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T^e Barnwell Peopl,e. JHO. V. HOLMES, Kitir tfrtp’r. i.OXO BRANCH PH LLOSOi’HY. Ub«cst couxtt circulation TBUIWDAY, JANUARY 2«, 1001 li—I—— —■ - CA8YLRHAU,, — I- BLACKVIM.B LODGE NO; lit tT :KhOf p. IH*, b. 0 ; , JiHty. Mi, Whereii*, God in OMn&nlUi. wisdom Uon.r.rninic LMvid sftsr M» ^penu,H»fc4 ^nioved Irom, our Midst snd Berore he wound u|H,« skinned Teddy «r°is Me •erthif IsOrtre onr esteemed - _ . i. * V* •II MfvS Ik as* #1 S ' «•>• A Ik 1 a A a iron, swsy back, 'ttttsl set mis Is asked as—*'WbatU ike V^iflsletare doingf” The best answer we can give is that It Is doing business at tbs old sudd In tbs oM way, ‘•There is nlsdom in s multitnde of counsellors,” but it Is hard In separata the wheat from the chaff where )M Solons ere ikre«biug s,ld straw. There Is as mach differ ence of opinion as there would be In a tea patty of as many women. . Now bills, old Mils, repair bills and feponl Mila are ail being thrown Into the hopper, but wbat the turnout wlU he bran, flour, cracked corn no proph> «t can tell uatll the forty daje of the eoaalon are ended. So far the law ma- here have not been overworking them* selves and that la a comfort to their constituents aa will more fully appear when they ask the endorsement of re- nomination In tbo fast approaching primary. P. 8.- It fs doing better this week. The House on Yueedsy passed the Sen ate Joint Resolution submitting the question of biennial senaion* to the people at the next election. That's the most sensible thipg dono in a half desen years. GREAT EXPECTATIONS. The const’^Hfcion of the Panama Canal, to fumlalfarwater way for ships between the Atlantic and ParlfloOeeans has been in projtreet for lastly years under French management. Millions of money have been spent—much of it wasted—and thousands of laborers hare fallen efetlms to the wicked cli • mate, yet enly one fifth of the required work has keen completed. The estimates we have teen of the time that it will take to flnish the ship ditch by tha United States furr fwMtl JUBtl Ja. HfMtfL. ycAH^atUIng.lkg future by the paat it will' not be com pleted In time to be of much benefit to people now in business. The silly cities of the gulf States that count on He giving them a high lide of pros perity will first perish of dry rot if they wait for It without working at some thing better, and promising nearer re sults, As for the politicians it 1s s g.iod Issue to fool the people with To oar mind the construction of this i- renal Is, ts a business proposition, as Miotic as the attempt ofc the ancients fo get Into Heaven by building the tower of Babel. The ditch will be dug but after Its completion the slant eyed people of the East will be as poor as aver and as little able to buy cotton cloth as they arc now. The cities of The Mediterranean are just as dead to day at they ware before the Suer, canal shortened tha seaway between Europe and the-East r On the 3d Hundsv In January we vis ited the Bamberg church and listened to an eloquent discourse from tbs pai- tor< ,ITe£ M."L. Lawton, from lit Cheenloles, 17 Chapter and 77 ferae. ihd a* we listened and looked at so small a man in auch a magnificent bonding, with tbd ceiliag so far above his liead nnd so aiaav emp ty seat* we decided that the bourn waa too large lor the town. We tMusrileil Ike train for CkarleaUHi and fell in with K K Ouumisslnnsr Garris. Before meeting him personal ly we Had a rasping laid .up, but after talking with him for an hour or more we fonnd him so conaervgltlve and gen tlemanly that our opinion waa changed somewhat. : Wo learned, howyvrr. that his salary waa $1,000 a year and free rides. He can lump any train that passes and light out. but is under no obligation to K. K. companies for It We also discovered that he was not overworked lie states that the ‘ Board” baa reduced freight on 800 articles during tlie year, generally only slightly, hut from hla st«teme<'t as to now the Irtar-Sutfe (Commerce Law afreets the stale laws of tiie