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HEARING FOR BAIL. .1 Continued Chief Juitice Pope ter of Irregularitie*. Mat- the Affidavits for tiliman , Holtzonbach «l S\»«-ariJ to Hearing a Convernat ion Iji lt»e '■ ■ i ' ' r ■. .1 < , ■ Senate. The Defendant'a V ■ Heir-Defence I'lt-a. ‘ .. ' ' T*"' %r * On a irmtion mid* Iwfore t Justice i’upe at NewTiefry on Thurs day by Solicitor Thurmond, on the part of the prosecution, the hoariutf on the application for hail of James II. Tillman,. charged with murder, was postponed until Thursday 2iith Lpr slant, when It will be held in the su preme court room in Columbia. T ie motion was sustained idi th r ' uround yiat counsel for defense had not sub mitted to State's counsel the attidavits presented last Thursday, and State's counsel therefore had no opportunity for reply.. _ *Following are the allldav- its’ in substance, aif* they were suli- mltted: “MT: Nelson for U>e defense also presented the testimony lakeii at llifr 1 Itkiihcsi over the trjdyof N. TIT bn/.ales. 1 t HOLT/.KNBACII'h AKFIO^TVIT. sr)fn e (^fore me personally appeared Rich- wards deponent, Said Gonzales was all ttie time ularhiR straight at deptnent lleilevillg liis life ia daygex^ duponenl hurriedly said. ‘T-ROt your message, ’ and tired, Deponent believed thfcn and believes now tliat Gonzales was armed aid intended to kill him That he was desirous of avoiding a difficulty with Mr. Gonzales if lie could. WlienGon- zples cut uuircss was Hie lime deix> ncnt saw Inm thrust his hand in his pocket. TliaX deponent when lie left the Estate liousi* didn’t know lie was going to meet (lonzales on the street. Iteponcnt believes Gonzales was about to dr rw a pistol upon him and there for^ lie lire<i upon him. Deponent tired to save himself, brli.-ying Mis lifj.* was in danger.’’ J. W.. DeVore and T. II. Rainsford, inembers of the house from ICdgelifcld ebunty, raadealUdavit Uiat they kiie^ Gapt. J. A. White is a'man of immn peachahle cluiracter and an old Con,- letlerate soldier. Judge 1‘ope sustained moLiim - V Hollzenbach, who Iteing 'duly rn, says: .‘T canie to the city of jj-Jalumbia on tile 12th day of January, - IfttiJ. for the purpose of trying to get a position as doorkeeper for the house of representat ives but was unable to get the appointment and returned to my home the 17th day of January, and while I was in the State house a day or two before the unfortunate oi’cur- renoe, 1'was talking to"Capt. I. A. Wldte, wImi was the keeper of one of , the eommittee-iFqoms. Wliile he was . there N. G. Gbnzaltw came in and ' V asked White where his ‘boss' was, and <’apt . Whi|e'replied, T have no l>oss.’ Mr. Gonzales said he meant Lieut, (rov. Tillman. He said, ‘1 suppose lie j Iff neglecting .by? duty, as Jie always j —* is.’ At the time Gov. Slieppard was j presiding. - N*><}. Gonzales said to ! I apt. White lie pas referring to Lieut,, i, for a ebntJSoaiice. in full: State of Sout h Carolma.- Gounty of Richland. The State against JamesIL'Tillman— rGlurgedwith Muuiee. Alter hearing read the testimony taken before the coroner's jury, and the affidavits submitted oif Hie -part of defendant mfitsaiiplical ion loi bait, and the State’s attorneys thereupon askin’g for additionai wTiieh to submit attidavits in reply to the affi davits on tlie part of the defendant, it is ordered that the further hearing of thfs motion tie postponed untU In o’clock a. m. of Thursday, ill February, 1 !«>:>.—’ike heaiiiig'lo Ik 1 had m till 1 court room ni t he nr cit v of (ke supreuu lumbia. t It is furl be. - ordered that the de pendent’s council serve upon Hie eoun- sel for t he Suit» nn the Utli.dayof tliis moiitli. eopios.(rf ttie atlidaiTXs off the part ot dckLidaut. aiai tkaL Um .state's counsel ire required to,serve upon the afternoon of the^Ruff ’ day-of this month, copies of all affidavits in reply which the State will use at tlie liearing of this motion. And that thr defend ant shall have tin 1 ' ttght to use addi- tionai affidavits in reply thereto at the hearing in Columbia. ' Let the petitioner tie retained in the custody ot; the sheriff of^ trfchland county. - ^ Y. J. Pope, Chief J ustice. N’ewrberry, S. C., 12th February, 1003. STATE DISPENSARY ' - r • - - ' To Be Investigated by a Legislative i Committee. INTIMATIONS MADE IN DEBATE. The. Appropriation Bill as Passed by tha Howa, r HOW THE MONET IS SPENT. ••Conn Corn, Old and Mellow," Kx- hihlted In the Hennte Chaiu- ber. No Drinking on — the l‘renil«e». —— —-- As soon as the Senatd assembled Tuesday evening the