/ ^ u ?j.uJT.TJ?.TT.tt-!g"r.-j.-:fCT w i>i.f>-.-.-.^-ct ?, wlf- r-T r-jrw.ur mi, r-r-c^ rv ../r^-mrf.-rwn-^n .'w*-l i. < i.? .1 ? g-,' i'u'ja' /" J- ?. '?> 'B .*ss p& Khj jdb). B, ......., t~-.. ?f> < ? va - vt'it-.** ">?ctt-r jrva^rzr.^nr^'ii.'t^^ sc.irwmrtww.' ; ja'r nr-w- -a mil ii.ii>- ? ' jj?. 1i^-zr-r--?.?:-;. o,-~r- i:s. Term.- of ^:ii;>.-;<;iipiiOii. 'J'ri-Wo:!?!y per mouth S2.( 0 ! " " Id' bis > cuius f iO.Oo j "Weeklv, "S? - Hi-t'O I .. I-I.aIos lor AccvVrUHvriv: For one fitunre?ten iines r : ?FIVE iiOLLAUS fur the first insertion. i>iu! l-'L-TR ])0L LA l\S for fi'.i.'Ii su'isoiiuent. I OciTC.utv Xuru'Ks, t'.ttxoditi^ one souare, clmrjnd j at advertising nt'-s. Transient Advertisements and V.'or!: i! BE 1'A 11 FU U J N A bV A N 0 ! .. I Ko deduction made, t.\cv-: to tiir ripd: r uduriis njj. patrons. From Johnston's Army. | The telegraph has already announced in gen- j eral terms, the light which occurred at ur near, Bcntonsviile on Sunday and its result". With-! out entering into details, wlneh at. this time it ; may be coii Ira hand to make public, v.o are' . . pernii'ted to publish tin- following: t * Bentousville is a small vdl.T-e, on a little, i stream known as Mill (..'reek, in a Souih-east'j crly direction fiom Kaliegii, and, say, twenty-1 two miles from Sniitliiield. The locality is I similar to that of the renowned Wilderness in j ' Virginia?Hat, thick ami swampy. Uule'artii- j ; lery, consequently, could be i..-<:d - use; . ii i:l whip tjkt' enemy in deluii. t.?u:- i:.? t? m-ve:{might hotter, The l*Vd< n>i im?-s veto L-i-.iiy . repeatedly ami with su. >-, ;ii : Y giving away iVoijiiemly in cmitrisioii, and. tiienis'.-lves t;iofoi!j:i:Iy unable. v. J.e.v ?!. bets were eve i itppidximat-iy l.? v.i:h statiil the vigorous I eks uf our commns. Diiriiii; the Istlti r ' > ;,i m t.-f the ? i'ga"toiie;t. :in attempt was m lib; l-y heiiera! i.m.u ;s. Jlatik the Yankee position, bat, ibiung Ai.nna III lit; l! \V M I souii; wipo u* , . .... . ?nd t.lic fight ceafd, leaving ih in [ -n <AC.\i;-.-tl, liLAllv. 12, y j * ! A ifciiuL':::.i:i i.i I.yi.c'.ibHrg In .< Lin !uavra: ;rvyscliU l.y v.liu!), iVfti:i isis ?.\v.i ] ri\::tf s:t?rc : ?-* v.'i!l ; . .?! i.'ii nit-M in jV ;"i.:y Jul' ii.n six nur.iiiS. A nici' orii.i lii..s ln.li j-ii'M-iili.-'! u> tli? i-ciiis1; Mire I (.1' i oiii>iiii:::. bv live liiousru.u fuitiMl men \ arising ti:c ri.'.bt o:\~iil.iu.-c. The -'"ov." Vo:k u: lise > :li -r.yi: (jctieral J Job. Johnston is Miia in i oiji.itliy eu litaiiii^' a I nk- | farm i:;-..r Uie e.J il.iloi' A akaiua. A.-. i..v.;ai liic ?'/ r- I I a/'/ iiao rtii..ii.e u'-tt;s iVon. ti.e J-iiUia. >. Tiie i. ,'iVi ,"',m >.,vs: ?Vm are ui':u. Coii. K., j liii.s ruiiv earned Id'J'iit EstiViimr i.< iiiiica.fu 'nv an cl:io r ' 'k > b.V. : I'uaciiOu ;.ie!::..o;id. iCel. A.k.-n. of Coin id';:.: us cavalry, Wiis kill, d ourm.' a iveetit kirinif.Il. ilnjor JIai kci:. A.-.si. aojuu.iii in iics'.il ?u (ion. ll.\Mi".i..\'js ftlali'. was Wounded a i liic .-.iSik- lisia.-. but i;ot d on-! v. Tho Mow Yc.k Jyn.i'!-l.si- c'sj:liiooiioi* r.vniy coilili.n.-i lii '-d \vi;k l! o I'l'o; oodil!j;> < I ino ps.lul ( Uio.i Uiv: lii.-g (iicr.-o;i .Monday, liit- kin insi. Tiio ;;rooo:<.*io:. v.:;- l.'iifj op four liiiios lnn<;. and i-t ij.s U# l.avt boon uioi? ly a graiid adve-riisiiiji" van i:? wide-it li.tsowing n...olii:if iii-.