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* '• t .:j'* LOST HIS LIFE. A Brtve Fifcmiq’s Sacfificc in Effort to save Woman. A FATAL HOTEL FIRK Muy Leaped to Th ir Death. Elfht Persona Ktlled and a Numb.r In* jnred Hbile Reeiaf Proa . - h' '»• ’,. • West Hotel In City of MtnneapoHs. At Minneapolis, Minn., ai^ht pnr- sons dead of suffc cation or of IPjurles suatalned In leaplni; from a '‘lire proof” hotel building, a score of per eons Irj ared and a building damaged 126 000 by fire, im;)ke and water In an ^epitome of the revised ravages caused by a disaster which befell the West hotel, Hennepin avenue and Fifth street, Wednesday, throwing seven blind re* guests And employes Into a panto. The dead: Fire Captain JobnHerwln, fell frpm the fou'th 11 >or to the Fifth street sldewa k while attempting to save a woman's life. ~ < W. 0. N ckels. Mlnneaptills, iuffo cated In his room on sixth floor Thomas Summerville,' SprUurfleld, Mass., saksman for'~Atktns A Co., utl cated In hls ro.m on sixth floor. J. E. Wolfe, Northwestern agent, for , Sperry & Alexander ci mpany of New, York, su(located In room. Clinton B. Lamme, New York, travelling man; lulToaated In hls room- J. B. Pelanlger, New York, travel log mao, Jumped front, the seventh rtftfy .. . Mrs. M. K. Hodges, Minneapolis Jumped from seventh story, .Wm. Black, New Yotk, suffocated In room. The lire was e mfined to the ek v i tor shaft and tbs two top floors In one corner of the building, but a dense smeke pervaded everywhere and the wild excitement which followed the first alarm hurried people Into balls JTANTED a boy. f - *— 1 ~ AND XHE GIRL CAME INSTEAD . J -—•— FATHER GOT M AD. Used Violence On Bis Ui,welcomed Child end is Bsld for ^7 Trial Slept on Helcbold, of New York, twenty eight years old, was up before the court recently on a charge of as saulting the baby girl that cane in place of the boy he d:sired so much. Mrs. Heinbold, a pleasant faced, matronly j< uig German was in ocurt with the baby. She said they bad been married three years and have a comfortable home at 987 S c >nd ave nue. The husband Is an upbolsterei and earns from 118 to 130 a week. The weman said their marriage wsi a love match and that their home wa» a happy one until the birth ef tb< second child, five months ago. Tb< firstborn was a girl. Tbs father wai dlssapolnted bt cause the baby wai not a boy. Hls wife consoled him b: saying the next child might be a boy “Stephen was a good bu^ban^, at kind and loving as a man could be, and 1 saw that he was greatly troubled about a son,"said Mra Hain bold. "I told him that a learned p o fesfior at bjrllh said that you ooul have a boy or girl by eating oertah kinds of foi d, and I asked him to ge< me those things'that are mostly what the professor called c .rbon' c ons.” , Then began the experiment wblc) It was hoped would brirg an heir b the Heinbold household. Mrs. Hein hold had egg nudeln at breakfast. A luochei n sh|B devoted herself mostl.' to pumpernjckle and charlotte russet and at dlrnkr she ate schwerbrod un til her appstlte craved for a ohangi of ^let Toe psrenfs were hopeful of sue cess until early In May they were dls turbed by the published opinion' o: Director Smith of the central Patk menager.r, who said that from hls tb nervation of the animals in the Part be believed that sex oould be prede termlned but that hydrocarbons woulc predispose to s boy. Peanuts wer good for that Broad and cakes and such things oontaioed albumen am predisposed to females. NtaMlIag ■eenre Enacted la tbe Oltj or mo«c. w. • \ I was passing the amply university last Saturday morning. Minute mow wit lathing through tb* air before • bitter wind, but it thawed aa it fell and people went slopping thru ugh tb> filthy* puddles, in galoshes, as Is th fashion hers. Training In disorder through the dirt and wind, mlx n d ur with tbe market people and the Uttl open droskles that dash op and dowi the streets like our handsome, cam s string of soldiers slowly making heir way weatrtfrd, They had Just passed the booth* whore the butotiors sod othe loyalist* slaughtered the students. They bar reached the point wore tbe Ocssacbt shot blindly into the procession that nad accompanied the funeral of th* itudent B.umann. There they halt id becsu e tbe ernes road In froot