different states, the watei melon and smell melon men had just as well prepare to hear it and grin. They bad just as well not atop to cuss and diecinte, the matter. In dim time we arrived In ChasVeetnn 1 and during our stay we found (accord lug to our individual view) that the city has gone hack. Almost everybody belongs to some kind of a society and quite a nuiitittide to the hon* qf Heat. A lire alarm will show bow uilintr in Wedgeflald man, Nicholla bit Med a to b« suppressed. He claim* to have discovered a process by which better liquor tlikn the corn XV «*a b« made In two weeks time from the Jntoe of surplus watermelons,^ and th* State eon stables and Internal reve- fitM alouths ahoold get upon hie IFall •t onoe and run Him down. : f" For should bis diecovery become jpnbllcproperty there will tm a moon shine distillery hard by every water melon Held and hot supper razor plays and pistol practice will disturb the otherwise pescefol Summer time. And all good church members . loo nu- meroua to mention, will lie forced by their oonaciences end confession* of Jjdlh-lRJtuit Arowi njt melouv for- mar ket, and the work of clrillsing the peo ple of the North will come to a speedy end, and the growing frlendabip be tween the North end South be paused. Thie man Nlcbolla la as great a menace as the boll weevil to Carolina prosper ity, for not only would all the Ills herein*-before specified come to pass, hat the dlepenatry would dr^ up to the groat ooofusion of the public school* aod the hand of the tax gatherer would have to go doubly deep into the pockets of the sober taxpayers. Ae ‘Squire Harris of Spartanburg waa wont to say this is “• subject of Immense magnitude and huge pre- ponderosity” and we transfer the fu ture discussion to Col, Frank H. Creech, a* It eoneern? him both as chief peace officer of the county and ^raiser of the largest rattle siptkea in Dixie. 1 • The Spartanburg Free Lance com meeting upon the LegisUture end other things jeOiarka Its about time for another Shell Manlfuato. The legislative commission has re ported that the reyently completed State House needs repairs to the tune of |40,$09.99, contractors proflu in cluded. Under the Dick law no militia man la allowed to talk aaaay about the Preeldont and Congress of the United , Statee or members of State LegU. latnres. Gen. Kelson A. Miles, the Msms- ohueetts Yankee who put irons on the Confederate President, Jeffrson Da- vla, wonts to be the Democratic candi- . date for President. How to roles chickens will be taught at the University of Missouri. The onrotore have decided to offer a full nonree In poultry raising. The poultry hnalnoea bos become one of the leading . industries la Missouri, the annual lu- i being estimated at $10,000,000. “ PENSION NOTICE The County Pension Board will meet So rb* Court House at Barnwell on Bale Day, the fleet Monday In Peb- to consider and pose upon ap- ' for pensions. t A. and B. are present for med- each neigliboihoud are not actively etl-^ gaged In anything. We vialted one uulbreak of lire but It seems that the majority went away disappointed a* nolxtd v was killed by ihe breaking of a patent ladder or the falling of s' wall. The department is so well equipped that there is but little fttn in the thing any more. \Ve found numbers of people who (contrary to *orlptu r ej were di*«alle- lied with their wage*. They live hard er and pay mote for It than most coun try people. We saw no liquor or beer except some that had been seized and was be ing hastened in on board the Black Maria. / But the thing that pinched a coun tryman most was the lack of Are on a odd day; the idea of a little stove about the aice of a fat mafr^s leg with s chunk or two of oak dropped in was a brand new way tn getHAt. While in the city we Visited the Ex change. whTcti "baffle* description. While the operator marked the rtse and fall in tiie market the gamblers eat w ith different tiouutenaneeo. bin we stayed long enough to see that they all wore store clothes and from the least to the