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»; * ^ a. l*W£' ? -!-&&. ^ t fc He Aosset SefepaWcins from Start to Finish in STATE COS? NTICF. wm?F He Makes Deu Ckadma Who Mikes Red H I S# fC*, Afcwto? Seaa*«r TU'as'vasd ftjn the Dsy far tke Dowa TroMealCpf .— : H The Bepahllou btare OoDsantiwi sal In Oulumble on Wednesday. B H. D as, colored, was sleeted Ohal^ man oter John & Talbert, white. ▲side the usual resolutions, another feature of the oonveotioo was the adoption of a rule requiring regie tration or at lea»$ p r < per applleatloo tor snou, as a prex q (site to voting Rwutions were adopted oongratu latlng the country on continued proa parity under Republican adminlstra tico, oesnmending the work of both branches of ootgress and our patri otic" president. Chairman Deal, after calling the convention to order, made a rad hot speech, In which he said the eonven tton might, if it so dts'ref, hi mInals a State ticket. Other business of the convention, he said, was the reorgani sation of the State executive commit tee. Deas warmed up ae he proceed ed, raising hie voles to a loud pitch, and declared that If the putting tc fllghtrof oueof the gwtest powers on earth by the Japanese, a colored race, was hot encouragement and hope for the negro, he had water to hie veins “Today Is the time for the down trod ’en to elimb, n be shouted. Thl declaration was greeted with applause. He paid his compllmsnje to Senator Tillman and the dispensary, eseertlng that every man who has touehad the "rotten dispensary, even the distin guished Democratic State chairman, had come out dirty ” He said the primary system was a curs*; formerly the best element oiuld keep down the worst, but such wes not the oast now He said that the negro was no longer plowing "one yaUer mule," but that many ware now operating six and eight-mule farms others ware bank ers, real estate agents, merobants, ate "Oalored men don’t want to rule," said Dias. He declared that the Slate wee jontrolled by the “under strata of whlta society." He said eertatnebaraotw" had been appoint ed collector of internal revenue ancj tbat he “would die and go te belTbe tore be would serve under him." He said he told the leaders In Washing ton that unless the nomination was withdrawn all the negroes In South Oarolloa would vots the varl- JM toot a reeem. The was not had, however, without some Cleaned Up '‘Jockey Coroen’ opposition, the ohalrman deelrlng to Bad Made ThillgS Better, bear town the dalegalea as to the : •* L. W. 0. Blalock acted ae secretary and W. T. Myers assistant sscretary of tbs convention. I’ROCKXmNGB m DETAIL The convention wu oslied to order r/to the eolorad Mssonic halioo Aseem bly street at 1 IS o’clock Wadnreday afternoon, after consider able delay caused by log rolling aseong the varl oof leaden, * The (xpeoted fight between B. H Dess and L. W. 0. Blalock tor the - State chairmanship did not material its, but It developed that the real contest was between tbs faction headed by Hatlonal Uomxhlttecmsn John G. Oapen, ex distrlot attorney, end soother led by Distrlot Attorney Brneet r. Dochran, both ol whom put i forward candkh^ie for State chair Djas/^wbo John R. Tolbert, by a vote of 88 to 26, thua dcmoosmittf Ibat Gapan the Man and his friends were in absolute SontroL Another feature of ths convention publiean party as those principles ana that platform wars adopted and pro mitigated by the Republican national ™ I on up nglstcrtd of has MB. who Is not asadt propkf Oapare, R. R Tol aiLnoe chair mao On motion hart was then by Ifirc same mo * ID WU Whs were elected members at large of the State executive committee. The members of thfe-commlttec are tqji state doiucirra Second district—W. £ Dtf9B7G. A J. Dickerson. Third B|strl0t—J W. Tolbert, H, B. Hiodrix, John Soott Poarth dietriet—W. T. Smith, B. W. Dawklne. .