University of South Carolina Libraries
THE BARNWELL fEOPLE t f •t JOHN W. HOLMES iMo-igia SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Year It-M Six ifonthi —— ....... .90 Three Montha ...l— .60 (Strictly hi Advance.) fe. P. DA V IKS. Editor and Propriety. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25TH, 1923 l V Books for the School f Each week we will publish a list of f books for parallel reading which the , 1 Barnwell school needs. Anyone hav- f ing a duplicate, or a dollar wheieby f to purchase a book, may contribute ; either' to the school and It will be ; appreciated. Watch the Hit each week. " Barton, C. f The Story of My Cbild- fiool; Beacon, A., The Boy’s Drake; Bolton, S. K., Poor Boys That Be came Famous; Burroughs, J., John James Audobon; Davis, W., AutobW | ography of a Super# Tramp; Epler, j P. H , Life of Clara Barton; Gatea, E.. The Biography af a Prarie Girl; Gilder J. L. The Autobiography of a Tomboy; Grenfell, W, A Labrador Doctor; Hagodora. H . The Boy’s ^ Life of Theodore Roosevelt; Keller | H. The Story of My Life; I.sream L. A New Ragland Girlhood. Lott ! P. The Story of a Child; Matte. M | W, lleeoee Every Child Shewid j Kaow, Hair. J, Tha Story af My aad Yewth. Msadewrraft I fha Boy s Ufa af R*aaa H. Boy's Ufa af Aheahaw Paiaa. R D. Br^ht R—^ latara. Btehae^a. U R ra Neghliagala. Bhaaya, B I «ae a Boy la Jagoo. Baa A, t oodeaasoaa af a Haro 0L0CST Of 4PfL£ ORCHAKDS B la la »a erlgta ai thla aretard Is ttgaity. How B the Med, who tha dooa that go Tha word Inantano^ la Spanish Pm appU tree, aad ’‘■aurnaBo* means Wl«- It la believed that the New Mexico orchard was Baited by ooe Fra Gcroalmo da la tJeno, a aeieefn^. ary from Mexico who In 1636 came to Quarl, flee allies below the preseat hamlet of If anas no There was at It la said, a wonderful aajra the American Forestry Mags sine, and ft la bettered that the Spanish priest planted the orchard near the spring. Although this early settlement was abandoned for more than a century be cause of Apache raids, the orchard grew on. Aa It stands today ft la la two groups, one of fifty trees, the other of alxtoea trees Tim trees are of “sprout" growth, many of them la groups of two or three starting from a common center. They still bear fruit, although the apples are small. The guardian of tha orchard today la tha Rev. Joeo Gauthier, a French padre who has served the townpoopie for the loot twMty-dvo years The orchard la the property •t the local church BEETLE EATS MOSQUITO GRUB ea old Mrw set very fit. but aha always bad some emotion to aafi tho doctor that bad nothing to d° #tth her own rmaa. ’Doctor," aba mid oa thla occasion, caa you tell me why It Is that some people are born dumbT The doctor thought for a moment. "Why—hem—certainly,” he replied; "It^ia owing to the fact that they come Into the world without the faculty of speech." The old woman gated at him In ad* miration. ■ ' "There, now,” she remarked. "Now just see what It means to have an edu cation. I asked Thomas more than a hundred times why It was, and all he could any was, "’CauM they Is’"— Baltimore News. - ' .Air Jets A plan to abolish the propellers of airplanes is the subject now of labors- tory research. Air compressed snd mixed with fuel In a combustion cham ber would be projected through a n<*sle at the rear of the airplane, and the reaction of Its discharge would drive the machine through the air. Though It Is calculated that high speed might jw»sslhly be obtained through this method of Jet propulsion, the mechanism would be