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’-■■ • •'■' • ’'-jr ■: ,;>m ■ x%M ■■hi.iiKi'.. .rtt.,.^>. . .Mlhi i -w riw^tif.-yrmr: ffbat the South Most Needs. h|(0.1. HOLUES. Editor 1 Pnp'r. * Cliaiice lor oar Congtesmcl THE EASTERN WAR. tlRtfEST tOi’ST'Y CIRCfcUTlOlf. MilI*so|»hfrl*olBt» Way to Profrcsu If"' Later reporf* n«y the JnpuneAo had four timet a« niauy men a** the Kitf *laiio ifi the battle of Kill M«ll CMAff on the A'atu itirer. 'J he Ibiaudau c«ti^> niaudcr fought agHiu-.t ordert of an- perior ofllocra He that nearly 3,0U<) tneii in killed, priannei* amt wounded TiiUK.StuT, MAV1L’, Who wifi be nominated for Priraldenl -• Hay the Dcinorrntle Na f h>nal t'onveli- ttou to meet at .St. I.OtHaV The friends of Judge I'arkcr, Editor lleant and Senator Gormitii are all hard at work and equally hopeful. WH at thta dittitn^ jt hmks tikoa probahte rlr.i l lock wltTi if dark hnrae ’the wlK*, 'nef. ^ I’realdent Rnosevtdt be suffer^ *. ’ **jr tup greatly these IctfgtWooing days, for by eotnmaiuFof his |>oliti(’.Al man* agent hi* tongue oleave# to the roof of 'llU mouth to sllenfee. Shoiitd ho be oiouted fresidenl next Sovoirtber that unruly member will be worked over-; time to make tip for bis present |»eiii- tehcc. L’anin! J. Snllsy, tlic greut cotton bull, was declared bankrupt last a'siHc. He was north a half doz n millions two months ago, bul ly) gain bled once too much Had he held off until now be Arduld, In coparlnevKhlp with the pres ent weatiter clerk, have lifted tiie price of cottofi close to the quarter dollar mark. w ■ * —* ■ ■ I»I’TV AND DAXUKK. In tliejwenty years that have passed ainceour registration laws went into saving effect the Republicans in Con gress have twitted the Representatives from South Carolina about the small vote they received as compared with the totals c**t heyond^Mason ancf !>ix- otr’e line, where all aorta and conditions tof Hten vote early and some of them ofreiT. • TliQHfeAwltit|ngs require the defense of our electioir laws by bur Jteprcscu- taiives, and tiie comparatively small votes they receive fuiniah a popular oampnign argument to our political enemies in favor of the reduction of Southern momhership iu the House of Representatives: Therefore, to strengthen the cause of the Democracy, national and state, every Santa Carolina democrat should count it a public duty to cast his ballot In"every election. TBaVwTn’not ohTy^ help oiir party in Congress and in the North generally, but it will be a vcoin- pliment and 9 comman i appreciated liy each Congressman, amhyviU add to his energy and effectiveness. 80, on next Tuesday, the 17th in*t., let us give Theodore G. Croft, the l>eaocralic nomiuee. as fall a vote as ftossitole. — /■ “ tv m Again, there Is a danger In sqplnc- lieas that may sometime lead to disas ter. If democrats lose Interest after the primary campaigns are over the republicans might slip in a candidate of their own and cither win at the pods or give the partisan republicans in Congress some cxcusw^to turn out the •lected democrat and scat In His stead one of their own stripir and color. A n p. IB ffe * ■ CONCF,KNlXU I’RUAf L1EKS. 4 ; Ijye note lu Qur exeImages from time to time an increasing ntimber of itents like the following: Rev. 86an«is« has - tendered bit resignation as pastor of this and that church and accepted a call to a new Held of work*—' Thoughtless and unknowing people . Are ready to charge those changes to Che combined attractions and advan tages of larger salaries and smoother communities. 1 n the majority of cases that is, we think, a wrong conclusion. The conscientious pastor who has given all hi« thought and time to the •owing uf the gospel truths w ithout reaping the harvest prayed and hoped •nd labored for ift>A|ti.tobeeonie(‘billed by the indlffe re me of the souls under bis care as shepherd, and to conclude that he has done all the gobilWItliln Ilia power and,that duty Calls him to foom for homo one wiro may be snore fortunate. And an he goes any Where, sad and discouraged. A nd that) reminds us of one of tiro | tinve tfpfTr intore-ied to rCail in tiie columns of your excellent |iH|>er (hemany wordsol put at 4.Otg) hr the Ru The Knsriuns coi.tlntted. relreallng last weeh- Japanese In Uiaic numbers praise ot tbe svy, nil.