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4:^ ; } .^'1 ,7 * i ' Tf^e fiarnwcll People. —wrrr BATBS #F SOSSCBIFTIOI* , y /{a A(irMM>«. per lamrqi ......!i.$i.M " On JTIim ;; ' ,.....$2.00 ^Ti^ 1 T.;m^.‘"ir rmiiwDAT. Jt A !■' .I- ■ i>*" JtrNt^.wo*. Re*d Caldwell’* ad. In today'* pa per. * . ‘ . i Yea, Ita hot enough for ua. with aove to fpare. t w i Twrt - week* lyk P|«5 Nlc. Candidate! card! are ca$h for today to Qooie Pond LkH »Hnty Chain.UanK wfU be. MafttiA HUtlou until atMtnt Thursday qf this weak, wlten they wlH. alove tu near .(Jlllatt* Church.-. Prom• there they will more to near. OM'.Allendale. 0., W. Karker, HapervUuw. K. C Roberts, Jr., Clerk. m AVhen *^cf ns^ if ^ the ji rice of o u r FKE^CU :.0 A M, Pa per. Tlie^ cai^t liit- (1 erst a ml how a pa- - per of such a fine quality can be soltf at 2o cents a pound, and just think! It ' t a k c s <>v(M f o ii r “qlu res to \\ eitfli a pound. We feel quite sure that you have never seen a bigger bargain’ in stationery. We have just received mi- other large shipineitt of this line station ery. Eifvelopes of) the latest.patterns to match. ! Md**a am Incubating sweet speeches dear voters. - Rod-OalsoiMf;! are.*howingr s^gns of reeprery f jord tha hall dsu^ngc. .,«r. II. II. llUtUiews of WiHiston has' at^rpteda position in Augusti. eYotl.ongiu to* see Caldwell’*djeAvy drUI fancy w : ^> jlhirts. Only 5bc. Services wlil be held at Columbia School .House Sunday next, 11 a. «u. J. C. Brown is down from Co- lUjfila o ? ra ten day*’, v^sit to relatives *•>11*! he»s Connor of Allendale is visiting MUs Eva Wright in Kewber- r y. ln<t. I^of. I). W. Black Jr. gladdened us wtj his pleasant company on the 1st Tfie mercury of our thermometer climbed to i)2 degrees Friday after noon. ~ - '*• 'S* . ♦ v , . -Capt. (5. R. nitnlvar. succeeds Mr. P. O’l.. Black' as a supeiUlsor of regis tration. J t i Mr. R C. Simpson of Glenn Springs gave us a sparkling good water talk on ttatui'dur-— Tliff- Supervisors of Registration is sued up which of sifttv certiticsies to new voters on Monday. CALDWELL’S—tliesa*^ore whefS the dag It w ill interest and pay you ttrlook”»4«f bts-stock i— Tlie truck farmers finish beSfi siiip- iljeiits this week. Owing to the dropght only half a crop was made. . - • • • The (mint brush is one of the best sign* of t«'wn prosperity. Our young neiglittor.Kline shows tliat. For buggies^, wagons, harness or anything in that line nail pn Charlie Brown and he^will do tlic rest. The prophet who predicted Noah weather during June looks the other way w hen he passes our sanctum. * » „> V. Bull and Barred Plymouth Rock eggs in ftny (quantities lor sale by ' 1 Aitt?ii Tobin. - iPfct'Bortha Walker of Appleton is the gneit of Frof. nnd J4i». Tv.l v nes during GreeiivDle's ccrr.ineucehifefrt week. — Andrew T. Woodward, R*q.. Is the |>emocratic candidate for Presidential Elector in the- Eleventh DUtrict of Georg in. ' >-•» j;—*^r - * ■- ^ • I’aater R Lee of Bethlehem Bap tist church,- colored, baptized *27 new mCmVra lu Turkey -Creek .Sunday inorulng. * > Monday was an extremely (quiet sale day. *»•-— - - a. t ■ *. - The Xray was throw n on Miss Alice Roosevelt at the St, Jxtuiw Rxnoaltion. buther heart could not ha located. t l ,e She surely doe* take after lier father. q “The full dinner pall'-’ (rannothe re peated this yeat in New England as a fiepubllcau campaign cry, as thousands UK>pv alive*.arcsxit of einpk»vme*t hv tite ctosiug of nillfs until new cotton comes in — r—;—i ; GGOD SrilUTS. I Good M»irlts -dim’t all ccilte -from Kentucky. Their main source D the liver—and all the ttoe wpirit* ever made 'Fn the Blue Grass Slate could not rema. dv a had liver or Uie liuwdrrd-and one . til effects It produces. You can’t IihVo good spirit* asid a had liver at the same time. Your liver must be in tine Oond&lou-if you would led buoyant, Uappr ■.lid hopeful, ftrtyfrt-of «ve, light of *tep, vtgoroii* and sucee*<f4*ldn j,onr piwsuits. • You can put your liver in ILte condition bv using Green’s Ar*t— gust Flower—tire greatest oF all medi cine* foj tire liveriHud stomach and a certain pure for dyapepKwa or indiges tion. It ha* been a favorite household 'remedy for over thirtv-five years. Au gust Flower will make your liver healthy and active and tfui» tif<nre yon IV' liberal supply ofc .’