heavy, and experiments a» far show that’tbe con sumption of fuel y cHild be In exr#m of that required for ordinary propeller drivs Current CemeUy. “Oeuaa btui oue of Sbak «»edte* ear -Ta*” “How's ih« work gotegf* I tbiafe ooH pot hi a MABT«r» balm eMMussusHum State of fieutfi Carolina. Barnwell County. Court of Common Ploos. Marie Cohen and Carrie Cohen. Plaintiffs, . vs Lessie B. Easterling, et al., Defendants. Decree for Foreclosure and Sale. v By virtue of a decretal order to me directed in the above entitled cause, I will sell at Barnwell, South Caro- hna, in front of the Court House, on Monday, the 5th day of November, A. D. 1923, it being* saleday in said month, within the legal hours of sale, the following described real proper- ty: All of that certain lot in the town of Barnwell, South Carolina, with the buildings thereon, measuring one hun dred fifty-five (155) feet on Marlboro Avenue and running back a depth of one hundred eighty-one (181) feet and bounded as follows: On the North by a lot of Mrs. Maggie I. Walker; on the South by stffeet which separates said lot from Iqt of A. A. Lemon; on the East by lot formerly belonging to B. B. Easterling, now owned by Sanders, and on the West by Marlboro Avenue. Terms of sale: Cash, purchaser to pay for papers and stamps. H. L. O’BANrfON, Master for Barnwell County. Master’s office. O-t. IS. IMS. "Aa »• fiowF* “Waft, fat «wa ttmg r aws Burt • e— a»a pa bava (to DR. CECIL RAY. Physwtaa and Off tea at Mac* Drug C fi C Mules Horses FOR SALE JUST RECEIVED- A fresh shipment of First Class Mules* If £ y L » - . - . JfcT you want a at Boll Weevil prices see me. | B. L BOYLSTON | Blackville, S. C. . Ttony MB bsaato a# at'«m» 111% Nat temp toa Was m mamaaaa. amt aaaU Brn toasMag Ytoaa asa sto ••pam gwffa towto uuaswma Ip aaaa amm «to ppaumMa af Mfito" was* amm aw •aatoag M ito r •«■>« (vsmm X-RAY UW> TO F1B0 PCARU txH jrnr yrrjuhrrr^ tai NOTH R Tto taa toato 9m tto aaMavtlua af ISRS (aa— umM to apaw Mam Oat. tft la fkas lA IUS3L auetat—a. wftBauB faawltp Fs«m Jaawwrf tai to Ma—B I tab tto rvwsAa# tuwtof paBalts— •-# to aBAnfi BtaaBa aMaa Maaatt ttaR IfiBt Tto toa to—m a— aaato ap ■■* wtoaf ffMfttoto aa asaaag a«e pwua taaaa la aw— aag a— wt—mi 4be at af Ma «a to mi m* 'm* #* tHW 1 ma Ml • ’ • to* B B v—waa * ♦ * * t Hogs! Hogs!! We are in the market and pay TOP Prices all the year round ^ for all grades and sizes of bogs. Phone ua what you haveto offer. NIMBMBi F. H. McCRAE Phone 36 • Denmark, S. C. s < j I ‘ p' h ■ to aa am B Mr af it «a to l raia If ^ paarl la abaw ft* 9 »p—4 to baadltag la a— tto suiy afvaaiaga af tbta aystam. O;surra a— not harmed tn may a ay. aad caa ba returned ta tha water to the boos that. Ular oa. peatla may develop la them Similarly, oysters shown to coots In only small pearls are replaced la special tanka, to that the pearla may be given s chance to grow larger. Tilts should mean that In % few years’ time we shall have more, bet ter and very probably cheaper pearls. WEATHERING TESTS OF STONE Alternate Freezing and Thawing Em- ployed at Buread^of Standards In Washington. % Weathering tests, consisting of freea- Jng and thawing of the! specimens until disintegration occurs, are in progress at the bureau of standards on twenty- two samples of limestone and twenty- fhree of sandstone. Some of the best limestones have withstood 800 freez ings without showing any appreciable amount of decay, while the poorer grades of this material were disinte grated by 100 freezing!, aays the Scien tific American. Testa bn the sand stones have