<'andidat 1 ' v f'*r lito innded on the peninsulii^X"pnli of Port unexoired tenn in Gongrvsa drbin yrifir Arthuri u,« Kussian stronghold seised District, ^tgil'rtto (MtPaaronal pTett]gfi», ois the pile hand, and Inquiries as t» the canJliiiittes stand on certain questions, on the oilier hand. 4t was « Rialter of some surpristt to me, dining the' hot contest befoie 4bA primaries, ami the number of . caiidhiates . entered, nothing whatever was said on the suh- ■Jafet ftf the establishment of a ^‘parcel pOst” that tucant someiliing. Of all iliingsln the way of legislation that interpose to hurl lire development uf the South, there Is none sa Jtiipor- taut as the refusal of the Congress to do something In that dlreollou. In- lieed. I dbubt if all -HitOther failuje* of .Congress combined constlttUe such Ml ere a barrier tft Tfttir pmgws down as the abseiuas of a gonulae parcel post. |f Tittc I’koci.e will start in ®u -tire road to secure tiiis desired end, it Will do much to justify its claims to repre sent the people. Today the Mon th is retarded learfhtly . Hn its march of progress by tiie prohitd live freight rates,charged on all nl,^ rpoaitive qOtUra not possessed by any ohandlsw. makitjir'itrJaspv^^'ble for its ntwcuhantw-lfi aeH wares gt anywhere near tnf^prioe* charged In the Notch At best it will'be /niaiiy’l ^mtiny years bcforeTlils edn'dltion ■ changes before the necessity for exorbitant tariffs on all freight is overcome by develop ment ; and you may bet you boot*- Hi a* even alter lito actual necessity disnfr- pesMthprailroad people will dlngHo the habit of excessive charges ns long as they are’l^t. Tiie comeilv, at band, if out Gohgreipdnen will do their rliity, is offefed iipn parcel post iiMndcled du the European plan. ' hVo have a miserable uTakelTiTrt ex cuse for tite |iarcel p^Kt, which is pro Uihillve in two ways; first in the high rate of Id cents a |ioutt{J.A second, in the weight limit al^siiir jj4i pounds. Tiie enormous rate Ira'^j'pfeciafuirwtrrfP ^cwre. one is informed that it amounts “tirs sometliing like sik thousand <UU0,t%) per cent greater than the German .tariff. If we should undertake tp do tiie work as cheaply as our German a04 KOffb^ friends ito It fs'ndtrrtttert that tf wmiiit be a losing business; Jxnt. we ouglit to get along by charging RX) 200 per cent more than they do. If the charge was ■one cent a psomd, -that would he a good matiy hundred per cent higher than our Kuropcan neighbor^, and,-at the same time It would not only satisfy the couatry, hut proye profitable to tiie (iovernmenl. With such a rate your mere haul* would make Wj»ld' farwatM strides, and the consumer get supplies at prices much, below those he is com- pcTloii to pay now. A merchant fn Rarnwell would then be in position to supply anything to local customers that could be had anywhere in the country, whereas, to supply even a very small part of the merchant would like to offer his trade he must carry an enormous stock. * I shall leave this subject here at present, in tbuTiopn that your readers- will.take It up and be prepared to fol low it In suceccilir.g lettors. questloti that intimately concerns every man, woman ahd^hild in th^temintry ; every mei'obauf. ^manufacturer, law yer and doctor; and, without unfavor ably affecting the huge—dealers in cities, it Would etiaCie the coulTffv merchants to do an extensive business on very small fikpital. May t). RKH. # - . 4 Philosopher. A CHRIS l IAN CAMPAIGN'.. The six tuissianary raLUes held un der the auspices of the Executive Com niittec of the Bavuwsdl —4tat»- tist Association, were great successes from beginning to cud. The first, liPld at Hunter’s Chapel, was weM,attended and the arrange.ments complete, rtt Johns always’Aloes her part and on this occasion did it well. Bethel is to be congratulated; - I he writer knows of no place that has made the advancement that this church has witltfo the past few year>,morally, socially and re ligiously. They gave a tine congrega tion and a sumptuous dinner. Pastor Hass is to be congratulated that he works with such a people. During these three meetings tiie congregations met Dr. Henry Xti I let of Aiken and his devoted saintly wife- tjui viR^riTir Dt7 Harvey Hatcher, with paaton Jones. and forty od'l cannon JananesB toss' caitrhdate for rfelprtlflt)r to thwoffloa of at 4.fSi0 hr the Russians! Solicitor of <lt« Second Judicial G'lr'- titc raifrohd and ent tiie city ofT from land uomnr.iffichtfon. Japanese claim to have stttrk-several sttne Iqdeq strani-; era lit the ehaniH'bthcreKy Imttffng Up : Port Arthur. Russians deny it. say is impregnable and can stand a yesrV m-ige. Tbe.y will communleatje with it bv wiicJesi telegraphy > and carrier pigeons.. PROTECTS THE 8Y.STEM AGAINST CATARRH llyomel Trevenls Colds and Ciirp Grip and Catarrh. Mottcv Hack An outice of prevention .is worth If •*v TV pound of cure.” A few breaths of Hy ortiel througli the neat pocket ioiiaicr that (*001 es witit every onttit will check a cold or the grip at the start, and pre vent serious and lasting illnesf. vlti all catarrhal' trouhles and dis rases of rtie ijlr passages, HyoiUci Jins a oilier medicine or treatment.' -It i pleasant and convenient to use; simply ■pqt 20 drops of Hyoinei 'in the iulnUer and breathe Jf a few mi'iwtes, four times a day." - tu lliia way, every par ticle of air that enters the lungs is charged with a healing balsam that kills alt catarrhal germs, soothe* and nMays the Irritated mucous membrane, vitalizes the blood with ozone, and makes U permanent. ~swd eifliiplyte eiire. «A HyOpie Pout fit costs only f*!. and contains an irtlrtler, tr.edicinc/uropper and bottle of iiyomei. The iuhaler lasts a lifetime and when more llvoiuei Is needed, extra bottle can be ootained for ofle. J. C Creech gives Vh personal gna’- anfec with every HynmeT’ on ill t he »eljsaonobupdHha^atoney if it does uol Crop reportv.sbow an eight per cettr incrtiise in cotton acreage in tills Ptatr, but ttTostand reduction inayoverbal- ance iTTM*. . ' - • ' State of South Carolina. EXECUTIVE CHAMBER. To the Commissioners of Election for Harnwell County ;— Second by the office of Congressman for the CongresslonaCDistrict, caused death of Hon. Geo. W. Crult, NO'V, THEREFORE, you and each one of you, are hereby required to hold an election. In accordance with the laws for holding General Eh4‘ti n*. for Congressman-for the Second Cuigres- sional District, to serve for the remain der of the term f«W which tire said. HoiOico. W.Croft was elected. POLLS to be opened at the various places of election in the Second Tt~ Tg~E ICotigressidtrai District am J 7ih day of May, A D. 1001. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF,. I luueTu reonto set my hand and.caused the Great Seal of the Stale to loT affixed at Columbia, this lath dav of March' A. D. IbOt, and lii lhe one humired atui twienty eighth rear of the Indepep-^ deuce of the rutted Slates of America. ICC HEYWARD, 'Governor of South Carolina. liv the Governor :—7—^ "—-—— J. r. GANTT. ' . Secretary of State. . State of Smith Carolina, County of Barn well. — Nutie?ri* hereby given that pumiant to tin 1 above ProclAmatiou an eleetfon w ill l>e heltUat the severgi precinets es- tablishejLby law in BurnwH! County on Tuesday, May 17th. IPO!, for C >tr gressinsn fot ^Ite Second t. ontrressioW— al District^to serve for flic remainder of the term for which Hie said Htig-, GeorgeWYC rdTt w r as eTected. Polls at eaclr\oting plage will be opened at 7 o’clock a. m. and closed tit 4 o'clock.p. in. to say they did their part well and we V~'VZ..I'."" T. . . .. .. think fully entered Into tb« sjrirlt of Best men Itiat ever Hverl In IHrtffrcil , . l h „ e was « fimr ero K.' ■ gP-.- B.. JS BP' Oountv, only a few war* agh called to HI* reward ahore. He bad been trained In God’s own school, the Held jtnd the orchard and workshop. His Mfe was , OTen and he went through the years * without straying from the narrow path. All that knew hint had abiding confidence In hi* purity and goodne**. For many years he had been pastor of a country church, uiut rying the young, kurying the dead, comforting the sor rowing and lifting all who came yitbin touch of,his goodff#*s. Yet the cfntrek ,«lld not grow in membership Miid he felt that he must tear his Iteai t strlnVs . from the peoplo lie had loved^rad labored among so long. Ju»t then tiie officials of his church - came ^nd asked lihn to have a protract «d meeting, and thinking that his last seryk'e to them lie gave Ids whole heart to the work and a revival follow ed and tho seed that he had *o\yed through many years ripened into the most blessed harvest ever known in that community. Lawson, Peeples, Hair and J5»<s Tho. Ham well folks, Moore and itritton were unavoidably absent. On Thff MWtvnd week ffrnT>Ttngr'wrp held at Mt. Calvary, Jovee Uruiuffi and <»1 ar. Mt.' ( a 1 vaty, Tin's iay, turned out in loros. It did us »H good to meet those good people w ith their ven- .erahlo piCStor;.Peacock. It Is useless crowd that met the travelers St Joyc» Branch." who with thefr "Georgia cracker” pa's; tor; Bro. G lover, showed thelr gppee-: elation of the meeting by «bt only turning oiit in force, but by doing ail: they could to make visitors-feel at home, Tho lastmeeting of the series wax-held arOlsr. Bro. Sandifer has led the good people of Olar Into a greater appteotoHbn of the opportuni- tip* bcforc jttiein than we Imagined pos- Aiolet