galleries began to nil witti spectators and before the evening was over every available seat was takcii on Uie llix/r of the cliamber the - Here. Vs his order’'^th~>pr.o^li)etit personage^, f among whom were the governor aud Mrs. Heyward. ^ Wlien Mr. Ho id's joint resolution “to appoint a* committee to investi gate tlie management of the dispen sary'' was called. Mr: Manning moved to strike qurthe enacting clause pnd declared" the regular committee was empowered to make ail necessarydn- vestigations. He regarded this pro posed investigation a useless expendi ture of nfyoiiey. Tiiis brought Mr, Stanlajid 'to his feet. He requested that he be allowed Id iid.lrevii llu- S<»r»4to fn-un »h« ro- porter's taide in front of the pr»»h dent's desk. His request being grant ed Mr. Stanland came forward bear ing in Ills arms a box with the name of a well-known patent medl'cine pu^’e^Juln^touIW ANOTHER MDRDER. (»ov. Tillman: that lie made him sliow t |^* , ' u> " the wldte feather on several occasions and woufdHiake him show it again. HHiortly afterwards Mr. Gonzales wynt. off. I fit»'t *Wtfflect whettwr—hr ♦aimed aiurwent- to the «enalA®ehain- tXT. Soon afDer siw Gov. Tillman jn company with {senators Talbifd and Hhoi Dcail fn Green- .4 Cl -..Brown walking up MaihsTreet. Sena tor Brown was on the' inside. He ed hack to speak to a lady and villc bj .lolin (iiiMMlwin. ~X~ ypi-eial dispatch from GreenytU? to The State says a fatal shooting took place between' 5 and ti o’clock Tuesday afternoon on VVaslxiugWh' droppev, twit i, i,. aj/rrrtiv <t ..I.ti11,, i __ -.—.— • left Lieut. Guv. Tillman witli SeuaUn- fttre hrtlie twinkling of an eye. -Taibird. -Senator Tafbird was on the j slay(>r wus Juhn co Givln, street tiy wdUidi-JwfneirTTTnson lost ids His outside. Deponent noticed Mr. God- | zales t-oming down the st'reet walking r BMH1 n<,t a young m' • re tha n 2l) years of age, in the direction of thejState honsi'. 'He had on an overcoat and eacii hand in tlie pogkrt and his thumb resting on the top of pocketT, As be got near Gov. Tbllman.’tie cut across uie tuiii - ment and thrust his "whole rigiithand in his ovcicoai ikx'kt-l . I expected from what I heard him say in the State house that.he intended tqshoot Gov. Tilhnan. About tliat twne I lieard Gpv. Tillman say,'Mr. Gonzales, 1 received your inessftgr. 1 and 1 lien im- medfately I heard a report of a pistol. 1 didn’t see where Goy. Tillman got Jus pistol froth, as 1 was watching-Mr.; Gonzales, expecting toseehim shoot Gov. Tillman. Gov. TiUnnm, after lie tired turned and walked off jtrto_Main strcer. ~bhortly after he shot, Senator ^Talbird saidr^Thfs must ^topLiind several persons went to Mr. Gonzales.” " J. A. W HITE'S AKKIDAVIT. read from J. An affidavit was read from J. A. ~ "White, keeper of one of the-yeommft- tee rooms, in which-White said that he recalled the events mentioned in ITollzehbach's afffdatTl and substan tiating it in every particular, cxcept- that not knowing N. G. Gonzales, he- did not siiy it was Mr. Gonzales. TI Ll.M A N S AKKI D A V IT. "Bcfirt* me personally appeard Jas. H. Tillman who being duly sworn savs: ~ jsofaCr who was a clerk in a store of ! Bros. Hinson was a horse dealer who i worked at Bales A Allen's livery j stable. •—- . - ’ ■" — The^tao men liad lieen together for several hours aodApparmUly CheFtwas fBO cause for the trouble which arose over the putchasc of a fiottle of liquor I that Go.>dwip had in ins |x*isession. They liadLcrnssed tlie street in tlie presence, of sevural q-rsoos. and (oxxi- | wln^-had walked a bean some tlis- tance when Hinson called aftor him and said be must have some of*it. sup posed to be tlie liijuor. (•oixlwin had gone aboul~Tfi) feet from-Hinson, wlien lie turned around and drew his pistol, tiring tne tirst shot iifthtTair and then In a straight line tired directly at Hinson, ~tbe- second shot striking Hinson in the left breast and going through_the heart. He died almost instantly and was carried into the office of Thack- ston A Son. Goodwin, immediately surrendered t.i a nokceman and whs afterwards taken to jail. Ho is well plainly branded on tlie four'sidesGiind proceeded at once to display its con tents whicli were four different kinds of whiskies contained in bottles of different sizes. Senator: “Are you extending invita tions?’' — - Anotiier senabir: “Have you enougii to go around?'’ The president’s gavel stopped »any futther jesting remarks, but could not prevent the majority of the members from gazing- longingly and anxiously at the tempting spread before them. They wondered what would come next. - ' Mr. Stanland prefaced his remaxks itfith the statement that he Is not op posed to the dispensary, has always advocated it, but his purpose was to paypvis respects to the Richland Djs- Ijlliiig company. He said that not many weeks ago he saw the advertlse- ifltmt in a daily newspaper where this company was offering a special brand ha employes and there is nothing THE PUBLIC wrong in the State doing the same. If 4 nothing la wrong the friends of the institution hare nothing to fear and the moral effect would more than compensate the cost of the investiga tion. ' ^ ..r : . ... _ Mr. Mayfield opposed the resolution at length and said that as a financial success the institution has done better each year of its existence. In 189R tlie dispensary’s, net .profit to the State was $414,000; in 1!H)0,. $474,000; in 1901, $545,000, and last year $50(1,000. He asserted that the people are satis- tied and the appointment Of the com mission would resufl} in nothing more than a junketing trip. ,The yeas anti nays were demanded on the motion to strike out the re solving words and resulted as follows: • Yeas - Messrs. Aldrich. Blake, But ler, Dean,-Forrest, Gaines, Goodwin, Mydrick, Johnson, Mani|lng, Mayfield, McLeod, Kaysfir, Sharpe, Sheppard, Walker, Warren, Wllliaius--I8. • Nays-Messrs. Brice, Brown, Car penter, Davis, Dennis, Douglass, Han din, Herndon, Hood, • Marshall, Mc- Calh-McDermott, Mclver, Beurifoy, G. *W. Ragsdalde. J. W. Ragsdale, Stackhouse, Stanland, Talbird—19. So tlie resolving Words were not stricken out and the joint resolution passed to a third reading.' It -Is as follows: ITT" — TUB KH80L.UTI0K. Section T. Tliat a committee con- shiting of tive mem tiers, two of shall tie memtiers of the senate, to be appointed by the president thereof, and three of whom shall be members of the house, to be appointed by the speaker thereof, is hereby appointed of whiskey called—“Coon Cpm—Old and "STeLUiw." _It made hiih smile wlvenrlie thought of this-HTme whis key 'distilled ohe day, rectitied the next, sold to the dispensary the third and the fourth day the "people were drinking this “Coon Com—Old and Finlay ^fellow." Mr. Stanland went on to say that the RichJ^nd Distilling Com pany made one X , and two X corn whiskey, gin, v rum, apple and peach brandy, all out of the same product. And he.,thought that it had'become an annex of the dispensary; nr rather the dispensary-an annex of the distil lery. He exhibited the varlous sam- ples an i alleged tliat certain products were liought. by the dispensary from the distillery and resold at a profit of only five cents a bottle, on which dis tilleries in other States had to allow the dispensary a larger margin of profit tiesides paying the freight. From this Mr. Stanland argued that the profits accruing to the State were dissipated and wrongfully diverted and 4jlve« to any member thereof, shall be deemed in contempt and shall be puniah^d there by said committee, as may be done by courts of record. ^ Sec. 3. Said committee shall meet in Columbia, and at such time during tint present year as It may fix,” and eath member thereof shalCreceive the same compensation per day, and mile age. as is allowed memtiers of the general assembly, but not to exceed 30 days. -— Sec. 4. Said committee shall make Tliat Tie made and believes, it is possibly longer, -YfHtfien-depeneu as he fs iniormed proper to make at this time, is as fol lows: That for more than a year and N\ G. Gonzales has pursuing him unre lentingly with maliw'Sfflt-vdiQm which deponent believes was never eq In tlie history of this State, charging him with being a liar, ~blttckgiKwo, rogue, debauchee and villain aiin sueh other-epithets. Every act of deponent has been distorted and discolored by hate jj.nd venom of Gonzales. Tliat Ihougrrlnnoeent he was cal led u ptin lo endure these, inasmuch as deponent was a public officer. 