- Fifth dMtriot—W. B. Boykin, (I'm. W. M Goodwin. Sixth distrlot—J. B. Levy, J. A. Baxter, Jar. Thorpe. / f . Seventh district—Abial Lathrop, J. H. Ghodwln, R H. Rlohardson. At large—H H. Deae, R. R. Tol- berk Jr.. L. W. a BRJcck, Rev. J. B Wilson. fallowlnc is a list of the county ehairmen: AhbevUla, R R To: hart, Jr.; Aiken, B)bert B. Ferry; Ander- J. %. Adau; Bamberg, D. D Barnwell, W. 8. Dixon; Green; Berkeley, F T L Grant; A. Davie; dheatwfieldi a A. MoAllle- tsr; Clarendon, 8. M. Walker; Ocrile- SOn, D. W. Robinson; DsrUngton. T. Rafra; Dorchaster. T. H. Ptakney; B'gefleld, Paris Slmklas; FMzfisid, L & Byrd; Tlorencs, W. a Rteb; Georgstewn, J. A. Baxter; T. A. Brtsr; Greenwood, J. W. Tolbert; Hampton, ; Horry, G. C Stogie**; Kershaw, W. B. Boy kin; LsncHher; J. D.' Dye; Laurens, P. 8. saber; Lee, John R. Smith;-} W. A. Smith;. Marlon, R. Marlboro, B. J. Sawyer; J.O. Young; Osone* A ; .Orangeburg, A. D. Web is, W* & Ohaatto; Rich; J.M.* K P. Rxigess ; ■Onfifis propriety of putting out a State tick et, my toff "I me a Dumber of young men aunbanted with speeoham” -~; v r TOB PLATTOBM. John G. Gapers was appointed ohalrman of tbe.eotomiUeO on plat form and resolutions, which mads the following report: The UnliB Republican party of South Oarolloa to convention ess bled to the city of OoiomWa on this 8thfiay of August, 1906,,congratu lates the cooutry, to Its entirety, up on the prevaillef peeee aed plenty which blemcs ue all and upon 4he prosperity, loyalty and patriotism of our people. “We reJMoe to the real'ntion of 'he great strength end power of the United States, and to the lofty dig ally and li fl once of cur nation to all international tflairs. The attitude of our oountry to these respects is due, to large measure, to the con isistlve eff >rte of the Republicans In both branohee of oongrees, always aid sd and often guided by our versatile, Industrious and patriotic president, whose splendid administration we most ooi dially endorse. "With Jost party pride we direct sttentlon to the fact In tMs eonven bion, that sines the year 1892 the Rs- publican party hac triumphed In six general elections for congress and In three elections for president, and that from north of the Mason-D ion line and east of the Miaeiselppi river there is not a single Democratic senator in the fl’iy nineth oongrees and in fact tit Bepublloan senators from the combined Southern States of Dels ware, West Virginia and Missouri. "Such R publican membership In our national legislative halls oarrles grave responsibilities, but the parti in powar bravely and wisely, ascumce Its legislative burdens Sod delights In its suooemlul efforts tor all classes of Amerioen people. “In our State affaire, and to fact with few exceptions In the Stste af fairs of most of the Southern States, we ecj iy a fair share of this genera) prosperity, but we experience a die ttnot dueoarageaent to pjlittoalae they (ffmt the polltloa rights and privileges of those among ui who wish to knd cur (flirts ana ballots to the great e^uie of ineurlug a eontlnuar oe of the administration bftbS kffam of ouf oountry by the R^pnU can party. This curtailment Istratlon of election laws of our State by every offloer cf it down to the eu pervibors of registration In the several counties, who are tbemeelvce more responsible for the discrimination than all of the other a verse forces combined, la this connection urge that this convention adopt some measure which will eetatiltah a State registration board with a State ohalr man and secretary and a chairman and secretary for each county In the State. Tocce iffloira to be appointed by the Stat* chairman with toatr ac tions aa to the their effloes add the hard fork ei. tailed upon them If they faithfully etnry out the dutli this way only can we force our rights upon the Dtm ora tic supervisors of registration and managers of else tioos, or at least lay a foundation for a contest, when federal elections are Involved, which would bw eusUlnec by congress to passing upon contested TAB AND FEATHERS Used by a Whole Tewe ea Pear Womes sad Oae Maa Oat la M'ckigaa Be cause They Weald Net Behave Theaiseires After Briag “I’ve run ’Jockey Comma* for thir ty yean, and I’m going to keep on running It Juat about as I please,’ said old Georgs Simpson, Civil War veteran, whan other farmers of the vicinity of FowlervlUe, Mloh., sug geeted certain reforms tor the good of the