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VH? CAMDEN CHRONICLE XL D. Nile* uhI > WL N. HeOowrll | PubllKhed every Friday at lli>9 No Broad Street, am! entered at the Oam 4#o poetoftk'e hn MOOOd claaa mall mat .?r. Pi-toe |n?r annum Camden, s. Augunt h, itnu. VC: fr-''. " ? ? Wy-w^r-vrvyr . . ^ , _ , . A meeting of th? ('tiudiui Chamber ?)#? i \mnnerce wan hoM at noon WtdfLMR day, the purpose ??f t>he meeting whh to <Mhciish the pronent operation uf the ferry ami also to see if there wa* any way wheivby the count ruction of the bridge across the Wateree river could he rushed to completion lu time for the fall travel over this important highway. Oiie of the oouuty official* wan preaeut mnl Iwn of the bridge contractor* were present. There wan a great deal of dla* cushion of meauH to xprod up the opera tion of l*>th ferry ami huihiing of the bridge, hut it ended in discusslou and nothing definite w?s decided upon. The x . bridKc people state that It depeudH al together on {he statu* of the water iu the rlvfcr an to how soon the bridge will be completed. Mkewiaw the same u> true of the ferry* If the river behaves you'll get aceoxs by the same methods provaljing for the p#Nt two yearn. Oth erwise you -don't crow*. It appear# to iis that those lu charge are satisfied with both upoed on bridge and ferry, and of course the public will have U> be sat isfied. Meanwhile Camden and Camden - wrcluintH are uulfering Ions by people pacing up this town on account of the - delay on this main highway of the South, There should, he some law against tr ^ responsible parties practicing the profes ,"r sion of veterinary on dumb animals. Many fanners ami stock owners have hnd valuable animals permanently dis abled and oftentimes killed through the fake 'practice of men wiho if the truth was known have never seen inside of a veterinary oolhyia, Not long ago wo .were talking with a high -class veteri narian who was a graduate of one of thiV'hcxt eollemvi wlto said lie had been called to see h valuable nnjle suite ring ? f ?? I I. true shoulder. A ? ?'i|inuk" had been treating the animal ? and ad-visnd its owner to -slioOt the imi iiml that ' it was incurable. An exami nation b.v the graduate veterinarian revealed the fact lib at the mule had a nail in its foot. The nail was extracted ?mrf The nntmTll ATVecdily recovered. Stock owners should beware of the itinerant "doetor" who is here today and gone t(wmoiM*ow and they should demand to ? see under what authority he is practic ing his profession. A pprovimatel v 7< M> in timbers of the i ? v ? ji I lied machinists craftjN.^inpld.ved at the Columbia shops of the Southern a lid Senixitinl Air Line Railways went out on a strike Monday morning for an in creased wage scale. The walkout was In obedience to orders from the national federation, which has called a nation wide strike. An option has been sismivd by New York capitalists on the Coca Cola com pany "f Atlanta. (ia? for the sum of Catawba MihiiI Preventive. i' :i - i . 1 ? ? t ji l?l ?? interest has been shown ?' * ??> ?: 'I'M *t I public in the effect which the M. w ".ii;. i i r >n the (.'a t:iwi'.i !,>'("?. kemg built by 1 1 1 ?? Southern row ? r < '.?ni'Htn v ;tt I trldgcw :i t er will have on ! I he llo.'.U in ( 1 1 i > river It this res ? r vo " ?!.{?: 1 1 ? i <? >11 ? t r ui I ? ? I i.-l ill use at tin' i me oi ill.. during May 1 ! >0 1 . til" eft. i \'. ? . i have been ve.ry beneficial i < all pn>pe:t\ owners down tile liver. Till' pvlk of llils thioil parsed < \i t ,i wba . North i 'arobiia ???! May 'J 'J and | . ji - ? |{ock Mil!. Smith I'aroiina ? oi M.n J'!, giving high water marks at it- i* ? ?? i and I'.' feet. resp.N'lividy. :il?'\. norma' w iter With t'he high u .r* t-! : ? i fhe } ? r i tg ? ? w a t ? ? i reservoir i" '??? >w the ives't ..f the spillway at it \l i> 'J 1 1, ali of the M-i.mI coin ing ? ! .'lit that region Would have been !hM ba< k t let eb\ fis|i;? t!ie peak ? M I ab oil J 7 p.-r ? c.?nt at '"a r.iwi-.i N . :?* (, i'?i , 'i,i, . i ! .o t j t -?"> per '??lit it M t 11 >! i \ ? a ill 1 1 >? ?> I ' 17 per i i>n t ! ..t i; ' n SoiiH, ? i I ! 