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=rss CANDIDATE CflHIMNn' I > B a mw<BEPeo P i Primaiy Election August 25th. FOR SOLICITOR. t herehT announce tnraelf a canrti* date for »he offlee of .Soildror of the Second/tMlidal OArcuit pledging inf- a-lf to nbide by the rule^ and ri'guln- tlona of the p.<tnocrntlc Party and to fclipport the nouiinecf thereWTT ’ Jamea F. Byrn«»t FOR SUPERINTENDENT . OF EDUCATION. llktr.tfr 0. April 18ih, 1008. I re«i*« , .rf«llv announce raynelf a Candidate for the olli -e of CNiinitv Su perintendent of kduuatioli, subject to the rule* and regulation* of tho l>emt- fratlo Prlmurv election, and pledge niy*«!f to abide hr the re.«ult and to auppart the noiuineea of the party. O. E. Birt, FOR SUPERVISOR. Barnwell, 8. C., April 7th 190®. I respectfully anaounce mvself a candidate for re-election to tjie office of (,’ountv Sep'ervlaor, anhject to. the rulf* and regulation* of the Uemocratic Primary election, and pledge inywslf to abide bv the rea.itt at.d to support the ujinlnea* of the party. J. B. Morris. FOR AUDITOR. t hereby announce myself a candi date for Auditor df Barnwell ' entity subject to the rule* and regulation* of the Democratic party. C. W Moody. Barnwell, S. C. Barnwell, 8. C., April Oih 1908. I respectfully announce myself a candidate f«*r reelertlon to the office of County Auditor. *uhj-ct to the tnles and regulation* of the D.-unocratic Pi t inary election, and pledge myself to a- J dde by the result and to support the lominees ot the party. J C. Keel. Barnwell. 8.-CV, April 1 I respectfully announce myself i candi-la'e for the office County Audi tor. subject to the rule* and regula'ions of the Democratic Prim iry election, and pledge my.elf to abide by the re suit and to support the nominee* of the party. U YV RKey. FOR SHERIFF. Blackville, S. C.. April 27tTrI9n8. I hereby announce myself a candi- date for tae dfll.-A of SherTfT ot Rarn- well county subjeet to the rule* and regulations governing the democratic primary. , Kespectfully, „ W.T. Walker. - Willlston, SL U. JAarch iiUh Iflfld.. 1 re*j-ec tullv announce mvsuif a candidate ftir the •dllce of Sberltt’, sub ject to the rule* and regulations'of the Democratic Prnnary election, and pledge myself to abide bv the result and to. support the nominee* of the party. 8 A. Wise. Fairfax, 8. C. March, 17th 1908. I respectfully announce myself a Candidate for the office of rdierKT, sub j*-ct to the rule* and regulations of the Democratic Primary election, ani pledge uivself to abide bv the result ami to support tbo nominees ot the parry. B. F. Thomas. I hereby announce myself a rsndl- date for the office of sheriff of litirn- well onuiitv, subject to the rttlet and regulations of the drmtH'tntie lol.nitry. W’iHtam VV. Moore. FOR CORONER. Barnwell. 8 C., April 14ih 190®. f laving served four rears aa Coroner Barnwell County I offer mr rcelcc- •*>» anbjecl to the rule* of the Detno- yCrallu Primary. Clayton 8 Warner. Snelilng. 8 C. March 26th 1906 I respectfully announce mvself a candidate for the office of of Barnwell County subject to the rules and legulation* of the Democratic Pri mary electi.-n, and pledge myaeif to abide by the result ami to support the nominees of the party. Lewis B.lCreech. FOR MAGISTRATE. Blackville, 8 C., April 27th 1908. i hereby announce myself a candi date for reduction to the office as Magistrate of Blackrille Township, subj- ct to the rules and regulations o’. the Democratic Primary. r> A. P. Woodward. Ulmers, S. C . April 27ih 1908. 1 hereby announce tnvself a candi date for tne office a* Magistrate at Ul mers, subject to the rules and regula tions of the democratic primary. L. 11. Williams. Barnwell, S. C., April 13th 1008. I hereby announce date for the office < mv*e|f a candl f Maglstrate at THURSDAY APR II.,CO. 100B; RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION* In Advance, per Annum |1.60 Jn Time y M00 rr.