eommunitv Thereupon the protesting farmers held oouao 1 with their wives, and slidrtly ' JJokey Corners" waa the moonlit scene of one if those weird and eeml savage oere monies which ealdom occur axoept In remote rural neighborhoods. In this instatei the buetltog town of Fowlerville is cioeely identified with the affair. Aa a result, Veteran George Simp- eon Is “rampalgin 1 " around threaten lag heavy damage suite against half a dosed young far men, while bli house keeper one young woman guest and his former wife, who dwelt nearby, en In the can cf docton whose euief task Is to overcome the effecta of a recent ooat of tar and feathen. TSB is one of those oases where the law was unable to make up lt« mind that its majesty had been < ff mded. Accordingly the law was appealed to m vain If to "clean up" "Jockey Cor aen." Old George Simpson's remark quot- -id above was well calculated to •(treogthen neighborhood euspldons .hat the convivial doings at bis house were prejudicial to the Interests of •tr'ot morality at "Jockey Oornen Trutters | T’ie vsteran ts abjut sixsy-flTe yean old and quite a stubborn ehazaotef. A few yean sgo Simpson and his wife were divorced. The same pro ceedings divided the Simpson proper ty, a house and thirteen acres of land fa’.Urg to the shan of the wife, while Simpbon retained the homestead and the Junctun cf two highways, and, owlrg to the gooerai sporting procliv ities of old George Simpson, came to be known as "Jockey Oornen." Divorced persons are not socially popular around about “Juokty Cor ners.” Waen the divorced Simpson promptly engaged as his hou«ekwep^r Mn Cora EUtott, benelf recently di vorced, bis popularity, and ban also, experienced a still further decline. With growing resentment the neighbor farmers and their wivac d'e cueaed xariuua aneodotes tending to throw unfavorable refloctlons upon the full reeponAblllty character of Mn Elliott. Oat of these Mies undoubtedly had Its due ebarcln her eubKq-tent humiliation. Involved. luf—OirtBe day Mn. Elliott left her ausbandehe is said to ban gone Into the oorciield woe re he was at work and, tossing her youngest child upon a abtok of corn ito had Just out, ro marked: ^ “There's your bnt; take It,” and thereupon left the premises, never to nturn. ’ In thi discussion of these and other "We dedsn our Arm adhercooe to the prlnelplee and platform of the Rs tales It was usual for these fermen convention at Gnioeff o in June. 1904.' ST ATI BABX1. Oonearalnn Them. -« The. statement as Imued by State Beak Examiner Hollman, upon the reports otthe 193 State and private banks, Mae follower The statement follows: _ bbsooboeb Loans and discounts. ..S34,444,Mi 82 . 2 286 600 60 678,007 22 3,692 $0,088 71 260,725 89 5,940 623 70 847 838081 llt*CT8 40 376,962 70 274,063 68 28 441 28 Owrisaff Bonds andjtodkfe own ed by the Banking house Furniture and fixtures banks and e • • • * t i • p a e • • i Other real Due from bankers. Currency Gold ... Silver, nloklea end pen nies. ....»..... *-•... Cheeks and cash items. Exchangee tor vh a clearinghouse. Total...047,684.209 71 — LIABILITIKS Capital stock paid to Surplus fund Uodlvtded profits, current expenses and taxaa paid Due to mid bank ers.. Doe unpaid dividends.. Jeet to cheek Demand oertlfioatee.... Timeoertlfioatee. .... Oertlfled checke. Cuhler's Motes and hills dis- oounted BUM payable, toeludlag time eertl- cates reprewnting borrowed money 87.467.420 40 1.397,666 96 2,214,696 78 and their wives to speculate upon the occasion for the prolonged visit of rather handsome young woman—Miss Bsaaie O Iyer, of Gowen, Mich.—-at Simpson'* house. Whea, recently Miss- Oliver was Joined there by ano ther girl from the same place—a very young and dailoatariooktog gltljussed. Glayds Emmons.