'e i "i ? if ? ? M 1 -i 1 1 g .1 ;! \ : l-'li'i ?' ? ?\,i'.m j!., res. i { was ??'.v tl. .-r.-vf .,t" rli. .lain: at ? '? ? (I ii o'e the ii. a tnniii fb >< "I . t 1 1 ? | mm K ?f the tl .... | ,i ' I'afahba. ' N". ? ? t ii ' . i : s . u.i . 1 1 1 i !i i r .? b. <? :i red UCed J a1- "I : I'l'tii and t ii?- p-.ik a! M t ; "t 1 < ? . . . N"it!i I'.ir.Imi ?..ubl havi I r?s) ih ii I a l? ? 'i t I o pei i : 1 1 . I ! { f ? . ? water' ovi . | ? th" le+'i'\.i:i iia.l 1 Ji I f.e'i b< v. ! i,e CI '??it at II..*:. ' !i v ,!.c. !.. fore the in n cunuji. M .. ..i . : . . ? i k . ? f , the H 1 at ('ntawba N . . r-j I, ( ' ? ? . ? ? 1 1 .- 1 . j would have been di'iayixt about ? \- ii.oips and tic i teak woud have b.-.-n redtni'd atiout t J pei cent- and the peak of the flood at M t. M'dly. North ''andina. won. I have been dt dliyed slxoit seven hours nod nslm-ivl ab oit .'U! per cent. I ii der the al?ive condition^ all of the rn'V -ad bridges .md many of the liii<h-j n a v bri'kges woubt have been saved. Thi* HMfi flo?>?l oauserl the loss <.f life r>: ?b.?ut S<) j)er;A?iis and a property loss of over $22,000,000. *r>conlir>^ to the KMHAK<10 ON fr'KBIGHT N?tkln< Being Handled Kxeept food Nluff? Fur Ifunutn Consumption Nearly all train* arriving and depart ing froui Camden have l>eeu running Jate the past few days owing to the strike of railway h!u>i> tuuployea and no one <*au hit any likelihood of an early set t ltMiicii t ? ll U predicted that ah'ould the strike la*t any length of twne every freight u? weH an paaae.nger train will be tied up within a abort tlms. The Columbia State of yesterday de scribe* the altuation in that city as follows: "The local freight office of the Hea* board Air Une Hallway yeaterday re ceived instructions to receive no more freight in either car load lota or leva than car load lota except in the CAM of foodstuffs for luunau consumption. The latter are to be aoc?wted by the road subject to delay, "The Atlantic Coast bine freight of- 1 lice hua untitled shippers that n? more perishable freight will be received for shipment until aoine adjuatinent la made in the atrike of railroad shop ^nployea. AH other freight, aocordlng to the no tice aent out, W being received subject to delay. "IV F. Newman, freight agent of the Southern, when asked whether or* not the Honthern waa receiving freight *aid yewterday, ' "We have made uo change at all in our regulations. We are continuing to roceivo periahable and nonperlnhsble freight aa usual. No itffctructlona with reference to the re. f iinal of freight have been received by us. I can not aay what the outcome of the strike will be, nor how loug freight shipments will continue to be rorolv<nl by uh." "The Cnlum<hia, Newberry and Laurena road has not yet been affected by the strike to any appreciable d?*gree. "Itallroad office men are watching de velopments in the ahoptncuV atrike closely, and some apprehension has been felt lent the strike extend to switch" men and yard, conductors. Union* <>f these employes would probably be next affected if the. atrike spreads beyond the confines of the shop employees' unions. strike of these unions would probably tie up traffic effectively. 'The local strike situation of shop om/ployees apparently underwent n< change yesterday. Alvin Hook, presi dent and local chairman of railway cap men. snid lust night that he had noth ing to give out in regard toothe striki." tm i i i ? ? ? - Jail Breaker Captured. .1 i ii i I >awson, a negro, who succeeded in escaping from the K org haw county ?<t ? I in HUT while awaiting trial tin a cha rge <?f rape was early Tues day morning by Sheriff Wolsh, <_'on<itable Mi?*kle twiil Jailor Boone, Dawson made his e.scapo by hiding behind a jail door nn?l when Jailor Boone entered the jail ho rail over him. Ho went north after his ??-capo, was caught in the draft and served in tho army and had returned to his pliu'o a few miles north of Cam den whore lie was farming. When risked why he had returned to Camden ho re plied that he thought the ?