® regular meeting of Barnwell lodge No 16, Kr.lghta of Pytbias will bo he'd oi tholr Hull < n Friday night at o’clock. A full attendance fa req U' sted. By order of ll WOODWARD, C. V- Wm. McNAB. K. R. A 8 f NEWT CANDIDATES. Cap*. YY^ T. Walker annonnocs hlm- aelf a cat didate for sheriff today. Magistrate# A. P Woodward, of, Blackville and L. II. Williams of Ul mer announce themselves today caudi date* for reeleciidh. The candidacy of James F. Byrres, Esq of Aiken for the Solleltorahip U aniittunced lu our caudldato column. SOUTH 81 PE NEWS. In our waadtirlogs last week Mr. W* T. Calhoun toot us in bla buggy over hia extensive c»rn and cotton 0 Adda I** and hi* four bunded and ten acre M^rater melon f,rm. A lot of twenty five of thirty bo# bend* had j ist Or* lahet^ weeding and putting tula crop to a stand., which was perfect, no re- piantlng required. HU corn hsd re* Day at ill be 1 Rivers’ Bridges. \ >qulto i on Su ConfederAte P.»n*ion list is pub- todsy on second page. Barnwell subject to the rulcs^nd regn- lations of the Democrat!j primary. * I plt-dge Oiv*elf to ab'de the result* and support the nominee* of.the party. D. nam B ack. Willlston, 8. C., April 7th, 1908. 1 hereby announce myself a candid date for the office of MsgUtrate at YY ||. itston, subject to tbe rules and regula tion* of the Democratic primary. 1 pledge myself to abide the results and sup|>ort the nominee of the party. - - YV. L. Frederick, Bafnwell, 8 ; C. t March 23.1 1908. •v I hereby announce myself a candt- ffibce for the office of Magistrate at ^iwawell snbjetit to the rules and regi/lationf ot the DemocrAlt i primary, ' Jir'pledgti nivself to abide the re«lilts 4tnd support the nominees of tltc party. E. YV. iiolman. FOR LA LB, - ‘TeH thousand feet dressed flooring' tnd ten thousand feet dre**ed ceilllijfpWj^*^ for sale, immediate delivery. ► 8IMUX BUOYiN S 8GN8. The first, mosquito of theseason sang to us at sunrise on Sunday. The IDhed Petitions for an election between prohibition and dispensary are being circulated. * _ • Kind word* and good deeds were combined In Mr. ll. A. Smith's pleas ant Saturday call. Distance la si) thst keeps Barnwell from going wholesale to Rivers’ Bridge* tomorrow. Mr T. B. Ellis Jr. of North Augusta advertises tmlav a real estate bargain sale near Martin Station. Clerk W. Gilmore Simms has re ceived and is glad to pay out the Con federate pension money. Good lady subscribers sent ps last week three times as much subscription money as our masculine frltmis. The.prohibitionists of Aiken Tounty arosendcavoring to induce Hon, G. L. Toole to s'and for reelection to the :*tnte Senate. ** , There is no truth in tharureport that a dispensary will he set up in Ham burg. Perhaps tiie wish was father to ♦he thought. Hail I* ranorted to hare fallen- in minr directions on Sunday, hut no dlsssteou* damage was done as far a* we have heard. The Aiken and Barnwell county Board* of Education will meet at Blackville tomorrow to arrange for the Teachers’ 8uintner School. arrnrrm-Tinman tmiitlniiea t:> 1m-' prove 'If he has no back set he will fce .fble to stand jthe voyage to Europe In the gentle month of May. Dr C N. Burckhalter sent us Tues day the first eom jassel of the yesr. Before InngHw'Tvtll send ns we pre dict, m* roasting aars for our Sunday dinner.' > —e-- : Next Monday will be sale day, and the Democratic Gounrv Conv'enthin will l*e held, to elert .officer* for the next thru years and delegates to the State Convention. C. C, Chavous of Allendale and_C. Tt. Ray of Ular were graduated in I’brnnany yesterday from the South Carolina College of Medicine anti Pharmacy, Charleston. Mr. George Fogle died on Saturday an<l was burled at Bethel church. In hie death a good man and true hit (In* 1-hed hi* life work, leaving I TiTame- les* record to the keeping of tbose that loved him well. Too much rain Is the complaint from all direction*. The he«t acres on many farms are either under -water or so •at,tiraied that they ean not be planted or worked for a coupte of dry weeks Ami the grass l* everywhere and fast growing tlay and