—the speculations took an todlgnanl tohe-^espdmally with tbe farmers wlvss—whlah boded 1U for the “Bom of Jockey Oornen." In fact, It was only three days after MMsBmmans’s arrival that the start ling crlaM ooourred. AH day then wu iuppremed ex citement at a dozen farmhouses where the Influence of “Jockey Cor ners" was felt. Several of the young- er men visited each other oaeueUy. wtfch nfchbf wjwtAVtoB^. • • • • • '' m v; ^TotSl 147,684;gQ9 71 ; Robbs* of *8,000 te Gold. j-Mn. Matilda Foots of Fredcrick- iott, bis housekeeper, had driven into town, but would-be back to evening. They hid left the two young women at home. It was further sign! loanlly mentioned that the former Mn. Simpson was at home to her own bouse a short dMtance away aoron the fields, On the road to FoAMrvUle, a short distance from the Simpson house, there M a grove whtre a small stream M crossed by a wooden bridge. When horses and Vehicles cron thM bridge there M always a clattering on the oose plank* that can be heard tor i quartef of a mile. Soon after dusk a farmer driving i light wagon to which then wen sev eral bundles and something covered with a horse blanket turned his hone silently Into the gro/s by tbe bridge JlMkMtt rolled eff the bridge the toff I gad shied. "GlddapT said Blmpcen. Toe next Instant both hones whc m tbsir heads and Aoaldcn swathed to white, with holes through which their eyn gleamed, wen at the bone*’ brl din, while a dtsen othen, similarly dMffuiaed surrounded tbs wagon. Mm. BlUolt Hreamed Simpeon lathed out nvagtoy with his whip. Tbe young nan on the rear seat J imped over tbe wagon's- tailboard, eluded tbe hands stmtehed out to capture him, and sped down tbe road, eeoaptogto tbe gloom. f "Got gutl’’ commanded the leader of the white caps. « The housekeeper obeyed, trembling with fear, and was seised by ooo of tbe whlta Capa. “You’U suffer 'or thM," aed Simp son, lashing out with hM whip again Hta whip wu tom from hM grasp A dot an hands reached up and tore him from hip seat and flung him to ths ground. • •( • The Simpson team was hitched to a tree baelde the road. The woman was half carried Into the grove. I; required the united etrengtb of half the party of whlta caps to foUow with the etruggllng, wiry old "Boh of Jockey Corners." When Simpeon finally succumbed snd sat eullealy quieVOh the four other white cape suddenly ap peared, two half carrying twh fright ened girls—Miss Oliver and Miss En mons—while the other two eooorted the former Mrs. Simpeon. At sight of the slender, very youth ful and delloate looking Miss Emmons the leaden of the white espi' with dre w to a UttlOdtstanc* and conversed anyMito of tbs Stele, to prosecute __ dvll suits, bot bo bu mads a penbn- al appeal to tbe Governor tor the ar rest and puntohmeat of hM sHallanis And then tha matter aMada. Who there who will cumIj tbe to cmvict, and who tbe vktoma themselvu will sufficient ly identify tbe defendanU u the i who actually parMatpatod to the tar and feathen ceremony r : F<.r the pmaoct, at least, tbs ob noxious establMhment at “Jcokay Cor is broken up. Simpson ooeuples hM house alone, the housekeeper hav ing left hM employ. * COfTON ASSOCIATION ITS VALUE VOTER PLANTER* O the hour a. In the red light 4\>io.i.*(n Two Oropr of 25.000,000 Bales Mar keted At An Average Of Ten - , and Cne Faly Cents. ^ The value of the Southern Gotten Association to the cotton planters of tbe South M apparent from the foUow- P. ML Potts, Pmldent.. L'vMMna Division. B H. Barnett, Praddent Arksnsu Division. . R. T. Milner, Presid<nt Texu DlvMloa. r v L. B. Irvin, President Oklahoma Division. Harris Jordan, . Preetdint. RMhard Cheatham, Secretary. Heacq Matters Southern Cotton Amo- otstlon, Atlanta, Ga M July 16,1906 Th* undersigned harvested for ire season ending September let, 1906 ..........baMe o' ootton from....» ecp*. _ Too undersigned expects to harvest for Use eeum enllng September 1st, 1907 iv....bales of oottoo from, earn planted. Mate* Post Office State Business County Date... Gw. \ G eek fruit Green vlOe M riQe Friday'to| yrunr man stout town, cutup with aa axe by < dealer about a woman. a dry coont*- ^w<Md br Utoee That tn alarmluf peweai young men In the dtlee of tbe ere uEflt to enter the army, owing to dgtrett*. smoking,' tate hours ana other bad habits, M tbe statement of Lieut. r ffl'^ T In the two Years ending September 1st, 19J6, two crops of ootton, sggye gating practically 26.000.000 bales, will have heeo marketed at an aver age price to Southern producers