*ase against him had been 'Swpished." To Distribute Car I^oad Sugar. < VLiMirhia. Aug. A carload of sugar will be distributed from (Columbia to l hi* people ..if fho State at ?>>st in t lit* near future, (iovernor Cooper this af ternoon received a telegram from the I ..?iii>iniia Sugar < 'otniniNsioii. New Or leans. stating that fifteen cars of tine v mutilated sugar would be distributed -iiiiwiig fifteen states, iu the South. After taking the matter up with It. J. Hlalock. * mayor of Columbia, the governor ordered i he sugar, which will be distributed to the Columbia eity government. The pi ice will in- jn?r tin n<| rod |MMiuds fob. New Orleans, which will bring it into C, '.unbia f<>r >lightly tinier niiv* cents ;i und. The governor "uif'estcl that "igar he utilised for canning p'lf f I ? vei II 1 1 ? e 1 1 I ;ss;|i?| in August. 1 :# l Ill I ills c - ? 1 1 T I . i*t ,.I|| it ;s ; II ! I'|-e>t j II g to note what the public is .|ojng ni < >hi<> ! ? prevent ;| recurrent f the iosx .if 'i\.-s and damage t>> pr.-p. rt \ . which was ex perieiice.l iii Maridi. I'.MM This tl I in t lie Miami \ aliev alone caused I lie !??-s of over .",IHI |f\ .'x ;|nd tile t|o -? ift i.. n +ti ? n?-?ee - than Sinn iwwi.fkOO w..rfh of pr.ipirtv a n ? I ?tirrei| the p.M up to s-iu-h at, \ t r that the M i'i . t '?mi ?J.'i'v.i to \ 1'ixini-t v\ a ? .?stab le n June. I'.M.". t>. d.-veVp and ? It .1 i '??tl. p: V etlsj ve s< heme of Hood *"<'t: ti f.u the entire \ a ! ! ??> The ' i ' i a it I ill N I ; i v I'.ll'i. call ?i f ? : lit: col. si i h- t |t?|. .? f five enormous .-i'tii .iauix t,. form retarding basins, ! ?i which an- n.?w under construe- 1 ? ? t : and the improvement ->f several I a. . es . . f river ? hntinei within the half ? /"!i larger ft ,.f the valley. Tho ? -t::nat.-d foxj ..f {he whole project is i ..'??'ir $'J.Yi x * i. which funds have been i -??<! In means ,.f :i tmnd i*sne put out the < 'oiiservanc \ Act of the Stntf ??f ? f)o. i The )>on<l-t and interest on the |>..!v.|s are taken care of by an as??e*? iii en t levied against nil property bene titisl t>\ the works, each property be ing a*?sess.t| in i>r?|>ortiou to the ben eiijv appra;s.v! against that property, ?he w ho i e matter being bandied in a manner Mvmilur to that followed hy m??t of the drainage district* of tho South. ? -Charlotte < *hst?rvi?r. Uilduried Moldtrra. Muck Howey, Camden Jeatde I,. NcImou, Hlauey J OhQ Q it .I?iii?v.h, t'anub'n < trover ('. tvirkland, Weatville i Twice Hfporlwl l)f?d. I', B. C'alliaou, Jr,?.twice repotted dead tiom ?piual mt-ningitle* wbilf a member ? ./ the headquarter* nunpany, Fifty-third Pioneer*, of the American anny in Krupct, the announcement of hl? death having appeared iu the* Lexington paper la*t April, in iu iMuington, hale and hearty. lie id vwy much alive iudeed. He ia on a viirit t?? hk? brother, Col. T. ('alliaon, ba/ing recently beeu di? charged froirt the army, and hia family ami frienda are rejoicing over his safe return uiive. Mr. t'alliaou suffered a severe attack of meningitis aud, after luivlmK received new* of bin death aud after haviug matte frequent iuquirlea, he had been given ttp aw dead by member" of bin family iu Bouth Carolina. Mrs. Jainca Krgle, a resident of-drau? iteville, committed auicide Monday mom iug uear Flat ltock in that town by throwing herself into the i>oud. Mr*. Krgle was adjudged d?pepted and wan to Jt>e taken to Columbia thia week. About ?i o'clock her mother, Mr?. Napier, a row to find out the hour, and going to Mrs. ICryle'v room. mimHxl her from the bed. Her Hon, Herbert aud other member* of the family were arouaed to go in aeareh of the iniMMing woilian. When the pond waa reached her ni#ht gown wfla aeeu tloutiug on the water and the fact of her self-destruction dawned upon the ^earehera. It is Maid her son became ao ciaied. that he attempted to jump into the poud. saying he bad uotbiiiK to live for aluoe hi# mother dead. His skull waa badly injured and ?n?e of |iiu anus broken, as in the fall or jump he dashed against the rocks. MANY TREES GO TO WASTE Federal Official Points Out W)fn1 Might Be Gained by Proper Utili zation of Paper. The amount waste paper collect ed In all of < : .