'J’hat lie tiore all tills wtjth pat iencealthbugh his private near CottegeVille, Allen Adams lait life r heretofore considered sacred (was. wait for IHnry Jaqiies and. with IHury Jaqffes shot gun, sent a load of huak/khot informed t hat during the cam’palgn ) “^JamiM"was onS lt hjrM i, and there was a rumor that Gohzaleshad n,m ' J aques was on his Rtirst and invaded, discussed and held up to dub lie derision. That deponent had wen there was a rjjmor that Gohzaleshad said if Tilhnan had said the .Same things in Columbia that he said else- “where there would lie a personal en counter in which one would die. De ponent was repeatedly urged . and .warned to look out for his safety while in Gelumbia, by various parties. De ponent was informed that Gonzales came to the State house and inquired for deponent anu said that he had made deponent show the white feather on several occasions and intended to make him do it again. That deponent verily believes that N. G. Gonzales at that time was armed. Deponent was •atHi anxfow to-avntd art aftefeat-ion- If it could be done honorably. Inas much as deponent was about to retire ,rom U* afflee .he-wa^mnovin^his- T^mfiTl^reed^^ arsenal belongings from }\iae to hla room in the hotel and long other things it became neces- _ . .LQfdeponent, the other left in the room by some one not known, but pibaumably aomefriend. While carry ing toeae wr pons to his room, while Main.street, he observed N. G. i coming directly towards him, •A deponent, and with his In hla overcoat pockets. Sud- he pushed his hand into his the right aide and turned to- connected and has been regarded-very favorably since iliycUme herefrom the tHHintrv. Hinson lie re for lias lieen lividg 'several years, [mt went back occasion ally To N'ortli Carolina, where he has wife and two children. He was about 37 years old, ami a. str<mg, athletic man. It is another - case of pistols and w hiskey as there does not seem to i lave bee wan r previmis-rpiaiiet. afirl' eye witness to tlie shooting say§ tliat lie was with tliem not ten minutes before the fatal shot was fired, wlien they as lie knew. were friendly so far STUrl. ANCITIIKH MI HOKK. dispatch Mr dispatch from Walterboro says Wtsincsday morning atiout 11 o'clock, never knew what struck nrm. Adaiffs and Jftques had a difficulty Chci«tmas v Mr.'Jaqiffct was a quiet, peaceable man, whHe flhe reputation of Adams in his pAinmunity for peace and order is notAtood. The killing Is greatly deplored. Jaque$ leayes a wife with eight chil dren, several of them small. The sympathy of the people is with Jaques. Adams came up—Wednesday niglit anrf surrendered to Sheriff Owens. -The Dear Thin in Mind. -fitat<v.says the says the" governor has been fairly flooded with letters from various .parties thrbughout Uie State of veterinary surgeons, particularly as applied to diseases of cattle and live one the —The- governor asks that In pany. County dispensers had told him that they-could not get what they ordered. New and untried brands were shipped them instead. Bieking up one of the bottles from the table tie read - the name of the lable, “Cream of Carplt- I i-Anrtnt, ineiitiou In thlschaiur- ivrltlen it ori a slip oT. Unff, tier, liut I have written It Orl a slip paper and band it to the reporteiv’ -on the slip of paper were Written tlie words, "H— Fire.” s' Mr. Stanland asserted that the last general assembly Ja management of the dispensary to re duce their stock to/$400 1 000 but in business “management, methods and control of - tlie State dispensary as ad ministered by the directors thereof, and by the dispensary commissioner, and by any other officer -or officers thereof,having administrative author ity ifl connection therewith. Sec. 2. Sard committee shall have power and authority to send for per sons and papers, to administer oaths by its chairman,or any member there of, to employ a stenographer and other clerical assistants that it may deem necessary; and such stenograph ers and other necessary assistants shall receive a per diem of not exceeding four dollars, in tlie discretion of said committee, abd'actual mileage, Any witness failing to attend at Uie time and place at which he is re quired, or to answer any question pro pounded by the said committee, or The Appropriations! Made fb r the Maintenance of the Heveral Departnieji and InHtltu- ♦ v ’ V/ ' ,' - .aX '-4** ; -f- ^ lion of llte Hlate. r * Tlie appropriation hill was taken up in the 11011*6 'on Wednesday. The biggest discussion at Uie morning session was the proposition to renew tlie annual appropriation of $15,000 to prevent epidemics of contagious dis eases. ; , - * 1 Mr. DcBruhl wanted to ledude to $10,000. Mr. Bearman of Andersou, Mr. Williams of Lancaster and Mr. Wlngo of Greenville called attention to tlie f?rt that in these counties there had been epidemics and their applica tion .for help and rel‘ef had been re jected by the State board of health, if this money is spent who gets the benefit of it. Mr. Williams moved to cut ouUtM entire proposed applica- Tlils 6ok> e'State - tioard of iieaUlj was de fended by Messrs. Moses, Tatum, Cooper, Lancaster, Lofton. Jeremiah lion. nays was