q'reaf credit to tliem and to him. We noticed at t«e greatest number oPworking farmers turned ouj^at Oljiyc they, left their flekl^arduhiTie oiiUpaml -jyp trust-wFre tilossedc The hospital- Itv was Unsurpassed. The brethren who met these congregation* were: l»y. Harvey llatelieY, Dr. R. W. San ders, Jones. Moore, Britton. Bass, Glover. Sandifer. Lawson, Tate and Peacock-. Too much cannot he said, nhoucfhe eaFrying out of plans sng- A Sunday School Institute under the auspices of the Sunday. Seliool Board sm-' - < Ot thodlsf Episcopal Church, held In tho city of 0 M on the first, secorid dayaof June next, imd will (ducted by Dr. H. M. HainlH, tiie uendent of training work of anib, who will bo assisted by Ramil I and other exiierieiiccd ' Sunday School workers. Thla^usti-. iute is Intended for the lower part of the State and will be largoly attended. Thta will be a great opportunity for All Sunday School workers. A local committor has been appointed to make Arrangements for Mid meeting and for the entertainment of thoae who will «o«>« from abeoad. Reduced rates on is. Those who expect to at- rlll do well to addrest t. W. Bow- », ckaRtnan of .iald coinmlttee at ' ~ S.C. gesteil ffv tho Executive Committee bv Bro. Jone*, who, as chairman, presided at meetings not as “Boss” bitt as "aer vant Of all.” The programme was well nigh perfect, emphasizing "Wo man's Work,” •'Sunday Schools*’ and '• Mission*.” May these meetings 4iavc J the desired effect in inUrcVed iir‘ere*t, and contributions foh* these object*. Bro. Jcffies said that the collections nearly, If not quite, paid expenses of campaign. Wo hope to have the pleasure of looking Into the venerable fa,ce of Dr; ilg}cher at Kosemal^ In October. A good nay to show opr Increased interest will be to put bur State Board out of its present diflich^ttirsTB good The following named persons have been appointed M A .VA G E IfS. OPEL RCTlON. IZ Allendale—A HGonuor, R LZZelg I6r, L Yf Gnugfl. ; '~ Baliluch—W II Williams, J C Cal houn, J II Warren. ^ ‘ Erwlnton—A II Wilson, J'C Keel, J A Rouse.* Kline—W Riloy All. E 11 Jepkins, J I. Bradley. Sycamore—sUL Augley, O f) Allen, It F Mi Icy." r Ulmers—J () Griffin, A B T’uten, J M Halford. Fairfax—G W Barber. (> l> \McClfen. dotr.wiTBffTCk li»lie r: Ir tr.Bimir- batter, J Etnite 11 arley. BlackvIHe-r-l 11 Hl'tuo, D. P Jtortjji, John. Strobe!. Jerry SuellingV—W J Duncan, TO Davis, W L Baxley. . , Robbins -S J Baxley, £ M Turner, J 11 Sweat. Mix-son!* Mill—Tt F ! ^ HaxleF, E B, S 11 Green , ) J , Tinker’s <'reeju-Kehunl House—B O Mltche)l_ 1 jLlilludk.-AU-S Hair. , —HyfffTftts-rJ li Duttcan, C, H Dunbar, B W Peeples. - Willlston—J M Hair, W WcWUljyJr, Utilu* Lott Elko—B F Drummond, Ilamp Hair, Ashley Stansell. Hercules Greek School House—J It Kay, J L Baxley. J t> Sanders. (to tite day4»f-Election the Managbra c I FUR SOLitlTOR. IhrmiVvil, 8. C., April 25th. UXM. ' respectfully announce invsclf s cult, suiijeet to the rule* and regntx- Hon* of the DctnoeraHe Piffmary KlCc- t’on, pledging nivself to abide by Hie rotolt mw! tb *«i«port the nominees df the party, • James E. D«vls, - Barnwell, S. C., April 4, 'Htttl. I re specif 11 fty ’nnmrtrpce mvself k candidate 4»r the office of Solicitor of (be SecoiHl J ndicial (’li cult. snbjfcnt ’to tllerhlek Sftd regnintlons of the Itetffn- eratic Primary Eleet.ldrt,pledging mv self to abrtjeand ’luppoyt: Hie itoirflneCs of the party. ' o G. M. Greeir, For lIsHseof Uepffefffeiita^lWMi. 1 Apiileton, 8 G., May 2, l!K)t. , U "respeclfuMr annomtoe m'.v'self a rnndt-lare Tw Tiuff^-Hsii to toe House. of Rc|>Te*t*FiTn'the■<. suliject to ike •rules and regulations of the Democratic-pri mary election, pledging myself to abide by the result and to support the nominee* of Hie paiTvr" V ' ' R II. Walker,' I Dunbarton, S. C., April 30, UKM. I respectfully aymounce myself a candidate for the House ’of Jleprescn- tatives, subject to Hie ■•ules and regu lations of the Democratic primary election, plei myself' to aliide by the result and to support the nominees -H 1 ® P ;l r,ty. of the party. * M. A. Turner. B'ackville, f>.G.. April 2ff, P.»l P respcetfnlly iiHno.unce myself a candidate for the lions-' of Representa tive*, subjHcf to the rules and tegula- tioui. of the Democrattr.Primary Klec- lionVpfedgii’g 'myHeif to abide by the result and guppert the nominee* of tiie party. - Rvitn A.'Gvies. Barnwell, S. (’., April rCspeelfiTltyr aimoiTiK'e nivself I ro.