night. After a pretimlnarv examination at ()r*rg*-burg before U. 8 I'ommisstttoqr Robert Llde on Friday, Newton Mnl- dmw, colored, was committed to jail in default of bond for $f>00 on charge of tifling malt pouuhe* at Riackvllle •ome week* ago Enoch Rerd and Georg* R ibinson, also colored, were discharged. The Savannah Valley Associated Clubs will not, as a h.xlv, cooperate with the Georgia—CaroMna Fair As sociation In the Fair to be held in Augifta next' Fall 1 he Farmer* Club* wanted $2 OO 1 ' to put on thei ag ricultural exhibit, hut the Fair people offered only >1.000. The Fair will I* held and some of the farmer* a* Indi viduals will help to make it a succes. ■ - There is in (be small county the one advantage that It can 1m canvassed quit klv and the candidate need not, thr-refore, Mart at. eoon as in the larger one wh>*re there 1* wider ground to cover, more men to button hole and balde* to kl*s. In Bamberg county last week only three had pnhliclv started to run;.! it Hunr.or and K. C. Bruce for Sheriff, A. L. Kirkland for Treasurer. On Tuesday at a meeting of the di- rrrtor* of the Bank of Harnv ell Mr. Perry M. Buck Ingham wa« elected President and Mr. George W. Man- ville prompt'd to the post ion of Cash* ier. Vice-president Butler Utgood re signed ir. order b» give all Ms time to hi* planting Interests, and Mr. Jno. A. Newsom was elected his successor,. * Mr. Newaoin I* a son of Mr. YV. A. B. Newsom of YY'IIIDton and has ht-c.i connected with sti Aiken bank several j ears. A Great Cypfess farmer of long ex perience and good memory tell* us that he ha* never before seen a» much gras* In the field* at thi* time of the year. Ife predicts that trie people who do not quit planting nod get busy quickly with the plow and h >e will be eaten np bv General Greet) jnett month. He ha* also ol«eryeil (hat the water of the Saltkehat'-hle has a peculiar color, a muddy appearance even when fow. Thla means, be says, poor_ luck for rtshcrmrn. Years ago the late Mr. Patrick told our friend of a tlio* liar oontll ioi, of tfm atream that lasted all the year—fish would not bite. KIND WORDS. From Wlscon in—I do not Wlsl^ to miss a copy of Tua Pkoplr. From Florida—^Ihe dear old home paper blwaya has a welcome In my lit tle home. Pfom Denmark—It Is my let'er from home every week and we alt loye for it to come. FOR FORAKER. „ The Republican Conbty convention was held at the colored school building on .Saturday. Forty eight dt legate*, tbe full number allowed by parry rule* wel^-present and a number of others, all colored. YVesloy 8. Dlxson was reelected oonotr chairman, a position he has held 16 years. He received 34 votes to 14 ca*t for John Eve. The delegates elected are : Tothe State convention. YV. 8. Dlx son, John Eve. George. Butler, They favor Foraaer for President. To the Congressional convention, YV. 8. Dix- *nn, John Eve, George Butler, A. U. Brod!«, E . D. Reed. A YVELCOME VISITOR. Mr. YV. U. Tyson Corey of Bean fori was in town Thursday afternoon to Friday morning last, renewing his ac quaintance with old .friends and ms kiqg new ones. A quarter of a century ago he left Barnwell a bright lad of .ten years and has grown to he a fine, high toned, capable and up fo dale bu*ine** man. He showed u«, and we were glad to see, the Balaklava medal wliioh’Tdi father, the late Mr YV G. Tyson, hart received from the British government as one of tbe gallant aix hundred who ••rode into tbe valley of deatV’ in that matchless charge In the Crimea, from which only a few above two score came Hack spared bv the pitiless Russian fire. On coming to the United States Mr YVm G. Corey changed his name to Tyson, ir being a plan adopted by tntnv EtigTWtmeh Tu leaving itirtr iftoTBer laud After hie father's death the eon visited his kindred In England, receiv ed the medal from the keeping of his aunt* and readopted tbe family name. AN E VSTER EGG HUNT. V A very delightful afternoon was spent at the hpuie of Mrs. Z. T. Hud son near Elko on Frida v the 17th when a