of nearly 10 1 2 cents per pound. In tbe two yeers ending'September _ _ _ 1st, 1898,22,600,000 bales of ootton esrneclty: Do their return to the *W* produced and marked at an aver- S-Sl-W- *- W A-J M d> a- i Oondttlon of Ootton Crop. The following table shows the o^o iltlon of the tor thM year with respective ten-yaer average; r—"— State July 26, 10-yeer 1908 main group they whispered to one o the older members of the party, who took the young girl silently by the bind and led her away. It was afterward learned that this farmer carried out hie Instructions to Immediately eaoort Miss Emmons back to her home at G j wen. The “Bow of Jockey Oornen" and the women In tbe hands of the white caps were not long left In doubt about the fate that awaited them. Heirty hung a kettle overs firoot dry branch* « and in It bubbled a dark, viscid iub itsnee whose smell left no doubt u to Its character. It was ordinary ouildera* tar "You fiends P shrieked the former Mrs. Simpson to the men who tearing off her upper garments, while others were half stripping Simpeon end other women. “1 know now why you stoic my pillows. Bat I’ll die firevl" The white oso answer wu to the >w<n'.y acres. fans tftttfifc fiPltohMOf WW-JM*. AjflMty over ths marked shouldprs of tol the m, ■ *•" i'b—A i"* "-..i* ** ▼tottnis. The women shrieked t n merer. but were not spared. Mrs. E liott scratch ed sad bit so furiously at first that rim wu dipped In th* stream to coo the ardor of her iwlstsoee, and.then wu treated to an axiira thick ooat of tar. Simpeon struggled and swore, threatening all sorts of dire thing*, while reoalviog hM ooat, til) one ot th* white cape slapped him to the face with hM tarrol brgiti. After that he wu silent from necessity. thC victims were thoroughly posted with toe sticky sohatanes. Mr*. Sleep son’s pillows were ripped open and their fiufiy contents sprinkled thickly oter all the tar-covered shoulders. Toward the last of tbe ceremony the white ceps throw discretion to th* winds. They charged Simpeon with hM sniffed offences, naming the women u hM confederates Mot satis fled with the oaetums of tar and feathers, they kicked sand over tbe unfortunates. Then, u though freh- tied by the spirit of cruelty whtoh ru •a them, they began crying out for further vengeance. "Let’s ride them on a rail," said one. • • \ - “Lvnoh them!" exclaimed another "Tie them to the tailboard of my wiffoii Md lot ind ***** them ttUrouffli the town," slid another. But at lilt wiser oouneeM prevail ed. The miseranle objects of their vsngexnee wen dragged into the road by the white caps and ordered to was empty anAf^Tkaotog the world’s populatloo to e ‘Sklddot" which they did --and the av.ngers of the honor of "Jockey Cor ners" separated an 1 disappeared. Probably only thou who bate heter Oo'or tun ate enough to be victims ot a ter and feathers ceremony appreciate the aarloue consequences of such treat- RMmL lo more than one ease the re sult has been deetb. The coat of tar. which hermetically ecaM the pores of by the y while pretending to be examining each other’s live stock. ' In the afternoon the nawt wu car- rled about that Simpeon and Mrs. Ei persistent oae of the right (fiMmlcala. In the meantime, the victim suffers raging fever, which can bacon- trolled only by restoring the skin to its normal condition. ■ • □When the entire body bu been coated with tar the danger M pro portlonately greater. In thM 786,821 64 22 428 Sfil ■ . ~ and hitched it to a tree. Presently he 26 476 699 39 wu Joined by twtf more who had ar 741 249 56 rived on foot; Then oame othen, 614 129 48 ringly and to p^fs. All dMappeared 16 316 63 among the trow and made no noise 47 886 66 that could bs audible to any one In the road. They busied themadvee to taking articles from the light wagon and In unwraplng tin contents of th* bun- 3.880,120 54 _ Suddenly the men In the grove has- aed their mysterious preparation >f for there fell upon their can the clat ter of _ It wu Simpeon 4rlring home from town. Beside aim wu the boasektep- *r, Mrs. Biliott, and on the reu seat ^«u a /oung naan of such high stand tog in. the community hu