‘good spirits ” Triiil site, 2-)c; regular hot Mo*, 75c. At Creech’* Drug Store and Ssr.rtbn’s I>nig Store. ** ”» . ^ —- . , . I — Caldwell says he Wants you. to come and look over Ids stock, not once a day tmt fnur or ffve tuueww day. Say* be can interest you. Jl: Misses Estlier and Lydia Jenkins re turned to their homo In Kiino last Wednesday from Winthrop College for Ure Summer vacation,- .Orpnd.f’hmcejior, J, S- Kumnamwctt; K nigh is of . Pythias,-, has appointed H -fluess of Denmark deputy (fbf the'1 bird District. vT" 7 A-sDummer man who has seen Miss Alice ll-vo-evclt the odd time *ava tlrere are many lUrnwelf glrf* prettier than the President’* daugbfhr. • \ ^ . • * • ’ Miss Marie Virginia ReeJ, daughter ■of Cnpt. J,-C.-UecJ ofJJinldnn vlHe,4Ms graduated lust week .from .Winthrop CollegeWith the degree of B. A. _ _-JL» - !. •: State Campaign day* arc appointed for jlainlierg Ju{y 27, Barnwell Au gust 5. I’idtfHttif candidates for ft, R. only Sute candidates a^tetiding, , — It is now Major C. E lTTrt,xby virtue of his having captured last week seven foxes, four raccoons and one live otter, and the,old upper regiment will honor and obey him accordingly. * ! TitarcopiiR is honored hy a pretty invitation from the class of hOd, Barn well High School, to trttrend the com mencement exercises in the Opera -House on Monday evening, 13th lust. At tfsftdwreltY, Novell v -Store yon will .find mean’s and bpCs’hatswt 6, 10 and up to'2]! cents. Men’* and boys’ caps at 10, 15 and dp to 50 cents. T r", —r-r-n—- Tuesday’s r*tn w«s a corn saver. < Tlaf t-beans, sebond crop Irish pots- toss a'udjcoim for late got^d esting. Capt J. W. Jennf. ^h attending^ the commencement of Newberry College. « Fish stories go- Into the waste basket, ttnIPSs accompanied by a share of the . »iLch. . -"-v''"'' ■" ' " ■' ; , , Dr. ft. IT; Roberts Is quite tick at the home of bis son, Dr. J. 11. Roberts, Etirhardt. <- y* . "i- *■— •. 1 . Barnwell has a good stand, of cand- datos.ber thf'y come up slowf^ln ad- jslning counties. Mr. W. A. B Newsom is the first to contribute subscription specifically to our Exposition fund. , j- Prof. H. J. Crouch 4s enjoying the commencement exercises of Furman U uiyersltv—and GreeuvUje'* three gent- IFr colleges. "hr . Caldwell sayswl ^never you buy cents worth of chewing gum from him he will give you a dumb watch. Can’t be much In it for him., ‘ . Treasurer Armstrong 1* detained ^at home this week by sickness in his fam ily. His brother, Mr. Fred Arm strong, D acting iu his stead. The new schedule of the Southern I* a constant temptation to flight moun tainward. One.Can now breakfast de liberately at home In Barnwell, do couple of hoi>r#>yrark.Aa(l then see the sunset from the summit of the Blue Ridge mountains. $20.00 REGARD* $20.Ob. Stolen from my residence in Barn- weH, 9. O.,' night of May 25th, 1904, one very heavy .Nlekle CasC, Open Face Watch, fitted with a 21 Jewel Veritas (EI gin) Mo v e m ehT v 'Number Sol)7.>42,. also between |40 and $50 in cash money. A.reward of TWjKTX DOLLARS will he paid to any one returning this watch and money or any part of the money to the undersigned at Barnwell, S. C., or for INFORMATION tl^t will lead to the whereabouts of tlrs watch and money aud the return of the same. . \ ’ O. D. Andoraon, ♦crent Suulbwru Ky. Co. CANDIDATES. ‘ \^ Chief Justice T. S. Dumber an- rmtlncca Swrey-hia aiamtlilai-^rrfor yi-., election as Magistrate for Fo'itr Mile, Bennett Springs and Baldock Town ship*. —-• Mr. Henry P. Andersen announce!