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m v-mr* • «r -4; jv '•% ■ A ^ -f—•tr >.•''«'/• • ■■ ■ if >•- IKO. I. H0LM28, Editor 1 Prop’r. CtlRfiEST COUSTT CIBCULATIOH. « fl ‘record* of ihe p**t *hofr that • DOlftWCll Feople. targe percent of th« famou* men and * women were reared in the country. The Ideal farmer’e wtf« will *ee to It that her children are educated, but not trained to he above their aurroundlnge, but rather to dignify labor and to feel that a living honestly" earned I* the •urent way to happlnfwe. e Another Important matter the farm- cr’a wife ahould uae her inllocnce In every possible way to prevent her hus band going lii ttbht, for debt has crush ed out many otherwise happy homes 1 am aorry to have to admit that lu many cases Hie mothers and daughters let their love for frill*, furbelows and trinkets lead the mairof the house Into No model stlfj TtUTRiPAY. MAY 11, 1005. Many fanner*, large and amall. »re Ktill holding cotton, something they , have never done before. This prorea that they are better off than they have been, and it show* as 'conclusively that they are not obliged to make a» much cotton at they have thought casontlally necessary to their Support, Last yrar the Conway Field made tight of this paper’a suggestion that %be truck boslhess eould bo overdone. Tub I'Bon.K’a prophecy has already come W> pass. Last week the straw berry grower* of Eastern Carolina lost many tfiownnds of dollars because the Railroads couldn’t or wouldn’t and "dldtt’rfnmlsh t-ho refill rod cars for tliO ahlpment of their fruit. debt. No modtd dife wljl allow her- selfj»to want more than her husband can buyfor her. m The prudent farmer’s wife w ill en deavor to save something for that •Taluy day” which is auro to come Bobhcr or later. Art Ideal farmer’s wife will see to It that her bouse Is kept in order and made attractive with (lowers, vines and music if possible. Of course the farm er’s wife w ill want her pin money as weifas any other woman and no model mart should ever meddle with the money accruing from tire chickens, eggs, butter, fruits, bees or vegetables. Ho if the farmer expects his wife to be an hleal companion he-aliuuld -bear Many ot the very best cltlsens of this Elate were horn across the seas. The triteness of some of them was proven 'when the haUkt clouds covered the Southland, the goodness of them all bat been manifested In every year of paace. TIpT came of their own ac cord and cast their lots with the build er» of Its civilization and Carolina's love and houor for them has uo limit or measure. Soveral excellent papers have paid Governor Jleyward the high compli ment of favoring his election for a third term. *nU Humter Watchman and South- ron, H*eW *n excellent paper, ocm- mentlng thereon favors the rotation out of the Stale House of all the pres ent occupants. Merit and efficiency should he the only test. If the Ins are superior don’t turn them out. If they are inferior lot the swaps be made. f- "far from the madding crowd’s ig noble strife”- , the Barnwell People JBOUJd always JJUteSiMtes the bAildlng up of Sonth Carolina's w aste •* place* because higher values mean higher rent*, higher purchase price Modus more burdensome taxation. In crease In volume of husiness means greater eourpetition. That W one way of looking at it Ills not the progres sive way. It Is the Chinese nay.—The Columbia Slate. And there is the k^ieldoscopic way of which our critic U the monopolist in Houtli Carolina Nobody knows or seems to care bow- many people native and to the manner born emigrate each year from tliii fttate* Going one.or a family at a Ume they are little missed outside of their 1oe*l relationships, but the aggregate would be a startling surprise if ac — «uy*tely Hgurod up. Tuk Peoim.k goes regularly to formor Barnwell county people lu the States of Maine, New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia, ticorgln, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi,’Louisiana, Texas, Arkan sas, WNconsfh, California and the Dist rict ot Columbia. The condition^ that caused them to emigrate contlnne to operate and the number