w* blocked with traffic and a few pMssrs by began to look ft them curiously They wers not to be called a oil imn, nor were they organixid as at idvanoe party. They ware not organ- cad at all, but a few cslvery oatm first, their hairy little horses throw og up e steam Into the wind; then * ew Infantry, not' more than a bats’ on, I think, oovared with filth, the! uniforms torn and patched, some ii nw caps, like our own men, some It high furey caps matted with mud an mow. Behind followeda ramblln ine of carts, and It wm the sig't jf tbe men stretched Inside them will llrty bandages r< uid thslr heads, ot urms, or feet which showed to us who 1 he party really was. They were tbe soldiers n turning from tbe war—tbe van of. the grea ,nd ruinedTtrffir coming home. AT set they had completed the 6 000 o< 6 000 miles of their J urnty tbrougt he Siberian plains and were alive ii he heart of their own country. Aeb his is bow they were received. The municipality bad Intended to irrange some sort of fesUvllltles at he station. Tuey bad Intended to five little presents to the men- jlatee and cigarettes, 1 suppose—and Little decorations Lr the offlners with he Inscription: ‘ ‘ To the Defenders of he Country.” Whether those festivities wers ever held and those little presents given J cannot say. The papas had announ led that ou sildlers would bagin Co arrive on Sunday. The govern- , HM» THE ONLY REMEDY THAT CURES , RHEUMATISM TO STA M CURED. 1 IK W BI DON’T CURE. •nd “Makes You Well All Over/* threatens tho entire system, fetllag indjkhto that you need Rheumatism is an tatsrml ease and requires an internal rameiy. RHEUMACIDB “Gets at the Jointstrmn the Inside,** and that is the reason it Curse after ell other remedies have failed, sweeps all the poisonous germs and achip out df the we pains ^ro danger signals. Pains; Bad Taste In the Mouh^that i •4 I REMOVES THE CAUSE OF THE Quincy. Mass., July U, IMS. i.. Raltimo ibltt Chemical Co., , R i 1 Vi mpr e. Hi ear Sirs:. I was laid up last November with Curod SO-ysar-old Mrs. Mmy Wslbom, of High Point, N. had aufforod SO yoara. Curod Rod. J._R. Whoolor, TO yoor 1 up Rheumatiam In my (eet and ankles, but after taking four bottles of Rheumacide I have not been bothered since. I tried every old kind of liniment apd was under two doctors, and all I tried had the same re sult until I got say. it hat not medicine, for Rheumatism Rheumacide. Now, I am pleased to been necessary for me to take any Rheumatism since February last. Everybody mat I recommended it to has had the tome results. Yours very truly. P. RANAGAN. Manager. Quincy Industrial Co-operative Society. R. Wh««l«r. r 6 years'elf,' 01 Curse John r. Kline, e at ones. Sams diet minister, ef Reletersteurn, Md. Cured John P. Kline after Johns Hopkins Hospital had oompletsly felled. Cur , ef Dillon, S. C.. after he had been In bed three years am p against hls baek. Setter gel a bottle from V< pie bottle end booklet FREE If you sond e emus BOBBITT CHEMICAL CO., Pieritim, Mil There’s Danger in Delay. womb wax no. .... ,—, The Helnboldt ssw that thsy hgr •mAimtim ortsulnm todeaelii bfmatte ^gfl ygjlOliKLtotheOTg.upslflb stbempt to save ItMosslyes, Tbe flie Tbs food M rg Hdlnbold had bspo eat IT 6 ..?? .. urd . >y ‘ _ Tb ® log wu oc nsiderably albuminous acd favorable to another girl. After the) got over their dlsaapolntment gbi f attempt started In a packing room on the first floor near the elevator. The wupd in tbe slsvator shaft caught fire auc burned like tinder. A sheet of fl trot 20 feet wide mounted the shaft"to tht seventh story, carrying an Imm^nr volvme of smoke which frightened thf guests out of their tenses and started a panic. The smoke spread to most all pans of the hotel, causing many peraons to lose their way in the con fusion. Five persons were found suf focated in their rooms after tbe fire was out. Capt. John Berwin of a hook and ladder oempany, having broken open a window on the seventh floor which he bad reached by meant of a soslieg ladder; stumbled onto thb b>dy oi Mra. Emelloe Barlow, ansged women He strapped the onoonsolcus form to bla baek and itirfpdtbwn the ladder, when midway between the seventh aed sixth storks, the strap broke, bending over to tbe body for a moment, he then lesncd et the rtak of hls life, and threw