bssbc lil tolr age price of 6 1-8 unto. 19hM increase in price M an aggre gate of about 8560,000,000, and M very largely the work of the Southern Oot ton Association. In oomparlaon with such an achlevament the cost of main taining Its organisation M^but infl- Qitesmsl, and it enters upon the com ing ootton aeason with the greatest confidence in the ultimate realisation of ite purpose, namely: fair prleee for I the product of Southern labor; the avoldanu of over production of oot ton; and the protection of tbe South to tie God-given privileges of furnish ing the world with the cheapest doth tog ever known et prices which will repay the Southern farmers for their arduous toll and the trained totelll-. gene* employed in producing it The Southern Cotton Asooc’ation hu made its mistakes and bu bad ite I enemies to fight. The mlitekes have | not, however, been important, shown by tbe result, and Its enemies | Yirginla... 83- N. Carolina 76 85 8. Carolina 72 83 Georgia.. 74 84 Florida 72 > ' '■ 86 Alabama....... .83 83 MlmMtippt 86 81 Louisiana 83 82 Tcxis 80 80 Arkansas.??;^. 89 fifi Tennessee 88 82^- Missouri 95 86 . Oklahoma 92 66 Ind. Ter. 85 88 United States 829 82 4 These are the n* urea of tbe govern meat agricultural bureau, and are be- Have that thpy are padded We have oo - onfldenoa In old meu Wilson and hM gang, and Is M our opinion thfct the ootton planter will never get square deal from IT at bureau until Wilson and hM hen oh man are kicked out. MEN’S DISEASES Sboald Sr Treeted Oelv Bv Ae Expert be Expertmeated Upoc by teat Doctors We Treat ud Cars Tkese Oisei Trealmeto. UliiUP DiaeaaM p«culUr to «•“ to treat and only mi expwt be entrusted witbt their treatment. We have been Btndying end tranting theee diseases for over?0 yean,end have bailt opa reputation eeoond to non# this oountry. Our plan for treat- in*- men et a die •■■a arWi great eofoeee. and no matt er where you reside, you can aa cure our expert aer- vioee, and too, with out great ooat.' Nervoas L RVTSII tmVtT, L k faateti kitaMtlk M. to- "Ite Wl. Ii,tesl;*Ac M.Udtt; b.tate MaUltd. la, Inid rflmlU,***. DeMlitv, (loat vitality, nervoua exh^naUoa, proatiar lion, etc,) the symptoms of which are “AntltULm The battle of power and have been forced ultimate- iy to align themselves with its pur pose*. The 1st of September, 1904, will find the world absolutely, bare of oot ton. The visible supply will he tbe | smallest on record. The 26,000 000 bales of ootton with which the South hu supplied civilisation daring th»| put two years are all consumed The Uoiled States Department cf Agri culture ett'mates that it will require 42,000,000 bales of cotton to adequate ly elothe. the world’! population, - and the prcgrcte of civlllx ttion M rapidly i" on tba Avon. Antietam "without Its mistakes" wu refought on August 9th on the banka of the Avon As pars of the maneuvers of the British army, and wu won by sheer force of num bers by tha aide representing the Northern army. No larger force ever mbled on Salisbury plain than ap- The dmptro mu Lieutenant General Ian Hamilton, and among thou present were MinMter of War Haldane and John Burnt, president of the local government board. About 35,000 troops were engaged. Major General Franklyn, oomnundlng 20, 000 volunteers, represented al * Northern army, and Brigadier Gene ral AUinby, with 15 000 regulars, tbe Southern army. The operations lest 3d tor four hours ol onercy, ambition, xi deapondrnt, iloopicamMi, diiiiiwM, ote, cannot be cured by incompetent doct’nioy patent medlcinea. We cure I' by ekillfel, sciontiOc treetraont. prepend in our own private laboratory to suit aaohoaae Write tor an examination blank and oar book en titled -Nerve and Brain Exhaustion" Mat free. — Specific Bleed Poise* in moat all oaaee ia really owrsble hy original perfected methoi lf you have any of lu symptoms, such aa eore* nloera pirn- plea in the mouth, throat on banda face and other parts of the body, falling hair and eyebrows, write os for complete ini tion about this diaeeee. Our book “The Poison King" sent free. Strictere—Varicecde, Hydrocele, Gieet, Enlarged Proetratr, Kid ney