* him! elf in this Issue a candidate for Magistrate at Dtnfrffrtom ALLEN’S Oil A PEL Though no preachers were present (he good people of Allen’s Chapel had an interesting.-lestfuctive and enjoya ble union meeting,ou the fifth Sunday in May. Mr. J. A. Jenkins was elect ed Moderator and J. O. Sanders Clerk. The topics were discussed on Satur day, prayer meeting conducted on Sunday by Mr. J: A: Jeufctn*. -Tire were extended, missionarv mass meeting was address ed hy Hon. S. G. Mayfield. Abundant dinner was served pn the ground*, and visitors were well entertained In the hospitable homes of the community. The next union meeting will be held reft- with the Mt. t^ltvet cbui The Edgefield Chronicle says: Dr. and Mrs.Rrnest C. Smith have a*their, guest, for the commencement, a cuarmlng and exceedingly intelligent kAoung ladv of Whaler S'. C-^Mlsa >rtelh* .The Democratic Presidential optlook gets more favorable for.the winding «f a,dark horse, Botb.Piirkcf and Ucarst go backwards. '' ' t> ' Ornithologists of the Department of Agriculture ,at Washing esteem the partridge the most useful «*f all birds as an eater of oouon weevil^ potato Iwgs, caterpillars and harmful- Insect* generally. lU/t Southern people love to kill and eat their beat friend, r \ RASY WAY TO CURE CATARRH. Breathe Hyoituri aad Kill AH-GatkrrhjlK. -jGarms .-’.’Jtofiey Back If It FalD, u Says J. (J. pigech ~ T~ ! ”1' ' , .There D no dangerous stomach drug ging when using Hyomei. The^heal- iug and aromatic balsams which ■com- , w pose ,thl« >«*omfor(ul. treatment -arei breathed throng a-neat pocket !uhaler that eoniea witlt every $1 out Hi. .-r i- - ,'In UUa way .the germ kllllzg and health-giving. Hyomei penetratrates Pi the most remote cell iof-the lung*. It aetrclrea out afidUllla disease germ* in the aif pstsajfeK pf tire head, throat and nose, *opttkw and heals- the irritated' tmtuous jnembrajr.a, j a’nd absolutely drivasayiUrrh froyilp the system. » - ‘Such remkckitide. result* have fol- T lived tire nae.tsf, llyoraei by tha best _ people,In Barnwell, thbf J. C Creedi ” has the.greatest.conlidence.ln hspliwer to cure catarrh. ; He bkliev es in it so - 'thoronglilvYhat Ire with gite W# per sonal gnaranf-ee to refund-the money if It does not cure, the purchaser to be sole judge.,.. , < . • .. . •, This is an unusual -offer and the flr«t time that any.imedicine.or Areawrent for the cure qf caMnrh.haa.been aold In thla way. If It on res, the expensed* trifling^ while-If it fatla, the coat Is absolutely nothing, -v- If you are fortunate enough- not to be' troubled with catarrh, well'your . J blend* of J.,C,. Creech’a offer and get -them to bike advantage of it. telhi Mims. •<*- The infant son rrfdlon. and Mr*. 8. 44. Msi flsld, sgt-H M yp*ra l on thi. Jl*t ult. and war laid to rest in the Denmark cemetery. Rev*. B. M. Fore man and W. G. Britton conducting tlie ^funeral service. Mr* •7uM& Aldrich Baker of .Spar- tauburg. foMueriy frf Bhi-uwcH, lm* in press a small volume of poems, ehlch ^re highly commended by prominent cRvlhee and Scholars who hav# read advance sheets. Coroner Nevils held an Inqireei bear Patterson’s MIH on 4he 2d that, oil she Itqdy of Charley Hayes, colored, Dr..fC CrtKiiUand making the autopsy. Tlie jury fotind khat death wa* caused hy a gun shot ^wfM*4id at the luuds of Jim Reedy, colored. _ . Mr. Walter S. Eaves,- fonnerly of Barnwell, now manager of the big Jjalina*. plantation near Bishopvlllc, liad a narrow escape from being burned to death recently. The tire he’d made such ^-progress that whim aroused lio had barely •time to escape in night trlocfce*, saving nothing at all of his parr-on a I Bqsseyslona. _ Be *ure to pay a'visit to Tobin’s Mil linery and get some of.tho.