-peettiiity. amw*uncos ptyseif a candidate (or the House, of Represeu Natives subject to the ride* and regu- Intiotr* . of the Dcutoeratic Primary Elect bin,-pledging myself to abide by the'rc'uilt atui support the nominees of t+teparty: S. A- Hair. Ulmer, 8. G., April 4,1901. I re spec t f itHy an non nee tn y self a caudidate for the Hoii-e of Represent.* lives, subject f o tiie rules and regula tions' of tin: Democratic primary elec tion, pledging myself to abide hv Hue result ami to support the nominees of WHERE.A^a-v ivaiiry fliUtsin the. Uro-pXr^ —-- N. W. Wceklev. For (^ouuty Treasurer.Z Appleton, S. C’., Marcli 14, l!K)l: I respeetfiilly aiinounce mvSidf a eandldau? Tor the office of Countv Treasut-er, subject so the rule* and reg ulations of the Democratic primary election, pledging myself to abide* by Hie result* am! support the •nominee* uf the party. J IS. Armstrong. Bamw«dl, &. C.. .March IX. jbQJ, .: I respectfully announce mvself a enmlhfrtft* for the office of <. iumty Tri'astirer, subject to the rules and reg ulations of-lliS Deanucratio iriinarv electioiT. p'edging tnyself, to abide by the results amPfsupport the nominees -t iZXii t- --A ,rr t-7 (OARDSOF CANDIDATES Cont’d.) For CMrk tff Coifrt. ^ ; / iarnweU’B. C. April 26,1601. I respcctfulfy announce myself a cnmlMate for reclecMon to the oftTbe ofdstr'k of Cou'rt.wlilijeot Iff the rule* Kfrd regnIxtlfttis bPftfaTffv nr } V sc I f 4n mary.i Klectidn. pledging ■hide by Hie rexiPt itfcd to support the notuiftee* Of (he pgrty. ^'.’Gilniore Sim'ms, Barnwell. S.*<)., Marcb 22,. 1901. I respeclfiitlv ‘Ktirtdtinc* nivself a candidate for the office of Clerk of Court, subjetu to l!he rule* and regula tion* of tiie IHMnrttfftrtlo primarr eled>- ti.>n. pledging myseli to abide bv tbe ffesult and support fffe nominees of tiie •party. , Vv. H. Duncan. abide by’tlie result iimbto supyKii't the rloirfirrees (if ftjo party. H. L. CRannhu. Fov A**ifcor. ftssi-.--. Wllliaton S. C. April 25th 1901. >- r At tiie request of friend* from all part* ot tin*-county 1 feel it my nutv to xgaln become a camlffiate for the office suhjert ^n-TfiTc of Auditor. „ „ .. rnle* and regulations of tbe /Vhiocratic Primary E 'ection,-pledging Thyself to abide bv the result* and *u|>p6it the nominee*ot the party. 8. W Trotti. Barnwell. 8. C-C^arcli 22. 1901. respectfully (1000111100 myself a candidate for tite office of County Anil Bor; subject to the Vales and legula- ti(>ns uf the Deimscrntic priurary elec tion, pledging tnyreff 10 abide by the result ami tu*up|ior't tlK* numiuees uf 51. W. Rilev, I Black vilie. 8. C.. Ma»ckpUi, 19ofe I respeetfuMv announce myself a Candidate for I lie uSce of County Amt itor, subject to 1 be ru es aiyj regula tions of tiie Deiiurfratic primary' «ice-. tion, and pledge ru s sHf to abide by lit.' results and stfjipert tbo tiomineea- 61 tiie party, i IL-Jc IlummetT" ^*Btiddenville. 8. G. N Marcli 7ih, 1S01 *“^1* resitectfulDz aniuqiuce m vsclf ^n candidate fotetfre ofuoe uf Auditor, sub ject to tite rules aftd vegula.t.ion* of the 1 the party. Democratic I’riudi'rv Election, pie.If ing my self to abide b.V fbv results and support tbo nomBfeca of Hie party. C -J.G. Kucl. (fdARDS OF CANDIDATES Coat'd ) .’Mastiff’ la Equity. ’Barnwell. S. C., S. C-, May », 1904. I respectfully shnohrice my«elf 'a o»ndhi|ite for (be <dllce of Mifster J lfi Equity, subject to Ibejutles^a^^^b iNtUm* of Hie DeiiiiV'ratic j'f tion, pledging mtkelUfh "utfliTfe by Tbe result and to kiippdTt the nominee* of rhn party. . - . . —’ • - . N. G. TV. 'Walker. t u.; V Clohd btifSts hn Texas-Iq't week — iuore harm (b crop*.than dry •Sathrf and yrlhds.In South C»rolins> Ho^rv CouhtY ’triicker* getting Inisbijs of ntyiipy ip, pxythynt for .tt awberrjek. Up tojlaH;Vhbi|t 3(4 car load* haye been 'sertt N(^th. ‘ V,' ,r F ■ JtM dih sulfa Tn Trtdra v tbat, would he well tl» ' ..Zr -—.Barnwell, 8.,G:, A’j>ril 9, HH>1.'.. T reapectfif'ly 'irff'ihuiicc rn.v-self a e t audi(lHte for reelecrbui to the otlb'e of Master in Equity, sufija t to thJ 'rides him! -’ «»f the Deoumratic^ HW . ^|, ^iHr^rtwlw-y •'toUtli*. a prfinnry election, pledging nnself to. H ,| lU ele&etft of chito cony in thf* qountry - I'Vlich ti dlspnti arisr.a nVer'tlfe oWneraltlp <*f, land two hole* ate dug diear together and ’ th> two bppmifjig la'wtpr* .uieely pfanted iYu to tin'll waf«Ti* The Hrat one to be- cothe h'fite’n by a 'bug o> b({dt»my ao rv ban,ted that be Itxsfb.oe eXhume#! loses tiie case forTiis client. 'I hi* tloeji Tor the Ftsfte fieuaTt* Bm 111 welt, 8. C . A pi il JO, 19,14 announce ufyself a camtldato -for reelerttion ,(o the 'Heii^t', and pi v *s I vk, b I f I tuc Ov,li.T4> , (111*1 (M* Il'yself to abide tbo ’ rcauIt rif flic p'l i- HW'rv elec^bm affd to confiirHi to - all of .