tbe woman, to ward a prejsot log ledge on the floor below. Apparently being revived by the frtflh air < r by tbe shock, the aged woman gmpto the projection and held on. Liter she was rescued. Bur In throwing the woman to safetf, - Gapt. Berwin lost hls balance acd fell to the pavement. He was instantly Wild. . a. J. E. Wolfe, 50 years old, traveMng representative for Sperry & Alexan der, wboleaale hardware merchants of New York, met a horrible death. He was burned In bis room and tbe oon dltion of the furniture Indicated that he had fought the flames until the last. All the clothing had been torn v from the bed and It was apparent that v the sum bad sought to smother the flames which eventually consumed him. The excitement was so intense that J. B. Pelanlger of New York and Mrs. M. E. Hodges of Minneapolis, who were on window ledges near an alley, not being encouraged by the oorwd in Fifth street, leaped from the seventh floor to tbe pavement. Pelsilger’s clothes caught fire and he tumbled, burning, through the air. He struck a railing near the Hennepin avenue ride of the hotel and was cut In two There were many thrilling rescues from the top floor. started on the Smith theory and had peanuts for dinner, luncheon 4 breakfast — - Eirly In August the reoond child w:s born. When the family doc'.oi may possibly have been rushed cut In carts to meet them, though It would be more like the Ruatfan officials to ye- *td the offerings of their patriotism ftnri for tbemselvei: But so little interest was taken In the whole thing that the evening pa pen continued to announce that the told the father that It *as a' girl the' would to arrlvd next day news was n e lived without rej doing According to the woman's story, hr became moody, seamed to loae inter est In bis family and would not caress the second child an he had the first After e while he would aoowl ever) time hls eyes happened to fall on the baby. The baby was christened Step banie, after itg father, bat he rias never heard to mention the name. He continued to hand over all his wages st the end of the wet k to hls wife, but b* begfch to treat her ooldly and she understood that the cause of tht whole trouble was that tbe baby was not a boy. ' . m She went to the court and com plained that her L uibapd had struck the baby In the faoe with hls fist, and she was afraid be might do it some serious Ir j jry. Toe case wu turned over to Agent O Uonnor of the Obll dren's society to Investigate. O Oon- ^nor made an investigation, arrested tbs buiband, and he and the woman told the story to Magistrate Whitman in oouit. Mrs, Ht In bold said that the blow from the ftan’s fist made the baby’snose bleed and blaokend its left •ye. "Wu he drunk?' asked the magls trate. "No, he doesn’t drink. HU habits are good in everything else, except that be can’t bear the sight of the baby,” she replied. ' That’s a very pretty baby. He ought to be proud of it,” remarked tbe court u he 1 oked at the unwel oomed Infant that the woman held in her arms. - The blue eyed fat Infant smiled up at bis honor. “What do you want me to do with your husband?” /The magistrate asked. sod u far u I can discover no furth er notice of any kind wu taken of the defenders of the Country. So they trifled westward of the dirty streets and dlssappeared Into their barracks. The reservists among them appear to have been dlsmlaud at once. At all events the crowds of beggars who with threats and cunea violently de mand the milk of human kindness up >n the streets have been increased by many uttered creature who limp djauiu*’yet the*’ about tor traces of dsparted unirormi, f and as they pan the people ssy “a soldier from the war.”