*fe ihargaln*. These goods must go rcgaraiRH of cost to make room for the fall stock. ConreAn and see what we have. Re bate ticket* given with each cash pur- rhajre. » s- < , When Cash Register rings call for your ticket*. ^ • • • • ■ i *• \ _ ^ » Iv invitations have beeft-lsaucd-. to the murriage, st the home of the bride’s p2'eu$a, on the 22d Inst/, of. Mias. Fran ces I uclHsvdaugliter of Mr. atjd Mr* William HeiuT-Hagood of Greenwood avid Mr. ThcmaCr Brooks Coleman.- Bprnweil sends best oongfratulatlons to .Sf? daintily beautiful and - gifted daughter and th* fortunate winner of her fslr hand and true heart. 4 • ’ « •A thief entered the residence of Mr. O'. D Andersop; Agent for the Honth- ern Railway at Barnwell, on .the bight of May 25th, and stole from the room wbereMF, A*de{fMi and fainHY 'were asleep a watch and between $40 and |50. Tire thief entered from » rear, window, leaving a box and can piled nnder.tbe window. See reward offer ed by Mr. Anderson Hi this issue. Out out tbe description bf* watch, keep an eye open and, assist in bringing tucb dangerous criminals to juutce. ^. BLACKVII.LE NEIY^- luany friends of IT: F. Buist, mean* every soul that knows him, look forward to his early home coming frem Augusta, In the very Summer flower of restored bcaltb. Rev. J. R. Chiles happily surprised bD many friend* on his return from i;he Weivf* introducing t(K them iiU very charming and highly accomplished bride,-a fair, gracious daughter of Tennessee and a doubly glad welcome wa* given them. *■ ^ Prof. W. B. West- haa accepted the posit'on of Superintendent of city schools at New Decatur, Ala, •-JplKb a«d*w?14 deserved promotion. Black-, ville ‘tcgret* Iris hear departure but count* the year of fo* reiidence here ak one of tare good fortune. U- v •* K OF P. MEMORIAL SRRVICF?8. ■ , . *. * - • a The annual memorial service of Barnwell Lodge No. 10 K. of P. took pllhje~!?iahe Baptist Church on Sunday la«t. - -Her. $t\ •€< of Allen dale circuit was invlt'cffi tourreach the sermon for the occasion. Me took for hi* text Job 14:14 and for his subject “the immortality of tbe aoul.” Bro. Kirkland is to be congratulated on thi* effort; he showed that he had studied and knew w hereof he spoke and put hi* thoughts In such shapa that every one in that large congregation acknowledged in IdlTJlSeart that man never dies. Tbo-brethreu did not turn -out as,.well as.-aautd have been expect ed ; about thirty members belhglftTiii?. Let every K. of P. remember that It 1* hi* lodge, and that it suffers or is built up according to tlie iadividual Interest taken In private duties and on public occasions. B. ^.W FOREST N E WS. We had thebloksure of attending the ^closing exercise* of this excellent school, which were greatly»enjoyed by ail present. The exercises were intro cUiced with prayer by Mr. B. Bates, followed by Recitation “Welcome,” by Harry (JiVcHt. Then .followed a pro gram m^-pf over Jwenty recitations, *ong*, di His and tahlftaojtvtoo many to he named and too pretty atriLwcll ren- .dered to he described. The music wa*r -very much enjoyfctT by tbe audience t!fat had gatliered to see the good wo'rk of our- highly es teemed tether, Mi«s BcssU Wyhs, who has so faithfully rfiscfiarged hr duty. We>cau realize the coinfort ajntl pleasure of the parents of those bright little hoys and girls In 1 seeing the goqd thi* schoothas done For Them. We <m appreciate very much what Ifa* been dou« and hope Miss Bessie the greatest su'-eess. IJ. M. A. of Uie of/the COUNTS CAM^AtQN. i SDto C’onntr Demooratlo Rxecntlve Committee met this day; Jape 0th, In (he Dourt House* County