greatest was able to flouiikh a cigar. Ti» eonelusion will add that our peo ple in the country complain most of the time without a cause. We would ad vise them to stay In the country where they can get free lightwood knot* to burn and branch water to drink. Kiah Mas. unfold* Its petals to the iHftrolqgllghr, a little soul, pure and white with 410 earthly staips upon it, has opened ita new light in t'tlie gaydeu of God.” * A* lie often went to slefip hi hi* mo- theiV arms so did lie aecurely rest in the arms of Jesus at half paat three o’clock Sunday afrerpoon, January the seventeenth, l'.K>K little Itussell, the lit tle s..n of Mr. and Mra. W. B Nixon, passed away. All that loving hands of devoted rel atives could do for him, all the tend r nursing of mamma and papa and Med ic*'. aklll was of no avail. Hla pilgrimage is over, hit life work is completed —only three and a half yeara way he lent to loved ones oa earth, his life waa so pure, so sweet and bright God wanted him for Him self. The hand of suffering waa laid upon him but it waa that he might be numbered among those who walk with Him in w hite. «•. * I - Truly, Heaven was Ida home, though hit bright, sunny nature. Ids sweet lit- tie words and loving ways linked Ida -many Hnte friends aTfiTdovoted r*la- tives closely about him.'. HI* short life was an inspiration to all those whose privilege it w*« to be JUST GET OUT DOOK8. Atlanta Journal. A current magazine tells of a New York gentleman who said tobiafaniltv physician, “Doctor, 1 (lud I am using too much coffee, and maybe just a little too much tobacco. What do you advise me to do? I want'to stop these hahit*, but don't hoc in to be able to. If 1 stop coffee, I can’t work.” •*My friend.” said the physician, “a great many people ask iue ttiat question In tbe couuwol a year. I tell them all just what I tell you—don’t try to quit yoVir tobacco, If that would Ineonve- nienee you in your work. Just get oat of doors often enough so that you can stand your coffee and Jdur tobacco. And then you’ll be all right.” The anecdote Is timely .at this season of the year. A great many people feel badly towards the winter’s end, and fancy that It is because ♦hey'are drink ing too much lea or coffee., or eating ton much, when what they really need it more oxygen and ozone. Temper ance is an esseidial thing, of course; but the most rigid tem|>erance iit-all matters cannot make a man feci as he should unless the lungs are supplied with plenty of fresh air and the body Invigorated with anulight.. Just getout o! door*. There are only a certain number of sunny days in a person's life. Why not make the most of them ? THALATTA! THALATTA! By Browm.kk Known. Joseph Brownlee Brown was born in Charleston. 8. C.. in 1824; died in Brooklyn. N. Y.. In 1888. He was a graduate ot Da t noulh college “Tha- Ulta! Thalatta!” or ."Thalassa! Tha- lassa!” means “The 8ea! The Sea!” words uttered by the survivors of the famous ten thousand Greeks who went up to 1’ersia to help Cyrus in hla un* successful attempt to gain the throne. The story ha* hyen told in ihe famous Anabasis of Xenophon. The retreat of the ten thousand from Persia is one of the aiol—oaleAxalad—lo-QiMftaxji nals. I stand upon the summit of mv life Behind, the camp, tbe court, the Held, the grove. The battle, and tbe burden; vaaL, afar Beyond these weary wastes, behold, the Seii! The sea, o’erawept by clouds, and winds, and wings; By thoughts and wishes manifold; whoae breaMi Is freshness, and whose mighty pulse it peace. Palter no question of the horleon dim- voyage it- (IV Cut loose the bark! 8uch self is rest; Msjestlc motion, unimpeded scope. A widening heaven, a current without care, ■ .1 ■'V« Eternity! Deliverance, promise, course, Time tired aoula salute thee from tbe ahore. GOOD AND^CUEAP. The Department of the Interior at Washington is now ready to deliver by registered mall wall map* of the United 8tates, including all recently acquired territory, fo.’ 80 cents. The map 1* 5 by 7 feet in size, mounted on muslin and