Journal and confederate. [volume] (Camden, S.C.) 1865-1865, April 03, 1865, Image 1

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/ ^ u ?j.uJT.TJ?!g"r.-j.-:fCT w i>i.f>-.-.-.^-ct ?, wlf- r-T r-jrw.ur mi, r-r-c^ rv ../r^-mrf.-rwn-^n .'w*-l i. < i.? .1 ? g-,' i'u'ja' /" J- ?. '?> 'B <v .' i ?. /V.-' : V ??& & ! &y.. / &i>.*ss p& Khj jdb). B, ......., t~-.. ?f> < ? va - vt'it-.** ">?ctt-r jrva^rzr.^nr^'ii.'t^^ sc.irwmrtww.' ; ja'r nr-w- -a mil ii.ii>- ? ' jj?. 1i^-zr-r--?.?:-;. o,-~r- <r--. -n^f-1 ? ?r j?' * ' VOL. i CAMDKN. S. CL MONDAY, AP1UL 8, .180-3. ^ . NO. 22. W^iiLMasawawBinngBWa i-.vjurr-. wnrMPimor J.T.EiEJitSr:32.4.\ ...b. J;. EOWTTf, J.'iJl'iv >i:s. Term.- of ^:ii;>.-;<;iipiiOii. 'J'ri-Wo:!?!y per mouth S2.( 0 ! " " Id' bis > cuius f iO.Oo j "Weeklv, "S? - Hi-t'O I .. I-I.aIos lor AccvVrUHvriv: For one fitunre?ten iines r : ?FIVE iiOLLAUS fur the first insertion. i>iu! l-'L-TR ])0L LA l\S for fi'.i.'Ii su'isoiiuent. I OciTC.utv Xuru'Ks, t'.ttxoditi^ one souare, clmrjnd j at advertising nt'-s. Transient Advertisements and V.'or!: i! BE 1'A 11 FU U J N A bV A N 0 ! .. I Ko deduction made, t.\cv-: to tiir ripd: r uduriis njj. patrons. From Johnston's Army. | The telegraph has already announced in gen- j eral terms, the light which occurred at ur near, Bcntonsviile on Sunday and its result". With-! out entering into details, wlneh at. this time it ; may be coii Ira hand to make public, v.o are' . . pernii'ted to publish tin- following: t * Bentousville is a small vdl.T-e, on a little, i stream known as Mill (..'reek, in a Souih-east'j crly direction fiom Kaliegii, and, say, twenty-1 two miles from Sniitliiield. The locality is I similar to that of the renowned Wilderness in j ' Virginia?Hat, thick ami swampy. Uule'artii- j ; lery, consequently, could be i..-<:d <m either | ' * "sid^^jTbe'eniruiv were nv??*j? isf . ' lioiorro (.UeOi a junction Hiiu K i-nvi.. .-i, i..1,5th and 17'h cm*ps being on n?o r ad and the 14th and -Oth on the other. Learning this fact, (A'li. .I"!nsM? i! ii.iv.-tt i; j-ci'.i- i; .?i ; army across ii.e front of li:o inttcr iovi.<;-i:i w the Yankee (- 'inujiMi-!. am! tise !. - is*-J att..o!;j was brought on. iii- ).:ir|'?>- use; . ii i:l whip tjkt' enemy in deluii. t.?u:- i:.? t? m-ve:{might hotter, The l*Vd< n>i im?-s veto L-i-.iiy . repeatedly ami with su. >-, ;ii : Y giving away iVoijiiemly in cmitrisioii, and. tiienis'.-lves t;iofoi!j:i:Iy unable. v. J.e.v ?!. bets were eve i itppidximat-iy l.? v.i:h statiil the vigorous I eks uf our commns. Diiriiii; the Istlti r ' > ;,i m t.