Cbalrmtu, Robert AIdnob, preriding. ^ r • A quorum being presect the follow ing business way transacted: - ‘ R. O. W. Walker, Secretary County was elected Secretary ExwuttveL*omni\fte» AMre following was onlei(hd placed on the m'nUte* by tboOliairman, '"*»< At s previous meeting of the Execu tive Committee, on motion of Mr. J. C. Mayer of sycamore No, 2, It was re solved: That there 'be no election for Al^glstrafe in the Ulmer District in the rbtttlnfr primary election, but that the iucnmhent hold over until; after the primary election of 7!k?0. This matter was cailed to tbe attention of the Ex ecutive Com ini nee by the membel from Sycamore No. 2. and no record appearing the action of tire committee on the 3d May, 11)04. was approved. ( ^ On motion of Mr,-Bodiford (/ootn- S itlee of three was appointed to assess ' 0-candidates and report at onbeto the cnmmi'toe. Committee appointed hv the chair wa* Bodifurd^ J. C. JA Mayer and J, A. Jenkfn*. Thscolft-— niittee retired and Hi a short time sub mitted the report as follows: State Senator, House of Representa tives, Clerk of Court, Auditor, sher iff, TresAnrer, Supervisor, (Soperinten- dent of Education-and faster $5 i)0 each; Coroner $1.00; Magiitrata $1.00, The report was adopted with iff# amendment that the Sheriff, Clerk of Court, Auditor and Treasurer be each. a?scvgcd $10 00 ttMead of $.500. On motion of Mr. Snelling the Managers of Election In the Primaries fMtt b«.p*l(l each $1.00 per day. On or bfefore-Aqgust the 1st at 12 o’clhck M was the Time fixed for the candidates to Hie their pledges with tlie secretary and bay their assessments to tl;e treasurer. All candidates fall ing to comply with above wljl not be entitled to run in the primary. On motion of M.f. Mims the Mana gers of‘Election fcH5e Primaries were appointed. A* a few of dubs were without representation the secretary will publish names of managers later. The report of the committee ap pointed at the last meeting to investi gate the report of (he treasurer of the party was submitted by Mf- t^WslIFug and Spon motion was received as in formation *. , t On motion of Mr. Mims the' fellow- ing Auditing committee was appoint ed : — • ' ■ Robt. Aldrich Esq., Cotinty Cbalr- man. ; X;-Q, W. Wnlkar County Secretary. Jno. K. Siielilng ■Tire Chairman was appointed a com Utiltee of one to look into the matter of ha*v7>g a campaign meeting on August the nth spd to report the co*t to the Executive Committee at tbe next meet Hiff. -X’ The committee decided hi have four regular county campaign meeting* at the following ptac?s: Williston, Black ville, Barnwelt TlWl Allendale, the time to be fixed at tire r.e’74-meeting, and gave the cliairman authority to call otlier meetings where iuviiations . An Austrian _ bomb that inly .. Sherman deflnUlon of war. Kaoh _ «ntliiMkl togtraqfreqongh gtronf nar- ffottc gaa to render 3,000 men nnoon •clous for several hours. '■’jew > wT la. , t - .Weather Barean. , . M !• a TgMPSRATuaK The meeting then adjourned to meet on Tuesday, July 5tli, that being sale day in said month. \ N. G. IV: Walker. »5vC« need i; f.O^G BRANCH PHILOSOPHY. We once beard of an old church Con in whom everybody had Ci dence, when one day, to the utter aur |>ri#e of all who knew him, be pur chased a bottle of liquor* got drunk and went into a regular ’'tare,” and when called upon by a church crowd to explain himself and ask to be ex cused, replied, that b6 bad ..served the Lord and done the very best ffe' oould for thirty years and had just concluded to tgke a day off. Now, what we think the farmers a year off, with lessadyiCe, know it is cheap and can be distributed by eloquent men who carry soft hguds and fair faces (some iditors net cxcltfffed) bpt generally by people who toil not neitnCfMio they spin, yet the