 * Liv* * * n ~ * # ^ ^ > k KllswwrfV*' Regiment of,Tiro 7oa?ves. 0 pfbvfc* to be nlmosClncnnt ridable by its officers. k f *fany of tbfcln ha?e betn sent back houie.'Ws cattNo oY their unruly propensities. " * 1 Three New Vopk Steamships have Ucen r soiswd at New Orleans. It is imiil that soiue of tlio Northern.Insttr mice r<>mjMMiie? arc taking measures # to organizc a merchant fle^t of nriurti Tcjutel*, protect the conu^vm- the Aiorfb - * | ./..Kg W. 1UcU?m1mu a native or Ctuuria*H>u ( mo heen artcofed at Washington, aa<1 in ftoti j irApr/oemt-.i. m The Pa* -**?'. ?. lu|fl )> ?? 'lee laved In bo blockaded. ? i A number of 1V? \?rk Indie* hm? pr?to?i cd a wtuco prwfmt ihe ?i?U *a(, i irhich that very ood*cK*Hve mtf, 4a m eegrr i 4o Hegin. "v* - ' * k*T ?? j \ ' *4f all flie fipv? published ;n '.New York I ciljr, th? P*y B'?elc ami K?i?a aIojmt Iiat* re- ,\ fused fw ylrld f*?mt?<.n of Ohio, bu eatfedfor 10P, J 000 TOltHIWIH. V? ' ? mm. #. ' .? v. N*?(or Mswf ?f Viminis onus real utst? ( in Pitntisflrnfti*, and Ibe 1>gistetureoMMt r J Hist?, bu altcmptRl to ooftiiH|B^fl[ on Moosst of bbpj^^J >nbU opinion, means that sirt t<> rem* fh# tjrrnnt at ^Mhtogton. If *<#th iny?| ia?I* Maryland >* ? gjaloture, nm Tlmrstfajr, Mr. # *" . y^, fred a report tr^m. the Committee * KfcSv* da^s. tW ft. **.m* teJMfdtalipi up|fcthepeopl* ef*a Kmb *#Xma*JJuUe- Isonotos^nn^^r of ft ESSbearRaKS the ?Aron#y.pe?<:-ef^ IfiU ^ *? Off*-**-* ia*ef"M?>4 n.WM+i.ft'itiamof ft* *a-^ but ? nuiUfcry M"? ?44? |Iwpdf /<|*o??tHfcr1o*ar, ** W ???' coJ on imiMMHat/?.?v FEl.tfneemmkfSH^ ?Mfl Hh-I^katw ? UHfttflM*. iWiw^ for ft* b,V| krminy ??! orffoWiaAfton itf flu 2' ^ li^tl*, tod f>tf mi an a^jg?tT?n^hl of Uh ,*? ?f arpar't | *] tiry kttt b?r?i crei^Wd 1?y Vhf?t*U nruopo 4iir?aM ^ V ?W<*n?jw>?H(*n. * An4 1kt UHlMtlfe *f ArkWaa*/ )Mf lfcm an-" ?inhi 1 .* * . * w v. i?U W? MlMial* ii3!w>r|Tk? '^Plm ?f Kwlu^jr Is hi hmm, hut luthloif Am ymt trawpirtd wkitk wo?WI tfcdlUriu?^Sjt% X5S?ifi?Hj ia RWhMod and MtupU^ ma4 toafenl'ilN th%( lh? prsvlanMtfoB W* ^Wlf^^^pvOTIOTi lO "jf wTW WwWeeWy fwvw' and ?bUHar< . "" ^ j sunt her .tboir softs. s. . f Th? ^linoUfdpjri in to be bin?k*dr<| at Cairo. . -Tt?ov>*t?14l>arHyte*la sow ready lo tako charge e? of uM 0*nawMio?io. fa organising wxorpa ?>f ffl)0 free no grow to mdft ia setakyig Harper's Perry, - Jna. I'. XrocWmoidgo of K?-ntnfkry fa cgn anniag lluit Mtil^ in fin or ?f KMilK?rn (tlgMn. ThosJiPwUnC rho bombardment of Pr?rt Humt orb** reached Kngtaifd, aubon haTf Toltiuteorn) and will go ty Virginia Aa armed 4|rlipnner wm t'.kon p???*ejidoii of by LlnfyU'i trtupv in f'nesaiicakc IUr ?? lit* Hih ( )*(.. which ??? intrmled fcif iho priv*ieeri?; aerriie. t'harleatait ia fo blockaded by the ate.im Frigate Niaga*-.*. , , z ' . Twenty Sv? ikctiMud troop* are now in \^hiM|ten. ija ( luffioftnl arms and arumuuitinu lo equip an ?m?y of )60,8fl0 iq?a. -ft baa brWii ilctermhird. that the farro# of ?he l'?hfelrfo. pto|?erty of ifararfff^. *** * "mr- k?o*. im^tr two fyntro1 r*ab >*( ckofc ?i> o bftrd or u>a? tleomrjeeiooore. (mn '"* 1. ? ,h* coprnt ffbnk, tbifwftow^ eontor^uoo oooi^lt * hwnlni j** *"* *-?n mm ***?& ?%ofwerorfy bond, for " lo* ' ! **" *1 ' * s w ' - ou c?kn?j^oo ^00 fwmik poor -wewor'k ... ' ^ A |W ^ ^ " utp? Wl W# l^lwTfttl