—Moscow Oor- respondence New York Sun. Granite City 111., Has To Many Old ' * Bachelor*. “God give,us men!” ; c?Ie ; ff Poet Holland in lofty velr; but what Gran lie Olty wants Is women. . r ; In this flourishing Illinois town fr-WU— aw ! cording to the census of 1900, and whlvh now claims 10,000, thera are ten men to each woman. * The majority of these men are bachelors—partlcula'ly the business and professional men—and era or- se quence more than half of the born es in Granite City are rtomlrg and board! ngr houses. ' While there hai been no fo*miil movement to Induce an li.fl>x of wo men the marriage ble men of th' town would be much onllged, to say the least, if deslrab.e numbers of t 1 e fair ux would place themselves with In reaching disUr ce. * The young bachelors of the tdwc are so busy making mone)—and there Is hardly a* one of them who does not rake In front 45 to tlO a da) —that they have no time to go c urtiog at a O, thou Maater of all tlmea and sea- # ■one— Thou who dost mark the ages in their flight, Grant this new year my gift to Thee may be. To levs my fel’ow man, to be, to do For bsm what 1 wiu'.d have him do for mr 1 Plants A m Aa Cm m 1 iiEi ■ iWTl n ■■ ri ■ W SM R to Satisfy rurtnaser | ! i EARLY J CASEY every df ed; - That I may know no hate—no bltter- nesa, ' - But lore the world ax even Thou hut loved can CHARLESTON SUCCESSION AUGUSTA VCR SHORT FLAT 6TEMMCD thi wages of six. „ . A % Man and Woman Commit Bulelde — - In Kalelch. A special dispatch froBTRslelgb, N. C., says a sensational double «nielde wu discovered there Monday after- oo^o, In which a man of some promi- nenoa and well know and a woman of auy vinu re figured. The man wu William H. Hood, who for a number of yean wu deputy register of deeds ot this olty and county and whose fa ther wu register, of deed*: untlL Lla. but a few monthA emL her family name hu not yet been definitely learned. Mr. Hood, who held a position with the lading deportment store here, had been drinking heavily for the lut few days. On Saturday night he and AMAULT1D A CHILD. 4 f "i Young N< wberry Negro Charged With a Heinous Crime. A dispatch from Newberry to The State nys Clarence Butler, a negro about 17 years old, was., brought to Jail there Wednesday nigh by Sheriff M. M. Buford, charged with felonious awault. The victim Is a negro child, about 7 years old, daughter of Louis Jesaa.llvlr.g on tbe plantation of Mr. Jno. R. Spearman, near Sliver Street. The crime is alleged to have been committed on Tuesday evening of lut waek about 5 o’clock fas the house alone. Har crlts were heard acd seme of tbe people on the plantation hastened to her rescue-end saw a man running from the house. The child at one* told tbe story of the auault and it wu u uld that' an corroborated her state- -V- Mr. Spearman telephoned to sheriff Buford, end yesterday, with a war rant lained on the inf jrmatJop of tbe of tbe child, by Magistrate "Cannon Blease, he went In search of hJaman. He found him at Saluda Old town Wednesday evening and brought him to Jail here. Sheriff Buford Is being congratulat ed today on the eiilftDeu of the cap ture. To tb* promptnes and skill _ whtoh he hu always discharged i duties of hls office, u in this case I attribute the good order of the the infiequenoy of aari “Something must be done to change bis mind before he gets worse Its HI beesuse the baby wu not a boy,” she respondeo. Heinbold was uked what he bad to say. He uld be did cot strike tbe child with hls flst. He only slap pad It with the back of hls hand. The woman uld she bad money enodgh to get along without her hus band for a time, and perhaps If he wu looked up for a while he would became reconciled to the girl hood of the baby. “ I’ll bold him in 4300 ball for trial In special Marions,” announced the magistrate. The man had no bondsmnn handy and wu looked up. To Bit Intel AeMlons. The joint Legislative Committee appointed to look Into the alleged il legality of the prooeeding under which Tbe child wu the ‘‘biennial sessions* 1 amendment to the oomtltutlon wu adopted by the legislature two years ago and ratified by the people at the general election in 1804, Thursday submitted its re port. Id this document It is ut forth that the constitutional exactions and requirements wore not observed In the enaction of this joint resolution, and the Joint committee recommends that the whole transaction be started anew and that the matter be again submitted to the people for ratifica tion. This will postpone biennial ses sion! of the Legislature a few yean. death, about five yean ago. Tie wo man wu a resident of “Eut Raleigh and wu known among her associates u “Violet.'