(he rtdc* of tlx lh;mi>cr;.ti(' I'atly Kobt A id 1 itd(. * Barnwell, S.JC-, March .Ip.JfiOL f announce myself a candidate for State 8‘Hate, and pledge myself to auTde the results of the Democratic t’rihiarie* tod'to support the nominees of tit at party. Geo., II. Bates. WW’stOR, S. G-, M : trch'2ff, Rfi' I — l rcspcctfuilv announce in^elf * eaitdldati' for the State Senate 'from Biriiwfll (kuinty, subject to" the ritje- a'td regulation-* of tbe Meinocfatiu, FVhuarv Kj.^gl i UG^Iedgjj^g ts^vselT do ‘libido by 1h«*' result and stfj'qio'rt the; no minces of tie.' pat ty ; , *. ' ” i“*> •. totUfi ga’die . ^ y..- , \ '■GI.iMAiac’OU’RES. Tbe influence of 'clintatic conditionti in the,d' of Consumption i* very fftiicb oviVdraVh. The jbfor parteut, and tbe Vii h t'.itiont,'toOi Van dv much better at lioiffc h\ ptoper Kttentlon th f.ind dlgcthioii. kmd «. r^n'Tkr use Gennan Syrup. Tree ‘ex | »*c to nt t Ion in the morning i* hiaiTe 'ccitNiu by Ger* *11u Svrup, so is a goffd '(dghi’s resV ami ’Hie absence of that weakening cough aiifl debilitating night sweat. Rcstlc*A tdgbrs and-tho cxh**i»lion duo to coughing, the greatest danger ana iread of the omisttiuptlv^, can be pre vented or stopped by taking Gerntah Svrup Itberallv and regularly. Shatilrt -you lie able to go to a warmer clime, von wlHIfrtd that of the tbou*nnd* oT "cnTistiinpfiVe* rUcrt? Hie few who are— benefitted ami rog!»Vi) strength are thoflo who nse German St rttn. Trial bofrles, 25c; tegular size. Dto.. At Seat son Drug Gomnany, Alleffaalo, Grcoch’s Pharmacy, Barnwell. W. (b Tor Sheriff. . Baynweli. 8. C., Av>riJ 2d’tb, respectfully tfh boil nce nif^cff' -if candidate for’nce.lcctiou to tiwgShetill"> office. stri»je(*t to alio r-njev and rcgula- tioiis of the Di'iooci,i;ic Primarv Elec- tjqn.jdeilgi’ig myself fff nTdrie by tiie jestllt and to support, tiie nomin(*“* of Kliiie. ^.G:. 3d M.'.reb. I'M)}. I respectfully atruounce myself a candidMtc lor (Ire office of Auditor, sub Je.'t t" the ihdes at.d reguTatioris of ttie Deuiocratic Drlmavy, Flectiou, ■ pfedg. ing mvselT to abiffo by tbe result and support tho nominees ot the party Nr. F. Kirkland Jr. Frank II. Greech. •ARendale 8. C. A 1 ?:*! l*>, 1904. 1 respeetfu!I v announce m>PlT~~ s rort!Ttob-*c ■ fiir rttmt Ilf nf ‘■'ffflrVru iVt JDUAH R. HARRISON, “ —.rinvja.Eii-—- - \ • t ‘yj**" ' .;" i-- fTnc Watches,’ Clocks, Tins anci Spec fades Repairing. -Sewing Machine Snpj^TeS-^ •r Nee4ks fc . K ubhers, ■**•■ _—■■■■ ('omity. sulij* et t(*tlic f.vles ami regu. latto*'* (it tiie IK'lnori ati,c l’: iumry E1ec;i*m..ft»r4»tog niy-elf to aliide by Ure.iwitiiami fitpiton th 1 uwidlj’eS m 1 pat t’v. \ '• - . II. C. Ravsor. For Mafislrale. Rlackcilie, 8 G. Aprilltl, I'.iOI. I rcs|)ectful|y nntiovVuce myself h candidate for tile otfiec of Magi-trate at BlackvMie, s'lbp-et to the. 1 ulotrTriol regniations of the DciiioeraVle.Pri 111.' rv Election, pledging myself to support the tioiiiiiret* of tire pr.rt v. A. 1’. ’Wjrodward.. oT the |Hit ty. A. Bethune Fatterson. i For County Superintendent of Edneo- tfou: Black villc, S- Cr; Mayffth, toftir The many frh'ffds of Rev. G. N. As- kew,g1 adtoknow tbat-11 i« healtdi hi* been xo fully re»tored, respectfufly an nounoelrHHU candidate for the office of Cofinty Superintendent of Educa tion; subjectj*! the rules and- reguU- Jinnaef t It** Democratic prinVary eleo- tion,a?rd pledge |iiirr~ro-abide fiv the re.-filt and to support the nominees of ihaparty. ~ Voters Rarnwoll, 8. C.,-A pH! **, -IffW. I respeelfully an non nee mvself a candidate for the officer of Connty 8u perintendent of Education, subject to the rules ami regudation* of the Dem- ocratiu primary election, pledging my- «elf to ifliide bv the result and to porttho nominees of tlm Sincerely thank Ing -Htw pub lie for past cob fidepco-anlrt support and so’iei- ting it* *en^HjiMlM)co i^reapectfiiUj-" atiimunce mv*hlf a caiiuidate for te election a* MuglsfTktc at Biarkvilley ^-j subject to tlio»«tle* flrttl .lepiilatloiis of the D'-it^icratiy Frimary Election, pledgiu^ ntyself to aldde by the resndt and support the nominee* of the part W, A. G\ les. Olan 8. G- v -I respectfully Candidat" foFfTie riltice ot l onnty -B. M. Jda'iiliigton. 2, MVh'2b. *0E myself a ^ tot- perlntetulcifl-oJ—Education subject 10 flic rules and regulations od the Demo cratic primary election, pledging my self to aliide by the result aiid support the nominees of the party., w. N. Marchant. - Barriwell. 