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ymBSmSgLlgb WKKHmsSSmeKSWBSBm^ HOLIES, Edttoi'i i’rcp'fr hiiRUEST joiirtT' cifciJttiiioii* ’ ‘ TIIIIRSDAY. AlIOl«r 1*. 1»03. =^r=r—atr-ffezr+rr — Th« Orefnvlllo M«utiuineer di*rjti'* ‘'•htaiitHwrMilp.ftf tft® “ li«rtectlon* of m ‘ lUcbelor,'* In tbe pHbHoiit|on of whi«|i | It liMjQduIxcrl frofly with. tH« Hitinp- ’ ton OuardUn nnd Newtwrry <5bnervni' ‘to Editor* Bacon, WlUou und our *lnKle "•olf. Wo' mljjlu plead would but for thn p»Mlbl« 'nomobodv "breitkliiK bark* c Knd Rufrty fact that r somebody la ’‘breitklUjf bark” over the ' head of aomn one of the trlmiivlrnte ' and a acapc goat 1* needed. , > > ' .» A NEW An.K. Tn« raoPta ha* been a* liberal tn ' the publication bf'tlbitnary notice*, 'tribute* of reapcct and memorial* a* any newspaper In the SWte, atfd pro- 'pose* to »o contliine. Of course we ~’liave to pay the'printer* fur ^ettin* the»e contributions aa we lutvo to pay them for puttldjj advertisetheht* in 'type, and the expense I* cdn*fflcrable in the course of the year, but our sym pathy with tho be reived makhs It our ‘duty to give such comfort as is in our ‘power to those aorrotoTbg foi' the going **W*y of loved one*. ‘ Too muoh is asked of ns ho wever by a number of correspondent*. We have ’on our desk at "this wri'tlfig an ao- ‘cumulation of personal tributes and memorials ambuntfng to lYtlfly five page* of maniuoript. 1'hey are largely, ‘composed of verse, some original, tome ‘quoted, all touching and tendejr, bet 'if we were to print orte we woultf huye to print all, and our column* would bq ‘ filled with them, rio we are forced to ‘adopt* rule to which there will be mf oxoeptlen, that while wc will continue to publish brief obituary notices touche fng the lives, charaotere, 'social and 'church relations and life works of ’those who have been called away wc will not publish more than four lines ‘of poetry In any obituary, tribute or memorial wUh>ut charge, ; All verse in excess of tbit nUhiber will ha chaffed for at S uCnta'alinfi dyUHitf ,, BsrnwelH obnty claim* tho honor of supplying to Northern market* tiu Hrst melon* Ip car lot*, In 1H70 Mr. 1 , Jo)in 11. Mixann shipped to New York a car of imlon* of tho long and thin rind, variety,-which netted him .three hundred dollar*, lie was so enron aged by this sslp tljat he la>gHii to plant melons o.n a large scale apd In t a few years wasshlpplng to the best Northern acd VVc*}cr.n markets. A)thy<»gji he Increased hi* acreage from two tJthrce hqiidrctl acres jwr year for vfverai year*, and rec'clycd g*a>d pHcfes on all his Hhrpnient* It was several, years ho fore our farmers showed eilcogb con - ddopeein fho new industry fa oven put At tho annua! meeting of the State. ,Hoiliuaknrpl Society In Johnston Ia*P week Ifr. I. V. Still made an Interest' ’ m| l**tfytctlve,pddrq$s on mel«A.q le aald in KiibMtance : A ‘B'RIVAL .By Henry Lyle turned faces. “I* My. crowd?” ho aaked. ^ A round faced, excited stepped put qt the crowd. ‘ tHre him |he cose, dearie, little than eaMed^ OW Is the time to buy improved farm* cheap, Lund* are cheaper -«4»w thMLMay will ever be again. the gro«m ,tak|ng hls cyep otf ! Sj^y^SS* a^X^b^n^WsL* T#'.' THEIR BUMBLE flKE C’lmON. * , v , . I Davl* Ward, wnb ruris a fafm on the Laurens Road, about live mile* from the city, yestcrday'phflented to O. K. IMII a.etalk of eotton. containing six full grow n bolls, three blooms, and 5ft 'square*, the stalk rnea»urlug dv<*r four feet tu height. Thl* wa* only a fair apeclnien of what Hr. Ward’s entire '«rop of ten autee consists of.,.. He pur- ‘chased the seed froth II. H. Unllln of, thl* clty.^-llreenvltle New*, i That’* pretty good, but we can beat It M way yander” on this side. Mr. - W. A. Ouiman, a tenant on- one of our farms, to|d ua the other day that, his 'cotton wap waist high and many of the ‘htalk* bad M many as 13& squares on 'them. He didn't mention boil* and wloom*.