only recently bean started, and so far tba samples have shown no great amount of decay. A number of limestone and aand- stons specimens are also betag tested by soaking In a 1& per cent MoJut on of •udlsm chloride snd drying afterward to obtain a eryecaUiasttan af Urn salt In tto pmm af tto a *i (• um • • ton, a few mtout— Inter, to bnct with tbu remark that to Mwg la a— tow tto 1 hem-mater aloud Own at tto poet aMca, kin wlfa T'*- Wm. E. McNAB MBteriaL Cotton Sood Bought and Mob! Ejichanged. BARNWELL* S. C. ♦♦♦♦♦♦ Bpaatof fteBaaf Id—p Mn mB fidtoa* QBf f otoaMto , * t ,,,,. Mnf CAM. t •Mae Btofitotoi - -, - - tofiAnffh J—— B—% l— Um B— a, Mteyste v Mta B—ea t otoe C—as fl—M tout .. « to * -A Med set Hop*. fewMHimea tba hopeful natlVM ex per! mlradea. Tlia American acbool at Sbolapur, In India, got a letter from a nsllve whose son had been sent to study. Tf you will kindly try to read Ida phrenology," the doting father wrote, “his physiognomy and graphology, you must discover as the most prom ising hoy to turn him out to be presi dent of America as James Garfield. Lincoln and others.” Even In mission life many a comMy is staged. In early-Honolulu dajr^a chief, quite naked, called on a mis sionary. Being reproved for this, he went back to his hut, and returned wearing a pair of women's stockings »od a tile hat!—Frederick Simpich, in the ISaturday Evening Post. Ancient Japanese Tombs. Tombs of six lirtperlal ancestors have Just been discovered In obscure spots in the suburbs of Kyoto. They have been Identified aa those of fbe sons and daughters of Emperor Go- datgo. who was banished to Okl island by Aahlkaga, tha oaorper. 564 year* ago. Tha Emperor Godalgo dispatobm his moos to nearby provlnrea to rale# rerrwlte tor kts Ufa and their temt* «— mwtterato Tutfs Pills Watches and all kinds of jewelry repaired at the Gift Shop.—Adv. MONEY TO LOAN ' . .. - V - \ ■ Loans made same day application received. No Red Tape. HARLEY & BLATT. Attorneys-at-Law B&mwelL S. C. 4^x-x-x-o-o-e-x-o<-x-x-x^>->-x > Wm. McNAB Representing FIRE, HEALTH AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANIES. Personal attention given all businey Office in Harrison Block, Main St BARNWELL. & C t^aafL film* S But matobFp. J 9— k—etoa toato ,, T , Kto—ama. 9 f r —gi—ry. S firtogv , . . . . ~ kw—— iwato »*«* .... .... I,,, ,B| I f mmr Mite. FraratoaBtp, <#—»'•, Hil da. Mama. Mi- Calvary, Haw Foreat. Oak Grwvv. PteaaaM Hill. Reedy Braark, Tinker. Creak....S •Big Fork 12 I Dunbarton. 9 for ordinary. 3 for bonds, total 12 I Healing Springs . w . 12 Kline. 8 for ordinary. 4 for bonds, total .1 ..12 Barnwell, 10H for ordinary, 4ft for bonds, total 15 Hercules 16 Blackville, 15 for ordinaly, 4. for bonds, total • _19 Williston, 17 for ordinary, 4 for bonds, total .— ‘ - IIP , 21 J. B. ARMSTRONG, County Treasurer. Barnwell, S. C., Oct. 8, 1923. WALKER A WALKER LtceMed and Bonded under the Uruled State* Warehouse Act. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. COTTON WAREHOUSES LICENSED and BONDED under UNITED STATES WAREHOUSE ACT. We offer, to the cotton grower* and merchants within reach of Augusta, FUNDS in UNLIMITED AMOUNT to be loaned on cotton stored with us. Loans to be in keeping with market values. . J. P. DOUGHTY, Jr. AUGUSTA* GEORGIA Correspondence solicited. Schedule of Charges upon application. «x~x~:~x~> -A. 6 per cent, interest on large amounts. Private funds for small loans. _ & BUSH* | . LAWYERS BARNWELL. SOUTH CAROLINA^ Let Me Deliver THE SATURDAY EVENING POST THE LADIES' HOME JOURNAL : .. -