of departures will not grow •mtUer until the Legislature or. some body And* out the cause and provides the remedy. COTTON OPINIONS. * Theodore II. Price, the New York speculator, who h»* done more than any other one man to depress the price j)f the present crop of cotton, has changed bis mind .nuTls ifow us much bull as lie was hsnr. His correspondents throughout the SAuth have converted him livnlielr're ports. He averages the reduction In acreage at 14,'^ per cent, and accounts for the over tale uf fertlllziT* by the increase in truck and tobacco acreage. The crop this year W two weeks late, world will, he nays, require at In mind that idle is an equal partner in the family purse as well as a co-worker in all the ups and downs, joys and sor rows of even an ideal journey through this world. The least 12,000,Out) bales next year. i.' President E. 1>. Smith, of (lie rtmith Carolina'Cotton Growers’ A ssoriaffony now4j>|Toxa*. wires back that owing to excessive rairrs' the farmers from Birmingham, Ala., to Dallas, Texas, are far behind with their work, that not half the land had been ploughed and that it was too wet last week to work in the field*. Ordinarily at this season cotton in Texas is being chop ped out. si ml plowed. In the boll wee vil section of (hat Stato tlie only clianee *.o make half a crop Is to plant early in April. The boll weevil is already out of winter quarter* and readv for business, even before the crop is planted. THE MODEL FAUMliR’S WIFE. firjte* Essay by Mrs. W. U. Cally In Union Progress ) 4 14u not hbUeve there has ever been 4 ‘* model farmer's wife,” or any other mao's wife, hi the estimation of the 4so-called) Lords of Creation. For «yer vinca that little apple episode in the Garden of Eden and man lias had “to earn his bread by the aweat of his brow,” there ha* been a grudge against woman, who has made it necessary for man to dig and delve and reap and *ow. But aside from ail this the ideal farmer^ wife wields no unimportant imrt lit the success or failure of the Man whoHillt old mother earth. First, she must be economical, but not penu rious. 8hc should be indusltions, but able to plan her work so as to have •bine thne for rcerettlon and the Im provement of her mind. In ovde&sio. be h cheerful companion for her husband and children. , We do Dot think a farmer’s wife ftltould become * drudge, at the same «1W It l« her duty to look closely to alt details of the house, 'garden, poultry yard and orchard. For iheee seemingly little thing* either make or break the average farmer. • . Another important mailer la to be contented with your lot, and not b« "nagging at your husband” to “move to town,” for in the country your *ur- iridinga Are pure and away from «f temptation*. It ia all _ to aay farmer* and their i are not a* Intelligent and re- i thorn who are city bred. The FITZHLGH LEE. * Veteran’s letter, asking Informal Ion Al to the family relationship of Fiw- hugh-Lee, was received after our pa t*»r was made up for the pres* last week. We reply now. Richard Lc«\ the founder of the fam ily in thi* country, came to Virginia in 1(560, and since that time the Lees have held high place In the affair* of Old Dominion. “Light Horse Harry” Lee of the Revolutionary war was the grand fa ther of Fitxhugh Lee, Sidney Smith Lee, a captain In the-United State* navy, was his father and his mother member of the distinguished Mason family. Kitnngh Lee was graduated from the West Point Mililary Academy in ISefi and appointed second lieutenant in the Second Cavalry. In a fight with Indians on the fron tier of Texas bo was slmt in the side by an arrow. A comrade tried to draw It out, but only the shaft catne and the arrow bead remained in his body all his life. He was carried 200 miles on a horse litter to hospital treatment. ]n another fight Lee^mct a big In dian band To band. The Indlan.