voted-down, ayes 48; Mr. Ifcmnald moved,-to cut the ap propriation - from $15,000 to $5,000. This was carried by a vote of «8 to 34. ’ south Carolina oollkuk. its report to the gqyernor on the com pletion of.ito investigations, with all convenient speed, including the testi mony Taken, and the governor shall transmit the same To the general as sembly on tlie first tiny of the next session thereof. Tlie senate meets at 11 o’ejbdk Thursday. / / A Good Hill Killed. One of the first measures that was taken up in the Senate Tuesday was the bill which passed second reading the day previous relating to the qualification of the county superlnten- oomHTtents of education. The bill was called up for a third reading and im- medfately Mr. Sharpe moved an inde- tponement, Mr. Itaysor moved $6 lay this motion-on the tableJ g^^o^ The Yeas and hays were demanded, which resulted as folllows: eas—Messrs, Aldrich, Blake, proposing to reduce the appropriation from $28,000 to $24,000. Mr. Efird said that last year he had warned the house that the appropriations Would exceed the State’s income. This •prediction had been fulfilled. There are other appropriations in the hill from which the South Carolina college will derive benefits. He proposed no discrimination, but would move to re duce proposed appropriations to all State institutions. Mr. TowiH, alwr "Of”"Lexington. the good the college has done for over one hundred years and referred with feeli ng to the splendid work being done there now.—ft would uot do to cripple the institution. .Mr. Lyles in reply to Mr. Efird sta ted that the *7,500 for se' extraordinary expense imposed by the city of Columbia, and phould not come put of the fund for operating the college. Mr, Cooper called attention to the fact that the college asked for more: than the commlttS had recommended, although a great many of the commit tee favored the increase in order to pay valuable men,good salaries. Mr. Bqrlfoyof Saluda supported Mr. Efird’s amendmentr--He decried the tendency to Increase appropriations.^ Mr. Moses replied that not a single appropriation to collegfes-had been in creased. Furthermore the bill this year is $42,000 less than the expendi tures of fast year. No approprlatioa had been recomnaended unless It was needed. * 1 The motion to cut the appropria tion failed by a vote of 68 UrlO. Mr. CHILD LABOR BILL. Full Test of t he Bill as It Payaed the House and'ttenafe. The following is the full text of the Child Labor Bill as it passed the Senate and House: . ‘ ’7 Sed. 1. That from and after tlie first day of May. 1903, no child under the age of 10 years shall the employed In any factory, mine or textile manu facturing establishment of this State;, and that from and after the first day of May, 1904, no child under the age of 11 shall be employed in aqy factory, tnhnror text He manufacturing estab lishment of this State; and tliat from and after the first lay of Mivy £ 1905, no child udder the age - Of 12'years shallbe employed in any factory, mine or. textile manufacturing establish ment of this State, except as herein after provided. Sec. 2. That from and after May 1st, 1903, nqchild under the age of 12 years shall be permitted |to work be tween the hours of? o’clock p. m. and T 0*e1qKTrrthe morning In any factory, mine or ttxtile manufactory of this State. ' *' • Sec. 3. That childreg of a widow ed mother and that children of a to tally disabled father who are depend ent upon tiledr own labor for their support, and orphan children who are dependent upon their own labor for their support, may be permitted to work in textile establishments of this State for the purpose of. earning their support: Brovlded, That- in case of' a child or children of a widowed mother, or of a totally disabled father, the said mother of the said father, and in case of or phan children, the guardian of said Mr - EHrd 0 |J ered children, tar person standing in loco parentis of said child or children, shall furnish to any of' the said per sons named in Section 4 of tills act, an affidavit duly sworn to by him or her, before some magistrate or clerk of court of the county in which he or she resides, stating that he hr she is unable to support the said children, are den pendent upon their , own labor for their support; then, and in that cases, the said child or children of the said widowed mother and the said disabled father and said orphan Chil li not fie effected by the pro hibitions in Section 1 of tlds act, and tilling of said affidavit shall be full for their