rollers. ■ r The law permits the sale of only one copy toran Individual, but to aohoola as many-copies can be furnished as may be deaf red for separate buildings or de partmeut*. Bend draft or money or der made payable to the order of the Financial Clerk. Department of tbe In terior, la the Instruction of Edward W. Dawson, Chief Clerk. The Laurens Advertiser remarks that so far the Legislature bat done nothing rash, There ar* good mode In Newberry county, but they never bring them oat In rainy weather. Brother,O. Crum Able, to the place from whence no traveller retume. And, whereas, in bis death thie Lodge has lost a loyal and true bro ther, and his family an affectionate an-l devoted ousrdlaw. and Ills country a trm* and loyal ciilxen, s We, therefore, in convention thie day assembled. Resolved, that we deplore tbe death of onr wortliv brother, whom worth we remember and appmehite arid whose love ami friendship we hay# en joyed. That we e a tend to hi* family our sincere sympathy aod unit* with them in their sorrow over their kies. Kesolred, further, that a page in our minute book be inscribed to kls mem ory and that the lodge be draped in mourning lor thirty days and a copy of these resolutions be loll*t>1 y .engrossed and sent to hla family and also that tbe county papers be requested te publish them. ~ r 1 B. J, Hammet, ' •* Chairman, Ryan A. Gyles. LITTLE WALTER RU88EI.L NIX- ONT'"~ ■ As softly find as beautifully a« a Illy back for another hjoel she--' •hadow and 11 I _ weeks nap. ■But If ihe <|av Is nlomjv and he. d«»cs not get scared hf hi* shadow he will •ray out, for the wlnutr will l»e uearly Over and the Hpriitg time nearly come, Gentle'Annie. thrown with him, and the deep shadow cast by his taking away from the once happy home makes brighter tbe ra diance that hit beautiful memory has left behind. , T — 1 The tender sympathy of "many frlenda is extended to the bereaved family. May they find conaolametit in the beautiful promise; “Come unto me all ye who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest.” A DOUBLY SAD DAY. Springfield, 8. C ^ Jan. 19, 1001. - .The little town of Ulmer was never more saddened than on Saturday, 0th Inst., when news^ jrachad-here of tbe death of Mf.~Gen. M. Crumpler. For several month* he has been a conge nial frieud and citizen of this place. All who knew him felt that was a big hearted, hard working man. On the'20th of July he recelvad a he.ivy blow while in the employment of the Miller Lumber Company, by the breaking of a cable, used for drawing the logs out of the swamp, ids ear was ent off, aide Injured and arm brok- en, besides aome other Internal inju ries. If Is arm never healed. He waa at Cdittmbia at the tfme of his death, having gone there for an operation. lie leaves a devoted and loving wife and one little son, George, with many trtends'to mourn his leas. The funer^ al occurred at'Great Saltkch itchie on Monday, the llrh Inst., conducted by Rev. 8. K. Baaa. All our people join in sympathy to the bereaved fatailyr Never did I feei eo sad as on last Monday w hen the train stopped at-UI- mer and l stepped off to funeralize Mr. G. M. Crumpler when Mr C. M. Croft called to 1 me and told me he bad come to wire me thaL bis daughter, Hattie K , had died on the night before of pneumonia. Her Illness waa but a few dfijA.i... I ■. I 1 ■ HI ... .... pMWM— -■ She waa a loving and faithful mean- ber of Great Saltkehabshie church, a bright ChrDtiau, faithful toher Mas ter, an affectionate daughter and lov ing aUter. How sad must be the home of Mr. and Mr*. C. M Croft when they see the vacant chair, and ■ miss the bright face and sweet smiles at night in the old home circle. But how comforting when they remember that Hattie was faithful and died trusting in her Sa viour. Rbe was just entering the hioom of yoirtrg womanhood;, bom Optr ‘24, 1985, aged 18 years, 2 month* And 1 «-<♦***., We can hot, nor would we If we could, call her back, but we can go to her, and may Ond now apeak i\zs 11 i >ax f 11 Heat* or r i<sf