-Wba was a chief, and more than six feet in height, attacked I^e and tried to stab him. Lee fired his revolver but the Indian grasped its barrel and the ball went wide. The revolver .dropped to the ground and tire Indian tried to stab Leo again. Lee caught the In dian’s hand and hogged his adversary so closely that he could not use the knife. ^Tho two men wrestled fiercely for a while until Lee, remembering the old Virginia back heel tiip, which he bad learned at school, put it in execu- t.p>n and the Indian went down. Lee then quickly grabbed the revolver and shot the Indian dead. Gens. W. H. F. Lee, nicknamed "Rroncy,” ami George W. OustU Lee were sona of Gen. Hubert E. Lee, COflS" ins of Fitzhngh Lee. During the civil war be rose to the rank of Major General and after Gen Hampton was sent, Houth to oppose Hbenifan’s marej) he was in command of tlie cavalry of tUe. Army of North ern Virginia. j After peace he went to work on his farm and was later Governor of Vir ginia. __ Cleveland appointed Kim Consul (jr«net»l to Havana and McKinlev ro I used to remove him. He asked that w n warship be sent to Havana and the ill fated Maine waastarted and could not bs recalled when be requested it. Hs was appointed Major General of Volunteers and later mired from ser vice as a Brigadier General, tile was burled In Hollywood ceme tery, Richmond, on Thursday- and his funeral was tho largest since the burial of Jefferson Davis. ONLY FOUR LEF1 ig of “Yes, the !i»t of surviving officers of tlie Confedeiate army is decreasing sorrowfully fast,” remarked the gal- TarYOOtdler from Smith Carolina, for- mer Senator Matthew O, Butler, last evening tit tlie Riggs house. "The death of Gen. Fitzbugh Lee leaves, according to my own recollec tion, only four w ho were of the rank of major general—Gena. Wheeler, Lomax, Rosser and myself. Of tile, lieutenant generals but tht-eo survive—Gena. Buckner, Stewart and Stephen D Lee. Houth ‘Carolina had in the Southern cause thirty-three general officer*, and of tboae onl*-the*0rfro jfyfn^ » Gen. ftrrrtnr himsplT, Ihongh verglfig upon the three score" and ten limit, is .04)11 vigorous, though inTntis ft Hmbf which was lost in battle. For genera tions men of his family have been of commanding influeivee in the old Pal metto State. He Is taking life tran quilly and happily, staying for tho most at Id* phuilation of>~the Savannah River, near Augusta, but often eoming to the national capital, where for many years he was one of the most honored and conspicuous of tlie southern Sena tors.—Washington Post. CON FF. DE RAT E RE UN I ON. Gen. T. W. Cftrwile, commanding the Soutli Carolina division, U-. C. V., has issued the following order: “Dear Comrades: Or.eo again we are called to meet In annual reunion. This year our reunion will he in Louisville. Ky., on June 14, 15, 10. The prospect* are bright for one of the largest and most, Inspiring reunions ever held. Let me urge your camp to send a full dele gation. Let us make this- the banner year for .Soutli Carolina camps. When our faithful adjutant general In chief! calls the roll let him be able to say, ‘South Carolina camps have paid in full. The dims are very small. Five cents jier capita for State docs should he sent at rtnfie to J. M. Jordan, chief of staff. Greenville, S, C. and 10 cents'per capita for general head quarters should he sent to Oen. Wil liam E. Mickle. No 824 -AJommon street. Now Orleans, La. These 7 A CREEPING DEATH. towards the baart, causing death. J. E. Stearns,' Belle' Plain*, Mind., writes that ft irlend dreadfully Injured bis band, which swelled up like blood poisoning. Bucklen’s Arnica Salve drew ont the poison, healed the wound, and saved bis life. ' Btst In the world for burns and sores. iRc *A*C. N. flurckbslter’s Drug Store, Creech’* Pharmacy, TO BSVOLUTIOXVEE FARHIHG* Wllliston, 8. C., May Stb, 1095~, Bided poloon creeps up EpiTOB Bsbxwkll Pbovlb: boart, causing death. Barnwell, 8. C., Dear Sir: ^ HI nee the year 78, when I moved to votir State and County, i beg to advise that the State of ray adoption and her material prosperity hay* been matters of a great deal of thought to me. At a general proposition. South .Carolina most be dependent upon agriculture for her prosperity; at least In a large measure. Land in our State Is usually what it Is made, and-, we do not com pare favorably with the delta sections of other Stares. 