number of little children gathered tor "an Easter Egg Hunt,” led by ML* bailie Hutson, they suited on hunt r (be eggs being previously hidden in a broom sedge the house. After they hxdtmnted smi found -the egg* they returned to the house and were ushered into the dining room, where all were served with a bountiful sup ply ot lemonade and cake. The dining room was beautifully decorated with m'o»* and roses, which *bowed a very ta»ty effect. The children alao played games approprl ‘ ate and at six thirty began to lenye for their home*. All expressed ^them selves a* having enjoyed themselves very.much. The following little ones were In the hunt. • Masters Hubert. Horace, Byron and Auble Bolen, Sydney Bin, K'bcrt. 1^ rny mid Burnell U*»ery and Quincy Collina MLse* Nellie Bolen, Jessie Blrt and Nora COllius, — Miss Annie Hutson and Master Hugh 1. Kitchliig* have returned to their home near Elko, altera long visit tOstheii sister Mrs. C. J. Getainger of Euiawvilie. 8. <J. Mrs/^iJ. T. Hutson has returned home ftom a six weeks visit to her children mud sisters. SEVEN PINE8 LITERARY n(,!T TY. SOCIETY On February 28th 1008 theAfiemher* of Seven Pines School organized a Literary Society for the benefit oTsald school. On Friday April 17th one of the best meet Big* w as hehtethe follow ing programme being carried out. l»t Song, Ho! for Carolina. 2nd. Debate, Resolved, That the dog i* more intelligent than the horxe Affirmative- Emmie Baxley, Ro*a Hill. Furman Uill. Negative—Edna Owens, Bly Cook, R< belt Sander*. 3rd. Music. By Rosa Hill. Recitation. “ Leila Cook. Reading •• YVolford Tar- 4th. Bh. ranee. lith. 7th. Ltai# for sale by A GRACEFUL DECLINATION. YVillMon, 8.C., R. F. D. No. 1. AptiJ 23:h 1908. Editor PkoTi.k: , With yonr permission I will use the columns of your esteem ed paper to *rv to mv friends who have wri.ten me also those who have ap proached me personally, that I have no intention* of entering the campaign this summer. I appreciate of course the expressions of ftiendship and co,n- fldenee, but being a pmir man I feel that I could hardly spare the time from my own htisiness. I know there will be a sufficient number of good men offer for each office to enable the Voters to select to their sst'sfactlon. However l wish It distinctly under stood that I feel sufficiently Interested In public affairs to s«rvd the people of Barnwell county In any Way if t fiUgTit it necessary of for the good of ntV. Thanking them. r ' I sm very trniV, WUliana j). Black. C. X* Burehhaitqr. » ‘ This Is a eoro y* cotton time. Recitation '• Kate Grubb*. Song Entitled, Red YY'ing, Sung by: Mi*» Ko*a Hill, Mr. Rohe r t Sanders. Miss Bly C*<ok. Mr. Willis Duncan. 8tb. Reading. Lizzie llil 1 . 9th. Recitation, 8ina Birt. 10th. What we can never catch, by Lucy Cook. lith. Reading. Rosa Hill. Music, Bly Cook. Recitation, Pauline Bradley. Reading, Ulv Cook. Recitation, Theodore Cook. Duet. K«m JiUI and Bly 12th. I3ih, I4fh. 16th. idth. Cook,. 17th f ._ 13th. Reading.Tlly Cook. Last Son&, Maryland, Sang by Mrhool Next the children enjoyed a very plea-ant Easter Hunt, after which re freshment* werg served. Two prizes were offered. One to (lie best Debaters another to the one llifd lug greatest number of eggs. The Judges were Messrs Willis Dun can, 8 K. Moor#. Oscar Parker who pocided In f>yor of tbe Affirmative. ] oelved toe seebnd plowing since plant ing and stood about twelve inene* high. >' Thl* Is what pluck and energy, l*v- l*h yet judlclou* use of f^vtiliaer* in home gardening cai^do: cabbage about to bead, potatves', peas.ouiou* &<• galor# •eemed to spring s(>ontaueuu»ly from that fertile soil. The ground* In front of Cave's School (Mr*. Dj'ra D r YV*)ker I’Dml- pal) are a plade of m-apty, lahi off i.i squaies with a heavy grow th of many kind* ol flowCr* and evergreens, tbe work of the schoolchildren. YY'e also had the plea-ure of riding over a portion of Mr. Jenkins’ melon field. The cultivation is fine, with per fect stand. Mr. J. O. Walker’s twenty live acre