employment. rTovided, further, that_the officer be fore whom the said affidavit shall be subscribed shall endorse, upon the TGNft ARRESTED, Tit* Man Wanted in Flemee hr iMt Murder of Refer* WAS CAPTURED IN DENMARK. He Hod’Formed Partnership With (Senator N. O. Mayfield to Plant Tobacco. A Sad den DI •eolation! A^pecial dispatch from Denmark to Tlie'"State says Wm. C. King, wanted in Florence county for the killing of Nam Rogers and the wound ing of J^mes Rogers, was caught there on last Thursday. The dispatch says* “The firm of Mayfield Jk King, coin- posed of Senator S. G Mayfield and Wm. C. King, tobacco planters, has been dissolved by ttie arrest of the latter. . - Our intend,int d chief of police ixln/ wide awake, saw In the Mr. King, expert on tobacco planting, Uie man wanted in , Florence county Cor murder and notified the sheriff that he was here. Thoe. Burch ar rived here. Thursday morning at an early hour from Florence and from discrlption given him aald at once It na." “Its real name,".said Mr. Stan-Thrown, Carpenter,Goodwin, Herndon, stead they had increased it nearly $83,000.'. The v6ry fact that tlie man agement is fighting this Investigation is proof collusive that something is wrong. He^ftarged that the dispensary 11- tlj* investigation is ordered he prom- to produce all the necessary doc uments and testimony. The regular committee has no authority to go into the Internal management of the con cern, which handles a business amounting to $3,000,000 a year and he did not think the small salary of $400 a sufficient amount to pay to each of tlie members of tlie board in compensation bTtheir services. - Mr. Aldrich opposed the resolution and said there was nothing, brought before the committee,nor in Mr. Stan- JamBs statements except the board' was discriminating in their purchases In. favor of the Richland distiiTery. 4* The legislature in its wisdom had granted them discretion in their deal ings with distilleries within the State and with foreign concerns, and he §aw rto w rong- in'Wftat they had beeh ac cused of doing, v ■ . Mr. Sharpe asserted .that rtbe.dis pensary is allright.” The people,” said he, “are satisfied that it is the best solution of the whiskey qhestion, J. W. Raysor, Stackhouse, Stanland—12 Nays—Messrs. Brice, Butler, Deanr Dennis, Douglass, Forrest,_Gaines, Hardin, Hood, Johnson, Manning, Marshall. McCall, McDermott, Mc- Lxcg Beurifoy, Bharpe, Sheppard, Ton Kolnitz, Warren, Williams—21. ' So ibe motion to lay on the table was l.»st and , bill killed:', future all such iiotiHcktinrK he s<»nr. direct to Dr. G. E. Xesotn at piemson college, who is the State veterinarian. All reports of smallpox cases should tie sent direct to Dr. James Evans ait Florence. Dr. Evans is the secretary of the State board of health and much time and trouble can be saved by writing direct to him. and-4t fe nnly the that arc making all this fuSs.” Tha -the men finished tlie work of et trouble that exists rests hrthe the substance In the box they only minds of those who-are hostile to tfie institution and are based upon a newspaper article signed by Mr: Dou- thit, who at one time was. connected with the dispensary. Mr. Hood said that Uie national government keeps a close watch on all A New Dieeaae. The mysterious “sleeping sickness" of West Africa, which has been the subject of Jatescientific investigation, proves to he a form of menlngitisrdif- fering frOm cerebro-spinal pieningltis in its chronic and almost invariably fatal character. It is classed with hy drophobia as one of Uie most deadly diseases known. It is communicated from persotV to person In sqihe .un known. It ill communicated frotfi per son to person in some unknown way, beginning with slight listlessness, which passes into coma and then into death, its duration being from one to six months. Thus, far it has been known only among negroes. It has depopulated large districts, however, and Ito spread is-feared, through the opening of Africa trade. - Overcome by Goa. Five men met dlath and ten were overcome Thursday night by the fumes of gas escaping from the purify ing box In the print of the Northwest ern Gaslight and Coke company at Blue Island-IIL .The men, under the direction ,.6T Supt. Russell had- hpen engaged in changing the. the purifying box. According to the dissatisfied ’outs 1 statements of men at the when f changing did not clos6 the covers of the box. When the gas was turned on into the box for the/purifying process, it escaped in voivines and the men were overcome where they stood. Supt. MarUn is