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ISINESi ttilder. FOR. SALE.—Milch cowa; trill trade for a two-hone wagen or a v*^ord. I can pleat* you. E. Owent, Blackville, S. C. • herb and hereabouts. S The days lose eight minutes in sunshine this week. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Snaith motor ed over to Augusta Saturday. * Mr. J, M. Halford, of Blackville, was a business visitor here Tuesday. Mr. Ralph Smith has purchased an Essex coach from the W. D. Harley Motor Co. of this city. Mr. John R. McLemore, of Boykin, is spending the week in Barnwell County with relatives and friends. Mtaa Gladys McLaad. *f m* a faw days with Mr. aad Mm. M. Caldwell daring the latter part 1 last wpek and the first of this Mr. Maner Morris, of near Otar, was a visitor here Monday and stated that ho has a good crop of cotton practically made. His farm is com posed of what is known as M quick land" and his cotto*t n <> w has 15 and 20 large bolls on the stalk. He stated r also that the plant is shedding a quantity of squares and small bolls which it- hr' unable to carry (£o maturity. % wtQ will be held at every Court House in Booth Carolina, and if It heppeaa that some ipechare aei on their vacation at the time, they may take the examination at the Court House nearest them. The formal announcement will appear as an ad vertisement in this paper next week and until the week of examination. Dunbarton Ships Melons. Mrs. Wade Sanders Dead. Mrs. Lena Davies returned home Saturday afternoon from Augusta, after a pleasant visit to relatives snd friends. Increased boll reported from county since the the past week. I activity is places in the weather of All i hers of Bib i Cbnrrh art r*qasited is meet si the Chnsrh Fri day alts moon. Aao*t Srd. la ctsaa an l ha cemetery — Just before going to press, word was received of the death in Colum bia of Mrs. Lottie Sanders, wife of Mr. Wade Sanders, of Kline. Be sides her husband, she is survived by one son and two daughters, Mr. Clay Creech and Misses Freda and Louise Creech, who have the sympathy of many friends in their bereavement. Caldwell-Linley. _____ c Mr. and Mrs. James M. Caldwell announce the marriage of their daughter, Eleanor Pauline, to Mr. Barnwell Rhett Linley on Monday. July 30th. in Barnwell. This an nouncement cornea as a pleasant sur prise to the many friends of Mrs. Linley. who to one of the meet at tractive young ladies of this city, and they cengratuiale Mr. Linley on hav ing won the heart and band of to fair o helpmate The People )eias with them to wishing the young pis n towg and happy married Ufa. Dunbarton, July 30.—About 200 cars of watermelons have been ship ped from this place, bringing satis factory prices to the farmers. Prof. H. H. King has greatly im proved the appearance of his home by the application of a couple of coats 'of paint. Mrs. Thomas Snelling and little daughter, of Charlotte, N. C., and Mr. Billy Blackville, of Parksville, S. C., spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Owens. Mrs. Gary Anderson and baby have Returned ftom a pleasant trip to the mountains. Mr. and Mrs. I. W. Rountree left Sunday morning for Hendrsonville, N. C., where they will spend some time. Mrs. T. C. Bolt and son, of Laurens, kre visiting Mr. and Mrs. B. P. Owens this week. A barbecue was given hare today on Catar’s tot in honor of Mr. H. D. Barwick. a watermelon buyer, and Mr Taylor, tmia inspector The oc- fcasisa was greatly enjoyed by a tiewd of f'et and Mrs. N. (L W. WefWr Stm P Vdasn and tsitlo sms. Wal hoe. wont up to Cwlumhm Bnunedny rocnmmg borne the fnttwanag day. Mesons A F»we Mod toMnon. IJtoyd ^heuiro and F« hflSMMP MfE ms foe a fsbnf trap • ns*oo sow* vosaao Us