i*I^■% |V«MtvW*v :WfT:y|Ernzt?WVTsonK* »i home Yes, it I* God’s way, not ours, and Heaven will bless. , ‘-When thro’tbe deep waters I call thee to go, f m - The rivers of wo* shall not thee over- flow; For 1 will be with the* thy trouble to blesa. And sanetlfy to thee thy deepest dis tress. ' - * Her Pastqr. LETTER TOE. B. FREE, T Harnw'Il, S. C. Dear Sir: Mr ———Preeldentof a cotton mill at Union, 8 C—he don’t want to see his name in print—had two tiffersof 500 gallons of paint t $1.30 and $125. Took tlie$i.M;andgoiaklnned. He’d have got three-quarters skinned if he'd taken the other. The$1 80 was fall gallon; the $l.$ft was 18 per cent vhart. The full meas ure paint was adeiturated 40 per cent; the shon-mentdre ptint wae adultera ted 45 per cent, besides benzine In the oil, don’t know how much. DeVoe lead-end zinc wasn't sold to the town then. It don’t pay to monkey with paint. Devoe coats less than any of ’em; not by the gallon of ooureei by the house and year. That's bow to reckon It. Go by the name. / Your* truly 'F W Dorn* St Co 38 New York TRESPASS NOTICE. Any and all entrlee of any and all persons on my’ lands In Barnwell County, called the Richmond Hill Plantation, for tbe pnrpoee of hunting by day or uighv-tvapplng, flahlng, gathering and removing wood or etrew, or eommlttlngany other tree- pass, will be positively proaeeuted to the fall extent of the law. Wm. A. Martin. GROUND HOG DAY. Next .T l, **da77 tnA February, the ground hog will wake from his long Winter sleep and cornu out of Li* hole to see about the weather. If the sun ahlnea during the dav he f Will be frightened by DOMESTIC TROUBLES. It ta exceptional to find a family when*there are no domestic ruptures occasionally, but theee nan be le*««ned by having Dr. King’ New Life PMt* around. Much trouble they save hv their greet, work 1st Stomach and Liver troutile#. They not only relieve yon, hnt cure. 23c. at Cteech’s I’hannacy, C. N. Bu#okh«Rer*a Drug Store. UNION MEETINGS. I. I Queries! T. Parental dutv In regard to the see- nlar educatinh of tbe rising gmeratinn. i. HUidrancea to thd" enjoyment of public wnrahip ami ihelr remedies. $. Reports, (1) Froth tlm rhurches; (2) From th Sunday rchoeis, with a general discu-slon of the condition ol otir Sunday school*, to he oondneted by the Mmlerator. (Superintendent* ami delegates from Sunday school* re quested hi attend.) Snndav, 10 a. m.r Woman’s Work. <Presidents end delegates from all the Woman’s Missionary Societies re quested to b« prc.*ent with report* } . .J n rxodR4zfC 1st Union at Calvary Church: Idtrodnctorv Sermon, Jhn. li*ir. 1st Query 1 $7.11. West, G. E. Blrt, T-J. Band Her. 2d Query : 8. P. Hair, G. W. Boyls* ton, 8 K Bass. *— Sunday. 10 a. nr.: II. M. Mix*on. Missionary Seihnon, W. M. Jones„. /4d Union at Whents Ilranch Ohiirch' Introductory Sermon. G. N, Askew. 1st Que.rr t 8. G. Maytleld, S. K, RhcKles, C. B Free. Sil Query! W. D. McMillan, J. B. Hunter, Isaac H, Hutto. Sunday, 10 a. m.! J. H. Black/ Missionary Sermon, M. L. Lawaoh. 3d Union at Kline Church. Introductory Sermor, 8. P. Chls- hnlm.^' .. . - ■ ■' ' - ; • --- 1st Query : J D. Moore, J. A, Vf.Q. Britton, J. C. Me kins 2fl Qttery Millan. Sunday. 10 a. m.» R \7. Sander*. Missiutiary nermon, Mr. Chiles. Anyone knowing where the second Union meet* will please Inform 41s. Secretaries of Ui.lons are rennested tn inform the chairman, of the committee of the name of the church at whieluthe following session Is to b*,* held- U. Is expected that dinner will be serve,1 «h> the grounds Saturday. It is also urged that the Superintendent*'of Sunday schools ami members of Woman'* Mis- sionary Societies attend. J. D: Moore, r _. W. O. Briltoo. SAVED FROM TERRIBLE DEATH. The family of Mr*. M. L. Babbitt of Bargerton* Tenu,^. saw her dying and were powerless save her. Tiie most skillful physician* and every remedy used,^failed, while consumption, wa* slowly but surely taking het life In this terrible hour Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consumption tprn?d de spair