—Easley Progross. Our Piedrtiont bretlirtn are easily; .fft*i|uied. \s they nrc'cvl'lchlly In thJ aihilergarteh agricultural clasa we pro* l>osc to open their eye* by the statc- 'ntent that a doaen or *o years ago one { etalk In Blaokvlile made a whole bale. If Kilitor .Simpson doubt* let him ^phone Ur. Stephen* of his city. . ing plant* 1 to get up. TiMfir'WWHIfr'Br -been rr'IIOUilfp lll tm'gft pioUiCtMHPl* soon its possible with a rcouV" •> ' STORM PKEDIOTED. . W. T, Veeter of Si. Joseph, Missouri, lias been in the weather prophet busi* lies* for twenty seven years and claim* that twe third* oi bis prediction* have Inen absolutely correct. It is his theory that atmospheric condition* oh _ the earth are absolutely centrollcd by the influence of the planet*, just a* Hie tldee of the ocean are controlled bv the Ulovcimeutsof the moon ,~Ha baa seat to Tlfiiewspapm.that be •applies with weather wisdom the following predlotion: “Dangerous storni* in ay be expected in nearly all parts oi the world during August, September qnd October, They wllf be psrticularjy noted in tfm great Central or Mississippi valley* when all Rinds of severe storms, lorclndlngr torna does, will occur In the Northwestern spring wheat country, where liall storms will do considerable damage, in Atlantio Coast and other Eastern States, in the way of tropic and tran's- fcontinental storm*, tn the -North ■PecHhnmdNorth Atlaht’c, along the horthern steamships ibutes, In Easi bod West Indies all along l ast coast ot Asia and in the O'uil Of litxiro. These dtllrucUve ,storm* will come to our notice in a trelhniparv and fooderate war whliln a few day* of Au Ifust HI and 24, will breome serlousiv derbe near September ", and will reach the apex of rhelr energy near Septem ber 27. Tho parting blasts of these furious storms will occur near October S and 18. V’eiy cool weather oh tho Icontinent near August 26, September 27 and 28, caused by tropical storms to 4he southward. in put out a small acreage. However, Mr. Mlxson’v vehturo Hniilly attracted at- leotlou. Expcrleticf , soon taught, tin grower* of melons that the loog an I *hin rind melon wo*i)d not carry we I to tho Northern and ‘Western market', and arq now only *old at near market*. The Kolb Gent and Eden varieties wll| carry to any market in the United State*. * About 18?R melon growing for ship ping purposes began In earndst and from for several year* our far'mei s planted melon* extensively, slilpping from sixty to eighty ears per day du ring most of the melon shipidhg season. Sduio qjf <mr farmers made "rnoiiey ami got rich 'Irom melon-growing, but otliers h»st money ami their homo* owing to had Tjudgiuent in selecting land and cultlvnUitg poorly. We have learned that the very"best lands Unit can be secured are the only lands which should' be planted ^ifi melon*, nud a liberal amount of fertil izer should be used in order to produce large melons and seenrtjr4>goo(i yield. I vyould advise the apH>llcaib>ri of at least poiYnds per ficre of a high grade fertilizer, developing 8-10 per cent available phosphoric acid, 4 potash and 4 ammonia. Five year* ago wc planted 100 acres in cantaloupe*, which paid well, as the niaikets were good, pince we have increased the acre ise So 4.500 to 3.000 acres |»er year. JTI»« b«oit luods should be selected for cantaloupes—clay land* or those With a day subsoil are pre ferred. Break deep and close during January or Nt February. Layoff the rows seven feet apart and apply from 700 to 1,000 pound* qf a high grade lertrlizer, 8 4 4 goods Throw no your bed with foujr fiirrows, planting from loth to 15th April, at twenty inches apart, with live ttKjeveii s ed Luhe liill. Cover light'y apd when the plants begin to come up run the *weep across the row*, which will destroy the first coat of grass and enable t he grow Copyright. IM. I>y T. C. Metlar* irrCOTYOOTYOOTTOO The Nrpld stHge carrlid no outside pnaaengera. Inside. It accommodated four