1 believe that It is within my power to materially aid mv State and County, and for this purpose 1 beg to offer a few suggestions, merely leaving the outcome to the Intelligence of South Carolinians, both the farming and business classes. 1 am perhaps known to many thousand South Carolinians, and to my personal friend* I refer to my life for nesrlv thirty years among you and my reputation for yeracity. To the nearly one million additional Carolinians, to whom I am unknown, I submit the following: The cultlvationvof our soil with its accompanying climatic condition re quires only twp essentials: 1st The absolute removal and- destruction far as possible,of,all weeds and grass, permitting the growing crops to bene fit exclusively s-from soil fertility of area planted. 2nd. The maintaining of soil mulch and frequent stirring, admitting air and preventing tlie evaporation of moisture, w hich the plant secures dry caiiUTary attraction from beneath. The perfection of these two essentials is ail (liat can be accomplished by (lie cultivation of crops, and in this I think 1 will find agreement among ail class es of farmers and thinking men. Tire arterial circulation of a man’s body is somewhat simitar to gap circulation in growing plants." Cut your finger and you Sever tissue and time Is required to heal the wound and restore vitality. Likewise with lire feeding root* of a plant, and it requires additional »t rengih and time to. replace, tho w nst ago. Now, tap roots In plant*, especially cotton, ate merely a comlniration of the veillcal body above the"ground; hut stop and consider the position of the feeding roots to, the plane of tire surface in cultivated fields, and you will agree that all feeding root* lie iat orally and aro varying in depth; hence you have seen a uian absolutely ruin Ids crops by improper plowing. Thecentprof furrows, U of course, the most distant point from, the grow ing plants and at that point there are less feeding roots than at any other distance. Take, a point at lij^ht, angles to the row upon which your plants are situated, 1 have a machine w hich jyill Ijrst break this and succeeding teeth will break the land ou each aide of both rows, covering in one operation width of row four feet, but adjustable to any width up ;o this distance. But tbo distance from the iidtial breaking to the final tooth action near tlie plant is in tire neighborhood of five feet. Now taking a hard, compact surface con crete, the first blow of a pick is a dilll- cult one; after repeated blows, when tho surface is broken and an edge re mains to bo worked upon, there is less resistance; bonce you see the applica tion of my instrument in this respect. ‘Again this machine is adjustable to vary trig ilepilis. It st one operation, a* stated, will cover lire entire space of four feet in width, and will irtso main tain the soil mulch which is essential to successful cultivation, and tire square of resistance and the liorsa power necessary for Its operation Is less than an ordlntirV lwontv-*ix inch sweep. This machine will be In operation on my place at Wllliston. 8. G lire coming week. I will demonstrate practically that 1 can safely figure on an estimate of eight acres per day w Ith one mule. The labor problem of tire .South and its accompanying evils and tire prob lems of agriculture are too far reach Now. just listen to a resolution pass ed at a regular meeting of the Medical society of Columbiap. “3rd, That this Society consider* it unethical the ap pearance of a practitioner’s iikni**ln connection with any case publl-hcd as a news item. That any physician w hose name so appears will be suspect ed of being guilty of the Indecorum of advertising.. That the press of the city be requested In4bla report of cases to withhold Hie name Aha^attendlog physician until his consefit has been obtained.” A* a fitting climax py (bis resolution the Legislature should pass a law at Ita next session compelling the physician, when he loses a case, to walk in front of the hearse wearing a placard bearing the inscription: "i attended the extremely unfortunate deceased In his last illness.”