-u Mid e.kers advertised iliolr Tv::r<. ' j . -?v' " T '.' it* (' 11 -iiiv >*> < iil i- v.;ii..-ii ivr !-. .> i'ii .'ii.:!.. ? v. t .t.vi. ; l.r liio ?l. u:y v;.u-:i itiii.I-:.. ; ;_iv--:i ' .y 1 . i * n t" i : II. ?.'iiilf" ( . All i*t *? " i". j i '.'iic. ily i: i* .i i : i ' ! 11 ;i .t, :rsl.i'l .i ri'V. ' . i , ; j. >"i.;. i u'r w iiJs . I i':. ? .. i..; t s>.i i i.>> c';.!- .ii't i-i v.r.?.v of !:;? ci-- . *.ii" ii.i.ii v v. i'. i.l mail v.nu -.1 Ij.-i."' i i.f]'"; ? J iii* j-. -f.il y. ill" jn'i-iiii... :< lm the I (/] ,>:.I.-?! ;'i i.!' ..-.solid' liii,. liec-a.!*-. 'flie i:tte mid! W'Titiiii-. wiiii a I lis a! reinlani. d sm-uloils. may ),ri.\v ( n sii;iia! I.less in jr. \fu'< taiion lists hi'd' k.-jt iVom a ; ! j>jviii !'.:: !? pvowili.anj?n)ciit criVnit loos- 1 ' souis is aimosi a win!: l.iii r than usual. Now, isnv : : i n-1f- (;. an- iLiititii!? ii i-Moral adurniaenu! J*i-rinjr. j i a - it ia mak!: inn-'!: lor iter soli uoliiaia-t.- in the laj> . ; .if Wisi*'s;*. sc-i'.ic s her Irirgin-s of laid ami o'o.-si>:u j i with a lnvi*ii i.ail-h Tii:: K.\'!i kthe Vv'aii.?it i- not si:iiesin.ii:.-!ii;i, i: ' is !.< ; vision, on'. now iii.il the \vav< a .-ii:ui:i^r. and that ii will .toil break fori i i'i id-M i tiiSi-ifiilji'i-iiei?. Tiii-se ex- , j re-.-i.r.is arc sn^csied 11y ih . from a to:*-' resp .m ion: of ;'.! .'.'.iii'itii Te'eyrath : i l;-. all. c ,aril, when? n a recent visit to i Ii:.-* t-irt*, I was a.-kid l'J" :i pa mm* of ",|C '''|C ?di;ircli. s. "i J oral. have von anything jruod whieli I can earn* i in theso dark days, to cheer liie lie.. Its of my : Assuredly I have." he replied. '-Have'iou u.v[.r j ! iravels'I on it dark day. when low murky clouds ?verj east all ll:c ??: ! vriili id?i'iii '! Ami liavo vt-ti no. s<.t-:i ! t| c suit siidd.-u'y 1'ioak through tlnv-eiou is. m:d !i;|,t i u|. i!i.? scene wiih glory V" uficii. sir." w.ts liie reply. ' itc-iiii j my wi.vds as prophetic." lm continued, this v.Mi* will end suddenly and gloriously TiiK Thi-M'kekly.?With ilii'i is.-tio \vc resume ll- j :-entia! t?> u'^eall mi Use1 ilc.-rs toc lor- j vunhiii.! rcttlc their ntsliscviption tor sits. A larpx1 j > ?! ii.: vk'ir-in-r is?iue tiiU #csl:iSj!:?liiU'*!it for sub- j peii|'tinii ;:nd suive: ti.-iit;:. Tho.-s who a-e tinuhlo in ji .vi:: C**i:!ed?r<)tc money, \vW he accommodated', la tiii'i: [iresviitation of provisions instead. Y.'o lv.rvtl iw Ii0.ii" of i!u* death or Mr. Am.ik S.'l.tx- ! .Nov, L-itust son of our townsman. T. K. .Shannon*. IU- . v a* killed v/liilst tnjra.wl in ititarijitsjra liridire across j l .?.* j\ iiJtis rivrr. M r. A l.l.KN Yul'.Vfi wav e]mi ' l at I'lc saine lintf-.iinl |>l:'e,c. and Mr. (iKottcK , \ ?>: N<; taken prisoner. All tlireo cf the au^vi;-' li.'ia e?l jre ti.i'. n;c!i wc-ie members of Cap!. John t iiks : M TS f'avii'.rv company iVuiu litis place. V. c eiyc {..in to our ki tier? as \was tciUl to us. ; ii, arts . iitii provided wit!i scales or >1eights, rcferiiug I : iitgrcuicrits in general tisc l?v every I toils::-; wii'j, JJr. .i!ru\wi, subjoins to his paper a list) us loiiows: ' , i f ,\v::tyHT.s and .vkascr.-.s. ; AY hunt Hour, 1 pound is 1 quart. Jaoiaii iticai, 1 poultd - ounces is 1 ouart. ituitcr wlruu soi't, 1 pound 1 oiuine is 1 IJitllt.. i Loaf sugar, broken, 1 pound is 1 Cjtiurt. Wliitu sugar, powdered, 1 pound i ounce is ! ,!