rbmfortal^y.nud sts uucouiforta- My. Couseiiucntly evtfi'T an* Interested In any, particular trip of the Nephl fftaggLhope*! that the uamber of png at'ngVrn wculd la? limited to four. At Millstowh, the half way station, the grltmhig face <>f tl»e Uostk>r~was thrust through the stage window, and the four,, paiseugsWf already inside groufied. They knew the sign. /. ••Two passengrra, gents. Kindly git Fgctlur,” the hostUi‘’amiouiiced. The stege door Avns“ filing Open. A woman was a rarity along the Nephl stage lino and a bride unheard of, yet the first passenger to lie ceremoniously tluust Into their tiddst vvaa very-evl- d'Mitiy U bride. Had all oilier signs failed, w'ldeh they did not. there were several kermlx.of rice sticking to the back of her veil. The taH, thin, spindle shanked young man wJio-followed her Was just ns evidently, a bridegroom. Their clothing ami malinen proclaimed them of the east and brand new. ’* Th6 bridegroom carried a suit rase, which he pushed to quo side after set tling Ids Bride as comfortably as the middle g?!it pi'rmittedi—Then he fitted his knees between the passengers in front of him amt looked solicitously at his veiled bride. “Tired, dearie?” he asked. “Just a little, darling,” she answered, touching hbj,shoulder lightly w ith hers. “Wasn't It Just lovely the way we got away from tTnun?" she continued, "i thought once they would'really find out where wt>* were going'. Wouldn't It have been ttrrildo? Hut you Were such a darling, yoh"— There was a suppressed snicker be' hind them. One of the passengers fac ing theiu_ gulped add crammed his mdrtth foil of tolmeco. “(’haw, pnrd- ner?” he asked, extending the package to Ids seat couipaniou, the fat store keeper of Alkaij.i’ity. The man slirtok Ids head. “ITenr ’bout th’ holdup las’ week?” be asked. Winking hard. . — “Naw. YeOn doffit fftehn t‘frty there's TTo the roidiers. “Your cushrWr trtf O'" K., Sir. (Sreon.” y. • ^ ;. _ *Ts the sheriff In the crowd?*’ i “That’s me, stranger.” answered u Jrounggiant, y- ~ ’|v^ : ■. “Come around, and get Bllju k .Tobja and Billy nice, sheriff. Tuey haven’t any guns, but, they ha Vo got legs, so I’ll keep ’erh -covered till you're ready. r AH rrghtr . > A -xr"- ' .“YepI” replied the sheriff. ThJ brldcglfootu swungr hlnisclf to (he ground. “Como, dearie,” he said gently, holding up his hands. • , - The brldq cllmhed down from Jier sent and turned with him to face the crowd. | . 7 . , , , “GentianNi,” said the groom, remov ing his hat. “my iiftlne's Archie Dun ning, and this Is my Wife, ‘’We're on our wcddiqg tour, bfit I had to let iu.gJUt- tlc business to please the company. Is there any outfit lu thls town win re \V“ can put up? My wife’s ured. She held up Black Johiu”- J ^ j He laughed hcartlfypnml, taking a huge revolver which the bride,held, he tossed it in the air and caught it. “fieri*. Kh Tirf/’ he cried; “catch: She did It with that.” ■ The sheriff, caught tho revolver; pointed it over the heads of the crowd and pulled tluMrlggefc The hammer «Tinpp( d v .The. crowd roa ml hlbirlously and rushed Into the” drink the tu.Ide’s health, but the sheriff shook his hpid and laid a d^tatulng hand on-the bride- grcoai's shoulder. “Arehfts” hq^snid impressively, “for the best raeeSeUgcr lii the state yeou dkl or blame foal trlck^S'posin’ Black John hadn't cr got caughWJjH’ so. It'd -beyi nll day With yoon an' the pU-V “I kno\v4LwbcrIff. but she made mo-^ ^teel Creek promls.