into joy. The first bottle brought Immediate relief and it* continued use completely cured her. It’* the most certain cure b> the world for all throat and lung trouble*. Guaranteed Bottle* #Oo. aqd $l,<»ff. v Trial Bottle* Freest Creech'a Pharmacy, ter’a Drug Store. C. N. . Burckbal- New York cotton gambler*-bought and eold a million bale* on Monday. bus- 8TORE FOR REN 1’. Best location In Barn wr If. Good opportunity for a grocery Ines*. $10 00 per month. —r Apply at Caxarn's Pharmacy. NOTICE.] forbidden kfter this ,‘or treapas* in ANY *H> Be.nnett Spring* Township, under the^t>enalt,v nf prose- etftiou to the full extent of the law. MrwrG. W. MorralL All pe date to li WAY on FOR BALE. * k 2,000 improved J PAPER SHELL < PECAN T4tEE8- Apply to*- - ■?—————■ . ■ k. H. W. Hair A Sons, ~ Blackvllle. S. C. NOTICE! A* ( am now engaged in Visiting the achools of the County, a* is required by law, the office of County Superin tendent of Education will be o|>eti only On Saturday*. AH claims and papers sent by mail ahall have prompt attention. W *11. Jones, Co. Supt. Education. WANTED TO SELL Six Hundred Bushel* of Aileui New Accessible Variety Silk Cotton Need, Seed Small, Very Prolific, yield one titird Htrt. acid my emp, forty four bales at aixtoen beuta per pound. Sacked and delivered Free on Board at One Dollar per Bushel. Bend cash with order to Frank H. Creech, Barnwell, So. Ca. Choicest Cabbage Plants. 76,000 strong, vigorous, healthy.-cab bage plants of the best established va rieties, safe and sure headers, for sal« and delivery •• soon as the Spring warrants garden planting. 141 st season 1 sold plants to many of the beat people of the county and they gave universal satisfaction, Every buyer fonnd them tbe best ever used. Certificates and affidavits astablish- ing the superiority of my plants art in mv poaaeaslnn and open to inspectlnn. . I refer, by permission, to W. E. Har* ter, Merchant, Fairfax) B. K. Lewis, U. M. Croft. O. D. A. WllaonJ J. O. Griffin, H. W. Deer, A. J. Uunitr—Ul mer; J. W. All-Tuten; J. W. Main- Jenny; P.M. Keor«e and utker*. Make op yonr club now and write me number wanted and I will book or- era aod quote prices K. O. B. ^ J. M. Braat. Ulmer, S. C. FARMS FOR SALE ytow is the time to buy, imptored j g FarmsclicNp. T**hd» are cheaper now than they willerrr he again. Only a limited nnmbar for sale- It is the only safe and substantial Invest ment, The dem*nd I* .Increasing, price* jje advancing and we cannot add one acre to the Wot Va supply. It i* the prevNiling npinlon Uihi we wUj never *ee low priced cotton Mgaiu. This meari* higher price* for th* farms that produce the fleevj; staple. “— > I offer,the rnliowfirg farin* for sale at very low price- fer tile next ;fll dav*. wm* ca*h, or one-fonrth i<a»h. balance In five equal annual Instalmetu*, (i% In’erest on deferred pay inent*. Tbl* may fm voor last opportitiiity t« buy * good place che*p on east terlfi*. All that tract or plantMtion of land containing BO Kerr*, more nr le**,, bounded on the North hy Cbarle*roii and Augusta road and laud* of Julia I*. Hooten, Ea-tiiy laiMUof Mr*. Bessie <5. Kohler and South hv isnd* of Mrs, Bessie Felder and West by land* of K. If. A .». (j. Dowling. Also all lh*l tiact of IhmiI containing 100 acres, more or ie*», hounded on the North by laud* of Annie Price, East by |J. ,1. Bratdiam, South hy Mra xC. Felder and West bj land* of Dowling.—JbOc pet acre. All that tract of land, 3 mile* from Denmark, containing 334 -aceesr-morr *>r le**, aiid bounded by laud* of Henry Syfler* and J. H. Rountree.—$8.00 ptr •acre. .. 1 . All that tract of land, 2miles from Govan, containing 360 acre*, more 01 loss, hullndtd on the >oullt -hy ilhar- leMon and Augu-ta road, on the AVest tty 1hlids iif J. B. gnrn, on the North •iv lands of f>. - A. Adams, mid on the East by lands of Mr* Stroman, wIth mill site and all machinery thereto— tS.-'KI par acre, _ ’ \ All that tract, of land, khnWti as Aicrs Mill tract, near Olar.—41.00 per acre.. . , / kk : +7^- - f■ ; Hagood pl;)cp near Barnwell. C./l!