^rrt Britain was about ^,U(X) tons a week in 1014. By 1918 this l>". n increased to tl.ix *0 tons per or an hicrease of approximately fiOO per cent, said II. L. Baldensperger, chief of tfie waste reclamation service, ^United States department of com merce, In a speech to. the Federal I ori\ of Women's Clubs. "Waste material Is" the protector of our natural resources. Waste paper, utilized In the manufacture of other paper material, serves as a substitute for wood pulp. It requires eight trees of mature growth to produce a ton of paper pulp. Kvery ton of waste paper which can be substituted wlU savrt eight trees for other uses. In our urban centers we send annually to the dump Approximately 18 tons of usable Waste material for every 1,000 inhabi tants, and 20 per cent of this tonnage is made up of waste paper. "Based upon the approximation of the present population of our country, we are sending aunuully to the dump at least 150,000 tons of waste paper, or twice as much paper as was collected In all of Great Britain In 1018. This amount represents the substituted pefwer for at least 1.200,000 trees of mature growth." NEVER-FAILING DEATH TESJ Discovery of French Physician That Is Acknowledged to Be of Highest Importance. Uncertainty as to whether a per son be alive or dead Is especially great on tlie battlefield, ami prompt decision it. Mich rasi s is far more important tii n ,'n civil life. I>r. A. 'Person has 'p < ret'Miiimerded f ? ? the French Acad of Medicine n new test, those al ready known having proved *lnsutTl ci fit. The best of these latter has been the Inject N n of fluorescein, as de vised by Tea t il. But even thls*is up certain, for in some cases men who are still alive do not show the green coloration of the whites of their eyes following injection, which the test I* supposed to produce. Doctor Ter<on recotnun^nds placing In the eye a minute quanti'v of it 3.'V per cent solution of dionln (ethyl-mor ph.'nc), glycerin. If death has already token place, nothing happens, but If fit;* man has the -lightest trace of 1 1 f still in him the white of his eyes will Immediately turn purpll^h-red and sv ell. but thK intlanimat Ion ^wlll dis appear rapidly and. leave no III effect. Test of Sanity. hi the cii\" of m \ erv brutal murder, anger at the deed will sometimes cuu-Jfc a Jury to reject the clearest evidence that flu* perpetrator was insane. The late Lord Kingsburgh. better known as Sir J. H. A. Macdonabl (fortneHy lord ju-tice clerk of Scotland). whose rt' u'h was announced a short time ago. could give a striking example. I once defended a case." he wrote In his "Life ?Tot tings," "and a majority of the Jury not only convicted, but added a rider affirming that the prisoner was sane. The man was hopelessly mad. The doc tors sent to see him were satisfied of that, and the sentence was not carried out. A crucial test applied was that while one of them put hia finger light- j ly on the pulse, the other suddenly said : 'By the by. Miller, when is It you are to be hanged?' There was not ? tremor or a change of countenance or acceleration of the pulse, and, look- ' iug up. ho Maid, quite Mimply. 'I think It's Tuesday week, if I'm not mistak en. ' * NO TIMK *OK 1NDKPKNI?KNTM NrwlMlT)' Paper 8ay? Appel To Negroe# Me?n? Trouble. *\ ** I iiili-r the caption, "No 'fliiif 'or III dependents," The "NewbeYry Herald ami Ktw? Friday published the following editorial Article: "We regrpt to see in the papers that (ioveruor li| ?-ti has announced that he will be a candidate for oongr?*?i ill the Seventh district a* an independent in the general election. Thin in uo time for an iudepemfent. It is a time above ail others in the history of our State when the white people l?houhl stand to gether as one man, IndcpendeutiNtn means in appeal to the negro i vote. That means tumble for the negro ami the white man both. "We cau uot *ee how (Ioveruor Illease can square' his present position with the many siieecbea he has made over the HtatA denouncing the independent and die M a i??