-'. "She's got plenty-of sand nlxiut some things, but •slu's skiuish about . handling a gun unless it'sompty,” Then he dropjicd his voice to a whisper. “But t)rut’s nothing compared to the Chnncc s we took of going crazy acting like Jackasses bo's those four mummies of passengers would think wc were tenderfeet.” poss small sweep and thin to one In a hill hh soon as the third or fourth louver fonTT CulHy,ate fast Had lay them by wlien tho vines are. 12 to 1ft inches long. Knowing j ut when a melon is ready to gather is hard to teach our laborers, often melons bring on the market a Jqw pripe because they are not picked at tne proper time. I advise planting small acreage Employ the most care ful Hborera In picking and packing. Picking and picking are iui|K>rtunt for securing good prices. (To the above history we add the fact that the Eden melon wa* perfected by (’apt. O. II. Mathis and uapied by our self. While In Blackville—years ago lie told us that lie had succeeded in establishing n new variety 'of melon that combined tbo shipping qualities of the Kob (Jem with Buper|ur r sweet ness, .He wont hpine and brpught us a lieautlful melon and asked' us first to eat it and tlien to give It a name. A tier feaning on It* rod beart. we eon- eluded that nothing better bad beep eaten since Adam hu<I Eve’s time, and tve called it Eden, In an early after issue of Thk I'KortK Gapl. Matlii* advertised Eden Seed for sulc -Koi ion 1’XOl'LS.) kilt flu’ thirty the Btprekeep- watching the I th* Confederate Veteran* of Green'-' llle on tiatlirdey voted against the ullding of a boldier’a Home in (Jo- lumbla. ‘. Senator Tillman lost Hit week in Illinois a pocket book eouMining a fiumber of railroad passes find telegraph And express franks. State Treasurer Leftntrigs will ftavfe to borrow tbe entire ♦800,000 aittbor- lied by the Legislature to keep things going until this ybar’s taxes come in. The State Board of Control looks for A lively Fall tfSife. On Thursdav It fought 1,176 barrels and 3,tJOO cases of liquor and 8 oar loads of doer. Senator John T. Morgan of Alabamrf Ay* that Forakef ofOtafo will b* fiom- inared by the Republicans for Presi dent next year, and that Gprman dT Maryland wm be the Democratic lead er. The news cones b> wa'y of Green- Yille that the Southern Railway will S t the coating Fall a large number' of f “ — will ^enable sfi nderldlt engines which Its fraighf and passenger trafns to keen with their schedules. ftlhlOliCTT Oigerai MeTsoh A- Miles was pat on the retired list on Saturday having arrtred nt tbe age of «4, the Statutory period for abalrlng. Ho had Arvnd 41 yeara. The order settrlng wm almoat hnital ia**brevity. He • Ufa nnwapt, uuhon- Not a drum was a funeral note as he went the Debt atnpa. ,. r . FiONG BRANCH 4’III LUSOruY. Some time since we received a letter and before opening it wo suspected that some creditor bad decided to add'a little to his worldly poMfesidona. But Uiour surprise and delight. Jt was to; name h day when we would agree to dine just out In the etniuiry w ith an old tuns f rliuid,. We of course accepted anl after atteiidlng the Good Uoad% Convention. &i Bachwell—w here wc found not a merchant, but -nearly all the Court House officer* and a few law yers. Tbe remainder of the convention was composed of sensible, good looking •rwntryuiet^ ^tw heard some eloquent dumorous ''speeches but ralnembeiing our promise to visit our friend hungry and on time we slipped out without knowing whether we were nominated for an nftloeor not. VYlieif we air rived and were escorted to the dinner table we were reminded of tbwUXL “Roll yc away the stone,” Such a ulnner we httveAcarcely ever seen prepared! A ml our bost. ati old Goniederais veteran a man who in the but limes back in the ’70’a would certainly do to tie to, en- couraged us to eat«ven fitter our full ness could not hedescribed and it wa* no starvation tbwn meal Where everi- member of. the houiehuld quit* eatiug beltd'e at* ordinary countryman gets good tjV woric. but all hands, both visi tor* and family, ate with a relish ami' consumed plenty of time at it. Besidea what we ha"ve already described the cows get better melons than we have, at home. After the feast we examined the farm, for our boat Is one of the few who know what tho word •‘farming ’ meana. And when We heard that he planted tWo rows of corn and two of cotton, we had ogr mind fixed on two or three acres looking very