among the dead..' The other victims were laborers. ■4 sent to the employment of said child or children. Any perton who shall swear falsely to Uie -facts set forth in said act shall he guilty of perjury and shall he indictable, as provided by law: Provided further, 'piat Uie emfiloy- rpent of said child of children shah he suhjedT to the hours of labor herein limited. Sec. 4. That any ewner, superin tendent, manager or overseer of any factory, or" textile manufacturing es tablishment or any other person In charge thereof, or .connected there- trary to the provisions of this act, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and Bennett wanted the appropriation fix ed at $25,000. Thls^ too, was voted down, and the committee’s recom mendation, $28,000, was adopted. I*UBUC SCHOOLS. Mfr- Pollock offered an amendment to appropriate to the public schools Mr. Pollock declared that the house had refused to put aside a little extra dispensary profits for the benetitof the schools, and he felt it a duty tu lntruduce thl»-amendment. The State of South Carolina has never appropriated a cent for the public or jmprisonefUi^t 'longerThan JO schools while she has always, liberally to the colleges, 7bu « masses should be taken ckre'qf first. __ The A. was Hyother-discussion. M_rJ who ■ shall turolsh Xo the^.persons Dorroh moved to table the ment. Thin was loist by a vote of 48 to 51. Mr. Dorroh then moved to provide that the money be applied to Uie counties in which it is raised. Mr. Pollock urged that this would reduce It to e local tax Instead of a general tax. He moved to table Mr. porroh’s amendment, Tlds vLia imd. hy a. vnte Of 29 to 7 Before 9. Mr. Dorroh’s amehdment could be adopted “Mr. Kihler moved to indeflilltely-postpone the original £pl- lobk amendment. The vote was 55 to 55, and the motton was lost. Mr. Mauldin moved to conUniff the amendment. This was ..carried by a 'Yotenf-RO to 54 and the amendment was killed. There would have been another tie vote, but three memliers who had been ^Ith Mr. Bollock, voted against the proposition this time. There- were three roll calls and one poll of the house on this amendment so close was the vote. The house passed an amendment giving the governor’s office an addition al $2,500 for paying judges of special .courts—If so much be-necessary. The governor’s stenographer Is also-to get an Increase of $100.'—r- The two firemen fn the engine room of the State house get *15 a month ad ditional for lbeTJeren months they are employed, and there is a State bouse janitress at *120 r per annum provided for. When the house took recess, the following items in the bill had be6h approved: N EXECUTIVE OrriCES. Governor’s Office—Salary ofgover norr $3,000; private secretary IMaO stenographer *509; messenger, *400 [continued oh pace tour.] was the man wanted. Expecting that King would give trouble to those trying to take bfm, and knowing that be would be armed and knew the Florence sheriff at sl^ht it was decided for Mr. Burch tore- main out of sight and let ikir plueky deputy, Capt. Hunter,arrest the man. Deputy Hunter was assisted by C.‘ J. Baxter, and expecting trouble they had to do their work quickly. King was armed as expected, hav ing a pistol In the Inside pocket of-bis vest. Before going to arrest King hla room was visited apd in it waa foiled a Winchester jvHtev 1 which he brought with him here, and this waa taken possession of by the sberiff. - ^ “Mr. King tells your correspondent that, h# wpnf rllrnalr- tn Sumter after the killing, from Sumter to Columbia, and thence to Denmark, where he hat been ever since; also that he intended going back bo Florence in* time, for court. It,seems strange that he should use his correct name here, hot it is true that no one thought to aak him his first or given name. Says be thinks Senator Mayfield shonld pot In a good word for him. v Mr. King, I learned, called on Senator Mayfield Tuesday morrlog af- hki eon- ter his arrtvak here and represented fore very such offense shall, upon con viction thereof, be fined not less than •ro; nor more yian $50, or to he im prisoned not longer than 30 days,/at the discretionGf tlie court. Sec. 6. That any parent; or other person having under his or her control any child, who consents, himself as an expert on tobeoco rak- ing and made a bargain with tha mm> ator to plant 10 or 12 acres on aliarm, - lie to do all the work and Mayfield to furnish Uie land and fertilizers. Mr. King was progressing nicely with hla .. pew farm when the law stepa in to day. It is hoped the