*’ She had been In Rxletgh io Awoman’s hands goes twice u the girl, who wu apparently between ln j e ^ er J ® llfe 20 and 26 yean old, went to the bouse of and old colored woman. This af ternoon the bodies of the two were found there and nine empty lauda num vials revealed the means uied by the auloides. Hood left an Invalid widow and a child. It la stated that the widow would not permit hls body to bs tak en to hls home after ahe learned the circumstances of the suiolde. Hood a man who bad many friends here and In other states, and dissipa tion seems to. have been the sole cause of hls ruin and death. Three months ago he wu treated in an Institution for the drink habit. selvel the marrylngest lot rf men Id the03uutry if they only bal aohanoe. Over at Alton there !* M \yr r B2*11, the frlind of R > se /alt, who Is preac i log against race suiclc • as tard u be knows ho«; and as the co ines of exhortations reach tbe ear* of the lonesome young bachelors at Gran Ite City they are u ud as sad cao be. ju Even some of the city officials esn not get wives. They are City Attor ney Maurci Sulllv in aad City Clerk George Furnish, for example. Arcb Crimmons. to vnshlp clerk, U In the same lonesome cittgory: Ex- mayor J. B Judd wu forced to go out of (ffice lut spring still unwed ded, though not unwilling. Grant me thy peace which years never bring— Peace wltbib my heart—peace to fol low men; For this new year which thou but . ..given me I must return to thee when thru de mand. I uk cot for myself material thlrgi, That come and pass away like oom mon dust; I ooly plead that thou to me will - give Toliv j the life which thou dost live In me. in. whom sight tbe paaslrg Of a thousand yean Is but a single flay, Wilt thou not heed this prayer and grant to me bis Its ats ver u the gift of Thy new year. The Wife as a Banker. ""Woman am aavera rather than spenders. Acd when they spend they spend togood advantage. A dollar far u a dollar in the bands of a man. If Maagled by Train. At Erie, Pa., Frank Hint man and John Manat, employees of a local malt house, were instantly killed at German street orosalof of the Lake Shore rallroed Wednesday morning. The men stepped from one track to another In f root of a pa manger train. Their bodies win horribly Hhowdown on It oral. 1 Poet mu ter General Cortleyou In bla report outllnw a poll oy of striok ter adherence to the legal regulation of rural mall routes. Most Important to ruril route patrons is hla iuteutlon to “dlioontlnna without delay any route where It la found on inspection that because of a lack of appreciation of the service tbe expenditure involv ed Is Unwarranted,’’ and the an nouncement that where patronage Is Insuffloient to warrants dlaly delivery substitution will be made of a every- other day aervloe. Not every route Is appreciative and two many patrons look upon the aervloe u something to which they have the same general right u they have to receive mall at a postoffloe. The 114.000,000 deficit hu brougbt-tbe government to the oonolualon that there la little lease In spending the people’s money on thou who do not appreciate It. Sbot Him Dead. Herbert D. Ashdowns, a collector, wu shot and fatally wounded In a restaurant In Troy, H. Y., on Monday night by Mra. Jennie Purkett, who wu oraied with Jealousy because he you want to save money let your wife be life banker. This Is tor tbe work ,logman, whether he labors with his hands or~tolls with his brain. Thi* la for the married man and for tbe man about to be married. Ills for It Is the best advioe for the average man •very where. Give this a trial dur ing the present year upon which we have Just entered and see i f you art not bette'r off at its beginning. Cheated the Gallows. Booker Glass, a negro confined In Selma, All., for the murder of K E Allen, a young wblteman,And senten ced to bang January 19th, cheated the gallows in a daring dash for liber ty Tuesday, In which be wu shot to death by deputies. The negro filed off hls manacles with a shoe Iren ard tried to wrest a revolver from'a guard. Two men were required-to overpower the negro and one deputy shot him at tbe risk of the other’s life. Tbe dead negro wu named for Booked Wash ington. Tin dinner plates were found folded over hh heart when the body wu examined. 