Your Job Work. ■ %e BUICK MOTOR. COMPANY dAnnounces for 1Q24 -w ■* an entirely new and distinctive line of Qjualitif cMotor Gars In beauty, design, speed and original mechanical features suen as Jour wheel brake#. the 1924-Buick models provide the most rrrohxbonavy advance in motor cars thus Jar con'* tributed hy the industry 1CK MOTOR. COMPANY. A tsweWcv trs**«-natMU Unr booe aodeevl fee Prado r. A agues ft. aud Saturday. Augewt ML Tsushevei zn n t in 1 n Linii 111 Olar Buick Co., OUr, S. C Built Me Up” mmms hp## R mm* md bomwrn mp^t Ua 1 aoT* Me and Man aummu amsdaeutog I aeeeeud tore fsmn Goweudtuook M t . last ueah aad udi we so thate tumo ] as Ute future ustJt thn nwmo's pueeuta.JI« aad ifea R t» IMeflue Bto# Many BUtuwud >■ 1 > «■ egues seemed ' Medmua s PeeAde en riu Bdtode Eieuo | Sdadtop TW hayu and gwts from hate a be Uase tooa «e/* t -4 sunup Mb far a euupto ef ssaahe are ad §1 hams again ^swei^^e Me M L ORamnan retunmd Maw- J day maentag from V trgww. uhaos has wife aad ehddam see nesting me tot j roe Me mads thn Inp ihruugb the suuutry by aetm rs tprmag ta J by teaht. Oh Id. 1 scarcer nialtw M s A a —< Tutfs Pills ...» Prof J. D. Rahman, who raws dawn from Columbia Saturday ta epoud tho wswk-ond with fnoada, toft Man- Say for Tamapa, Fla., ta join his wife and IHtk daughter, who have keen vuiUng relatives in the Land of flowers for several weeks. CARDUI The Woman*! Tonic 11111111111111111 i-i i i iir iPdPPPPPdWdPPdPdaauuhaaa K1 Oft Cl) Q. RAT LTNDMtRBT. R C Mr. G. M. Neeley, of Olar, was a businesl visitor here Tuesday. He stated to a representative of this paper that he has delivered four Buick automobiles during the past week. Announcement of the 1924 line of this deservedly popular car will be found elsewhere in this issue. Cols. J. E. Harley and N. B. Gam ble have returned from Anniston, Ala. where they assisted Gov. McLeod in reviewing the South Carolina troops 'in training at that place. They de clared that the “boys” from the Pal metto State are the best trained body of men from any State in the South. Mrs. Charle Brown, Sr., Mrs. J. Julien Bush and children, Mr. and Mrs. B. P.’ Davies apd little son, Billie, of Barnwell, Mrs. P. J. Drew arid Miss Doris Drew, of Washing ton, D. C., Mrs. Jones,.of Hephribah, Ga., and Mr. Vogel, of Sumter, at tended the meeting of the Ellenton Agricultural Chib Saturday. Mr. W. E. McNab hat leased the ginnery of the Southern Cotton Oil fori the Co. at Barnwell for* the mumb tad to now having 1923-1M4 mine pyt Summer Vacationist! Mr. McNnh hat had many The season for summer vacations is here. Where are you going to spend yours? Do you perfer the mountains with their scenic grandeur, babbling brooks and shady nooks, and afford ing all out-door amusements such as Hiking, Horseback Riding, Golf, Etc., with cool nights for fest and refresh- ment, or would you rather go to the seashore with its Cool Breezes, Bathing, Boating, Sailing and Fishing? Consult nearest SQuthem Railway System Passen ger Representative or Ticket Agent for full particulars and assistance in making your plans. 2 fedufcd awnroar tourist fares to all retort in the Unted States aad Canada. A pasaasw b»*mg hmw Msd la tmtOamm with mtttss I?at. Brikaai Low «f Mtt. mam* to hsmhy gtttw Mwa aw tAmtttw vM h* haAd m Big Path Irhaal Pmuwt Mw. 4 m Pndsp. Aaawat MMl ISO. $m 9m gmsvmmapf veadhtr m • tfwmsl tat «f bmt |4|. mam be livmd Is urn dma km mw- •mw m M MmSy J». J P. Omasa sad W. M 1 SS44SSS444 44 4PWWWWWWWWWWWW •Ms* a c, Ai 1. CAROUNA SPECIAL ikut fknchuck UXMCT0N OANVLU KNOXVILLE momstown Louisville, Cincinnati, Chicago AND THE MIDDLE WEST THROUGH "The Land of the Sky” mi ‘The Blue Grau Region of Kentucky” SOCTBtUi MAJLWaY ft ST KM '1