senator will succeed in getting another partner to carry on this work, for it Is believed that our soil 4s the very thing for to bacco," .. r The Green Kyed Moaotor^ At Birmingham, Ala., John I a motorffisn; put four bulkto to the four CMStind abdomen of A. Tnr suffers er permits the employment of bis or her ctrtid or ; ward under the ages ap ahoverprovided,' or who mis- P sto1 - reprftsent&'tUfi age of such child or ward to any of the persons named fn Section 4 of this act, in order to ob tain employment for such child or ward, shall be deemed guilty of a mis demeanor, and for every such Offense shall, upon conviction thereof, he fined not less than $10 nor more than $50, days, in the.discretion of the Sec. 6. That any pa rent,’"guardian or person standing ip loco parentis, a molder, at the com house of Wright, himself and M1m Gussie Gardner. Both young mao enamored of the gill. Wafltti* might Min Garddfcr went to the show with Smith and they returned at a late hour. Wright, just after the young man bad told the girl good night, appeared in the hallway with a him and inflicted what are bound to be fatal wounds. The girl waa a wit ness of the tragedy. She spent a por tion of the day at the bedside of the ’ wounded young man, advising him to be qalpt'v.v,v'' ,v,v,v,v,,Mvi,iTrMH«iyil'-ir,vivi'- l f "t-f — named in Section 4 of this act a cer- The gegm raaUtfd and tlficate of a school teacher or school trustee that their child or ward has attended school for not less than four months‘duttng the current school year, and that said child or children can read find write, may be permitted to'obtain employment for such child tibs of ficer a terrific blow on the hptf with a flat Iron. This occurred in a oabtn. The fight was then transferred to the yard, when in the struggle the negro secured the chiefs pistol but the offi cer managed to keep Mm from using e and or children in any of tne textile estah- lishments of this State during the months of June; July find August, and the employment of such child or cbil- dreiA-during said montlis upon the that Such child or children have attended school as afore said, shall not be in conflict with the provisions of this act. Sec. 7. That In theremployment of any child under the age of 12 years in any factory, mine or textile manufac turing establishment, the owner Or superintendent of such factory, mine or textile manufacturing establish ment shall require the parent, guar dian or person standing In loco paren tis of such child, an affidavit, giving the age of such child, which affidavit shall tie placed on file in' the office of the employer: and any person know ingly furnishing a false statement of the age of such child shall he guilty Of a jpttisdemeanor f and for every such of- fertsrshall, upon conviction, be fined nqt less than *10, or be imprisoned not longer than 30 days, in the discre tion of the pourt. Sec. 8 . That all Mt* wnd^ acts fn conflict with A Desperate Fight. Chief of Police Albert Laurens, had a desperate encounter lasting fully ten minutes WlOTi hkffro named John Workman whom he was it, and flnafif In a terrific grannie ,% clinch the chief caught the negro’s Up in his teeth. About this time help arrived and the coon was subdued. A Cruel Joke. Criminal action, it is said, will be taken against the persons ^implicated in tlie burning of Fred Stfids, a boy of Jerricho, L. I. --From what can tie learned, the boy had his h*ir cut at a hotel. The barber soaked hit hair tb alcohol, and some one threw a ted match on his bead. Immedi ately his head, face and neck were en veloped with flames. Shrieking with agony, the boy dashed back and forth about the room until he was finally caught and the flames extinguished. He was then removed to bis home and attended by a physician. r*- A Town Attacked. OnTprovlsiohs of this act be, and the same are hereby, repealed. — 'A dispatch from Manilla says a hundred lad rones attacked the town of Nanjan, Island of Mondoro, Thurs day. The constabulary repulsed them after a scattering fight which lasted several hours during which one lad- rone was killed and~i "V... r. I ■r ^ The young man who qgly enough tp earn bis wages iff always the young man who complains because he cannot get a better Job.—Will M. Mauptn in The Qommooer. , Twenty women and children Using In the town were wounded. Crockett- with a large force of i works] 6(1 constabulary, has swap* northern Rkal and southern , whe here lad rones have been w ;,- rating but he failed to find a tnur 4 * v - provingea, opera tinj of them.