well. Imagine our surprise to see a field of fifty odd acre* planted in this way. 80 of which, in our judgment, has already made oi) oushels of corn to the acre and bids fair to make 4 bale of cotton to the same acre. The remainder of the field would look like swamp corn and extra fine eotton compared with ihe ordinary firm in Our eohriet-of the woods. Our host unteUishly and painstakingly ex plained all about (lie advantage* of this double barreled ayaMut of jarruing. We have said nothing about the velvet beans and It would be m> use to tell it likelt+s-and expect people to believe more than half of what wo would say. Ddriflg our visit we were impressed with the culture and excellent manners of the female, ooeupsnts of the house- bold; we wcre'V)>ated like Bill Aro’* little lawyer in Georgia as though we were a gentleman. We will s»y but llttlfe about tbe chickens but fust think; of ft; ov?r five hundred chicks, each chicken with its own housvf thb market value of the birds ia f 10 each* in conclusion wc ask that the doubting Thomases go to the -Gaka and see -fof tbemwlre*; i’ t' bc -disappointed this trip, n. S’ far n's I know, there lilah Mas;' ,- Gold Spectacles at the price of steel. I will sell spectacles, watches, clocks and machine needles cheaper than you can buy the same goods elsewhere, Charleston and AUgUrta not except*!. Jullau K. Harrlsoq v JtweW uwelli' ycoQT “TcrrfMcl One man thouwvn’ dollars took!” er tfiisvyrml, c-bCvu:;ly liCiditl couple. . ‘•‘Oh, dorllngr’ exclaHncd the bride. “Why- -dkl wc rnrne t'o J tliTfr-grnvfuI p’ace? Take me buck—can’t you, der- Hngr t The bridegroom shook/bis head. “t)on't be afraid, dearie. I'm with you.” Ilia voice sounded weak and trtuiu- lous. ' 7 , '' One of the men behind him laughed, and the bridegroom (lushed deeply and maden reply which was uninteUiglhly .tunililcd_hy tlie rapid lurching of the stage, wfiifcli t that moment entered thtf rougher sections of the road. Tlie sharp report of a pistol startled the jostled passengers and brought the stage to a step .with a suddenness whieh jerked the bride Into tbe arms of/-the storekeeiier. -The smoking muzzle of n revolver was thriikt through tliewindow-, fiml n rolce exclaimed: “Ilaiuis up. Step out side, gents!”- . ’ No one hesitated. One after the oth er^ with hands vYeB up, the passengers, alighted' and stood fit41ne rtlotifj tlie roadside. The bride mine last, and the robber hesitated, astonished, as afte steppeq dow-n. — “Ext-use me, miss,” he exclaimed, lifting his hat before be felt about;the men’s clothes for weapons. “Sorry t’ disturb yeou, bukbusjnoss Is bnsiness “Now, *rcui^” he conthiuod, address ing the driver, “my pprduer,” motion ing to n second robber who stood bold ing the horses’ heads, “will keep yeou covered while I look Inter things.'* _ _ The driver laughed. “I'm a fen red jtottT goln 'Black John. ain’t no treasure in this load. _ The bride gave a faint cry, staggered- and toppled over hito the anus of the tirldegrooln, which, regardless of or ders, came down to receive her. The robber swore. "Keep yeour hands up!” he erietl. swinging around and eovjt-tng the line with his revolver. “Let tb’ tenderfoot look after tb’ gal. She's oijly fainted.” He had pulled several pieces otft of the stage when an uniisual movement behind him caused him to turn his head. He looked directly ihto the muz zle of a forty-four, held by tlie bride. ‘Tve got you dead to rights, Black John,” a low voice whispered. “No noise or I'll let loose.” The bridegroom held a similar weap- db nr the other robber, who, uncon scious of the slight change in affairs, was twitting the driver. “Now, Billy, drop your gun!” the bridegroom called. The man made an offensive move ment. There was a flash, a sharp re port, and the shattered revolver dropped from the roblier's hand. “Hands way up, Billy, or it’ll be yoff next timer’ the-brldegroom commnnd- ed nq he walked over and relieved the