-f the ? i'ga"toiie;t. :in attempt was m lib; l-y heiiera! i.m.u ;s. Jlatik the Yankee position, bat, ibiung Ai.nna III lit; l! \V M I souii; wipo u* , . .... . ?nd t.lic fight ceafd, leaving ih in [ -n <<i all we had gained. JinriuLj thy night our il.ns were rectified, :iiul we awaited tlic is-li:a;v i jittack on the following da; . next morning the loth corps was brought up, but d:d not make an assault until tin; aftciioon. This was repulsed witli case. Skirmishing, continued all day. On Tuesday, the iTtli corps wjis "brought up, and very heavy skirmishing resulted. The enemy felt nur line lVmu right to left until it is said, finding an opp* rumuy, be made ahold push for the town of lleulonsville. which was reached by two division.. At this juncture General ilardoe, with (..'cunnings' Georgia brigade and a brigade of Texas cavalry, charged and drove them out in a harrisonm manner, capturing a number of prisoners. That night our army withon v, same which time we are not advised of aav lighting except by our cavalry, which, under J l:ini|it?.ni,attack.-, the cneniv on every proper occasion. There appears to be no doubt that Seiiolicld and Sherinan ltave at last met at or near Goldsboro. at which place the Federals are supposed to be entrenching. General Jointson, however has the inside track, is in a position which gives him tiio advantage of the first "^utovc on thcchess board, and from which we jnav anticipate the happie.-t results.?No//.',7 CaroHniPii. t. ? < /..ifcJbfci't, >AC.\i;-.-tl, liLAllv. 12, y j * ! A ifciiuL':::.i:i i.i I.yi.c'.ibHrg In .< Lin !uavra: ;rvyscliU l.y v.liu!), iVfti:i isis ?.\v.i ] ri\::tf s:t?rc : ?-* v.'i!l ; . .?! i.'ii nit-M in jV ;"i.:y Jul' ii.n six nur.iiiS. A nici' orii.i lii..s j-ii'M-iili.-'! u> tli? i-ciiis1; Mire I (.1' i oiii>iiii:::. bv live liiousru.u fuitiMl men \ arising ti:c ri.'.bt o:\~iil.iu.-c. The -'"ov." Vo:k u: lise > :li -r.yi: (jctieral J Job. Johnston is Miia in i oiji.itliy eu litaiiii^' a I nk- | farm i:;-..r Uie e.J il.iloi' A akaiua. A.-. i..v.;ai liic ?'/ r- I I a/'/ iiao rtii..ii.e u'-tt;s iVon. ti.e J-iiUia. >. Tiie i. ,'iVi ,"',m >.,vs: ?Vm are u<l i" mat i Col. Joil.v 1'. 1\k.?x!!u. Ol'lilC .-cinlld ifi-lidl l.'iii I'kiiit j ; rojjiiiiciil, K k;;s;!u's t'd I'l i.iii.ik'. li.-.s u. v-u n.adu n | U'lvt^-itlid active service. j::K..iiilrv, ! and weuiKS, viit.tlo a.'iy i? * i r;iio>i':u. Coii. K., j liii.s ruiiv earned Id'J'iit EstiViimr i.< iiiiica.fu 'nv an cl:io r ' 'k > b.V. : I'uaciiOu ;.ie!::..o;id. iCel. A.k.-n. of Coin id';:.: us cavalry, Wiis kill, d ourm.' a iveetit kirinif.Il. ilnjor JIai kci:. aojuu.iii in iics'.il ?u (ion. ll.\Mi".i..\'js ftlali'. was Wounded a i liic .-.iSik- lisia.-. but i;ot d on-! v. Tho Mow Yc.k Jyn.i'! c'sj:liiooiioi* r.vniy coilili.n.-i lii '-d \vi;k l! o I'l'o; oodil!j;> < I ino ps.lul ( Uio.i Uiv: lii.-g (iicr.-o;i .Monday, liit- kin insi. Tiio ;;rooo:<.*io:. v.:;- l.'iifj op four liiiios lnn<;. and i-t ij.s U# l.avt boon uioi? ly a graiid adve-riisiiiji" van i:? wide-it li.tsowing n...olii:if iii-.-u Mid e.kers advertised iliolr Tv::r<. ' j . -?v' " T '.' it* (' 11 -iiiv >*> < iil i- v.;ii..-ii ivr !-. .