„ coulatnidg (HU acre*.—$8 OU ptr scite. 49} acr< « of land in Wi IDtnA Tnwn- slilp, jiartlv in. Die Aorporate limit*.of the tovVn of Elko, 1 nine dwelling house attd barn* and stahles. Fine day lahd. nearly alt in culliVation. small portion In gortfl pine ttirth* r, rent* well. ^I’riee $1,812.59 D. S. tjn'r place,'l-’O acre*,, .2 hitild- ing*. notirnlat ie* ; N. by land* of Mrs. parting Best. K hy f r..-i| r > <r fiyjn, tl hv estate of Alien Hair, W. by J.O. Hagood atul J. E. Ueatl - Pi Ice, $C4io F. F. Woodward place 120 acre*, 2 Vtiildings, FtHtiniarie*: N. by e*tat»of F. Mliter, iC: tiv^Jordan Branch, *. p> pjtblh: road to Orangeh;.rg, atlii W. hy estate of J. DunCan Alie.t. Price, tl.QQQ Rot) h tree platffi' 8!' a ere*. 1 boil- Boitudaries; N.& VV . hy land- of S I,.. Peacock, K. hv laud* tcrmerl v owned hv J. Sanders and Mi** E. Kottlitre«, S. by land* of Sander* and S. F. Harley, A Itaro Opportunity for Bovn- . well and Having dccitM to go into the Wholesale litminess in OuTtlty^of New Yorki 1 Will sell out'mv V? ■ TIRE STOCK OF MIlRCHAS . DlSli Jk-T JLCTXJ JLTj COST! Stole Tixlures For Salej 'T >• «» h - ' House and Lot, with all *' . -I proVetmrnts, for sale. irti- KVl-RYTHlNG'MUST GO! Udrtle eariyi beldfe the stock U piCketl over. .. .. Prh'O, $.130 J.l’. A. Hfinkirrson plaee^OOjuu-e^ 2 iMiildiug*. Botindaries : I’Srt of the division *tf estate of S. ifaukiu*on. Adjoining lands of VI. W. ,t 8am IlHiley. Joseph Ashley and Mrs. E. Phtlvot I’rlctvfJOO, Floyd A Hankin«on place, 03 acre*. 3 hulhliitgs. BtHiodaries: N.bylamlsof J. Ashley, K. A W, hy llaiikin*on and S. hy J, A*hl«y- ", Price, »40f> Ifarlay Place—630 acres, 2fX) cleared, bataticein wo.mI amt timber, 2 tei.ant hoti-e« -dn place, dwelling recentlv hutticri* 7 mile* from Barnwell Court House, on public road. / ' • Bounded by lands of W4*fher«hee. Dick*, J. O. I’atterson, tainw* Till\ and E. I,. Patterson. — Price $3,'*«0O.Q0.' Simon Priester Place, SlH) acre*. 4 huildiug*. Boumlarie*: N. % Nnd* of Mr*. A. E. Harvev and lot No. .1, E. hv Elliot. Sander* and M. Jones,'8. by IU O. Jones. P«o Creek, tr-ai, Snd .W. hy lanilr of Mr*. llarley, Rev. Britton anil Hurricane Brattclt. PrkMILfSO R. C. A W. Hal ford- piac*. 130 ■jpres. 1 building Botthdarie*; N. hr lands of J. M. & J! F. Halford, E. by Amatpl* Mar.lio, S hy Thomas Connelly and J, K. Cilile. W’. by Mis* E. (J. Owen,. _ Price, $€60 Hanford Place—225 acres, nearly cleared, good clay land. 1 two *tn residence, 1 tenant liyiwe and barns and stable*; near Elko. Bounded hy (Hihlie road leading from Blackvllle to Elko, ami land* of' S. B. Hair,‘Alice D. Thomsen, Odom, N. II. atansell, . - Ptlcc, $3,i K*saq*Pi.ACX.—In Red Oak Whip, VitTA c re*. >n' X, -In Red Oak Town-. -In Rich Laud H A Vr.NKR Pi.acx. ship, 130 s. Hari.ict Pi.ace.- mhip; Wn Acres BAMBERG COUNTY. ' BuFORDS BkOHIF. TbWsBHIPi D. H. it II. M. UJcc. place, ],()(«) acres. Boundarie-: N. hy lands of A, C. Free ajildlEr~Ftee, E. by puhTh: road Bamberg and Allendale and lauds of D. H. Bice. 8. hy lands of D. H. W.; B. & B. T. itisx, and W. by la ltd* of !>. H. Bice. V • .. ...iJXIpe, $1,000 AIKW^ COUNTY, Hammond Township. Wilspn — 130.acres, bounded N. E. S, hy Geo. K. Rowell and J. W. Bolder antl^W. by Utysees Wilson.. - : .. r«!faa t $750 ’SUMTER COUNTY. Hartsoe Place, 100 acres, 2 ml!«« from Wedgefieid. Boumlariesi N'. K. -by lands of J. Aycoek, S. by Will and Co I K. K., W. by.lands of II. L. Middleton. * ' Price, $1,200 Prices reasonable and term* ea*y. Apply to J. O. PATTKftsON, Barnwell, 8. C. PLANT x>r PECANS. Pecan 1,000 oho year old Paper Shell Tree* for sale al 10 cent*.each. H D.81III. Bfackville, 8. C. —- FOR SALE. 400 nounds of pure Eden water mej- well-ahapcd on seed from large anti melons. For price*, fle , writ* to 1 F.44till, Blackvllle, S. C. MONEY TO j^END. , t am prepare^ to negotiate loan* on Improved farm* for lhox?