8. C , March 28; 1W4. i respectftiHr nmotmee ~ mysflTir candiilate for the office of County .Su perintendent of Edtication; subject to tiic ruica and-regulations of tiie Dcm- awraiac ptimary election, pledging my self to abide by tl>3 result and to sup- pdft tite tioqilnecs of the jiai tv. ' W. W. Hart must orgmize by tho elet’tion Chairman and a Clerk. The Con -tional oath must he taken by each collection from each church will do it Dr Bulled wilt smile anSTour poorly tmld' mi«sionari<*s -will get their past 8alarlifc. JIrotllren do it now. —- - - .'*-*jl :r-:. b. due WE TOLD YOU SO. Republican prosperity continues. Business failures In the Unitoff States during April humbered 1,018, with liabilities amounting to $18,130,983, an increase of 25 per cent over tbe disas ters of Aj)KH, 1903. Manager before he can act. and also by the Clerk i tie Chairman Elected is empowered to administer oath*. THe Managers havo the power to till a .vacancy, and if hone rtf tt 1 e-Managers attend the citizens can appoint from among the qualilied voters tiie Mana grrs, who. alter being sworn, can con duct the election. At the Close (*f the election the Man agers and Clerk mu«t. pioceeti publicly to oneti the ballot boxes and count tbe ballot* therein, and continue w ithout adjournment until the same I* com ptefflri. make a statement of the result and sign the gaffle^ Wltliln tliree day* thereafter . the Ckairwan of Ahe Hoard, or atmte one designated hy the Board, must dellyer to the CoitiTiTisstoner* of Election the polMlats, the boxes containing the bal lot* and written suternepts of the re sult of the election. One nf the above named Manager* at each precinct must-call upon the Board of CoAuulMtonei’t at Barnwell, May 16, 1904. to receive ballot boxes, poll Mato and Instructions,’ and to be qualified. W T Walker, i .1 w Them a*, O M Green,* CutumDsKmcra. Millcttryille, 8. 0., March 7, 1904. I respectfully announce myself a candidate for the office of Countv 80- peririlendbiit of KdncatioiTV subject to tiie rules and regulatloiiS of-the Demo cratic primary election and pledge iq,y- self to abide by Uie result* and ktip- port the nominees of the pjirty. —-J. II. Lallitte. * Tor Coroner. Barnwell, 8. (T; March 28, 1904. respect fitliy I respect fully announce Irtylelf a candidate for reefectiou t*> the office of Gorouer; subject to the ritles and regulations of the Demoiiratlt: prlrtlafv election, pb dging inyself to abide bv the resiilt and support the nominees of the party. Isaiah Nevils. . -Tlarnwell, 8. G., March 21, 19(14; I respectfully announce myself a candidate for Coroner, subject to tho rnle* find regulation* of tlife Demo cratic -primary election, and pledge myself to abide by the resnjts and sup port the nominees rtf tire party. Richard (1. lUTTb?d. Allendale, S. 0 , March lb, 1904. .1 respectfully aniirttince nivself a candidate fur the office of Coroner, WillGton 8. G April 12th, 1901. D rc-pertfullv ;armijiTnr.' myseif a caniTluaCc for rw>t»i-tiou the ofiic" of -Magistrate at tVilliston, subject to4l;e roles and i'eguHition* ot tn- ueihocratic rvimary EU-clhar pieiLging ni'sclf to abide by the Vesnlf'--eirJ suiipot^lhe notnfiieca of the party.' ^ J W Jobt 1 sop. BlackvHNr. 8 C , April 1st, 1904, I rrspecrfUIIV annoflune nivself a cHtidUlaf(rfor ttie rtHicc of Maglsfr:tTe~aT Btackvifle, sUfvJoi*: to the rule* Tlectionf pletlglng myself to abide by tlic. Die- nominee* ol tbe party, ’ ^ G. II. Rhoden.— Blackville, 8. C. March JJ 1904, Barnwell, 8. G , March 21. 1901. .- I respectfully atntrtMnce myself a enudidate for reelection to the office of Magistrate at Barn.well, subject, to -Uo ■ olos and 4eguiflU'*ns of tin* Deiuo- eratio I’riniary Election, pledging my* self to aljlde. bj the re»nlt and soppot t the nomiuctfS of the pat t v.,— —' U. Jw- Mornty; pervisor TaluiTi'* For (’wiiHtr Supervisor. . _- r 01ar, 8. C.. R F. D. No. 2, April fith, 1901. respectfully KUnoiinca myst4f a of Uonntv 8w- r, subject tqjjie rnle* a ad regu- ~bf Hie I bn >eiitocra-t4e—p+-H election, pledging .uy*’H lb abide I lie result and to support the. nominee- of tiie party”. , * J^O. Sanders, .1. Fall fax 8. C. A pril I, 1991. </ I respectfully announce -myself .a .candidate for the office of Cmiiitv 8u* pervisur, subject tn Abe vo+to* and regu lations of the Dempgratlc l‘rimaiv Election, pledging UivsPIfto abide by the result and support the nominees oi tiie party. . .... •- ‘ B. F. Thoinas. Seiglingville, S> U April 4, 1994. ( T respectfiillv announce nr self * candidate f#r leelcctioh to the office'of County 8uPfa visor. subject to I be rules MarHr^ftr 19'* I. IIH'III MonievS. C 1 r>*^ec|fnirv HolU'liuei- invsell 11 ’fahfHdaie for the t.llioe of. M.erifT ot BariiwelM ■oiti't'', sntijei-t to Die nib a«d rog'ita'ions .of iiu- Ib'itiocra.'ic Pri mary .Eli clloii, pledging irr si-:i 1 .