> i'ii .'i<?. i hi!" i::11:. >i.:!.. ? v. t ; l.r liio ?l. u:y v;.u-:i itiii.I-:.. ; ;_iv--:i ' .y 1 <i:-jja'.t'v. -,v*-sc ; !v.- ! 1?: ' ' fyvni !?.? li.hf I . j I " i j:: '.t v.' Y? i :! v iii'l ; : i-. ii. v : J ; v >. i * n t" i : II. ?.'iiilf" ( . All i*t *? " i". j i '.'iic. ily i: i* .i i : i ' ! 11 ;i .t, :rsl.i'l .i ri'V. ' . i , ; j. >"i.;. i u'r w iiJs . I i':. ? .. i..; t s>.i i i.>> c';.!- .ii't i-i v.r.?.v of !:;? ci-- . *.ii" ii.i.ii v v. i'. i.l mail -.1 Ij.-i."' i i.f]'"; ? J iii* j-. y. ill" jn'i-iiii... :< lm the I (/] ,>:.I.-?! ;'i i.!' ..-.solid' liii,. liec-a.!*-. 'flie i:tte mid! W'Titiiii-. wiiii a I lis a! reinlani. d sm-uloils. may ),ri.\v ( n sii;iia! I.less in jr. \fu'< taiion lists hi'd' k.-jt iVom a ; ! j>jviii !'.:: !?<! liic U'.'Vfli>j?n)ciit criVnit loos- 1 ' souis is aimosi a win!: l.iii r than usual. Now, isnv : : i n-1f- (;. an- iLiititii!? ii i-Moral adurniaenu! J*i-rinjr. j i a - it ia mak!: inn-'!: lor iter soli uoliiaia-t.- in the laj> . ; .if Wisi*'s;*. sc-i'.ic s her Irirgin-s of laid ami o'o.-si>:u j i with a lnvi*ii i.ail-h Tii:: K.\'!i kthe Vv'aii.?it i- not si:iiesin.ii:.-!ii;i, i: ' is !.< ; vision, on'. now the \vav< a <fw..r i air closing rjiind aiaait tin-|-?.v.; h\ i.<) tho day is, , dark and ifivarv.'* tvl.o does not It d .hat SieMtri the ! ; dril ls lite' oule-ivi'tittf .-i;nis> .-ii:ui:i^r. and that ii will .toil break fori i i'i id-M i tiiSi-ifiilji'i-iiei?. Tiii-se ex- , j arc sn^csied 11y ih . from a to:*-' resp .m ion: of ;'.! .'.'.iii'itii Te'eyrath : i l;-. all. c ,aril, when? n a recent visit to i Ii:.-* t-irt*, I was a.-kid l'J" :i pa mm* of ",|C '''|C ?di;ircli. s. "i J oral. have von anything jruod whieli I can earn* i in theso dark days, to cheer liie lie.. Its of my : Assuredly I have." he replied. '-Have'iou u.v[.r j ! iravels'I on it dark day. when low murky clouds ?verj east all ll:c ??: ! vriili id?i'iii '! Ami liavo vt-ti no. s<.t-:i ! t| c suit siidd.-u'y 1'ioak through tlnv-eiou is. m:d !i;|,t i u|. i!i.? scene wiih glory V" uficii. sir." w.ts liie reply. ' itc-iiii j my wi.vds as prophetic." lm continued, this v.Mi* will end suddenly and gloriously TiiK Thi-M'kekly.?With ilii'i is.-tio \vc resume ll<?? I ] ul'Utili'jii of lk<? Ti'i-Y.*; i'!.!y j"<aj:cr. Yiodoetu it e>- j :-entia! t?> u'^eall mi Use1 ilc.-rs toc lor- j vunhiii.! rcttlc their ntsliscviption tor sits. A larpx1 j > ?! ii.: vk'ir-in-r is?iue tiiU #csl:iSj!:?liiU'*!it for sub- j peii|'tinii ;:nd suive: ti.-iit;:. Tho.-s who a-e tinuhlo in ji .vi:: C**i:!ed?r<)tc money, \vW he accommodated', la tiii'i: [iresviitation of provisions instead. Y.'o lv.rvtl iw Ii0.ii" of i!u* death or Mr. Am.ik S.'l.tx- ! .Nov, L-itust son of our townsman. T. K. .Shannon*. IU- . v a* killed v/liilst tnjra.wl in ititarijitsjra liridire across j l .?.* j\ iiJtis rivrr. M r. A l.l.KN Yul'.Vfi wav e]mi ' l at I'lc saine lintf-.iinl |>l:'e,c. and Mr. (iKottcK , \ ?