cantaloupe farm take* the lead. Th« stand L good and vine* commencing to run. Tne late rains hayn retarded farm work to some extent and some are com plaining already of grass. The oat crop i* line—much more promising than for many year*. Acre age In cotton about the same a# last year. «- Ml** Maude McT* r r Is spending •nine rime with her sister I$t4. J‘. Peeler. ML* Lit Blount spent Saturday ami Sunday with her mother in Apuleton. Occatlonal. TO CORRESPONDENT®. During April some of you have been tardy In writing and other* dilatory in niniling your letters. Mott uommu ideations from you were received Tuesds y *fL“riioon* »*nd > Weduwrti tfiOfWTngs, and consequently.a number had to be postponed until the follow ing wee It and some thst would not keep were* consigned to the w aste bas ket. 1 It lakes longer to ‘‘set up” an ar ticle. picking up a letter at a time, than it doe* to wiito It. Printer* work eight hours a dat, and are tired when the time i* up. They are contlnualli busy, don’t lounge around like clerk* waiting for a stray customer, and it* nm giving ilirm a npum deal to -rg-t quire them to work night as well a* Jay. Please write plainly, and be careful to spell the naiiies oi those you wil e about correctly. People <Jo not'Ike to have thelruames misspelled, and we often have to cut out items b*cau*« w e can not make out the name* of tne Vranger innu or woman visiting your community. Ueraemb'T, please, that five thous and people read thi* paper, and .send us such news as a good number of tnein would like or ought to know. The pa per is Intended to be of Intcrext and hauefi. to Mib'C'ihct * from New Yor*. to Texas, from Ylfi-coiisin to Florida All newspaper reader* feel a lively in terest in progress and improvement. Tell us more about school*.' churches, building improvements, faun news. Ilower* and fruit*. Don’t think that we need something to **rtt| up ” More is offered each week than we can use. And tlieip is generally some things in exchanges worth sciasoilog - YTHERE HEROES FOUGHT. To the Survivors of Ilagood’s Brigade. Cothrode# \ I am now engaged in raising fund* for the purpo«e of erecting a suitable Market’ or Moiumant to be placed on HlP scene of the charge of this historic brlg-pla on the Weldon railroad on tbe 21st dav <<f August 1«>4. 1 feel quite sure that It Is only nec essary tor me to bring thi* to the attention of the survivors. In order to hate prompt response totals noble and patriotic purpose. Oningebhrff ha* contributed gladlv and.frrelyjind I now have over #2.VJ which has not t)«»**n subscribed hv the survivor* alone but by the citizen* generally 1 know that Barnwell, the hhnte and birth place of our gallant Commander and distinguished citie-rt, will take great pride In giving *11 pos sible aid in this cause gnd not be deaf to this appeal to patriotism. AH^outributdan* forwarded-to Wfft A YVHOLE TEAM. Tun I’xorLR ha* not in the past done full jqgtU-e to Farmer Alfred Aldrich There wa* no malice or jealousy in Us failure to d<» *o. Just simple ignoiance was the cause. YVe hsd tizued him up as a farmer ambitious to make tleld crop* of forty bushels of corn to the acre, to he fed to mugwump game chickens, w hich he would exchange for their weight iu silver w ith the heathen of New York, Ten Mile Hill, Cuba and Mexico, and to grow on the same area enough cot ton to supply raiment to a few tribes of Filipino chicken tighter*. That wa* the Hummer view of him and his oper ation#, but we have recently found that he has had hl« YV inter »mbitiou* 4 and has been, patiently cultivating them, witliout any pre-maturing horn blow- ing. x The. philosopher’s stone that he ha* been seeking Is one that many have thought existed in imagination only — a saris.fai'tory winter pasturage and early Spring hay production. ■^*11 i* quest ha* hj parently been a full success, and is written m given growth of bis expjriment allotments. "A few year* ago much was expected from the IntrouuctUm rtf the as a pas.ure and forage plant