and Bladder Disorders, and other pri vate and chronic diseas saucosaefully treat ed. Diseases peculiar to women also treat ed with great success. Write for tfoa blank. WE DO NOT DEAL PATENT MEDICINE*! All stitlod necessary are prepared in onr own private laboratory, without extra charge.. Address DR. HATHAWAY A 00, to-A Dumb AnDding, Atlanta, Ga. , point st which It will rsqolre to be •dequstely clothed Whatever th* six) of th* coming crop, there M no reason why It -bould be so d st anything elec than the avenge price obtained for the last crop, through the iff jrtsof the South- era Cotton Association, namely: 11 5 4 cento snd 12 cento a pound. In- teres ted sud eeif constituted authori ties have of late been endeavoring to stampede Southern holders snd pro dn *rs of cotton Into tbs belief that th. coming crop wu likely to be so sonormsily large one, produced from an aoerage very much In ex jess of any previously planted. ThM dMposition seems to have penetrated even into the Crop Estimating Board of the United States. Government, who ap parently have *Qt u yet futiy eman- . firom flir anla- droit Inflaenoe which reralted to which the tffarto of. tbe Southern Ootton Association last year disclosed. That the cotton crop for the of 1906 7 M likely to be superabundant. Ool ite H H. Trawlok and 8am Chandler, white men, onr fined to the Angelina county Jail, T^xu, were found dead in thjlr 0*11, Thursday mornlog, the skulis of both men helog eruehsO, and John Wlleoo, held on a minor eiiarge and who wu confined to the nme cell is held obarged with having murdered hM cell mates. Walls denying that he committed the crime Wilson has made a number of ooi fl otlng state ments concerning the tragedy. He declares that at one time during th* bt bp discovered the man fighting separated them. An eartbern cuspidor found In the cell wu j|ti dently the Ueved the men ware killed whllcAhoy slept. . ~ — Nonreasee — In epaaklng of the senteneas of th# servant problem in Greenville the . ^ Z«™»*n***** to * Of The Mm that many ot the negro women were oondoottog blind tigers, and that they were able to support entire famtllee on tbe rs efrom, and that the bhnd tiger wu io part at leut re epoadhto for tha lilnetaho* with which negroes consent to wash rim! not believe. _ ____ ====== reports from its thousands of members I nook and for the jqy with whleh they ootton halt Indicate that th* to average over last year M only 2 62 per oenc., and the scarcity of labOT; IBc litcaisi cf development, the excessive rains to ^^^■suoh posltlone. It wasatst- 624 fZ.1 in de^th ed that dally many orders were sus.^^^uto out to whiakey bouses by negro | wo men who oooduct blind tigers and that the burinees wu Increasing.■ and drought to the region west Misslasippi thing but a full y Valley foreshadow y ro deld any- her eon happily for the victims, only the up per part of the body wu ao coated. The former Mn. Rlmpson went home and endeavored to remove tha tar with karoseoe, which only made It worac, She managed to get to Fow ler villa that night, where doctors took her In hand Two daye later, though •till to a miserable plight, she able to travel to tbe home of at Farmington. Miss Oliver is bellevevad to hav) re placed her dress waist over tbe tar ooat and to have gone u speedily possible to her home at Gowen. -The action of Simpeon and hM housekeeper wu more radical and bel ligerinV When the last of the white caps had dMappeared they reseated themselves to tha Simpeon wagon and to •Howell, the county seat, after obtaining medical atten tion, they called on Sheriff Prato and Proaeonttog Attorney Green. They were sick and dejected, but they made formal omplalnts against several of the "Jockey Oornen" farm ers Later Simpson filed damage suits against four or five of hM neighbors, demanding 810,000 to each ossa But public optoioa to the neighbor hood M strong tor the while ospa— whoever they stay bs. Every farmer for miles around sraan an air of toao- while warmly eommeodteg their H» women folk, while lam- the scandal of It all. drove There, tor the commencing September 1st next _ The puhlMbed optokm of 