—Lexing ton Dispatch--. -»■» TERRIFIC RACE WITH DEATH. “Death wsa fast approaching,” writes Ralph F. Fernandes, of Tampa, Fla., describing his fearful lace witti death, “as a result of liver trouble and heart disease, which bad robbed me of sleep and of all Interest In life. I had tried many different doctors and sev eral medicine*, but got no benefit, un til I began’to use Electric Bitters. Ho wonderful was their effect, that in three days I felt like a new man, ami tnday I am cured of all mv troubles.” Guaranteed at O. N. Burckiialtcr.s Drug Store, Creech’* Pharmacy, price 50c. BRING YOliR CORINi and have home-made meal The man up for larceny had admit amounts aiEfi. now. duo and should cor-f tod-bia gdlUTTsdieB approkended, -but tainly be paid not later than June first. The plaice and date of the State reunion will be named later.” Capt. Richmond Pearson Hobson, the hoswwrf tho. Merrimac, has at last mot hts mi^Bir’ , ''W“the 23th m*t. ho will marry^MUjCOit^aldA. Houston Hull of Tuxedo, New York. ’**—• .d.dunUcdio'• . Fertilizer shipments from Charleston this season have been 278,291 ton*. The average for previous year* haft been something over 809,000 ton*. That prove* that the fanners have re duced Ua ua*. log to be properly covered hi an article of tills length. __ •i have submitted sketch of my im plement and plan* to Mr. N. L. Wiilet of Augusta, Ga., whose interest in Southern ngricnlttire and well known autlForsbip of works In relation thereto stamp him a* an authority of no mean capacity. He give* hearty endorsement of this Invention and I design placing this machine upon the mark*# on the following tfirms and conditions: 1st. Restraining the akic and use solely tolhe State of South Carolina during the Ilf* Of the patent, which pateiiTT'Will take ant • for » term -of seventeen year*. . 2nd. Every purchaser and tiser - thi* implement will obligate to giv« 60 per cent, of the increase yield or mar ket value thereof of the first year’s use; thi* fund to.efcafe • reserve- for tho free erection artd maintenance of im- proying- highway* throughout our State and for educational purpose*. The cotton crop of the State of South Carolina alone is practically one mib:; .lUHTNaTCaol a'Tatr value -of forty dollar* each. Without statUtics. ©r sufficient data to make un intelligent estimate, I would estimate that th^yai-' ue of farm products In South Carolina could not he ntueh less than seventy- rive mllHon dollars. - If tho uso of iny invention will add only 10 per cent, to tlio wenltli of tire State annually, it is an Item colossal in itself, and with sev enteen years continuance, should build the State up and give it an advantage possessed by no other. In making this contribution to the Skate of my adop tion, I am free to sa$ that I do so with out detriment to myself financially; for from tire nature of tilings f should get large returns from thi* invention. Yet the u«e and purchase of thi* machine will he w ithin the means of the small est farmer within tire State, and its use and value far in excess of cost. I desire to say that I am indebted to Mr. Will Bryan of the firm of Bryan Bros, of Allendale, H, C. for tho sug gestion to benefit my State solely and will add that my machine ha* the en dorsement of this practical farmer and gentleman. In conclusion, thanking you for tlie publicity and space Allowed me for thi* article, I will at same future time, w hen business matters ar* less press ing, have something more to say ou the agrlcqUiiral status in this State. Yours very truly, _ 1*. II. LOUD, JR;— a IS A SPECIFIC FOR CROUP. 