farmer (who can only look lo his creator for rain and sunshine and. to put strength-into his arm) feedeth them all. When we think of the enor mous amount of advloe we get and how eaaily It Bows we are reminded of the loaves and Ashes, how they multi plied-, aqd the more a fellow give* the slicker he orffw. (eJL) it, it is xm article that never gets icifcfr, 4s always ready amAU furnUhad'acott free. • M ! •■ n: Now In order that our preface may not last all day we will get square down to the point. When all the information is given j^with the blanket a little stretched' or .pan of it guessed at) concerning the acreage of cotton, counted perhaps by the number bf sacjts of fertilizer used, which U said nearly everj^year to beat the record, theu sarae scary fellow gets afraid that everybody hut him will spoil everything by trying to raise too much cotton; gnother prophet without honor rises up and savr( which It caft- ed good auXhomyy. Jrr&t ar anr* ka death and taXee the entire push of the farmThgTratefnity' VHT ffnd Ihsmsel ves plunged, this fall, into a wLTflpool of ru'n and-disappointment; all the while the one-gaHowa Hayseed is expected to sing* psalms and take everything easy. These advisers, prophets and predic tots at# like Jobs frhnds, except Job had only eBeee, while we have legions^ Jobs friends vied'to make the old fel low believe that ail the sortsy'boils and Ttkinned places on him, also the del* iruction of bis children, work hands apd cows was caused by bis own con duel, and as a matter of fact Job knew betterj -E_ .• . Now the farmer haa stood 4 cents cotton, he ha* often had the wind bfrrw at wilt through his barn -cracks on , .New Year’s day without even a shuck , to hinder, his pocket book minus a > >n,I FAIRFAX BREVITIES. 4’rof. J, W. Swlttenberg and Miss Annie Jd. Riser returned to tbelr home* on Tuesday morning at New berry to spend the vscstlon. Tbefwaehinery fpr the Fairfax ten Cil Go’s plant h«* been purchascc' and will, he Installed in time to re spond to the demand* thi* coming fall. ' Alias Mary Walker of Virginia Is now visiting her auht,‘ Mrs. Y. H. B1ankeushi(>. ' ' v Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Cope'and Of tbe Folk* Store neighborhood visited rela tives in town on Friday. ' ) - After a vacation of about two weeks Mr. W. M. Lightsey bai returned, lie attended the Wintbiop College com- meiicement and visited relative* in At lanta and Maeom-G* Miss Maggie Miller of Charleston is now boarding at Mrs. M>E. Tjerry’s. Our town was serenalied on Thurs day night by the Fairfax string band. "Mrs. K. A. Terry l*on a visit to bar biother in Walterboro. * i .. * ■ - -' Magnolia. ^ to wear. capitalist the long- ‘postage stamp' and the squeezing him for who lasts • Unless we are cross-eyed or near sighted we caff see that most of the sayings concerning our fututfi welfare tielwe to rub salt on tbe sore, so for awhile aow try and make us believe that we will gat most rich this year and be able next year to wear socks, store clothes and starched col lava gud not be compelled to run over !nt&* Georgia to get away from oiir ration dealers. . ^ ^ Kish Mas. HPJiCIAL NOTICE. All parties tfttdlqg school claims properly approved by the County. Su perintendent of Education will pIViTkA -present them for payment before or on the first day of July . J. B? Armstrong, 4L , / County Treafurer. ’ Schoolmate—It must be lovely to be married to a newspaper mao. . Yon get Tree tickets to all tbe theaters and operas, don’t you f , Mrs. _ Scribbler—Y-e-e-s, but we never go. - Schoolmste—Why not? •••,»■ • ' 7 Mrs. Scribbler—We haven't anything 1 2 3 4 8 U 1 8 8- 10 11 U 13 16 17 18 19 20 •2i 22 23 4 27 28 29 30 31 Max 88 74 77 79 82 81 89 83 85 80 80 ■H 83 81 81 87 ez 89 93 -STT 9*. 