io thrffouth. Seed bought from Europe proved un certain, and the experimenter* soon wearied ami returned to the worship of their idol, king cotton. Not #o Farmer A. Procuring a small quantity of acclimated seed from the vicinity ot Charleston he sowed them in alternate ‘‘lands” through a .pet paddock, and lime has done the rest. The vetch ha* spread over the entire enclosure, holding Ita own against bennuda grass and peach trees. And here Is the vetch* wav of doing. The *ced lie in the soil during the summer month#, coming up lu the fall and fur- nLhing succulent pasturage during the YV Inter < When stock is taken off In the early Spring It quickly grows high enmitfli to be mowed. Two w eeks ago it had reached that stage, now it I* ready for a second mowing. In a couple of tt'OCks it will hare grown to maturity, ripened ami scat.ered the seed, and then will die down utrtil tall. He will make fine coin jrtn th<»t Vetch held. Vetch is a vine and for hay purpose* it 1* best to sow it io cop*'tnership with rye nr oat.«< as the smali gJam stalks wiil hold up and encourage the growing Vines. Fanner Aldrich .tbid* Vetch hay better than Timothy ms s slin k fortd, Ihc Vetch Is SIS') a good soil restorer and prevents slope wash ing in the YV Inter. It doe* not inter fere wjth any Summep-erop, and if giv en a square deal will help out all round tanning ami #t .Hi raLing. That’s our present opinion fiotn se.eing Farmer A’* field, ami that’s why we now write hifn a.whole team. i i. i > i: i » !!- : i: < i * % <' ' ' < ’ O i I * ii $ i' i ' it < > if i > D < > I t Burglars Took Old Garment in Which Hoarded Money Had Been Sewed. NEW YORK—Wm., M, Aliev, who was for years an engineer on the elevated anti later a mo^ormffin on the elevated, went To the Bronx branch of one of the big trust companies and drew out $2,000 in savings. The money Was in two five hundred dollar<7bilU and ten one hundred dollar bills. Mrs. Alley lipped ^ open the bottom seam of an old skirt and sewed the money in, bill end to bill end. around the Bottom, and doing the work so carefully that detection yvus defied. While the Alleys were at a theater party, burglars raided their home at 555 Westchester avenue, and carried off tho skirt along with other articles of clothing, silverware and trinkets. Mrs. Alley be lieves that the stolen skirt is at this time being worn by some one yvIio 'ih unaware of the valuable load it carries. The police sent out' a description of the THE BANK OF BLACKVILLE has the finest Burglar Proof Steel Safe made. We rUd* carry - Burglar insurance and every one in the employ of the Bank heavily bonded. nMii NOTART PUBLIC, BLACKVILLE, S. C. ■I *a«im'#■ u— DR. F.«. WILLIS. DESHST. N#w Y«rk Dentistry M Barnwell Conn tv Prices. Office tn RtuStHm##, WUH#trtn. §.C. Make Appointments fcy pall er If I#* phone. AH YY ork flpot Cash. 7 ETTBEKA! ‘ W# have found It.’* Tbe Kurritfl Fish Net catches It* float In a d«c» not (Wi fli.-t with State lave or ex- terifiij.Ht* the little fl*h. Mad# of galvsnlfled wife It Iflx ear# ••atelier and aafe keeper. Stete rifle of strtata. Call soon of wrltflta H. C* Dickinson, Agent, Ulmera,». C. NOTICE TO DEBTOfiS AND CMXO+ itoffi All persons holding claims again*# tbe e#t*re of J J. Gray, deceased will please pr««cm-the samfl fluty attcatra and all peison* Indebted to aald as- tare are requested to make prompt pay-* meat M> the undersigned. J. W.Oixy, i. J, Grty. Jr, . Administrator#. 4 DUV •THE BESTt r Make labor profitable by prodorinff the target croi»* with l#aat etpfndi- tureof mu«cle fon 1 #. The Brosilwell Double Jointed Cot* ten, originated ami developed by John B. Hfoadweli of Alpharetta. G* , le sh« Itesf In the youth, having produced Tiirkk to Till scan, and sward* ed narr TMiZk# at the Georgia tttaM ■dksta<F—^—- in i in lu 94 JX) per bu«h*t. For sale by II. U. Dickinson, Ageht, Ulmers, 8. C. ■ — '■ — -s- - ■ . - - -g SPEAKING PACES. WHITTLE S PLATFORM. AND ANOTHER CAR LOAD OT FINE MULltS JUST RK' RjVED THEY ARE niR FINEST ALL ROUND 1 EVER HAD SHIFTED, - ALSO 25 STALK CUTTERS AT 120.017JUST RECEIVED. J. D. WHlTTL*. Being myself a practical farmer I know the needs ol tn« country and ahvaya fully eqiial every dtfii&hd and expecta tion.