rohlier of his other gnu. ‘-‘Now, you Jellows. Black John and Billy, get up on the lenders blame quick. No par ley lug!” ■ c .. —- Black Jdhn glanced at the bride. “Come,” she said. “Get along. My husband says you’ve got to ride a lender.” The brldcgfoora swung himself on one jot the pole homes while-the bride stood in the roadway and held bis gun. After he had mounted she lifted the suit cSSe out of the stage, handed it tp the driver .and. then climbed up on the box beside blm. The driver frowned. “Yeou—yeou ain’t goln’ he began, but tbo situa tion wajj too novel for bljn, and he sylv sided Into astonished silence as tbe bride turned her veiled face toward him..ajnd r ~suggested tbqt her-husband *n»iirean of Animal Careful in ve»tlgHtion by or Agriculture- h-i* WATER AND HOG GHOLKRA. Pure water from deon wrf5*'brs prp vealive for manv/dh'e.**^ savs li-x-u.r Salmon, trtrtpf of t 1 ndustry.. the I >e part me i it, sliown thatbog-cholefa has been large ly dlssetmnatvd' In ImtianH by river* and strestus, ihus bearing tuit the con- (HilKiohs off^ho Bureau of Aubnal In- dusti'y tlint. perhaps the uiost potent agent in HH^diatnbutton of hogcholcra I* flowing water, 'i'lie first step to be taken In tiio prevention of hog cholera is the Securing of a 'AiholPWoine w«t>r supply. 'I'here are also niiinerous dis ease* toAvliich all anlma!* are sohject, in whose-tn»qsiuiA«ioii w^|er play* an important p.-irt.- it is net-etsary to the growth of these dhtease* and is an im- psn tatit carrier of tfiem. Such tilings as twisted stomach worms., nodular disease*, paper skin, liver'fiiike. lung worm* of slit-ep and Wbrms In liog*. horse* and cattle are largely dii^,^ac cording to Government investigation, to tin pure surface water, ’i'lie preven tive i* a good deep water supply.— Farm Visitor. merit. The demand is 1nc(Wf*iiifft prices arc advancing and we CMiinot add one acre to the. woi id’s supply; r It is tlie prevNiling opinion fharws^ /^ will hover see lowipricwl eottun sgsio. This.means hlgbcrprl^e* f(Jr line farms Thar produce the fleecy staple. I offer tlie following farm* for 1 sale at very low prices for (he nexY.30 days, le'iii* cash, or one-fourthTash, hwlanee in flvn equal antiunl ^nstairneiiUt, interest on ileferrod payments. \ This may ha ydur last opportunity to buy a ,good place cheap on easy lerms[ 1). li. II»i/place, 150 aiires, 2 build ing*. Boundrftie*: N. hv land*of Mr*. Darling Best, K. by Turkey Creek. 8. hv estate of Alien Hair, W. by j\0, II a good and J. E. Best. - j rii-Je,$ E F. Woodward place 120 ire '■ tfiWlng*, Boundaries: N. by estate i F. Mifier, E. hy Branch,>R. o; public road Urangebt.rg, and W.bJ estate of JT Duncgn Alle.i,^... , - v i'rlceift.000 I'efteock (Beck Trank) 512 aero*. 2 building*. Boundaries : Adjoining land* of Daniel Berry, A.P. Ajtrach, ami estate of AI media Harley, Lsiid willed to Saraii Heck by wifi of RoOci t Ken nedy, (let. loth, 1834. Price, ♦I.SUO J. A. Rofmtrre place. Sfi acres. 1 imil- dirg. Bouudatries : N. A VV . by ianil^ of 8 L. IVacock, K. hv land* 4r>fnierly owned tiy J, Sander* and Mi.->> E. Rountree, 8. by lands Af Hatulers aefi 8. 1-V Harley, ' . Price, 5;350 Aldrich Place—C00 acres, more or le^s. 11 tenant houses. Burns and stables, tAKfaVrcs in ctiltlvation, about ft mile* from Karuwe.M Gourt House. 2 niites from Snelling’s, a staflon on the A. G. i,. R. IL.on the public road which leads from Barnwell Court House to, for VJ bales of cot ton peTyaejir, line clay land, well-wuod- cd, no Wut grass. , ' Bounded by lantfs of VV, M. Gave, 'V. 11. KhrliArdson, .lack i’aiikioson. I Relufned From New York? TB 1 COME AND ATTEND OYITp is U James Dick*. Mr*. NeM public road leading from 8teq4 t^eek. _ ^Ai Duncan, Barnwellllo Price, Jft,f00.00 ' Langley Place-^87 acres, more o\ less, GO acre* clenred. fme -ebry land, dwelling recently burned, 3 tenant houses and barns and sullies, on pub lic road leading from Barnwell t- 8tC!i?.on Bridge. r .