>: N<; taken prisoner. All tlireo cf the au^vi;-' li.'ia e?l jre ti.i'. n;c!i wc-ie members of Cap!. John t iiks : M TS f'avii'.rv company iVuiu litis place. V. c eiyc { to our ki tier? as \was tciUl to us. ; ii<i imiiii;i v. licit I'.r its correctness. sis it was reported lor a ser- ' V;:l I Coining li'tlll Citpf. UtlES.STr'S Cuintn.lll .1. JfouskiJiO.'.u MkasUrms.?As all lam:!! >, arts . iitii provided wit!i scales or >1eights, rcferiiug I : iitgrcuicrits in general tisc l?v every I toils::-; wii'j, JJr. .i!ru\wi, subjoins to his paper a list) us loiiows: ' , i f ,\v::tyHT.s and .vkascr.-.s. ; AY hunt Hour, 1 pound is 1 quart. Jaoiaii iticai, 1 poultd - ounces is 1 ouart. ituitcr wlruu soi't, 1 pound 1 oiuine is 1 IJitllt.. i Loaf sugar, broken, 1 pound is 1 Cjtiurt. Wliitu sugar, powdered, 1 pound i ounce is ! ,!*4y.r:rt.. . *i ' w? ? "t O n r. in-~.Tr - " ' < ... , - ' i . Mi;t :i> Six1 ': .!<! aiv iia!f a j !. :?rc < <;. I l m-1 i-:! ilFf: i.i! i i> liaiil >./''t I 11'I?ii.T H P-J- ; \ Wir.u !.??:<is !.:< i a . I \ i 1't l" !V"lli !vi v \\? >t on v f !' 'i .:11 v 1! i, : "i;.l li 'r i.a*; Ir. iv- | i-<-:v-?. (! ' -j?>r WV'.ks. lao ' u.-nio a i?.! on !..* r ! '. i <ii 11: 1 lisaia i.unl la'ar ! .Marl !'iii. v.!::< ii i.c -i;ircc-'?!c<l ill ! >(' !<< ,!(.!, w.i.-. 1m :>it nvi", .. i".vi. ..... . *. i I'f *i .1 In iiiiun. \% h i 'i?? . . , . j <! :i i acres, with a i ?s of six ut his nun \ killed and twenty lour wounded. - - I'aivsui JJrowiilnw, "(Invemor" elect of j Tennessee. i! s lii-ca awarded -$::5,00u in a .-nil |or s is.'!??*J ? 1 1 >*-" i.'iijji!.- >iisunt tieisei-tiiiiiti a! tin' ham is o! c stain jiri.?niiia:iii re'"As of Knoxviih*, which i.-. 11? [r: assessed up- . on the property ??i" ilasnscy, Snoed : iul others, who weie ijii'lariitial, ia the early .i;:ys of ti.e ; ? ! e.'i."!n in to'iiii" the !'arson into jail. v * I -?- | The Yankees have established a negro re-1 rrsntmii oliire ;;L ISuumicrville, twenty two j miles above Charleston, and a iii-*?r<? luiunde ! L'arrisoas the town. j The cit z it is understood, r.skcd ;i > if'sanl of protection, aial the negrov< were seat.' i?) afford it. A good chance here !>?r 0111 new i Confederate niggers to make their lirst haul. i ^ __ The o!!ici;i! ;tiitiniiiicvHiiMit of t!ic or^ani;nation o{ tlie .Mexican arnn, ii.xis its ti<rurcs-at 30,000 mc:!i besides nilicers. A\ lien tie- Trench arniv departs, it. will leave about two .Mc.xir ins to one (iennan. Arabs, Tureos. Zouaves, ]%?land, rj, Austrian.*, <leinians and Frenchmen j all have had a hand in the establishment of j the new empire. Gen. Sherman's Resignation Letter. Y\> find in a northern paper the annexe'l letter of resiirnurion written four years ?go by I t'ien. Sherman, when lie re.-tiyned ,bis position as superintend-nt of the Military Academy of Louisiana : J a: r Alt v iS, 18C1. (taw. Tin jr. 0. .1 fo?rr, Jl"toi i J-'u-'Ji/r, L<t :? Sm: As I occupy a <jr?