90 90 M SCif no! Min. 60 89 55 50 66 67 (12 60 €4 60 60 49 62 CO 61 49 6t| 60 65 53 65 tit 60; M'Oir, t ' 68 m 00 68 69 69 72 72 77 72 68 ■M. 69 70 - 64 67 72 74 03 70 71 Ti 70 80 03| 61 . 77 58 ’ 74 .80 Sum. Mean. M 78* 79 79 -77- 04! os! 6Gi 2048 1701 86 4! 50.8 rreelp itat’n in In- chea tfl .08 .02 .24 T. .53 T. SUM’ARY. Mean temp Mat’rtejbp. 07 Date 94. Min. temp. - 49 Date 12.. Total pre clp. rinche* 1.48 No. of days Clear 1? . R’l’clY U Cloud 0 Dot e s of fro»t, fright. Dates of TJih Y : -; / v ’ IsADifes U*il Auroras, I h. storm* Jit ,7 - IL "20, w; m Prevailing wind DH ’c tion S. W. Fog - Monthly .50;mean tern. 2.1 below ~ 1 45 normal. Precip2 30 in. below. , . ' G. D. C Lange, Voluntary Observer. •^Including rain, hail, sleet and melt ed snow.- t From maxiinutn and mini mum reading's.' • I have added a NOVELTY DE- PARTMWNT ux my Fancy Gro-! eery and Confec.ruhety Store and want everybody to call and look over the new and fancy gouds. 1 think you will find what you uegd and prices to please. . I will be continually adding to tbis department and want'you to keep oi\ jioQririg Hn d ItftritFng over tbe new thing*. When you do not. And what you need 1 want you to let me know and iu,a short time it will be here for you.- I mean what -I say, because I want to get lor my eus^pmfra j»»t what theF want. Come and-look at uny OPALESCENT NOVELTY AS SORTMENT, Inc glassware; all fancy shaped pieces and large sizes—beautifullv decorated lu blue, canary and fliut Opalescent. ' My ‘‘Artistic Assortment’' In •ware, all one pattern, full ed and ffre‘p&fr*lrM; «Mft with three jeweled feet and beaded edges. The slmplicitv of this old Coloala! pattern appeals who appreciate bei crystal glassware. My Ornamental Opalescent As sortment In glassware; AllJn tbe beautiful opalescent ware, to which no description can do jus tice. The assortment comprises the newest and most attractive pieces ever made, each in assorted colors—ffiut, blue and green opa. lesccnt. r ^ \ R Fancy Asaortment Willow Wafe ® Baskets. Fancy Assortment Men’s Soft •Laundered Shirts. Fancy' AMOKnsent Men’s and Boys’ Hsts at 6, lo; fffanif 96e. . Fancy Assortment Men’s and Aoya’ Caps at TO, 15, 20 and up to ^ 50c. A Fancy-Assortment Children’s Parasols at 10 and lie. —-RespectfoHy,-" r -» w JA8. M. CALDWELL, g^Ktort wh£re the flag fliea. * # . My Spring Dfess (4pods havc arrrved.’ making variety and newest styles few shown to Blackvillei Lawn to the finest ! Nun’s veiling J^'^insooks, C Batiste^lndtovLinen, Persian Lawn, Egyptfafl' IT “ Swiss, Madras, Linen Crash, Lamaisie Mouvels, J Zephyr Ginghams, Percales, Cdfbhd Sating. Lawns, Cleotra Madras Silk Novelties* etc., etc. mV of Spring SHdts are 4he besliselected andi ever offered the trade,. .Ladies,^come and see mi Strapped Sandals, m the various styjesi 1 My Spring Clothing, both in suits and pants, has arrived the best variety and latest styles, best qualities for least money. ; ;• My Shoes in .togh.ciit .aod Jaw* ait stytes, HatsJ* Ia,est shapes, Shirts, underwear, etc-, also here for inspection* Come and see. 0 ^ - • ' - " • r- •• * ' f urie^onabig^ s t QC k l have marked down at figures apparently Come and see, and if leased buy, but as a special Induce- nient to my trade and in order to get niy friends and patrons to ^ome and inspect my line, ] offer my line-of Spring Clothing a# 10 per cent,discount, and when I sayHiis J less than I e?er offered my goods previous Very Respectfully,, mean 10 per cent H.3D. B7.ACKYfLLE, S. C. S. W. Corner Lartigue Sffeet and Railroad Avenue. =g=!gg ^ ;!! " ' ' 1 SEASON'. Tharikingf jny customers fur their unexampled patron* age dunng the Winter, Campaign, I take pleasure U stating that the Spring iiitds me fully prepared to glvO the . ; .. , *■ ..... - _ . * • esf argains.