150 mem- Mto of the New York, Liverpool and Southern Ootton Exchange* M that aeropof about 11,000,000 bales will be worth during the coming season 13 37 cents per pound, and thou pro ducers who part with thalr product for less than thM figure ar* curtailing the hard earned prefiteof their toll and depreciating the value of their fsltow-prodoosn’ crop. It M not the purpose of the South ern Cotton Association to advance ootton to an exorbitant price, nor one not Justified by conditions. It M Its purpose to keep its constituency to tbe South folly Informed u to the outlook and crop prospects, -and to Abe end that it may have the beet potelble information upon thM subject, for the purpose of more intelligently reaching a correct oonoluslon and to be aoourately informed u to condi tions at tbs Association meeting to be held at Hot Spring, Ark., Sept. 6th, 1906, it requests every Southern cot ton plantar to whosa eye thM may coma to HU out St ones, detaeh the accompanying blank and enclose it in an envelop and mall to Th* Southern Ootton Association, Atlanta, Ga. G. 0. Moore, Prerident North < Una Division Southern Ootton datum. B. D. Smith, President Sooth Caro lina DlvMlon> M. L. Johnson, Prorident Georgia To BxploSt Cnabxa L-^^-, The Ouban Investing Corporally which wttt conduct a | genera) agricultural and manufaetur- tog business to Gabs, hac been iooor- porated with a oapltal of 63,ooj,ooo. The directors of reeord include E. 0. Foeburgh, H. M. Kerr, L W. Shelton, 10. H- Kayler, W. W. Day, Jr., Nor folk, Va.; & J. Gamp, Franklin, Va.; and 0. T. Ltdeon, Atlanta, Ga. NorvMl Bias Rinht. Whan tha toeamer Henry M. Stan ley was two ntikN from GalllopllM, Ohio, a negro entered the cabin of a woman pamengcr and attempted to aw fault her. He was discovered and driv en over the tide of the boat by the captain, sod waa drowned. Shot to Death. At Sbeeveport, La., a man was killed by his divorced wife who to an insane condition went to hM boon and demanded her children. tofilbSbJBwrgjr=r Murray’s Iron Mixture contains tbe elements thatunike It a ueuulue bl tonic, a remedy that maxes rich,- blood, improves digeston. increases ap petite, and supplies strength and ener- to weak, debilitated, nHPWVtopeo* MURRAY’S IRON MIXTURE is not a temporary stimulant. Th* good in every dose sticks- Excellent for paM, emaciated, bloodless people, and as a recuperatiae tonic for those recovering from sickness. Unequalled as a tonic to present and overcome the lassitude, tired, exhausted and “run down’’ feel ing ao prevalent In tbe spring, A com bination that meets with tbe approval and commendation of physicians every where. Price 50c. Guaranteed satis factory to every purchaser. AT DRUG STORK. Prepared by the Murray Drag Co., Columbia. 8. Q. Walnut, ; One hundred feet of 81 Hangars. One lot Pulleys 126 Doc. Base Ball Bata. • The above M situated In a factory building, dimenaiboil wiui eu Mtacned« Lot measuring 200 feet frontage 524 feet in depth. Ball Road into tha Jfrd. In a desirable part of the city of Orangeburg, 8. -O. ThM will be sold In part or In wbok be utilized tor most any kind i prise- For full partlculara^apply to 4 Orangeburg, B. a that will last a life time M what you want. Our Organa have a pure tone and lovely cases. W* can supply you with an Organ that will pleeaeto every particular tor only 665 andf7Q, delivered. Wilts us for our special terms of payment, and for Illustrations of tbe beautiful Organs referred to. jouprefer a Plano we have beau tiful sad good new Uprights from 6186 - up on easy terms. Addrsve Helene’s Katie Heuee, $5,000«d| .At Absolute Cost, , T. S. Scaac, President. J. B. Atktoaoa/Seo’y A Trees.' PALMETTO MUTUALTO^waflUNCE COMPANY, A home fireliusuranoe gement Oapable aa frlte tor particulars. Write tor oartloulan. W|aU<L Caro W. H. Seymour, Pntident *»«*«*—^ DlvMloa. Walter Olarke, Pntident MljsMslppl; We’ Hive pgr Sale * ***8*** for anjooe who is in the market fm We are headquarter* for anjthinn inths way cl prompt attentum wiHbe given toaR inquirim aw cmm. Write as whan yon hie in toe tor togrtearpriowttelraedjjing yottmdtoei fiiatetii 8ep|lySCc^ .