** r *« partial payment*; ioteieat 8 per cent oh loan* under $1,000; 7 per cent, on loans over $1,000. Dont write, come and see me. r . J. O. P*TTXB*OX. , t . Barn well^S/Ui 5‘yda Water Fountain for Sale. House FtirniUnXT I'or Sale. NOTHING wiH be charged irt , "^7 . V this 8;tle. * - * » SALK DM Hi NOW GOING' S. 13am twoll' B. C* WAT • m THE YEAH HOUND ViHILL-TOP - STABLES % ^(BARNWELL, - - S. C. f'V offer for s.'ile The Best al! pni jiDfet' hofst’s nnd mtilfa that livti, good judgiiuMit enl^ select iui(l ready money huyi IBu-ggies XA/ agoiYs. These, too, are at at your service in vast Vi fiety and at ftiitiPs ulidei^rroiiiui all eoinjietitioh. bee them-ami you will seek no Tutthci. •Harneoa. Hafttc ss. . An Immense stock t>f nil prrtde^frmn tk« CHOICEST TO THE CHEAPEST! [J^gTSeparate |)ieees sold,-, If yon need ivuythinfr fiotti a Brow Bnml ti}) or tlowtryDH can get it nt Brown jjfieefl here. ^,; Saddles for :H1 srNeMHuHmHr laijt Bwhes- h»r bLI, p^/pfiat'S and jWopi 4v for slijw ahd^^Tt’Urils. Before buyiH^|(^imH^in the above lilies come tr» IlettdquarterrmwJ. ydSpL he jdeaeed'if good goods and. treatmentnnvd below |>hr pi ices can satisfy. 13 A RH WELL. 8. C, Pocky fo\d Captaloupe Seed. ffVttt uy C. if. MATHIS, u£ Yo»n«[ & Mathis, at Rocky Fordy TownttOrdn.. Irom standard siicvneftcd cantaluuties, ripened on the vines. -L^VATI'TTfN(l^l-ON SftKjB*—Limited supply of I'kkn and Blue Gehl watermelon seed saved in the Cafolrnas fro.m the first perfect shaped* mddraritet on tbe vines. No seed taken from the end of the melon, Apply to-A. I'. VOUIfg & CO., • OrC. B MATHIS, Wishin^tdn & DuartcTst, New York. fflackvllle, S. C- —6a. l^uditocsAppoinimts Th* County Auditor or hi* represen tative will he »t the following places at the dates opposite each namo. • Al) tax-paver* are e»rn**i[y 1 cqjieft- ed to meet thid Auditor a.inl;mHke prop er return of all personal propelly. Till* i* a very Imponaut-fiiaUer that it frequently neglected and thejeby.,caus ing the taxpayer »ml‘ti«* t uunty Au ditor no little trouble, ( nine prepared to answer all questions In regard to ’school district*. Ulmer; Tliiirsdav. BnrnwcP | Satordry, Monday, •Kline; Ttie-day. - Hercule*; Weduesd* Hilda| Thursday. Barnwell; Saturday, “ Monday, Blackvillet Tuesday, WhaJcy; Wedne*day - Barnweili Saturday, “ Monday, Elko; Tne-clay. Willl*ton‘ Wednesdn Kennedy’* Store; T llth. Barnwell until after FebV. ZUth; Sf ter which 50 per cent, pvnnltv wl,l be ndrlcd bn all pi op*-t-ty returned W. H. DUNCAN, ' County Auditor, Treattirers Notice. Treastlrer's Office. Harnwcll ( ounty, S, C„ Sept. 28th, lD03. 'J’lfe Treasurer’* office irlll be open for the Collectlnn of- the taxes levied for liKIfl from the loth ri*jr of October until the )5fh day of March l!)04, in clusive.' • - . The camtnutatloh tax will be reettr* cd umll MarcU-lkt. From the Isttlay of January 1904 un til tbe »lst day of January 1004 * pen-* alty uf I- per cent, trill d» added to all unpaid, taxes. From file 1st day of February 1004 until the 28th day of February 1904 a penalty of $ per cent, will be added to *11 unpaid taxes. Front the 1st day of March 1904" until tbe Kith day of March 1904, a penalty of 6 per cenp. will be added to all i^rt* paid taxes. . LEVY, For State purposes $ Mlllfi, Ounatltutional School 8 •• > •' Ordinary County 9 •• •' Hepav loan U «* *' Melndekinf Record* ^ 8PKCIAL 8CUDOL LEVY, Cedar Oru?e, Uld Coluttibl*; I mill, Allendale, Barbary Branch, Black'*' vllfe, Double Fond*, Elko, Kdistn, Fairfax, Frtendahin, Kline, Lee*, non* le, Morris, New Frrrrst, Oak Grove, Reedy Branch. Selglieg, Seven Fines, Tinker’s Creek ;^ntiII»./ Ulmer, OwenVlt Roads, Crane Sa vannah, Gave, Barton, Big fork; $ mills. - ! ‘ Willlston; ff^mH1*i Hercules; 4 mill*. Barnwell; 4)^ mill*. “•■f' K. D. FRE* t Umhitv Trcature# •« 21st. fik 23<T, <• 25th. "Tl' 2Rth, ’ y. “ 2fth. $4 Jffith. it > SO h, Fehy. 1st. e« 2d. fi« 81. , ir mb. 41 8th. it Util. IV, ” 10th. __ Ini ml* v* Feby. latest hmed cottoi sees. The quickest, maturing oottoh on eurth, very prollfld. A small quantity for sale at ieVeflty* flye cent* a bushel hy — - ' J. A.Mztck, Mcyer’silHL^cf None told after April Is