81411 DI8PAX81XY. The Supporters ot the Inetitatlon Hold e Cenciu. The dispensary supporters In the general assembly are.miking prepare lions to rally against tie onslaught of adverse legislation proposed by ardent anti-dispensary people. Taursda) night in tbe ways and means commit, tee r< cm of the house a caucus wu held and tbe dispensary people put their Leads together. ThejulKLbegan to "©unt noses, and The State says so cording to the statement ot one of the mfmbers who attended tbe meeting, the result vfu entirely utisfaotory. He made the prediction that the die penury as an institution would not ’put oat of burines*” at this SU aion of the general assemb’y. The dispensary people have intro duoed no bill u yet. la this they think that they have showed (i ;cre tlon for they will fight for it if the) see that some legislation must be pm through. Senator Ray aor hu had the SenMtion of Faille*. - The seogallon of falling down a precipice la cne that few pars ms have bad an opportunity of reoorllng. Prof. Albert He m, wail known geol ogist, hu been able -to describe the experience to the Swiss Alpine Glib, end relates that he wu not troubled In breathing and felt none of the par- alyt'hg terror that_ so often over-, whelms victims Of sudden catutrophe. He felt perfect tranquility* though remarkably quickened mental, activi ty. Old memories were reviewed and then his ears wrre filled with soft musical sounds, and consciousness wu lost u tbe ground wu struck. There wu no pain nor ■ematlon of shock. Many killed. ▲ cablegram fnm Toklo, Japen, aaye that on the 4th instant an ex plosion set fire to a mine at Akita, on the main island of Japan, and that 101 peraons lost their live* department at work on the bill which be Introduced lut session, but he may not Introduce It. Senator Manning hu been spoken of as one who will probably Introduce the bill which Is finally decided upon. -The dispenury people claim to have their hopes raised by the result of tbe can cug Thursday night. Senator Tillman wu In Columbia Thursday and while he did not parti oipate ln-*ny~Baucii8 he la uld to have talked freely with the members of the. legislature who consulted with him on the dispenury situation. A. Piano or Organ F*or You. To the head ot every family who is ambi tious tor tbe future sod education of his chil dren, we have a Special Proposition to make. No article in the home shows tbe evidence of culture that does a Piano or Oigan. No ac complishment gfves iFmucTi pleeebre br le "6T as great value in after life as tbe knowledge of music and the ability to play well. Our 8 mat I Payment Plan makes the owner ship of a high grade Piano or Organ eLy. Just a few dollars down and a small payment each month or quarterly .or semi-annually and the instrument is yours. Write us today for Catalogues and our Spec ial Proposition of Easy Payments. Addreu Malone's Music House, Columbia, S. C. Gulls, you owe to your ncothex be on the look-out for every ooceslon to make whatever return yoo can for her yean of sacrifice and planning for your happioeu and well-being. Treat her with unvarying e urtesy, defer ence, and seek her comfort and plea* ore above all others, and never be 1m patient, for she hu had great patience with you. - in... - Envy In the heart of a woman worm on a petal of a roe* Isa Osbbaf* Qrowa Second Earliest Head Variety PRICE: Inlots oil to4 si. at tl-SO ptr si., S to 9m. st $1-29 per m., 10 m. and over. attl-Oegar ■. f. O. B. YOUNC’S •. C. My Special Bxpreaa Rate on Plawta Is Vary Law. /-• _ I guarantee plants to give purcha*>Tnatlsfactlon. orwIH refund theporchaae vjliarantee price to any co.-tomar who i* dUaatieJW at «0d of aeaeoa. Tbeae ptaata ara grown In the open Seld, on Heacoaat of South Carolina. In a climate that tS J"* — " growing the hardiest plant* (hat can t>e g-own In the United tUafea. Theeej r-*et irrthe infer,ot* of the-fiowhern rttatea during the ■ the month* of Jswiary, March. They will aland aevere cold without being Injured, and wilt mature a h«a own plants la Sot bed* Page Two to Three weeks sooner than if yoo grow your frame*. My Largest Customer* are the Market Gardeners near the Interior town* and cities M the Sonth. Their profit depend* upon them having Karl, Cabbage; fur that reaaoa they pur chase mr plants for their crop-*. I alao grow a foil line of other Plant* and Pro It Tree*. *-,ch aa Strawberry, Sweet Potato, Tomato, Egg Plant and Pepper Plant*; Apple, Pva. h,' Pear, Plum, Cherry and Aprioou Trees, Fig Bnadea. and Crape Vina*. - Special term, to perw>n> who make up club VY/ |V4 C P A' I'V 4^’ order*. Write tor U1 unrated catalogue. ” ^*4. V^. - A 1,1 V. * 4 * » YOUNG'S M ™ order*. .a,c COTTON GINNERS AND MACHINERY OWNERS. _ Write for Prices on'the Following Babbit Couplings Guages Lubricators Drills . Guage Cocks Oil Cups Belt, Rubber Mack Saws Oil Cans Belt, leather Ejectors ---Hammen Fittings Injectors Pipe Files Pulleys Lace Leather, Packing al^kind^ Sbafting. CoUarLfor Shafting end- else in machinery supplies. Columbia Supply Co., e . . . ColuiBb<s.