'fc'fiqryear* ato—48tt*r* of axperimantlng, pally from every corner of the globe^convinces us that CAMTUOL stands without a peer for the following complaint*. Neuralgia, Sore Throat, Vacci nated Arms, Hunt*, Bite*,Stings, and Inflammations of all kinds. Try Sample. Ciiekcp’s Pharmacy. TEACHERS’ EXAMINATION. Office of , . County Superintendent of Education. • - Barnwef], S. C., April 8gd, 1006. Yhe regular examination for teach er*’ certificates of qualification wPI be held nt Barnwell, C. H., on Friday, May 10th, from 0 a. m. to 6 p. n>. in addition to the regular subjects, ques tion* will he submitted on Hughs’ Mis- sakes In Teaching, Peterman’s Civil Government, and Current Events. Teachers are also advised to read "The Last of the Mohican*,” and "The Vision _ af-Htr-l3imnftTL ,L AppUnaut* uiu>t JT furnish themselves with necessary pen cil and stationery. | White teachers will be examined In the Court Hou^c, colored teacher* at the Colored School Home. _ B. M. Darlington, Co. Sup’t. Education. For Better Schools. TO TRUSTEES: ! I am prepared to furnish School Fur niture and Hupplieaof all kind*. I can supply the Schools of the Coun ty with thoroughly competent teachers of high personal character. TO TEACHERS: 1 I-can help yon <treure desirable anti grist. PrINg yoUr graIN and have your stock feed gfound. No cash to pay, only a small toll. We have all modern machinery for these purposes. GLENDALE DAIRY. Barnwell, Si. C. profirab+e- portion*. Make tire S diool Room* comfortable, employ the Right Teacher*, and the children will make tire progress that will the belter assure their success in after life. Call ou or correspond with W. II. Jones," Barnwell. H. C. FOR SALE. One second-hand Remington Typc- w fiiertn good cflfifflMoB. TVT call ou . * IV. II. Jones. Barn well. 8. C. + + i- * ;+ % a • + w * o + ■X !• it -F 1 ms, m CIGARS, TOBACCO,. SNUFF, , Do yon know that thefcan of salmon we are offering you at 5c s can, flOo q (|n/,. cannot be bought anywhere in the United Stare* at thi* price? Tiiat no wTioTtsa 1 eTVouiTTrr-America will make you-omh price*? -Tblnlt- "of tire little town of Barnwell leading America In prices! Do you know that the Fairbanks 12 oz. Laundry Soap we are offer ing you 3 cakes for 5c. 16 cakes for 25c; that thb Fairbanks 12 or. Laun dry soap 2 cakes for 5c, 10 cakes for 25,•; that the Globe Refining Oo.’Wn cz' Laundry Soap 2 cakes for 5c. 10 cakes for 23c. are better prices than any wholesale house will make you? Barnwgil still leads In price*. Hee^Ryan’s 5c Plug Tobacco and his one pound package fresh pork -Sausage at 15c. Do you know that we will sell you the celebrated tMIeinz India Hel- Ulv’—a delightful sweet pickle. ftTifk: a bnt'le. which i* less than manu facturer’* w'holesale price? You see. Barnwell still hold* tire fort. Do you know that our quart bottle Tomato Catsup at 15c a bottle or 2 for 25o i* cheaper than you can buy it anywhere? Do you know we are selling tlie “Yaheb Club’ 1 Mnyonaise or Salad Dressing—a splendid at Hole at 2&ea bottle, which is less than the wbeie- /ule price? ) ' , Do - yon know that when we offer you a 15u ping Schnapps Tobacco for Ihe it is cheaper than you can-buy from the inTiiTufacturer? Please observe, Barnwe;! is still In the lead. 1 - _ All physicians will tell yon thi* i* the season for Glenn Springs Wa ter, Dried Apples, Peaches, Prunes. Do you know we will sell you Glenn Springs Water cheaper than yon can order from rhe Spring*?- It woirld rvquir* more space than wo can pay for to enumerate one fourth of the good* we carry—just think of vvhst yon want and come to u*. Gome any way and let ii* show and explain. Our-Wrgaius are on every shelf and all over the store. If you have never tried "Big Cen^Smnking Tobacco at 30c a lb. try some at once and have one good time in till* life. All (he good things previously advertised, always in stock. Ask for whet you want. ’• Remember yon take no risk in doing business with si*. Everything sold under our guarantee.' It not as represented money will be reloaded. •F d- d*i -*F G. K. Ryan. * •' + f *r + d d c d d- e d- d- 1 M d- a d- *;• ■ d-• d-• d-• d* a d-•■ V 1111 ■ ••d**d-«-: • -r • d • -!- • d • -r* -J- • -r • d* • •!