„. ^_- T Bounded on the Ndrth hv lan Is o( Mis. A It irtw mr/nTa rt"rrr~M rXTT. KT by Ryan, Soutli by Allen Tobin, West Aaron Williams. - Price $8-’>0(>0' J: G. A, IPsakinron place,Gbacres, 2 buildings. Boundaries: Part of the division r of estate of-8. Hanki»*on. Adjoining lands of ,M. W.& Sam Bailey, Joseph Ashtey anil Mi*. E. PVilfjot Price, 4100 Floyd A Hank in son place. 03 acres, 8 buildings. Boundaries : Sj. oy lands of J. Ashley, K. A W. by Uatikinsqn and 8 by J. Ashley. • N v. - ‘ Price, 8400_ Harley Place—oftf) acres* 2(JO cleared, b.vfatu'ein and timber, 2 tenant house* on place, dwelling recently burned, 7 miles from Barnwell Court House, on public road. “Bounded by. lane)* of Wcatliersliee. Dicks, J. o Patfersot', Janrc* 'I’illv and K. L. Pattcrsan,. v ~ Price ?3 500.00 E m b r oidcry Commencin'r Wednesday, August 12th, and you will find thnt-you have never seen such an enormous variety of 5 Embroideries in j our life, and that you have i ever dreamed \ to buy PLMDROIDEklES at such low prices 2 as you wiii at this sale. - The Embroidery Purchase is one of my ninny thousand successful purchases in every line of merchandise for the coming Fall and AY inter, amflf you don’t need anything noiv , ft will pay you to come just to see what possi bilities you may expect the coming season. This sale \yi)l continue positively one week ohly. . . S. KRASNOFF, LEADER IN LOW PRICES. t ALLTHE YEAR ROUND HILL-TCP - STAELES. - S- c BARNWELL, « • * ;:ie Kimon Pricetcr I’laco. ^'iO acres. 4 , BiHlndartec N. hv laud* of Xji ’' by BRI.l'ALLY TORTURED. " A case came to light that for persis tent and unmerciful torture lia* perhaps never been equaled., Jos Golobick of Colusa. Calif,-write*. ’’For 15 year* I endured iiwufTerabJe pain from Rlteu- inatism and nothrug nfileved me thougl I wied everything krtqwn. I came a ; cros* Elecrrle iWtteT* ami it’a tlie'great est medicine on earth for that trouble. A few boitiesof If-tmtnpletely relieved and eqred me.” .luat ar good for Liver and Kidney trouble* and general de bility. Only 50c.- SatisfaortmrgnatTih teed by Creech’s Pharmacy, C. N Burckhalter, Druggist. Cruateigh—How did you dare, sir, to kiss my daughter last nigh; on the bal cony ? - _ Uaylioy-—Well, now I’ve seen lier by daylight 1 wonder myself. Z C I3L * CAPUDI1ME LIQUID - HEADACHE - CURE. — For SaleTTy* ' Tobin’s Drug Store Mreech’s Pharmacy. ~ ~ ^ ^ :: LAND FOR -SALE. TKAtr or Land within five mile* of Martin Station on tbeG. jfc W, C. R. R containing three hundred muI fifty sev en Meres, dwelling and outbuildings, three horfce farm open, tlte balance in woodland, with a plenty of water. Terms Easy, For information apply to Jamks L. HinrKY, . Milietlgaville, Ga. FOR SAJ.E . OR RENT; A comfortable cottage of 5 room*- witli all roquisite out buildings, good garden and well of water, convenient to both depots. Graded School, public office* and churches can bo bought or rented reasonably and on ea*y teims. For pti'r.titviilars hr to this desirable property ahjiiy remembering delay* are dangerous, to Gcdrgc II, Bate*. . ’ •' Barnwell, 8. C. wanted him to drive ou. He cracked hla whip, and tbe stage started, - , t’rogrcM was slow, and the stage was so late In getting to Alkali City that ibe entire population was lined up In front of the Palace hotel In anticipa tion of something out of tbe ordinary. Their expectations were tporw than te- &Uze$ when the stage drew op before the door. rr —— ; NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND _-r. CREDITORS. AH pereon*indebted to the ostate of Alfred Johnston, deceased, arc required to make piompt pay incut to the under- signed and all person* holding cjaltn* against the said estate will present them, properly .attested, to me. MartHSTE. Jenkins, AiRni-nlitriMrlx, ; j '. > , Kline P 0. v ' August 8th, PW^. - ‘ ^ Thomson, Odom, hnilttlng*. Mrs. A. Jv, Hiirvcr and lot No.;*, K iniiot Sander* and M.Jone*, 8. by B. •fh Jones. Pot Drcck, i and W. M laud* of Mr*. Harley^ Rev. Britton ami Hurricane Brandi. . . _ - Price, $3,750-. RrG. W. Halford place, 159 hcics, 1 building. BoitntlHrie*: N. by l»nd, of‘J. M. & J. F. Halford. K. by Atnanda Hardin, S by Tlioma* Connelly and J. E. Cade, W. by Miss E. 0.Owen.’' • Price, »C50 Sanford Place—2'2ftacic». nearly ail cleared, good d*v land, I two *rorv resilience, 1 teiiMitt Itouse and barn* and stables; near Elko. Bounilcd'liy public - road leading from Blackville t^-.lko, and .lend* of 8. B. HniT, Alice IT; N.