~S.IC. Do You Need . x a Doctor? If You Are Sick You Should Con sult Only an Expert. Do Not Allow Yourself to Bo treated by "Just any Doctor, You canJ3on8ult the South's ' Most Expert Spec-* ialist About Yom^— n " Disease Free. Have you a diseaw about which you would like to consult a dootor-ad '•ctor in whom you can place the utmost con fl deuce to give you Itching Piles. Carol to stay Curod. TannoplUpe Ointment is a certain amTquTck cure for blind, itching, bleed- log and protrudliLLnlle* The Unt application gives instant and complete relief, and a cure speedily follows. Not an experimtnt, but a remedy trledAud tested without a lailure in hundrede of the worst cas-s- TAjrXOMLlXE OINTMEN [ENTJr^k is sold with, an absolute gua Our contldence in this remedy ik^j^o^ bounded. Hundreds of voluntary fk,v tlmonlals to its wonderful vlrtuei*- Easy and convenient to use. Upon lieing applied it exerts a cooling, heal- tngrand astringent effect that takes away every evidence of discomfort at once.. t '-osLa iitUe more : so-called ‘ Bile Cures,” but wortfc many times the difference. I’riee 'ft.Od. Guaranteed to every purchaser. AT DRUG STORES. satisfactory Or by mall of the ___Murray Diuy Co,, Columbia, S. Twjoin TH»— C.' not only expert, but honeet advioe and treat ment? If you have, sit down and write to Dr. J. Newton Ha haway, of Atlanta, Ga^ explain jutthow y"u suffer and he will five you hi* expert opinion of yonrcaae, counsel and advise you—bailed on an experience of i r > years- and will not charge you one cent for the service and you do not obligate yourself to take treat- Dr. Hathaway ia without dbubt the mo. ! ?L c K rt r„”J'S7i or '!!!'(r. e "'•s* 1 ! pert, reliable and successful specia istjn the tlOat first South to-daT. He has been established longer * j ^P^biy. No delays. Pi&DOS than any other specialist and has built up a ~ “ ' ractice larger than that of any specialist Ludden & Bates -Piano dab- _ 100 Pianos, - • 100 Members. $287 fn the United States in his line of treatment. Not only is he an expert, but an ijonest, con scientious physician. He has always conduct ed his practice in an honest, upright manner and you can consu’t him with perfect confidence. DISEASES HE CURE**. Dr. Hathawav’s specialty includes all the chronic and private diseases of men and wo men, such as Kidney and Bladder Diseases, beryous Debility [lost vitdity, nervous pros tration, etc.,] Stricture, Varicocele, S|>ecifle Blood Poison (syphilis) hjdroceie. Gleet, i a- tarrh f the different organs, Skin Diseases, Rheumatism, Diseases of the heart, Lver and Stomach, Lung Trouble, diieases pecuiliar to women, etc. His methods of treatment are without doubt the moet expert modem science s fiords and he will treat yon with just as much i are and at tention aayou would receive Iq 'the highest priced sanitarium in the country, and too, y u •ye assured of a cure without great cost His reasonable; no mom Wan you for successful treat 's!! ipped promptly. Our Guarantee— ' Warranted for a life time.” |q charges are very reasonal „ would be wilting 16 pay ™ ment of jour case, Ev»ry person writing him will receive a valuable Book On their disease, If Interested in the fairest ac ssiv ng. Every-iour Club plan. Do not delav t,h*7I5ti thing strictly confidential. AddressBr. Bath- Will SOOn be filled U7 ’ t& ® 6,06 away & Co, 86 Inman Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. frae. Have no hesitancy in writir A sot s but friend is bis mother, end the boy who endeavors to pay book what he owu hla mother, la the one who will be most aonght after by the people who are worth while, and be apt to make tbe moet suooeaaful life — - 4 \ CS Ann BANK DEPOSIT MKJtl/UU ''IFtrs'M.RetHTxlM m—mmm USUIA-ALABAMA BUSINCgB Pmrilia aamHuMM■■rr-rU-