-l I i i ? - am) all th^t sort of thing. "We do not believe that he will lind man)' of his former supporters' who will indorse hla present .position, And when we consider that the people of thin State have honored him wfth the higheat po sition in their gift we can not under stand how at thiM time he can And it right t\? announce that he will no longer ; trust the white people who are in charge of the government and become an inde pendent candidate for congress." "We can not believe that the niem j bgra of the State .democratic executive committee, however t much they may hate him personally or his politics, would fail t?? give him a fair deal if he went into the I>?<mocratic primary, bnt that even does not justify an independent move ment, au<l we feel sure that the good people of that district will put their seal of condemnation hard down on any such attempt to divide the white peo ple." T. I/onnie Player, q street car con ductor of Columbia, was drowned Xuii-^ day afternqon while swimming in Crys tal Lake near that. city. Player was a native of Xewtoerry. AN OHDINANCK Providing for the punishment of any one reconnecting light and water ser vice, which has been discontinued by the City or its agents, without per mission from said City or its agents. lie if onfalnPd byVthe City Council of Camden.. '.South Carolina, in du? ses sion .assembled, the Ith day of August, llilOT SUCTION 1. That anyone without peimission of the City authorities, who shall reconnect water or light service from the City of Camden, which/5 has hern previously discontinued by the X'ity, nhall he deemed guilty of misdemeanor* and upon conviction before the Record er's Court ?>f the (^vty of Camiden, shall be punished by a tine not exceeding One Hundred ($100.00). Dollars, or by im prisonment. at hard labor upon the pub lic works of the City of Camden, for a period of not more than thirty (30) days. Ratified in ( ViuiDcil assembled, this the 4th da\' of August. 1010. S. F. RltASIXC.TON, Mayor. * Attest : , H. C. SINfiLKTON, City Clerk. All that a 4*"ero ge should be '-and MORE! A DELICIOUS fruity* tang that re? freshes you and "makes you glad you're thirsty." Delightful to the pal ate and healthfully nutritious besides because it's made from grains and fruits! The Summer '9 best beverage Authorities agree that Bludwine con* tains vltaminea. These indispensable constituents of food ar* found in grains and fruits. Bludwine, prepared from fruits and grains, supplies them. The Rludvrin* /ormttia it owned, proticUd tmd f/rvnranteed'bjf The Bludwine Co. Athens, G*. Always in the patented Blodwino Hot t Id Telephone your grocer for a case today MERCHANTS BLUDWIN ^BOTTLING WORKS, CamddlpSi C. ^ No Wasting of Bar Soap! NO ? decidedly no, when GRANDMA is around. No bar soap lying in *raterwastingaway. Nochipping. slicing or shaving off more than 70a need. GRANDMA Is a wonderful soap ? and it is Pou>d*rmd. Tbat'i the big secret. You just measure out what you need, no more. Sprinklo it in the tub and presto? just like magic, millions of glorious, clesniing suds in an instant. Then, the wnitest, cleanest, freshest clothes that erer hung on a wash line. Try this Powdered Soap Today ! Grandma'sPowdered Soap Saves TIME? Saves WORK? Saves SOAP Your Grocer Has It! Toppy rmd bmgt, tidy rmd tint, hmnatomm pound and hmlr pound tin hmmidora?and? that claaay. practical pound crystal glatt humidor with mpongm moiitcnmr top that A mmp? th ? tobacco in auch perfect conditio**. * lrt Copyright 1M? by R. J. Reynold* Tobtooo Go. l^h?nnfri^USJl, t0 ^nnce Albert to produce more smoke fit vnnr orv^ir y?u ever before collected I P. A/s built to iiLd^T*eapPeUt* like kids fit Your hands! It has the against ! aV?F * coo,ness fragrance you ever ran to^find of *oy ^rince Albert really is you want it double^uicke3t thing you do next. And, put tongue hit* y?U ??uld sm?ke A. for hours without . cutout bite Md paCrch.g' ?* exe,usive patented process Dio^orThT1101 '* wouId rnean to g?t set with a joy'us jimmy b??t once. and a while. And, puff to rood , Without * C<mt,b?ck! Why, P. A. is so good you feel like you d just have to feat that fragrant smoke! Tobacco Company, Winston- Salarf, It C t - -v . . . Vf. *