*4y.r:rt.. . *i ' w? ? "t O n r. in-~.Tr - " ' < ... , - ' i . Mi;t :i> Six1 ': .! liaiil >./''t I 11'I?ii.T H P-J- ; \ Wir.u !.??:t on v f !' 'i .:11 v 1! i, : "i;.l li 'r i.a*; Ir. iv- | i-<-:v-?. (! ' -j?>r WV'.ks. lao ' u.-nio a i?.! on !..* r ! '. i (' !<< ,!(.!, w.i.-. 1m :>it nvi", .. i".vi. ..... . *. i I'f *i .1 In iiiiun. \% h i 'i?? . . , . j *-" i.'iijji!.- >iisunt tieisei-tiiiiiti a! tin' ham is o! c stain jiri.?niiia:iii re'"As of Knoxviih*, which i.-. 11? [r: assessed up- . on the property ??i" ilasnscy, Snoed : iul others, who weie ijii'lariitial, ia the early .i;:ys of ti.e ; ? ! e.'i."!n in to'iiii" the !'arson into jail. v * I -?- | The Yankees have established a negro re-1 rrsntmii oliire ;;L ISuumicrville, twenty two j miles above Charleston, and a iii-*?r if'sanl of protection, aial the negrov< were seat.' i?) afford it. A good chance here !>?r 0111 new i Confederate niggers to make their lirst haul. i ^ __ The o!!ici;i! ;tiitiniiiicvHiiMit of t!ic or^ani;nation o{ tlie .Mexican arnn, ii.xis its ti find in a northern paper the annexe'l letter of resiirnurion written four years ?go by I t'ien. Sherman, when lie re.-tiyned ,bis position as superintend-nt of the Military Academy of Louisiana : J a: r Alt v iS, 18C1. (taw. Tin jr. 0. .1 fo?rr, Jl"toi i J-'u-'Ji/r, L' wrong in cv.-ry MliSf (if 1'H! W"!d. iii that event, I hey you will send or appoint ?:!:!iayvr.i to take cliaryu of tlm arms and ii:i >u- of war here, belonging to il e Staff, "r ' ireet i:iu what disposition should hy made of Mi'-in. And, fuvlL-rmore, as 1'rc-kiertt of tho Bono! * ?'f Supervisors, I bey you to take immediate steps to it:itei o ill" as Superintendent, tho . !!iomi,nt 1..0 .S'atc diiterniitios to sceede: lor i it.'ij|i'i li.i e emuiiit At^lL L iLi -an v v.u:L,.. _ il.i'ik :i!iv t'*?.!! !:{ In.?:!: in. n?* in di-liaree of. !ih <>! ! 'i11ji! i, , i.'.i- I., i.ii -i! Si.ifrs. Wi?.h ro w. ::kman. i. -Jj-i.l <- ?' j- : v.- t. 2.Z. j.'- LL rr.iv* Mnr.-ii ? NVw Yurie p?ip?rs ( :'tih1 _7::i :. ,>u n iv: !, kvm iv!ticli tl:o !t !! ; >,:!?|l?l:il " is jKi'jiv* : in ;i t?"it ai"; nj t'i l;iv r?*!-?;ivo t>>Hio .<".vs t?:t M mI"'i!? !i (-. tlllis 'In- ivi-eSs i*-:?-Til. i m I ' i't Sunders, l.njt at'lcr .??* rious i*>iii'r-js :!?f.tis v. cr?? r-'Vipusrcl. wit!i ]()' '! 1 ,.?r;si>iii,r', ?vu ?irifru* li.lcrs unci ul liic anus wiiit'll were iiiiicj.iid. A later telegram claims tlio rapture of 27ct." v:n1 sjivs (iraiit cslliiiiito tl.ii rclii'l hilled :iit*! -.viiitndcii ;it The I'nionloss le>s I Itnli Set). A iii?p;itdi frtnil Scliojj, Id the 2lsf, rs.'fj**its tii.-t In: occupied v that evewith l'i:f slight oppnidiinji. Sherman's left was engaged vim the enetnv r }.eiitoiisvi!!o on Sunday, ilis right, the ITili corps was near Ait. Uiivo uii Sunday night.. S-Iiofiolu ivpoits the capture. at (hddsboro, of seven cars, ami mo, s that Tcitv h us cnptuted two locomotives and t\>o cars, which hois now using. .Mo.slty has 601) men under his command.? There are from ol>0 to dOf) ill Londoo ;ind tlio same number at Prince William. ? * ? JjViN'ti.?Although 1 lie devil be the father of lies, he seems. like oflicr great inventors, to have l"St. mud: "1 his r?*piitufion by the con titiuni imprnvemet.ts that have been made upon liiin.? !>'w'-jt. ? - - ? ? It is report ecp;irisiicnt of East Tcnncssou ami West Virginia afe to be eousolklatci! into one ilepHi tioeiit of which I.ieut. t.h.n. Early ii to take commaiul.