*,H. Mansell. Price, $3,ooo.oo Rknkw Place.—In Red Oak Town ship, bG Acre*. Havener Place.—In Red Oak Town ship, 130 Acre*. O'Bakxon Pr icK.—Near Barnwell Conr-t House, ft'.H Acres; II a Alky. PlAck.—In Rich Land Township, 515 Acre*,; , _ BAMBERG COUNTY Bl’koriis Bkiw!k TowsHHir. —D. H. d; H. M. Rice, place, l.OOtracres, Boundarie.-: N. by lands Of A. C. Fret and J. L Free, E. by public road to Bamberg and Allendale and. lands o' D.-H.-fttrc. S. by (finds of i>. Hv~Wtt It, <t B.-'4-. Bice, and \V. by lauds of D. IR Rice;—— —j-—~ ' Price. <4.000 7 AI KEN COUNTY. ~ Hammond Towxship. 1 WH*on—150 acres.Tboundeti N, E. Jt S. by Geo. It, Rowell and J, W. Bolder, and VV. by Ulysees Wilson, Price, $750 HAMPTON COUNTY, Goar ua TowxHsir. .. Smart—127 octe*, about 8 miles from, nenrty^ all cieascd. 1m- pr6vemeB4*-e<ynrist of one two room cottage, barn and stable in fair order. Boundarie*: Railroad Righvqf Way and Road to Matthew*. Bluff, ft, K. Bo*t\vick, Josephine Hoover, Mr*. Fitts and John F. Gilmer. - Price, $550 j SUMTER -COUNTY. .!■ \> < ■ Hartsoe PIsce, 1G0 acre*, 2 mile* from Wcdgelield. Boundaries: N. Jt K. by land* of J. Aycock, S. by VVitl and Col R. It., VV. by laud* of II. U. Middleton r ''7 Price,*1,200 Prices reasonable and term* ea*v. Apply to J. O. PATTER,SON, Barnwell. S.' C. CHICHESTER’S ENOLiSH PENNYROYAL PILLS -INAL DISCHARGE Notice ft hereby given that on Mon day, tlie seventeenth day of August, !003 the undersigned will (lie Ida final account a* Committee of ihe estate of Beiding Still, deceased, with the Judge of Probate for Barnwell County, and apply for Letter* Dismi**ory. 1 *"^‘7' G. A. StiijL. C»mMiKsee. lAdtes. Mk r S3“.“ 1W1 _tlw*T» reOnfclr | ;h3<-hbmtkr>-j:nus.i<i« in ttmi and mMtaii'.c box**, Mal«d wkh blue ribbon. Titke no other. Rrfta-.«> diMtaeron* auhati- £ntlon*na4 Imitation*. Huy of vojr L'ruiuist, rjZtcnd Jo. to KUmicx for •*art‘rnlar*. Teetl- OuMUnla ond u Belter On- Imdleo." In Utter, t>y return Xntl. lO.OM TexttmoiaMla. Hold by ali DruaKMt*. . — OXilDH^OTan OHBUIOAL. CO. «aoe UaMliuon Mionrr. PA. . — JOkmUmthis * . offer fob Bale The Best all purpose horses ami mules that live, pood judgment cuu seleeb and ready money l»uy. 7 x Buggies AN1> W agoiYs. These, too, are at at your service jn vast ,variety aiiiT at prices underground all coinpetition. ISee them and you will seek no further. 7.‘- ' , . r 1 ' Harness. Harness.' , . • ... .■ r ‘, ^ 3^7 * An immense stock of all grades from thp CHOICEST TO THE CHEAPEST!" * IpfFStfjmbnte pieces sold. If you need anything from it Brow Baud uj) or down you can get it at Brown prices here. ———;— Saddles for all sizes and both sexes. Lap Kobos for aJl purposes and people^ - AVhips for slow and swift teams. Before Imyliig anything in the above lines come to Headijnaitejs amf you’ll be pleased if good goods and treatmeiitv^nd below par prices can satisfy. QIFLO WJNT. B A11N s. c. GLENN SPRINGS MINERAL WATER. - -A <W i s * Still. Oai*lx>nnt ed and - : l Ginsav Al< The Best on the Market, ler Sdle- By- - r - , i-'. G. K. Ryan, Ik Peoples’ Pharmacy. County Merchants who think , ‘ "V*' ' * ■ ’ ^ J of advertising in this paper the • ■ ... .... 7. - 1 coming Fall are requested to call on, or correspond with us before , as to space; time •T - X and changes desired; v. • ' J r Up to that, date ^ ,... •' will he given to advert - - - t •p » Barnwell and Bamberg Conn mm