^ j To all in need of work stock suited to all purpoael and it the prices that have pleased and profited Vo many gooi to eaullful those! plain Car Load, »ur Horses, S Twenty-four Mules', That .want good owners, * ’ • , i f * I I a , This .may^ be the last importuiic don t wait. Delays u ajre dangctaiiSj Blackville, S. C. ■■■ r season; o of the Qome at once tm Yeief K 64369, 3lo:<xo:o:o:o:c THE STilE Of SOOTi C1R0LI5A. Id the .Probate Court. By J. K. Snelling, E«q. f JMfesof Pro- m bate In Barnwell County.. H iVhertaa M. C. Diamond made auit ro $$' ^.UPtblm Letter* of Admlnls- tretfcn *1* efata* of Bar riefi.Dlairtond, deceatei. JERSEY BULL, HEAD OF QLEN- DALE HERD, ;; , Fronoufided.unusually handsome-flue dalry Tbrm. • itretch behind bHn along everjr line tile fineat dairy blood 1 n ibe world." -By blood dad Id- dftiduallty he Ta at the tojpTof tKT'.Ter^j 0jR£@ aey breed. H4$ dam tested 884 gallon* .jptvotnfoffd 23 lb*.,’'4.ox.; hla grand ‘v k M ‘ •rs-, (fata 93 lb*., 3 ox*, of butter In a49ei»<| day* “He baa 14 rioters giving as high as 22 lb«. of butter in seven days. ■E oniah all and singular, the kindred nd creditors of the aaid^Bamey Dia mond; deceased,'tfikl they be and ap pear before me, In the Court of'Prbbate to be held at Barnwell on Saturday, 16th .Tune, 1904, next, after publication hereof, at IT o'clock In rita forenoon, to show cause, if any they' hate,* wjiy. tb4 v»id.administration should hot be granted'. ’ - . - • Given under my IftrodwthU 3d day of June, Anno Domini, 1904; ^ /. SNELLING. - / Probate Judge. Fubttsfied In The Bafiftwau. Pxoplx June bib, 1904. i " ■ —. PINAL DISCHARGE. Notice Is hereby given that* the un dersigned will flle his final, account r. ff. £LUS. Jr. Surveyor apd Civil Enginew Special attention given to the compn* tatlon of water-powers, 14f#lisc and drainage. , ” “ * with J. K. Snelling, Judge of Probate A pfottricard add rested to meat Mar for gafnwell County, as Administrator -U*, 44. C., will re reive prompt atten- of the Estate o<; TjW.ja^|tbman,. de- tloir. ootl-80, ly ceased, on Tuesday, eth. idxv of July, 1904, and ask for a Anal discharge.. B. F. Baughman, ^ a - Administrator. May 28,1904. JULIAN R. HARRISON,. —jbweler— Fine Watches, Clocks, Rings, * V. K r V-'' Pins and Spectacles ^ ■ y.V Repairing! —Sewing Sfawhirie Supplies— Needles, ' Rubbers, •. . ;■ • 7 -4 r... . . V" Oils, -r |j 'V; Beltings/ Machines, Guns and Revolver* Repaired. - Babnwell/S. C.} Registered Jersey beifera bred to tbl* bull, and Ibifeh-of bis aons, all aolhl col ored and grand IndffWeatf. odw for sale. Write for pedigree* adff particu lar* to _ - ~ OTEKDALE DAIRY, fearnwelT;#. C. DR. J. it E. UlLflWS' MtihL SBRIEOI, 1UCKVILLE, s. d - Will be at his Monday J and at hia home every Tuesday, .and offlce\in Blackvil}c every ^ffday atnd Saturday. OR. JNO. Den* LLfsToar^ ;t.WlH wovl^ny where In the by special appointment. C. F. Calhoii, • • - We. Callioun & r. I. luUitfni Held, ■Mol SB. ALFRED A. PATTERSON, DENTIST, Allendale, S. C. # Vlsita yonr horn* hg request, or will „ make engagement*, ter pwvaDce Life« Acdi^eijt AT HIS OFFICE -H- E^BSyTHING FOR EVERYBODY AT p'lSdAU^E’S PHARMACY. Fresh Garden Shed-; some astonish ingly low pries* on field’ll* well as gar den seed. I: hay* tried «#d proved them ghod. Our corn seed is the enyy of our cow pet I tors. Give The Peo- pis’* Pharmacy a trial and be cun- vtnoed you can get better seed and cheaper than any where else; also 100 htwheltof Phillips cotton seed for Mle The People’s Pharmacy t* a each store, therefore can underaell other* as credit stores make the good easterner* pay for all U*sm. Get out of tbe old rut. reve moneron medicine and Me<V - d a MV’ rit Xk A by patrokUtagU'hM^fhPlv'*Pharmacy. I ilfc DAPiA ASA J' mi>' ds '- 4 f i Bbi . *. >WJ . .Wk A * -s ■■■■ BH 3^—1 ' nr* ali i mi