- * 1 ••d-**F»d End Spring Side Bar Side Spring Shuler Spring THE JUDGE’S COURSE. at the trial hi* youthful counsel de fended him with great obstinacy and unnecessary brilliancy, “Gentlemen.” said the^judge, regard ing the jury with a benevolent smile, “ the prisoner say* Ike I* guilty.. His counsel soys he is not. You must de cide between fhem.” Then after an effective psoae, the judge added: “There is one thing to remember, gentlemen, the prisoner was there and his counsel wasn’t Every time a man oalla hi* wife an angel ahe think* he ia hatching a echeane to ftdyolt buyinff bnr a now hat* i r i i 1^' a i * i x X t -I .1 • With Bodies, Piano Box, White Chapel, Corning oi*.Spindle, — With'Scats Stick or^Pand; With Tops pr .Without Tops;^ Low or High Wheels; AH Varieties of Painting; A Full Line and a Fair Price. See My HIGH POINT and matiy other kinds of Buggies ; just received. Nir cheap Wefttom- ve hicle sold. Come to see or write Hi. ZD. ZBJRA-BIHZA.ZM:. ELLENTON, S. C. Sale and Livery Stable^-Wagons, Buggies—Farm Implements. .064. .*wi> U/r ARE SHOWING NICE ASSORTMENT OF- SEASONABLE GOODS! LACKS. Embroideries, All Ovrrs, Brilliantines, P o no e n e t tks, Lawns, Linens and Wash Fab rics. We invite ~ INSPECTION. BRIGGS, BUIST dc CO. DOH’I IET Get Poor and Bony. . j , . ^ Give eacTt <fhe a bottle of Whited Puigative Medicioc. This puts him in shape to get the full benefit of WHITE S Worm and Condition Powders Which is given for 8 days. You Will be astonished at the improvement. i ni iti T ' edy for irmiblefl with stock and a certain colie cure. The A combination rem- rTvi d n c y only perfectly bal anced, sub-e utaneous counter irritant. m. For sale by fl-.N. Burckhalter, DEPOSIT YOUR MONEY iV 9) W * * W w « w w « 9) W w. —IN— THE BANK of BARNWELL. CAPITAL. - - - - SURPLUS and UNDIVIDED PROFITS, ft $60,000- - $30,000. Dt fnsff trwtth us and MONEY kefit in jour bouse mar be lost by theft cr tire; transfer tbc yesr*'fisibt!ity. '■ We (‘airy Bt~1t r TL* ft E PROTtCTlON^aml liavu fire-proof vaults. Tlie fcaWt (.f dof-oshlng with u* «i!l ^Bve you many a dollar dial might be unwisely spent if k. pt In your pocket*. C'ON’rKAi T TUE. HAUIT NOW. The o .nrenieiiee vi.d safety of tayiire ail your obligations by .check, once tiled, will never l»e given up. Checks and drafts eun be snf, tv sent to n* by mail without tietag registered. Either cull iu person and open uu a< count with us or write n*. E. CAI.HOL'N, I’residcne. BL'TLEK 1IAUOOD, Vico-President. H M. BU('KIN(iH AM^ashter. G. W. MANVILLE, Asst. Cashlar. DR.'JM. P. LEE, JB’. - Dentist, . W1LLISTON, - - S. C. AVill work anywhere In the country by special appointment. —FOR SALE AT THE— OAKS FARM The sort that your stock will thrive on . when.flghtlrig Gen eral Green this Summer. Samples ~ "may be Been at tire office of Tun Pko- or the store of , Kastkp.i.ixo-I’at- tkuson Company. Alfred Aldrich. NOTICE OF FINAL DISCHARGE. Notice i* hereby giver, that the un- det*ig]ted wjl), on Tue?iUy, May JCth, " I niw, mw uu mw- duelling, E-q., Judge of Probate for Barnwell County, wIth the Will annexed, of Hercnlea Singleton, deceased, and ask for Let ter* Disuiistory, ' W. L. Singleton, Administrator. Aprllllth. 1905. A TO BUYERS! iUST RECEIVED AT MY SALE STABLES IN WILLISTON Two Cars of MwlfiS , —AND- One Car of Horses. * * • 9 a * ’ t » - > They are not claimed to be the best evfcL shipped Imo the State, but they are inferior to «, none that have ever been brought across the Savannah River. Come to see them and your own good judgment will be satisfied market in the South offer* better stock or makes fairer prices.. ’ I am agent for tho sale of pied mont and Hickory Wagons find Tyson £ Jones. Jackson A Smith and Continental* Bug gies. ,• _ v In material, workmanship, fin ish oind style they are a* near perfection as humah^skill can make them. ' „ Before buying elsewhere give me the opportunRjr to "please Aftd profit you. tt. A. KENNEDY. TOWN TAX NOTICE. The books for th£ collection of taxes on real and personal property' are now open and wilL remain so until May 15th, at my office, after which date Penalty and eo«ts will attach. By order of Council. C. J. Hay, Treasurer, Town of Barnwell, o FINE MILCH COWS. milch fine cow* Parties desiring please write to W. C. SMITH,. WlLI.ISTOX, 8. C. £arwm sell for cash or exchange ( foi beef cuttle. ■ ‘ • -ar, " • * ■ » ' -«■ C. F. Calk9RQ, P. M. Bttckingnaia Wm. McNab, Calhoun & Cop Life, Accident, C;y-clon.e 'agons and Juggles, lxghtninc Live Stock INSURANCE, ■ —At lowest Rates ln- Strongest Companies* GILHODK & CO, • ~ —OFFJCSS AT— THE BANK OF BARNWELL ft* rr-V