(bide bv lln- ic*nit and/.*upgy|i 'Hie nomine sbf the p.;rtv. r „< » *D!s, - ' • Macbiitcs, Guns and RcVoKTVS t . . • f S' '• ■ ••* ' \ f ' * \ * ^ Repaired; Ijarnwem., S. C. 11)8. J. H. E. MILHOUS, w March 1, 1904. Barnwell, 8. C _;l respectfully HiiiHwtnee invself a ciimli'late for tiie office of . s >heril!. »ul>* jeer, to the rule' and regnla.i i"i'» of IfemociHiie tffpilnary Elcdtfi the ing myself to abble by l('U 1.1 the leilg mCKVILLE, S. X. 'Will Fie dt his Bnrnwo 11 office cvcrv Mon (lit V_ and V ami ■port the nominees of th*' pam\ : W. W. Mmrre, . T rersdava and; at Jik^onic - ^ BlaokvUltu ^veiy .(invafnui"nt e’tt»eTi live million dollar.* e» ceipt*. Hffn. W. T died in Augusta <« rhibrsdav aTferivrton last tfter su ii) t*e»* oNo'vera* months, ageil t'S j He served in the war on lire *taHA ot t Gen* N. 14. Kv rts atol hi* older ! brmHec M~. IV TTiTv. IfT moved"to'} j5u^itsjn in 1.s7.~i. “ervH'd in the l.e*ri-- ! filfiHL Twal <.i*:i id a:t"i ,cv under j devpl.-md anti a year avo wa* eb'cTeff 4fTT7jge <|f the Miperror (', Hi* wife a: il tliice rbi'hlreii survive c* for A pril nand baturda} ^tfi'cr rlta 1 * ' ■-— ■ ■ . ♦ -—■— DR. ALFRED A. PATTERSON. - DENTIST, Ali.i ndai.e, IS. (A, Vi*i’* vot:r Jtome hy nqliest, or will • m kc engagements tn practice i g&-xv. HIS OFFICE r ~ t V" s-*r ’i b-'.CAliA yiri'l more iha^dys tbe entire cost. I’levviTTS - blight, provinces •'X better qualify.“ Kills the Bugs On Potato.'Squash and Cucumber - Viaei; Kills C urrant. Gooseberry ,in<l Tomato worms, an l all btt^s tint eat the leaves of plants, trees or vlm-s-. Ccntains no Arsenic. March 16 and Nov. 9, 18^7. Canada Nov. a, 18^7# aud 2$\ t/jo * *- r . -• -Fttrntshcd fii yThT prrhcir; ,Si.x-tLeii ea^e'booklet trailed free. trtev.??, ’lii-blb. ihckaVe,'JTTod, ioo-ib, keg, oo ; i'OU 1 raster-f;t-applying, jy cenift sAi.i-; !>V ”t ‘ "%*■ 2*: ' .. J. C- Creech. bsn.erarAgent Barnwell^ S- C. ^ -»rr v»w6* ■■ ytigj" *, - a*ge ALL THE YEAH HOUND and regulations of the Democratic Fri mary Election.' pledging iny.Hf to abide by the resttlt alnt stippurt the noth)hues of the pally. O. W. Barker. Hie DetfioclatlC prltlmry election, unrl pledge myself to aMtlh by tfit* rtuuilt* turd support the tmintnee*of the party. UtarMto S W*rner. Usndy F. O./beorge’s Creek, 8. C., -, . - March 7th. 1904. I fespectfully announce myself a’ candidate fur the office of Coroner, sub pervisor, the rnle* aiid reg “* illation* oT tbe DeiwocratTe Trl Jectto tbe fiilfc* itcid regulation* of tite Democnttlc Prltnaty El^ettoirT'pledg Ing mv*elf to abide by the result and support the nominees of the party. **V, N. A, liters. Barnwell. S f>, March 19, 19(k4. t respectftil!£ annotlnce -tuyself n candidate for the office bf Cnlint v Stt- pervitor, siib|eet, to the rules and regu lation* rtl the I Hi th ofira tic primary elec tion, and pledge my Sell to abltle by tbe results and guppert thfi nontihee* of tbe party; I). J. Zbrn. - WUIUton; SiC;, ^Hlclt 10, 190L I re*pectfully Knt«junee rhySelf a candidate for the rtltuxt «f Dohnty 8h- pervisor. subject tottih rules and fegn* hject to theTnles ami regiilatfrtu* of Jatitm* of thr Dembtr*He Tftmlry R- lection, pledging myself—to abide i»y the rfflhlt and support the hurtiinueSvOf the party. P. H. I.0ud, Jr. Marnsrell. S. D.,* March 8th. 1904. I respectfully—jtniiounee mvself a eaudiilate for tite office of Uoitntv Su- mary Election. iHedglfig.myse'lf to abiile by the reault and euppou the nominee* of the tmrtjr. ' *4 t. U. Morrl*. ViHILL- TOP - STABLES* * ' ^BARNWELL, - - S. Q. oiTt‘l , foi- Sfilb. 1 Ik* Bi.8T.iifI jnii jiiiSG Imiscs ntitl IniiU-s tlmt livb, gOoci iudgiimiit enn 8fk't t.j4TiTl rt‘:Uj\ moticv Ituv. ’ o AM) 1 Iigsg; too, im 1 nt fit yft in; sit vie g ill vstst Tinoty aiid. ill pl il-Gs uhctej^TrihluntB botiijHTitioiL Sbc UiGIli Hiill ymi will ho ok no fuithoi. HARNESS. HARNESS. ■ . «r An ifnmoiiso fttcx-k of nil hrrttdt^ fiotn th*» CHOICEST TO Till? CHEaI^ST! .l^Sopninto pioofft sold. If t tou flohi li HflMnp or dintA )• oh Tiifi ft hei’i 1 / < 'Ssnltflt's f<)i-aji 8iy,i>s alulbotii sexes; EojiiiolK's for all |rurposes diid Whips ioKs|ow and su ilt teahis. - i T BpfDio tnijinto anytltfirgTh -BttrnboVc^ Hiic^ ^ofne td Ileartqtmrters and yoif’H ho jtleaseti if jroOd gckfdft and trentmottfc and below \m prices can satisfy. . ■ V... — .. •zJZZ- BAIiZST WELteg^S, ^ .