^' Buying for cash I have choice of all markets and know the beat and go there. Buying in car and train load quantities I get the lowegt prices and largest discounts, . KnoYvmg the value of good seeds I raise oats fof myseil and for my customers. These advantages t gladly share with irty friends. Here is one open secret of success, an assurance of good crops! The farmer Yvho has the best wdrk stock, wagons, ann implements and a plenty of food and forage gets the b«*»fr wages hands and share croppers. Whittle Yvill sell you the Best. TlfRKff CAtfS IlOHsm. ALL GOOD, SUITABL* ZffOR SADDLA* LIGHT AND HEAVY DRAFT TURPOsKS. TYVO CARS MULES, NONE BETTER, FOR FARM, WAGON A?fO TIM. ADVANCEn. THE YVOKKM AXSUiT AND FINISH IN THE SOUTH, rer Uses. ONE CAR YVA30NS, BOUGHT BEFORE PRH ES, BE3T IN MATERIAL, • ‘v. - V. Iliar, Orangeburg, 8. C, thi* The chain gang I* at Dunbarton K, G- Ruberts. J. B. Morris, . Clerk. . V jfluprj . D. WHITTLE, = BLACKVILLE^ SC THE 1 ' Bank of Barnwell The Oldest and Strongest Tank in Barnwell County ^ Depository of The State of South Carolina, The County erf Barnwell, and The Town of Barnwell Capital* ****** Surplus and Undivided Profit*, *60.000.60 $49,000.00 DEATH Was ON HIS U EELS. J.*#se T. Morris, of Skippers, V*.. h*<l a close 1**11 In the #prli>g of 1901. He sav#: “An nttack of pneumonia left me so weak and wlih such » fear ful rough that my friend* declared consumption had me, and death was on my heels Then 1 was persuaded to try Dr. King’* New Discovery. It helped me immediately, *nd after taking two and * half buttle* 1 wax * well m&n Mga'a,*! found out that New Discovery is the best remedy for ooii|{h« and lung disease m all the wor!d ” Sold under guaraute^ at C. N. Burckhalter’* drug store. 50c. sod f! 00. Trial bottle free. With an !Krtf«/ x (lip # * it, tly-nflb # derriandlng Of caaentlals aad tzrtutWn, m» eeaafUl practical experience sod teve for aad pride hi art wa feel justified la promMaff fullest satisfaction to all petroaa appreoatlafl the BEST in Khotogr*i»hy. Our Portrait Work t* of the highest eacm- encs, true to nstars and naeloatlsd I# pet foot pictnrtnx. We mass Kodak Pictures, Poet Cards, la* arge Plct tores and in every lack of the eullM field of Photography #re iiaam|i>emd by sag City Studio. To Oflr bratUfoi Has of tbo Sttnet settee Pictures for wall deeotatloo We ask tW special and critical sueatloo of tbe public. Piscina and pledging our best ssrvteea to oar friends we ask ffkk entire oemlidenee tho oppon unity to make Rood oar every prom tee MRS. KXLLVfi fiTUDIO. Bi^catiLLa A 6. WANTED* Fifty colored laborers at once for logging, railroad and sawmill work. Steady worn good wages, paid every higtil with checks, which may be turned into office for casn every two weeks and house rent free. Also can use white ■ labor. Call or address Breott Lum ber Co-, Ulmers, S. C. located Dft S. A. i * Ry. t F. CalkMl, P. 1. BltkilOafl In, Mdils Calhoun flt Jersey cow* with young calves •alo. Apply IO Butler nagood. - Bariiwtll, 8, C. To save fnonflv i# not hard Wlteh Ope# ft hank account ll started L>f money in a hank cannot burn a hole the |><*ch«H. A baiih account nieftn* pat Ing bill* by check—the only absolutely safe way. (.'he.-ks tenv* tte roout for afgumem #* io ffhen of how fi bill wa* paid. Etch check is recorded in lh« bank’s l»n<.kv These togeher with your money anil the cancelled check# afe Ki pf for you In burglar and fire proof vaults, You hay# XCies. lb them at any time. Let us Lnlk this ovef'with tobth# nflxt time yoo #rfl lb town If Im- puvslole to call, write us. e=*«: 2 Pjant Spring Advertise* me nts now. Do not over crop, but do all you promise MONEY* To bOAN< - Apply to G. 4. Green#, Life, Accident, CYCLONE LIGHTNINC ' »«■** AND »»*" Liv e Stock INSURANCE, —At Lowest Strongest