(/.v/ military position under the State. I deem it proper to acquaint von thai I accepted snob position when Louisiana was a Slate in tin: tiiii-ui, and when the motto of the seminary was inserted in marble .1 I .... i:r _r ,i. over N.e :;i;un uoor? i?\ i;m* iii".*r<um u? ui?: 'M-nrViii (.loveniinrnt of :lie United Slates-? I in* L" iiicij. A'.v.'o i? r/iofiui. It-rent events I'wir.-li.nlow a r-roat. eliai'ye, it heroines aii men in oliiU'Si'. II Louisiana wisljii:as (V'-ia tiio Urderid Union, I prefer to maintain inv a!lei.'iaiit:c to tho oM ('onsritmiou a? lony as a frayuient of it survive'', and inv stay heru would 1>' wrong in cv.-ry MliSf (if 1'H! W"!d. iii that event, I hey you will send or appoint ?:!:!iayvr.i to take cliaryu of tlm arms and ii:i >u- of war here, belonging to il e Staff, "r ' ireet i:iu what disposition should hy made of Mi'-in. And, fuvlL-rmore, as 1'rc-kiertt of tho Bono! * ?'f Supervisors, I bey you to take immediate steps to it:itei o ill" as Superintendent, tho . !!iomi,nt 1..0 .S'atc diiterniitios to sceede: lor i it.'ij|i'i li.i e emuiiit At^lL L iLi -an v v.u:L,.. _ il.i'ik :i!iv t'*?.!! !:{ In.?:!: in. n?* in di-liaree of. !ih <>! ! 'i11ji! i, , i.'.i- I., i.ii -i! Si.ifrs. Wi?.h ro w. ::kman. i. -Jj-i.l <- ?' j- : v.- t. 2.Z. j.'- LL rr.iv* Mnr.-ii ? NVw Yurie p?ip?rs ( :'tih1 _7::i :. ,>u n iv: !, kvm iv!ticli tl:o !t !! ; >,:!?|l?l:il " is jKi'jiv* : in ;i t?"it ai"; nj t'i l;iv r?*!-?;ivo t>>Hio .<".vs t?:t M mI"'i!? !i (-. tlllis 'In- ivi-eSs i*-:?-Til. i m I ' i't Sunders, l.njt at'lcr .??* rious i*>iii'r-js :!?f.tis v. cr?? r-'Vipusrcl. wit!i ]()' '! 1 ,.?r;si>iii,r', ?vu ?irifru* li.lcrs unci ul liic anus wiiit'll were iiiiicj.iid. A later telegram claims tlio rapture of 27ct." v:n1 sjivs (iraiit cslliiiiito tl.ii rclii'l hilled :iit*! -.viiitndcii ;it The I'nionloss le>s I Itnli Set). A iii?p;itdi frtnil Scliojj, Id the 2lsf, rs.'fj**its tii.-t In: occupied v<i.i*!.~!u?r-> that evewith l'i:f slight oppnidiinji. Sherman's left was engaged vim the enetnv r }.eiitoiisvi!!o on Sunday, ilis right, the ITili corps was near Ait. Uiivo uii Sunday night.. S-Iiofiolu ivpoits the capture. at (hddsboro, of seven cars, ami mo, s that Tcitv h us cnptuted two locomotives and t\>o cars, which hois now using. .Mo.slty has 601) men under his command.? There are from ol>0 to dOf) ill Londoo ;ind tlio same number at Prince William. ? * ? JjViN'ti.?Although 1 lie devil be the father of lies, he seems. like oflicr great inventors, to have l"St. mud: "1 his r?*piitufion by the con titiuni imprnvemet.ts that have been made upon liiin.? !>'w'-jt. ? - - ? ? It is report e<l that the ])opartnjcnt of the \'ai!i'V ami the J >cp;irisiicnt of East Tcnncssou ami West Virginia afe to be eousolklatci! into one ilepHi tioeiit of which I.ieut. t.h.n. Early ii to take commaiul.